Owner/Operator: Adrian Smith
Employee Handbook v.2024
Ice Age Management, Inc. Confidential & Proprietary v. January 2024
Table of Contents
McDonald’s Story…………………………………………………………………………………................... 2
Ice Age Welcome, Company Overview, Mission & Vision…………………………………………………….3
About this Handbook & Employment at Will…………………………………………………………………4
Ice Age, Education & Working Students ………………………………………………………………........5
Code of Conduct/Awareness……………………………………………………………………....................6-7
Personal Appearance, Grooming, Uniforms………………………………………………………..................6-7
Taking Responsibility……………………………………………………………………….................................8
Ensuring the Safety of our Food………………………………………………………………………….........9
Ensuring the Safety of our Employees…………………………………………………………........................10
Open Communication ………………………………………………………………................................10-11
Drug Free Workplace Policy……………………………………………………………………………..........11
Workplace Violence Prevention Policy……………………………………………………………..............12-14
No Weapons Policy…………………………………………………………………………………………..15
Employee Discipline Policy…………………………………………………………….......................................15
Equal Employment Opportunity Policy………………………………………………………...........................16
Diversity & Inclusion Policy……………………………………………………………….................................16
Dating, Anti-Nepotism & Fraternization Policy ……………………………………………………… 16-17
Policy Regarding Disability Accommodations ……………………………………………………………17-18
Safe, Respectful and Inclusive Workplace Policy (Harassment/Retaliation)………………………………18-20
Responsible & Ethical Recruitment Policy………………………………………………………………..20-21
Social Media & Online Communication Policy…………………………………………………………....22-23
Solicitation & Distribution Policy/cell phones……………………………………………………….....23-24
Cash & Company Assets Policy……………………………………………………...................................24-27
Employee Meal Policy………………………………………………………………….......................................27
Scheduling & Breaks……………………………………………………………………………………….... 27
Attendance Policy………………………………………………………………………………………....28-30
Performance Reviews………………………………………………………………………………………...30
Pay Practices……………………………………………………………………………………………....30-32
Vacation Policy & PTO Policy……………………………………………………………………….........33-35
Benefits and Eligibility……………………………………………………………………………..............36-37
Leave of Absence (personal, maternity, bereavement, FMLA)…..……………………………………………..........37-41
Service & Support Animals………………………………………………………………………………..41-42
Accommodations to Handbook Policies……………………………………………………………………...42
Employee Rights Under the National Labor Relations Act…………………………………………………...42
Hospitality Promise & Conclusion……………………………………………………………………........42
New Hire Policy Acknowledgement & Confidentiality Agreement……………………………....................43-44
Contact Us…………………………………………………………………………………………………...45
Ice Age Management, Inc. Confidential & Proprietary v. January 2024
The McDonald’s Story
Dick and Mac McDonald started in the drive-in business before WWII in
California. The menu consisted of hamburgers, fries and milkshakes. They were
pioneers in speed and efficiency. They successfully franchised their operation
and met Ray A. Kroc in 1954.
Ray was a sales distributor for Multimixer milk shakes. After seeing their
operation first hand, he bought the exclusive licensing rights to their system. Ray
Kroc went on to build an international company founded on basic principles of
serving Quality food people can afford, with great service and a smile, in a clean restaurant. Today, we call
this QSC&V or Quality, Service, Cleanliness and Value.
Quality refers to our food-the product our customers receive. We purchase only the highest quality food
and prepare and serve it with the highest standards. If a product doesn’t meet McDonald’s standards, don’t
serve it!
Service is best when we think like a customer. Caring, respectful attitudes with sincere smiles builds
customer loyalty. We strive to create Golden Moments for our customers by carrying trays, opening doors,
offering refills. This isn’t “fast food”, it should feel like fine-dining. Our customers deserve it.
Cleanliness is the first thing our customers notice when they arrive at McDonald’s. It is the lack of
cleanliness they notice more. Everyone is expected to participate in keeping our restaurants clean. From
the parking lot, the restrooms, the lobby and behind the counter cleanliness is key.
Ice Age Management, Inc. Confidential & Proprietary v. January 2024
Ice Age Welcome & Company Overview
Welcome to our team, our
Winning Team
, with deep roots right here in the community. We have high
expectations, encourage feedback, and have an open-door policy which entitles you to discuss issues with
your employer and with any member of management at any time.
Ice Age Management, Inc. is owned and operated by Adrian Smith. His interest in the business came from
the likes of his parents, James and Debra Smith, both McDonald’s owner/operators for over 40 years.
They began their McDonald’s careers in Houston TX, then owning restaurants in Los Angeles, CA, and
finally settling in the Greensboro, NC market. Adrian Smith became an Owner/Operator in 2000, but has
over 20 years of experience with McDonald’s, working in the restaurants with his parents. In 2004, he
acquired his first restaurant in Eden, NC. Seven years later (2011) 6 more restaurants in Burlington,
Graham, & Mebane, NC became a part of Ice Age. Most recently, in 2016, Ice Age acquired 6 more
restaurants in the Concord/Charlotte, NC area for a total of 16 locations under the Smith family.
