County Clerical Staff Recognition Awards
The University of Missouri Extension County Clerical Staff Recognition Award honors Extension support staff members
who exhibit outstanding performance with the University of Missouri, University Extension and County Extension Councils.
minations can be made by an extension employee, a county extension employee, a county council
member, an office assistant or by someone else affiliated with Extension. Clerical Award Committee
members cannot be nominated for any awards while serving on the committee.
wish to nominate_____________________________ for clerical staff recognition award based on the qualifications
identified in the “Criteria for Nomination and Selection.”
minee information
sition Title: ________________________________________________________________
Region/County: ______________________________________________________________
Office Address: ______________________________________________________________
Employment start date: ________________________________________________________
Office Phone Number: _________________________________________________________
ard category: (may nominate in one category only)
_____ Rookie of the Year 1 Winner - 2 Finalist
(1-2 years hired between Jan. 1, 2020 and Dec. 31, 2021)
__________ Jr. Clerical Award 1 Winner - 2 Finalist
(2-8 years hired between Jan. 1, 2014 and Dec. 31, 2020)
__________ Sr. Clerical Award 1 Winner - 2 Finalist
(more than 8 years – hired before January 1, 2014)
minee’s outstanding performance:
One recommendation letter per applicant must be submitted. This letter can be from a co-worker, council member or
other office assistant. The letter should discuss overall performance in one or more job-related areas. (Limit to 2 pages
please) Please type this on a separate Word Document and include with application to
Date submitted:__________________________
Name and title of nominator:____________________________________________________
Nominator’s phone and address:_________________________________________________
I a
m giving permission to the clerical committee to release some or all of the information in the letter of
recommendation to the news media, staff, or nominee. Yes No
Evaluations will be done on the recommendation letter, the phone interview and the application.
Return this form by August 31, 2022
Contact: Marsha Parsons, 116 West Main Street, Union, MO 63084
For Office Use