CV Updated: July 2021
Name: LI, Hui (Cynthia), PhD
Assistant Professor, Public Administration and Policy
Department of Public Administration
College of Business Administration and Public Policy
California State University, Dominguez Hills
1000 East Victoria Street, I&I-4401
Carson, CA 90747
T: (310) 243-3548 | E: [email protected]
08/2002-08/2009 Ph.D. Public Administration and Policy, University of Georgia, U.S.
Fields: Public Budgeting & Finance, Public Administration, Public Policy
Dissertation: “The Sales Tax Holiday in Georgia: Policymakers’ Motives
and Expectations and the Actual Effects”
Committee: Thomas P. Lauth (co-chair), Jerome S. Legge (co-chair),
Yilin Hou, Deborah A. Carroll
09/1999-07/2002 Master of Management, Public Administration, Fudan University, China
09/1995-07/1999 Bachelor of Law, Public Administration, Soochow University, China
01/2021-present Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, College of
Business Administration and Public Policy (CBAPP), California State
University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH)
07/2011-01/2021 Assistant Professor, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (LKYSPP),
National University of Singapore (NUS)
Also Faculty Associate at Asia Competitiveness Institute (ACI), Lee Kuan Yew
School of Public Policy (LKYSPP) since 08/2013
08/2008-07/2011 Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Eastern Michigan
University (EMU)
08/2007-05/2008 Graduate Student Instructor, Department of Public Administration and Policy,
School of Public and International Affairs, University of Georgia, U.S.
08/2002-05/2007 Research Assistant, Department of Public Administration and Policy, School
of Public and International Affairs, University of Georgia, U.S.
2005-2006 Volunteer Teacher of Chinese Language Program, The University of Georgia
08/2001-06/2002 Research Assistant, School of International and Public Affairs, Fudan
University, China
01/2002-03/2002 Public Relations Intern, Department of Public Relations, Municipal
Informatization Commission, Shanghai, China
05/2000-10/2001 Graduate Student Instructor, Center for Continuing Education, Fudan
University, China
05/2001 Intern, Wuliqiao Rd Subdistrict Office, Pudong New District Government of
Shanghai, China
07/2000-08/2000 Intern, Shanghai Morning Post, Shanghai, China
02/1999-05/1999 Executive Assistant Intern, Personnel Department, Wu County Government,
Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China
02/1998-07/1998 Assistant to Director Intern, Shuangtang Subdistrict Office, Canglang District,
Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China
International & National
2018 Best Paper Award, the 7th Chinese Forum on Public Administration, China-America
Association for Public Affairs (CAAPA)
2016 Best Paper Award, Sino-US Pre-Conference Workshop on Public Administration and
Policy for junior scholars
2005 Essay Competition for the International Students’ Committee (ISC) Wings of
Excellence Award, one of the 200 contributions selected from 1000+ submissions
worldwide for participation in the 35
ISC Symposium “Liberty, Trust, and
Responsibility” at St. Gallen, Switzerland
1998 Excellent Performance Prize for the National Youth Composition Competition, China
National University of Singapore
2019 Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy Teaching Excellence Award
2017 Long Service Award (5 years of dedicated service)
Eastern Michigan University
2009 Academic Service-Learning Fellowship
2008 Provost’s Research Award for New Faculty
2008 “Most Valuable Professor,” Eastern Michigan University Athletic Program
University of Georgia
2007-2008 Graduate Assistantship, Department of Public Administration and Policy
2006-2007 Graduate School Dissertation Completion Fellowship Award
2004-2006 Graduate Assistantship, Department of Public Administration and Policy
2002-2004 Graduate School Assistantship
2002-2003 Golembiewski Family and Friends Endowment for Research Assistantships Award,
School of Public and International Affairs
Fudan University
2000-2001 Guanghua Scholarship
2000-2001 Outstanding Youth League Member
1999-2000 Outstanding Participant of the 22th Youth League Training Program (Third Class)
1999-2000 Graduate Student Scholarship (Second Class)
1999-2000 Excellent Student Leader
1999-2000 Second Prize for the Graduate Student Term Paper Competition, School of
International Relations and Public Affairs
Soochow University
1999 Outstanding Graduate Award
1998-1999 Comprehensive Achievements Scholarship (the highest honor scholarship) (Second
1997-1998 Comprehensive Achievements Scholarship (the highest honor scholarship) (Second
1996-1997 Social Work Scholarship (Second Class)
1995-1996 Academic Excellence Scholarship (First Class)
10/1995 Second Prize for the Freshman Mandarin Contest, School of Politics & Public
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
(* denotes co-author is a student or research assistant)
1. Hongping Lian, Dechuan Wang,* and Hui Li. Waste Sorting and Its Effects on Carbon Emission
Reduction: Evidence from China. Chinese Journal of Population, Resources and Environment.