Ice Age McDonald’s strives to be the community employer of choice providing jobs across NC to over
1000+ employees. Our company prides itself on the diversity within and the equal opportunities for
employment that is provided to people from all walks of life. The Smiths truly believe in supporting the
communities that support their locations and therefore, go above and beyond to give back in appreciation.
Our people are what make us the great company that we are. Therefore, it is important for us to show our
appreciation by recognizing employee birthdays and anniversaries, providing a People Week celebration,
recognizing employee of the month, offering paid training, providing reduced or free meals, providing free
uniforms and offering opportunities for advancement. At Ice Age, we want you to grow WITH US!
Ice Age Management Mission
At our McDonald’s, the philosophy is quite simple, do whatever it takes to satisfy the customer. The
Customer is the reason we are in business.
Our Mission here at Ice Age is simply,
To Serve
. Serve our Employees, Serve our Customers, and Serve
Each Other. We believe serving each other in turn creates an environment of hospitality critical to
McDonald’s history and our future.
Ice Age Management Vision
We aspire to be the BEST employer in the community. Like our founder, Ray Kroc said, “Please the
customer. That’s the name of the game.”
Ice Age Management, Inc. Confidential & Proprietary v. January 2024
About This Handbook
This employee handbook contains information about the employment policies and practices of Ice Age
Management, Inc., (hereafter referred to as the Company). Any time Ice Age Management or the
“Company” or “Restaurant” is referred to in this handbook, it applies to all of Ice Age subsidiary
companies as well to include Summit Avenue 192, Inc., DeJas Enterprises, Inc., and Iron Age
Management, Inc. We expect each employee to read this handbook carefully as it is a valuable reference
for understanding your job and company.
This handbook, however, cannot anticipate every situation or answer every question about your
employment. The contents of this handbook do not create an employment contract. In order to retain
necessary flexibility, the Company reserves the right to change or revise policies, procedures, and benefits
described in this handbook, other than the employment-at-will provisions, without notice, whenever the
Company determines that such action is warranted. This handbook supersedes all previous handbooks and
statements or policies published or distributed by Ice Age Management, Inc. and all inconsistent written or
oral statements.
Employment at Will
We sincerely hope that your employment relationship with the Company will be satisfying and mutually
beneficial. Please be advised that your employment relationship with the Company is at will. This means
that you are entirely free to resign at any time, either with or without a reason. It also means that the
Company has the very same right as you and can terminate your employment at any time with or without
cause or advance notice.
The at will nature of your employment may be modified or changed only in writing, addressed specifically
to you, and expressly stating that you are no longer employed at will. Further, only an agreement making
this statement, signed by Ice Age Management, Inc.’s Owner-Operator is valid. No one, including the
Owner-Operator, has the authority to make any verbal statements which are legally binding on the Company
with respect to altering your “at will” employment status.
Each employee must acknowledge in writing their receipt of these policies and their understanding of the
fact that the handbook is not intended as either an express or an implied contract of employment, and their
understanding of the fact that they are employed “at-will.”
Ice Age Management, Inc. Confidential & Proprietary v. January 2024
Ice Age, Education, & Working Students
Ice Age Management employs a large number of working students and for some, it may even be their first
job. Education is very important to this company and we strive to educate all of our employees at work
through various training classes that we offer while encouraging them to educate themselves outside of work.
Along with this leadership comes an important responsibility: to ensure that education and schoolwork are
the top priorities of school-age employees. To make sure that students’ job experience complements, rather
than detracts from, their education, we support the following principles:
1. Education is a significant priority. There is no question that, between your education and
employment, education comes first.
2. To make sure that education comes first, this company provides flexible working hours to
accommodate classes, homework assignments, and extracurricular activities.
3. Grades and school attendance should never be compromised by excessive or late working hours.
4. We provide training programs that help develop students’ skills and highlight the importance of
responsibility, and self-discipline.
5. This company complies with all laws concerning the employment of minors and continues to
commit to policies that go beyond local requirements.
6. We take a leadership role in working with parents, educators, and students on education issues.
7. We believe in supporting education by recognizing our employee’s scholastic achievements.
8. Check with your manager about additional rules of conduct, policies, and procedures in your
There are federal and state laws that regulate the hours and duties a minor (14/15 year olds and 16/17 year
olds) can work. We take our child labor obligations seriously and ask for your cooperation in complying with
these obligations. If you have any questions about the laws in your state or related policies and procedures,
please check with your Restaurant Manager or Owner/Operator.
Ice Age Management, Inc. Confidential & Proprietary v. January 2024
Code of Conduct/Awareness (Updated 1/1/2024)
The Company is committed to guarding employee security, personal safety, and welfare as well as Company
assets and operations. Disciplinary action will be taken for engaging in prohibited conduct and it may call
for any of the following four stepsverbal warning, written warning, suspension, or termination of
employmentdepending on the severity of the conduct and number of occurrences. The use of progressive
discipline is at the Company’s sole discretion and does not alter the Company’s policy of at-will employment.
