Document Version R1.2
Integration Guide
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Table of Contents
PRODUCT VERSION R1.2.0.0 ........................................................................................................................ 1
Document Version R1.2 ..................................................................................................................................... 1
............................................................................................................................. 2
LICENSE AGREEMENTS ................................................................................................................................. 2
Learn About ONESOURCE E-Invoicing ......................................................................................................... 4
Supported ERP Systems ................................................................................................................................ 4
Supported Business Processes ...................................................................................................................... 4
Supported Invoice Types ................................................................................................................................ 4
Supported Countries ...................................................................................................................................... 4
ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN OVERVIEW ...................................................................................... 5
CONFIGURATION ................................................................................................................................ 6
ONESOURCE E-Invoicing – PAGERO Integration ......................................................................................... 6
ONESOURCE E-Invoicing Manage PAGERO Accounts: Disconnect & Reconnect Integration
User ...................................................................................................................................................... 9
ONESOURCE E-Invoicing ERP Integration ....................................................................................... 9
ONESOURCE E-Invoicing................................................................................................................. 17
ONESOURCE E-Invoicing Documents ............................................................................................ 17
ONESOURCE E-Invoicing Error Handling ....................................................................................... 18
ONESOURCE E-Invoicing Companies ............................................................................................ 19
ONESOURCE E-Invoicing Unified Logging .................................................................................... 20
ONESOURCE E-Invoicing Reports .................................................................................................. 21
Administration Setup ........................................................................................................................ 22
Responses ......................................................................................................................................... 25
ERP DOCUMENTATION .................................................................................................................... 26
SAP S/4HANA .............................................................................................................................................. 26
SAP E-Invoicing Configuration Guide R1.2 ................................................................................................................... 26
Oracle Cloud ................................................................................................................................................ 26
Oracle E-Invoicing Configuration Guide R1.2 ................................................................................................................ 26
Appendix A ........................................................................................................................................ 26
Accounts Receivable .................................................................................................................................... 26
Appendix B ........................................................................................................................................ 26
Accounts Payable ......................................................................................................................................... 27
Learn About ONESOURCE E-Invoicing
ONESOURCE E-Invoicing centralizes the e-invoicing process.
ONESOURCE E-Invoicing enhances the management of electronic invoices by offering a centralized platform that acts as
a single point for managing e-invoicing compliance. The system seamlessly integrates with major ERP systems, including
SAP S/4HANA and Oracle ERP Cloud, and now extends its capabilities to support additional external systems. With the
latest update, it can also directly interface with government networks through the integration with PAGERO, our partner in
e-invoicing solutions.
The platform is designed to uniformly collect business documents from various ERP systems and forward them to
PAGERO for additional processing. Furthermore, ONESOURCE E-Invoicing will receive updates and communications
from PAGERO, government bodies, or buyers, and will relay this information back to the corresponding ERP systems for
further action.
This Release R1.2
This release is just the beginning of what's in store. As Thomson Reuters introduces new features to ONESOURCE E-
Invoicing, this document will be revised to include the latest enhancements.
This Guide
This guide is designed for clients and partners of ONESOURCE E-Invoicing who are setting up the E-Invoicing
solution for SAP S/4HANA and Oracle Cloud, as well as utilizing REST APIs to integrate with other ERP systems. It
provides guidance on configuring and operating ONESOURCE E-Invoicing, including user management and
application usage.
Supported ERP Systems
The initial release of ONESOURCE E-Invoicing supports the following ERP systems:
Oracle Cloud
Other External Systems supporting AP transactions.
We will expand to further ERP systems in future releases; please contact Product Management to capture your customer priorities.
Supported Business Processes
ONESOURCE E-Invoicing supports the following business processes:
Accounts Receivable
Accounts Payable
Supported Invoice Types
ONESOURCE E-Invoicing supports the following invoice types:
*This is a generalized list of supported document types which can vary between legislations*
Credit Notes
Debit Notes
Prepayment (Select countries)
Corrective invoices (Poland)
Self-Billing Invoices
Supported Countries
ONESOURCE E-Invoicing version covers the following country mandates.
This list does not encompass all the coverage, and some requirements might necessitate comprehensive end-to-end
validation instead of specific development work. For discussions on country-specific rollouts and to prioritize
customer needs, please reach out to the Product Management team.
The architecture diagram presented here offers a detailed depiction of the various elements and the sequential steps
involved in the ONESOURCE E-Invoicing solution's complete framework. This illustrative representation serves to
shed light on how each component functions individually and in conjunction with others, providing an in-depth
understanding of the system's infrastructure and operational flow. It outlines the integration points, data exchange
mechanisms, and the processing logic that underpins the ONESOURCE E-Invoicing service, giving stakeholders a
comprehensive view of the solution's technical and functional aspects.
