Jackson State Community College - Dual Enrollment
Talk with your School Counselor to determine your eligibility and high school scheduling.
Dual Enrollment Participation Requirements:
3.0 High School GPA
Depending upon the desired course, have an ACT Score of 18 English, 19 Reading & 19 Math
(SAT, Pre-ACT/SAT, and Aspire equivalents also accepted).
Students with a 3.6 or higher High School GPA meet most course test score requirements.
Students with a 3.0 to 3.59 High School gpa may present a written recommendation from their
principal or guidance counselor.
Heres How to Get Started:
Submit your application here: https://www.jscc.edu/admissions/apply.html
Submit a completed Student/Parent DE Signature form:
Submit your high school transcript. Have your high school email
([email protected]) or fax (731) 425-2603 it along with any possible ACT, SAT,
Pre ACT/SAT or Aspire scores.
TN Dual Enrollment Grant Application (www.tn.gov/collegepays):
Tennessee Student Assistance Corporation (TSAC) provides one grant per
semester towards tuition for high school juniors and seniors enrolled in college
credit courses. Students may qualify for two additional grants in the same
semester if they have a 3.0 GPA or 21 Composite ACT score (21 ACT score is
required for home school students).
Students must maintain a 2.75 College GPA to receive the grant in future semesters.
Deadlines to apply for the TSAC grant are as follows:
Fall Semester September 15
Spring Semester February 1
Summer Semester May 15
JSCC Dual Enrollment Scholarship:
Covers difference in tuition and mandatory fees not covered by the TN DE grant.
Students who use grants 1 & 2 at JSCC qualify for the scholarship
See the following pages for frequently asked questions related to dual enrollment, or feel free to contact the JSCC
Recruitment Office (731) 425-2601 with any question.
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Am I eligible?
A: JSCC readily accepts high school students who have a 3.0 or higher high school GPA. Students who are below but
close to this requirement can submit a written recommendation from their principal or guidance counselor.
Q: Do I qualify for courses?
A: Depending on the course, students with ACT sub scores of 19 in Math and Reading and 18 in English qualify for
most courses offered through DE. Students with a 3.6 or higher high school GPA meet the course requirements.
Recommendations from the principal or guidance counselor are accepted for students who have a 3.0 to 3.59 high
school GPA.
Q: Can I use DE courses to satisfy my high school graduation requirements.
A: Yes. Check with your high school guidance counselor to be sure.
Q: Is money available to help pay for DE course tuition?
A: Yes. The Tennessee DE grant is available to high school juniors and seniors. Visit the Tennessee Student
Assistance Corporation (TSAC) website for detailed information: https://www.tn.gov/collegepays
Q: Does JSCC offer a scholarship for DE students?
A: Yes. JSCC provides an extensive scholarship that supplements the TN DE grant.
Q: Is the TN DE grant free?
A: Yes. However, after grant four, any funds used are deducted from a students TN Hope scholarship.
Q: Does the TN DE grant cover course textbooks?
A: No, the grant only covers course tuition.
Q: Can I lose my DE grant eligibility?
A: Students must maintain a 2.75 cumulative college GPA while using the TN DE grant.
Q: If I lose my grant eligibility, can I still take DE courses?
A: Yes. You can still take DE courses.
Q: Can I still receive the DE scholarship even if I lost grant eligibility?
A: Yes. You can pay what your potential grants would have paid, and still receive the JSCC DE scholarship.
Q: Will the final grades I earn in the DE courses I take affect my overall college GPA?
A: Yes. Be conscience of your grades and submit all assignments, quizzes and tests.
Q: Do universities accept DE credit take from JSCC?
A: Yes. Most universities accept college credit from JSCC but check with the potential school to be sure.
Q: How do I have my DE credit transferred to the university Im attending after high school graduation?
A: Find transcript request information here: https://www.jscc.edu/about-jackson-state/student-services/records/