There may be circumstances when one or more steps are bypassed, at management’s sole discretion.
This list of prohibited conduct is illustrative only. Other types of conduct detrimental to security, personal
safety, employee welfare, or the Company’s interests may also be prohibited.
Falsified time records, employment applications, hiring documents or intentionally and maliciously
falsifying Company business records.
Recording the work time of another employee or allowing any other employee to record your work
time, or allowing falsification of any time punches, either your own or another’s.
Violation of the Company’s Drug Free Workplace Policy.
Theft, deliberate or careless damage of any Company property or the property of any employee or
Giving away food of any kind or amount.
Unauthorized use of promotional, discount or free food coupons.
Removing or borrowing Company property without prior authorization.
Personal use of Company equipment, materials, or facilities during non-working time.
Provoking a fight or fighting during working hours or on Company property.
Participating in horseplay or practical jokes in the restaurant area while on working time.
Bringing firearms or any other dangerous weapons or materials onto Company property at any time.
Engaging in criminal conduct whether or not related to job performance.
Insubordination or failure to follow Company directives.
The use of profane or abusive language that is insulting, uncivil, malicious or vicious during working
time. Employees are responsible for communicating with appropriate business decorum during
working hours toward customers and co-workers.
Committing any act of violence or threatening any act of violence.
Failure to notify a manager/supervisor when unable to report to work.
Unexcused absences or tardiness.
Leaving company property while on working time, without prior permission from your manager.
Sleeping or malingering on the job.
Accepting tips. Employees may not accept tips. Employees can encourage satisfied customers to
make a donation to RMHC instead.
Poor customer service.
Ice Age Management, Inc. Confidential & Proprietary v. January 2024
Allowing unauthorized individuals behind the counter or in working areas.
During company paid travel, all policies in this handbook are to be continually followed. No
misuse of company funds, accommodations, or transportation.
Violation of the Policy Against Discrimination, Harassment, or Retaliation.
Violation of the Company’s uniform or grooming policy.
Violation of any safety, health, security or Company policy, rule, or procedure.
All employees are expected to know and follow this policy. Nothing in this policy is intended to
prevent employees from engaging in concerted activity protected by law. This statement of prohibited
conduct does not alter the Company’s policy of employment at will. Either you or the Company may
terminate the employment relationship at any time for any or no reason, with or without cause or
notice. If you have any questions regarding this policy, please contact HR. These policies are in place
for your protection and the protection of our employees and customers. We will ensure a safe,
comfortable work environment and must provide a pleasurable, safe experience for every customer.
Personal Appearance, Grooming, Bag & Uniforms
Employees are to appear neat, professional and well-groomed.
Hair restrained, minimal cosmetics/jewelry, conservative hair colors.
Piercings: One small facial piercing allowed. Tongue rings allowed. No facial
piercings connected by chains or links. No extra large gauges.
Tattoos are allowed but must not be offensive, vulgar, or contain profanity. If so,
an employee provided tattoo covering must be worn at all times. No facial tattoos
Uniforms: shirt, black dress pants/slacks (no jeans, skinny jeans, leggings, sweat or
fleece pants), hat/visor, apron, and all black slip-resistant shoes. Uniforms must be
complete, clean and wrinkle-free upon arrival for your shift.
Nails: short, clean, and manicured. Nail polish is allowed. No gems, stones, or
glitter (health dept rule).
Well-trimmed mustaches/goatees are permitted, beards are not. (see
accommodations below)
All aspects of the above appearance and grooming policy is subject to manager discretion.
Profanity, vulgar or offensive wording or images is strictly prohibited. Ice Age reserves the right to amend
or change the policy at any time.
Accommodations to Grooming & Appearance for Religious, Medical, Gender Identity, and
Disability Accommodations
The Company will reasonably accommodate exceptions to this policy if required due to an employee’s
religious beliefs, gender identity, medical condition or disability. Employees who need such an
accommodation should contact their General Manager or Supervisor or HR.
Ice Age Management, Inc. Confidential & Proprietary v. January 2024
Taking Responsibility
The following is a list of some basic expectations we need you to follow while working at our Company.
Like any organization, we have rules that help each of us understand how we are to interact with one another
and our customers. While these are not all of our expectations for you, they are very important. By following
them you will be on your way to a successful work experience.
1. Arrive on time for your shift. If an emergency delays you, call the restaurant. Call at least three hours
in advance if you can’t make it to your shift. Doctor’s notes or other documentation, when
available, should be provided. Frequent call-outs, leading to dependability issues, will result
in disciplinary action, including termination.
2. Park only in areas designated by your management. The Company is not responsible for any damage
to your vehicle or contents of your vehicle while parked on company property.
3. Do not use tobacco or chew gum while you are working. This includes NO VAPING.
4. You must clock in when you start working and clock out after you have finished work for the day.
Do not clock in or out for other people, and don’t have them do it for you.
