Research on the Use of
Khan Academy in Schools
March 2014
Developed by SRI Educaon with funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundaon.
This report is based on research funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundaon. The ndings and conclusions
contained within are those of the authors and do not necessarily reect posions or policies of the Bill &
Melinda Gates Foundaon.
Suggested citaon:
Murphy, R., Gallagher, L., Krumm, A ., Mislevy, J., & Haer, A. (2014). Research on the Use of Khan Academy in
Schools. Menlo Park, CA: SRI Educaon.
SRI Internaonal
333 Ravenswood Avenue
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Phone: 650.859.2000on
Research on the Use of
Khan Academy in Schools
March 2014
Robert Murphy
Larry Gallagher
Andrew Krumm
Jessica Mislevy
Amy Haer
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
Execuve Summary iii
Introducon 1
The Evoluon of Khan Academy in Partnership with Schools 4
Emerging Models of Khan Academy Use in Schools 9
Implementaon Findings from Khan Academy Pilot Schools 21
Preliminary Findings on the Connecon Between Khan Academy Use and
Improved Teacher Pracces and Student Outcomes 31
Summary and Implicaons 41
References 44
Appendices 45
This research was made possible by the collaboraon and support of many individuals beyond the SRI
Educaon research team. First, we appreciate the willingness of the parcipang educaonal leaders, school
administrators, teachers, students, and their parents to cooperate in the research. Their connuous commitment
to improving the educaonal outcomes for all students was inspiring and made this research possible. We
also appreciate the support of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundaon and their recognion of the importance of
this area of study. Finally, we would like to acknowledge the contribuons of the leadership and sta at Khan
Academy and their valuable insights and collaboraon throughout this study.
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
What started in 2006 as a set of videos on various
math topics that Sal Khan posted on YouTube to help
tutor his school-aged cousins across the country, has
evolved into the Khan Academy online learning system
with more than 10 million unique users per month.
Since Khan Academys appearance on the Web, users
have viewed more than 365 million videos and solved
over 1.8 billion math problems.
The sheer volume of Internet trac that Khan Academy
is generang is evidence of the worldwide hunger for
quality online instrucon in primary and secondary
mathemacs, and the value that Khan Academy users
perceive in its oering of video-based lectures with
opportunies for student pracce and reports of student
progress. It is also emblemac of the recent proliferaon
of open educaonal resources and subscripon-based
online math products targeng the K–12 learning
community. Teachers around the globe now have access
to more online resources like Khan Academy than ever
before, and we can be condent that more products are
in the pipeline as the entry cost to producon declines
and the public’s access to devices with high-speed
bandwidth increases. Educaonal leaders and teachers
are hungry for informaon on the relave benets of
these products for dierent types of students, on the
factors that support more eecve use in schools, and
the costs associated with their use relave to other
In 2010 Khan Academy received major funding from
the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundaon and Google
to build out its organizaon and create addional
content. Subsequently, Khan Academy began working
with a local school district on implemenng Khan
Academy in a few classrooms. In September 2011
Execuve Summary
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundaon contracted with
SRI Internaonal to study the implementaon of
Khan Academy in a more diverse set of schools and
classrooms during school year (SY) 2011–12 and SY
2012-13. The goal of this research was to generate
informaon for school systems, school leaders, and
teachers on how Khan Academy, and by implicaon
other similar digital learning tools and resources,
could be used to support personalized math learning
(i.e., learning that tailors what is taught, when it is
taught, and how it is taught to the needs of students
working individually and with others). Such guidance
is sorely needed at a me when school administrators
and teachers are rapidly incorporang digital learning
into classroom instrucon, but oen lack the
experience needed to foresee all of the challenges
and opportunies entailed in implemenng
technology for personalized learning.
This implementaon report provides formave
informaon and ndings that are relevant to
educaonal leaders, teachers, developers, and
researchers interested in the ways that Khan Academy
and other similar digital instruconal resources may
be used in formal school sengs and the features that
may support improved teaching and learning.
Early Stage Classroom Adopon
and the Ongoing Development
of Khan Academy
Because of the early-stage, emergent nature of both
Khan Academy as a school resource and of schools’
personalized learning implementaon pracces, SRI
conducted an implementaon study rather than
an evaluaon of Khan Academy’s impact. Providing
denive evidence of the eecveness of Khan Academy
use in classrooms is not yet possible. No clearly specied,
broadly implemented protocol exists for Khan Academy
use in schools; teachers are acvely experimenng with
dierent ways to use Khan Academy resources in their
classrooms. For example, during our research, teachers
used Khan Academy as an intervenon for students
who had fallen behind their grade-level peers; as an
enrichment acvity for advanced students, allowing
them to explore topics above their grade level; as an
accountability tool allowing close monitoring of student
progress on problem sets; and as a highly integrated
supplemental pracce acvity, reinforcing skills recently
introduced in the classroom. Moreover, during the 2
years of the study, teachers in some schools signicantly
altered their use of Khan Academy as they came to learn
more about it.
Khan Academy itself also connues to evolve as it adds
to its exisng content oerings and features to support
classroom use. During the study, Khan Academy sta
worked closely with school administrators, teachers, and
students, as well as the SRI research team, to understand
how Khan Academy was being used to support teaching
and learning, and gather suggesons for ways to improve
the website for use in schools. As a digital resource for
supporng math instrucon and learning in schools, the
current version of Khan Academy diers signicantly
from the website available to teachers in fall 2011. The
content—videos and problem sets—has been expanded
to ll in gaps and to ensure coverage of the grade level
Common Core mathemacs standards (this ongoing
eort is expected to provide full coverage of the K-12
Common Core State Standards by fall 2014). System
reports have been rened to allow teachers and students
to more eecvely monitor student progress toward
selected goals. The content has been reorganized due to
the process of mapping lessons to grade-level Common
Core standards. Search features have also been added to
facilitate teachers’ idencaon of videos and problem
sets appropriate for their grade level, and to help keep
students focused on relevant topics.
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
The Research Sample
With the support of the Bill & Melinda Gates
Foundaon, Khan Academy recruited a variety of
California schools to parcipate in a two-year pilot
starng in fall 2011. The schools represented a
range of public, independent, and charter schools. In
collaboraon with Khan Academy, SRI selected 9 of the
pilot sites for its implementaon research, with the
goal of represenng diering ways that Khan Academy
could be used to support math instrucon for a range
of student types. Research sites were also selected to
represent a range of governance structures—public
school districts, charter management organizaons
(CMOs), and independent schools—as well as school
levels—elementary, middle, and high schools. A
majority of the schools served students from low-
income communies, and several elected to use Khan
Academy to support math instrucon for their students
with the greatest needs. (Appendix B provides a prole
for each of the research sites, including details about
their goals and implementaon model for Khan
Academy use.)
All study parcipants were volunteers, who could
drop out of the study at any me and for any reason.
Study sites were also given full discreon over how
and how oen they used Khan Academy in their
math instrucon; at some sites, individual teachers
decided how Khan Academy was used. As a result, the
number of years of parcipaon in the implementaon
research varied by site. Four of the sites were included
in the research for both years of the study; the other
sites parcipated for just one year. One public school
district was by far the largest of the sites parcipang
in the pilot, with 8 schools and more than 50 teachers
parcipang across the 2 years of the study.
The Data Collecon
Findings presented in this report are based on data
collected from the parcipang schools during SY
2011–12 and SY 2012-13. To collect informaon about
how Khan Academy was being used and its potenal
benets, SRI researchers visited schools, districts, and
CMOs; made classroom observaons; interviewed
organizaon and school leaders as well as teachers,
parents, and students; conducted teacher and student
surveys; and analyzed students’ user log les over the
school year. When appropriate, we present ndings
from our analysis of student outcomes—scores on
standardized achievement tests and atudes toward
and interests in math, from sites where they were
available—and examine the associaon between
levels of Khan Academy use and these outcomes.
Use of Khan Academy in
Research sites varied considerably in how they used Khan
Academy during the 2 school years, but all sites used it to
support a blended learning model; that is, in conjuncon
with teacher-led direct instrucon.
In theory, Khan
Academy could be used as the core or only curriculum
resource for math instrucon, with each student
working independently. However, with the excepon
of one site in SY 2012-13, schools and classrooms in
the implementaon research study did not choose that
approach. Instead, Khan Academy was used primarily as a
supplemental resource to support teacher-led instrucon.
Typically, teachers assigned Khan Academy problem sets
to give their students pracce and immediate feedback
on recently learned skills or to ll knowledge gaps. Even
though Khan Academy is primarily known for its video
library and has been associated with the “ipped”
For classicaons of common blended learning models see the 2013
Christensen Instute report, Is K–12 Blended Learning Disrupve? (hp://
classroom model (i.e., teachers assign videos on new
concepts for students to watch for homework and use
class me to extend the video lectures with discussion
and interacve acvies), teachers parcipang in the
research were more focused on exploring how online,
personalized pracce opportunies for students could be
incorporated into their exisng instruconal acvies. In
most cases, when students used the videos, they did so in
class to review concepts as they worked through the Khan
Academy problem sets. Few teachers used the videos in
their lessons to introduce new concepts and skills.
Although most of the variaon in Khan Academy use
occurred among dierent sites and schools, we also
observed signicant variaon within schools and even
for individual teachers over me, both within a school
year and across school years. Use varied as pilot
schools and teachers learned what Khan Academy had
to oer and how best to use it to support the kind of
teaching and learning they wanted for their students.
Inuence of Formal Learning
In the formal learning environment of schools, the
curriculum is governed by grade-level content standards
and pacing guides aligned with state tesng schedules,
and teachers are expected to be the primary source
of math instrucon. Khan Academy was not inially
designed with this type of learning environment in mind,
but it has since been built out and connues to evolve,
adding features that facilitate classroom use. It should be
remembered, however, that the overwhelming majority
of Khan Academy’s millions of users around the globe
are self-iniated learners, both children and adults, who
are using Khan Academy outside schools for a variety of
purposes; these users rely on Khan Academy, parcularly
the video tutorials, as a key source of instrucon. The
number of Khan Academy users within formal school
sengs, although growing, represents only a very small
fracon of the overall user base. Thus, because our report
focuses on the impact of Khan Academy on schools as
part of their formal instrucon, it does not represent the
acvies of the broader, informal user populaon.
A set of factors operang on and within public school
systems constrains how the average teacher is likely
to use instruconal resources like Khan Academy—
resources that were designed to support self-directed
and self-paced learning. In the public and charter schools
parcipang in the study, curriculum and instrucon are
shaped largely by grade-level state content standards,
state accountability systems, and an age-based student
promoon policy. Whereas teachers may be willing and
encouraged by school leaders to experiment with self-
paced instrucon and dierent resources to supplement
their classroom instrucon, in this environment most
feel compelled to follow pacing guides and deliver the
core math instrucon themselves to make certain all
their students are exposed to (and, they hope, master)
the grade-level content standards that will be covered on
end-of-the-year tests. Our research found that teacher-
led instrucon was dominant for the introducon of new
math concepts in all but one school site; Khan Academy
was used primarily by students to supplement the core
instrucon, and as a source of focused opportunies to
pracce newly-learned skills.
Another factor shaping how Khan Academy was used
in the pilot schools was classroom technology access,
parcularly in SY 2011-12. Of the 94% of teachers in the
sample whose students used Khan Academy primarily
in the classroom during that school year, only one-third
indicated that their classrooms had a computer for every
student to support one-to-one compung anyme.
More typically, because teachers during this school year
shared laptop carts with other teachers, computers
were generally available no more than 2 to 3 days per
week—a clear constraint on how Khan Academy could
be used in those classrooms. By SY 2012-13, more than
80% of the parcipang teachers, including teachers in
the largest site (Site 1), had access to anyme, one-to-one
compung in their classrooms.
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
Summary of
Research Findings
Key ndings of the implementaon research are
summarized as follows.
Khan Academy, an Evolving
Instruconal Resource
Khan Academy is connuing to ll in gaps and
create new content aligned with standards at
each grade level. From a formal school curriculum
perspecve, during the course of the study, content
gaps existed in both the videos and the problem
sets, parcularly in SY 2011-12. Over the research
period, Khan Academy developed considerable
new content to ll the gaps and connues to do so.
Our interviews revealed that teachers of younger
students in the pilot (h- and sixth-graders) oen
found Khan Academy problem sets too dicult
for them. In several instances, Khan Academy
responded by developing problem sets that were
developmentally appropriate for these younger
students. In addion, signicant gaps existed in the
content for ninth and higher grades, parcularly
in geometry. Khan Academy has been undertaking
a major content development iniave of both
videos and problem sets to ensure comprehensive
coverage of Common Core State Standards for K-12
Khan Academy has invested signicant resources
to help teachers integrate their content with
classroom instrucon and to improve the website’s
resources through direct, and somemes rapid,
response to teacher and student feedback. These
changes were smulated by Khan Academy stas
own observaons in the eld, analysis of user data,
and feedback from the schools and the SRI research
team. Some of the signicant changes made to the
website since fall 2011 follow.
Mapped content to Common Core State
Standards and provided search capabilies by
standard and grade level. By the second half
of SY 2011-12, a teacher was able to idenfy
all available content (videos and problem
sets) associated with a parcular standard
and grade level. Before that me, it had been
fairly burdensome for teachers to idenfy the
appropriate Khan Academy content to support a
parcular unit of instrucon.
Developed “tutorials” for instruconal units on
important topics supported by a sequence of
Khan Academy videos and problem sets. By the
end of SY 2011-12, Khan Academy iniated an
eort to organize its videos and problem sets into
tutorials. Tutorials (like playlists) are intended to
contain a sequence of videos and problem sets
that teachers can use or modify to support an
instruconal unit on an important topic, such as
understanding raos and proporons.
Created the capability for teachers to
recommend content for students to view and
work on that directly supports classroom
instrucon. During the study, many teachers
expressed a desire to be able to assign or
recommend problem sets for students to
complete that covered the same topics they were
covering in their lessons. Although some teachers
allowed students to select their own topics on
Khan Academy and move at their own pace,
most teachers preferred to use Khan Academy
resources to help students pracce skills they had
recently covered in class.
Upgraded teacher reports with simplied,
customizable summaries of student data at the
class and individual student levels. Teachers can
now lter class- and student-level data by the
specic problem sets they have assigned as well
as by me period.
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
Added a goal-seng feature that allows
students to add specic videos and problem
sets to view and complete as a daily, weekly,
or longer-term goal. The acve goals appear on
the top of every Khan Academy page next to the
student’s name so that students are aware of the
goals they’ve set. Teachers can use the reporng
feature to track each students progress against
the goals students have set.
Updated teacher and coach resources with
informaon, ps, and guides on how to
implement Khan Academy in the classroom.
The informaon is organized into video-based
tutorials to help teachers make beer use of
the website. The resources also include a set of
downloadable curriculum plans developed by
other teachers using Khan Academy at dierent
grade levels.
Trends and Diversity in Khan Academy
Use Models
Use of Khan Academy during the rst year of
the pilot evolved signicantly over the school
year. Throughout the year in almost all the sites,
classroom use of Khan Academy changed as a
result of many factors, including guidance from
Khan Academy sta, teachers’ inseron of their
own instruconal goals and preferences, and
changes in access to technology. At some of the
sites, during the rst 6 to 8 weeks of the school
year Khan Academy was used to support a primarily
exploratory, self-paced, self-directed instruconal
model disconnected from the curriculum. In many
of the sites, as the school year progressed, Khan
Academy came to be used with classroom pacing
and ghter links to the core curriculum sequence
and the content of the teachers’ daily lesson
presentaons. Changes in website features and
tools, such as goal seng and making content
searchable by Common Core State Standard and
grade level, supported teachers in these new
approaches. At the outset of SY 2012-13, Khan
Academy use tended to be more integrated with
classroom instrucon than in the prior school year.
In most but not all sites, teachers used Khan
Academy primarily to supplement their own core
instrucon. Most teachers used Khan Academy
to provide extended pracce following their
introducon of new concepts and skills. The primary
Khan Academy resource used was the problem sets,
with videos used at the discreon of students. Few
teachers assigned students to watch videos, either
inside or outside of school for homework, as a way
of introducing a new concept or as a teaching aid.
Overall, the teachers in SRI’s survey reported that
Khan Academy played the greatest role in supporng
their instrucon by providing students with pracce
opportunies (82%) and allowing them to provide
small-group instrucon to some students while
others used the program (67%). Fewer teachers
(20%) indicated that Khan Academy played a role in
introducing new concepts within a lesson.
The me students spent working on Khan
Academy varied considerably across and within
sites and by school year. Use of Khan Academy—
viewing of videos and working on problems—
ranged from a low of 396 minutes (or 11 minutes
per week assuming a 36-week school year) for the
median student in Site 1, a public school district in
SY 2012-13, to a high of 3,140 minutes of use (or
90 minutes per week) in SY 2011-12 at Site 2. With
the excepon of Site 2 where Khan Academy use
in the rst year of the pilot consumed 22% of the
me allocated for math instrucon, Khan Academy
use represented less than 10% of scheduled math
instruconal me at the pilot sites. Of the me
students did spend on Khan Academy, more than
85% was allocated to working on the problem sets.
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
The high use of Khan Academy in Site 2 in SY
2011-12 relave to the other sites and study years
was supported by several factors: (1) anyme
access to one-to-one compung in classrooms;
(2) mandated compleon of Khan Academy goals
with consequences for failure to do so; (3) close
teacher monitoring of progress toward goals; (4) a
well-planned integraon with the core curriculum;
and (5) extended instruconal blocks (90 minutes
dedicated to daily math instrucon).
Few teachers expected their students to use Khan
Academy outside the regular school day. Students’
use of Khan Academy happened during the regular
school day, 8 a.m to 3 p.m. For the median student,
use outside of school ranged from a low of a few
minutes a week across several schools in the
sample to a high of 25 minutes per week in Site 8.
Across the 2 years of the study, about one in ve
teachers parcipang in the study reported that
they assigned Khan Academy work to be completed
outside the regular school day on a weekly basis,
whereas 45% of teachers never assigned it for
homework at all. However, in three of the pilot sites
with schools in low-income communies, Site 2 (in
SY 2011-12), Site 3 and Site 8, expectaons diered.
In those schools, students were expected to do
whatever it took to complete any Khan Academy
work they did not nish in class, including staying
aer school to use the school computers or using
computers in public libraries.
About 50% of teacher survey respondents across the
two study years reported they never assigned Khan
Academy videos or problem sets for homework
given concerns about students’ lack of access to
computers or reliable Internet connecons at home.
Student self-reports of home access to computers
and the Internet in SY 2012-13 showed that the
proporon lacking access to a computer or reliable
Internet connecvity varied by school, ranging from
7% in Site 8 to 33% in Site 4.
Teachers’ who reviewed the Khan Academy reports
regularly found them useful. Across the 2 years
of the study, slightly more than half the teachers
reported reviewing the Khan Academy student
performance data at least once a week, with about
four in ten teachers reporng they reviewed a
report once a month or less or never at all.
Teachers who did use the Khan Academy reports
regularly (once a week or more oen) reported that
they primarily did so to monitor the understanding
of dierent concepts by the whole class and by
individual students, and to idenfy students who
required tutorials or small group instrucon. In
addion, almost eight in ten regular users of the
reports indicated that they used them to idenfy
gaps in student learning and to modify their
instrucon on the basis of student needs.
Among the teachers who reviewed the data reports
at least a few mes a month, slightly more than half
characterized the data as very useful in informing
their instrucon, with the other teachers nding the
student reports somewhat useful. Khan Academy
conducted surveys, focus groups, and one-on-
one discussions with teachers to understand how
teachers thought reports could be made more
useful, and made several changes to reports on
the basis of that feedback; those changes included
enabling teachers to lter reports by topic and skill
to enable easier idencaon of students’ progress
relave to the curriculum.
Factors Inuencing the Use of Khan
Academy in Schools
Khan Academy is a free resource for districts and
schools—an important factor in leaders’ decisions
to pilot this resource. Although many aspects of
Khan Academy appealed to district, CMO, and
school leaders, economy was a signicant driver.
Given restricted educaon budgets, educaon
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
leaders were seeking cost-eecve online
instruconal resources like Khan Academy to
implement their instruconal visions.
One-to-one access to computers in the classroom
and extended me alloed for math instrucon
were two key facilitators of Khan Academy use.
Few classrooms in our study in the rst research
year (SY 2011-12) had access to one-to-one
compung every school day. Teachers in those
schools that did have access to anyme one-to-one
compung in the classroom were able to have their
students use Khan Academy much more extensively
and use it more exibly to support their instrucon
than those in schools with high student-to-computer
In addion, teachers with extra or extended
me dedicated to math instrucon (more than
50 minutes per day) had more opportunies to
integrate Khan Academy into their core instruconal
me than did other teachers. Five of the nine
research sites dedicated 80 minutes or more to daily
math instrucon.
Lack of alignment of Khan Academy content with
core curriculum posed a signicant challenge for
integrang this learning system into the classroom.
Two-thirds of teachers surveyed across study years
reported that a lack of alignment between the Khan
Academy resources and their school’s curriculum
had a moderate to signicant negave eect on
their ability to use Khan Academy eecvely with
their students. As reported above, some content
gaps existed in both the videos and the problem sets
relave to grade-level standards during the rst year
of the study and to a lesser extent during the second
year as well. During these 2 years, Khan Academy
developed considerable new content to ll the gaps
and plans to have full coverage of the K-12 Common
Core standards by fall 2014.
Benets of Khan Academy Use for Teaching
and Learning
Students’ engagement was high during Khan
Academy sessions. Across elementary, middle, and
high school levels, a high intensity of engagement
was evident during most of our classroom
observaons. Students in the lower grades in
parcular reported that they enjoyed their “Khan
me,” and the teachers we interviewed conrmed
this. Overall, 71% of students surveyed reported
that they enjoyed using Khan Academy.
Our observaons and student and teacher
interviews provide plausible, but as yet untested,
explanaons for this high level of engagement,
Students enjoyed interacng with the hardware
(e.g., laptops, notebooks, iPads).
Some students were movated by Khan
Academys game-like features—the badges and
energy points awarded when they successfully
completed problem sets.
Immediate feedback, hints, and access to videos
meant that students using Khan Academy were
not stuck for long and could experience success
even when the content became challenging.
