1 Data Sheet / Oracle Communications
Billing and Revenue Management / Version 0.1
Copyright © 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates / Public
Data Sheet
Oracle Communications
Billing and Revenue
In the face of mounting competition, service providers across
industries including communications, cloud, media, and finance, must
evolve their business models as they deliver innovative services that
enhance their brand value and the overall customer experience.
Billing and Revenue Management
As a key module within Oracle’s Cloud Scale Billing and Cloud Scale Charging
and Billing solutions, Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management
(BRM) is a proven, reliable, and modern billing solution supporting all stages of
the revenue management lifecycle and is foundational to the digital commerce
operations of leading communications and digital service providers.
BRM combines the industry’s most comprehensive functional footprint with a
superior real-time architecture to support any service, industry, and partner-
enabled business model at any scale. Proven in communications, media, cloud
and digital goods and services markets, it is available with both on-premises and
cloud native deployment, allowing service providers to accelerate innovation,
operate more efficiently, and scale as business needs grow.
Image 1. Key functions provided by BRM within Oracle’s Cloud Scale Charging and Billing solution.
Key benefits
Oracle Communications Billing
and Revenue Management
supports all stages of the
revenue management lifecycle
spanning generation, capture,
collection, and analysis. BRM
provides the following key
Rapid time to market for all
new services.
Support for multiple business
segments and business
models from a single
platform including B2C, B2B,
and B2B2C.
Gain insight into business
trends based on data
generated by comprehensive
billing operations.
Accelerate innovation,
operate more efficiently, and
scale as business needs grow
by deploying in cloud native
model to harness cloud
infrastructure and DevOps
CI/CD tooling.
“BRM was selected to
demonstrate experience
in a very robust
industry such as
and we see in BRM the
architecture that we
need to implement our
new direct to consumer
strategy but also to
expand this business in
the future.”
Renata Pessoa
Director of Corporate Solutions
Grupo Globo
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Billing and Revenue Management / Version 0.1
Copyright © 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates / Public
Support all stages of the revenue management lifecycle
The key to supporting the flexibility, innovation, agility, and customer-centricity
required for successful service providers is the underlying revenue management
system. Revenue management is the end-to-end process for generating,
capturing, and collecting revenue for each service and customer. Revenue
management includes the ongoing process of analyzing, evaluating, and
optimizing each phase of the lifecycle, providing complete insight and
intelligence into the revenue relationships that customers have with their service
provider and partners. Billing and Revenue Management is the only product-
based revenue management solution that is functionally rich enough to support
the customer-centric, innovative business and revenue growth demands
required by service providers across industries.
Image 2. The revenue management lifecycle supported by BRM functionality
Revenue generation
Revenue generation enables the delivery of services at optimal prices for the user,
service provider, and partner.
Rapid offer, bundle, and tariff design. BRM provides an intuitive web-based
top-down Pricing Design Center (PDC) tool with certified conformance to the TM
Forum SID model. It can be used to configure a full spectrum of service level
product offer, pricing and subscription capabilities with granular rules and to
create unlimited plans, pricing offers, discounts and promotions in minutes,
versus hours or days by leveraging a range of offer building blocks.
Image 3. BRM’s Pricing Design Center allows business users to launch digital offers with design-time flexibility
Key features
TM Forum certified pricing UI
designed for the business
Ability to rate any metric or
Support any payment type or
Authorize all transactions in
real-time with a superior
experience for digital
services customers
Monetize any consumer,
enterprise and partner-
enabled revenue stream
while ensuring accurate
accountability at every stage
of the revenue lifecycle.
Supports partner settlements
for B2B2X and new partner-
led business models.
Modern architecture with
cloud native foundations
supporting DevOps agility
and efficiency
64-bit processing
Extreme scalability and
Billing and invoicing
Subscriber lifecycle
management and
Payment and collections
Account receivables,
taxation, and general ledger
Modern, secure web-based
Billing Care and Business
Operations Center
Productized software that
can be extended by
developers with a fully
documented and supported
API framework to integrate
with external applications
Alignment with TM Forum
Open APIs and ODA
3 Data Sheet / Oracle Communications
Billing and Revenue Management / Version 0.1
Copyright © 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates / Public
PDC’s powerful offer and pricing management capabilities enable service
providers to rapidly respond to market conditions and satisfy sophisticated
customer requirements by offering total pricing flexibility with unparalleled time-
to-market performance. Adaptable to any service provider business model,
BRM enables revenue capture capabilities for any digital service, including cloud,
media, entertainment, and other information services. With real-time access to
customer data, service providers can centrally manage their customers and
partners, and focus on revenue generation by introducing competitive market
leading products and services to the right customers at the right time.