Figure 1
Review the following sections and complete the tasks before proceeding further.
PAGERO Onboarding
The first step is to get onboarded on PAGERO’s Online Platform. Please reach out to the PAGERO implementation
counterpart to initiate this from PAGERO side for the Customer.
ONESOURCE Platform Access and Login
To access and/or Login to ONESOURCE E-Invoicing Platform, please follow the steps below:
Step Description
1 Does the Customer have access to the ONESOURCE EMEA platform? If yes,
a. PS Team will send an email to the DB provisioning team
( to request ONESOURCE E-Invoicing
product, ONESOURCE Client Manager, API Admin and is also added to the Customer
Or is this a new Customer on the ONESOURCE EMEA platform? If yes,
b. PS Team will send an email to the DB provisioning team
( to request ONESOURCE E-Invoicing
product, ONESOURCE Client Manager, API Admin and is also added to the Customer
2 Once the account is created the DB team will share the sysadmin credentials for this account
(this should never be shared externally).
Verify the credentials are working correctly and the following tiles are available,
1) Administration
2) API Administration
3) E-Invoicing
Creating Customer Administration User
The professional services team here at Thomson Reuters is tasked with setting up the Administration user
account for the Customer Administrator. This individual will oversee setting up access to the PAGERO
integrations page, utilizing the integration user details provided by PAGERO.
1. User Admin modules
2. Create a user that has full access to the full breadth of the offering made by ONESOURCE E-Invoicing
ONESOURCE E-Invoicing – PAGERO Integration
PAGERO Integration
As part of the onboarding process, the Customer Administrator user needs to setup the connectivity between
Initial Configuration:
1. Select ONESOURCE E-Invoicing tile
2. Select PAGERO Integration
3. Click “Connect”
During the initial configuration, the user will be taken to the PAGERO Online Login page to enter their PAGERO username and password.
These credentials are handed over by the customer to the PAGERO team as a part of the onboarding protocol. It should be noted that
PAGERO will have visibility of only the username.
Logging in with these details will begin the process of linking with PAGERO. ONESOURCE E-Invoicing will then sync up with PAGERO to
acquire specific legal entity data that pertains to the user and their company. This action confirms the successful connection between
ONESOURCE E-Invoicing and PAGERO, and it will import all the required company information from PAGERO. After this step, the user
will be marked as successfully connected and their information will be in sync.
Figure 2
Manage PAGERO Accounts: Add New Integration User
The Customer Administrator can view or setup new integration users through the “Manage Accounts” button. This should be
discussed with Customers – they may prefer an integration user per region or business unit. Please note there should be no overlap
of legal entities of integration users.
4. To add another integration user, select ‘Add Account’.
5. User will be redirected to PAGERO Online Login screen and will enter username/password.
6. Once connectivity is established, new integration user details will show on the Manage Accounts list
ONESOURCE E-Invoicing Manage PAGERO Accounts: Disconnect & Reconnect
Integration User
User can disconnect one account at a time.
User clicks “Disconnect” under Actions column and select ‘Disconnect’ to confirm. This will be updated in the Manage
Accounts screen.
ONESOURCE E-Invoicing offers our customers flexibility in choice of which ERP system you wish to connect to allowing for
connectivity with SAP, Oracle or other external systems.
User can follow similar action to ‘Reconnect’ an integration user.
Data remains available regardless of if integration user is connected / disconnected.
ONESOURCE E-Invoicing ERP Integration
Oracle Integration
For Customers licensing the ONESOURCE E-Invoicing Integration for Oracle ERP Cloud there are certain configuration actions
1. Select the ONESOURCE E-Invoicing tile.
2. Select ERP Integrations and Oracle ERP Cloud ‘Manage Settings’
3. On the Oracle Settings screen, enter the following information.
Username username.[email protected]
Password “xxxxxx
4. 4. Click ‘Save’ and now the Oracle integration will be active – the above
SAP S/4HANA Integration
The settings in this section are only required if you are using the inbound electronic supplier invoice functionality.
For customers licensing the ONESOURCE E-Invoicing Integration for SAP S/4HANA there are certain configuration
actions required.
1. Select the ONESOURCE E-Invoicing tile.
2. Navigate to the “ERP and Other Integrations” menu on the left hand panel.
3. Click on “Add Integrations button”. Enter a System Name and choose System type “SAP”.
4. There are two authentication methods are supported.
a. Basic Authentication which involves a direct connection between the ONESOURCE E-Invoicing and
SAP. ONESOURCE E-Invoice solution will push the Inbound AP invoices to SAP.
