Sacramento City Unified School District
8/6/09; Rev. C SHPD-W004 Page 1 of 10
The on-line version of the procedure is
official. Therefore, all printed versions
are unofficial copies.
1.0 SCOPE:
1.1 This work instruction describes the step-by-step
process for an Expulsion Hearing in the Student
Hearing and Placement Department.
2.1 Clerical Staff, SHPD
2.2 Director or other designated personnel of SHPD
3.1 Director III, SHPD
4.1 DIS01 – SASI/Zangle Disciplinary Report
4.2 Expulsion Hearing; An Expulsion Hearing is held when a school site brings forward a
student that has violated a Education Code which constitutes a Mandatory Expulsion
4.3 IEP – Individualized Education Program or Plan
4.4 MD – Manifestation Determination: A meeting held to determine if behavior had any
bearing due to the his/her Special Education needs
4.5 SASI XP/Zangle – The current Student Information System (SIS) software package
used by the SCUSD
4.6 SCUSD – Sacramento City Unified School District
4.7 SE – Special Education
4.8 SIS – Student Information System: The state mandated and approved electronic
software that compiles, sorts, and stores student person/demographic, attendance,
enrollment, and academic history/data for district, state, and federal reporting purpose
4.9 SST – Student Study Team
5.1 After the Pre-Expulsion has been heard the presiding Director will inform the clerical
staff that due to evidence presented we are moving forth on an Stipulation of
Expulsion and Settlement Agreement
5.2 Clerical staff types the Stipulation of Expulsion and Settlement Agreement
5.3 Clerical staff makes a copy of the Stipulation of Expulsion and Settlement Agreement
for the parent/guardian
5.4 Director reviews Stipulation of Expulsion and Settlement Agreement with the School
Site Administrator, Parent, and Student
Approved signature on file
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5.5 If parent agrees to a Stipulation of Expulsion and Settlement Agreement then the
Parent signs
5.6 If parent disagrees meeting is adjourned and proceed to section 5.26
5.7 Clerical staff makes four copies of the original
5.8 Clerical staff returns the original back to the Director and then its given to the parent
5.9 Clerical staff stamps “CONFIDENTIAL” and “DATE MAILED” on the Stipulation of
Expulsion and Settlement Agreement
5.10 Clerical staff sends two copies of the Stipulation of Expulsion and Settlement
Agreement forward to school site via inter-departmental mail
5.11 Clerical staff sends one copy of the Stipulation of Expulsion and Settlement
Agreement forward to the Director of Student Records via inter-departmental mail
5.12 Clerical staff places one copy of the Stipulation of Expulsion and Settlement
Agreement in the student’s file located in SHPD
5.13 Director completes a SHPD Student Referral form and Sacramento County Office of
Education Community School Referral form and provides the designated copies to
parties present and the meeting is adjourned
5.14 Director paperclips the documents to the outside of the folder in order for the clerical
staff to process the documents
5.15 Director’s disposition of Pre-Expulsion is drafted and summary is given to clerical staff
to type
5.16 Clerical staff types the Pre-Expulsion summary draft and submits the draft to Director
for approval and signature
5.17 Clerical staff makes four copies of the signed Certified Expulsion Notification letter
(before Board meeting template)
5.18 Clerical staff sends original Certified Expulsion Notification letter mailed to
Parent/Guardian via United States Postal Services
5.19 Clerical staff stamps “CONFIDENTIAL” and “DATE MAILED” on the Pre-Expulsion
5.20 Clerical staff sends two copies of the Certified Expulsion Notification letter forward to
school site via inter-departmental mail
5.21 Clerical staff sends one copy of the Certified Expulsion Notification letter forward to
the Director of Student Records via inter-departmental mail
5.22 Clerical staff places one copy of the Certified Expulsion Notification letter in the
student’s file located in SHPD
5.23 Clerical staff assembles Expulsion packet; proceed to 5.74 through 5.102
