University Access Control
Policy Number 3-105.1
Responsible Authority Assistant Vice President for Facilities Operations; Associate Vice
President for Public Safety and Chief of Police
Initiating Authority Sr. Vice President for Administration & Finance & CFO, and Vice
President for Administrative Operations
Effective Date 5/6/2022
Date of Origin 12/7/2017
This policy applies to anyone issued or authorized to access secured university spaces on all
university campuses via physical keys or electronic access card, included but not limited to
university employees, students, and contractors working on campus.
This policy excludes student room keys and electronic card access issued by Housing and
Residence Life.
The University of Central Florida strives to provide appropriate security to university spaces
through access management and control. This policy prescribes the offices responsible for
access control and provides procedures for providing access to employees, students, and
contractors working on campus. Access Control is managed by the Division of Administration
and Finance. Electronic Access Control follows a single, unified approach, using only the
university approved Electronic Access Control System(s), administered by the Department of
Security. Physical key control is administered by Facilities & Business Operations (F&BO).
The Department of Security is responsible for the installation, maintenance, modification, and
administration of the university approved Electronic Access Control System in university
facilities. Disparate access control systems may continue to be utilized for existing doors, but
cannot be added, expanded, or replaced without written authorization from the Department of
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Electronic access should be used as a primary means of entry, where available. Spaces on
electronic card access control must only be able to be opened by GGM or Building Master.
UCF Cards are the only cards authorized for electronic card access to buildings and rooms on
campus. Any exceptions must be approved in writing by the Department of Security. Employees
may be issued physical keys to access their workspaces. The university strongly advises
against the issuance of physical keys to students, however, should a department require this,
the request should be submitted through the online key request system. Keys will not be issued
to volunteers. F&BO will process all physical key requests, transfers, replacements, and returns.
An electronic access card holder or physical key holder may not give away, loan, or swap
access cards or physical keys, and must immediately notify their supervisor if an access card or
physical key is lost or stolen. Lost or stolen Building Sub-Master, Building Master or GGM keys
will not be replaced until a report has been filed with the UCF Police Department. Upon
separation from the university, electronic access will be terminated, and employees must return
all university physical keys to their University Access Control Representative (UACR).
The Department of Security will ensure all new electronic access control hardware utilizes the
university’s approved electronic access control system and is purchased from the university’s
contracted vendor. Other access control systems may continue to be used for existing doors
but cannot be expanded or replaced without authorization from the Department of Security. New
electronic access control systems that do not use the university’s approved system are
prohibited, unless approved by the Department of Security.
All doors with electronic access control must also be on the university physical key system and
be accessible only by the Building Master or GGM, unless approved by the director of Security
Management, AVP of FO, and the director of Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S).
Doors which protect critical infrastructure, as identified by the Department of Security, F&BO,
and UCF IT, will require electronic access with two-factor authentication (such as requiring card
and PIN) for entry, unless the installed hardware does not support it. All electronic access
control hardware that does not protect critical infrastructure, as determined by the Department
of Security, may be configured to require “card only” authentication or two-factor authentication.
Modifications to existing buildings or rooms that might result in adding or moving entrances
must be reviewed by the Department of Security to determine whether electronic access control
should be added, modified, or removed.
Only the FO Lock Shop (Lock Shop) may duplicate university physical keys or install/maintain
mechanical locking hardware to university spaces. Any other method of key duplication, lock
installation or rekeying is prohibited.
Individual Responsibilities
Whenever possible, individuals should access buildings and rooms using electronic access.
Physical key should only be used in emergency situations. No self-closing doors should ever be
propped open to bypass the access control. Upon accessing a controlled space, the individual
must recognize the current state of the lock and ensure the lock is in the same state upon
exiting. If a sensitive controlled space is found to be in an unlocked state, the individual must
secure the space and report the incident to the building liaison.
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The UACR must regularly monitor and periodically inspect the electronic access control
hardware in their building(s) and report any issues to the Department of Security. Individual
users must immediately notify the Department of Security if a door and/or system is not
functioning as intended.
Individuals with electronic access shall not share their physical keys, access cards, and/or PINs
with any other individual.
Individuals who lose their UCF Card must immediately report it to their supervisor and the
Non-University Locks
No locks may be installed on a university building or property without an approved Non-
University Lock Approval Form from AVP of FO and being added to the University Key System.
Locks installed without an approved form will be removed at the department's expense.