Profitable revenue share and settlements rules for more complex business and
value chains with partners can also be created quickly and securely.
Revenue capture
Revenue capture is the process of rating and charging for the delivery, usage and
consumption of assets and services. Any service metric that can be measured
may be used as part of the pricing model.
Sharing groups. BRM provides sophisticated support for sharing of discounts
and charges across multiple accounts or services. With discount sharing, the
owner’s discount and/or balances are available to members, for example sharing
pooled minutes across corporate account group or sharing a 10% discount
across multiple subscribers in a family or even enabling members to benefit from
volume aggregated at owner level. With charge sharing, the owner pays for a
charge or part of a charge, for example peak minutes or 50% of a monthly fee.
Subscriber lifecycle management and subscriptions. BRM supports end to
end subscriber lifecycle management, from account creation and service
activation, through to management and care. BRM also supports a rich set of
subscription capabilities:
Cycles of any length: month, day, week, year, or multiples of these
Service groups for efficient management of multi-service subscriptions
Backdated and future-dated offer purchase/cancellation
Proration options for mid-cycle activations/in-activations
Automated re-rating for backdated actions and rate changes
Monthly recuring charges (MRC), one-time charges (OTC), and pricing
promotion overrides.
Revenue collection
Revenue collection includes generation of bills and invoices and the accurate
collection of payments.
BRM provides full revenue collection capabilities and provides multi-currency
financial management, accounts receivable, general ledger, taxation, payment
processing and payment terms, collections, and dunning capabilities.
Sophisticated customer and partner relationships. BRM enables service
Related Solutions
BRM is an integrated
component of the following
solutions within the Cloud Scale
Monetization portfolio:
Cloud Scale Billing. Bill for
anything at any scale with a
cloud native mediation,
billing, and revenue
management system to
invoice payments and
manage subscriptions,
collections, receivables, and
Cloud Scale Charging and
Billing. Monetize anything at
any scale using pre-
integrated charging, offer
design, billing, revenue, and
account management for
accelerated time to cash and
accountability across the
entire revenue lifecycle for
any service and business
“Equifax selected cloud
native deployment of
Oracle Billing and
Revenue Management
to support our critical
imperatives of adopting
cloud native
architectures that
increase operational
efficiency and
automation by aligning
with DevOps principles.
This positions our
business for greater
agility, speed, and
innovation while
reducing operational
Gautam Tulsian
SVP and CIO—Global Finance
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Billing and Revenue Management / Version 0.1
Copyright © 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates / Public
providers to create partner agreements that enable revenues to be shared or
paid and allows royalties to be collected from other third-party service or
network providers and content or media partners. This capability enables partner
settlements to be extended beyond simple sponsorship models to rich multi-
level value chains as common and more prevalent in the wholesale, content and
emerging M2M businesses.
Image 4. BRM supports B2C, B2B and B2B2X subscriber models
Billing and invoicing. BRM is built using patented real-time billing technology
that provides CSPs with unmatched flexibility in supporting diverse billing
requirements such as in-advance, on-demand, suspense management, open
item, and balance forward with fully flexible and variable cycle support.
Payments and collections. BRM supports any payment method whether that be
prepaid or postpaid, cash, credit card, check, vouchers, and coupons with
comprehensive capabilities spanning top-up, grants, gifting, split payments,
loans, deposits, installments, payment incentives, and commissions.
Multiple payment gateways are also pre-integrated such as Chase Paymentech
and Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA). For collections, BRM provides a debt
collections management GUI which enables fully automated collections profiles
and scenarios configuration — including “promise to pay” — and enforcement.
Dunning is provided with automatic notifications.
Account receivables, taxation, and general ledger integration. BRM provides
a rich set of accounts receivable management capabilities including adjustments,
disputes, and settlements along with payments and reversals, write-offs, and
refunds. BRM can provide G/L reporting across any cycle and can be integrated
into third party and Oracle ERP applications. Taxation includes support for real-
time and billing time taxation models, in addition to integration with Vertex.
Revenue analysis
Revenue analysis involves understanding the revenue relationships with
customers and partners which improves the ability to serve their overall needs.
BRM provides revenue analysis across the entire revenue management lifecycle.
It has built-in audit processes to safeguard against revenue leakage and data
consistency and ensures all transactions are conducted with the fullest possible
control, integrity, and completeness.
Oracle Communications
Digital BSS Express
Built on top of BRM, Digital BSS
Express (DBX) is a pre-
integrated and extensible
business support system (BSS)
solution from Oracle
Communications Consulting to
support fixed or mobile
Future-proof. DBX provides
ordering, provisioning,
rating, charging, billing,
customer care, web-based
care, and customer lifecycle
management—all out of the
box—and can be expanded
as needed.