On the Settings screen, enter the following information.
Choose Authentication type “Basic”
CSRF Token Validity Frequency: Defaulted to 1800 seconds
Username: This is the username required to log into your SAP system.
Password: This is password required to log into your SAP system.
System Site: This is the exposed OData Service URL.
Click ‘Save’ and now the SAP integration will be active to receive the electronic buyer invoices.
5. OAuth2 Authentication
a. OAuth2 Authentication leverages SAP’s cloud integration platform via iFlows for enhanced security and monitoring.
On the Settings screen, enter the following information.
Choose Authentication type “OAuth2”
Grant Type: By default, the value is Client Credentials
Access token URL: URL of the OAuth2 authorization server that issues the access token.
Client ID: ID of the SAP Cloud Integration client that you're connecting to
Client Secret: Secret key of the SAP Cloud Integration client that you're connecting to.
Scope: Provide the OAuth2 scope information to be included in the request body.
Username: S/4HANA system username
Password: S/4HANA system password
System Site: Service URL of the SAP Cloud Integration client
1. Click ‘Save’ and now the SAP integration will be active to receive the electronic buyer invoices.
Other External system integration for AP transactions
ONESOURCE E-Invoicing introduces support for an additional external system within the ERP Integration module. Before this release
only single external systems were supported. This enhancement allows users to share AP files in JSON and XML formats directly to
customer locations, streamlining the integration process without requiring a dedicated integration layer. Furthermore, this release
enables users to integrate multiple external systems, expanding beyond the existing support for SAP and Oracle. Within SAP or Oracle,
users can now integrate multiple endpoints.
1. Select the ONESOURCE E-Invoicing tile.
2. Select ERP Integrations and under External system then select ‘Manage Settings’
3. On the Settings screen, enter the following information.
Username: This is the username required to log into the external system you are connecting your
ONESOURCE E-Invoicing account to.
Password: This is password required to log into your external system.
External system URL: This is the exposed OData Service URL.
Indicate whether your preferred data format will be XML or JSON
Select the external system you wish to connect.
4. Click ‘Save’ and now the external system integration will be active to receive the electronic invoices.
Administration API Setup
The configuration of the Administration API is essential for tenants to set up the connection between their ERP system
and ONESOURCE E-Invoicing. There are two categories of API users to be aware of: one is designated for ERP users
who will interact with the product, and they are required to set up a machine application. A machine application is utilized
to create a user account that will establish communication with the API. This process is a critical step in ensuring that the
data flow between the ERP and the ONESOURCE E-Invoicing system is seamless and secure. The specifics of how this
user interacts with the API, including authentication and authorization protocols, need to be clearly defined and
implemented to facilitate a reliable connection.
The Professional Services (PS) Team will be responsible for configuring the necessary machine applications to
enable the use of the ONESOURCE E-Invoicing product. During the onboarding phase, this includes
coordinating with the Thomson Reuters Database (DB) team to establish a User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
tenant/database and, following sign-off, a Production Database (PROD DB) for your use.
Additionally, as part of the onboarding process, the Database team will activate the ONESOURCE E-Invoicing
product for the designated tenant, ensuring that you have the necessary tools and access to begin utilizing the
service effectively.
1. Click “API Administration” on the ONESOURCE E-Invoicing Platform Home screen
2. Page will display “Applications” list
3. VIEW/EDIT existing Application.
a. Click on application to be edited.
4. View/Edit information.
5. Return to Applications page and select “Create NEW Application.”
a. Click on “Add Application”
6. Enter details similarly to as shown below. Note that the application name can be whatever the user chooses and deems relevant.
7. New application is now displayed on the applications list page.
Click on application to view more details.
ClientID and Secret information available
8. Save ClientID and Secret in the ERP UI parameters.
9. For user application API setup, please consult with Professional Services team who will be aiding you through the onboarding
Making API Calls
The token will be active for 30 minutes, after which, it will have to be regenerated by the user.
NO (SAP) – ERP will generate Access Token using ClientID and Secret -> ERP will make API calls using Access Token -
> Successful connection with ONESOURCE E-Invoicing.
