GAO internal guidance/resource – 7/17/17
Selecting a Sample of Nongeneralizable Cases - Revised January 2014 1
Note: This guidance is designed to ensure that GAO policies on evidence and generally
accepted government auditing standards are met. The guidance conforms to the generally
accepted principles and practices of the appropriate disciplines. Statements that particular actions
“should” be taken are practices that are expected to be followed, unless there are good reasons
for not doing so. Before deviating from a practice expressed as a “should” statement, staff
members must consult with an appropriate staff member in Applied Research and Methods
(ARM) or a team specialist and must document the consultation.
Abstract: This paper identifies ways of selecting nongeneralizable sites and cases for in-depth
study—for example, choosing case studies, identifying sites to visit, selecting documents to
review, or selecting people to interview. This sampling approach is known as nongeneralizable,
or purposeful or judgmental, sampling.
The approach seeks to systematically identify cases that
will be useful for answering researchable questions. The paper includes guidance on (A)
selecting and using a nongeneralizable sample, (B) documenting selection decisions in
workpapers, (C) reporting data collected by using nongeneralizable sampling, and (D) describing
selection decisions in GAO reports. Appendix I contains tables describing strategies for making
selections; appendix II provides objectives, scope, and methodology (OSM) language from GAO
reports that used nongeneralizable samples; and appendix III is a workpaper template that can be
used to help document decisions.
When selecting a sample of sites or cases, GAO staff should take the following five steps:
1. ensure that a nongeneralizable sample is appropriate for your purposes,
2. determine the appropriate sampling strategy and criteria,
3. specify cases from which to collect data,
4. determine the number of cases to select, and
5. enhance the validity and reliability of your evidence.
You should also document the factors you considered in making these decisions. Each step is
discussed below.
Step 1. Ensure That a Nongeneralizable Sample Is Appropriate for Your Purposes
Carefully define the purpose of your sample and use that to guide your decision about whether to
use a nongeneralizable or generalizable sample.
You should consider issues such as whether
you want information from the sample to provide context sophistication or illustrative examples
or whether you want it to serve as the primary source of evidence in answering the objective.
Similarly, you should ask yourself how information from the sample will be reported. As its
The financial auditing literature refers to nongeneralizable sampling approaches as “selections” (reserving
“samples” for generalizable sampling approaches). If you are conducting a financial audit, you may use this
terminology instead.
For additional guidance on determining an appropriate sampling approach, see the ARM guidance, Using
Probability, Nonprobability, and Certainty Samples.
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Selecting a Sample of Nongeneralizable Cases - Revised January 2014 2
name indicates, findings from a nongeneralizable sample may not be extrapolated beyond your
If your objective focuses on a specific group within a population, or is to describe aspects of an
issue, understand the context of a problem, or provide anecdotes to illustrate a finding, then a
nongeneralizable sample would be appropriate. GAO regularly uses nongeneralizable samples to
obtain in-depth knowledge about a small number of cases.
If, in contrast, your objective is to report generalizations about a population, such as the
percentage of an agency’s officials who received certain training, or the total dollar value of
transactions in error in an agency’s system, then a generalizable or probability sample would be
You may have to use a nongeneralizable sample if you would like to select a generalizable
sample but cannot because, for example, you lack reliable data about the population of interest.
In this situation, a sound nongeneralizable sampling strategy could allow you to obtain useful
information. Sometimes, the available data show that a small nongeneralizable sample represents
a large proportion of a population. For example, if 20 grantees of a federal program accounted
for 75 percent of the program’s expenditures, you might decide that your researchable questions
could be answered with definitive statements about the grantees that represented three-quarters
of expenditures.
Finally, GAO commonly uses a combination of generalizable and nongeneralizable samples to
answer research objectives. For example, you might select a generalizable sample of agency
officials to survey, as well as a small nongeneralizable sample of sites to visit for more in-depth
Step 2. Determine the Appropriate Nongeneralizable Sampling Strategy and Criteria
Once you have determined that a nongeneralizable sample suits your engagement, you will need
to determine how to select cases from which to collect data. Your strategy for sample selection
should be directly linked to your researchable objective and the purpose for which you have
chosen a nongeneralizable sample. When selecting a strategy, think about the characteristics of
the cases that will best enable you to answer your researchable objectives. For example, you may
be interested in the most recent or the largest, the worst or the best. Various strategies for
selecting samples are described in appendix I, “Nongeneralizable Sampling Strategies.”
