Corresponding author: Samuel J Bunu
Department of Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Niger Delta University, Wilberforce Island, Bayelsa
State, Nigeria.
Copyright © 2022 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article. This article is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Liscense 4.0.
Analysis of gastrointestinal acid-neutralizing potency of some commercial antacid
tablet formulations
Benjamin U Ebeshi
1, 2
, Samuel J Bunu
1, *
, Hilda F Kpun
and Cynthia O Ezebube
Department of Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Niger Delta University, Wilberforce Island,
Bayelsa State, Nigeria.
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Madonna University, Elele Campus, Nigeria.
Faculty of Pharmacy, Bayelsa Medical University, Bayelsa State, Nigeria.
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2022, 19(02), 008013
Publication history: Received on 19 March 2022; revised on 29 April 2022; accepted on 01 May 2022
Article DOI:
In dyspepsia, formulations known as antacids are regularly used to alleviate symptoms as quickly as possible. Gastric
contents are acidic; therefore, antacids are usually weak bases with the potential to neutralize excess acid and raise
gastric pH accordingly. Acid-neutralizing capacity is what determines the effectiveness of an antacid. Some antacid
tablets formulation from different manufacturers were tested for their acid-neutralizing capacity and effectiveness for
patients in this study. The South-East region of Nigeria had pharmacies vending antacids of different brands. To remove
potential bias from the study, the brands were coded A-F. Labels on all samples indicated that they would expire more
than one year from now. To determine each antacid tablet's acid-neutralizing capacity, the titrimetric method was used.
In terms of acid-neutralizing capacity, brands D, A, B, C, F, and E showed the greatest acid-neutralizing capacity
(8.2mEq/g), and brand E showed the lowest capacity (5.7 mEq/g). An analysis of the ANC of all the tablets found that
they exceeded the FDA standard of >5mEq for antacids. An inexpensive, simple, and easy-to-use titrimetric method
could be used routinely to monitor antacid tablet quality.
Keywords: Antacid; Acid- neutralizing; Ulcer; Titrimetry; Gastric acid; Tablet
1. Introduction
Antacids are substances, generally, salts or basic bases that neutralize stomach acidity. Typically, they are basic
medicines with a characteristic ability to neutralize the acid in gastric contents (stomach) and thus lower the acidity of
the gastric contents
. There are several ways antacids reduce stomach acidity, including directly neutralizing acidity,
increasing pH, or blocking the secretion of acid by the gastric mucosa cells
. Antacids also prevent irritation of stomach
ulcers and relieve associated pain, and help relieve stomach ulcer pain by preventing irritation of the ulcer. Antacids are
also known to act as pepsins, thus reducing peptic activity. An antacid contains bases usually pH above 7.0, and a buffer,
which minimizes variations in hydrogen (H
) and hydroxyl (OH
) concentrations, as pepsin is inactive at this pH 4.0 and
above. Nevertheless, they do not influence the rate of peptic ulcer healing, but relieve ulcer pain and promotes ulcer
healing process
. It is also documented that antacids promote the recovery of duodenal ulcers
. Commercial antacids
come in two forms, either as liquids or solid tablets. The principal constituents of antacids are magnesium and aluminum
as hydroxides alone or in combination
. Some contain salt of calcium, sodium, carbon, or bismuth. Various antacids
differ in their ability to neutralize acids and their transit time through the stomach. In comparison to tablets, an antacid
suspension is more effective. An effervescent antacid can contain baking soda, a traditional home remedy for tummy
aches. The combination of antacids with alginate to guard the esophagus from acid aggression is called an alginate-
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2022, 19(02), 008013
antacid derivative
. In general, two major types of antacids are systemic and non-systemic. Following oral
administration of an antacid, it is absorbed completely by the body. Oral administration of non-systemic antacids does
not cause them to be fully absorbed into the body. Aluminium hydroxide, aluminum phosphate, magnesium trisilicate,
calcium carbonate, magnesium hydroxide, and magnesium carbonate are the most commonly used non-systemic
. Antacids have a wide range of mechanisms of action. Preventing the back-diffusion of hydrogen ions across
the GI mucosa is one of the mechanisms involved. By raising stomach pH to about 1.6, 50% of acid in gastric juice with
a pH of 1.3 can be neutralized. This can be reached by raising the pH to 2.3, with 90% of the success, and 100% when it
is 3.3. It is generally accepted that raising the stomach's pH to around 4 will protect against stress ulcers. Acid back
diffusion is thought to treat this problem
. In addition to preventing pepsinogen from being converted into pepsin,
antacids also work by inhibiting a process called gastric acidification. At pH5, pepsinogens become irreversibly inactive.