Available online June 24, 2021.
2. Lian, Hongping, Hui Li (corresponding author), and Kilkon Ko. Market-led Transactions and
Illegal Land Use: Evidence from China. Land Use Policy 84 (2019) 12-20. (SSCI: 5-Year IF
3. Wu, Alfred M., Lin Ye, and Hui Li. (2019). The Impact of Fiscal Decentralization on Urban
Agglomeration: Evidence from China. Journal of Urban Affairs 41(2): 170-188. (SSCI: 2018 IF
4. Li, Hui. (2018). Intra-provincial Fiscal Disparities and the Role of the Provincial Transfer
System in China: A Case Study of Henan Province. Public Finance and Management 18(2):
5. Yee, Wai-Hang, and Hui Li (corresponding author). (2018). Unpacking the “Political-
Institutional Complex”: The Role of Physical and Institutional Infrastructures in Indonesia’s
Decentralization Reform, Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development 2(1): 174-192.!
6. Li, Hui (corresponding author), and Lance L. P. Gore. (2018). Merit-Based Patronage: Career
Incentives of Local Leading Cadres in China. Journal of Contemporary China 27(109): 85-102.
(SSCI: 2018 IF 1.867)
7. Li, Hui. (2016). An Empirical Analysis of the Effects of Land-Transfer Revenues on Local
Governments’ Spending Preferences. China: An International Journal 14(3): 29-50. (SSCI: 2018
IF 0.25)
8. Seifert, Jan,* and Hui Li (corresponding author). (2015). Indonesia’s Fiscal Decentralization and
Its Effect on Provincial Public Finances. Public Finance and Management 15(2): 108-129.
9. Li, Hui. (2014). An Empirical Analysis of the Equalization Effects of Fiscal Transfers on
County-Level Fiscal Disparities in H Province. Wuhan University Journal (Philosophy & Social
Sciences) 67(2): 20-28, China (in Chinese). (CSSCI: Chinese Core Journal Composite IF: 2.398)
10. Li, Hui. (2002). The Effectiveness of Government Finance During the Development Campaign
of the Western Regions. Party and Government Forum 2002(1): 26-28, China (in Chinese).
(Chinese Core Journal Composite IF: 0.166)
11. Li, Hui. (2001). A Re-examination of the Attempt to Improve the Grass-Roots Democratic
System. Jiangxi Social Science, 2001 (Supplement), China (in Chinese). (CSSCI: Chinese Core
Journal Composite IF: 0.794)
12. Li, Hui. (2001). A New Approach to the Improvement of Community Administration. Party
and Government Forum 2001(7): 30-32, China (in Chinese). (Chinese Core Journal Composite
IF: 0.166)
13. Li, Hui. (2001). Linking Community Administration with the People’s Representatives
Congress System: An Attempt to Improve the Grass-Roots Democratic System. China Civil
Affairs Forum 2001(3): 6-8, China (in Chinese).
Manuscripts Under Review
(* denotes co-author is a student or research assistant/associate)
14. Li, Hui, Minghui Yu,* and Alfred M. Wu. Can Chinese Style Fiscal Decentralization Reduce
15. Li, Hui, and Zhirong Jerry Zhao. Management Capacity and Procurement Mechanism Decision:
A Case Study of China.
16. Araral, Eduardo, Hui Li (corresponding author), Vu Minh Khuong, and Kris Hartley. Has
China’s Anti-corruption Campaign Slowed Down Growth?