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5.24 After the Pre-Expulsion has been heard the presiding Director will inform the clerical
staff that due to evidence presented we are moving forth on an Expulsion Panel
5.25 Director selects the Administrative Panel members
5.26 Director schedules a full Expulsion Panel within ten school days
5.27 Director notifies the selected Administrative Panel members of date and time of
Expulsion Panel hearing
5.28 Director contacts the Sacramento City Unified School District’s Legal Council (If the
parent has legal representation)
5.29 Director informs clerical staff of Legal Council status
5.30 Clerical staff contacts the Certified Court Reporter confirming said date and time of
Expulsion Panel hearing
5.31 Director notifies SE Department (If student receives SE services)
5.32 Clerical staff then prepares a Certified Expulsion Notification letter, indicating the date,
place, and time of the Expulsion hearing (notifying parent, confirming said date and
time with the school site’s principal or designee)
5.33 Clerical staff double clicks on Certified Expulsion Notification letter template (before
Board meeting)
5.34 Clerical staff types the information provided by the Principal or Designee list as
Certified Mail Number (Return Receipt Request)
Parent’s/Guardian’s Name
Student’s Name
Date of Birth
School’s Name
Date of Board Meeting
Parent’s/Guardian’s Name
Student’s Name
Violated California Education Code Section
Board Hearing Date
5.35 Clerical staff prints-out the Certified Expulsion Notification letter for the Director to sign
5.36 Clerical staff types the envelope: Parent’s/Guardian’s Name and Address
5.37 Clerical staff places Certified Mail Receipt (Return Receipt Request) on the left side of
5.38 Clerical staff seals and places the Domestic Return Receipt across the back-side of
the envelope
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5.39 Clerical staff mails a Certified Expulsion letter to parent(s)/guardian(s) within the next
school day
5.40 Clerical staff makes four copies of the signed Certified Expulsion Notification letter
(before Board meeting)
5.41 Clerical staff sends original Certified Expulsion Notification letter mailed to
Parent/Guardian via United States Postal Services
5.42 Clerical staff stamps “CONFIDENTIAL” and “DATE MAILED” on the Pre-Expulsion
5.43 Clerical staff sends two copies of the Certified Expulsion Notification letter forward to
school site via inter-departmental mail
5.44 Clerical staff sends one copy of the Certified Expulsion Notification letter forward to
the Director of Student Records via inter-departmental mail
5.45 Clerical staff places one copy of the Expulsion notification place in the student’s file
located in SHPD
5.46 Clerical staff orders refreshments upon the Director of SHPD approval
5.47 SHPD Supervisor prepares a Campus Catering Request form from the selected food
groups with the following information:
Clerical Staff’s Name
Meeting Date and Time
Location of Full Panel Expulsion Hearing
Call Budget Technician to get Budget Code
Enter the Budget Code on the form
Fax the form to Sacramento City USD Nutrition Services Department (Bistro)
5.48 Clerical staff prepares the room and completes the name plates as follows:
Name plates
Folders with paper for note taking for each Administrative Panel member
Witness chair
Legal Council chair
Sit Representative chair
Administrative Panel member chairs
Directors chair
5.49 Principal arrives and signs in
5.50 Clerical staff Invites the Principal into the Conference room and notifies the Director
5.51 Director reviews the school site documents
5.52 Parent and Student arrives and signs in
5.53 Director is notified of their arrival
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5.54 Director calls the meeting to order
5.55 Director opens the meeting
5.56 Principal presents opening statements
5.57 Parent, and Student Present Opening Statements
5.58 Principal’s Witness(s)/Other Information is presented
5.59 Principal calls the first witness
5.60 Director administers the Oath as follows:
Please raise your right hand
Do you solemnly swear of affirm that the testimony that you are about to give in
this proceeding will be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?