Khan Academy inslled in students a sense of
ownership and control over their learning that is
rare in tradional classroom sengs.
Teachers reported that integrang Khan Academy
into their instrucon has increased their capacity to
support their students in a number of areas. Across
the two years of the study, the majority (91%) of
teachers indicated that using Khan Academy increased
their ability to provide students with opportunies
to pracce new concepts and skills they had recently
learned in class. Eight in ten teachers also reported
that Khan Academy increased their ability to monitor
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
students’ knowledge and ability, thus helping to
idenfy students who were struggling. Among teacher
survey respondents, 82% reported that Khan Academy
helped them idenfy students who were ahead of
the rest of the class, 82% said it helped them expose
advanced students to concepts beyond their grade
level, and 65%, including 72% of teachers in schools
serving low-income communies, said that Khan
Academy increased their ability to help struggling
students catch up. Slightly more than half the teachers
(56%) reported that using Khan Academy helped them
determine what content they needed to reteach or
could skip, and 32% of teachers overall and 48% of
teachers in schools serving low-income communies
reported that Khan Academy helped them move more
quickly through the curriculum.
A majority of teachers were happy with their
Khan Academy experience and plan to use Khan
Academy with their students in the upcoming
school year. Of teachers who used Khan Academy,
86% reported they would recommend it to other
teachers, and 89% planned to use Khan Academy
with their students during the next school year.
Links Between Khan Academy Use and
Student Outcomes
In a set of exploratory analyses, posive
relaonships were found between Khan Academy
use and beer-than-expected achievement and
nonachievement outcomes, including level of
math anxiety and condence in one’s ability to do
math. In exploratory analyses we examined how
the me spent on Khan Academy and the number
of problem sets completed to prociency were
associated with beer than predicted spring test
scores and atudinal measures. We conducted
the analyses using student-level data from Site 1
and Site 9. We found a posive and stascally
signicant relaonship between use of Khan
Academy (the minutes spent working with the Khan
Academy resources and the number of problem
sets successfully completed to prociency)—
and improved student outcomes—beer than
predicted test scores, lower math anxiety and
higher condence in one’s ability to do math. For
example, among h- and sixth-grade students in
Site 1, those with beer than predicted California
Standards Test (CST) scores had spent, on average,
12 hours more on Khan Academy in grade 5 and 3
hours more in grade 6 than their peers with lower
CST scores than would have been predicted based
on their prior math achievement. The students with
higher than predicted CST scores also completed
26 addional Khan Academy problem sets in grade
5 (approximately 39% more) and 20 addional
problem sets in grade 6 (approximately 22% more)
compared to peers with lower than expected
achievement gains. The paern of relaonship
between Khan Academy use and spring test scores
was similar for Site 9, but was only stascally
signicant for some grade levels.
We also found a posive relaonship between the
number of Khan Academy problem sets completed
and a set of nonachievement, atudinal outcomes.
These analyses were performed using student data
from h- and sixth-grade classrooms in Site 1 during
SY 2012-13, the only year these atudinal measures
were collected. Students who successfully completed
between 10% and 20% more problems sets than did
other students reported lower than expected anxiety
about doing math in the spring based on their reports
in the fall, and higher than expected beliefs about their
own math ability (math self-concept), and condence
in their ability to learn math even when concepts
become dicult (academic ecacy). The same posive
associaons held for me spent working on Khan
Academy but the relaonship was stascally signicant
only for math self-concept and academic ecacy.
Similarly, students in Site 1 who spent between an
average of one and a half to three hours more on Khan
Academy across SY 2012-13 had higher than expected
self-reports of their math self-concept and academic
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
These analyses are exploratory, and the results are
preliminary; they cannot be used to make denive
claims about the eecveness of Khan Academy
resources. Other plausible explanaons could
account for these associaons that the analyses did
not consider. Although the results are not denive,
they do suggest associaons that are worthy of
future invesgaon using more rigorous designs
(e.g., random assignment experiments) to beer
understand the potenal ecacy of the use of Khan
Academy in the classroom.
Teachers who used Khan Academy with their
students believed it had a posive impact on
student learning. In responding to SRI’s teacher
survey, over the 2 years of the study, roughly 85%
of teachers reported that they believed Khan
Academy had made a posive impact (somewhat
or strong) on students’ learning and understanding
of the material overall, with 42% reporng a strong
impact. Of the 87% of teachers who believed Khan
Academy had a posive impact on students’ ability
to work and learn independently, 38% reported a
strong impact. In terms of specic skills or areas,
more than eight in ten of the surveyed teachers
(83%) felt that Khan Academy had a posive impact
(somewhat or strong) on students’ acquision
of procedural skills (with 50% reporng a strong
impact). A strong majority of teachers (80%) also
believed Khan Academy had a posive impact on
students’ conceptual math understanding (while
24% described it as a strong impact). Teachers
credited Khan Academy with enabling students to
learn new math concepts beyond their grade level
(91% overall, with 41% reporng a strong impact).
Two-thirds of the surveyed teachers believed that
Khan Academy had a posive impact on their
students’ problem-solving skills and ability to apply
mathemacs in context, with one in ten reporng a
strong impact in these two areas.
When teachers were asked in the survey about
the relave benets of Khan Academy for
students with dierent levels of prior academic
performance, teachers’ percepons of Khan
Academys eecveness varied. Across the two
years of the study, most of teachers described
Khan Academy as at least somewhat eecve for
students regardless of math ability level. However,
teachers described Khan Academy as most eecve
in meeng the learning needs of students whose
academic work was ahead of that of most students
their age, with 74% of teachers indicang the
program was very eecve for this group. Khan
Academy was considered very eecve in meeng
the learning needs of students whose academic
work was at the expected level for their age by 43%
of teachers. Just 25% of teachers reported that
Khan Academy was very eecve for meeng the
learning needs of students whose academic work
was behind most students their age; an addional
47% reported it as somewhat eecve for these
students. These trends were consistent across
study year.
Some students indicated posive changes in their
feelings toward math since they had started using
Khan Academy. Across the 2 years of the study,
32% of students agreed they liked math more since
they started using Khan Academy. Addionally, 45%
of students indicated they were able to learn new
things about math on their own, without the help of
their teacher.
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
Implicaons of the
Implementaon Research
On the basis of the research conducted across SY
2011–12 and SY 2012-13, it is premature to judge
the eecveness of Khan Academy as a school-based
instruconal resource or intervenon. Khan Academy
use varied signicantly within and across sites during
the school year. Use models changed over me, and
dierent sites had dierent goals and expectaons
for teachers’ use of Khan Academy to support their
math instrucon. Several sites specically used Khan
Academy to support struggling math learners. Other
sites used Khan Academy purely to supplement the
core instrucon and allowed students to self-direct
their use of it. Yet other sites ghtly linked students’
Khan Academy use to the weekly or upcoming lessons.
To understand the potenal ecacy of Khan Academy,
we must rst understand the local context of its
use (including access to technology, organizaon of
instruconal me, and curricular constraints), the
role Khan Academy plays in math instrucon, and the
school’s and teachers goals for its use. We also must
acknowledge that, for all the schools parcipang
in the pilot, this was their rst aempt to integrate
a digital resource designed for personalized learning
into their instruconal system.
No single model of Khan Academy use was
implemented across sites. Teachers at most sites
were given total discreon over how to implement it
in their classrooms. Because Khan Academy was not
a stand-alone curriculum, course, or self-contained
program of study over the duraon of our analysis,
all teachers spent me exploring how best to use
the resources to support their instrucon; integrate
Khan Academy me into the instruconal day; and
determine how dierent types of students responded
to the demands of self-directed learning and the
supports students needed to succeed. Some teachers
addressed these issues in more depth and perhaps
more successfully than did others. As a group,
however, almost all the teachers were sased with
their rst experience with Khan Academy and planned
to use it in the future.
As more and more schools and teachers experiment
with dierent ways to use Khan Academy resources
to support instrucon, and as Khan Academy evolves
to beer support classroom instrucon and student
learning, sll more models are likely to emerge. To
measure the impact that Khan Academy can have on
schools’ ability to improve all students’ math learning,
each well-specied implementaon model should be
studied at scale using a rigorous evaluaon design.
Preliminary ndings reported here suggest that
it would be worthwhile also to conduct research
on Khan Academy’s impact on nonachievement
outcomes. In addion to examining eects on
atudes toward mathemacs and oneself as a math
learner, the extent to which students’ interacons
with a self-directed learning environment like
Khan Academy foster key 21st century learning
skills is worthy of study. Future research should
include measures of student outcomes such as
digital literacy, resourceful use of peers and online
learning resources, me management, and personal
accountability—life skills that are crical for success
in higher educaon and beyond.
Finally, although this implementaon study provides
a start, there is more to learn about the supports
teachers need for successfully integrang instruconal
resources like Khan Academy into their daily
instrucon. We have found that teachers want content
that is curated, that is searchable by grade level
and content standard, and that can be assigned to
students to support their classroom lessons. Teachers
also need easily accessible and easily interpreted
informaon from the online system to monitor
classroom and individual student performance. But
parcular tools and pracces for fullling these needs
sll need to be tested empirically.
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
Challenges related to specic school environments as
well as the fundamental nature of formal educaon
shape how schools use Khan Academy. Challenges
include accountability pressures, resistance to
changing tradional teacher roles, the structure of the
school day, and limited access to technology. At the
same me, teachers and school leaders are aracted
to Khan Academy because it is available for free, oers
a exible modular set of resources, engages students,
provides immediate feedback, maintains detailed
records of student progress, and oers opportunies
for students to direct their own learning.
The Khan Academy pilot showed that schools serving
diverse student populaons can make use of Khan
Academy as part of their mathemacs instrucon and
that they nd value in doing so. It also demonstrated
how a technology provider can collaborate with
schools and independent researchers to obtain
and respond to feedback to execute rapid cycles of
improvement of its digital educaon oerings. The
new features and changes to exisng ones that Khan
Academy implemented to meet the needs of students
and teachers in math classrooms resulted both in
an improved product and in new understandings of
how personalized learning can be integrated into
classroom instrucon.
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
As teachers, school leaders, and educaon
policymakers seek to transform classroom teaching
and learning in ways that make them more
personalized, engaging, and eecve, many educators
are looking to technology as the key to bringing their
visions to fruion. It is hardly surprising that the
Khan Academy, a set of Internet-based mathemacs
learning resources and tools that aracts millions of
users per month and is available free of charge, would
interest schools.
Khan Academys roots dier markedly from those of
the typical technology product for the K-12 educaon
market. The Khan Academy developed out of Sal
Khan’s eorts to tutor young relaves in aspects of
mathemacs they found dicult. The short videos he
made showing his problem soluons on a blackboard
with a voiceover explaining each step appealed
to students and others who wanted to brush up
on some aspects of mathemacs in the privacy of
their homes. When individual teachers and schools
considered using Khan Academy, it was not at all clear
that the content and tools designed for self-iniated,
independent learning would be a good match for
typical math classes. Khan Academy resources were
developed for self-paced use tailored to an individual’s
constellaon of skill prociencies and weaknesses and
without reference to grade-level content standards.
Typical classrooms focus on content specied for the
class’s grade level and use teacher-led, whole-class or
“lockstep” pacing. Just how Khan Academy resources
could be useful in classrooms—and the changes
needed in those resources or in classroom pracces
when the two were brought together—were unknown
when Khan Academy rst began working on a trial
basis with a local school district in 2010.
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
At the same me, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundaon
was making investments in digital content and tools for
personalizing learning and enhancing student outcomes.
The foundaon wanted to test the idea that digital
learning resources like Khan Academys—that address
the needs and gaps of each individual student, provide
engaging learning content, and give students and
teachers detailed informaon about learning progress—
could improve outcomes for students.
With support from the foundaon, in fall 2011 Khan
Academy began a two-year formal pilot program in a
dozen sites in California school districts, charter schools,
and independent schools serving diverse student
populaons. At the same me, the foundaon contracted
with the independent research organizaon SRI
Internaonal (SRI) to study the implementaon of Khan
Academy resources and tools in those schools.
The goal of this research was to generate informaon
for school systems, school leaders, and teachers on how
Khan Academy, and by implicaon other similar digital
learning tools and resources, could be used to support
personalized math learning (i.e., learning that tailors what
is taught, when it is taught, and how it is taught to the
needs of students working individually and with others).
Such guidance is sorely needed at a me when school
administrators and teachers are rapidly incorporang
digital learning into classroom instrucon, but oen
lack the experience base needed to foresee all of the
challenges and opportunies entailed in implemenng
technology for personalized learning.
This implementaon report provides formave
informaon and ndings on the use of Khan Academy
in nine sites in California during their rst or second year
of implementaon. The report also provides preliminary
evidence about the potenal link between use of Khan
Academy and math achievement and a set of important
nonachievement outcomes. SRI prepared this report
to inform educaon leaders, teachers, developers,
researchers, and others interested in the ways that Khan
Academy, and other similar digital instruconal resources,
can be used in formal school sengs.
The implementaon eorts and research described
here occurred at a me when the Khan Academy
resources and tools were undergoing rapid evoluon,
in many cases in response to the expressed needs
of pilot teachers and students. Khan Academy sta
worked closely with school administrators, teachers,
and students and with the SRI research team to
understand how their content and tools were
being used and to determine the enhancements
that would make them more useful and easier to
implement in classrooms.
The various schools and teachers parcipang in this
pilot work implemented Khan Academy with dierent
goals in mind. Some teachers regarded Khan Academy as
an intervenon for students who had fallen behind their
grade-level peers; others treated it as an enrichment
acvity for advanced students. Some schools were
aracted to features of Khan Academy that supported
accountability, allowing teachers to closely monitor
student progress on problem sets; others wanted to
use it for intensive pracce on specic math skills that
classroom teachers had recently introduced. Moreover,
during the course of the study, some teachers and
schools made signicant changes in how they used Khan
Academy as they learned more about it.
As a digital resource for supporng math instrucon
and learning in schools, the current version of Khan
Academy is signicantly dierent from the resources
and tools available to teachers in the fall of 2011.
Its content—videos and problem sets—has been
expanded to ll in gaps and to ensure coverage of the
grade-level Common Core mathemacs standards
(this is an ongoing eort, with full coverage of the
K-12 Common Core standards expected by fall 2014).
Progress reports were rened to allow teachers
and students to more eecvely monitor student
progress toward selected goals. And Khan Academy
reorganized its content, mapping videos and problem
sets to align with grade-level Common Core standards,
and added search features to allow teachers to more
easily idenfy content appropriate for their grade
level and current instruconal focus.
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
Because of the early-stage, emergent nature of
both Khan Academy as a school resource and the
schools’ personalized learning implementaon
pracces, SRI conducted an implementaon study
rather than an evaluaon of Khan Academy’s impact.
An experimental test of an intervenon’s impact
(a randomized control trial) would have required a
clearly specied treatment, including a protocol for
its enactment. Because neither the Khan Academy
resources and tools nor the way in which they were
used in classrooms was stable across the various study
sites and across the 24 months of this work, it was too
soon to aempt a rigorous evaluaon of the impacts
of using Khan Academy. Rather, our implementaon
study focused on documenng use models and
associated implementaon challenges and strategies
in ways that could inform future decisions about
whether and how to adopt Khan Academy for
classroom use.
SRI researchers did collect math achievement data
and nonachievement, atudinal measures for
students in classrooms using Khan Academy as part
of this pilot eort and examined in a small sample
of sites the relaonships between these outcomes
and detailed Khan Academy use data collected
automacally as students worked online. We present
these ndings, but with the reminder that these
analyses are correlaonal and do not constute
denive evidence with respect to Khan Academy
impacts. Students’ outcomes relave to expectaon
are aected by the totality of their educaonal
experiences, and across all but one of the sites, Khan
Academy was only one part of a much larger system
of curriculum and instrucon rather than the sole—or
even the primary—mechanism for math learning.
Despite these limitaons, we realize that educators
considering adopon of Khan Academy are eager
to see student outcomes, and would prefer having
access to preliminary, inconclusive data to ying
blind. We urge readers making inferences about
how Khan Academy may have contributed to
student outcomes at the study sites to keep in
mind each site’s use model and purposes, as well as
other contextual features. By considering student
outcomes in context, readers can gain inial insights
into the range of outcomes that might be expected
for students using Khan Academy for dierent
purposes and in dierent ways.
The remainder of this report consists of four secons.
First, we describe how Khan Academy tools and
resources evolved in ways that made them easier
for teachers to use and more valuable for classroom
instrucon. This secon describes the extensive
communicaon between Khan Academy and school
sta, and the rapid development of Khan Academy
features and content in response to teacher
suggesons and requests. The next secon describes
the pilot test samples for school year (SY) 2011-
12 and SY 2012-13 and the variety of use models
observed in these dierent study sites. This secon
is followed by a descripon of the ndings of SRI’s
analysis of the extent to which various sites had their
students use Khan Academy and the factors correlated
with dierences in the amount and paern of Khan
Academy use. Next, we present a secon describing
analyses of the relaonship between the extent of
Khan Academy use and student achievement gains
in math, and improvements in a set of important
nonachievement outcomes. The nal secon draws
implicaons from the descripve analyses for future
eorts to design, evaluate, and implement similar
blended learning approaches. A set of appendices
present details about the Khan Academy interface,
pilot site use models, our data collecon procedures,
and data processing and analysis.
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
A Brief History of Khan
The story of Khan Academy’s beginnings has received
extensive coverage in the media and elsewhere. In
2006, Sal Khan, while sll working as an analyst for
a hedge fund on the East Coast, started creang and
posng a set of 8- to 10-minute long math videos
on YouTube to provide remote tutoring to a group
of his school-aged cousins living in New Orleans.
Because the videos resided on YouTube, they were
available to anyone with an Internet connecon
and, almost overnight, tens of thousands of people
around the world searching for online resources to
teach and learn math began to discover them and
leave comments, thanking Sal for his eorts and
describing how Khan Academy helped them achieve
their academic goals. By 2009, Sal had dedicated
himself full-me to expanding the Khan Academy
video collecon, and by 2010, with nearly a million
unique visitors, the nonprot Khan Academy
organizaon was formed with funding from private
benefactors, Google, and the Bill & Melinda Gates
Foundaon. With its mission to provide “a free
world-class educaon for anyone anywhere,” the
new organizaon got to work on expanding its
resources to include not only videos, but also pracce
problem sets; progress reports for teachers and
students; gaming mechanics (points and badges);
and content other than math, including art history,
macroeconomics, and computer programming.
Although the YouTube videos are the best known
aspect of Khan Academy, we found that teachers
and students in the classrooms in our sample were
aracted to other aspects of the system. These
included problem sets that helped students pracce
newly learned skills and that provided them with
immediate feedback and hints when needed;
The Evoluon of Khan Academy in
Partnership with Schools
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
reporng features that helped students monitor
their progress and aided teachers in monitoring
the progress of the whole class and in idenfying
individual students who were struggling; and game
mechanics—the ability to collect “energy” points
and badges as a student completed problem sets—
providing extrinsic movaon, rewarding students
for their progress and eorts, and spurring them to
get to the next level. Appendix A provides examples
of problem sets, reports, and gaming mechanics
currently available on the Khan Academy website.
Khan Academy Development
during the Study
The experience for teachers and students changed
in many ways over the course of the implementaon
study as Khan Academy resources expanded and new
features were added. Working in close collaboraon
with school administrators, teachers, and students
in the pilot schools, as well as with members of the
SRI research team, Khan Academy made signicant
changes to its plaorm, content, and the organizaon
of content in eorts to make its resources a more
eecve tool for classroom use.
Starng in fall 2011, Khan Academy concentrated on
building out its math content, mostly by expanding
the coverage of its problem sets but also by adding
new videos to close idened gaps in curriculum
coverage. By the end of SY 2011-12, more than 3,000
YouTube videos and 350 problem sets targeng a
specic math concept were available for teachers and
students. (At the start of SY 2011–12, approximately
2,500 videos and 130 problem sets had been
available.) Despite the tripling of the problem sets
available between September and June, signicant
gaps sll existed in the Khan Academy exercise
topics relave to the Common Core State Standards
during SY 2011-12. In some cases, those gaps limited
teachers’ ability to assign Khan Academy problem sets
linked to the curriculum topics they were covering.
During SY 2012-13, approximately 400 math videos
and 115 problem sets were added to the Khan
Academy site.
Khan Academy connued to idenfy gaps in the
math content, and started preparing in spring 2013
for an intensive eort to provide coverage across the
Common Core State Standards. Khan Academy hired
a team of mathemacians, curriculum specialists,
teachers, and math tutors to support this eort.
By SY 2014-15, Khan Academy expects to have
comprehensive, Common Core-aligned content across
all K-12 grades available for users.
Table 1 summarizes signicant changes to the Khan
Academy website made since fall 2011. The changes
are organized by the issue the changes addressed.
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
Table 1. Summary of Major Changes Made to Khan Academy Website During the Study
Issue Resoluon
Teachers and students needed ecient
ways to nd relevant videos and
problem sets that were aligned to the
Created new videos and problem sets specically tailored to each grade level so that
teachers and students could idenfy the appropriate content for their grade level.
Mapped the content (videos and problem sets) to the Common Core State
Standards by grade level.* That enabled teachers to idenfy all available
content associated with a parcular standard and grade level.
Added search capability so students could quickly nd videos and problem sets
by topic.
Created a problem set browser that allowed teachers to easily nd problem
sets aligned with their curriculum using keyword search.
Reorganized the math content into tutorials, which provided videos and
problem sets in a logical sequence for each topic. An example is Subtracon
with Borrowing.**
Teachers wanted to be able to
assign Khan Academy problem sets
to students and nd easier ways to
monitor students’ compleon of the
Created capability for teachers to recommend content for students to view and
work on.
Added a goal-seng feature that allowed students to add specic videos and/
or problem sets to view and complete as a daily, weekly, or longer-term goal.
The acve goals appear on the top of every Khan Academy page next to the
student’s name. Teachers can track their students’ progress against these goals
when accessing the teacher view of the tool.
Upgraded teacher reports with simplied, customizable summaries of student
data at the class and individual student level. Teachers now can lter class- and
student-level data by the specic problem sets assigned as well as by me
Teachers needed more supports
for eecve use in the classroom,
including examples of how other
teachers are using Khan Academy in
classrooms and more ecient ways to
enroll students on the site
Implemented a new sign-on process allowing for bulk enrollment along with
step-by-step guides.