5. You are entitled to be paid for all hours that you work. If, for whatever reason, you believe that you
have not been paid for all hours that you have worked, you should immediately contact your
restaurant manager or Owner/Operator and they will assist you in receiving pay for all hours worked.
6. Request permission before using the restaurant telephone to make personal phone calls.
7. Check the crew bulletin board regularly for information. Ask your manager about your restaurant’s
posting policies before posting anything yourself.
8. Do not bring valuable belongings or large amounts of cash to work. Ice Age is not responsible for
any of your personal items being lost or stolen.
9. Do not ask to receive your paycheck early or to have a personal check cashed.
10. Do not take food without your manager’s approval. Do not give food to your friends or family
without paying for it.
11. Intentionally giving false information on the employment application or during the hiring process is
12. Theft, misuse, defacement, or destruction of company, employee, or customer property is
13. Violent, abusive or threatening behavior towards any employee or customer is prohibited.
14. The possession of weapons of any type or form is prohibited on the premises, in the parking lot, or
any function or activity sponsored by the Company. (See No Weapons Policy)
15. Alcohol and illegal drugs are strictly prohibited. You may not report to work under the influence of
alcohol or illegal drugs. You may not possess, consume, sell, or distribute drugs or alcohol on the
premises, in the parking lot, or at any function or activity sponsored by the Company.
16. We need to be able to get in touch with you. Tell us when you change your address, telephone
number, legal name, emergency contact, or availability so we can update our records.
17. Immediately tell your manager about any job-related illness, accident, or unsafe working conditions.
Ice Age Management, Inc. Confidential & Proprietary v. January 2024
Ensuring the Safety of our Food
Making sure that all the food we serve is safe is critically important to our Company and the McDonald’s
brand. It’s what our customers expect of us — and what we expect of ourselves! You play an important role
here because you will be working with and around the food we serve to our customers on every shift.
Therefore, we expect the following from you:
1. If you have, or suspect you may have an illness or disease that may be spread through food handling,
do not come to work. Instead, call and report this to your manager immediately. These
illnesses/diseases include, but are not necessarily limited to, Typhoid, Salmonella, Shigella, Hepatitis
A, Norovirus, Campylobacter or E.coli. Similarly, if you have come into close contact at work,
school, or home with someone who has (or is suspected of having) one of these illnesses, do not
come to work. Instead, immediately contact your restaurant manager to discuss the situation.
2. If you have any cuts or sores on your hands, make sure that they are covered with a bandage and
that you wear disposable gloves over the bandage while you are at work.
3. Do not come to work (and follow your restaurant’s call-in procedures) if you are suffering from
diarrhea, fever, vomiting, jaundice, or fever accompanied by a sore throat (unless these symptoms
are caused by a medical condition that your medical provider has confirmed will not cause food
borne illness for example a pregnancy-related condition such as “morning sickness,” and you feel
capable of working).
4. Wash your hands before starting work, after using the rest room, and at all other times described in
the food safety crew training module.
5. Practice good personal hygiene before coming to work and while at work.
6. Follow our Company’s procedures for cooking, preparing, and handling food.
7. If you become aware of any situation that you think may jeopardize the safety of our food, our
customers, or your fellow employees, immediately tell your manager about the situation.
Food & Inventory Liability
Managers will be trained on handling and cooking of food inventory.
All food should be accounted for, properly inventoried, or disposed of with the
manager’s knowledge, and with the utmost care for our customer’s safety.
Food for break must be consumed on the premises and food may not be taken
home after closing.
Managers must authorize any product transfers, discounted orders, or promotional
orders in conjunction with the Area Supervisor.
Freezer/Cooler should remain locked all times.
Food for service may only be purchased from approved McDonald’s suppliers.
Ice Age Management, Inc. Confidential & Proprietary v. January 2024
Ensuring the Safety of our Employees
The safety and health of our employees is a priority. Our goal is to provide you with a safe work environment.
We believe that our McDonald’s restaurants are among the safest and most healthy workplaces anywhere.
It is our policy to comply with all federal and state laws and regulations regarding safety and health. Our
Company’s McDonald’s approved cleaning supplies and equipment are safe to use when handled according
to manufacturer’s instructions. You can help in providing a safe and healthy workplace for you and your
fellow crew by familiarizing yourself with all safety policies, procedures and requirements. Following all
operating procedures and rules can help achieve our common goal a workplace free of accidents, injuries
and hazards.
1. Be knowledgeable of safety procedures and alert your manager to any safety concerns.
2. View the safety module information contained in the eLearning system.
3. Read all safety information posted in the crew room.
4. Be aware of chemical products used in your restaurant the HAZARD COMMUNICATION
PROGRAM book provides Safety Data Sheets (SDS) (formerly known as Material Safety Data
Sheets or “MSDS”) containing important safety information about each chemical product, label
information, and special first aid information and instructions for action in the event of an accident
ask your manager for more information. Hazcom Training is a yearly OSHA requirement.