For the greatest benefit from antacids, the pH needs to be raised to 5. Antacids are thought to be effective by inactivating
bile salts located in the duodenum, which are thought to reflux into the stomach and contribute to acid peptic disease
Some major antacids types include sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO
), magnesium oxide (MgO), and magnesium hydroxide
gel (Al
), calcium carbonate (CaCO
), and peppermint flavor antiflatulents: Simethicone, Alginate: This seaweed
extract acts as an acid barrier and prevent acid reflux in the peptic region of the gastrointestinal tract
GERD symptoms can be relieved quickly and temporarily with over-the-counter (OTC) antacids. Antacids were
commonly used in a previous study of 1,009 patients with GERD who failed to respond to standard PPI medication. The
effectiveness of antacids in treating erosive esophagitis has been questioned
. GERD is the reflux of stomach content
back to the esophagus, causing distressing symptoms and sometimes complications
. GERD is associated with
heartburn; a symptom experienced by 7% of US citizens every day
. Another common GERD symptom is regurgitation.
Clinical investigation of GERD can also be subdivided into non-erosive esophageal reflux disease (NERD) and the
additional pathologies that may result from GERD, including esophageal ulcers, esophageal strictures, Barrett's
esophagus, and Barrett's cancer
. The most common diagnosis for gastrointestinal complaints in the U.S. is GERD, which
accounts for about 4% hospital visits
. Proton pump inhibitors, the first-line therapy for people with GERD, are
indirectly responsible for the prevalence of GERD symptoms as well
. The United States spends over 10 billion dollars
a year on PPIs, with two PPIs ranking among the top five selling pharmaceuticals
. Although PPIs have been
recommended to treat erosive esophagitis, the rate of esophageal adenocarcinoma has increased significantly during
the past 20 years
To measure the actual amount of an analyte, titration, or titrimetry, is part of quantitative chemical analysis. Titrants
and titrators, two biochemical reagents, are prepared as standard solutions
19, 20
. Analytes are titrated against titrants to
determine their concentration. Titration volume refers to how much titrant reacts with the analyte
. Different methods
are available for determining the most effective product out of all the competitors. With the right information, patients
could decide the particular brand(s) of antacid to be used. Patients must be able to experience high levels of relief from
their symptoms and also reduce their costs by using an antacid. The study aimed to determine which antacids tablet
formulations are more effective for neutralizing gastrointestinal acids based on their acid-neutralizing capacities,
through titrimetric analysis.
2. Methods
2.1. Sample Collection
The Pharmaceutical products used in this study were purchased from Pharmacies in Enugu State and Onitsha, South-
East, Nigeria. The details of the drugs samples profiles are shown in Table 1.
2.2. Preparation of Reagents
2.2.1. Hydrochloric Acid Solution (0.1M)
Hydrochloric acid - HCl (0.15 M) was prepared by diluting 12.5 ml of 12 M HCl with deionized water in a 1-liter
volumetric flask. After the addition of the acid, the volume of the flask was made to the mark using deionized water.
2.2.2. Sodium Hydroxide Solution (0.1M)
NaOH (0.1M) was prepared by dissolving 4.0 g of NaOH with deionized water in a 1-liter volumetric flask. After the
dissolution process, the volume was then be made to the mark.
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2022, 19(02), 008013
2.2.3. Preparation of 0.1M Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate (KHP) Solution
2.04 g of KHP was weighed and properly dissolved with deionized water in a 100 ml volumetric flask. After the
dissolution process, the volume was made to the mark with the deionized water.
Table 1 Brands of Antacids
Brand In
Label claim (Constituent)
Brand A
Magnesium trisilicate 50 mg
Aluminum hydroxide 300 mg
Magnesium hydroxide 25 mg
Brand B
Aluminum hydroxide 300 mg
Magnesium hydroxide 25 mg
simethicone 10mg
Brand C
Dried aluminum hydroxide 300 mg
Magnesium trisilicate 50 mg
Magnesium hydroxide 25 mg
Simethicone 10 mg
Brand D
Magnesium trisilicate 250 mg
Aluminium hydroxide 120 mg
Peppermint flavor
Brand E
Dried aluminum hydroxide 300 mg
Magnesium hydroxide 25 mg
simethicone 10 mg
Brand F
Dried Aluminium hydroxide 300 mg
Magnesium aluminum silicate 50 mg
Magnesium hydroxide 25 mg
simethicone 25 mg
2.3. Standardization of Reagents
2.3.1. Sodium Hydroxide Solution
20 ml of 0.1 M KHP was measured into a 250 ml Erlenmeyer flask followed by 3 drops of phenolphthalein, as indicator.
The solution was titrated with 0.1 M sodium hydroxide solution until it turned pink which persisted for at least 30
seconds. The volume of 0.1 M NaOH solution used was then recorded. The titration procedure was repeated 3 more
times, and the average titer value was recorded.
2.3.2. Hydrochloric Acid Solution
30 ml of the 0.15 M HCl solution was measured into a 250 ml Erlenmeyer flask followed by 3 drops of phenolphthalein.
The solution will then be titrated with 0.1 M NaOH until the solution turns pink which persisted for 30 seconds without
fading. The titration procedure should be repeated 3 times, and the average titer value recorded.