Updated teacher resources with informaon, ps, and guides on dierent ways
to use Khan Academy in a classroom. Resources were organized into video-
based tutorials. The resources also included a set of downloadable curriculum
plans developed by teachers using Khan Academy for dierent grade levels to
demonstrate how dierent teachers are integrang Khan Academy into their
curriculum. ****
Teachers’ wanted to improve students’
use of the videos as a resource and
source of review when working on
Khan Academy problem sets.
Located the related videos on the same page so that students working on
problem sets could more easily locate and review the video content if needed.
Added the ability to fast-forward through videos during playback to help
students locate the informaon they needed more eciently.
*To view Common Core mapping, go to hps://
** To see an example of the Subtracon with Borrowing tutorial, go to hps://c/addion-subtracon/sub_
***For an interacve demo of progress reports available to teachers and coaches go to hps://
**** For a list of available curriculum plans go to hps://on/a/
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
In July 2013, Khan Academy launched a major redesign
of its website with the release of its grade-level
“missions” and a new “learning ow” and “learning
dashboard.” The redesign was introduced to help
students, parcularly those who used Khan Academy
independently of the classroom, focus on working in
the appropriate content area and to retain what they
were learning. From their dashboard, students can
select a mission, and while in the mission, have access
only to the videos and problem sets mapped to a
single grade level (e.g., the grade six mission) or course
content (Algebra I) along with videos and problem sets
associated with any prerequisite skills.
On the basis of student performance on an inial
pretest, established learning progressions, and
performance of similar students, the site recommends
the next set of skills the user should work on (teachers
may override the recommendaon with their own
selecons). Students are given opportunies to view
videos and pracce a set of related skills in a topic
area and, 16 hours aer successfully praccing these
skills, are given another opportunity to complete a
challenge” consisng of approximately 8 problems—
one for each subskill they have pracced—to test what
knowledge they have retained. A student receives an
indicaon that he or she has “mastered” a specic
skill only aer successfully compleng the relevant
problems embedded in 3 such challenges, each
separated by a minimum of 16 hours. Aer some more
me has passed, as an ongoing check of knowledge
retenon, subsequent challenges will connue to
include problems on topics for which students have
already achieved mastery.
Students earn points for successfully compleng
single-skill pracce sessions and challenges on their
path to mastery. As a movaonal tool, students are
provided with a visual representaon of their progress.
An array of small blocks appears in the top corner
of the students’ dashboard page, with each block
represenng a single skill for which students will have
to demonstrate mastery to complete the grade-level
mission. As students complete pracce problems
and challenge problem sets successfully, the boxes
are colored in, with the shade darkening with each
successful step made towards mastery.*
* For a demonstraon of students’ navigang through a mission see
A Major Redesign
In Summer 2013, Khan Academy released a major redesign of its website movated by the
desire to help students stay focused on relevant content and retain what they have learned.
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
Professional Development
and Ongoing Support
Provided to Pilot Sites
Khan Academy supported schools in a variety of ways
during the course of the study. Throughout each study
year, members of the Khan Academy implementaon
team provided sites with ongoing support both in-
person and by phone and email. Teachers also had
access to Khan Academys online teacher resources,
including video guides to the website’s features
and case studies of dierent models of use of Khan
Academy by teachers around the country.
Khan Academy assigned a member of its
implementaon team to support each research site
by brieng teachers on new website features and
by indicang how other teachers were using the
resources to address classroom needs. Khan Academy
sta worked closely with teachers to learn about their
needs and the needs of their students. Khan Academy
sta also used this me in the eld to observe how
teachers were using Khan Academy, and to solicit
concerns and suggesons for renements, including
improvements in content coverage.
During the rst semester of SY 2011-12, Khan
Academy implementaon team members made
regular scheduled visits to all sites, some on a
weekly basis, and were available to teachers via
e-mail and phone. These visits and communicaons
connued into the second semester for a core group
of sites, including Sites 1–4. The other sites received
signicantly fewer face-to-face visits from Khan
Academy sta during the second semester, with most
quesons and communicaons handled through
e-mail and phone.
For examples of resources available for teachers see hps://www.
In SY 2012-13, the Khan Academy school
implementaon team connued to support the sites
parcipang in the research but to a much lesser
extent than in SY 2011-12. Each site was visited 5
to 6 mes during the school year by a dedicated
member of the implementaon team who worked
with individual teachers, received their feedback,
and informed them about upcoming or just released
upgrades to the content and the website.
During SY 2011-12, Site 1, the largest teacher and
student sample in the study, coordinated and
provided four addional professional development
days across the year for its school administrators and
for all h- through seventh-grade math teachers and
a few eighth-grade teachers who volunteered to pilot
Khan Academy in their classrooms. Approximately
50 teachers parcipated in each session, which
focused on the use of Khan Academy and other
online resources to support the district’s vision for
personalized learning and for preparaon of students
for the informaon society. The sessions included
presentaons by Khan Academy sta. During the same
school year, Khan Academy held two professional
development events for teachers in the other
sites (one in the summer and the other in the fall).
Approximately 25 teachers aended each event. The
events focused on best pracces for integrang Khan
Academy into the typical math curriculum and on
using Khan Academy to dierenate instrucon.
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
In this secon we begin with a descripon of the
research sites that parcipated in the two years of the
study. We also provide detailed descripons of several
use cases to show the variety of ways that teachers
were using Khan Academy to support their instrucon.
Research Sample
Khan Academy recruited a variety of California schools
to parcipate in a two-year pilot starng in fall 2011.
Of these pilot sites, nine were selected for inclusion
in this research for one or both study years.
research team selected the study sites in collaboraon
with Khan Academy to represent a range of ways that
Khan Academy was being used for math instrucon
Three of the original pilot sites that began pilong during SY 2011–12 were
not included in the research. These were independent schools serving
middle- to high-socioeconomic status student populaons and received less
implementaon support from Khan Academy relave to the other schools.
support for dierent types of students. Pilot school
sites were also selected to represent a range of
governance structures and school types—public
school districts, charter management organizaons
(CMOs), and independent schools; and elementary,
middle, and high schools. A majority of the sites
served students from low-income communies, and
several were using Khan Academy specically to
support the math instrucon for students with the
greatest needs.
Seven research sites were included in the rst year of the
study (Sites 1-7) and six in the second (Sites 1-4, 8, and
9). For the second year of data collecon, SY 2012-13,
the research included four of the seven rst-year sites
(Sites 1-4) that had demonstrated a unique approach
to classroom use of Khan Academy and from which the
Emerging Models of
Khan Academy Use in Schools
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
research team had collected data on student learning.
In addion, we invited two more schools (Sites 8 and 9)
that had started using Khan Academy the year before,
but outside of the formal pilot, to parcipate in the
research in SY 2012-13; Khan Academy indicated that
these two sites had been making considerable eorts to
use Khan Academy to improve instrucon and learning.
Figure 1 summarizes characteriscs of the parcipang
sites including the number of schools, teachers, and
students parcipang in the research in each year of the
study. Table 2 shows the demographic characteriscs of
the students served by each study site.
Appendix B provides a prole for each of the research
sites, showing their years of parcipaon in the
research, the student communies they served, and
details about their goals and implementaon model
for Khan Academy use.
Three schools that parcipated in the SY 2011-12 research were not
included in the SY 2012-13 data collecon. Two of these schools made
only limited use of Khan Academy in SY 2011-12 and, by design, none of
the three sites parcipated in the student learning outcomes poron of
the data collecon.
Use of Khan Academy in
Study Schools
Teachers can use Khan Academy in classrooms in
mulple ways, including as:
A personalized learning tool—Khan Academy can
be used at the beginning or end of class or aer
school to dierenate instrucon and enable
students to learn and pracce content relevant to
their needs and at their own pace, whether they
are below, at, or above grade level.
A supplemental resource—Teachers can assign a
common set of Khan Academy problems related to
the curriculum for students to pracce in class or at
home, and teachers can check students’ compleon
and comprehension through Khan Academys
real-me reports. Students can use Khan Academy
videos to review content as needed.
Figure 1. Parcipang Sites and School Structures
Site 1:
42 Teachers, 1110 Students
School Type
SY 2011-12
Site 2:
3 Teachers, 232 Students
Site 2:
5 Teachers, 400 Students
Site 3:
3 Teachers, 100 Students
Site 3:
6 Teachers, 337 Students
Site 4:
2 Teachers, 66 Students
Site 4:
2 Teachers, 69 Students
Site 5:
2 Teachers, 50 Students
Site 6:
2 Teachers, 36 Students
Site 7:
1 Teachers, 100 Students
Site 8:
2 Teachers, 139 Students
Site 9:
2 Teachers, 240 Students
55 Teachers, 1694 Students
SY 2012-13
Site 1:
46 Teachers, 1061 Students
63 Teachers, 2246 Students
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
A ipped classroom model—Teachers can assign
videos on new concepts for students to watch at
home and then use class me to extend the video
lectures through discussion and interacve acvies,
checking for understanding and addressing student
quesons, or working with individual or small groups
of students as the other students work through
related Khan Academy problem sets. In this model,
videos are used to teach new content in place of
teacher presentaons.
A primary instruconal resource—Khan Academy
videos and problem sets can be used as the primary
learning resource both in class and at home. Videos
are used to present new content and problem sets
used to provide pracce.
Considerable variaon in Khan Academy use
occurred across sites during the two years of the
implementaon study, but all sites used it to support
a blended learning model: that is, in conjuncon
with teacher-led direct instrucon.
In theory,
Khan Academy could be used as the core or only
curriculum resource for math instrucon with each
student working independently. With the excepon
of one site in one of the two years (Site 2), schools
and classrooms in the pilot study did not choose to
use Khan Academy that way or were unable to use
it that way for a number of reasons, including gaps
in the content coverage at some grade levels and
lack of regular access to computers in the classroom,
parcularly in Site 1 during SY 2011-12. Instead, Khan
Academy was used as a supplemental resource to
reinforce teacher presentaons, allow for addional
pracce, or serve as a separate intervenon or
enrichment acvity. Even though Khan Academy is
primarily known for its video library and has been
For classicaons of common blended learning models, see the 2013
Christensen Instute report, Is K–12 blended learning disrupve? (hp://
Table 2. Sample Characteriscs and Student Demographics for Parcipang Schools
Schools Grades Free-or-
Reduced Price
Lunch (%)
White &
Asian (%)
ELL (%)
Public 8 7 5–7 3 > 1 8 80 9
Charter 2 2 9, 10 45 7 50 35 -
Charter 2 3 6, 7 78 37 51 10 20
Independent 1 1 6–8 72 33 63 3 -
Public 2 DNP 5, 7 40 3 41 44 34
Independent 1 DNP 4, 6–8 - - - - -
Public 1 DNP 6 98 4 85 1 -
Charter DNP 1 9-10 54 5 92 0 26
Charter DNP 1 6-8 87 >1 84 >2 TBD
17 19
DNP = Did not parcipate in research during that years study.
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
associated with the ipped classroom model, teachers
parcipang in the research were more focused on
exploring how online, personalized pracce opportunies
for students could be incorporated into their exisng
instruconal acvies. In most cases, when students
used the videos, they did so in class to review
concepts as they worked through the Khan Academy
problem sets. Few teachers used the videos in their
lessons to introduce new concepts and skills.
Sites’ implementaon pracces varied along several
crical dimensions (see Table 3), including how
extensively Khan Academy was integrated with core
instrucon, the students who were targeted, whether
students used Khan Academy independently or
collaboravely, students’ access to technology, and the
degree to which pacing was individualized. For example,
some teachers used Khan Academy to free themselves
to work directly with a small group of students who were
struggling while other students worked independently
on Khan Academy. Several schools used Khan Academy
solely as an intervenon to support struggling math
learners, with lile or no use of it by other students. In
two sites, teachers made signicant eorts to integrate
Khan Academy as a primary instruconal acvity within
the daily core instrucon. And during SY 2012-13, one
site experimented with a self-paced, competency-based
model, using Khan Academy content as the primary
instruconal resource.
Although most of the variaon in Khan Academy use
occurred among dierent sites and schools as illustrated
in Table 3, we also observed signicant variaon within
schools and even within a single teachers class over me
as teachers learned what Khan Academy had to oer
and how best to use it to support the kind of teaching
and learning they wanted for their students.
Table 3. Features of Khan Academy Implementaon at the Research Sites
Research Site
Implementaon Features
Integrated into
lesson or separate
from lesson
Used as an
Required use
outside school
Classroom vs.
Small group
instrucon and
Khan Academy use
school only
No Both Varied by teacher
2 (SY 2011-12)
Both No Yes Yes Both Yes
2 (SY 2012-13)
Integrated No Yes No Individualized Yes
Yes (1 of 3
Yes Both Yes
Both No Yes No Both Yes
school only
school only
No Both
school only
Separate Yes No No Both Yes
Separate No No
Yes (aer-school
Individualized Yes
9th grade (both),
10th grade
Yes (9th
Yes No
Both (algebra
(algebra 1)
Yes (algebra
readiness and
learning lab)
Yes (seventh/
eighth grade)
No No Both
Yes (rotaon
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
School Year 2011-12:
A year of orientaon and
The rst 2 months of SY 2011–12 were used to
orient teachers and students about Khan Academy,
its features, and available resources. Khan Academy
sta guided teachers during the inial face-to-
face professional development sessions and Khan
Academy implementaon team members conducted
follow-up visits to enable students to start using
Khan Academy as soon as possible, leng students
explore the resources and features in a self-directed,
self-paced manner with lile or no teacher direcon.
Khan Academy sta also recommended that students
begin their exploraon of Khan Academy content by
starng with simple arithmec and then challenging
themselves to see how far they could progress as the
content became increasingly more dicult. Many
of the teachers across the sites implemented this
recommendaon during the rst 4 to 6 weeks of the
school year. Many students moved quickly through
topics they had mastered in previous grades before
their pace slowed as they encountered content at
their current grade level and above. A few students did
manage to work successfully through all the problem
sets then available by the start of winter break.
This introductory period also allowed teachers to explore
the features of the website, parcularly the Khan
Academy reports of student progress. While students
were becoming familiar with the website and lling in
some gaps in basic skills, teachers were able to idenfy
those who were struggling with below-grade-level
content and thus were candidates for remedial support.
Many teachers also used this me to explore the Khan
Academy experience from the students perspecve by
working through some (and in a few cases nearly all) of
the videos and problem sets themselves.
Aer this introductory period, many teachers began
to try to integrate Khan Academy into their lessons
following an October professional development
session that demonstrated several models for using
Khan Academy to support classroom instrucon.
As a result, compared with its use during the rst 2
months of SY 2011-12, from October 2011 onward
Khan Academy became more integrated with and
connected to the curriculum and daily lessons in the
parcipang classrooms. During SY 2012-13, most
teachers connued to experiment with dierent ways
to use Khan Academy with their students, but most
favored using it to support and reinforce what they
taught in the daily lesson.
Sample Use Cases
This secon presents examples from four research
sites to illustrate some of the dierent models that
emerged over the course of the research. Each model
reects the intenons and instruconal mission of
its parent site and schools. While Khan Academy
connues to evolve, develop new features, and
rene and expand its content, we believe that these
preliminary use models represent how teachers are
likely to connue to use digital resources like Khan
Academy to support instrucon in the classroom.
Site 2. Using Khan Academy in a
Self-Paced, Competency-Based
Instruconal Model
Site 2 is a charter management organizaon operang
six small high schools in California. In SY 2012-13, two
of the schools, collocated in an urban center, piloted a
self-directed, competency-based instruconal model
for their math program supported with Khan Academy
online math resources. Of the schools’ students,
45% qualied for reduced-price lunches. This prole
describes the ninth- and tenth-grade mathemacs
courses in these schools in SY 2012-13 where as many
as 200 students assembled for a daily 2-hour block of
math instrucon.
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
The Site 2 schools seek to prepare students for college
by having students assume more responsibility
for their self-directed learning. Believing that
noncognive factors such as grit and perseverance
are crical to students’ higher educaon success,
these schools hope to develop students who can self-
advocate for their learning, establish learning goals
based on what they want to achieve, and persevere to
achieve those goals. The schools’ new math program
was thus designed to support students’ simultaneous
development of content knowledge, academic skills,
and crical noncognive skills.
The model evolved over the school year; by spring,
the schools’ daily roune entailed the 2-hour math
block divided into two 1-hour learning secons: one
student-directed and one teacher-directed. For 1 hour,
half the students met in a large room and engaged in
self-directed, self-paced math instrucon with lile
or no direct instrucon from teachers—what the
school called “Personalized Learning Time.” Teachers
were available to answer quesons, and students
were encouraged to seek help from peers; for the
most part, however, students worked independently
guided by “playlists,” (curated digital instruconal
resources, including Khan Academy videos and
problem sets, online textbooks, and simulaons,
accessed through the school’s learning management
system). All students had access to laptop computers
and, progressing at their own pace, spent most of the
hour interacng with the digital resources to learn the
topics in the curriculum sequence.
At the start of the school year, students were assigned
topics and corresponding playlists appropriate for
their prociency level, determined by performance
on an online standardized test. Students progressed
at their own pace through the rest of the curriculum.
When they felt they were ready to prove mastery of
a concept or skill in a playlist, students took an online
5-item test proctored by a “learning coach.” If they
passed the test by answering 4 of the 5 quesons
correctly, they moved on to the next playlist and topic
in the sequence.
To learn the material students could use as many
playlist resources as they needed and could also enlist
nonplaylist resources, including other online resources
and their peers. Khan Academy videos and problem
sets were the primary resources listed across playlists,
and our observaons and interviews indicated they
were the most widely used of the instruconal
resources, the problem sets in parcular.
Time was set aside during self-directed work me for
students to idenfy their learning goals and plan what
they needed to do to meet them, as well as to reect on
their progress toward those goals. Students spent the rst
10 minutes of each self-directed session planning how to
use their class me and idenfying which digital or other
resources they needed to meet their specic objecves
for that day. Aer they nished their work, they spent 10
minutes reecng on what they had learned, including
wring about that day’s learning experience, compleng
a survey, or otherwise self-evaluang their progress. By
the second semester, students who were not making
adequate progress were required to ll out forms that
described their step-by-step plans for catching up.
During Personalized Learning Time, students, although
working independently, had access to two teachers or
adult volunteers with math backgrounds who answered
students’ work-related quesons and provided
tutoring as needed. Students were also encouraged to
ask their peers for help and many did so. In general,
the frequency of student conversaons during the
personalized learning me was noceably greater than
in a tradional classroom. However, our observaons
indicated that most conversaons were about math or
entailed one student helping another navigate through
the school’s learning management system or use a
digital playlist resource.
The other half of the students engaged in teacher-
directed learning, with about 25 meeng in rooms
surrounding the independent learning space. These
teacher-directed sessions (also known as “Core Time”)
served to (1) help students develop higher-order
thinking skills and pracces aligned with the Common
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
Core (e.g., reasoning abstractly and quantavely,
construcng viable arguments); and (2) allow teachers
to meet with individual students and check on their
course progress. A typical Core Time session consisted
of three blocks of 20 minutes each: (1) teacher
presentaon and discussion, (2) independent work
me, and (3) student-teacher conferences.
Every two weeks, Core Time focused on a dierent
higher-order skill called out in the Common Core
(e.g., problem solving with persistence, aending to
precision). First the teacher indicated the importance
and applicaon of the skill in dierent real-world
situaons. Students then demonstrated their emerging
mastery by applying the skill and developing content
knowledge for a set of problem-based scenarios (e.g.,
design of a chicken coop, development of a budget
for a school fundraising event). The soluon to each
problem required dierent content knowledge, and
the problems assigned depended on the students
progress in Personalized Learning Time. Students
had to solve ve applied problems over the school
year; each problem required one or more weeks to
solve, depending on its degree of diculty. Grounding
instrucon in the higher-order skills associated with the
applied problems was designed to support students’
pracce and skill development. In conferences,
teachers assessed the students’ ability to successfully
apply the higher-order thinking skills to the problem
scenarios and provided feedback for doing so.
Given that students’ curriculum progress was self-paced,
progress was closely monitored. Sta used informaon
about the number of assessments students completed
successfully during Personalized Learning Time to
idenfy those who were falling behind. (The teachers did
not use the Khan Academy reports to monitor student
progress.) Teachers then worked with those students
to develop “back-on-track” plans that listed the steps
students needed to take to nish the course by the years
end. Teachers and the learning coaches were regularly
updated about students’ progress toward achieving their
plans. Students who connued to fall behind received
daily check-ins from one of the instruconal sta.
Site 4. Use of Khan Academy to Facilitate
Self-Paced Learning
Site 4, a small independent grade 6 to 12 school, was
founded with the mission of closing the achievement
gap for minority students. All Site 4 students, who
mainly come from the surrounding low-income
community, are people of color, and 97% will be rst-
generaon college students. Students are prepared
for 4-year colleges, and 100% of graduates have thus
far been accepted to 4-year instuons of higher
educaon. The school’s vision is to simultaneously
challenge and engage its students, with many
layers of support oered. Students’ school day is
extended, with a mandatory late-aernoon session
for compleng homework; one-on-one tutoring is also
available, as is a boarding secon for students most in
need of a more supporve living environment.
The school’s grades 6 to 8 math program started using
Khan Academy in SY 2011-12 when two laptop carts
of notebook computers were acquired, making one-
to-one compung available every day.
One of the school’s goals for SY 2012-13 middle
school use of Khan Academy was to allow students to
move through the math curriculum at their own pace.
That had not been possible in SY 2011-12 because
the teachers had lacked sucient me to map Khan
Academy content to each of their lessons. However,
aer they became familiar with Khan Academy
content and leveraged Khan Academy’s mapping of its
content by grade level, in the laer half of the school
year the teachers did develop curriculum guides. In
conjuncon with newly introduced math topics, the
guides assigned Khan Academy videos and problem
sets to students. During summer 2012, the teachers
collaborated to build on their prior school years work
and to map the enre middle school math curriculum
to relevant Khan Academy content. The teachers
then created a set of instruconal packets that were
aligned with the scope and sequence of the grade-
level curricula. The instruconal packets included:
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
A “playlist” of Khan Academy videos and problem
sets organized by math topic. Students, although
not required to view Khan Academy videos or
complete the problem sets listed, were required
to record any Khan Academy problem set they
completed on a form in the packet.
