For 2020-2021 term
JUNIORS & SENIORS Second Semester New Applicants
Step 1: Read and Sign: Both the parent/guardian and the student should carefully read this instruction
page, the Student Parking Permit Application & Agreement and the Student Parking Policy & Procedures (these are
the next two pages of this document). All Campus Student Parking is for Seniors & Juniors ONLY.
Step 2: Do I Qualify for parking? Do NOT pay / apply if you do not meet all three:
1. Last Nine Week Un-Weighted GPA is acceptable - Minimum of 2.0 required.
2. No unresolved attendance failure on record
3. No obligations (fines, over-due books, etc...)
Student must meet ALL above criteria 100%, Proceed to step 3 if you do
Step 3: Collect all your info: On a SINGLE SHEET of paper make a photocopy/picture of your:
a) Operator’s License Class E - We cannot/do not accept Learner’s Permit for legal reasons/restrictions associated with the permit.
b) Auto Insurance Card
c) Vehicle Registration Slip for the vehicle that you will park in your assigned space. Sales slips / Titles / Temporary registrations are NOT accepted.
Make sure the copy/picture is clear and that no information is “cut off” (i.e. License plate Tag number, car color, etc…) as this causes the application to
be deemed “Incomplete” and unable to be processed.
Step 4: After successfully completing the above steps:
I. Pay the Parking Pass fee of $50 ( reduced to $25 for second semester) at: then
II. Submit your completed 2020-2021 school year application along with: Step 3 and your
online payment receipt to the email: LCHSPARKING@LEONSCHOOLS.NET In the email Subject
Line put the student info: Last Name, Legal First name (grade level) Example: SMITH, Jane (12
You will get an email confirmation within 36 to 48 business hours that we received your parking application packet.
Parking is on a first come first serve basis for those that qualify - we do not reserve spots.
Parking is not promised nor guaranteed.
An incomplete/incorrect application will result in loss of placement of time received.
Updated: : 01 January 2021
Student Parking Permit
Application and Agreement for: 2020-2021term
Welcome to Chiles High School. Just like driving is a privilege, so is parking on campus.
All campus student parking spots are for Junior & Seniors ONLY and requires a valid issued parking permit displayed at all times.
Students may NOT park in visitors parking, faculty parking or sports field areas for any reason.
Student Legal Name (print): _____________________________________ Circle 2020-2021 Grade Senior OR Junior
Street Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Cell phone: __________________________________ Parent Email_________________________________________
List any school activity/program: (DCT/ Externship, Band/Chorus/Drama, Chiles Sport.): ____________________________________________
When issued a parking permit you will be expected to comply with all of the following Rules and Policies:
1. The driver of the vehicle is responsible for the safety and actions of all passengers in their vehicle and are to obey all traffic laws.
2. You may not retrieve “forgotten” items from your car during class time. For safety reasons, students may
only be in the parking lot
coming to
authorized leaving of campus. Do not use car as a locker or sit in it during lunch.
3. Your UN-WEIGHTED GPA must be/stay at 2.0 or higher EACH nine weeks to retain assigned parking spot.
4. Do not receive Attendance failure on your report card.
5. Permits/parking spots are non-transferrable do not “share” or “give away” your assigned spot.
6. Registered vehicles must have the parking placard number displayed outwards at all times.
7. You must be a daily driver to receive a parking spot.
8. The speed limit on school grounds is
10 miles per hour
9. Do not
transport other students off campus illegally: skipping, taking another student off for lunch with no off campus pass, etc...
10. Suspensions due to Vapes/Drugs/Alcohol or weapons, either on campus OR at a school sponsored event, will result in the immediate
revocation of parking privileges for the remainder of the school year.
Consequences for violations may include but are not limited to:
Saturday School * Suspension or Revocation of Parking Privileges * In School Suspension/OFI * Vehicle Immobilization (Boot) or /Towing of Vehicle
By signing, we concur with ALL standards, rules, and policies as well as all consequences stated on BOTH pages of this application.
_________________________________________ _________________________________________
Student Signature
Parent/Guardian Signature
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Office Use Only:
2020-2021 term
Assigned SPACE #:
Office Use Only:
Verified Online RECEIPT #:_________________________
2020-2021 Term
Lawton Chiles High School: 2020-2021 term
Student Parking Policy and Procedures
Irresponsible actions and endangering the lives and safety of others will not be tolerated. The safety of our students is a priority and immature/irresponsible
actions will not be tolerated. All campus parking is the property of the Leon County School Board. All users are subject to the authority of the Leon County School
Board and the individual school’s principal or designee. The Leon County Sheriff’s Department has law enforcement jurisdiction over the parking facilities. Vehicles
parked on school grounds without a valid parking permit or illegally parked are subject to being immobilized (booted) or towed at the owner’s expense as
per School Board policy and Florida Statute 715.07.
Please read and discuss the guidelines and consequences with your Junior/ Senior student before you both sign the agreement /application.
GPA --Students must have & maintain an un-weighted 2.0 GPA minimum EACH nine weeks to retain
parking privileges. Should GPA fall below this 2.0 minimum, the parking spot will be REVOKED and the
student WILL NOT be allowed to park on campus for any reason. Students are responsible for re-applying for a spot the next nine
week grading period the standards are met.