17. Li, Hui, and Jean Chia E Ming.* Teaching Case: Budget Dilemma in an Indonesian City.
18. Minghui Yu,* and Hui Li (corresponding author), Decentralized Governance of Sub-provincial
Fiscal Relations and Fiscal Equalization Performance of Chinese Provinces.
19. He, Liuyang,* and Hui Li (corresponding author), Bushmeat Ban amid Covid-19 Crisis in
China: A Historical-Comparative Analysis Applying the Multiple-Streams Framework.
20. Li, Hui, and Ker Sin Tze, Singapore’s Policy Response to Covid-19: A state capacity
Book Chapters
(* denotes co-author is a student or research assistant)
21. Lian, Hongping, Hui Li, and Kilkon Ko. (2020). Land Administration Policy and Illegal Land
Use, in Xiaowei Zang and Hon S. Chan (ed), Handbook of Public Policy and Public Administration
in China, pp. 325-346, Edward Elgar Publishing, United Kingdom.
22. Li, Hui. Provincial Equalization Policies, Inter-local Collaboration and Intra-provincial
Disparities. In Alfred M. Wu, He Wang, XiaoHu Wang (eds), Intergovernmental Collaboration in
China's Local Government: Autonomy, Equity, and Efficiency, Edward Elgar Publishing, United
Kingdom, book proposal approved.
23. Li, Hui, and Wai-Hang Yee. (2016). Chapter 4. Decentralization, Governing Institutions and
Economic Development in Indonesia, in Tan Khee Giap, Nurina Merdikawati, Mulya Amri, Tan
Kong Yam (eds.), 2015 Agricultural Productivity, Decentralization, and Competitiveness Analysis
for Provinces and Regions of Indonesia, pp. 67-98, World Scientific, Singapore.
24. Yu, Minghui,* and Hui Li. (2016). Can Chinese Style Fiscal Decentralization Reduce
Corruption? (in Chinese), in Lin, Zhimin and Jianwei Wang (eds.), The Modernization of Public
Administration: Legacy and Development, pp. 350-366, Sun Yat-Sen University Press, China.
25. Li, Hui. (2014). Local Government Fiscal Disparities in China, in Governing Asia: Reflections
on a Research Journey, edited by the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy NUS Singapore, pp.
103-106, World Scientific, Singapore.
Other Writings: Essays, Magazine and Newspaper Articles
26. Li, Hui, and Ker Sin Tze. “Could Improving Living Conditions Be a Solution for Hong Kong?
Global Observatory, 22 August, 2019.
27. Li, Hui. “Liberty, Responsibility and Role of Government,” selected for participation in the
35th ISC (International Students’ Committee)-Symposium “Liberty, Trust, and Responsibility,” St.
Gallen, Switzerland, May 19-21, 2005.
28. Li, Hui, Sijian Xiao, and Ye Liu, “Studies and Practice on the Innovative Development of
Student Organizations of Fudan University”, Fudan Education, 2000(April), China (in Chinese).
29. Li, Hui, and Sijian Xiao “Organizational Development of the Youth League: A New Stage of
the Youth League’s Development”, Fudan Education, 2000(March), China (in Chinese).
30. Li, Hui, “Government Reform, Function Transformation and Administrative Legality,”
Soochow University Newspaper, 1998(April), China (in Chinese).