You will also need to develop relevant criteria to use in conjunction with the sampling strategy.
The criteria should be directly linked to the researchable questions. For example, you may have
elected a stratified purposeful sampling strategy. If your research objective concerned the
efficacy of widget screeners and you suspected that screener model and location were relevant to
failure rates, you might select criteria that allow you to cover a range of screeners with varying
failure rates, screeners of different makes or models, and screeners across a variety of locations.
It is often possible to obtain or develop a list of the population you will select cases from that is
based on characteristics important to your researchable question. Sometimes, however, such a
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Selecting a Sample of Nongeneralizable Cases - Revised January 2014 3
list is not available or cannot be created. Appendix I describes sampling strategies you can use
when you have a list, part of a list, or no list.
Step 3. Specify Cases from Which to Collect Data
In step 3, you want to ask, “Who or what is best suited to answer the research question?” The
“who or what” to collect data from is a “case” or “unit of analysis.” In nongeneralizable
sampling, the unit of analysis may be any of the following:
a. a person: federal employee, program recipient, program director.
b. an organization: federal agencies, local school districts, government contractors.
c. a place: national parks, highways, former military bases, foreign countries.
d. a process: hiring federal air marshals, identifying unexploded ordinance,
awarding federal contracts, managing agency information technology systems.
e. an event: major wildfires, UN peacekeeping missions.
f. a program: federal environmental regulations, aid to Afghanistan.
g. a document or file: elementary school curriculum, written evaluation of military
unit readiness, corporate financial report.
h. other: endangered species, computer systems, prescription drugs.
Units or subunits of analysis can be nested within larger units of analysis. This may require a
sampling strategy for each subunit—for each stage of sampling. For example, in sampling a
group of charter schools, you might also be interested in sampling a set of classrooms within
each sampled school and a group of students within each sampled classroom. Having a clear
sampling strategy for selecting cases at each of these stages will enhance the validity and
reliability of your study.
Step 4. Determine the Number of Cases to Select
Determining the number of cases to select often requires balancing a sample that is large enough
to provide a sufficiently comprehensive understanding of the issues with one that is small enough
to study within your time and resource constraints. The number of cases you must review
depends on (1) what you want to report, (2) how the findings will be used, (3) what is needed to
ensure credibility, and (4) what can be accomplished with available time and resources. For
example, you may want to examine a specific set of experiences with a larger number of cases or
explore an open range of experiences with a smaller number. Less depth in a review of a large
number of cases can be helpful in exploring a specific phenomenon and trying to document
diversity or understand variation, whereas greater depth of review of a smaller number of cases
may provide you with better understanding of the specific phenomenon. A nongeneralizable
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Selecting a Sample of Nongeneralizable Cases - Revised January 2014 4
sample is well designed if it meets the purpose and rationale of the study.
A sample is large enough when no new information about your topic of interest is provided from
additional sampled cases. This is known as “saturation” or “redundancy.” Although saturation
is the ideal, it may not be practical to leave sampling open-ended for engagement planning
purposes. Early in the design phase, teams should determine the minimum number of cases to
review, given the purpose of the sample, the use that is planned for the findings, and the
credibility of the evidence, and they should include these details in the design matrix.
(Documentation is discussed below.) Michael Patton provides additional information on case
selection theory.
Samples often have to be selected when population lists are not complete. For example,
sometimes the available lists include only the top dollar recipients of a federal program, not
recipients of smaller amounts. In other instances, teams have to create lists from agency data,
publicly available information, or other sources. Although it is recommended that teams be as
thorough as possible, it may not be possible to construct a list that contains all cases or all
descriptive information about cases.
Some of the sampling strategies in appendix I can be applied to incomplete or partial lists; others
provide options when no reasonable list can be created. Another approach is to identify and
carefully screen potential cases to ensure that they meet the sampling criteria. It is advised that
an ARM stakeholder be involved in decisions about the sufficiency of available lists, steps to
create lists, and alternative selection techniques.