Prohibited Actions
Actions violating this policy include, but are not limited to:
Loaning a university physical key or electronic access card to another individual
Obtaining and issuing a physical key or electronic access card without authorization
Duplicating or attempting to duplicate physical keys or electronic access cards
Damaging, tampering, vandalizing, altering, or modifying university access devices,
hardware, locks, or other access mechanisms
Installing or causing to be installed an unauthorized locking mechanism on university
spaces (e.g., offices, labs, etc.)
Propping doors open to avoid the use of access devices
Admitting unauthorized person(s) into a building
Failing to return a physical key when requested by FO, the UACR, or upon leaving
employment with the university
Failing to report missing physical keys or electronic access cards
Failing to return a Building Master or GGM key within the 12-hour curfew
Violations of this policy may result in the loss of electronic card access privileges and/or
physical key issuance, charges for lost physical keys or for rekeying areas and buildings.
Individuals determined to have violated this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, up to
and including termination. Contractors who violate this policy may lose access to a space, the
campus, or the university may sever the business relationship.
Building Master Key. A physical key that accesses any lockset, with the exception of
mechanical/electrical, telecom, and roof locks, in a specific building.
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Building Sub-Master Key. A physical key that accesses a lockset in an area/suite within a
specific building. Includes the Suite Master Key.
Critical Infrastructure. Assets, systems, and networks, whether physical or virtual, that are
essential to the university, and are so vital that their incapacitation could cause significant
disruption or harm to people, property, and university operations. Examples of critical
infrastructure include, but are not limited to: the water and wastewater supply, electrical power
transmission and distribution, chilled water, natural gas distribution, telecommunications, and
information technology, as well as rooms or areas containing mechanical, electrical, telecom,
utility, and elevator control equipment.
Electronic Access Card. UCF-issued access card that allows entry to one or more university
buildings and/or rooms.
Electronic Access Control. Selective restriction of access to buildings or rooms using
authentication methods including, but not limited to, identification cards, personal identification
numbers, and biometrics.
Electronic Access Control Hardware. The physical equipment required to facilitate electronic
Electronic Access Control System. The software used for electronic access to buildings and
Electrical or Mechanical Room Key. A physical key that accesses electrical and mechanical
Great Grand Master (GGM) Key. The highest level of physical key in the university physical
keying system, allowing unlimited access to all spaces on the university physical key system.
Janitor Key. A physical key that accesses janitorial rooms.
Leased Space Key Representative. A non-UCF employee occupying a UCF owned space via
a lease agreement who manages the key request process and maintains key records for the
non-UCF entity under a UCF sponsored account.
Loaning. Temporarily allowing a key or Electronic Access Card that is assigned to a specific
employee, or that can be accessed by that employee in a physical key security box, to be used
by another individual.
Physical Key. A piece of shaped metal that is inserted into a lock to open or close the locking
Room (Space) Key. A physical key that accesses a specific room within a university building.
Sponsored Account. The method by which a full-time UCF employee can provide a non-UCF
individual/company a UCF Network ID (NID) to obtain access to applicable UCF systems for a
defined period of time.
Suite. A set of connected rooms, serviced by a common locked entrance.
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UCF Card. The official identification card used to identify an employee or student’s affiliation
with the university, used for electronic access.
University Access Control. The physical or electronic lock system owned by UCF.
University Access Control Representative (UACR). An A&P or USPS employee who
manages physical key requests and electronic card access for a specific department, unit, or
building, and maintains key records for their department or area. UACRs are appointed by a
dean, director, or chair, through a written request to Facilities Operations (FO). For electronic
card access provisioning privileges, the UACR must be approved by the Department of Security
and successfully complete the required training. A list of current UACRs is posted at
1. Approvals
Different access types provide varying levels of entry to university spaces and, therefore,
require different levels of approval. The approval paths for each access type are as follows:
Access Type UACR
Lock Shop or
Facilities Asset
IT Telecom
AVP of FO, or
Chief of Police
Great Grand
Master (GGM)
Building Master X X X X
Building Sub-
Master (Suite)
Janitor X X X X
Telecom X X X X X
*Approval required for physical key issuance only.
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NOTE: Individuals should only be granted access to buildings and rooms required for them to
perform their daily job functions.
2. Access Requests
a. Electronic Access Requests
Departments will develop an internal procedure to document and manage adding,
modifying, or removing electronic access within their area(s), including delineating the
responsibilities of requestors, the UACR, and departmental approvers.