31. Li, Hui. “Chinese Counties’ Fiscal Pressure: Who Is to Blame?”
32. Li, Hui, Alfred M. Wu, and Adam Graycar, “Land Corruption in China: Status, Challenges and
33. Li, Hui. “Horizontal Intergovernmental Transfers in China: The Case of Interprovincial
Compensation Mechanism for Ecological Protection”
34. Yu, Minghui, and Hui Li, “The Need to Enlarge Equalization Effects of Intergovernmental
Transfers in China: A Shift from Improving Policy Design to Enhancing Policy Implementation”
01/08/2019-30/06/2020 Land Corruption in China: Status, Challenges and Governance
NUS General Research Fund (GRF), SGD$10,000
01/10/2017-31/07/2019 Loopholes for Corruption in a Meritocracy: How to Improve China’s
Cadre Promotion System
NUS Staff Research Support Scheme (SRSS), SGD$15,000
01/04/2016-31/03/2018 China’s Local Public Finance at the County-Level over 1993-2006:
Patterns, Causes and Policy Implications
NUS Thematic Research Collaboration Scheme (TRC), PI, co-PIs:
Eduardo Araral, and Vu Minh Khuong, SGD$50,000
1/4/2012-31/3/2014 The Driver of China’s Local State-led Economic Expansion
NUS Staff Research Support Scheme (SRSS), SGD$15,000
01/01/2012-30/06/2015 Province-Local Fiscal Relationship and Local Fiscal Disparity in
MOE Faculty Start-up Grant, SGD$180,000
2013-2016 Ministry of Trade and Industry Research Funding under Asia
Competitiveness Institute, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy,
2009 EMU Provost’s Research Award for New Faculty, US$5,000
AY2018/2019 Distinguished Academic Visitor Scheme (DAVS), Invitee: Alfred
Tat-Kei Ho (University of Kansas), SGD$10,000
AY2018/2019 Workshop on Managing Local Government Debts and Urban Issues
in a Complex World
LKY School Workshop Fund, PI, co-PI: Alfred Wu, SGD$9,000
AY2018/2019 Worship on Center-Periphery Relations in Asia: A Cutting-Edge
LKY School Workshop Fund, co-PI, PI: Alfred Wu, SGD$20,000
AY2018/2019 Distinguished Academic Visitor Scheme (DAVS), Invitee: Jorge
Martinez-Vazquez (Georgia State University), SGD$10,000
AY2018/2019 LKY School Enriching Educational Experience in the Classroom
Grant (EEECG), SGD$5,000
AY2016/2017 LKY School Faculty Teaching and Learning Development Fund
(TLDF), SGD$1,000
AY2015/2016 LKY School Faculty Teaching and Learning Development Fund
(TLDF), SGD$1,000
AY2009/2010 EMU Academic Service Learning Fellowship, US$5,000
• International Symposium on COVID-19 and Models of Governance in East Asia and the World,
• American Political Science Association (APSA) Annual Conference: 2005.
• American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) Annual Conference, 2007, 2015, 2018, 2019,
• Asian Association for Public Administration (AAPA) Annual Conference, 2016.
• Asian Group for Public Administration (AGPA) Annual Conference, 2014.
• Association for Budgeting and Financial Management (ABFM) Annual Conference, 2006, 2008-
2009, 2011-2014, 2017, 2019, 2020.
• Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM), 2005.
• Cross-Strait Academic Conference on Public Administration, 2015.
• Forum for Economists International Global Conference, 2015.
• International Public Policy Association (IPPA) International Conference on Public Policy (ICPP),
2016, 2017, 2021.
• Korean Association for Public Administration (KAPA) International Conference, 2017.
• Lien International Conference on Good Governance, 2017.
• Public Management Research Conference (PMRC), 2018.
• Sino-US International Conference for Public Administration, 2016, 2018.
• Western Social Science Association (WSSA) Conference, 2005-2006, 2010-2011.