Step 5. Enhance the Validity and Reliability of Your Evidence
Finally, a well-designed sampling strategy can improve the validity and reliability of your
evidence while a poorly designed sampling strategy may lead to insufficient evidence. Validity
(as defined in the Yellow Book) refers to the extent to which evidence is a meaningful or
reasonable basis for measuring what is being evaluated. In other words, validity refers to the
extent to which evidence represents what it is purported to represent. Reliability, which includes
the concept of sufficient, appropriate evidence, is integral to an audit. Appropriateness is the
measure of the quality of evidence that encompasses its relevance, validity, and reliability in
providing support for findings and conclusions related to the audit objectives.
It is important to document well how your team implemented a nongeneralizable sample, in
order to give credibility to the study and demonstrate that a defensible methodology was used.
Reasons for case selections and limitations of the approach should be explicit and well
In the workpapers, you should include items related to case selection that do the
See Michael Quinn Patton, Qualitative Research and Evaluation, 3rd ed. (Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage
Publications, 2002), p. 245
Patton, Qualitative Research and Evaluation, 3rd ed., pp. 230–46.
Patton, Qualitative Research and Evaluation, 3rd ed., p. 242.
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Selecting a Sample of Nongeneralizable Cases - Revised January 2014 5
following three things.
Item 1. Describe the Source of the List from Which Cases Were Selected
In addition to a description of the source of the list from which cases were selected, the
workpapers should include information about list totals, overall and by strata, if applicable. Lists
(population information) can be developed by teams or provided by agencies or other sources.
Workpapers should include information on (1) the sources— interviews, documents, data
systems—used to develop the lists for case selection and (2) evidence that the sources and lists
meet GAO’s evidence standards. Lists developed from computer processed data should include
data reliability assessment documentation.
Item 2. Document Factors in Deciding Selection Strategies and Criteria for Case Selection
This should include the actual strategies and criteria used for case selection and how they relate
to the research questions.
Item 3. Describe the Strengths and Weaknesses of the Evidence
Include in the workpapers a description of the strengths and weaknesses of the evidence,
including the strengths and weaknesses of the lists you used for case selection, the sampling
strategy, the validity of your selection criteria as they relate to the research objective, and the
reliability of the end product of your review, given the strategies you used to ensure accuracy
and consistency in data collection. Appendix III is an example of a workpaper that you could use
to document your decisions.
Information from nongeneralizable samples has various uses, depending on your purpose in
drawing the sample, the strategies you used to select the sample, and how the information will be
used as an evidence source—background, one of multiple sources of evidence, sole source for
findings or recommendations.
To ensure high-quality evidence, we often rely on multiple evidence sources and varying
methods for acquiring them. Consequently, information from nongeneralizable samples may be
used in several ways in the same report and in conjunction with information from a mixture of
other sources. Four ways in which we use information from nongeneralizable samples in GAO
reports are context sophistication, illustrative example, comparative case, and threshold.
See GAO, Assessing the Reliability of Computer-Processed Data, GAO-09-365G (Washington, D.C.: February
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Selecting a Sample of Nongeneralizable Cases - Revised January 2014 6
Context Sophistication
Nongeneralizable data can provide in-depth information on particular issues or problems,
affording teams a more sophisticated understanding of the issues in the audit. Context
sophistication gained from nongeneralizable sample information can improve a team’s ability to
evaluate evidence related to the audit or to accurately describe complex issues in the report. For
this use, data might not be made explicit in the report, or in the background section it might
provide context for understanding the issues.
Illustrative Example
We often want to report in-depth information about a particular problem, case, or location to
illustrate the issue we are trying to describe. Illustrative examples can bolster an argument,
demonstrate consequences, and provide practical significance to issues that might, without
context, appear to be inconsequential. For example, you learn that Agency X’s enforcement
policies are decidedly lax, and you want to illustrate some practical consequences of lax
enforcement. You visit selected sites that are subject to the agency’s enforcement efforts in
order to observe compliance issues. You use the information you gather from your visits to
describe some of the practical consequences of the agency’s lax enforcement efforts.
Comparative Case
Although nongeneralizable cases cannot be extrapolated, they can be used for making
comparisons. For example, if you have an established ideal, or best practice case, you can use
nongeneralizable sample information to compare to that ideal. You might know that one U.S.