A list of the homework assignments (textbook
problems) with a place to record when they were
completed and how many problems were answered
Pen-and-paper worksheets and quizzes that needed
to be completed to receive a passing grade.
This prole features the model the sixth-grade math
teacher adopted in SY 2012-13. The teacher worked
closely with the other middle school math teacher to
plan lessons for the year, but implemented her own way
of using Khan Academy to support the wide diversity of
math abilies among her incoming students, who came
from a wide array of elementary schools.
The sixth-grade math teacher grouped the curriculum
into six “lands” and created an instruconal packet for
each. Because of their diering math abilies, students
somemes were working on dierent lands within
the same class period. The “lands” and their order of
appearance in the curriculum were:
Throughout SY 2012-13, math instrucon was divided
into segments of teacher-led and self-paced instrucon.
The teacher typically provided whole-class lessons
twice a week during the regular 50-minute period.
Students could work on their Khan Academy problems for homework,
but doing so was discreonary because approximately one-third of
the students did not have access to a computer or a reliable Internet
connecon at home.
Those lessons served to introduce a common topic to
all students, even if some students were not currently
working on that parcular land. During the other three
days of the week, students used the instruconal
packets to guide their instrucon. Khan Academy, along
with supplemental worksheets, served as the core
curriculum. Students worked at their own pace, some
individually or in pairs, working with the Khan Academy
resources for half the class. For the remaining half,
students worked on worksheets, received support from
the teacher or other students, or took a quiz.
The teacher encouraged the pairing-up of students so
that students could support each others learning when
needed. To facilitate pairing, students listed their names
on a whiteboard next to a topic they either needed help
in or felt they could help other students with.
The introducon of self-paced instrucon facilitated by
the use of Khan Academy allowed the teacher to spend
more me working with individual students and less me
on whole-class instrucon, something she preferred and
believed beneed her students. While the students
worked through the content in their instruconal packets,
the teacher monitored their work on Khan Academy using
the system’s progress reports and met with students
individually. The teachers one-on-one sessions consisted
of reviewing students’ work, discussing how they were
managing their me on Khan Academy, tesng the
student for purposes of promoon to the next land, and
tutoring individual students on specic skills or concepts
they were struggling with. The teacher publicly announced
when a student was approved to move to the next land,
and the whole class broke into applause.
1. Data and Stascs 4. Decimals
2. Number
5. Percents, Proporons,
Raos, Rates
3. Fracons 6. Geometry
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
Site 8: Use of Khan Academy to Improve
Student Accountability
Site 8 was a charter high school open to all students
in an urban neighborhood. Over 80% of the school’s
students are Lano and qualify for free or reduced-
price lunch, and over 75% come from families whose
home language is not English. Each ninth-grade class,
where Khan Academy was used most intensely, had
at least 26 students.
The school’s educaonal vision
emphasizes character building, responsibility, and
defeang the “learned helplessness” that, according
to school sta, developed during many students’ prior
schooling. Khan Academy served to eciently hold all
students accountable to the school’s standards while
helping students with the greatest needs inculcate the
skills that had not been learned in prior grade levels
and that were holding back new learning.
The vision for using Khan Academy in the 2012-13 school
year grew out of a summer program that the school
implements each year. In 2012, the school held a 4-week,
Monday through Thursday, “summer success” program
for incoming ninth graders, many of whom were years
behind grade level in math, with crical gaps in basic
math skills that made learning grade-level content
dicult. When students were tested to determine their
baseline math abilies, approximately one-third did
not pass the tests and many did not complete assigned
problem sets at home. The teachers decided to assign
weekly problems sets from Khan Academy, monitor
students’ work on the assignments using the Khan
Academy progress reports, and require students who
did not complete their Khan Academy assignments by
Thursday to aend a Friday session at the school to
complete them. The teachers reported that having a
real-me view into students’ progress, which the reports
provided, and students’ knowing that teachers were
closely monitoring their eorts towards compleng the
Khan Academy was also used in the Geometry class that was
predominantly made up of tenth graders. However, it was used
intermiently due to the lack of Geometry content available in Khan
Academy through SY 2012-13.
assignments and that there were consequences for not
compleng their work, contributed to greater student
accountability over the course of the summer.
As the summer progressed, the teachers noced
a change in student work habits as they tracked
student progress using the Khan Academy’s teacher
dashboard. Inially, many students waited unl
Thursday evening to start their problem sets and thus
frequently they were required to aend the extra
Friday session because they had not completed their
sets. However, over me, most students completed
the week’s work sooner and thus avoided Friday
aendance. Consequences for not compleng math
assignments connued into the school year: Students
who failed to complete assigned Khan Academy
problem sets had to stay aer school to do so.
During summer 2012, a diagnosc exam was used
to determine the appropriate math class for the
incoming freshmen— an algebra readiness secon
or an Algebra I secon. The one-third of students
who scored the lowest on the diagnosc exam were
assigned to the algebra readiness class. All freshmen
also received addional math instrucon in the
“learning lab.
Algebra Readiness. The rst semesters algebra
readiness class focused on lling in gaps in students’
math knowledge through work on Khan Academy
problem sets and through teacher-led small group
instrucon. Each Monday, students were tested on
the previous week’s topics and were also pretested on
the current week’s topics. The test results indicated
which students lacked required basic skills; those
with skill gaps met in small groups with the teacher
to receive instrucon in those skills while other
students worked on Khan Academy problems. In the
second semester, instrucon shied to lessons on
grade-level algebra skills. Each period started with
direct instrucon on a specic skill, with students then
praccing that skill using Khan Academy problem sets.
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
During the lessons observed, students consistently
helped one another complete the problem sets.
Because the work was self-paced, peer-to-peer
interacons generally concerned understanding the
math content, not specic problems.
Algebra I. In SY 2012-13, Algebra I instrucon typically
began with students working on an assigned set of
problems at their seats. Aer they completed the
problems, the teacher called on students to explain
their answers. Given the “no opt out policy,” once a
student was called on, the teacher worked with that
student unl all quesons the teacher posed were
Aer 20 minutes of teacher-led instrucon, students
began working on Khan Academy. Using minitablets,
the students worked on teacher-assigned problem
sets on topics aligned to the daily lesson. Once logged
in, students stayed focused through the period, given
that problems unnished in class would need to be
nished at home to avoid staying aer school.
Learning Lab. In the 40-minute learning lab
period, students spent most of the class on online
math programs, in contrast to blended classroom
instrucon. Students worked on the assigned
weekly problem sets listed on the school’s online
classroom management website. Aer compleon
of the assigned problem sets, students worked on
uncompleted problems from past units.
The learning lab also allowed the teacher to provide
addional instrucon to students with the greatest
needs. Khan Academy reports of student progress
helped the teacher idenfy both students’ skills
and lack of skills. Small groups of the students who
needed help with the week’s problem sets then met
with the teacher while the rest of the class worked
with Khan Academy. The teacher encouraged the
other students to help one another if they were stuck
The math classes and lab rarely used Khan Academy videos. Moreover,
the school did not provide headphones, thus liming student use of the
videos. However, students could view the videos at their discreon.
on a Khan Academy problem. She also announced
which students had mastered that week’s problem
sets (termed “experts”) so that struggling students
could solicit their help in lieu of the teacher.
Teachers relied on Khan Academy progress reports
to keep their math program running smoothly and,
importantly, to hold students accountable for their
work. In the learning lab, the teacher checked reports
almost daily to idenfy students who needed small
group instrucon and to determine the skills she
should emphasize. The teacher teaching the regular
math secons typically reviewed student progress
reports at the end of the week, unit, and semester
to determine class grades (students’ work in Khan
Academy contributed 30% to their grade) and the
students who should aend the aer-school program
to complete their Khan Academy assignments.
Examining the eecveness of the school’s new math
program. To examine the potenal eecveness of
the school’s new math program on student learning,
we compared the spring math test scores on the
state standardized test (California Standards Test—
CST) for students using Khan Academy with scores
for similar students who aended the school in SY
2011-12 before Khan Academy was introduced.
Appendix D provides details of this analysis. We
made two comparisons: (1) spring 2012 CST scores
for ninth graders taking Algebra 1 compared with the
spring 2011 Algebra I scores, and (2) for many of the
same students, spring 2013 tenth-grade CST scores
for students taking geometry compared with spring
2012 tenth-grade geometry scores.
Thus, this design
allowed us to examine the eects of one year and two
years of exposure to the school’s math program.
The results of the analysis were posive. We found
moderate to large stascally signicant eects at
both grade levels favoring students who aended
the school aer Khan Academy was introduced. For
SY 2012-13 was the second year of exposure to Khan Academy for many
tenth-graders, although the use of Khan Academy in geometry was
limited compared to their freshman year.
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
ninth-grade students in SY 2011-12, the rst year
Khan Academy was used, the eect size was +.61
standard deviaon units; for many of these same
students in tenth grade, by the end of SY 2012-13, the
eect size (+1.03) was even larger. An eect size of
+.61 is equivalent to the median ninth-grade Algebra
1 student in the comparison group moving up 22
percenles (from the 50th to the 72nd percenle)
as a result of aending the school aer the school
introduced Khan Academy and other instruconal
reforms. Students in the new math program in ninth-
grade Algebra 1 had a mean raw CST score of 365,
which was 9% beer than that of the comparison
group the prior year (336). This class of Algebra I
students in the new math program also had a 20%
advantage in terms of the number of students
performing at the procient or advanced level (59%
compared with 39%). In tenth grade, the second year
of the new math program, the eect size of +1.03,
translated to an improvement of 34 percenles for
the median student in tenth-grade geometry (from
the 50th to the 84th percenle), a 14% gain in raw CST
scores (280 to 319), and an 11% gain in the number of
students scoring procient or above.
These results appear very promising, but cauon
is required when interpreng them in terms of the
contribuon of students’ use of Khan Academy to
the esmated eects. Interpretaon is complicated
because Khan Academy introducon coincided
with other changes in the school’s math instrucon
beginning in SY 2011-12. For example, along with
the introducon of Khan Academy during the regular
school day, the school introduced Khan Academy to its
summer math program, added an extra period of math
for freshmen (learning lab), and instuted mandatory
aer-school sessions for students who did not nish
their weekly assignments. Given Khan Academys role
in the school’s overall math instrucon to support
student pracce and monitor assignment compleon,
Khan Academy is clearly an important component of
what appears to be an eecve instruconal system,
but it should not be construed as the only factor
contribung to the gains described above.
Site 9. Use of Khan Academy in an
In-Class Rotaon Model to Facilitate
Small Group Instrucon
Site 9 is a charter school serving a predominantly
low-income, Lano community in an urban center
in California. The school’s stated aim is to prepare
rst-generaon college-bound students for higher
educaon. The school, which opened in fall 2011,
currently oers grades 6 to 9 and will eventually
house grades 6 to 12. For SY 2011-12, the school was
one of the highest performing new middle schools
in the state. During SY 2012-13, when the school
parcipated in the Khan Academy implementaon
study, it enrolled 265 students in grades 6 to 8. The
school started its use of Khan Academy during SY
2011-12, with Khan Academy integrated into the
weekly curriculum as a supplemental instruconal
acvity. Students were expected to complete weekly
teacher-assigned problem sets associated with daily
lessons. This prole highlights a model of Khan
Academy use implemented by the school’s sixth-grade
math teacher in SY 2012-13.
One teacher was responsible for all sixth-grade math
instrucon in a 2-hour daily math block. Given that
her classroom did not have computers for every
student, the teacher decided to use Khan Academy
in a staon-rotaon model to help her dierenate
instrucon. Students were organized into groups
by ability level, based on the teachers judgments
and her regular monitoring of student progress on
the Khan Academy dashboard. At the beginning of
the year, students rotated through three classroom
acvity staons—small group teacher-led instrucon,
me using Khan Academy, and independent pracce
using worksheets or taking an assessment. Groups
rotated about every 30 minutes. During the second
half of the year, aer securing several addional
computers for her classroom, the teacher organized
her class into two groups; one half of the students
received teacher-led instrucon while the other
half worked on Khan Academy. The groups switched
places aer 45 minutes. Each class began with a
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
20-minute warm-up consisng of announcements and
mental math exercises before students joined their
designated groupings.
The teacher-led instrucon followed a common model
for classroom-based math instrucon. The teacher
rst took 5 to 10 minutes to introduce the day’s topic,
oen linking the topic to the content of the previous
lesson and varying the content of her presentaon
depending on the ability level of the group. Then
she projected sample problems on the board and
walked students through their soluons. The teacher
also regularly monitored the students working on
problems at their seats on their whiteboards. When
ready, students held up their whiteboards to show
the teacher their soluons. The teacher called on
individual students to explain their soluons to their
classmates, and called on other students to ask
whether or not they agreed with the student’s answer
or had an alternave soluon. Although the teacher
did not show Khan Academy videos related to a
specic lesson or assign students to watch them, she
frequently watched the videos herself before a lesson,
looking for instances where the videos presented
alternave and equally valid soluon strategies to the
ones she had prepared for her lecture and sharing
those strategies with her students during class me.
Students at the Khan Academy staon managed
their own learning during their session using the
online resources. Students rst logged into the
online classroom management portal, Edmodo,
to determine the Khan Academy problem sets the
teacher had posted for them to work on. At the start
of each week students were assigned three Khan
Academy problem sets to complete by the end of the
week. The problem sets varied in diculty; two were
directly related to topics being covered in the weekly
lessons during teacher-led instrucon, and the other
was geared toward a necessary skill that the teacher
determined students in a parcular group needed
more pracce on. Frequently, students in a group
would be assigned dierent problem sets, depending
on their ability level; typically, one common problem
set was assigned across groups and the teacher used
it to determine students’ grades for their weekly work
on Khan Academy.
The teacher cited the immediate feedback students
received as they worked through the assigned
problems sets as most important benet of using
Khan Academy. Students immediately knew if their
soluon to a problem was correct or not, and, if their
soluon was incorrect, they could use the “hints”
feature to see a step-by-step soluon to the problem
before trying a similar problem generated by the
system. In this way, students could learn from their
mistakes and make progress on an assignment. As
this teacher noted, that is not the case with paper-
pencil worksheets: without immediate support from
the teacher or another adult or student, a student
struggling with the content may hand in a worksheet
with all problems incorrectly answered and may
have to wait a day or more before receiving teacher
feedback. In this classroom, while the teacher was
delivering direct instrucon to one group of students,
the students working on Khan Academy were sll
able to receive feedback on their work, without the
intervenon of the teacher.
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
In this secon we provide a set of ndings from our
implementaon research describing how Khan Academy
was used by teachers within and across sites and the
factors that inuenced that use. These ndings are
based on an analysis of qualitave and quantave data
collected through classroom observaons, interviews,
and student use les archived by Khan Academy. The
results presented here should not be interpreted
independently of how Khan Academy was used across
and within each of the research sites. In many ways,
it is helpful to think about the paerns in students’
use of Khan Academy as an outcome of the dierent
instruconal models teachers adopted. As described
above, teachers’ use of Khan Academy, the frequency
of use, and the role that Khan Academy played in their
instrucon (e.g., integraon with core instrucon or
as a separate unconnected acvity) varied across and
within sites. In addion, the me allocated for math
instrucon varied by site and grade level; Sites 2, 3, 4,
8, and 9 dedicated 80 minutes or more to daily math
instrucon; other sites spent less than an hour. Teachers’
access to anyme one-on-one technology in their
classrooms played a role as well, parcularly during SY
2011-12. In that year, only a third of the teachers using
Khan Academy in the pilot study indicated that they
had access to enough computers to support one-to-one
compung at any me. Both factors—instruconal me
and student access to computers—inuenced how and
how oen Khan Academy was used.
Data Sources
Findings presented in this implementaon report
are based on data collected from the parcipang
schools during SY 2011–12 and SY 2012-13. SRI
researchers collected informaon about how Khan
Academy was being used and about its potenal
Implementaon Findings from Khan
Academy Pilot Schools
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
benets by conducng site visits to schools, districts,
and charter management organizaons; making
classroom observaons; interviewing organizaon
and school leaders and teachers, parents, and
students; and conducng a teacher and a student
survey. In addion, members of the Khan Academy
implementaon team, who were also interviewed
before each of our site visits, contributed valuable
informaon about the supports provided to schools
and insights into pracces and factors that might
be associated with more eecve adopons. That
informaon was then conrmed through the SRI
research team’s eldwork and surveys. When
appropriate, we present ndings from our analysis
of student outcomes—their atudes toward and
interests in math, and their scores on standardized
achievement tests when available—and examine the
associaon between levels of use and improvements
in these outcomes. Appendix C includes a summary
of the scope of the data collecon acvies, including
response rates for teacher and student surveys.
In addion to the data collected by SRI researchers,
our analyses used data from the students’ user log
les that Khan Academy automacally generated over
the school year. Khan Academy archives considerable
data on users’ interacons with its content and the
various features on its website. SRI worked with Khan
Academy to idenfy indicators of how and how oen
various resources were used and for examining the
relaonships between students’ use of Khan Academy
and specic teacher pracces, as well as learning
outcomes. Khan Academy provided mulple use
indicators for each student. Our analysis focused on
the following general indicators of use: me spent
on videos, me spent on problem sets, the number
of videos watched, and number of problem sets
successfully completed. Appendix C lists the full range
of log data along with a descripon of how the user
data was prepared for analysis.
We used these indicators to explore variaon in Khan
Academy use across research sites, factors aecng
students’ use of Khan Academy, and the relaonship
between Khan Academy use and student outcomes. Using
these indicators, we were also able to analyze the amount
of me students spent acvely engaged with Khan
Academy content; how me was apporoned between
watching videos and working on problem sets; the degree
to which students worked on content that was below, at,
or above their grade level; and the number of problem
sets students successfully completed.
Khan Academy Usage
Teachers used Khan Academy primarily as a supplement
to core teacher-led instrucon in most, but not all, sites
during the course of the study. Most teachers in this
study used Khan Academy to provide extended pracce
following the introducon of new concepts and skills by
the teachers themselves. The primary Khan Academy
resource used was the problem sets, with videos used
mostly at the discreon of students.
Overall, teachers responding to our survey reported
that, in supporng the instrucon they oered, Khan
Academy played its greatest role by providing students
with pracce opportunies (82% overall; 90% in SY 2011-
12 and 73% in SY 2012-13) and allowing the teachers
to provide small-group instrucon to some students
while others used the program (67%). Fewer teachers
(20% overall; 29% in SY 2011-12 and 10% in SY 2012-13)
indicated that Khan Academy played a role in introducing
new concepts in a lesson.
Teacher reports suggested that Khan Academy
supported students’ learning by personalizing the
learning experience; 84% of teachers reported that
Khan Academy allowed students to learn at their
own pace (73% in SY 2011-12 and 94% in SY 2012-13)
and 72% indicated it met the needs and interests of
dierent types of learners (67% in SY 2011-12 and 77%
in SY 2012-13). Slightly more teachers saw it playing
a greater role as an enrichment acvity for advanced
students than as a remediaon tool (80% vs. 61%);
fewer teachers saw it as playing a substanve role in
promong deeper learning (35% overall).
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
The me spent engaged with Khan Academy content
varied widely across research sites. Figure 2 shows the
median total amount of me (in minutes) that students
spent working on Khan Academy across the two years
of the study. The phrase working on Khan Academy,
refers to the total me students spent watching videos or
working on problem sets. It excludes the me students
spent on the website logging in and out or engaging
in other acvies (e.g., updang their prole page,
searching for content). Thus, this is a measure of the
amount of me students spent acvely engaged in a
direct instruconal experience on the website. The total
me shown in Figure 2 includes students’ use of the
system both inside and outside school.
To beer understand how students spent their me
on Khan Academy, we compared the number of
minutes they viewed videos with the me they spent in
compleng problem sets. Table 4 presents these results.
The me students spent working on Khan Academy
varied considerably across and within sites and by year.
It ranged from a low of 396 minutes (or 11 minutes per
week assuming a 36-week school year) for the median
student at Site 1, a public school district in SY 2012-13,
to a high of 3,140 minutes of use (or 90 minutes per
week) in Site 2 during SY 2011-12. With the excepon
of Site 2 where Khan Academy use in the rst year of
the pilot consumed 22% of the me allocated for math
instrucon, Khan Academy use represented less than 10%
of scheduled math instruconal me at the pilot sites.
The relavely high use of Khan Academy at Site 2 in
SY 2011-12 relave to the other sites was supported
by several factors: (1) anyme access to one-to-one
compung within classrooms; (2) use of mandated
compleon of goals with consequences for lack of
compleon; (3) teachers’ close monitoring of progress
toward goals; (4) a planful integraon with the core
Figure 2. Total Median Time Working on Khan Academy by Site, School, and Study Year
Note: Bars represent school median values.
Percent Minutes
1000 2000 3000 40000
1234 5678 910111213141516171819
Site 1 Site 2 Site 3Site 4
Site 5
Site 6Site 7 Site 8 Site 9
2011-12 2012-13
1234 56 78 91011121314151617181920
Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 Site 4 Site 5 Site 6 Site 7 Site 8 Site 9
AboveAt BelowGrade Level of Content:
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
curriculum; and (5) extended instruconal blocks (90
minutes dedicated to daily math instrucon).
Use of Khan Academy in Site 1 and Site 2 schools
parcipang in the research in both study years showed
lower levels of use in SY 2012-13 than in the prior school
year due to a shi in goals and priories. Across the Site
1 district, use of Khan Academy was signicantly lower in
SY 2012-13 than in the previous school year. In SY 2011-
12 the median student in the h and sixth grades in Site
1 spent slightly more than 23 minutes per week viewing
Khan Academy videos and working through problem sets
compared with 11 minutes per week in SY 2012-13. This
decrease in Khan Academy use in Site 1 was ancipated
for two reasons: (1) in SY 2012-13, the districts emphasis
on the use of technology in classrooms extended beyond
the use of Khan Academy, which had been its focus in SY
2011-12, and (2) Khan Academy, by design, signicantly
decreased its onsite support of the district in SY 2012-13
relave to the prior school year when it was common
for Khan Academy school implementaon sta to be in
schools working with teachers one-on-one several mes
a month.