5. In case of an emergency, follow the direction of your manager and safely exit the restaurant if
necessary; familiarize yourself with your restaurant’s emergency action plan and medical
emergency procedures.
6. If you are assigned duties to filter the fry vats or clean grills /ovens, ensure you use the Personal
Protective Equipment (PPE)
Required for these jobs….be sure you are trained on the proper procedures and equipment necessary
to perform these duties.
Open Communication
Communication is essential for good teamwork and learning. We are committed to doing everything possible
to keep communication open between you and your management team. Here are some of the
communication tools we use in this restaurant:
These are small, informal group discussions of ideas, suggestions, and problems. They are held as
needed and may be initiated by management or at the request of a crew person.
Ice Age Management, Inc. Confidential & Proprietary v. January 2024
At these meetings, we discuss policies, events and promotions, or special situations. We make an
extra effort to make sure these meetings are fun and productive for you.
Assure complete confidentiality. We use the results of the surveys to see how our restaurant is doing
and to give us an idea of what improvements we need to make.
You may have an idea that saves time and energy, or you may have some constructive criticism to
offer. Please feel free to share your thoughts with your management team.
We keep the door open for communication from any employee. If you feel you are not being heard
or if you have a problem you cannot resolve, let your manager know.
Drug-Free Workplace Policy
Ice Age Management is a drug-free workplace. The purpose is for the protection of our employees,
customers, and vendors. The manufacturing, consumption, and distribution of controlled substances or
alcohol is strictly prohibited. Working under the influence of alcohol, controlled substances, and/or illegal
drugs will not be tolerated.
Employees involved in any work-related accident or incident may be required to submit to drug and
alcohol testing where it is likely that his or her drug or alcohol use was a contributing factor to the
reported injury or illness and where a drug test can accurately identify impairment caused by drug use.
Employees who take over-the-counter medication or other lawful medication that can be legally prescribed
under both federal and state law to treat a disability should inform their supervisors if they believe the
medication will impair their job performance, safety or the safety of others or if they believe they need a
reasonable accommodation before reporting to work while under the influence of that medication. The
employee is not required to identify the medication or the underlying illness. Various federal, state, and
local laws protect the rights of individuals with disabilities and others with regard to the confidentiality of
medical information, medical treatment, and the use of prescription drugs and substances taken under
medical supervision. Nothing contained in this policy is intended to interfere with individual rights under,
or to violate, these laws.
Failed drug tests and violations of the drug-free workplace policy subjects the employee to discipline up to
and including termination.
Ice Age Management, Inc. Confidential & Proprietary v. January 2024
Workplace Violence Prevention Policy (Updated 1/1/2024)
About this Policy
Ice Age Management is committed to ensuring that all employees and visitors to our restaurant are treated
and treat others with dignity and respect. We want all employees to thrive in a workplace that is safe and
free from all forms of workplace violence.
Definition of Workplace Violence
We define workplace violence as “any incident in which a person is abused, threatened or assaulted in
circumstances relating to their work.” Workplace violence includes behavior that interferes with our ability
to maintain a safe and secure environment. It includes, but is not limited to, physical violence, threats of
physical violence, attempted physical violence, physically intimidating or coercive behavior, advocating
workplace violence, and the intentional destruction of Company or personal property.
While not an exhaustive list, the following are examples of conduct prohibited under this policy:
physical assault or threat to assault;
possessing or threatening with a weapon or brandishing any object as a weapon;
intentionally damaging property;
aggressive or hostile behavior that creates a reasonable fear of injury to another person;
abusive, threatening or intimidating statements, phone calls, voice mails, e-mail messages, texts,
or symbols; and
encouraging violence against another employee or their family, friends, or property.
In the interest of protecting safety and security, we reserve the right to address any behavior in addition to
that described above, whenever the behavior generates a reasonable concern for the well-being of restaurant
employees or guests.
When, Where, and To Whom This Policy Applies
This policy applies to all Restaurant employees and visitors. We do not tolerate violence by or against anyone
who works in this Restaurant nor by or against anyone who visits our Restaurant (for example, guests,
customers, and vendors/suppliers).
This Policy applies (without limitation) in all the following situations:
On Restaurant property
Ice Age Management, Inc. Confidential & Proprietary v. January 2024
Offsite with other employees, contractors, or vendors, including at Restaurant-sponsored events,
activities, and training; on business trips; and at work-related meals and gatherings
When using Restaurant communication systems, equipment or resources;
Any conduct outside work hours, including text messaging and using social media on personal
devices, where the conduct has an impact on employment with or engagement by the Restaurant.
For Guest or Customer Threats Specifically:
Threats or aggressive behavior by guests/customers should be reported to the local police using 911.
Failure of a customer to stop threatening behavior may result in the customer being removed from
the premises and future access being restricted or limited.
Do not engage or confront potentially violent guests/customers or follow them from inside store or
office locations. Notify police promptly using 911.