Navy platform represents best practice in a particular manning strategy. You collect data from
your best practice platform and other selected naval platforms and compare results to identify
problem areas. Although you cannot assume that the problems you identified exist across all
naval platforms, they nevertheless represent areas for improvement and might be used to develop
Sometimes, we need only establish that one case or a few cases have certain characteristics in
order to show that a significant threshold has been reached. For example, if all nuclear
installations are required to have certain security characteristics, and in our site visits to a handful
we found that not all installations had such characteristics, we might use this as evidence to
support the need for oversight improvements. A second example might be a proposed change to
a tax form shown to a group of paid tax preparers who, in discussion, indicated that they did not
understand the change. You could reasonably conclude that if paid tax preparers do not
understand the change, the average citizen is unlikely to understand it.
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Selecting a Sample of Nongeneralizable Cases - Revised January 2014 7
The rationale for case selection should be described in the report’s OSM section. Whether the
description is in a technical appendix, the introductory OSM, or both, it should be complete
enough and technically accurate so as to demonstrate to readers why the particular cases were
selected. The description should contain the following four elements.
1. A Description of the Sampling Strategy and Criteria Used to Make Case Selections
This description should show how the sampling strategy and the criteria used to make case
selections relate to the research questions. The description should also include, to the extent it is
appropriate, mentions of methods, information sources, and alternative sampling approaches that
were considered but not used.
2. A Clear Definition of the Target Population and Study Population
Include information on the size of the target population and relevant strata, if applicable—for
example, “we reviewed 10 of the 20 installations where personnel records are retained.” The
target population is the larger group from which the study population is drawn, about which the
researcher would like to make statements. The study population consists of members of the
target population for whom adequate records exist and who are accessible to the researcher.
Descriptions of these populations should include whether cases were drawn from an available list
or a list GAO developed.
3. A Description of Limitations
The description of limitations includes those related to nongeneralizable samples in general and
to the particular sampling strategy, criteria, or case lists used to select cases, and the reliability
and validity of the evidence developed from the review. The following note on the primary
limitation of a nongeneralizable sample should be included: “Results from nongeneralizable
samples cannot be used to make inferences about a population.”
4. Disclosure That a Requester Suggested One or More Cases or Locations for Review
This disclosure should be included if it is applicable, along with a note as to whether the
requested cases fit within the chosen sampling strategy and criteria. (See ARM guidance,
Handling Requester's Suggestions for Locations or Items to Test). Appendix II has examples of
report language describing case selection.
APPENDIX I GAO internal guidance/resource – 7/17/17
Selecting a Sample of Nongeneralizable Cases - Revised January 2014 8
This appendix describes various approaches teams might use in selecting cases. In general,
nongeneralizable sampling strategies are purposeful sampling strategies rather than probability
sampling strategies—that is, the sampling strategy seeks to select cases in which GAO can gain
deeper insight to answer researchable questions. Background work should be conducted to
identify the cases, or the types of cases, that are most useful to the engagement.
More than one purpose or criterion may be used in making selections, and in some situations,
sampling strategies can be combined. No one approach is better than another. The best choice is
determined by the requirements of the research objective. Note that a limitation common to all
strategies is that they will not allow you to generalize findings to the larger population. Table 1
lists nonprobability sampling techniques for selecting cases for a purposeful sample.
Table 1: Nonprobability Sampling Techniques for Selecting Cases for a Nongeneralizable
(or Purposeful) Sample
Strategy Description Example Some strengths Some limitations
A relatively small number
of cases is selected to be
illustrative of program
operations under a
variety of conditions.
1. Three cases might be
selected to ensure some
variation in size of
facilities, U.S. regions,
incidence of reported
problems, and old versus
new operating
2. To study passport and
visa inspections at U.S.
air, land, and sea ports,
we might select ports
that vary in the number
of border entries and the
number of fraudulent
documents detected.
Can help in
interpreting other
data; can provide
anecdotes and
illustrations about
operations under a
variety of
conditions. Many
permutations of
cases could
provide some
variety in the
conditions under
which programs
operate. Does not
require a complete
population list.
Data collected are
anecdotal and while
we report the results
we find- firmer
conclusions could
only be drawn
through the use of
more rigorous data
methods. Cannot
provide many
insights into the
effects of any one
set of conditions.
APPENDIX I GAO internal guidance/resource – 7/17/17
Selecting a Sample of Nongeneralizable Cases - Revised January 2014 9
Strategy Description Example Some strengths Some limitations
This is a specific type of
purposeful sampling.