Courses Taught
California State University, Dominguez Hills
• PUB300 Foundations of Public Administration(undergraduate)
• PUB302 Public Financial Administration (undergraduate)
• PUB339 Research Methods and Communication in Criminal Justice Administration
National University of Singapore
• PP5504 Public Finance and Budgeting (postgraduate)
• PP5312 Public Financial Management (postgraduate)
• PP5703 Public Finance and Budgeting (postgraduate) (conducted in Chinese)
• PP5705 Comparative Public Policy and Management (postgraduate) (conducted in Chinese)
Eastern Michigan University
• PLSC540 Public Budget Administration (postgraduate)
• PLSC510 Modern Public Administration (postgraduate)
• PLSC352 Politics of Government Budgeting (undergraduate)
• PLSC270 Public Administration (undergraduate)
• PLSC112 American Government (undergraduate)
• PLSC202 State and Local Government (undergraduate)
University of Georgia
• PADP3000 Public Administration & Democracy (undergraduate)
• PADP4630 Government Budgeting & Finance (undergraduate)
Fudan University
• EMAP620020 Public Economics (postgraduate)
• Political Science (undergraduate) (conducted in Chinese)
• Municipal Administration (undergraduate) (conducted in Chinese)
Executive Education/Consultation Work (Select)
2021 Online Session on “Financial Management,” Leadership and Management Programme
for the senior Management of National Meteorological and Hydrological Services
(NMHS), LKY School of Public Policy - the Meteorological Service Singapore (MSS)
and the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO)
2021 Online Session on “Singapore’s Financial Management: Key Characteristics,”
Executive Programme on Public Policy and Public Sector Leadership “Budget Process
and Fiscal Sustainability,” LKY School of Public Policy - Development Academy of
the Philippines (DAP)
2020 Online Session on “Property Tax: An International Experience with Insights for Policy
Making in China,” LKY School of Public Policy - Future Cities Summer Programme
for Zhejiang University
2020 Session on “Making Finance Work for Development,Executive Programme on
Public Financial Management, LKY School of Public Policy - Government of West
Bengal, India
2020 Session on “Singapore’s Public Financial Management: Key Characteristics,”
Executive Programme on Public Financial Management, LKY School of Public Policy
- Government of West Bengal, India
2019 Session on “Property Tax: An International Experience with Insights for Policy
Making in China” - Soochow University Summer Exchange Programme
2015-2018 Financial Management, Accountability and Performance Module, LKY School of
Public Policy - Nazarbayev University of Kazakhstan
2018 Session on “National Budgetary System: Budgeting Principles on Government
Revenues, Government Expenditures and Sustainability,” Asia Competitiveness
Institute (ACI) Capacity Building Workshop for officials from Government of Andhra
Pradesh, India
2017 Public Economics Module, School of International Relations and Public Affairs,
Fudan University, China
2014 Session on Fiscal Management: Local and State Budget Process, Its Complications and
Implementation, UNESCAP - DPRK Training Program
2014 Sessions on Introduction to Public finance Management, Outcome-based Budgeting,
Annual Line Item Budget, Medium Term Expenditure Framework, and Budget
Decentralization, training course on Public Finance Management for the staff of the
Department for Financial and Budgetary Affairs - Office of the Vietnam National
2013 China Construction Bank Training Programme, 12 runs, LKY School of Public Policy
2013 Executive Program on Sub-National Finance, LKY School of Public Policy - Asian
Development Bank (ADB)
2013 Session on Revenue Management: Improving Tax Collection in Developing Countries,
for Mid-Career Training Program, LKY School of Public Policy - Indian Revenue
Service (Customs and Central Excise)
2013 Session on Public Sector Budgeting for the eGovernance Practice and Innovation
Course, Singapore E-Government Leadership Centre, Institute of Systems Science
2013 Xi’an Local Taxation Bureau Training Programme, LKY School of Public Policy
2012 Sessions on Principles in Division of Fiscal Responsibilities and Revenues between
Central and Local – International Experiences, and Principles in Fiscal Transfer
System - International Experiences, training course on “Fiscal Policy and the Role of
People’s Elected Bodies” for the Committee for Financial, Budgetary Affairs of the
National Assembly of Vietnam
2012 Sessions on Fiscal policy – Relationship with and Impact on Socio-economic
Development Policy, and the Role of Local People’s Elected Bodies on Budgetary
Affairs – International Experience and Lessons Learned for Vietnam, training course
on “Fiscal Policy and the Role of Provincial People’s Councils” for the Committee for
Financial, Budgetary Affairs of the National Assembly of Vietnam
2012 Training Program for government officials of Afghanistan, LKY School of Public
2012 Training Program for Ningbo Social Work specialists, LKY School of Public Policy -
Ningbo Human Resource Office
Student Supervision and Advising
PhD Theses and QE
• Thesis examination committee member for NUS Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy PhD
candidate Janet S. Cuenca, “Fiscal Decentralization and Health Service Delivery: The Philippine
• Thesis examination committee member for NUS Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy PhD
candidate Ms. Zhang Jingru on “Informal Institutions and Compliance: The Case of Household
Recycling in Singapore and Shanghai”
Thesis advisory committee member for NTU School of Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS)
PhD candidate Ariful Haque, “Three Essays on Public Management Capacity Building in
• PhD QE2 (Public Finance) examiner for NUS Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy PhD
student Janet S. Cuenca
Attachment Paper (Master in Public Management)
Zhang Yujie, “How to Sustain and Improve Employability of Employees in Private Sector”
Policy Analysis Exercise (Master in Public Policy)
2017-2018 Saravanan Sugumaran, Garul Dhoj, Tey Sovannaroth, Mohammad J. A. Asideh,
Laurence Michael Tibon, “Case for integrated digital infrastructure and processes
for smart city solutions: Why are public investments needed?”