If you have any questions, please contact your Manager, Supervisor, or HR.
It is everyone’s responsibility to keep our workplace safe. If employees feel that their safety or the safety of
others is endangered at any time, or if they witness or experience any incident in which a person is abused,
threatened or assaulted in circumstances relating to their work, they have the responsibility to exercise good
judgment and report such conduct. Reports can be made anonymously, and all reported incidents will be
investigated impartially and as quickly as possible. If necessary, this Restaurant will take steps to protect the
target of any violent behavior or threatened violent behavior. Reports or incidents warranting confidentiality
will be handled appropriately, and information will be disclosed to others only on a need-to-know basis.
Reports of violent behavior can be made to any of the following:
The Restaurant’s General Manager, Area Supervisor, or Director of Operations
HR department at 336-584-1382, or via email at [email protected]
Emergencies and immediate threats of harm must be reported to the police or other emergency
personnel without delay.
Violations of this policy may lead, at the Company’s sole discretion, to disciplinary and/or other appropriate
responsive action, up to and including termination of employment, even if it is the first offense. We also
Ice Age Management, Inc. Confidential & Proprietary v. January 2024
further reserve the right to report abusive, threatening, or violent behavior to the proper legal authorities.
This policy supplements all other Restaurant policies that require appropriate and respectful behavior.
Prohibition Against Retaliation
This Policy does not allow any type of retaliation against someone who makes a complaint or participates in
an investigation of a complaint, even if no violation is ultimately confirmed. Retaliation means being
punished or experiencing a negative employment action because you raised a concern or complaint of a
potential Policy violation or participated in an investigation. Examples of retaliation include experiencing a
reduction in pay, hours, or favorable work assignments. Anyone found to have retaliated against someone
for raising any concern under this policy will be subject to disciplinary action under our disciplinary
Violence Outside of Work
We recognize that some employees will experience violence in their personal livesincluding but not limited
to violence at the hands of a current or former spouse, domestic partner, boyfriend/girlfriend, family
member, or friend. We strongly encourage employees experiencing violence in their personal relationships
to seek outside resources that can provide assistance.
Some resources that you may find helpful are located at:
National Domestic Violence Hotline [https://www.thehotline.org/] at 1-800-799-7233 or
TTY 1-800-787-3224, or by online chat.
National Sexual Assault Hotline [https://www.rainn.org/about-national-sexual-assault-
telephone-hotline] at 1-800-656-4673, or by online chat.
In addition, this Restaurant requires our employees to provide notice of any circumstances that reasonably
present the risk of on-the-job violence or may impact the workplace using any one of the reporting
mechanisms discussed below. This Restaurant will take proactive action that is proportionate to the threat.
Additionally, please immediately inform HR if you have obtained or are the subject of a protective or
restraining order that covers Company property as a protected area.
We are committed to supporting victims of relationship violence by enforcing any restraining orders at the
workplace and by providing referrals for benefits and resources for assistance.
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No Weapons Policy (Added 1/1/2024)
The Company prohibits the carrying, possession, or use of any firearm or weapon, whether concealed or
not, by any applicant or employee during such time that the applicant or employee is at any of the Company’s
restaurant location, the corporate office, corporate car or while conducting Company business. This policy
applies to all employees and their guests, regardless of whether the individual has a license to carry the
firearm or weapon. (Exception: an employee who holds a license to carry a handgun and lawfully possess a
firearm may store that firearm in a locked, privately owned motor vehicle in the designated parking area.)
Any violation of this Section will not be tolerated, and may result in disciplinary action, up to and including
Employee Discipline Policy
The purpose of discipline is to change unsatisfactory performance to satisfactory performance,
unacceptable behavior to acceptable behavior, or to remove an employee from the workforce whom is
unable or unwilling to perform his/her job duties as required.
All Ice Age employees are expected to perform his/her job duties in a responsible, professional manner.
Discipline will be taken when an employee’s performance is unsatisfactory, or when an employee’s
behavior is in violation of our policies, or threatens the health and safety of other persons.
The discipline taken will be proportionate to the problem, taking into consideration the seriousness of the
consequences of the performance or behavior, as well as the employee’s prior performance and/or
Discipline may include write-ups, suspensions, and termination.
Corrective Action:
offense: Verbal Warning (note in file)
offense: Written Warning (write up)
offense: Disciplinary action up to and including Suspension or Termination
Any unacceptable behavior involving gross misconduct will result in automatic termination. Examples of
gross misconduct include theft, harassment, discrimination, retaliation, assault, intentional misuse of
company assets, insubordination and falsifying documents/records.
Upon termination, all written documentation will be kept with the employee’s personnel file.