Cases are selected from
within major subgroups,
or strata, of the
population, to capture
major variations,
although commonalities
may emerge when data
are analyzed.
1. In a study of
differences in
management structures
of local housing
authorities of various
sizes, you might select a
few small, a few medium,
and a few large
2. In a study of Federal
Emergency Management
Agency grants for flood
zone management, you
might select local
governments in a variety
of geographic areas, of
various sizes, and with a
range of problems with
Allows you to make
between different
subgroups of a
population and to
discuss issues
each subgroup
faces. You need
not have a
population list.
Increasing the
number of criteria, or
strata, you want to
consider can quickly
increase the number
of cases you need to
Intense case
sampling, or
or maximum
As in stratified purposeful
sampling, cases are
chosen that have the
greatest variation on key
factors in order to
describe central themes
that emerge across
cases with great
Developing a
matrix of cases and their
characteristics can be
useful for identifying how
they differ and selecting
which to include in your
For a report on the
effects of major wildfires,
you might identify fires
that burned numerous
ecosystems, affected a
wide variety of natural
resources, and involved
multiple federal and state
Heterogeneity in
small samples can
be a difficulty for
other sampling
Maximum variation
overcomes this
limitation, since
themes emerging
across cases
capture the core
experiences of a
Allows you to a
describe the
context of the
issues and
interactions of
multiple factors.
May be less
resource intensive;
it is like a one-stop-
shop for
information. Does
not require a
population list
Does not allow you
to know whether
factors individually
have the same effect
as they do in
APPENDIX I GAO internal guidance/resource – 7/17/17
Selecting a Sample of Nongeneralizable Cases - Revised January 2014 10
Strategy Description Example Some strengths Some limitations
Cases are selected that
are most easily and
quickly accessed.
In studying the impact of
wildfires on water quality,
you might interview
attendees at a national
conference of
hydrologists rather than
contacting experts one
by one at their offices.
Often requires
fewer resources
since little
preparation is
required. Does not
require a complete
population list.
The sample
represents only one
segment of the
population; the bias
this introduces
cannot be
May not be the most
useful strategy to
answer the
sampling (aka
Cases are selected
because they are unique
or rare in a population
(Three Mile Island,
Hurricane Katrina) and of
great interest for
illustrating a success or
problem that probably
affects all sites or calls
into question a generally
accepted assertion. The
question might be: What
is happening and why?
A type of criterion
sampling—sampling all
cases that meet a
predetermined criterion
of importance—such as
sampling all cases that
exceeded an expected
timeliness standard to
determine why they
exceeded it. Can be
useful for reviewing
program management or
management information
In studying major failures
of nuclear reactors, you
would have few choices
but to study Three Mile
To see whether federal
policies caused problems
in port operations, GAO
examined the Port of
New York, which is
diverse and has a high
work volume. Problems
would be likely to show
up at this site and at
others; if no problems
were observed at the
Port of New York,
problems were unlikely at
other sites.
May be useful if
resources are
constrained and
only one or a few
cases can be
May allow you to
conclude that a
success, or
understanding that
occurred in cases
you collected data
from is highly likely
to occur
The biggest pitfall in
is insufficient
specification of the
client’s question—
that is, the approach
will not allow you to
meet your client’s
needs if the
question seeks to
understand the
phenomenon beyond
a particular case.
Expert referral Cases are selected by
asking one or more
experts to list cases that
meet the criteria for the
population being studied.
It is important to
document that the
“experts” truly are
experts in their
professional capacity.
In studying the use of
federal transportation
funds in state mass
transit projects, you
might ask state and
national transportation
policy experts to
recommend specific
Helpful when you
are unfamiliar with
a topic and can
save time in
identifying cases
that are
appropriate to the
subject area. Does
not require a
population list.
The resulting group
of cases is subject to
the experts’ biases,
which are practically
impossible to define.
The approach is only
as objective as your
instructions to the
experts and the
experts’ awareness
of their own biases.