YES (Oracle) – ERP will make API call and pass ClientID and Secret as username and password -> APIGEE will
generate and validate Access Token based on ClientID and Secret -> Successful connection with ONESOURCE E-Invoicing
For calls where ONESOURCE E-Invoicing is pushing data to the ERP, user will need to configure the ERP Integration
through the Integrations Page
The ONESOURCE E-Invoicing portal is the point of access for users e-invoicing needs, they can monitor the status of any
transactions and know if its submitted successfully to the Tax Authorities or if there are any validation issues they may need to take
action on.
There may still be a need for end users to login to PAGERO Online. Instances such as those with admin rights would be required to
Maintain customer/supplier directory, error handling and administrative actions which are not available via API.
As this is a new solution, please raise any feedback to product management as we will be building out new features based on
customer feedback.
ONESOURCE E-Invoicing Documents
The ONESOURCE E-Invoicing documents page is a convenient and efficient tool for reviewing invoices. It allows you to access all the
invoices that the client has processed in one place, and filter them using our dynamic filtering service by various criteria, such as
invoice status, Distribution method for B2B or B2G, Document number, or transaction ID. Furthermore, you can download or export
the invoices particulars in varying formats and use them for research or other tasks. In addition, you can also collapse the search bar
when you are done and enjoy a more spacious and focused listing of invoices.
Figure 3
1. Select E-Invoicing tile. (Figure 1)
2. Option to view Documents will be on the left side of the screen (Figure 2)
The Documents page as shown above allows user to view the list of all transactions along with details on status.
Documents Display:
Documents list will only be displayed after user configures Integrations and API Administration (machine application). Once
connectivity is properly established between ERP, ONESOURCE E-Invoicing, and PAGERO, user will be able to view the following
fields on the Documents page:
Document Number
Transaction ID
Receiving Transaction ID
Government ID
Destination / Source System
Document Type
Company Name
Status (Error, Successful etc..)
Creation Date
Key Features:
The features for this screen will be expanded for the next release.
Search and Filter
Column Settings
Preview documents
Ability to handle attachments & supporting documents
View transaction log details
ONESOURCE E-Invoicing Error Handling
Error handling is the process of responding to and recovering from errors that occur in ONESOURCE E-Invocing. Errors can be caused
by various factors, such as invalid input, programming mistakes, hardware failures, or network issues. Error handling can help prevent
the application from crashing, losing data, or displaying incorrect information. Error handling can also provide useful feedback to the
user and the developer about the cause and the solution of the error.
ONESOURCE E-Invoicing's error management capabilities enable users to identify and monitor discrepancies originating from their
ERP systems. Additionally, users have the option to correct and resubmit these discrepancies as necessary. The system's integrated
error management tools come with advanced security measures that guarantee error tracking is limited to authorized personnel only.
This ensures adherence to your company's security guidelines and safeguards against unauthorized exposure of confidential data.
Error Handling Display:
On this screen, you will see a unified presentation of the documents from which the error stemmed, along with additional pertinent
details, showcasing the transactions that encountered an error.
Document Number
Transaction ID
Destination / Source System
Document Type
Company Name
Creation Date
Key Features:
Error Log Display with a full description of the Error
Dynamic Search and Filter
Collapsable Search
Select Multiple records for Export.
ONESOURCE E-Invoicing Companies
The Companies page allows user to view the list of companies related to specific Customer.
Companies Display:
The Companies list will only be displayed after user configures “PAGERO Integrations”. Once connectivity is successfully established
between ONESOURCE E-Invoicing and PAGERO, user will be able to view the following fields on the Companies page:
Company Name
Customer Number
Country Name
Unified Logging Status
Legal Entity Type
Key Features:
Depending on roles and permissions, user will have the access to the following features:
Search and Filter
View Company Details
Enable/Disable Unified Logging for specific companies.
ONESOURCE E-Invoicing Unified Logging
Unified Logging offers a centralized logging system which provides a standardized way for developers to capture and manage logs
from their applications. Unified logging consolidates logs from various sources into a single, efficient system aiding in debugging and
performance analysis. Developers can use the feature to access and analyze these logs.
Key Features:
Allows admin user to identify where transaction error occurred.
Aid Admin user with debugging
Trace a transaction error source even if from an external system.
Within Unified logging there is the capability to search within the code for faster troubleshooting.
ONESOURCE E-Invoicing Reports
ONESOURCE E-Invoicing now boasts an enhanced reporting section designed to provide our users with robust tools for Data
Reconciliation, Transaction Volume Analysis, and an organized Reports Queue.
We're excited to roll out the new reporting capabilities in this update:
These reporting enhancements are part of our ongoing commitment to providing a transparent, efficient, and compliant invoicing
environment for all ONESOURCE E-Invoicing users.