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Equal Employment Opportunity Policy
Ice Age Management, Inc. values a diverse workforce. Ice Management Inc.’s vision for diversity and
inclusion is to leverage the unique talents, strengths, and assets of our employees to provide the world’s best
quick service restaurant experience. We continuously strive to maintain an environment in which every
employee feels accepted, rewarded, and valued as an integral part of the team. Ice Age Management Inc. is
an equal opportunity employer and complies with all applicable federal, state and local fair employment
practices laws. This policy ensures a practice of equal employment opportunity regardless of race, color,
religion, creed, national origin or ancestry, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, gender (including gender
nonconformity and status as a transgender or transsexual individual), pregnancy, childbirth, or related
medical conditions, age, physical or mental disability, possession of sickle cell or hemoglobin C trait, genetic
testing and information, HIV or AIDS status, lawful use of lawful products, testimony or assistance with
hazardous chemicals proceedings or investigations, jury service, North Carolina National Guard service,
engaging in activities protected by the North Carolina Retaliatory Employment Discrimination Act,
citizenship, past, current or prospective service in the uniformed services, or any other characteristic
protected under applicable federal, North Carolina or local law.
Diversity & Inclusion Policy
As you’ll notice, a variety of people work for our Company. This is one of our strengths.
Our vision for diversity and inclusion is to leverage the unique talents, strengths, and assets of our
employees to provide the world’s best quick service restaurant experience. We continuously strive to
maintain an environment in which everyone feels valued, accepted, and rewarded as an integral part of the
team. We encourage employees to understand and recognize difference and to appreciate the contributions
that all diverse groups and individuals bring to the system.
Dating, Anti -Nepotism & Fraternization Policy
While we understand and respect employees’ needs to develop personal relationships at work, the following
rules apply to avoid workplace conduct that may negatively impact the work environment.
Dating or Romantic Relationships
Employees who have a direct or indirect reporting relationship to each other are prohibited from dating.
“Dating” means being involved in any kind of romantic or intimate relationship, and includes, but is not
limited to, any sexual relationship or encounter.
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Claims of favoritism, a conflict of interest, or problems with supervision, safety, security, or morale may
exist when relatives have a direct or indirect reporting relationship to each other. As a result, nepotism is
prohibited in the restaurant. Generally, relatives may not have a direct or indirect reporting relationship to
each other. Any exceptions to this policy to minimize the problems of supervision, safety, security, or morale
can only be made by the Area Supervisor, Director of Operations, or the Owner.
Restaurant Management and Crew Employees
Managers are prohibited from taking any action which would compromise their ability to effectively
supervise and/or discipline the employees under their direction. In addition, the Company prohibits
managers from purchasing alcohol for any underage crew members, and for any crew members who work
in the same restaurant.
Employee Obligations:
*Any employee who enters into or plans to enter into a dating or romantic relationship that violates
this policy must advise his/her General Manager immediately.
*Relatives who experience a change in employment status and find themselves in a direct or indirect
reporting relationship to each other must advise the Area Supervisor, Director of Operations, or the
Owner immediately.
*In order to address a violation of this policy and to minimize problems of supervision, safety,
security, or morale, the Company may take such steps as it deems reasonable and appropriate to
correct the violation, including but not limited to transferring or reassigning one or both employees
involved, demoting the management level employee, or terminating the management level employee.
Policy Regarding Disability Accommodations
Ice Age Management, Inc. makes every effort to ensure that qualified individuals with a disability, including
pregnancy, are not discriminated against with respect to the terms, conditions, or privileges of employment.
Ice Age Management, Inc. complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), as amended by the
ADA Amendments Act, and all applicable state or local law. Under certain circumstances, these laws require
employers to provide reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities in various aspects
of their employment.
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Any employee or applicant who requires an accommodation to perform the essential functions of the job
should contact the Store Manager, Supervisor, or Owner/Operator and request an accommodation. Once
the Company is aware of the request for an accommodation, the Company will engage in an interactive
process to identify possible accommodations that will enable the applicant or employee to perform the
essential functions of the job. The Company will determine what limitation(s) may prevent the employee
from performing the job, and identify possible accommodations that may resolve the limitation(s), seeking
to find accommodations that are reasonable and do not impose undue hardship on the Company and do
not present a possible direct threat to the health or safety of others in the workplace or to the individual.
The interactive process described in this policy is a collaborative process. An employee seeking an
accommodation shall cooperate with the Company’s requests in good faith.
Consistent with these requirements Ice Age Management, Inc. will reasonably accommodate qualified
individuals with a disability (including pregnancy) if such accommodation would allow the individual to
perform the essential functions of the job, unless doing so would create an undue hardship.
Safe, Respectful and Inclusive Workplace Policy
Ice Age Management Inc. strictly prohibits and does not tolerate discrimination against employees,
applicants or any other covered persons because of race, color, religion, creed, national origin or ancestry,
ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, gender (including gender nonconformity and status as a transgender or
transsexual individual), pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions, age, physical or mental
disability, possession of sickle cell or hemoglobin C trait, genetic testing and information, HIV or AIDS
status, lawful use of lawful products, testimony or assistance with hazardous chemicals proceedings or
investigations, jury service, North Carolina National Guard service, engaging in activities protected by the
North Carolina Retaliatory Employment Discrimination Act, citizenship, past, current or prospective
service in the uniformed services, or any other characteristic protected under applicable federal, North
Carolina or local law. All employees and representatives are prohibited from engaging in unlawful
discrimination. This policy applies to all terms and conditions of employment, including, but not limited
to, hiring, training, promotion, discipline, compensation, benefits and termination of employment.