Best or Worst
Case Sampling
(aka Extreme
Cases are selected that
are information rich,
because they are
unusual or special in
representing extremes,
outliers, or atypical
cases—the best (largest,
most expensive, most
Best case approach: In
studying the
effectiveness of
community programs to
reduce handgun
violence, you might
select the five programs
that led to the greatest
The best case
approach allows
you to make
statements about
possible success,
giving an upper
bound to the issue
or providing a best-
An engagement can
include both best
and worst cases but
their use will not
allow you to make
statements about
typical cases or the
ranges of cases. If
APPENDIX I GAO internal guidance/resource – 7/17/17
Selecting a Sample of Nongeneralizable Cases - Revised January 2014 11
Strategy Description Example Some strengths Some limitations
efficient, oldest) or worst
(smallest, least
expensive, least efficient,
youngest) instances of a
particular phenomenon.
An engagement may
include both best and
worst cases, which is
referred to as bracketing.
A similar type of
sampling approach is
Intensity sampling; it
follows the same logic
but instead of focusing
on extreme cases, it
selects those that
manifest the
characteristic intensely
but are not so unusual as
to distort the
phenomenon of interest.
Background work should
explore the nature of the
cases and identify those
that well represent the
drop in firearm fatalities.
“In Search of Excellence”
identified companies that
a group of industry
observers considered
innovative and
Worst case approach: In
investigating errors in
Medicare claims
processing, you might
select medical
institutions with
particularly high rates of
fraud. “When Battered
Women Kill” examined
the most extreme cases
of domestic violence to
illustrate this issue.
Often forensic audits are
designed to detect and
identify fraud. In this
regard, an appropriate
certified fraud examiner
(CFE) approach is to
select cases in a manner
that will maximize fraud
identification. Without
proper context, this
approach to selecting
cases may appear to be
“cherry picking” the worst
examples; however, it
may, in fact, be
necessary to target the
selections in this way to
facilitate investigation,
illuminate control
limitations, and eliminate
illegal activity. Because
of potential issues about
balance/bias, we should
provide appropriate
overall context for any
fraud findings and
assessments to ensure
that the reader does not
mistakenly conclude that
the selected cases are
more prevalent than they
case scenario. It
also increases the
likelihood that you
will notice potential
The worst case
approach allows
you to make
statements about
possible problems,
giving a lower
bound to the issue
or providing a
scenario. It will
also allow you to
make statements
about why a case
is not successful.
you select only best
cases, you will not
be allowed to say
anything about worst
cases; if only worst
cases, you will not
be allowed to say
anything about best
cases. Extreme
cases may be
discredited as too
unusual to produce
useful data (intensity
sampling or another
Approach may work
When a sample has
been drawn to
maximize the
chances of finding
something such as
fraud, we need to be
clear that the extent
of the instances in
the sample do not
reflect the extent of
those in the larger,
APPENDIX I GAO internal guidance/resource – 7/17/17
Selecting a Sample of Nongeneralizable Cases - Revised January 2014 12
Strategy Description Example Some strengths Some limitations
Used when the unit of
analysis is a person.
Beginning with an initial
list of cases, ask each
person to refer you to
additional persons. The
group of referred cases
(or “snowball”) grows
larger and then narrows
as a group of individuals
are identified frequently.
This group becomes the
cases from which you will
collect data.
In studying access to
public services for
homeless families, you
might identify an initial
group of families at a
homeless shelter and
then ask them to refer
you to other families.
Might be the only
way to obtain
information about a
population that is
difficult to track
down. Since all
group members
are related in some
way, you can study
their relationships
and interactions.
Does not require a
population list.
It is practically
impossible to
determine the portion
of the population
represented by your
Typical case
Cases are chosen that
represent the typical
instance of a particular
phenomenon. Can help
profile a program or
policy. You can identify
cases from many
sources—agency staff,
key stakeholders, survey
or statistical data (using
frequency distributions).
It is important to ensure
buy-in on what defines
In studying the
implementation of
welfare reform, you might
select states with close
to the median per capita
amount on welfare
Allows you to
describe issues
facing the typical
case chosen or
about the most
likely situation.
Does not allow you
to say anything
about the best or
worst case or the
range of cases.
Source: GAO.
Michael Quinn Patton, Qualitative Research and Evaluation, 3rd ed. (Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications,
2002), pp. 230–42.
APPENDIX I GAO internal guidance/resource – 7/17/17
Selecting a Sample of Nongeneralizable Cases - Revised January 2014 13
Table 2 shows two probability sampling strategies that can be used to select cases for a
nongeneralizable sample. Although these are probability sampling strategies, when only using
them to draw small samples, the sample size usually does not allow you to generalize to the
larger population.