Data Reconciliation
Data Reconciliation Report: This new feature empowers users to produce comprehensive Data Reconciliation Reports tailored for
OEI, offering detailed transaction insights critical for VAT compliance and reconciliation. These reports will include vital data fields
such as VAT Amount, Net Amount, Document Number/ID, and Tax Jurisdiction, among others. This functionality is aimed at
streamlining the reconciliation process, promoting efficiency, and maintaining compliance with fiscal regulations.
Transaction Count
Transaction Count Report: With this addition, users gain the ability to generate reports detailing the volume of API transactions, a key
component for precise invoicing. The system meticulously calculates transaction counts based on set thresholds, ensuring greater
precision in billing processes and financial oversight within OEI. It accounts for both Accounts Payable (AP) and Accounts Receivable
(AR) transactions, considering their status as successful, errored, or otherwise.
Reports Queue
The Reports Queue feature has been upgraded to offer our clientele enhanced visibility and control over their reporting processes. It
now includes the capability to monitor the progress of reports and provides options for downloading. Users can conveniently see key
information succinctly, including the Report Name, the individual who requested the report, the current Status of the report, and the
date it was requested. This improved functionality is designed to streamline the reporting experience, ensuring that customers have
easy access to the data they need when they need it.
Administration Setup
10. Log in to ONESOURCE E-Invoicing
11. Click on Administration Tile
Once in the Administration tile
1. Click on Company Info -> Clients
2. The list will display the clients related to the logged in user
*The clients list will be synced from the list of companies available in ONESOURCE E-Invoicing
12. User will need to “Create a Group” to be able to assign user permissions.
Click Company Info -> Groups -> Add
Click Add
13. CLIENT ASSIGNMENT – user will select clients (legal entities) from the Available Clients list and move to the
Selected Clients list.
14. PRODUCT PERMISSIONS – user will select desired permission(s) to be assigned to this Group.
15. USER ASSIGNMENTS - user will select users from the Available Users list and move to the Selected Users list.
16. PRODUCT ASSIGNMENTS – user will select ONESOURCE E-Invoicing
Our latest software release, version 1.2, marks an exciting milestone as we extend our array of
services to now include Italy. This strategic inclusion is more than just a geographic expansion; it's a
commitment to providing a service that is meticulously crafted to cater to the unique needs of the
Italian market. To that end, we've gone to great lengths to develop a specialized outbound accounts
payable process. This process is not a one-size-fits-all solution; it's been thoughtfully designed to be
in complete harmony with the stringent tax compliance regulations set forth by Italy's esteemed Tax
Authority, also known as the Sistema di Interscambio (SDI).
Understanding the complexities of Italy's tax compliance requirements, we've taken careful steps to
ensure that our service offering isn't merely compliant, but that it excels at meeting the specific
demands and expectations of the SDI. We've engaged with local experts and meticulously studied the
Italian tax code to ensure that every response our system generates is up to par with the nation's
To provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the enhancements and adaptations we've
made, we've compiled an extensive table that showcases the various responses our system can
deliver. This table serves as a testament to our dedication to not only meet but exceed the local
requirements. It's a reflection of our ongoing efforts to tailor our services to the nuanced needs of
each region we serve, ensuring that our clients receive the most efficient, accurate, and reliable
experience possible.
Please take a moment to review the table below, which illustrates the depth and breadth of our newly
implemented features designed specifically for our clients operating within Italy. This is just the
beginning of our journey to provide a truly global, yet locally nuanced, service offering.
Response type
from SDI
Response type
in Pagero
Action for
sender of the
Approved and delivered by SDI
No action needed. The
recipient has 15 days to accept
or reject the invoice
Rejected by SDI
The File(s) have not surpassed
SDI validation checks. Control
the feedback in the application
response and correct the file
Approved by SDI but issues with
the delivery
No action needed, SDI will try to
deliver the file again
Recipient accept
No action needed
Recipient reject
See the recipient's feedback in
the application response on
why the invoice was rejected
and take appropriate action
Approved by SDI and recipient
rejection no longer possible via
SDI because 15 days since initial
delivery have passed
No action needed, the recipient
may not reject invoice via SDI
any longer
Delivery impossible
SDI could not deliver the file to
the final recipient. You need to
check with the recipient what to
To access information on SAP S/4HANA Installation and User Guide please refer to the document below:
SAP E-Invoicing Configuration Guide R1.2
Oracle Cloud
To access information on Oracle Cloud Installation and User Guide please refer to the document below:
Oracle E-Invoicing Configuration Guide R1.2
Appendix A
Accounts Receivable
Appendix B
Accounts Payable