2017-2018 Mijail Santos Lujan, Liu Man, Noudhy Valdryno, Iuliia Zemlytska, “Education to
Sustainable Livelihoods in the Philippines”
2016-2017 Bee Shin, Timothy Jack Coleman, Kwan Jin Yao, Goh Wei Leong, Sarthak
Luthra, “Youth Employment Opportunities in Hong Kong”
2016-2017 Kyaw Naing Tun, Ugyen Dorji, Aung Mrat Lurn, Le Thi Thanh Loan, Tang Yi,
“The Mobility of Skilled Labour in ASEAN - The Study on Challenges and Gaps
in the Engineering Services and The Way Forward”
2016-2017 Nahid Tahrima Rashid, Melania Lotti, Timothy Shing Yan Yu, “The Global
Application of Whole-of-Government Approaches To E-Government Systems
2015-2016 Kittisak Kaweekijmanee, Law Choi Wu, Li Ji, “The Multiplier Effects of Foreign
Domestic Workers Employment Programmes – Aidha as a Case Study” (second
2014-2015 Vicky Qin Mengqi and Ye Miao, “An Impact Evaluation of COCOFINANCE
Programs In the Philippines”
2014-2015 Achsah Ang Xiaohui, Lilia Saetova and Han Dong, “Determinants Of Project
Outcomes in World Bank Investments” (second reader)
2013-2014 Chia Shuhui and Anna Mini Jos, “The Evolution of SME Financing Policies in
Singapore and China”
2012-2013 Ravi Narain, “Transforming Local Government Management and Finances for
Improved Service Delivery in Bangalore”
2012-2013 Amos Garcia, Krish Raghav, Siti Aigah Jemy, “Building Sectoral Intelligence for
Impact Investments in Singapore”
2012/2013 Liu Tao and Saqib Ali Khan, “Evaluation on Paperless Trade Strategy of China
Customs” (second reader)
2012-2013 Benat Onatibia Camara, “Sovereign Wealth Funs in Central West Asia: Potential
for Infrastructure Finance” (second reader)
2011-2012 Lo Siulung, “Policy Options for Wind Power Development in Xinjiang, P.R.