Table 2: Probability Sampling Techniques for Selecting Cases for a Nongeneralizable
Strategy Description Example Some strengths Some limitations
Simple random
Every case in the
population has an
equal chance of
being selected.
In assessing the internal
controls of an agency’s
inventory system, you
might randomly select
storage facilities to visit
to perform completeness
and accuracy tests of on-
hand items to the
database inventory.
Allows you to select
cases while ensuring
there is no selection
bias. Useful if you
have no
characteristics or
basis on which to
choose another
approach and have
no time to screen
cases to identify
others better suited
to your job.
Does not ensure that
specific types of
cases are selected
and, thus, does not
allow you to say
anything about
cases with particular
Requires you to
have a list of the
population from
which to select
Cases are chosen
according to a
strategy (e.g.,
every X case),
which could include
1. To determine whether
agency grant award files
contain required
documentation, you
select every X
file (as
listed in the grant award
database) for review.
With stratification, you
select every X
file from
each regional office.
2. To gather opinions of
visitors to the National
Mall, you ask every 5th
passerby to complete an
interview. With
stratification, this could
include, for example,
every 5th man and
woman passing by.
Ensures selection
from the range of
possible cases
throughout the
population. Can be
used when you have
no list of cases from
the population.
May result in a
biased sample if
systematic patterns
correspond to your
selection strategy.
Source: GAO.
APPENDIX II GAO internal guidance/resource – 7/17/17
Selecting a Sample of Nongeneralizable Cases - Revised January 2014 14
After considering the steps described in this guidance, staff should describe in their report how
case selection was made. This appendix gives five examples.
1. We chose the four locations—Louisville, Kentucky; seven counties in New Jersey;
Memphis, Tennessee; and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania—because all four appeared to be
among the best implemented, most consistently applied, most mature programs in the
country. They also offered geographic diversity and were willing to be part of the study,
which involved altering their internal processes and procedures somewhat to
accommodate the design. By including four locations that were among the best
implemented, the evaluation was poised to determine whether family preservation
services can be more effective than “regular” services when they are well implemented.
In other words, the chances of seeing program success was deliberately increased.
2. To gain a balance of views from states, we selected a nongeneralizable sample of 10
states—the 5 states that had the most sites proposed to the NPL in the past 5 years
(California, Florida, New Jersey, New York, and Texas) and the 5 states that had no sites
proposed in the past 10 years (Arizona, Delaware, Nevada, North Dakota, and
Wyoming). This sample does not represent the views of the states that did not fall into
either group.
3. To learn more about the Department of State’s public affairs operations, we visited U.S.
embassies in Cairo, Guatemala City, and London. This ensured that we visited posts that
had relatively large, medium, and small public affairs staffs and covered several major
regions of the world. While the sample allowed us to learn about many important aspects
of, and variations in, the department’s public affairs operations, it was designed to
provide anecdotal information, not findings that would be representative of all the
department’s more than 200 posts worldwide.
4. To evaluate the extent to which policy guidance was applied at selected sites, we
analyzed the permit records and other documentation of six selected park units that we
visited, and we interviewed Park Service headquarters, regional, and park unit officials.
We selected these park units because, during fiscal year 2003, they had issued the
greatest number of special event and filming and still photography permits in the six Park
Service regions within the continental United States. Because we used a
nongeneralizable sample to select the units that had issued the greatest number of permits
in fiscal year 2003, our findings cannot be used to make inferences about other park
service units. However, we determined that the selection of these sites was appropriate
for our design and objectives and that the selection would generate valid and reliable
evidence to support our work.
5. We used a purposeful stratified sampling procedure in which we intentionally chose to
interview people with particular characteristics to capture both common core experiences
and important variations among those with differing characteristics. We identified the
APPENDIX II GAO internal guidance/resource – 7/17/17
Selecting a Sample of Nongeneralizable Cases - Revised January 2014 15
states in which victims resided before the hurricane (Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi,
and Texas) and whether they received HUD housing assistance before the hurricane as
two characteristics that would influence victims’ needs and their experience finding
housing. When using a nonprobability sample, like a purposeful stratified sample, it is
important to be resource efficient in data collection but also to simultaneously collect
enough data to ensure saturation, or repetition, in the information obtained.
we initially planned to collect data from 48 victims—24 who had received public housing
assistance before the storm and 24 who had not—and, within both groups of 24, from an
equal number of participants from the four states (see table 1).