Site 2 also experienced a signicant drop in its students’
overall use of Khan Academy resources from year 1 to year
2 of the study as the school switched from a mandatory
supplemental use model of Khan Academy in SY 2011-12
to a model of total student discreon concerning the use
of Khan Academy as a part of the schools’ self-directed,
self-paced math instrucon model. In this environment,
students worked with Khan Academy resources as they
saw t, and the use of Khan Academy videos and problem
sets declined to 22 minutes per week compared with
87 minutes per week in SY 2011-12 when use of Khan
Academy was daily and mandatory.
The research team reviewed these results in summer 2013 with Site 2 sta.
A member of the Site 2 leadership team conrmed that there was likely a
signicant decrease in the use of Khan Academy resources during SY 2012-13
compared to the previous school year due to the change of the role of Khan
Academy in the curriuclum and that the size of the decrease reported here
was in line with their expectatons. However, during SY 2012-13, there is a
possibility that for some students not all the me they spent viewing videos
and working on problem sets was logged by the system. When a student
in Site 2 went to use Khan Academy, if that student did not log into Khan
Academy using her Google account then that session on Khan Academy could
not be easily idened within the logle and therefore it wasn’t included in an
analysis of the overall use of Khan Academy by Site 2 students. The Site 2 sta
member conrmed that only a small percentage of students would have not
logged in through their Google account each me they used Khan Academy.
Study site School Year N Video minutes
Problem set
Total Minutes
1 2011-12 1,005 50 712 846
2012-13 892 28 364 396
2 2011-12 207 109 2,869 3,140
2012-13 381 119 552 783
3 2011-12 92 19 1,091 1,165
2012-13 184 24 638 686
4 2011-12 54 16 1,546 1,599
2012-13 21 32 2,856 2,870
5 2011-12 90 14 1,007 1,070
6 2011-12 29 80 478 535
7 2011-12 101 51 319 419
8 2011-12
2012-13 140 26 2,794 2,855
9 2011-12
2012-13 247 41 1,941 2,012
Table 4. Median Number of Minutes Viewing Videos and Compleng Problem Sets by Site and Study Year
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
The overwhelming majority of the me students
spent logged on to Khan Academy was devoted to
working on problem sets. Problem sets comprise
individual problems organized around related content.
We summed the number of problems that students
aempted across the school year. For each site (with the
excepon of Site 2 in SY 2012-13 where Khan Academy
was used as the primary instruconal resource in a self-
directed model), Khan Academy was most oen used to
support students’ pracce of newly learned math skills
by assigning students to complete the related problem
sets. Of the me students spent on Khan Academy, more
than 85% was allocated to working on the problem sets.
The percent of me on Khan Academy spent working
on problem sets ranged from a low of 70% in Site 2 to
99% in Site 4, both in SY 2012-13. The remainder of
me on Khan Academy was spent viewing videos. The
median number of problems aempted by site ranged
from a low of 364 across Site 1 in SY 2012-13 (about 10
problems aempted per student per week across the
district) to 4,448 in Site 9 (or 124 per week).
We also examined the proporon of Khan Academy
content that students were exposed to that was below
their grade level. As shown in Figure 3, there was
considerable me spent on below-grade-level content.
Several factors help explain this paern. In the rst
year of implementaon, each school, regardless of
grade levels served, began the school year by having
Note: % Below, At, and Above represent the median values for three separate distribuons. For Site 1-4, SY 2011-12 data is shown in the rst column and
SY 2012-13 data in the second column.
Figure 3. Median Percentage of Time Students Spent on Khan Academy Problem Sets Below, At,
or Above Grade Level in School Years 2011-12 and 2012-13
Percent Minutes
1000 2000 3000 40000
1234 5678 910111213141516171819
Site 1 Site 2 Site 3Site 4
Site 5
Site 6Site 7 Site 8 Site 9
2011-12 2012-13
1234 56 78 91011121314151617181920
Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 Site 4 Site 5 Site 6 Site 7 Site 8 Site 9
AboveAt BelowGrade Level of Content:
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
students explore the Khan Academy resources.
Students started with the least dicult content and
then worked their way through to more challenging
content. We also expected to nd variaon in the
grade level of Khan Academy content used, based
on the types of students who were targeted to use
Khan Academy. In some schools, Khan Academy was
used as an intervenon to help strengthen the basic
skills of struggling math learners. In those schools,
we expected to see signicant me spent on below-
grade-level content. Figure 3 shows that at seven of
the nine pilot sites, students spent the majority of
their me working on Khan Academy problems whose
content was below their grade level.
In contrast, students in Schools 1–7 in Site 1, Site
4, and School 16 in Site 5 spent more than 30% of
their total me on Khan Academy on above-grade-
level problem sets. For those schools, this dierence
was most likely explained by the combinaon of (1)
students being encouraged by teachers to explore
advanced content with Khan Academy at school and
at home, and (2) the use of a core curriculum that
challenged students with content that exceeded the
state’s grade-level standards (especially at Site 1).
Students did not rely on the Khan Academy videos
as a signicant source of instrucon. Median student
use of videos across a study year ranged from a low
of 3 videos for Site 3, School 11 in SY 2012-13 to a
high of 29 videos for Site 2, School 10 in SY 2011-12
(See Figure 4). It should be noted that students were
counted as having watched a video if they started
playing it, regardless of whether or not they watched it
Number of Videos
10 20 300
12345678 910111213141516171819
Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 Site 4 Site 5 Site 6 Site 7 Site 8 Site 9
2011-12 2012-13
Figure 4. Median Number of Khan Academy Videos Viewed by Site and School, SY 2011-12 and
SY 2012-13
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
in its enrety. Neither of Sites 8 and 9, which were new
to the research in SY 2012-13, provided students with
headphones, thereby reducing the opportunity for the
videos to be a source of instrucon and support.
From informaon collected during interviews with
teachers and students, from surveys, and from our
observaons, we idened several factors that most
likely contributed to teachers’ limited use of videos:
Teacher-led instrucon was the dominant strategy
for the introducon of new concepts across the
research sites, with Khan Academy used primarily as
a supplementary instruconal resource. More than
half the teachers in SY 2011-12 and nearly three-
quarters in SY 2012-13 reported on the survey that
they rarely or never used Khan Academy videos to
support their instrucon; only one in ve teachers
reported doing so at least weekly. Nevertheless,
teachers saw the videos as useful. Half the teachers
reported in the survey that the videos were useful for
reteaching and reinforcing students’ understandings,
and slightly more than half reported that they were
useful for presenng an approach that diered from
the one they themselves provided in the classroom.
A lile less than 3 in 10 teachers reported that the
videos were always or mostly useful for introducing
new concepts.
One middle school teacher in Site 4 described her
perspecve on use of the Khan Academy videos in
her classroom this way:
The videos aren’t as big of a part [of instrucon] as
they could be. I am not ready to give up that control.
Kids like to get the interacon with me. Sal is great
at explaining things, but you can’t stop and ask
quesons, which is something these kids thrive on.
Students struggling with a problem generally turned
to their teachers or peers or used the hints and
step-by-step features in Khan Academy rather than
viewing or reviewing the related video.
Few teachers reported that they considered the
content of the videos to be well aligned with
their curriculum. Fewer than one in ve teachers
reported that it was always or mostly true that
the videos were aligned with their curriculum
and that each topic they covered in class had a
corresponding video. As described above, Khan
Academy connues to develop videos to ll in gaps
in its coverage of the K-12 Common Core State
Standards for math.
Few teachers expected their students to use Khan
Academy outside the regular school day. Students’ use
of Khan Academy happened primarily during the regular
school day, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. For the median student, use
outside of school ranged from a low of a few minutes a
week across several schools in the sample to a high of 25
minutes per week for Site 8. Across the two years of the
study, about 1 in 5 teachers parcipang in the survey
reported that they assigned Khan Academy work to be
completed outside the regular school day (18%), whereas
45% of teachers reported never assigning it for homework
at all. Teachers who reported that they never assigned
Khan Academy videos or problem sets for homework
oen cited concerns about student access to computers
or reliable Internet connecons at home (about 50% of
those teachers). Student self-reports of their access to
computers and the Internet in the home varied by school,
with reports ranging from 67% in Site 4 to 93% in Site 8.
However, in three of the pilot sites with schools in
low-income communies—Site 2 (in SY 2011-12),
Site 3, and Site 8—the expectaon was dierent. In
those schools, students were expected to do whatever
it took to complete any Khan Academy work they
did not nish in class, including staying aer school
to use the school computers or using computers at
home or in public libraries. One of the Site 3 schools
even assigned Khan Academy problem sets during
the school’s winter and spring breaks. Students in
this school who did not have access to the Internet at
home could complete the assignment before the start
of the school break by staying aer school and using
the school’s computers and Internet access.
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
Teachers who reviewed the Khan Academy reports
regularly found them useful. Across the 2 years of the
study, slightly more than half the teachers reported
reviewing the Khan Academy student performance
data at least once a week (See Figure 5 for an example
of a report). About 4 in 10 teachers reported that they
reviewed a Khan Academy report of student progress once
a month or less or not at all (29% in SY 2011-12 and 59% in
SY 2012-13). Among the teachers who reviewed the data
once a month or less or did not review the data, about
70% reported that they did not review the reports more
oen because they relied more on informaon outside
the system, such as their own observaons and formave
assessments, to gauge student progress.
Of the teachers who reviewed the data at least a few
mes a month or more oen, slightly more than half
(53% in SY 2011-12 and 50% in SY 2012-13) regarded
the data as very useful in informing their instrucon,
and the others (47% in SY 2011-12 and 50% in SY 2012-
13) found the student reports somewhat useful. In SY
2011-12, teachers in Site 2 reported (1) using the reports
to idenfy students struggling with the same concepts
and assign them to small group instrucon, and (2) as an
accountability” tool to idenfy students who were not
making adequate weekly progress within Khan Academy
and thus were candidates for an aerschool program.
One seventh-grade teacher in Site 3 reported that she
reviewed student reports four to ve mes per week
to monitor students’ progress on their Khan Academy
work in and outside school, helping her keep apprised
of students’ learning needs more consistently than
she could have otherwise. This review was parcularly
useful, according to the teacher, for those students who
did not parcipate in discussion in the regular classroom
but who worked on Khan Academy outside school.
Figure 5. An Example of a Teachers Dashboard and Report
Teachers can track students’
progress including skills they
have mastered or skills they
are are struggling with.
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
A ninth-grade teacher in Site 2 reported during SY
2011-12 that one of the most “powerful” aspects
of Khan Academy was that students could use the
features of the site to monitor their progress and
to prove to themselves (not the teacher) what they
knew and where they needed more work. The teacher
commented that this was a more “authenc” form
of assessment in that the students were evaluang
their own skills and knowledge rather looking to the
teacher to judge their performance.
Through out the study, Khan Academy conducted
surveys, focus groups, and one-on-one discussions
with teachers to understand how they thought Khan
Academy reports could be made more useful, and
Khan Academy implemented several changes in
response to that feedback. One important change
enabled teachers to lter reports by topic and skill so
that they could more easily idenfy students’ progress
relave to the curriculum.
Factors Inuencing Use
The cost-free nature of Khan Academy resources
was an important factor in the decision of districts
and schools to pilot it. Although many aspects of
Khan Academy appealed to district, CMO, and school
leaders, economy was a signicant driver. Given
restricted educaon budgets, educaon leaders were
seeking cost-eecve online instruconal resources to
implement their instruconal visions. Administrators
in three sites acknowledged that Khan Academys
no-cost status inuenced their decision to pilot it.
Leaders of two of the parcipang CMOs commented
that constraints on their discreonary budgets made
them unwilling to risk signicant investments in
online instruconal programs, especially untested
ones, even though they had recently made
substanal investments in computer hardware and in
improvements to Internet connecvity.
As one district administrator commented:
Free soware is a great thing, especially when its
also useful and eecve.
Lack of access to anyme one-to-one compung
limited teachers’ use of Khan Academy in SY 2011-12.
Few classrooms in our study had daily access to one-
to-one compung (a computer for every student) in SY
2011-12. Teachers in schools with access to anyme
one-to-one compung in the classroom were able to
have their students use Khan Academy much more
extensively and more exibly to support instrucon
than were teachers in schools with high student-to-
computer raos. Of the 94% of teachers in the sample
whose students used Khan Academy primarily in the
classroom, only one-third in SY 2011-12 indicated that
they had access to enough computers for all students
to use whenever they wanted. Almost half the teachers
reported that lack of computers negavely aected
their ability to use Khan Academy. Many teachers in
Site 1 shared laptop carts with other teachers in the
grade level or across the school and therefore had
access to computers for only a few days each week.
The sixth-grade teacher in Site 7 had access to a laptop
cart only once a week. Consequently, regardless of their
preferences, in SY 2011-12 teachers in these schools
were limited to using Khan Academy as a supplement
to their core construcon—for pracce, review,
remediaon, and acceleraon—rather than as an
integral part of the core curriculum.
In contrast, in SY 2012-13, almost all classrooms
(83%) had access to anyme one-to-one compung.
The main reason for this change was an investment
by Site 1, which constuted by far the largest set of
classrooms in the study, to provide almost universal
access to one-to-compung in that school year.
Extended instruconal me facilitated teachers’ use
of Khan Academy. Teachers with extra or extended
me dedicated to math instrucon (more than 50
minutes per day) had more opportunies to integrate
Khan Academy into their core instruconal me than
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
did other teachers. Sites 2, 3, 4, and 9 dedicated 90
minutes or more to daily math instrucon, and Site 8
allocated more than 80 minutes to math instrucon in
grade 9. Schools associated with the other four sites
allocated 60 minutes or less a day. On the teacher
survey, in SY 2011-12 two-thirds of teachers and just
over one-third (36%) in SY 2012-13 cited a lack of daily
instruconal me as a key factor having a moderate or
signicant impact on their ability to use Khan Academy
eecvely. According to two middle school teachers
in Site 1, the greatest challenge they faced in using
Khan Academy in SY 2011-12 was nding the me to
t it into their 50-minute daily math block; compeng
demands, parcularly during the spring when the
pressures of tesng and trying to nish class projects
squeezed Khan Academy out of their daily schedules.
Lack of alignment of Khan Academy content with
core curriculum posed challenges for teachers’
eorts to integrate it into the classroom. Given
formal school curriculum, content gaps existed in
both the videos and the problem sets during the
rst year of the study and, albeit to a lesser extent,
during the second year as well. During the study
years, Khan Academy developed a considerable
amount of new content to ll the gaps. Our interviews
revealed that teachers of h- and sixth-graders in
the parcipang schools oen found problem sets too
dicult because they assumed a working knowledge
of skills and concepts not yet covered in the school’s
core curriculum. In addion, signicant gaps existed
in Khan Academy content for ninth grade and aer,
parcularly in geometry. Two-thirds of teachers
surveyed across study years reported that a lack of
alignment between the Khan Academy resources and
their school’s curriculum had a moderate to signicant
negave impact on their ability to use Khan Academy
eecvely with their students. Instruconal coaches
interviewed in spring 2013 from Site 1 also indicated
teachers’ diculty in integrang Khan Academy into
the curriculum because its content did not specically
address curriculum needs. As a result, the Khan
Academy content was not always “synchronized”
with the curriculum and therefore required teacher
me and eort to determine which problem sets and
videos were appropriate for their lessons.
According to one coach,
Teachers want a synchronized system that works
with their curriculum. They don’t know how to
adapt the tool [Khan Academy] when there isn’t
…. matching between their curriculum and Khan
Academy [problem sets and videos].
Interview comments from a h-grade teacher in the
district echoed those senments:
I just don’t have me to comb through all of those
modules and exercises and videos to be sure if
theyre right for the kids and what I’m teaching.
I might as well just create the lessons using the
materials I know and have access to.
Several mes over the course of the study, Khan
Academy responded to teachers’ requests to create
problem sets that were developmentally appropriate
for younger students, and the Academy connues
to work on providing comprehensive coverage
of Common Core State Standards in math from
kindergarten through high school. In addion, Khan
Academys recent development of “tutorials” and
grade-level “missions” should help teachers more
easily locate the content on the site that is most
appropriate for their students.
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
This secon presents preliminary ndings about the
potenal benets of Khan Academy for supporng
teachers’ classroom instrucon and student learning.
First we report on ndings based on our observaons
in classrooms, interviews with teachers and students,
and teacher and student self-reports collected
through our surveys. The secon ends with a set
of ndings based on the results of an exploratory
analysis examining the associaon between the level
of Khan Academy use and student outcomes in a
subsample of classrooms.
Benets of Khan Academy Use for Teaching
and Learning
Students’ engagement level was generally high
during Khan Academy sessions. A high level of
engagement was evident during a majority of our
classroom observaons for all grade levels. In focus
groups with students in the lower grade levels,
they oen commented that they enjoyed their
“Khan me,” and the teachers we interviewed and
surveyed conrmed that atude. In SY 2012-13, 8
in 10 teachers surveyed reported that students liked
the me they spent working on Khan Academy and,
across all grade levels, that students were moderately
(62%) or highly (25%) engaged when using Khan
Academy. Overall, over the 2 years of the study 71%
of students reported that they enjoyed using Khan
Academy during the study period.
The following are possible, but as yet untested,
explanaons for this high level of engagement and
are based on our observaons and insights gathered
during interviews with students and teachers:
Students clearly enjoyed interacng with the
technology (e.g., laptops, notebooks, iPads).
Several teachers commented that their students
looked forward to their regular “Khan me”
sessions, parcularly in the rst part of the
school year when the use of Khan Academy and
technology was novel. In addion, several teachers
noted that students (as well as these teachers)
Preliminary Findings on the Connecon
Between Khan Academy Use and Improved
Teacher Pracces and Student Outcomes
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
appreciated the break in roune from teacher-
led instruconal acvies that technology use in
the classroom aorded. This desire to introduce
variety in instruconal approaches appeared to be
parcularly strong in schools with extended class
periods for math.
Some students appear to have been movated by
Khan Academys gamelike elements—the badges
and energy points awarded when they successfully
completed problem sets. Close to 4 in 10 students
reported that the accumulaon of badges and
points movated them to learn more in math or
were what they liked most about Khan Academy.
Across the 2 years of the study, 53% of students
reported it was always or mostly true that the
badges and points made them want to work harder
in Khan Academy.
However, some evidence suggests that the
importance of the gamelike elements as a
movang tool may vary by grade level. For
example, in SY 2012-13, badges and points appeared
to play a more central role in the Khan Academy
experience of students in grades 5 through 8 than
for high school students in the sample (grades 9
and 10). More than half of the h- through eighth-
graders (56%) indicated that accumulang badges
and energy points spurred them to work harder in
Khan Academy (always or mostly true), relave to
28% of high school students (38% in Site 8 and 24%
in Site 2).
Immediate feedback, hints, and access to videos
meant that, when struggling with a parcular
problem in Khan Academy, students were not stuck
for long and could experience success even when
the content became challenging. Across the 2 years
of the study, 32% of students agreed they liked
math more since they started using Khan Academy.
Addionally, 45% of students indicated they were
able to learn new things about math on their own,
without the help of their teacher. And 34% of high
school students and 22% of students in grades 5 to
8 surveyed in SY2012-13 reported that they receive
more informaon about what they did right or
wrong when working on Khan Academy problem
sets than they typically receive from their teacher
on in-class pracce problems or homework.
In some cases, Khan Academy may have inslled
in students a sense of ownership and control
over the learning environment that is rare in
tradional classroom sengs. Of the teachers
surveyed, 8 in 10 agreed that Khan Academy
helped students take ownership of their learning.
Student-driven acvies embedded in the Khan
Academy experience—goal seng, searching for
content, self-monitoring of progress toward goals,
and choice over the tutorial mode to use (hints,
step-by-step, videos, etc.)—enhanced that sense.
According to one sixth-grade teacher with students
who were several grade levels behind their peers,
the sense of ownership that developed led to the
establishment of a “learning community” in his
classroom; students proacvely began to seek out
the teacher and peers to help them when they
were struggling with a Khan Academy problem set,
something he had not experienced before with this
group of students. Another middle school teacher
in Site 4 observed that the ability to self-monitor
through Khan Academy made students more aware
of their strengths and weaknesses, which movated
them to work on gaps in their knowledge without
her addional prompng.
Peer learning is emerging as a key component of
the use of Khan Academy in some classrooms. Only
the model adopted by teachers at Site 4 had peer
learning—students helping students achieve their
goals—at its core; however, several other teachers
commented on the peer learning that had developed
in their classrooms as a result of allowing students
to both work independently and assist their peers as
they worked through the Khan Academy problem sets.
Several Site 1 teachers reported posive experiences
with Khan Academy-related peer learning in their
classroom and that as a result they would look for other
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
opportunies to use peer learning in their instrucon.
Even for Site 2’s student-centered, competency-based
model implemented during SY 2012-13, students were
allowed to work together in groups of their choosing,
and students naturally turned to each other for support
while working through their playlists, seeking out peers
who were working on similar topics or who had already
mastered those topics.
The sixth-grade teacher in Site 4 described the
school’s philosophy of creang an environment for
peer learning:
We spend most of the beginning of the year
establishing community among students and a safe
environment. [You] rst need to meet basic needs,
then emoonal safety, and only aer that can you
teach and learn. [I] want my room to be a place
where they can make mistakes and sll be accepted.
[This is] one of the reasons Khan Academy works in
the classroom. Students have to feel safe enough to
ask for help and not be embarrassed. They’ll spend
their own Khan Academy me helping another kid.
They’ll celebrate each others success. They love
helping each other. There’s power to that. Some
teachers hesitate to give up that sense of control.
... Nobodys in one exact place, but each kid knows
where they are and what their goal is.
Teachers’ percepons of Khan Academys impacts
on students varied across dierent learning areas,
with the strongest impacts reported to be students’
overall understanding of math topics, students’ ability
to work and learn independently, and students’
acquision of procedural skills. In responding to SRI’s
teacher survey, over the 2 years of the study, roughly
85% of teachers reported that they believed Khan
Academy had made a posive impact (somewhat or
strong) on students’ learning and understanding of the
material overall, with 37% reporng a strong impact.