China” (second reader)
2011-2012 Tan Kay Kiang, “Assessing Economic and Social Impacts of Reforming Fuel
Subsidies in Malaysia” (second reader)
Independent Study Module
2011-2012 Rully Prassetya, “Policy for Enhancing Fiscal Sustainability: The Case of
MPA Student Advising
2011-2012 Silvia Maya Shirota Wronka, Nguyen My Linh, Bui Huyen Trang, Muhammad
Farid, Mudit Mittal, Junaitha Gaffoor, Chng Cay Chong
28/11/2018 Research seminar talk on “Municipal Management Capacity and Procurement
Methods in China’s Public-Private Partnerships” (in Chinese), School of Public
Administration, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai, China
24/03/2018 Distinguished speaker, “Understanding the China Model of Development,” NUS
China Summit 2018, organized by Global China Connection at National
University of Singapore (GCC-NUS), held at Yale-NUS College, Singapore
21-22/03/2018 Roundtable discussion speaker, Asian Public Governance (APG) Forum on Multi-
level Governance and Decentralization, the OECD Korea Policy Centre’s Public
Governance Programme, Seoul, South Korea
25/12/2017 Research seminar talk on “Career Incentives of Local Leading Cadres: Is China a
Meritocracy?” (in Chinese), School of Public Administration, Shanghai Normal
University, Shanghai, China
07/07/2017 Research seminar talk on “Merit-Based Patronage: Career Incentives of Local
Leading Cadres in China,” NUS East Asian Institute (EAI)
04/12/2016 Research seminar talk on “Career Incentives of Local Leading Cadres: Is China a
Meritocracy?” School of International Relations and Public Affairs, Fudan
University, Shanghai, China
12/06/2014 Research seminar talk on “Fiscal Decentralization, Local Fiscal Autonomy and
Disparity in China” (in Chinese), School of Political Science and Public
Administration, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China
6-7/11/2012 Featured speaker, “Driving Cost-Effectiveness and Efficiency in Transparent and
Participatory Government Budgeting,” Future Citizen Engagement for
Government Forum Asia, organized by Liquid Learning, Singapore
19/03/2012 Invited presentation on “The role of the National Assembly in the financial-
budgetary sector - Practice in Singapore and Lessons learned for Vietnam,”
workshop on the topic of “Orientation of Constitution Amendment in Financial –
Budgetary Sector,” Hue, Vietnam, sponsored by the Committee for Financial and
Budgetary Affairs (CFBA), National Assembly of Vietnam
Service to California State University, Dominguez Hills
2021-present Faculty representative from CBAPP on the Academic Affairs Facilities and
Space Committee
Service to Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore
2014-present Interviewer and Assessor, Admissions Exercise for MPP, MPA, MPM and
MPAM programs
2016-2018 Policy Analysis Exercise (PAE) faculty supervisor
2011-2017 Member, Teaching Excellence Committee
2015-2016 Policy Analysis Exercise (PAE) co-coordinator
2016 Chair, Best Policy Analysis Exercise (PAE) Award Judging Panel
2011-2015 Member, MPAM Program Committee
2011-2013 Member, MPA Program Committee
2012-2013 Member, MPA Curriculum Reform Committee (ad hoc)
2011-2012 Member, MPA capstone committee
2011-2012 MPA student advisor
Service to Eastern Michigan University
2010-2011 Interim Internship Director, Department of Political Science
2010-2011 Member, College Grade Grievance Committee, College of Arts and Sciences
2010-2011 (Alternate) Member, College Committee on Research & Sabbatical Leaves
(CCRSL), College of Arts and Sciences,
2009-2010 Member, Bargaining Council, AAUP
2009-2011 Member, Library Advisory Council
2009-2011 Member, College Advisory Council, College of Arts and Sciences
2008-2011 Member, MPA Committee, Department of Political Science
2008-2011 Public Administration Club Faculty Advisor, Department of Political Science
Other University/Community Involvement
2005-2006 Volunteer Teacher of Chinese Language Program, The University of Georgia
2004-2005 Secretary-General, Chinese Student Union, The University of Georgia
2001-2002 Vice President, Youth League Training School, Fudan University
1995-1999 Director of the Academic Division, Student Union, School of Political
Science & Public Administration, Soochow University, China
Service to Professional Associations
01/2020-present Associate Editor, Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development
03/2019-03/2022 Board Member, Section on Chinese Public Administration (SCPA) of the
American Society for Public Administration (ASPA)
07/2018-present Council Member and Secretary, International Chapter of the American
Society for Public Administration (ASPA)
2019-2020 Committee Chair, Best Paper of the Year Award Committee, International
Chapter of the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA)
2019-2020 Committee Co-Chair, Best Student Paper of the Year Award Committee,
International Chapter of the American Society for Public Administration
2018 Member, Election Committee, International Chapter of the American Society
for Public Administration (ASPA)
Referee Service
Public Administration Review
International Journal of Public Administration
Australian Journal of Public Administration
Public Performance & Management Review
Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management
Journal of Contemporary China
Journal of Chinese Governance
American Society for Public Administration (ASPA)
Association for Budgeting and Financial Management (ABFM)
Public Management Research Association (PMRA)
Asian Group for Public Administration (AGPA)
China-America Association for Public Affairs (CAAPA)