Policy Summary:
Jackson College (JC) provides an opportunity for high school to enrich their education and earn
college credit by taking JC classes in accordance with the State of Michigan Post-Secondary
Option Act.
Scope: This policy applies to students currently participating in high school grades, 9,10, 11,
and 12; seeking to concurrently enroll on College credit at JC; and in accordance with
eligibility specified by the Michigan Post-Secondary Enrollment Options Act (PSEO).
Policy Statement:
JC shall encourage and support dual enrollment admission in accordance with the Michigan
PSEO Act. To be a Dual Enrolled or High School Guest at JC, students must complete and
submit a Dual Enrollment and High School Guest Student Registration Form. The signature of
the high school principal/designee is needed to satisfy the requirement of high school approval
for attendance and indicate that you have received information as required by the PSEO Act, as
well as information regarding payment. Dual enrollment forms not completed in full with
authorizing signatures will not be processed. Students may not receive credit for classes taken
without the proper authorization.
Students under 18 years of age must also have the written approval of their parent or guardian
unless they provide an "emancipated" or homeless legal status giving them full adult legal rights
and responsibilities.
The JC Registrar shall maintain adequate enrollment procedures to assure compliance with the
law and to verify appropriate approvals. Students continuing their education at JC post-
graduation shall be recognized as new students and shall complete application and new student
orientation requirements.
The JC Business Office shall maintain adequate procedures to assure appropriate billing for
dual enrolled courses.
Non-Public: In accordance with the State of Michigan Post-Secondary Enrollment Options Act,
JC utilizes the following living list of approved non-public schools to determine eligibility:
Academic Policy
Policy Title: Dual Enrollment
Policy Number: 2830
Date Adopted: 5/13/2013
Version: 4.0
Review Cycle Biennially
Date Last Reviewed: 07/23/2023
Office Responsible: Student Services Registrar
Reviewing Committee: Academic Council
Related Policies: Student Rights, Responsibilities and Student Code of
Related Laws: Michigan Post-Secondary Option Act (PSEO Act)
Graduating High School Seniors: High school seniors enrolling in Spring courses are required to
complete a Dual Enrollment and High School Guest Student Registration Form unless they
have graduated prior to the start of their enrolled course(s).
Credit Limitation: JC follows the credit limitation rules set forth by the State of Michigan Post-
Secondary Enrollment Options Act, in accordance with the law and consistent with exceptions
allowed under the law including waivers issued by individual school districts.
JC Dual-Enrolled students are subject to all College policies governing students while attending
JC classes including but not limited to the Student Handbook and Student Rights,
Responsibilities and Student Code of Conduct.
Change Log:
Date Of Change
Description of Change
Responsible Party
Initial release
D. Vainner.
Review and confirmation
R. Woods
Z. McNitt
Review/ No Changes
Z. McNitt