ATTENDANCE -- receiving attendance failure (4 or more Un-excused absences per class each grading period) on your report
card allows the Attendance office to immediately revoke the parking spot. Student WILL NOT be allowed to
park on campus for any reason if this occurs. Attendance can be monitored on the PARENT PORTAL/FOCUS App/website.
Students are responsible for re-applying for a spot the next nine week grading period the standards are met.
Cars must display the parking permit affixed to the inside rear view mirror at all times.
If someone is parked in your assigned spot: please park in the front circle drive of the school (not another parking spot) with flashers on, come inside and let Student
Affairs know. We will then direct you where to park for that day while we investigate the situation.
You may not retrieve “forgotten/left” items of any kind from your car during class time.
The Leon County School system is not responsible for damages to vehicles parked/operated on school
property. Please report these incidents immediately to the School Resource Deputy.
Any permanent changes in vehicles (new car/license plate, etc..) must be promptly reported to the Student Affairs
Office secretary by providing an updated copy of the Registration/Insurance card/Driver’s License.
The parking fee is NON-REFUNDABLE and the pass is NON-TRANSFERABLE DO NOT give your spot away/share.
By signing, we have read all policies, standards & consequences and fully understand/ agree to comply with them.
_____________________________ _________________
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
_____________________________ _________________
Student Signature Date
(Pg 2 of 2)
2020-2021 term
The following page is the optional application for the
2020-2021 Off Campus Lunch Pass.
Off Campus Lunch privileges are for Classified Juniors and Seniors only
You will hold onto the completed Off Campus Lunch Pass
application and
bring it with you the day you come in
for the picture
. (Do not send it in with your parking application this year)
Reminder: ALL Extern/ DCT/ Dual Enrollment students are required to have
this pass to exit/enter campus
according to their schedule
OFF- CAMPUS LUNCH Pass Application: 2020 2021 term
Off campus lunch privilege is reserved for classified Seniors & Juniors in accordance with Leon County School policy 3.03(8).
To Obtain an Off-Campus Lunch Pass:
1. Classified Juniors & Seniors who have earned at least a 2.0 un-weighted GPA or higher during the preceding nine-week grading
period are eligible for off campus lunch privileges.
2. Parent/Guardian Signature MUST BE LEGALLY NOTARIZED * -OR- the parent/guardian may sign this form
in front of a Chiles Staff member at the school.
3. Students must be clear of all attendance failures and Obligations (Fines/fees, books etc.)
4. Student must be present for pass to be processed Photo taken.
Parent/guardian complete this section:
This is to certify that ____________________________________________ has my permission to
leave Lawton Chiles High School campus during the lunch period and that I accept full and complete
responsibility for my student during the time he/she is off campus.
2020-2021 classified grade level (Circle one): Senior OR Junior
PRINTED Name of Parent/Guardian : ____________________________________________________________
Notarized Signature of Parent/Guardian :____________________________________________
Address:______________________________________________________ Parent Cell Phone:_____________________________
* A notary is a person licensed by the government to perform acts in legal affairs, in particular witnessing signatures on documents
* Notary Section
Sworn to and subscribed before me this __________ day of __________________________, 20_______.
Signature of Notary Public_________________________________________
Official Seal: Expires:______________________
Student see page 2
SCHOOL USE ONLY: 2020- 2021 Form
Classified Grade: level : 12
/ 11
-- All Requirements Met: APPROVED or DENIED / reason:
Off Campus Pass Policy Infractions and Consequences
VIOLATIONS (include but not limited to)
A. Students with off-campus lunch privileges will not take students off campus who are not authorized to leave. This includes other
juniors and seniors who have not been granted permission OR who do not have valid off-campus pass in hand.
B. GPA: must maintain at least 2.0 un-weighted each grading period.
C. Drugs, alcohol, vapes or weapons found in any vehicle will result in immediate revocation.
The Attendance Office holds the right to revoke my pass for:
Failing to return to class after lunch without signing out in the office prior to departing for lunch. This is considered skipping.
Excessive Tardiness = Four or More Un-excused Tardies to fifth period after lunch per nine week grading period.
Attendance failure = Four or More Un-excused Absences per class per nine week grading period.
CONSEQUENCES can include:
Friday/Saturday School Detention -- Suspension/Revocation of Off Campus Lunch and/or Parking Privileges
I understand that Off Campus Lunch is a privilege, not a right and that I am to conduct myself
in a positive manner. I will obey all traffic laws and behave appropriately in area restaurants/businesses. Reports from the
community about inappropriate behavior could result in the revocation of my off-campus lunch privilege.
I will be required to present my off-campus lunch pass (not a picture of it) upon leaving campus for
lunch and returning from it. Failure to produce a valid student Lunch ID pass will result in a forfeiture of my right to leave
campus on that particular day.
Student Affairs will issue only ONE temporary pass per semester for forgotten/misplaced Lunch ID for that
day. If you are in DCT or the Externship program, you must see that instructor for your temporary pass!
Student Name printed: _____________________________________________ Student ID #: ___________________________________________
Student Signature: ________________________________________________
We do not process/issue lunch passes the Friday prior OR the first two days of school.
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