The requestor will submit a request to the UACR, who will obtain all necessary
approvals. The UACR will then add, remove, or modify the individual’s electronic
access. UACRs may not grant access to rooms managed by other units.
All UACRs requiring access to the electronic access control software are required to
attend formal training, facilitated by the Department of Security, before receiving access.
The appropriate F&BO department must approve electronic access requests for master
access or access to mechanical rooms, utility corridors, utility generation facilities,
electrical rooms, elevator control rooms, rooms that are not accessible using a university
key GGM, etc. UCF IT must approve requests for telecommunications equipment rooms.
Electronic access to all other spaces is managed and approved at the department level.
b. Physical Key Requests
Persons requesting a new or replacement physical key will submit a request to their
UACR, who will submit it through the online key request system, along with the
appropriate documentation.
In order to be issued access to a GGM, Electrical, or Mechanical key, the person for
whom the key is being requested must complete EHS training course 690, Electrical and
Mechanical Room Safety at UCF, and submit the certificate of completion to his or her
Contractors requiring keys must submit a Key Request Letter to the university contact
managing the project, who will then forward to the appropriate UACR for approval, in
accordance with the chart below. The UACR may grant access to contractors on either
an annual or project-specific basis. Access may not be granted for longer than one
calendar year. Approved Key Request Letters will be kept on file in the Facilities
Resource Center (FRC).
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Physical Key
Physical Key Request Type
Elevator, Fire Alarm X GGM
Utilities, Architects,
MEP Engineers,
General Contractors,
GGM, Building Master,
Mechanical, Electrical, Roof
Continuing Services
Contractors (CSC)
Building Master,
Non-CSC contractors X
Building Master,
3. Electronic Access Issuance
UACRs must perform an annual review of all individuals with electronic access to their buildings
and rooms and update as necessary. The results of the review should be maintained by the unit
and provided to the Department of Security upon request.
Authorized F&BO employees will be given electronic access to all the areas in which they
perform their job functions. Authorized IT employees will be given access to any
telecommunications rooms with electronic access. Once an individual is approved for GGM
access through the online key request system, corresponding GGM electronic card access will
be provisioned.
Doors configured to follow a time schedule will also be configured to follow the university’s
holiday schedule, to remain secured when the university is closed. Doors can also be
configured to remain secured during an emergency closure. The Department of Security will
grant electronic access to first responders and other individuals, as required.
UACRs must revoke an individual’s access to buildings immediately upon termination. When an
employee transfers to a different department, the need for continued access must be evaluated
and modified as appropriate. If a UCF Card is lost, all access levels must be immediately
removed until a replacement card is issued.
The Department of Security is the official custodian of all access control records. Any external or
public record requests for access control data should be immediately forwarded to the
Department of Security.
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4. Electronic Access Control Hardware Installation and Maintenance
Requests to add electronic access control hardware to existing buildings and rooms shall be
initiated by contacting the Department of Security. Upon approval, the requesting department
will submit a Minor Project request through Facilities Planning & Construction (FP&C). Existing
classrooms, teaching and research laboratories, conference rooms, or common rooms with
high-valued computer equipment or technology, as determined by the Department of Security,
will require electronic access control hardware should the room undergo a Minor Project through
FP&C. The unit or department installing the electronic access control hardware shall be
financially responsible for installation.
All new construction will be evaluated by the Department of Security during the design phase, to
determine where electronic access control will be installed and what hardware is required. The
project will fund electronic access control for exterior doors, critical infrastructure, suite entry
doors, classrooms, laboratories, conference rooms, rooms with high-value items, and secure
storage areas. All access control installations will adhere to the most recently published UCF
construction standards.
5. Physical Key Issuance
All physical keys are engraved with a code to identify the key holder and type of key. Only one
key will be issued to each person for each space. Multiple keys must be requested individually,
and a separate Key Request Form must be filled out for each person requesting keys. For
suites with more than 24 doors, a maximum of two Building Sub-Master (Suite) keys will be
issued to individuals; any additional requested Suite keys must be housed in a key security box.
Additional Suite keys are only allowed for suites with 24 doors or less.
The key must be picked up in person at the FRC, located in F&BO (Building 16A), within 30
days of notification that the key is ready. If the person to whom the key is assigned is unable to
retrieve the key, a representative from their unit may pick it up by providing his/her name and
employee ID number. Keys not picked up within 30 days will be returned to the Lock Shop, and
a new Key Request Form must be submitted. Keys are billed when the Lock Shop processes
the Key Request Form; therefore, additional charges will be incurred for new key requests.