Of the 87% of teachers who believed Khan Academy
had a posive impact on students’ ability to work and
learn independently, 38% reported a strong impact. In
terms of specic skills or areas, more than 8 in 10 of the
surveyed teachers (83%) felt that Khan Academy had
a posive impact (somewhat or strong) on students’
acquision of procedural skills (with 50% reporng a
strong impact). A strong majority of teachers (80%)
also believed Khan Academy had a posive impact on
students’ conceptual math understanding (with 24%
describing it as a strong impact). Teachers credited
Khan Academy with enabling students to learn new
math concepts beyond their grade level (91% overall,
with 41% reporng a strong impact). Close to 60% of
the surveyed teachers believed that Khan Academy had
a posive impact on their students’ problem-solving
skills and ability to apply mathemacs in context, with 1
in 10 reporng a strong impact in these two areas.
Teachers in Site 1 diered from teachers in the other
schools in their percepons of Khan Academy’s
impacts. Students at Site 1 were academically and
economically advantaged relave to students at the
other study sites. The Site 1 schools had some of the
highest test scores in the state, even when compared
with other advantaged districts. Clearly, the academic
needs of the Site 1 students were dierent from
those of students in most of the other research sites
that had much higher percentages of students who
had gaps in basic skills and were performing below
grade level (somemes as much as 2 to 3 grade levels
below). It is thus highly likely that the Site 1 teachers
and the teachers in the other schools had dierent
expectaons for the role that Khan Academy might
play in supporng students’ learning. Many teachers
in Site 1 focused on using Khan Academy to provide
variety in their instrucon and to allow students to
explore a self-directed learning environment. For the
average Site 1 teacher, Khan Academy use was also
less systemac and intense compared with how many
of the other schools used the Academy, parcularly
in SY 2012-13. A majority of teachers in the other
schools relied heavily on Khan Academy to close
exisng knowledge gaps and provide meaningful
pracce opportunies two or more mes per week.
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
Table 5 summarizes the largest dierences between Site
1 teacher percepons of the impacts of Khan Academy
on student learning and those of other teachers in the
sample. To highlight the dierences, we report the
percent of teachers reporng no impact and the percent
reporng strong impact for each of the areas. Teachers
at the other sites clearly perceived that their use of Khan
Academy during SY 2012-13 had a more pronounced
posive eect on their students’ learning and learning
skills than did the Site 1 teachers who worked with more
academically advanced students.
Teachers who integrated Khan Academy into their
instrucon reported it had increased their capacity
to support their students in a number of areas.
Across the two years of the study, the majority of
teachers indicated that using Khan Academy increased
their ability to provide students with opportunies
to pracce new concepts and skills they had recently
learned in class (91% overall; 100% in SY 2011-12
and 81% in SY 2012-13). Eight in ten teachers also
reported that Khan Academy increased their ability
to monitor students’ knowledge and ability (81%
overall; 86% in SY 2011-12 and 75% in SY 2012-13),
thus helping to idenfy students who were struggling.
Among teacher survey respondents, 82% (90% in SY
2011-12 and 73% in SY 2012-13) reported that Khan
Academy helped them idenfy students who were
ahead of the rest of the class, 82% said it helped
them expose advanced students to concepts beyond
their grade level (90% in SY 2011-12 and 73% in
SY 2012-13), and 65%, including 72% of teachers
in schools serving low-income communies, said
that Khan Academy increased their ability to help
struggling students to catch up. Slightly more than
half the teachers reported that using Khan Academy
helped them determine what content they needed to
reteach or could skip (56% overall; 61% in SY 2011-12
and 52% in SY 2012-13), and 32% of teachers overall
and 48% of teachers in schools serving low-income
communies reported that Khan Academy helped
them move more quickly through the curriculum.
Again, we found some dierences between Site 1
teachers and teachers at other sites in their reports
of the extent that using Khan Academy aected their
instruconal pracce and capacity. Table 6 shows
those aspects of teacher pracces that exhibited the
greatest dierences in teacher reports for SY 2012-13.
As menoned above, dierences in academic needs
of the Site 1 students relave to students in the other
sites, and the typical role Khan Academy played in
Table 5. Major Dierences in Teacher Reports of the Impact of Khan Academy Use on Student
Learning: Site 1 Teachers versus Other Sites’ Teachers (SY 2012-13)
In your opinion, how has Khan Academy
impacted your students’ learning?
No Impact Strong Impact
Site 1 Other Sites Site 1 Other Sites
Overall, students’ learning and understanding of
the material
21% 0% 15% 60%
Students’ procedural skills 18% 0% 27% 75%
Students’ problem-solving skills 40% 15% 3% 20%
Students’ learning of new concepts in
mathemacs that are beyond their grade level
6% 15% 24% 40%
Students’ movaon to learn mathemacs 39% 15% 18% 35%
Students’ ability to work and learn independently 15% 5% 27% 55%
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
Site 1 classrooms compared to classrooms in the
other sites, may explain some of the dierences
between Site 1 and other teachers in their
percepons of the value of Khan Academy. Whatever
the reason, teachers in sites other than Site 1 clearly
found greater value in their use of Khan Academy to
support their overall instrucon.
When teachers were asked in the survey about the
relave benets of Khan Academy for students with
dierent levels of prior academic performance,
teachers’ percepons of Khan Academys
eecveness varied. (See Table 7.) Across the two
years of the study, a majority of teachers reported
that they believed Khan Academy was at least
somewhat eecve for students of all math ability
levels. However, teachers described Khan Academy
as most eecve in meeng the learning needs of
students whose academic work was ahead of most
students their age, with 74% of teachers indicang
the program was very eecve for this group and an
addional 21% reporng it was somewhat eecve.
In contrast, 43% of the teachers rated Khan Academy
as very eecve in meeng the learning needs of
students whose academic work was at the expected
level for their age, with another 49% rang it as
somewhat eecve. Just 25% of teachers reported
that Khan Academy was very eecve for students
whose academic work was behind that of most
students their age, with an addional 47% reporng
it as somewhat eecve. These trends in teacher
percepons were consistent across study year and
between Site 1 and the sites serving low-income
The experience of a Site 5 h-grade teacher using
Khan Academy provides some insight into possible
factors behind teachers’ reports of the relave
eecveness of Khan Academy for dierent types of
students. She used Khan Academy during a dedicated
30-minute session 3 days per week that was separate
from the daily 45-minute math instruconal block.
In our interview with this teacher in SY 2011-12, she
observed that students in her classroom above and
at grade level beneted more from Khan Academy
than did their lower performing peers. The teacher
described a small group of accelerated learners in
her class that had “taken o” and who worked on
content within Khan Academy that went well beyond
the h-grade curriculum. The teacher reported
that these students were those who typically set
goals for problem sets to complete in Khan Academy,
took notes while viewing videos, and tended to
engage in conversaons about math with their
peers as they worked through the Khan Academy
problem sets. Although working with these students
on the advanced content they were covering in
Khan Academy was not possible during regular
Table 6. Major Dierences Noted in Teacher Reports of the Impact of Khan Academy on Teacher
Pracces: Site 1 versus Teachers at Other Sites (SY 2012-13)
Khan Academy had an impact on my instruconal pracce in the
following ways…
Agree or Strongly Agree
Site 1 Other Sites
Increased my ability to monitor the eecveness of my own instrucon 33% 60%
Increased the pace at which I moved through the curriculum 15% 53%
Increased my ability to help students who are below grade level catch up to
the their peers
52% 80%
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
instrucon me, she did monitor their progress
by reviewing Academy reports and suggested new
topics to work on to help prepare them for the sixth-
grade curriculum. The teacher also described how
students performing at grade level beneted from
Khan Academy through addional opportunies to
(1) pracce skills recently taught by the teacher, (2)
work on below-grade level content as needed to
overcome weaknesses in foundaon skills, and (3)
receive immediate feedback on their work, which
helped them learn from their mistakes. In contrast,
the teacher also reported that the lowest performing
students (about 15 to 20% of her class) did not
benet as much from Khan Academy as did the
other students. (The teacher had inially hoped that
dedicated pracce me on Khan Academy would help
those students catch up to their grade-level peers).
She observed that the same students who struggled
in her classroom before the introducon of Khan
Academy also struggled to make progress in Khan
Academy. She indicated that those students, some
with diagnosed learning needs, were less engaged and
less producve with their me on Khan Academy.
A majority of teachers were happy with their Khan
Academy experience and planned to use it Academy
with their students in the upcoming school year.
Eighty-six percent of teachers reported that they
would recommend Khan Academy to other teachers,
and 89% planned to use Khan Academy during the
next school year.
A signicant poron of students, but less than
the majority, reported that Khan Academy had a
posive eect on their math learning and feelings
about doing math. Across the 2 study years, slightly
more than forty-percent of students in our survey
reported that Khan Academy helped them learn new
math concepts on their own without the help of their
teacher and increased their understanding of math.
About 1 in 3 students reported that they had more
condence in their ability to do math, and they liked
math more since they started using Khan Academy.
Examining the Link between Khan
Academy Use and Student Outcomes
This secon examines the degree to which me
spent on Khan Academy and the number of problem
sets a student completed were related to student
performance on the state’s standardized math
assessment (CST) and nonachievement outcomes such
as students’ interest in math and the level of anxiety
experienced when doing math. For methodological
reasons, we conducted the analyses using a subsample
of the total classrooms that parcipated in the overall
research. The analycal models used examine the
correlaon between a students level of Khan Academy
use and various student outcomes (for details about
these analyses see Appendix D). Although these
models can help us examine the relaonship between
use and outcomes they cannot be used to establish
with any level of condence whether the use of Khan
Academy caused beer student outcomes. There are
Table 7. Teacher Reports of the Eecveness of Khan Academy Use For Students of Dierent
Math Abilies (Average across SY 2011-12 and SY 2012-13)
In your opinion, how eecve is Khan Academy
at meeng the learning needs of the following types of students?
Very Eecve
Students whose academic work is ahead of most students their age 74% 21%
Students whose academic work is at the expected level for their age 43% 49%
Students whose academic work is behind most students their age 25% 47%
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
mulple plausible explanaons for any of the reported
associaons. As a result, the ndings presented in
this secon should be treated as exploratory and
not be used to support denive claims about the
eecveness of the Khan Academy resources. Instead,
they should suggest possible areas of future research
where more rigorous designs would be used to help
establish the causal direcon between Khan Academy
use and student outcomes.
Analysis of the relaonship between use and student
learning. For Site 1 in SY 2011-12 and Site 9 in SY
2012-13, we used a combinaon of approaches to
explore the relaonships between Khan Academy
use and student learning outcomes. In general, these
strategies helped account for the role of students’ prior
achievement in their use of Khan Academy and to
improve the overall interpretability of results. Students’
prior achievement on state tests was an important
consideraon because it not only predicted later
achievement, but also predicted the amount of me
that students spent on Khan Academy and the number
of problem sets they completed to “prociency”.
these analyses, we used a two-step process. First, we
esmated the relaonship between students’ fall and
spring test scores, categorizing students on the basis of
whether their spring test scores were higher or lower
than predicted, given their fall test scores. Second, we
compared the average number of minutes spent on
Khan Academy and the problem sets completed for the
two groups to determine whether students who spent
more me on Khan Academy or showed greater progress
on problem sets were more likely than other students to
have beer than expected spring achievement scores.
Table 8 shows the results of these analyses for Site 1, and
Table 9 presents them for Site 9, based on performance
on the spring state achievement test.
During the course of the study, a student was judged to be “procient” on
a specic math topic (e.g., adding fracons with mixed denominators) if the
student answered a system-dened number of problems correctly in a row
without making a mistake. At the start of the study, this number was xed
at 10 in a row. Later in the study Khan Academy implemented a machine-
learning algorithm to help predict prociency that allowed the prociency
requirement to vary, typically from 7 to 10 problems correct in a row.
A posive associaon was found between more
Khan Academy use and progress and improvements
in student test scores. For h and sixth graders in
Site 1, we found a posive and stascally signicant
relaonship between both minutes spent and
the number of problem sets completed in Khan
Academy, and beer than predicted CST scores
(Table 8). Compared with students whose spring test
scores were lower than predicted, students with
beer than predicted CST scores averaged about
732 more minutes (more than 12 hours) on Khan
Academy in grade 5 and 166 more minutes in grade
6 (approximately 3 hours), and they completed 26
addional problem sets in grade 5 (approximately
39% more) and 20 addional problem sets in grade 6
(approximately 22% more).
For Site 9 (Table 9), we found a stascally signicant
relaonship between me on Khan Academy in seventh
grade and higher than predicted achievement scores
and a strong trend in eighth grade in the same direcon.
Note, however, that that trend was not stascally
signicant (partly due to the limited sample size and the
smaller dierence between the two groups). Seventh-
grade students with higher than predicted test scores
logged approximately 7 hours and 28 minutes more
on Khan Academy across the school year than other
seventh graders. Eighth graders who scored higher than
predicted on the spring CST spent an average of 4 hours
and 49 minutes more on Khan Academy.
For Site 9 we also found a posive associaon
between higher than predicted spring test scores and
the number of problem sets completed by students
across all three grade levels, but the relaonship was
stascally signicant for the sixth and eighth grade
only. Sixth graders who had higher than predicted
spring CST scores completed 25% more Khan Academy
problem sets than their peers, and eighth graders who
had higher than predicted spring scores completed
28% more problem sets than the other eighth graders.
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
Table 8. Use of Khan Academy at Site 1 by Lower than Predicted and Higher than Predicted Test
Score Performance Groups (SY 2011-12)
Lower than predicted Higher than predicted
Mean SD Mean SD
Fih grade
Minutes*** 951 767 1,683 2,042 +76%
Problem sets completed *** 67 39 93 48 +39%
Sixth grade
Minutes** 866 654 1,032 698 +19%
Problem sets completed*** 93 50 113 59 +22%
SD = standard deviaon.
Sample sizes
FIh grade: Lower than predicted group = 223 students; Higher than predicted group = 212 students.
Sixth grade: Lower than predicted group = 226 students; Higher than predicted group = 189 students.
**p < .01, ***p < .001
Table 9. Use of Khan Academy at Site 9 by Lower than Predicted and Higher than Predicted Test
Score Performance Groups (SY 2012-13)
Lower than predicted Higher than predicted
Mean SD Mean SD
Sixth grade
Minutes 1657 773 1746 657 +5%
Problem sets completed ** 65 21 82 31 +26%
Seventh grade
Minutes** 2349 719 2797 923 +19%
Problem sets completed 104 32 114 31 +10%
Eighth grade
Khan Academy minutes 1890 985 2179 808 +15%
Problem sets completed* 95 41 121 47 +27%
SD = standard deviaon.
Sample sizes
Sixth grade: Lower than predicted group = 44 students; Higher than predicted group = 47 students.
Seventh grade: Lower than predicted group = 52 students; Higher than predicted group = 48 students.
Eighth grade: Lower than predicted group = 25 students; Higher than predicted group = 26 students.
*p < .05, **p < .01
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
As menoned above, these analyses are exploratory
and warrant further invesgaon, and cannot be
used to establish a causal connecon between Khan
Academy use and improved test scores. Mulple
explanaons for these associaons are plausible in
addion to the possibility of a causal link between
Khan Academy use and beer than predicted test
performance. For example, students who scored
higher than predicted on the spring test scores in Site
1 may have learned more from teacher-led instrucon
(which made up more than 90% of math instrucon)
than students who scored lower than predicted. That
may then have translated into those students making
more progress in Khan Academy as well as doing beer
on the spring test. In general, students who scored
beer than predicted on the spring assessment may
have diered from students who did not do so in ways
that are associated both with beer test performance
and with greater use of and more progress made in
Khan Academy—characteriscs such as persistence,
movaon, focus, and interest in math.
Analysis of the relaonship between use and
nonachievement outcomes. The nonachievement
outcomes examined have been shown in prior research
to be strong predictors of students’ performances
in math (Ferla et al., 2009; Midgley et al., 2000). The
scales included (1) academic ecacy, (2) math anxiety,
(3) math interest, and (4) math self-concept. Appendix
D provides further details on these measures and the
analycal approach. For this exploraon, we examined
whether students who used Khan Academy more,
experienced connuous success in solving problems, and
who received immediate feedback as they successfully
progressed through increasingly dicult math topics
would, by the end of the school year, have a more
posive view of themselves as someone who could be
successful at math, have less anxiety about learning
math, and perhaps even have a greater interest in math.
We examined the relaonship between use of
and progress in Khan Academy and self-reported
nonachievement outcomes measured in the fall and
spring on the student survey. We used the same
overall analysis strategy as employed for our analysis
of the relaonship between students’ performance on
standardized achievement tests (CSTs) and their use of
Khan Academy. Aer categorizing students according
to whether their self-reported measures of a set of
nonachievement outcomes were higher or lower than
predicted given their self-reports on the fall survey,
we examined the relaonship between scoring higher
or lower than predicted on those measures in the
spring, and the total number of minutes spent on
Khan Academy and the problems sets successfully
completed. This analysis was restricted to h and
sixth grade Site 1 classrooms in SY 2012-13.
A posive associaon was found between more
Khan Academy use and progress and improvements
in three of the four self-reported nonachievement
outcomes – math anxiety, math self-concept,
and academic ecacy. Scoring more posively
than expected on a self-reported measure of math
anxiety, math self-concept, and academic ecacy
was associated with students compleng more
problem sets to prociency (Table 10). Students
who successfully completed between 10% and 20%
more problem sets than did other students reported
lower than expected anxiety about doing math in the
spring compared to their reports in the fall, higher
than expected beliefs about their own math ability
(math self-concept), and condence in their ability
to learn math even when concepts become dicult
(academic ecacy). The same posive associaons
held for me spent working on Khan Academy but
were only stascally signicant for math self-concept
and academic ecacy. Students in Site 1 who spent
between an average of one and a half to three hours
more on Khan Academy across SY 2012-13 had higher
than expected self-reports of their math self-concept
and academic ecacy.
SY 2012-13 was the only study year for which the nonachievement
outcome measures were collected. Site 9 was not included in this
analysis because it administered the follow-up survey only to a select
subgroup of students designated for summer school during 2013.
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
Table 10. Use of Khan Academy at Site 1 by Lower than Predicted and Higher than Predicted Self-
Reported Nonachievement Outcomes (SY 2012-13)
Fih and sixth grade
Lower than predicted Higher than predicted
Mean SD
Mean SD
Math anxiety
Minutes 812 1374
721 1199
+11% ††
Problem sets completed ** 58 40
51 38
+12% ††
Math self-concept
Minutes* 676 1188
851 1378
Problem sets completed*** 51 38
58 40
Math Interest
Minutes 776 1507
764 1070
Problem sets completed 52 36
57 43
Academic Ecacy
Minutes* 718 1116
817 1439
Problem sets completed*** 49 34
59 43
† ”Lower than predicted” in the spring = anxiety that was less in spring than expected on the basis of the fall self-report.
†† More me on Khan Academy and problem sets completed are associated with lower than predicted self-reported math anxiety levels in spring.
SD = Standard deviaon.
N = Number of students.
* = p < .05, ** = p < .01, *** = p < .001
Although these ndings linking Khan Academy use
and beer than expected nonachievement outcomes
are encouraging, they are correlaonal in nature
rather than proof of causal impact. Like the ndings
highlighng the link between improved achievement
outcomes and Khan Academy use described above,
these results for nonachievement outcomes should
be the topic of future research using designs that are
more appropriate for tesng causal hypotheses.
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
Summary and Implicaons
The Khan Academy pilot program showed that
schools serving diverse student populaons can make
use of Khan Academy as part of their mathemacs
instrucon and that they nd value in doing so. In this
secon, we reect on the broader implicaons of the
ndings presented above.
As a set of resources created for self-iniated, out-
of-school learning, Khan Academy needed extensive
redesign and addional content to make it beer
suited to sustained use in classrooms. When new
educaonal technology garners a massive number
of users or demonstrates spectacular success in its
original eld of use, it typically sparks enthusiasm
among people in other elds for using it in new
sengs and for dierent purposes. We have seen
this syndrome before in the enthusiasm for adopng
popular mul-player online games for classroom use.
Such technology transfer appeals to our desire for
cost-ecient impact, but it is easy to underesmate
the amount of work needed to make an instruconal
resource developed for one seng fully funconal in
another. The design of the Khan Academy school pilot
program recognized the need to understand the ways
in which teachers and students would use the website
and the changes that would be required to make Khan
Academy truly valuable for classroom use.
The Khan Academy school pilot program
demonstrated that a lean technology startup can
partner producvely with schools to develop
implementaon models and product improvements.
Khan Academy began the school pilot program with
lile idea about how teachers would actually use their
website. Extensive discussions with teachers made the
technology developers aware of funconalies that
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
teachers needed in order to integrate Khan Academy
resources into their instrucon. Funcons such
as goal seng were irrelevant to Khan Academys
original design as a resource for learners choosing
their own learning experiences but were extremely
important to teachers responsible for geng their
students procient on specic grade-level curriculum
Teachers like having a source of extensive, curated
content but want to maintain control over students’
use of that content. Given the increasing availability
of free online instruconal resources for all subject
areas and the limited me teachers have to idenfy
materials appropriate for their students, teachers
want curated instruconal content that is searchable
by grade-level standards. Across the two years of the
school pilot, Khan Academy put extensive eort into
lling in content gaps with respect to the Common
Core math standards, making their content searchable
by grade-level standard, and organizing content in
ways that made it easier to nd content related to
specic topics and grade levels. Khan Academy also
learned that teachers wanted the ability to assign
pracce sets on the specic skills they were teaching
to their students. This capability was added to Khan
Academy in the second study year in response to
teacher feedback.
Use of a personalized learning tool like Khan
Academy does not mean that teachers relinquish
their responsibility for leading instrucon. In
most classrooms in this study, Khan Academy was
used as one component of a broader system of
math curriculum and instrucon rather than as the
primary source of instrucon. Teachers maintained
control of what was taught and of the learning
experiences provided for students, but the Khan
Academy resources gave them the capability to have
dierent students acvely working on dierent skills
and to have access to detailed informaon on each
student’s progress.
Schools and teachers adopng Khan Academy can
benet from detailed use cases, describing how
Khan Academy can be implemented under dierent
me and technology constraints and with dierent
goals. This implementaon report illustrates how
factors such as the goal for using Khan Academy
(e.g., to help a subset of students catch up versus
to provide skills pracce for all students), students’
technology access, and the length of the math class
period shape and constrain the way Khan Academy
is used. Teachers have found ways to deal with some
of these constraints through techniques such as the
within-class rotaon model and systems for peer
coaching. Khan Academy oers a resource toolkit for
teachers that includes: (1) a geng-started guide
that introduces teachers to various features on the
website; (2) teacher-developed curriculum guides,
which show how Khan Academy can be integrated
into lessons on various topics; and (3) video use cases
that demonstrate how teachers in dierent schools
are using Khan Academy for a range of dierent
purposes and students.