Agile. Oracle’s BSS solution
supports multiple account
and billing relationships,
wholesale and retail business
models, and distributor
delivery channels. It also
delivers prebuilt, flexible, and
adaptable business
processes based on industry
Cost-effective. Providing
modern deployment models
with scalability, performance,
and extensibility at a low
fixed operational cost,
Oracle’s carrier-grade
products can be offered as a
managed service and
deployed on Oracle Cloud
Watch a DBX video >>
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Billing and Revenue Management / Version 0.1
Copyright © 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates / Public
Customer care
Account and billing care client. A UI is provided to easily access subscriber
information and quickly resolve billing inquiries. It is a modern web-based
application to manage billing, payments, and accounts receivable for customer
Image 5. BRM provides modern, web-based and user-friendly clients for billing care and business operations
Financial reporting
Billing operation reports and insight. BRM’s Business Operations Center is a
modern, web-based client to enable the creation, scheduling and viewing of
results for operations related to billing, payment collection, invoicing, GL
reporting, product catalog synchronization, and refunds. Using Business
Operations Center, service providers can view key job metrics related to bills
processed, payments collected, invoices and GL reports and create custom jobs.
Business Operations center can also show business trends based on data
generated by the preceding operations for example billed revenue, payments
received, accounts receivable, and the number of active and inactive accounts
that have subscribed to any service. Regular schedules can be set on a
daily/weekly and monthly basis in addition to one-off, immediate or
prescheduled jobs.
Business intelligence and analytics. Revenue analysis reports can be generated
to make informed decisions to optimize service offerings. This helps maximize
revenue and minimize loss associated with fraud, bad debt and revenue drain.
Modular and extensible by design
Oracle uses TM Forum Open APIs and ODA so that its products can
communicate seamlessly and efficiently. BRM is certified against four TM Forum
Open APIs: TMF620 for product catalog management, TMF670 for payment
method management, TMF676 for payment management, and TMF678 for
customer bill management.
Applying an API-first approach using open APIs allows service providers to
support the digital ecosystems of tomorrow, while offsetting any risk of vendor
BRM also has a fully documented rich SDK and API set, exposing over 1,000
revenue management related functions that can be called to create BRM client
Accelerate your digital
business with Oracle
Together with Oracle’s AI-
powered Digital Experience for
Communications (DX4C), BRM
plays a key role in monetizing
differentiated offers as part of a
full concept to cash to care
Design, launch and acquire.
Analyze your prospects’
digital identity and signals
and quickly launch offers to
the right customers on the
right channels at the right
Omnichannel commerce
and care. Enable your
customers to buy services
and resolve questions via
assisted and digital channels,
web and mobile in-app
engagement, billing visibility
and control and proactive
Orchestrate and monetize.
Dynamically orchestrate
orders and monetize any
business model
Learn more about DX4C >>
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Billing and Revenue Management / Version 0.1
Copyright © 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates / Public
applications and extend the core revenue management functionality. It has an
extensible, objected oriented data model and can interface with external data
sources such as LDAP directories and database queues.
BRM supports inbound request integration with SOAP and the Java Connector
Architecture (JCA) standard and can publish outbound business events using the
Enterprise Application Integration Manager.
Cloud native agility
Service providers and enterprises are increasingly looking to deploy cloud native
architectures to modernize and automate their IT operations. BRM provides a
cloud native deployment option, supporting a Kubernetes-orchestrated
containerized multi-service architecture to facilitate continuous integration /
continuous delivery and DevOps practices. This allows increased agility and
automation, higher availability, and lower operating costs.
Oracle Communication Billing and Revenue Management is the most widely
deployed system of its kind. It is used globally by hundreds of market leading
telecommunication and digital service providers to cost effectively monetize
their latest innovative and revenue generating services.
Key cloud native features
containerized multi-service
Choice of Open Container
Initiative based Kubernetes
Helm charts simplify
installation of BRM and its
dependencies into a
Kubernetes cluster
Observability and logging
framework support
Choice of Oracle database:
physical or containerized
Utilize any CI/CD pipeline to
support the rapid launch of
differentiating services
Incorporate BRM
configuration and extension
Deployable on private clouds
behind a firewall or public
cloud infrastructure
Supports industry standard
cloud native technologies for
volume / cluster networking
and logging and monitoring
Kubernetes services and
deployments to enable
simpler upgrades and
configuration changes
Efficient scaling utilizing
Kubernetes inbuilt horizontal
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