Table 1: Number of Completed Interviews with Hurricane Katrina Victims
HUD housing assistance before the disaste
Number who received Number who did not receive
Alabama 2 6
Louisiana 8 6
Mississippi 8 7
Texas 0 1
Source: GAO.
Note: We attempted to complete 6 interviews per table cell.
We identified victims by word of mouth and from HUD and FEMA disaster assistance
lists. Names and contact information for victims identified by word of mouth were
provided to us by organizations working directly with victims, such as churches and
nonprofit organizations, and by other victims. A list that HUD provided us as of July 14,
2006, was our primary means of identifying victims who received HUD housing
assistance before the hurricane. FEMA provided us a list as of July 20, 2006. After
eliminating cases that had no telephone numbers, we systematically selected victims’
names from the agencies’ lists.
We contacted victims and asked them to participate in our telephone interview,
which lasted approximately 60 to 90 minutes. If a victim could not be reached,
declined, or was not available at the scheduled interview time, we eliminated the
name from our contact list. We completed 38 interviews with disaster victims. We
contacted approximately 323 victims to request their participation. Demographic
information on the victims we interviewed appears in table 2.
Janice M. Morse, “Designing Funded Qualitative Research,” in Norman K. Denzin and Yvonna S. Lincoln, eds.,
Handbook of Qualitative Research (Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1994), pp. 220–34; Patton,
Qualitative Research and Evaluation Methods, 3rd ed., pp. 245–46.
APPENDIX II GAO internal guidance/resource – 7/17/17
Selecting a Sample of Nongeneralizable Cases - Revised January 2014 16
Table 2: Self-Reported Demographic Data on Disaster Victims Interviewed
Demographic element Years Number
Average 49
Range 22–72
Refused 1
Black or African American 26
White 9
American Indian or Alaska Native 2
Hispanic or Latino 1
Asian 0
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 0
Renter 25
Owner 13
Source: GAO.
Results from nonprobability samples cannot be used to make inferences about a population,
because in a nonprobability sample, some elements of the population have no chance or an
unknown chance of being selected as part of the sample. Our findings cannot be generalized to
all victims of Hurricane Katrina, but when coupled with results of our group of experts,
interviews with agency officials, and housing advocates, they do provide useful insight into the
experiences and needs of victims of this disaster.
APPENDIX III GAO internal guidance/resource – 7/17/17
Selecting a Sample of Nongeneralizable Cases - Revised January 2014 17
Prepared by: Type name here Index: Type bundle index here
Date Prepared: Type date here DOC Number: Type document number here
Reviewed by: Type reviewer name here DOC Library: Type library name here
Job Code: Type job code here
Record of Nongeneralizable Sample Decisions
Title1 Summary of nongeneralizable sample selection
decisions for (name of job)
Purpose: Document decisions and steps taken to select a nongeneralizable
Purpose of the nongeneralizable sample:
Design matrix questions the sample will help answer:
(Describe how the sample will help answer researchable questions in your design matrix. Explain why
a nongeneralizable sample is appropriate—e.g., to describe aspects of an issue, understand the context
of a problem, provide anecdotes about a problem. Consider explaining why a statistical or
generalizable sample was not appropriate.)
Data sources:
(Describe the data sources or lists from which the cases were selected. If it is appropriate, discuss data
reliability issues. If appropriate, attach with the data sources or lists a spreadsheet that clearly indicates
which cases were selected and which were not.)
Sampling strategy:
(Describe the strategy used—e.g., a convenience or intense case strategy. Appendix I of ARM’s guidance on
selecting nongeneralizable samples lists selection strategies to consider.)
Cases selected and criteria for selection:
Approximate number of cases in population ____
Number of cases selected _____
(Provide the rationale for the number of cases selected.)
List cases selected:
(Provide the criteria for the cases selected and reasons why other plausible candidates were rejected.)
Strengths and limitations of the case selection strategy:
(A limitation common to all strategies is that they cannot be used to generalize findings to a larger
population. Appendix I of ARM’s guidance on selecting nongeneralizable samples gives other examples of
strengths and weaknesses.)