Please be seated and state your Name and Position
Spell your last name for the record (appropriate when spelling of name is not
5.63 Director directs Presentation of Evidence as follows:
You may direct your witness
To parent - Questions for witness
To Panel - Questions for witness
Cross Examination of witnesses
Principal - Questions for witness
Panel Members - Question for witness
Rebuttal is heard
Evidence is presented
All witness statements are presented
Questions presented by Expulsion Panel
Summary - Principal
Summary - Parent
5.61 Parent’s witness(s)/Other Information (Repeat the above oath (5.36))
5.62 Director states “Before we recess for deliberations, I would like to offer the opportunity
for each side to prepare proposed findings of fact to submit to the Expulsion Panel for
use during their deliberations. If either side would like to, we will take a short recess
for you to do so now.”
5.63 Director states “Recess for deliberations. Hearing is recessed to allow the
Administrative Expulsion Panel time to reach a decision. At time, the Panel has
questions or needs clarification before it can make its findings. Each side has the right
to remain on site in case the Panel does have questions or needs clarification in
reaching its decision.”
5.64 Return of Panel
5.65 Expulsion Panel member or Clerical staff has typed the Expulsion summary given to
the Director with their recommendation(s)
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5.66 Director states “The hearing is reconvened at such time.”
5.67 The Finding of Facts are as follows (read recommendation to School Site
Administrator and Family present)
5.68 Director completes the Student Referral form and/or Sacramento County Office of
Education Community Day Referral and provide the designated copies to parties
5.69 If a sheltered witness has statements the Director states “Let the record show that
SHPD has accepted sworn statements, and presence of the student was not required
at the hearing as the Expulsion Panel determined there was an unreasonable risk of
harm to the witness. This statement is considered non-hearsay evidence.” Thank
you, this concludes the hearing.
5.70 Certified letter is mailed with recommendation from the Expulsion Panel based on the
decision made in regards to evidence presented, notifying the parent/guardian of the
intend of Board action within three days of decision of Expulsion hearing
5.71 Clerical staff assembles Expulsion packet
5.72 Clerical staff prepares Sacramento City Unified School District Board of Education
Agenda template for Board meeting, list as follows:
Meeting Date
Approval on Consent Agenda
Recommendation: Approved Expulsion recommendation for Expulsion Number
and School year
5.73 Clerical staff forward the Agenda to Sacramento City Unified School District’s Board of
Education Specialist ten days prior to Board Meeting
5.74 Clerical staff prepares the Expulsion packet
5.75 Clerical staff types a Cover Page template
Student’s Name
School Site
Principal or designee
California Education Code Violations
School year of Expulsion and Number being presented to the Board of Education
List California Education Code Violation Key Points and the page numbers
5.76 Clerical staff includes the Sacramento County Office of Education Community School
Referral form (from Pre-Expulsion packet)
5.77 Clerical staff types Key Points template
Student’s Name
Board Date
Pre-Expulsion Date
Coordinator’s/Facilitator’s Name
Principal/Designee presenting case
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School Site
Parent/Guardian’s Name
Date parent signed the Stipulation
Finding of Facts (Date of Incident and Violated Education Code)
Determination of Issues
5.78 Clerical staff types Table of Contents template indicating the page numbers of
documents listed as follows:
Key Points
Stipulation of Expulsion Agreement
Site - Case File
School Site Rules and Regulations
Sacramento City Police Report
Pre-Expulsion Review Summary
Pre-Expulsion Notification
Sacramento County Office of Education Community School Referral form
5.79 Board of Education Specialist is contacted and Agenda Item Number is submitted
5.80 Clerical staff enters the Expulsion Panel’s recommendation into the SHPD Microsoft
Excel Database
5.81 Clerical staff makes copies of the Expulsion packet for each member of the Board of
Education and assembles in their prospective folder