Future evaluaons of Khan Academy impacts
will need to specify the kinds of students and
outcomes being targeted, and the parcular
implementaon model being studied. The ways
in which Khan Academy is used vary markedly
across dierent classrooms, reecng dierences in
student characteriscs such as grade level and prior
achievement, and the goals for Khan Academy use. In
most cases, Khan Academy will be part of a broader
set of math instrucon pracces and curriculum
resources, making it impossible to disentangle the
value added by Khan Academy unless other features
of the instruconal system are equivalent for
treatment and control groups. The most promising
models for using Khan Academy should be studied at
scale, using rigorous evaluaon designs that control
for these other aspects of curriculum and instrucon,
and employing randomized experimental designs
when feasible.
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
Teachers implemenng Khan Academy should
support their students to develop the types of
learning pracces and habits they need to adopt
to become eecve independent learners. Lile
in students’ prior schooling prepares them for the
self-directed learning expected in Khan Academy
and similar digital learning systems. Most students
have been schooled in tradional classrooms where
teachers are the primary source of instrucon and
where the teacher, guided by curriculum pacing
guides, determines what, when, and how to study.
The teacher also serves as students’ primary source
of help when they have quesons or struggle to
understand new concepts. Most students have
become dependent on teachers and expect their
instant support. Students being introduced to more
self-directed uses of Khan Academy will need to be
taught how to pick their learning acvies judiciously,
manage their own level of eort, and nd help
from resources other than the teacher, including
Khan Academys videos and the hints embedded
in its problem sets. Khan Academy’s goal seng
and teacher recommendaon features, student
dashboard, and recent eorts to provide organized
chunks of content in the form of “missions” are
all aempts to help students focus on the specic
content they need to master and self-direct their
The impact of Khan Academy on social and
emoonal competencies (such as perseverance
and movaon) and 21st century skills (such as
self-direcon and accountability) warrant future
study. Observaonal evidence from this research
suggests that the use of Khan Academy may have
the potenal to improve important nonachievement
student outcomes, including atudes and movaon
toward math and taking responsibility for learning.
A growing body of research is addressing the role of
noncognive factors in students’ success in educaon
(Dweck, Walton, & Cohen, 2011; Duckworth et al.,
2011; Farrington et al., 2012), and specically in
online learning environments (Baker et al., 2010).
Several research teams have developed and are
tesng programs and intervenons designed to help
students develop these characteriscs; measure
the characteriscs in real-me, based on students’
interacon with an online learning system; and
provide feedback to teachers so they can intervene
with individual students as needed. (For a summary
of these programs, see Shechtman et al., 2012). Khan
Academy would provide a suitable plaorm for this
kind of research. In a related vein, future research
could invesgate the extent to which students’
interacons with Khan Academy improve a set of key
21st century skills such as digital literacy, resourceful
use of online learning resources and peer support,
me management, and personal accountability. These
skills are crical for success in higher educaon and
in the working world. All of the sites that parcipated
in this research were commied to exploring ways
to redene what it means to educate students by
asking teachers to rethink their roles and by providing
students with more personalized, engaging, and self-
directed learning opportunies as a way to beer
prepare them for life aer high school.
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
Baker, R. S., D’Mello, S. K., Rodrigo, M. M. T., &
Graesser, A. C. (2010). Beer to be frustrated than
bored: The incidence, persistence, and impact of
learners’ cognive-aecve states during interacons
with three dierent computer-based learning
environments. Internaonal Journal of Human-
Computer Studies, 68(4), 223–241.
Cronbach, L. J. (1951). Coecient alpha and the
internal structure of tests. Psychometrika. 16, 297-334.
Duckworth, A. L., Grant, H., Loew, B., Oengen, G.
& Gollwitzer, P. M. (2011). Self-regulaon strategies
improve self-discipline in adolescents: Benets of
mental contrasng and implementaon intenons.
Educaonal Psychology: An Internaonal Journal of
Experimental Educaonal Psychology, 31(1), 17–26.
Dweck, C., Walton, G. M., & Cohen, G. L. (2011).
Academic tenacity: Mindsets and skills that promote
log-term learning. Paper presented at the Gates
Foundaon, Seale, WA.
Farrington, C. A., Roderick, M., Allensworth, E., Nagaoka,
J., Keyes, T. S., Johnson, D. W., Beechum, N. O. (2012).
Teaching adolescents to become learners. The role of
noncognive factors in shaping school performance:
A crical literature review. Chicago, IL: University of
Chicago Consorum on Chicago School Research.
Ferla, J., Valcke, M., Cai, Y. (2009). Academic self-
ecacy and academic self-concept: Reconsidering
structural relaonships. Learning and Individual
Dierences, 19, 499–505.
Hae, J. (1985) Methodology Review: Assessing
unidimensionality of tests and items. Applied
Psychological Measurement, 9, 2, 139-164.
Midgley, C., Maehr, M. L., Hruda, L. Z., Anderman, E.,
Anderman, L., Freeman, K. E., Gheen, M., Kaplan, A.,
Kumar, R., Middleton, M. J., Nelson, J., Roeser, R., &
Urdan, T., (2000). Manual for the Paerns of Adapve
Learning Scales (PALS), Ann Arbor, MI: University of
Shechtman, N., DeBarger, A.H., Dornsife, C., Rosier,
S., & Yarnall, L. (2013). Promong grit, tenacity, and
perseverance: Crical factors for success in the 21st
century. U.S. Department of Educaon.
U.S. Department of Educaon. (2010). WWC
procedures and standards handbook version 2.1.
Washington, DC: Retrieved from hp://
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
Appendix A. Screenshots of Khan Academy Problem Sets,
Reports, and Game Mechanics
Figure A1. Student Dashboard Showing What the Student has Mastered, Recommended Exercises
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
Figure A2. Student Page With Badges, and Points
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
Figure A3. Student Problem View Showing a Math Problem
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
Appendix B. Research Sites Parcipang in the
Implementaon Research
Site (SY 2011-12; SY 2012-13)—The high-achieving suburban school district serves a middle to upper middle class
student populaon.
Schools and grades parcipang—All h- and sixth-grade classrooms across seven elementary schools and in the
seventh grade in one of the districts two middle schools parcipated.
Intent—Pilong Khan Academy is part of district’s broader vision of moving toward more student-centered teaching and more
individualized learning while exposing students to 21st century learning opportunies. In addion, the district wanted to use
Khan Academy to support struggling learners in one seventh-grade classroom.
Use model—No single model was implemented; teachers had total discreon over how and when they used Khan Academy.
For SY 2011-12, district leaders indicated that they expected teachers to try to use Khan Academy at least 45 minutes per week
in their classrooms. No such expectaons were communicated at the start of SY 2012-13. Most teachers assigned the Khan
Academy problem sets as a supplemental pracce session to core instrucon.
Technology availability—For SY 2011-12, laptop carts were shared with one or more teachers in the same grade level.
Teachers in a few schools used Khan Academy in a computer lab. During SY 2012-13, almost all teachers had access to
1:1 compung in their classrooms.
Site (SY 2011-12; SY 2012-13)—The charter management organizaon (CMO) serves a diverse student populaon from
the low-income neighborhoods surrounding the schools, as well as middle and upper middle class students seeking an
alternave to their local public high school.
Schools and grades parcipang—The two small high schools opened in SY 2011-12 and are collocated in an urban
neighborhood. During SY 2011-12, the schools enrolled ninth-grade students only; they added a tenth-grade in SY 2012-13.
Intent—In SY 2011-12, the original intent was to introduce a blended learning program for ninth-grade math instrucon using
Khan Academy to supplement the core classroom curriculum. The decision was movated by the hope that Khan Academy
could (1) help incoming students with low math achievement ll gaps in their basic skills that were a legacy of their primary
school experience, and (2) create a more personalized learning experience for students to drive learning gains.
By the start of SY 2012-13, the site decided to implement a completely self-paced competency-based instruconal
model to help prepare students for college beer.
Use model—During SY 2011-12, teachers integrated Khan Academy with their classroom instrucon by assigning weekly
goals for student compleon of problem sets associated with the content standards being covered during whole-class
instrucon me and targeted in upcoming benchmark assessments. Students’ compleon of the problem sets was
mandatory and contributed to their class grade. Khan Academy was used in the classroom up to 4 days per week for 45
minutes per day in addion to the regular 45 minutes of classroom instrucon.
During SY 2012-13, ninth and tenth graders assembled in a single large classroom for math instrucon (200 students per
class). Instrucon was self-paced and guided by playlists that directed students to a set of digital resources to help them
learn specic skills and concepts. Khan Academy was the primary instruconal resource for most topics. Teachers were
available to tutor students and also led whole-class instrucon, conducted at a separate me. That instrucon focused on
helping students apply their independent learning to complex problems while praccing specic higher order skills called
out in the Common Core standards. Whether they used Khan Academy or not was at the discreon of the students; no
specic amount of me of for using the Academy or number of problem sets successfully completed were required.
Technology availabilityEnough laptops for one-to-one compung were available.
Table B1. Research Sites in the 2011–12 Khan Academy Evaluaon
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
Table B1. Research Sites in the 2011–12 Khan Academy Evaluaon (Connued)
Site (SY 2011-12; SY 2012-13)—The students of this CMO, which operates high schools and middle schools (grades 5–8),
are predominantly from underserved and economically marginal communies (more than 80% of students are eligible
for the federally subsidized lunch program).
Schools and grades parcipang—Khan Academy was used in four middle schools in select classrooms (only three
of the schools were the focus of this research). School 1 piloted Khan Academy in two seventh-grade pre-algebra
classrooms in SY 2011-12 and in one seventh-grade classroom in SY 2012-13. School 2 used it in SY 2011-12 in a
self-contained intervenon program for new sixth graders who entered the school well below grade level in math
preparaon; in SY 2012-13, the school extended the use of Khan Academy to all grades, with its predominant use in a
computer lab. In School 3, one h-grade teacher used it in her classroom for the rst me in SY 2012-13.
Intent—The CMO’s interest in blended learning and Khan Academy was movated by three goals: personalizing student
learning, enhancing teacher eecveness, and exploring increased sustainability (serving more students at the same or lower
cost). Among the immediate benets it hoped to achieve from pilong Khan Academy were immediate feedback on students’
math learning and increased student ownership of their learning.
Use model—In School 1 Teachers students worked in class 1 to 3 days a week on Khan Academy problem sets on topics
covered in the weekly lessons. Sessions on Khan Academy typically lasted 25–30 minutes of the 90-minute class period,
following a whole class homework review and teacher lecture.
In School 2 by the second semester of SY 2011-12, the sixth-grade teacher was using Khan Academy in an intervenon program
for up to 5 days a week for 45–60 minutes per day in addion to the 60 minutes of regular classroom instrucon. The teacher
inially assigned Khan Academy problem sets linked to the content standards being covered in the classroom; later students were
allowed to select their goals on the basis of their individual needs and the topics covered during regular class me.
In SY 2012-13, Khan Academy was used 2 days per week in an extra math period held in a computer lab overseen by a
noncredenaled sta member. Students worked on Khan Academy problem sets for the duraon of the period. At the start
of the year the problems assigned were based on the topics students struggled with as indicated by a diagnosc assessment
the instructor administered . Later in the rst semester the lab instructor assigned problem sets that aligned with the topics
covered in the students’ weekly lessons in the classroom. For the second semester, aer the instructor observed that students
were struggling with the grade-level problem sets, she had students start with the most basic Khan Academy problem sets
(i.e., basic arithmec) and work their way up to grade level content, lling in gaps in prior years’ learning.
In School 3, students worked on Khan Academy problem sets in the classroom 1-2 days per week for 15 minutes per session
to pracce specic skills following teacher-led direct instrucon on those skills. To use Khan Academy students rst needed
to pass an informal assessment on the skills covered during direct instrucon. Students who did not pass the assessment
received further instrucon from the teacher.
Technology availability—In school 1 the teacher had access to a cart of Chromebooks (26 computers for a class of 34
students) that was shared among three teachers.
In school 2, for her 30 students, the teacher had access to eight desktop computers in her classroom, which she
supplemented with laptops from the school’s computer cart.
In School 3’s learning lab students had access to one-to-one compung with students working on desktop computers in
rows of workstaons.
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
Table B1. Research Sites in the 2011–12 Khan Academy Evaluaon (Connued)
Site (SY 2011-12; SY 2012-13)—The small independent school serves students in grades 6-12 who will be the rst in
their families to aend college.
Schools and grades parcipang—During SY 2011-12, two middle school teachers, along with all students in grades 6–8
parcipated. During SY 2012-13, use of Khan Academy was focused primarily on the sixth-grade classroom.
Intent—School leaders were inially aracted to Khan Academy as a set of resources to support the school’s goal of
geng all students “college ready.
Use model—By spring 2012, middle school teachers had begun to develop lesson plans that integrated the use of Khan
Academy as a pracce acvity into the daily 105-minute math class.
In SY 2012-13, the sixth-grade teacher used Khan Academy to support self-paced instrucon guided by instruconal packets
she had developed for each unit. The packets integrated work on Khan Academy with work on worksheets, problems in the
textbook, and pen-and-paper quizzes. In any given week, the teacher typically delivered whole-class instrucon on two of
the days, with the remaining me dedicated to students’ working at their own pace through the material assigned in their
packets, including work on Khan Academy problem sets (see the prole below for further details).
Technology availability—The decision to pilot Khan Academy was supported by the school’s acquision of two carts
containing enough notebook computers so that one-to-one compung was available every day.
Site (SY 2011-12)—In this diverse public school district, approximately 50% of students are considered “low income” (three
of the districts seven elementary schools receive federal Title I funds), and 45% of students are English language learners.
Schools and grades parcipang— A h-grade teacher from one elementary school and a seventh-grade teacher from one
middle school parcipated.
Intent— District leaders were interested in pilong Khan Academy because they were looking for ways to use technology to
help dierenate instrucon and specically to improve students’ math learning.
Use model—Both teachers had students use Khan Academy to supplement the core curriculum and used weekly goal
seng to link students’ work on Khan Academy to topics covered during regular class me. Aer compleng the weekly
goals, students were free to explore Khan Academy content on their own.
In the h-grade classroom, Khan Academy was scheduled for 30-minute sessions three mes a week in addion to
the daily 45 minutes of math me. In the middle school, Khan Academy was used in separate “intervenon” sessions
designed to support struggling learners that met 2 to 3 days per week. The grade 5 teacher also used Khan Academy in a
daily aerschool support program that she ran for students who needed remedial math instrucon.
Technology availabilityBoth teachers shared a single computer cart with the other teachers in their respecve schools.
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
Table B1. Research Sites in the 2011–12 Khan Academy Evaluaon (Connued)
Site (SY 2011-12)—This independent K–12 school specializes in instrucng students with learning disabilies.
Grades parcipang—The teachers of a fourth-grade class and a combined sixth- and seventh-grade class assigned
students to classes on the basis of their age rather than performance. Thus, classes comprised students working across
mulple grade levels.
Intent—Central to the school’s instruconal vision are dierenated instrucon and creang a classroom atmosphere
that meets the students’ physical and social needs. Use of Khan Academy as a self-paced instruconal resource to
support dierenated instrucon t well with this vision. Other Academy features (e.g., monitoring one’s own progress,
goal seng) also t the school’s goals for social development.
Use model—Khan Academy was used to provide dierenated instrucon and to facilitate classroom management
by allowing the teacher to lead small-groups while other students engaged in independent learning. In the fourth-
grade class, Khan Academy was used primarily with lower performing students (for approximately 20 minutes out of a
50-minute class period) while the teacher worked with other students in the room. In the combinaon grade 6-7 class,
the teacher experimented with ways of using Khan Academy, somemes assigning it to lower performing students
as a remediaon acvity, and at other mes giving higher performing students opportunies to work with it as an
enrichment acvity. The teacher also explored Khan Academy as a supplemental acvity for the whole class, presenng
a common lesson and allowing students to use Khan Academy aer compleng the in-class assignment. Overall, the
average students use of Khan Academy was limited.
Technology availability—In the classrooms observed, one-to-one compung was available to students. While using Khan
Academy, some students worked at workstaons located around the perimeter of the classroom while the remaining
students retrieved netbooks and worked at their desks or at tables with other students.
Site (SY 2011-12)—This low-achieving public middle school (grades 5–8) serves a low-income Lano community.
Grades parcipang— One sixth-grade teacher and all sixth-grade students parcipated. Khan Academy was also used in an
aerschool program aended by all sixth-graders.
Intent— The school was in h year of Program Improvement status under federal Title I guidelines as a result of not making
adequate yearly progress, based on state test performance. The school, under considerable pressure to improve performance,
is required to implement a California Department of Educaon-mandated intervenon curriculum, including an extended
school day. A naonal aerschool program is partnering with the school to expand the learning day.
Use model— During regular school hours, Khan Academy was used in the classroom once a week for 30 to 40 minutes
as a self-directed remediaon and enrichment acvity depending on individual students’ needs. At the start of each
session the teacher recommended a list of problem sets and videos to work with that were associated with their weekly
math lesson; however, students had complete discreon over the Khan Academy content they worked on. Allowing
that choice was consistent with the teachers view that Khan Academy was both a movaonal tool and a tool for
dierenang instrucon. Use of Khan Academy in the aer-school program was limited because of compeng demands
on the instructors’ me and the emphasis on the use of the me for homework support and compleon.
Technology availabilityAccess to computers was limited. The teacher shared a single laptop cart with the other teachers
in the school.
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
Site (SY 2011-12)—This public charter high school (grades 9–12) serves a low-income urban community.
Grades parcipang—One teacher taught a ninth-grade algebra readiness classroom, and one teacher taught ninth-
grade algebra I and tenth-grade geometry. Ninth-graders also parcipated in a 50-minute math lab overseen by the
ninth-grade algebra readiness teacher.
Intent—The school’s educaonal vision emphasizes character building, responsibility, and defeang “learned
helplessness” that developed during students’ prior schooling. Khan Academy served to eciently hold all students
accountable to those standards while helping students with the greatest needs master the skills they had not acquired in
prior grade levels.
Use model—Algebra Readiness. The rst semesters algebra readiness class focused on lling gaps in students’ math
knowledge through work on Khan Academy problem sets and through teacher-led small group instrucon. Weekly test
results indicated which students lacked required basic skills; those who did met in small groups to receive instrucon
in those skills while other students worked on Khan Academy problems. In the second semester, the content shied to
lessons on grade-level algebra skills. Each period started with direct instrucon on a specic skill, with students then
praccing that skill using Khan Academy problem sets.
Algebra I. Aer 20 minutes of teacher-led instrucon, students began working on Khan Academy. The students
worked on teacher-assigned problem sets on topics aligned to the daily lesson. Students not compleng their weekly
assignments were required to aend an aer-school session on Fridays to complete their work.
Learning Lab. In the 40-minute learning lab students worked on the assigned weekly problem sets listed on the school’s
online classroom management Website. Aer compleng the assigned problem sets, students worked on uncompleted
problems from past units, which were also listed on the class Website. Small groups of the students who needed extra
help with the week’s problem sets met with the teacher while the rest of the class worked with Khan Academy.
The teachers did not use the Khan Academy videos.
Technology availability—Enough minitablets for one-to-one compung were available in each classroom. No
headphones were available for students to use while using Khan Academy.
Site (SY 2012-13)—This public charter grade 6-12 school (the school enrolled only grades 6-8 during the study) serves a
low-income urban, predominantly Lano, community.
Grades parcipang— Two teachers parcipated. One teacher taught sixth-grade math, and the other teacher taught
seventh- and eighth-grade math.
Intent—The school’s educaonal vision consists of exposing students to individualized learning experiences, enhancing
student intelligence (which it believes is not innate) through eort, and providing a supporve environment where it is safe to
make mistakes. Work on Khan Academy problem sets was used to support this vision.
Use model—During rst semester SY 2012-13, the sixth-grade teacher, with access to 12 computers in her classroom,
used Khan Academy in a classroom-rotaon model. While the teacher lectured one group of students, another group
worked on Khan Academy problem sets, and a third group worked independently on teacher-assigned worksheets or
an assessment. During the second semester, four more computers became available, and two groups were used—small
group lecture and work on Khan Academy. The seventh- and eighth-grade teacher assigned Khan Academy problem sets
both as a daily 30-minute warm-up acvity and to support skill pracce acvity linked to the daily lesson.
Technology availabilityStudents in the sixth grade classroom had access to 12 computers (laptops and workstaons) in
the rst semester of SY 2012-13 and 16 in the second semester. The seventh- and eighth-grade classroom had one-to-one
computer use. The school did not provide headphones for students for use with Khan Academy. Students could provide
their own headphones, but few students did so.
Table B1. Research Sites in the 2011–12 Khan Academy Evaluaon (Connued)
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
Site Study Year
Types and number of interviews
Classrooms/ Labs
Students Teachers
2011-12 1 3 42 14 14
2012-13 1 plus 2 coaches 0 0 9 9
2011-12 3 2 8 3 3
2012-13 1 0 12 1
Learning lab plus
2011-12 1 3 6 2 2
2012-13 2 1 0 5 6
2011-12 NA 2 9 2 2
2012-13 NA 1 0 1 1
2011-12 2 2 6 2 2
2011-12 NA 1 6 2 2
Principal and
leadership of the
aerschool program
1 4
1 teacher and
3 aerschool
Learning lab plus
aer school program
2012-13 NA 1 6 2 2
2012-13 NA 1 0 2 2
15 18 99 49 48
* In SY 2012-13 held parent focus groups with a total of 16 parents
** Charter Management Organizaon
Appendix C. Summary of Data Collecon Acvies
Table C1. Site Visit Data Collecon: Interview Parcipants and Observaons
Study Year
Teachers Students
Percent (number) Percent (number)
SY 2011-12
(51 of 63)
(1,531 of 1,936)
SY 2012-13
(54 of 60)
(1,921 of 2,199)
Table C2. Teacher and Student Survey Response Rates by Study Year
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
This appendix describes the modeling of academic
achievement data from Site 8 and the relaonship
between student use data and achievement and
nonachievement outcomes from Site 1 and Site 9.
