You can use a semicolon to join two independent clauses, which implies that the two clauses
are related and/or equal, or perhaps that one restates the other. A simpler usage for a semi-
colon is placing it between items in a list that already involve commas.
Joining two independent clauses
The CGU Writing Center is a valuable resource for all students; it can help anyone improve
their research and writing skills.
Between list items already involving commas
There are five dates all participants should remember: March 3, 2016; June 12, 2016;
November 22, 2016; January 11, 2017; and April 2, 2017.
The fruit basket was divided into three major groups: apples, pears, and peaches; oranges,
limes, and lemons; and cherries, blueberries, and raspberries.
Semicolons Worksheet
Directions: Determine whether the clauses need to be joined with commas or semicolons. Put
the proper punctuation on the blank.
1. The artist preferred to paint in oils ____ he did not like water colors.
2. Even when the house looks clean ____ there is usually a bunch of dirt swept under the
3. I'm going to leave early today ____ unless the boss comes back from the meeting.
4. The computer can perform many calculations at once ____ however, it cannot reason at
5. In the first place, it was snowing too hard to see the road ____ in the second place, we
had no chains.
6. Italy is my favorite foreign country ____ in fact, I plan on staying there for three weeks
this summer.
7. The challenges are not impossible ___ but they are very hard to clear.
8. I'm going to do all of my English homework every night ____ because that's how you get
an "A".
9. If he misses his appointment ____ he'll have to wait another six months to see the
10. There are many negative side effects to smoking ___ there are no positive side effects
from smoking.
Write five ORIGINAL sentences that correctly use a semicolon.
Semicolon Worksheet Answer Key
Directions: Determine whether the clauses need to be joined with commas or semicolons. Put
the proper punctuation on the blank.
1. The artist preferred to paint in oils; he did not like water colors.
2. Even when the house looks clean, there is usually a bunch of dirt swept under the rug.
3. I'm going to leave early today, unless the boss comes back from the meeting.
4. The computer can perform many calculations at once; however, it cannot reason at all.
5. In the first place, it was snowing too hard to see the road; in the second place, we had
no chains.
6. Italy is my favorite foreign country; in fact, I plan on staying there for three weeks this
7. The challenges are not impossible, but they are very hard to clear.
8. I'm going to do all of my English homework every night, because that's how you get an
9. If he misses his appointment, he'll have to wait another six months to see the dentist.
10. There are many negative side effects to smoking; there are no positive side effects from
Write five ORIGINAL sentences that correctly use a semicolon.
1. Answers may vary.
2. Answers may vary.
3. Answers may vary.
4. Answers may vary.
5. Answers may vary.