5.82 Clerical staff makes a copy of the Expulsion packet for the Director to submit to the
Associate Superintendent for the cabinets approval two weeks prior to Board date
5.83 Once approved the Director presents the packet to the Board of Education for Board
5.84 The Director presents the Expulsion to the governing Board for Board action
5.85 The Board takes action
5.86 Clerical staff types and mails certified letter to the parent(s)/guardian(s) informing
parent/guardian of Board action
5.87 Clerical staff stamps “CONFIDENTIAL” and “DATE MAILED” on the certified letter with
Board recommendations
5.88 Clerical staff files the folder into the proper cabinet labeled Expulsions
5.89 Clerical staff then prepares a Certified Expulsion Notification letter template, indicating
the date, place, and time of the Expulsion hearing (after Board meeting)
5.90 Clerical staff double clicks on Certified Expulsion Notification letter template (after
Board meeting)
5.91 Clerical staff types the information provided by the Principal or Designee listed on the
template as follows:
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Certified Mail Number (Return Receipt Requested)
Parent’s/Guardian’s Name
Student’s Name
Date of Birth
School’s Name
Date of Board Meeting
Student’s Name
Violated California Education Code Section
Procedures for Readmission
Type envelope, Parent’s/Guardian’s Name and Address
Place Certified Mail Receipt on the left side of envelope
Place Domestic Return Receipt across the back-side of the envelope
5.92 Clerical staff prints-out notification for Director’s signature
5.93 Clerical staff mails a Certified Expulsion letter to parent(s)/guardian(s) within the next
school day
5.94 Clerical staff makes four copies of the signed by Director the Certified Expulsion
Notification letter (after Board meeting)
5.95 Clerical staff sends Original Certified Expulsion Notification letter mailed to
Parent/Guardian via United States Postal Services
5.96 Clerical staff stamps “CONFIDENTIAL” and “DATE MAILED” on the Pre-Expulsion
5.97 Clerical staff sends two copies of the Certified Expulsion Notification letter forward to
school site via inter-departmental mail
5.98 Clerical staff sends one copy of the Certified Expulsion Notification letter forward to
the Director of Student Records via inter-departmental mail
5.99 Clerical staff places one copy of the Expulsion notification in the student’s file located
5.100 Clerical staff pulls the folder and files the document into the folder then files back into
the proper cabinet labeled Expulsion
6.1 Request for a Pre-Expulsion Hearing (SHPD-F006)
6.2 Critical Incident Memorandum (SHPD-F007)
6.3 Confidential Statements (SHPD-F008)
6.4 Summary of Corrective Efforts by the School (SHPD-F009)
6.5 Closing Summary (SHPD-F010)
6.6 Suspension Form rev 8
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6.7 IEP (if applicable)
6.8 Intervention Checklist (SHPD-F002)
6.9 Photograph (photocopies of hard evidence)
6.10 Teacher’s Progress Report (SHPD-F004)
6.11 Current Grade Report
6.12 Current Attendance Report from SASI/Zangle (Elementary, ATD42, Secondary,
6.13 Discipline Report from SASI/Zangle (DIS01)
6.14 School Rules and Regulations
6.15 Police Report, if applicable
6.16 Notification Letter
6.17 Community Day Referral
6.18 Student Referral Form (SHPD-F051)
Storage Retention Disposition Protection
Student file File cabinets Until student
turns 18 years of
age or 21 years
of age if student
receives Special
Shredding Locked Interior
Rev. Description of Revision:
06/08/07 A Initial release
08/27/07 B
revised job title of Approval of Authority (section 3.0) from Director II
to Director III
revised job title of responsibility (section 2.0) from Coordinator III to
Director I, Youth Development Services
revised all Coordinator/Facilitator with Director
remove Student Success Team (elementary) from section 4.9
08/05/09 C
revised department name change from Student and Family Support
Services (SFSS) to Student Hearing and Placement Department
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added to 5.24 “proceed to 5.74 through 5.102
replaced Director in section 5.28, 5.29, 5.30 and 5.33 from clerical
deleted clerical staff in section 5.49 to reflect Supervisor
revised database to reflect Microsoft Excel from Access
deleted in section 5.84 LSU D (Learning Support Unit D) School
Accountability Operation Specialist to reflect Associate
***End of procedure***