2.4. Evaluation of the Neutralizing Capacity of Antacid Tablets
The sample of each antacids tablet was separately weighed and crushed using a mortar and pestle. 0.5 g of the crushed
tablet was weighed and transferred into a 250 ml Erlenmeyer flask. This was followed by the addition of 30 ml of the
standardized HCl solution and swirled gently to dissolve the crushed tablet as completely as possible. 3 drops of
bromophenol blue indicator were added to the solution which then turned yellow. The solution was then titrated with
the standardized NaOH until a blue color was formed
. The titration procedure was repeated thrice, and average titer
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2022, 19(02), 008013
value was obtained. The same procedure was repeated with all other brands of antacid tablets and the average titer
value of the NaOH solution required to neutralize the excess acid (HCl) for each brand of the antacid was recorded and
the ANC per dose of antacid was calculated.
3. Results and discussion
In this study, we explored the effects of acid-neutralizing property on antacid dosage forms, a widely admired and
necessary pharmacological factor. In this study, we used the titrimetric method to analyze six commercially available
brands of antacid tablets (Table 1). These antacid tablets were assessed for their organoleptic properties. Table 2 shows
all the antacids had peppermint flavor (all antacids had peppermint flavor). It can therefore be concluded that most
marketed antacid formulations contain mint as a flavoring agent. To make chewable tablets more acceptable, all the
tablets had a sweet taste. The colors of the tablets differed from one another.
Table 2 Organoleptic Properties of Antacid Tablets
Brand A
Brand B
Brand C
Brand D
Brand E
Brand F
Light Cream
From the titration analysis performed on the different brands of the antacid tablet formulation, a relationship was
depicted between the average titer value and the ANC per gram of antacid. The lower the average titer value the higher
the ANC per gram of antacid. The ANC of an antacid is the amount of acid it can neutralize. Miliequivalent is the gram
equivalent expressed in one-thousandth of a chemical element. Per FDA requirements, an antacid should possess gastric
acid neutralizing capacity of ≥5 mEq per dose (Table 3).
Table 3 Parameters Evaluated For the Antacids
Average titer value (cm
The total amount of HCl used (mol)×10
Amount of HCl neutralized by NaOH {mol)×10
Excess HCl neutralized by antacid(mol)×10
Mass of antacid used (g)
ANC per g of antacid (mEq/g)
The most effective antacid ought to have a high gastric acid neutralizing capacity and rapid acid neutralization
potentials. From the result above Brand D have the highest ANC of 8.2mEq/g while Brand E has the lowest ANC of 5.7
mEq/g though all the brands of antacids analyzed met the USA-FDA requirement of an antacid which states that ANC
for an antacid should not be less than 5 mEq per dose
. The acid-neutralizing capacity of every brand was calculated
by the equation: Total mEq= (30×N
) (V
NaOH ×
), ANC per gram= Total mEq/mass of the antacid; Where N
HCl and
are the normalities of HCl and NaOH respectively and V
is the volume of NaOH consumed for the titration. The
result obtained from this study is relative to a precious survey that compared the gastric acid neutralizing potentials of
dimethicone and alginate in the therapeutic management of reflux oesophagitis
. The effectiveness of the Antacid
Brands on the chemical composition was found to be interesting. Brand D which showed the highest ANC contains
Magnesium trisilicate and Aluminium hydroxide as its most active constituent. Brand A with the second to highest ANC
per dose of 7.9 mEq/g has Magnesium trisilicate, magnesium hydroxide, and aluminum hydroxide as its most active
constituent (Figure 1). Magnesium hydroxide, aluminum hydroxide, and magnesium trisilicate had better neutralizing
abilities, compared to others. An antacid preparation that contains aluminum hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide will
assist in lowering stomach acidity without producing undesirable side effects such as diarrhea or constipation.
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2022, 19(02), 008013
Figure 1 Bar chart of brands of antacid against the ATV and ANC
4. Conclusion
The importance of antacid preparation cannot be over-emphasized in the health of ulcer patients, as well as those with
heartburn related symptoms. This study has revealed that different antacid preparations have different acid-
neutralizing capacities. The high acid-neutralizing capacity of Brand D makes it the antacid of choice in treating various
acid-mediated gastrointestinal problems. Also, Brand D shows the highest acid-neutralizing capacities which contain
magnesium trisilicate, dried aluminum hydroxide. However, the difference in the ability to neutralize acid is not
reflected on the labels of antacid products. The titrimetric procedure could therefore be employed to analyze the ANC
of the antacid formulations. This procedure is cost-effective, simple, and easy to use, thus could be explored in routine
monitoring and quality control of antacid tablets, especially in absence of high-quality equipment.
Compliance with ethical standards
The authors greatly acknowledge Dr. Edebi N. Vaikosen, Dr. Adesegun Kashimawo, and other staff of the Pharmaceutical
and Medicinal Chemistry of Niger Delta University, Wilberforce Island, for their immense support and valuable
Disclosure of conflict of interest
The authors hereby declare that, there is no conflict of interest in this article.
Statement of ethical approval
All the laboratory experiments and procurement of drug samples for this research work followed laid down ethical
standards. Body samples and patient data was not used in the study, hence no formal ethical approval was required.
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