Data Preparaon
Student data was accessed directly from the sites
(student demographics and achievement data), the
research team survey (nonachievement outcome
data), or from Khan Academy (student use data).
The data was accessed following the approval
of the research team’s data collecon plan and
instrumentaon by SRI’s Instuonal Review Board
and aer the signing of a data use agreement
between leaders at each of the sites and SRI that
outlined how the data would be used, secured, and
how student condenality would be protected.
To maintain condenality of teacher and student
data collected, once accessed the data was deposited
to a secure le server at SRI to which only a limited
number of SRI sta had access. A data analyst not
otherwise involved with the project then substuted a
consistently formaed SRI-generated ID number for the
site-specic IDs or other teacher and student ideners
before releasing the le to the analysis team.
Data elements were checked for appropriate values.
The records themselves were checked for duplicate
IDs in the cases where none should have been
present. When quesons or discrepancies appeared,
the site was contacted to resolve the issues.
Analyzing the Eect of Khan
Academy Use on Student Test
Scores (Site 8)
Stascal Modeling
The basic eects esmator model compares the spring
scores on a summave outcome measure between
a treatment sample of students (who used Khan
Academy) and a comparison sample (who did not use
Khan Academy), controlling for a measure of prior
achievement. The summave outcome measure used
was students’ spring scores on the California Standards
Test (CST). The prior achievement measure used was
a grade 9 algebra placement exam administered by
the school. The prior achievement measure served
two funcons: it increased the stascal power of the
model by accounng for outcome variance (reducing
the variance of the error term), and, in some cases, it
parally adjusted for dierences in the achievement
distribuons of the treatment and control groups.
Separate models were run for grade 9 students
enrolled in the algebra I classroom in fall 2011
and grade 10 students enrolled in geometry in fall
2012 (many of the same students appeared in both
analycal samples). The spring CST scores for the
grade 9 students in 2012 were compared with scores
for grade 9 students enrolled in algebra 1 in 2011. For
the grade 10 students in geometry, spring scores for
the SY 2012-13 student cohort were compared with
the scores for the SY 2011-12 cohort.
Appendix D. Technical Appendix
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
Before ng models, the two groups were compared
on the basis of prior achievement measures to ascertain
the similarity of the distribuons of those measures.
In accordance with a U.S. Department of Educaon’s
What Works Clearinghouse guideline (U.S. Department
of Educaon, 2010), treatment and comparison prior
achievement measures that diered by more than
.25 standard deviaons were not modeled. Although
some stascal matching methods (e.g., use of a prior
achievement score as a covariate) may correct for
minor exisng achievement dierences, the guideline
considered dierences greater than .25 standard
deviaons to pose an unacceptable risk for bias in the
treatment eect esmate.
Main Eects Model Specicaon
A mulple linear regression model was used to model
the expected outcomes by group, aer controlling
for prior achievement. The general impact model is
specied as:
= β
+ β
+ β
where I
and I
are dichotomous indicator variables
equal to 1 for a student who belongs to the treatment
or comparison condion, respecvely, and X is a
standardized (mean 0, variance 1) measure of prior
This model has no constant intercept term; instead,
separate intercepts are t for each treatment
condion. We esmated the mean eect as the
dierence b
- b
, which is the dierence in expected
outcome values (aer adjusng for prior achievement)
at the mean value of the prior achievement measure.
That is, b
- b
represents the eect for the average
student in CST scale score points.
We converted the eect esmate to a standardized
eect size (Cohen’s d) following standard pracces:
we computed the pooled standard deviaon of the
outcome measure, and divided the eect by this
pooled standard deviaon. This eect size indicated
the eect expressed in standard deviaon units.
Model Parameter Reference Table
Table D1 lists each impact model esmated. The
columns specify the coecient of the xed eects of
the model, the standard error, and when appropriate
the p-value. No p-value is specied for the coecients
of the group indicator variables; those coecients are
point esmates of group means, not contrasts that
could be tested against a null hypothesis value of zero.
In addion to the model coecients, we also list the
results of specic stascal tests (e.g., the contrast
between the point esmates of two group means) as
well as the number of cases used in the model.
Analyzing the Relaonship
Between Khan Academy Use
Data and Achievement (Site 1
and Site 9) and Nonachievement
Outcomes (Site 1)
This secon describes the preparaon and modeling
of system log data from Khan Academy. Table D2
shows the lists of student-level use variables that
Khan Academy provided with the approval of the
local sites and SRI’s Instuonal Review Board; the
procedures described above for the protecon of
teacher and student condenality were followed.
The following variables were constructed from the
raw use data and used to describe variaon in use
across sites, schools, and students and, in the case of
total minutes and problem set prociency, to examine
the relaonship between use and student outcomes:
Total minutes. This variable captured the total
amount of me that students spent on Khan
Academy working with problem sets or watching
videos. These acvity minutes, therefore, represent
students’ me engaged with Khan Academy and not
the enre amount of me a student was logged into
the Website. This variable was derived by summing
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
the total number of minutes that students spent on
Khan Academy videos and problem sets.
Problem sets and problem sets prociency. Khan
Academy provided the dates on which a student achieved
“prociency” on given problem sets. All problem sets with
a prociency date were counted and summed for each
student. Each problem set also contained the number of
minutes that a student worked on that problem set. For
each student, the number of minutes across all problem
sets on which he or she worked was summed.
Below, at, above grade level. For problem sets and videos,
we determined whether students worked below, at,
or above grade level. To create these groupings, Khan
Academy provided grade-level alignments for all problem
sets. We subtracted students’ grade levels (e.g., h
grade) from each problem sets assigned grade level. Each
problem set per student was then coded as below, at, or
above grade level. Whether a student logged problem set
minutes or achieved prociency on a problem set below,
at, or above his or her grade level was also summed
across all problem sets. Note, for ninth-grade students,
above-grade level acvity could not be computed.
Because high school math courses are not restricted to
parcular grade levels, Khan Academy makes no grade-
level disncon for content typically taught in grades 9-12
(e.g., geometry, algebra 2). Therefore, for high school
use of Khan Academy only below and at grade level
discriminaons were possible.
Table D1. Model Parameter Reference Table for Eect Esmates (Site 8)
Model Parameter Standard Error Eect Size p
Grade 9: Algebra I, 2012 vs 2011
Fixed Eects
2011 Expected Value 335.96 335.96
2012 Expected Value 364.73 364.73
G9 Algebra Placement Test
30.95 30.95 <.001
N Cases 72.00
2012 vs. 2011 Contrast 28.77 8.35 0.61 .001
Grade 10: Geometry, 2013 vs 2012
Fixed Eects
2012 Expected Value 280.08 8.20
2013 Expected Value 318.58 6.87
G9 Algebra Placement Test
12.58 5.27 .017
N Cases 46.00
2013 vs. 2012 Contrast 38.51 10.70 1.03 <.001
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
Table D2. Student-level Khan Academy Use Data from User Log Files
File Variable Descripon
Student user_id Unique idener for each student
Energy Points
Total number of points the student earned for watching videos and
solving problems.
Registraon Date Date the student rst registered for Khan Academy
Last Login Calendar date on which the student last logged into Khan Academy
Class Aligns students with teachers and classes
Student user_id
Coach user_id Unique idener for teacher assigned to students
Class Code Unique idener for the class assigned to teacher and students
Coach Aligns teachers with classes
Coach user_id
Class Code
Name Name used by teacher to refer to the class
Size Number of students parcipang in the class
Badges Individual badge the student earned
Student user_id
Badge Name Name of each Khan Academy badge the student earned
Badge Type Dierent types of badges require dierent levels of eort and performance
Date Earned Date the student earned each badge
Earned During Classme No/Yes whether the badge was earned between 8 a.m.-3 p.m., Monday-Friday
Points Earned Points per badge the student earned
Videos Organized by individual video watched per student
Student user_id
Video ID Unique idener for each video viewed by the student
YouTube ID YouTube idener for each video the student viewed
Video Name Colloquial name for each video the student viewed
Last Watched Calendar date the student last watched a video
No/Yes whether the seconds of the video the student watched were equal to
or less than the video’s duraon
Duraon Duraon of each video watched
Seconds Watched Number of seconds each student watched per video
Seconds Watched in Class No/Yes whether the video was watched between 8 a.m.-3 p.m., Monday-Friday
Seconds Watched Outside
of Class
No/Yes whether the video was watched outside of class
First Watched The rst date the student watched each video
Completed Date
Date when the number of seconds the student watched the video equaled or
exceeded its length
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
Table D2. Student-level Khan Academy Use Data from User Log Files (Connued)
File Variable Descripon
Daily videos Summaon of video informaon for each day Khan Academy was used
Student user_id
Date Calendar date the student watched a video(s)
Seconds Watched In Class
Sum of the seconds each student watched a video(s) between 8 a.m.-
3 p.m., Monday-Friday each day
Seconds Watched Outside of
Sum of the seconds a student watch a video(s) outside of class per day
Problem Sets
Organized by each exercise accessed per student
Student user_id
Exercise Name Colloquial name given to the exercise
Current status assigned by Khan Academy to an exercise: unstarted,
pracced, mastery1, mastery2, or mastery3
Prociency Date Calendar date on which the student achieved prociency for an exercise
First Date Calendar date on which the student rst accessed an exercise
Last Date Calendar date on which the student last accessed an exercise
Exercise Seconds Spent in Class Number of seconds the student spent on each exercise in class
Exercise Seconds Spent
Outside of Class
Number of seconds the student spent on each exercise outside of class
Total Problem Aempts Number of problems the student aempted for each exercise
Correct Answers Number of problems the student answered correctly for each exercise
Hints Relied On Number of hints the student relied on for each exercise
Daily Problem
Sets (Exercises)
Summaon of exercise informaon for each day Khan Academy was used
Student user_id
Date Calendar date the student accessed an exercise(s)
Seconds In Class Sum of the seconds a student spent on an exercise(s) in class per day
Seconds out of Class Sum of the seconds a student spent on an exercise(s) outside of class per day
Aempts Sum of the problems a student aempted for an exercise(s) per day
Correct Answers Sum of the students correct answers for an exercise(s) per day
Hints Relied On Sum of the hints the student used for an exercise(s) per day
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
Videos and video minutes. As with problem set minutes,
the total number of minutes that a student logged across
all of the videos he or she watched was summed. Only
me spent on math videos was used. Khan Academy
provided a separate le that allowed the research team
to code whether a video was a “math” or other” video.
The me spent on videos classied as “other,” which
included the vast array of content areas provided on
Khan Academy, was not included.
Analysis: Relaonship
Between Khan Academy Use
and Student Achievement
To examine the possible relaonships between
students’ use of Khan Academy and their performance
on summave standardized tests, we used a two-
stage approach. First, we esmated the relaonship
between students’ fall and spring test scores,
categorizing students according to whether their
spring test scores were higher or lower than predicted
based on their fall test score. Second, we examined
the relaonship between scoring higher or lower than
predicted based on the total number of minutes and
problem sets completed on Khan Academy.
First-stage Model: Site 1
For Site 1 h- and sixth-grade students across the
districts 7 elementary schools, we modeled the
relaonship between students’ 2011 CST math scores
and their 2012 CST math scores using a three-level
hierarchical linear model—with students nested
in classrooms in schools. We then computed the
residual score (a student’s actual 2012 score, minus
the predicted score given the prior achievement
score) and created an indicator variable to represent
whether the residual was posive or negave.
Students with posive residual values were coded as
“higher than predicted” and students with negave
residuals were coded as “lower than predicted.
The following rst-stage model was used for Site 1:
Level 1: Y
= π
Level 2: π
= β
Level 3: β
......... 2012 CST score for student (i) in
classroom (j) in school (k)
......... 2011 CST score for student (i)
......... Intercept for classroom (j)
......... Fixed eect of the 2011 CST score on
the 2012 CST score
......... Intercept for school (k)
......... Grand intercept
, r
......... Random eects at student,
classroom, and school levels, respecvely
First-stage Model: Site 9
For Site 9, a single school, we used a standard
regression model within each grade. The math scores
for students in grades 6 through 8 on the Northwest
Evaluaon Associaon’s Measurement of Academic
Performance (NWEA MAP) administered in fall 2012
were used to predict the students’ spring CST scores. As
above, using the residuals from the regression model,
students with posive residual values were coded as
“higher than predicted” and students with negave
residuals were coded as “lower than predicted.
The following model was used for the Site 9 analyses:
= β
+ β
+ r
......... CST 2013 score for student (i)
......... NWEA MAP 2012 for student (i)
......... Intercept
......... Fixed eect of 2012 NWEA MAP score on
2013 CST score
......... Error
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
Second-stage Model: Site 1
We t a second set of models to explore the
relaonship between whether a student scored
higher or lower than predicted on the spring 2012
CST test and the total number of problem sets he or
she completed to prociency and the amount of total
minutes he or she logged on Khan Academy.
The following second-stage model was used for Site 1
(see Table D3):
Level 1: Y
= π
Level 2: π
= β
Level 3: β
......... Outcome (number of problem sets or
minutes) for student (i) in classroom (j) in school (k)
......... Dichotomous variable indicang whether
student had performed higher than predicted on
2012 CST (X = 1) or lower than predicted (X = 0)
......... Intercept for classroom (j)
......... Fixed eect of higher/lower than
predicted indicator on outcome
......... Intercept for school (k)
.........Grand intercept
, r
, u
......... Random eects at student,
classroom, and school levels, respecvely
Second-stage Model: Site 9
The following second-stage model was used for Site 9
analyses (see Table D4):
= β
+ β
+ r
......... Outcome for student (i)
......... Dichotomous variable indicang whether
student scored higher than predicted on 2013 CST (X
= 1) or lower than predicted (X= 0)
......... Intercept
......... Fixed eect of higher/lower than
predicted indicator on outcome
......... Error
Table D3. Site 1 Second-stage Model for the Relaonship Between Khan Academy Use and Student Learning
Coecient SE p
Fih grade (n = 435)
Outcome: Total Minutes
Constant 998.8 194.2 .000
Higher than predicted 659.5 134.3 .000
Outcome: Problem sets completed
Constant 66.4 6.7 .000
Higher than predicted 22.3 3.3 .000
Sixth grade (n = 415)
Outcome: Total minutes
Constant 837.6 103.6 .000
Higher than predicted 163.1 57.9 .005
Outcome: Problem sets completed
Constant 89.3 11.5 .000
Higher than predicted 18.5 3.9 .000
SE =standard error.
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
Analysis: Relaonship Between
Khan Academy Use and
Nonachievement Outcomes
Next we describe a set of analyses using
nonachievement outcome measures included on the
student survey, which was administered in both fall
2012 and spring 2013. In these analyses, we explored
the relaonship between indicators of students’ use
of Khan Academy (total minutes of use and problem
sets completed to prociency) and whether they
scored higher or lower than predicted on the spring
measures based on their fall scores on the same set of
measures. We used the same overall analysis strategy
described above for our analyses of the relaonships
between Khan Academy use indicators and students’
performance on standardized assessments. Aer
categorizing students according to whether their
spring scores on the nonachievement outcome
measures were higher or lower than predicted based
on their fall scores, we examined the relaonship
between scoring higher or lower than predicted on
these measures and the total minutes of use and
problem sets completed to prociency.
Below, we describe survey scales that were used and have
previously been demonstrated to be strong predictors
of students’ performances in math. These scales include
(1) Academic Self-Ecacy, (2) Math Anxiety, (3) Math
Interest, and (4) Math Self-Concept. For each student
we computed the mean score over a scale’s items for
the fall and spring administraons of the student survey.
Table D4. Site 9 Second-stage Model for Relaonship Between Khan Academy Use and Student Learning
Coecient SE p
Sixth Grade (n = 91)
Outcome: Total minutes
Constant 1657.1 107.9 .000
Beer than predicted 88.8 150.1 .554
Outcome: Problem sets completed
Constant 65.4 4.0 .000
Beer than predicted 16.3 5.6 .003
Seventh Grade (n = 100)
Outcome: Total minutes
Constant 2349.4 114.1 .000
Beer than predicted 447.5 164.7 .007
Outcome: Problem sets completed
Constant 104.1 4.3 .000
Beer than predicted 9.7 6.2 .120
Eighth Grade (n = 51)
Outcome: Total minutes
Constant 1889.5 179.8 .000
Beer than predicted 289.2 251.8 .251
Outcome: Problem sets completed
Constant 94.6 8.7 .000
Beer than predicted 26.3 12.2 .032
SE =standard error.
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
Table D5 shows the Pearson correlaon coecients
amongst the measures for the student samples included
in the research. Table D6 shows the Cronbach’s alpha
coecients for the scales; a measure commonly used
to assess the reliability (or consistency) of scales used in
survey research (Cronbach, 1951; Hae, 1985).
Academic Ecacy. This scale, which was developed as
part of the Paerns of Adapve Learning Study (PALS),
assesses students’ percepons of their competence
to do their class work (Midgley et al., 1998). Students’
responses to the following ve survey items were
included in the measure using a 5-point Likert scale
from Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree.
I’m certain I can learn the skills taught in math class
this year.
I can do almost all of the work in math class if I
don’t give up.
Even if math is hard, I can learn it.
A “high” value is oen used to indicate that the individual items comprising a
scale are measuring the same underlying construct. Values between 0.7 to 0.9
are generally considered an indicaon that a measure has “good” reliability or
consistency and above 0.9, “excellent” reliability.
I’m certain I can gure out how to do the most
dicult math work.
I can do even the hardest math if I try.
Math Anxiety. This scale was developed for the Programme
of Internaonal Student Assessment (PISA) and focuses on
“the worry component” of math anxiety (Ferla, Valcke, &
Cai, 2009). Students’ responses to the following ve survey
items were included in the measure using a 5-point Likert
scale from Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree.
I oen worry that it will be dicult for me in math
I get tense when I have to do math homework.
I get nervous when doing math problems.
I feel helpless when doing a math problem.
I worry that I will get poor grades in math.
Table D5. Pearson Correlaon Coecients among Survey Scales
Academic Ecacy Math Anxiety Math Self Concept
Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring
Academic Ecacy - -
Math Anxiety -.45 -.46 - -
Math Self Concept .64 .64 -.65 -.57 - -
Math Interest .55 .53 -.39 -.32 .51 .48
Sample sizes: Fall measures = 856 students; Spring measures = 838 students.
Note: All correlaons are stascally signicant at the p < .001 level.
Table D6. Cronbach’s Alpha for Nonachievement Survey Scales (Fall and Spring, SY2012-13)
Cronbach’s Alpha
Fall Spring
(N=856) (N =838)
Academic Ecacy .825 .834
Math Anxiety .781 .799
Math Self Concept .838 .867
Math Interest .910 .912
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
Math Self-concept. The PISA math self-concept items
measure “the ability component” of self-concept
beliefs (Ferla et al., 2009). Students’ responses to
the following ve survey items were included in the
measure using a 5-point Likert scale from Strongly
Disagree to Strongly Agree.
I learn math quickly.
In my math class, I understand even the most
dicult work.
I get good grades in math.
Math is one of my best subjects.
I am just not good at math (this item was reverse-
Math Interest. The PISA math interest items measure
“the enjoyment aspect” of math interest (Ferla et al.,
2009). Students’ responses to the following four survey
items were included in the measure using a 5-point
Likert scale from Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree.
I enjoy learning math.
I do math because I enjoy it.
I am interested in the things I learn in math class.
I look forward to my math class.
First-stage Model
For Site 1, we explored the relaonship between a
student’s mean scale score from fall 2012 and his
or her spring 2013 mean scale score using a three-
Level hierarchical linear model (HLM)—with students
nested in classrooms in schools. Using these models,
we computed a residual score and coded students as
“higher than predicted” or “lower than predicted.
The following rst-stage model was used for Site 1:
Level 1: Y
= π
Level 2: π
= β
Level 3: β
......... Spring 2013 survey scale score for student (i) in
classroom (j) in school (k)
......... Fall 2012 survey scale score for student (i)
......... Intercept for classroom (j)
......... Fixed eect of 2012 scale score on the
2013 scale score
......... Intercept for school (k)
.........Grand intercept
, r
......... Random eects at student,
classroom, and school levels, respecvely
Second-stage Model
We then t a second set of models for each
nonachievement outcome measure as we explored
whether students who scored higher or lower than
predicted on the measures completed dierent
numbers of problem sets to prociency or logged
dierent amounts of total minutes on Khan Academy.
The following second-stage model was used for Site 1
(see Table D6):
Level 1: Y
= π
Level 2: π
= β
Level 3: β
......... Outcome for student (i) in classroom (j) in
school (k)
......... Dichotomous variable indicang whether
student had performed higher than predicted on
the spring 2013 survey scale (X = 1) or lower than
predicted (X = 0)
......... Intercept for classroom (j)
......... Fixed eect of higher/lower than
predicted indicator on outcome
......... Intercept for school (k)
.........Grand intercept
, r
......... Random eects at student,
classroom, and school levels, respecvely
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
Table D7. Site 1 Second-stage Model for the Relaonship Between Khan Academy Use and
Student Survey Items
Coecient SE p
Academic Ecacy
Outcome: Total Minutes
Constant 725.2 243.3 .003
Beer than predicted 165.9 76.8 .031
Outcome: Problem sets completed
Constant 46.8 6.5 .000
Beer than predicted 8.8 2.2 .000
Math Anxiety
Outcome: Total Minutes
Constant 846.5 240.7 .000
Beer than predicted -67.6 77.4 .383
Outcome: Problem sets completed
Constant 55.1 6.4 .000
Beer than predicted -7.3 2.3 .001
Math Self Concept
Outcome: Total Minutes
Constant 724.6 243.4 .003
Beer than predicted 166.2 77.2 .031
Outcome: Problem sets completed
Constant 47.6 6.5 .000
Beer than predicted 7.3 2.3 .001
Math Interest
Outcome: Total Minutes
Constant 808.3 241.5 .001
Beer than predicted 9.38 77.1 .903
Outcome: Problem sets completed
Constant 49.6 6.5 .000
Beer than predicted 3.7 2.3 .101
SE: Standard error.
Sample sizes
Total minutes outcome models = 831 students; Problem sets completed outcome models = 826 students.
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools
SRI Educaon
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