Room and Suite Master keys for non-UCF entities who are leasing UCF space will be issued to
an appointed Leased Space Key Representative, using a Sponsored Account. The
Representative will be responsible for managing key assignments and complying with all
inventory requests.
GGM and Building Master keys are issued to key security boxes via a work order, not
individuals. Approved individuals may check out a GGM or Building Master key from a
designated key security box during their work shift. Anyone authorized to use a GGM, or
Building Master key must exercise extreme vigilance in protecting it at all times. Employees and
contractors who have been approved to use a GGM or Building Master key will be assigned a
key security box location from which to access the appropriate key. GGM keys may not be
taken off campus. Any exception for issuance of a Building Master key to an individual must be
approved in writing by the AVP of FO.
When contractors report to the FRC to obtain keys, they will be required to show a picture ID,
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and FRC will retrieve the appropriate key(s) for the contractor. For satellite campuses, an
electronic access card will be provided to each approved individual listed on the Key Request
Letter for the duration of the project that will allow the individual access to the key security box
at the satellite campus. If a project’s timeline is extended, the contractor may request extended
access by updating the original Key Request Letter and submitting through the UCF
representative. However, if the initial access period has already expired, or if it’s going to
extend past a year, the contractor must submit a new Key Request Letter.
All Building Master, Electrical, Mechanical, Roof, and Great Grand Master keys must be
returned to the FRC within 12 hours of checkout.
Employees within the UCF Police Department who are authorized to remove a GGM key from
campus or authorized to override the 12-hour curfew must have an approved GGM Exception
6. Key Transfers and Returns
To transfer a physical room key to another individual, the original key must be returned to the
UACR. The UACR will fill out the Key Transfer Request Form and submit it, along with the
physical key(s), to the FRC. Only room keys may be transferred; all other keys require additional
approval. Key transfers should only occur when there is an immediate recipient; otherwise, the
UACR must complete a Key Return Form.
When a key is no longer required, it must be returned to the keyholder’s UACR, who will
complete a Key Return Form and submit it, along with the key, to FRC. This will facilitate the
key being removed from the individual’s university records. Failure to return a key upon
separation from the university may result in departmental charges, if a rekey of the space is
deemed necessary by the AVP of FO or the Chief of Police.
7. Rekeying
Rekeying of locks will be requested via a work order. The cost to rekey is at the requestor or
department’s expense.
When an area requires additional security or confidentiality, a Request for Exemption from the
University Key System to rekey a door off of the campus GGM must be submitted to and
approved by the AVP of FO and the Chief of Police. The area will be put on the university
approved electronic access control system, at the department’s expense, and access must be
provided to UCF Police Department for emergency purposes.
8. Physical Key Control
With the exception of the UCF Police Department, physical key control is facilitated through the
use of a physical key control box approved by the AVP of FO. Physical key control boxes that
are not approved by the AVP of FO are prohibited. If unapproved key control boxes are found,
they will be removed at the department’s expense.
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Departments requiring a key control box must purchase the box through F&BO, through a
chargeable work order. The department will also be responsible for permitting fees, material and
installation charges, ongoing administrative fees, licenses, and maintenance.
Key control boxes managed by departments other than F&BO that contain GGM, Building
Master, Electrical, Mechanical or Roof keys will have security measures in place to prevent the
box administrator to access these keys, unless additional approvals are obtained.
9. Key and Lock Charges
Departments are responsible for the cost of new keys, replacement keys, failure to return keys,
and rekeying of areas or buildings. The cost to rekey will be based on the actual materials and
labor required to complete the request, as set forth at
. Worn keys
will be replaced at no charge and the original key must be returned to the FRC. Keys not returned
to the FRC will be billed as lost.
10. Key Records and Audits
The Lock Shop will maintain individual key records.
Departmental key reports are available to the UACR in the University Key System.
All university keys must be returned to the UACR when an employee separates from the
university, transfers departments, changes room assignments, or upon request from the
Lock Shop.
FRC will retain copies of all active contractor Key Request Letters and will notify the
appropriate UCF representative when a contractor’s Key Request Letter is one week
from expiration.
FO will periodically perform physical inventories of keys, including departmental key
control boxes. Departments will be charged for missing keys.
Department of Security
Key Forms
Minor Project Request Form
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History: 3-105, 12/7/2017