Unlawful Harassment Policy
Ice Age Management Inc. strictly prohibits and does not tolerate unlawful harassment against employees or
any other covered persons based on the categories mentioned in the paragraph above, or any other
characteristic protected under applicable federal, state or local law. Ice Age Management’s anti-harassment
policy applies to the workplace and to employer-sponsored events.
Prohibited conduct includes, but is not limited to:
Physical harassment (for example, assault or inappropriate physical contact).
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Verbal harassment (for example, epithets, derogatory statements, slurs, sexually-related comments
or jokes, unwelcome sexual advances or requests for sexual favors).
Non-verbal/visual harassment (for example, displaying sexually suggestive posters cartoons or
drawings, sending inappropriate adult-themed gifts, leering or making sexual gestures).
All Company employees, other workers and representatives, including vendors, customers, and other
restaurant visitors are prohibited from harassing employees based on that individual's sex, or gender
(including pregnancy and status as a transgender or transsexual individual) and regardless of the harasser's
sex or gender.
Sexual harassment means any harassment based on someone's sex or gender. It includes harassment that is
not sexual in nature (for example, offensive remarks about an individual's sex or gender), as well as any
unwelcome sexual advances or requests for sexual favors or any other conduct of a sexual nature, when any
of the following is true:
Submission to the advance, request or conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or
condition of employment.
Submission to or rejection of the advance, request or conduct is used as a basis for employment
Such advances, requests or conduct have the purpose or effect of substantially or unreasonably
interfering with an employee's work performance by creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive
work environment.
Complaint Procedure
Ice Age Management, Inc. is committed to enforcing these policies. However, the effectiveness of our efforts
depends largely on individuals telling us about inappropriate workplace conduct. If you feel as though you
have been subjected to any conduct that you believe violates these non-discrimination, harassment, or
retaliation policies, you must promptly contact your restaurant’s General Manager, or if you feel
uncomfortable doing so, your Human Resources Representative (336)-584-1382, Area Supervisor, or
Owner-Operator as soon as possible after the offending conduct. If you have not received a satisfactory
response after reporting any incident of what you perceive to be discriminatory conduct, please immediately
contact the Owner-Operator at (336)584-1382. These individuals will ensure that a prompt investigation is
Your complaint should be as detailed as possible, including the names of all individuals involved and any
witnesses. Ice Age Management, Inc. will investigate the facts and circumstances of all claims of perceived
discrimination, harassment or retaliation and will take prompt corrective action, if appropriate.
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No Retaliation
Ice Age Management, Inc. strictly prohibits and does not tolerate unlawful retaliation against any employee
by any employee. All forms of unlawful retaliation are prohibited, including any form of discipline, reprisal,
intimidation or other form of retaliation for participating in any activity protected by law. Examples of
protected activities include:
Lodging a good faith internal complaint (written or oral) with human resources or management
specifically opposing unlawful discrimination or harassment, or complaining about violations of
wage and hour law (for example, if an employee believes he has been sexually harassed or not paid
overtime he is owed).
Filing a good faith complaint of unlawful discrimination or harassment with the US Equal
Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) or any similar state or local agency, or in court.
Participating in Ice Age Management, Inc.’s internal investigation into allegations of discrimination
or harassment.
Supporting another employee's internal or administrative complaint of unlawful discrimination or
harassment (by, for example, testifying or providing an affidavit in support of a co-worker who has
filed a discrimination complaint with the EEOC).
Requesting an accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act or state anti-discrimination
Requesting or taking leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act or filing worker’s compensation
The examples above are illustrative only, and not exhaustive. No form of retaliation for any protected activity
will be tolerated.
Zero Tolerance
Any employee, regardless of position or title, whom Ice Age Management, Inc. determines has engaged in
discriminatory, harassing, or retaliatory conduct in violation of this policy, will be subject to discipline, up to
and including termination of employment.
Responsible & Ethical Recruitment Policy (Added 1/1/2024)
About This Policy
Ice Age Management is committed to the principles of responsible and ethical recruitment in our
employment practices. Ice Age Management independently owns and operates this McDonald’s-brand
restaurant and is alone responsible for determining the employment and recruitment policies and practices
in effect for its restaurants and staff.
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This Policy applies (without limitation) to:
all restaurant employees and staff employees of Ice Age Management
all third parties recruiting and/ or managing migrant labor on behalf of Ice Age Management.
Ice Age Commitments
Ice Age Management is committed to the principles of responsible and ethical recruitment in relation to all
our employees, interns, temporary workers, independent contractors and require the same of our third-
party recruiting agencies and companies who manage labor on our behalf. We make our Responsible and
Ethical Recruitment Principles available to other third-party contractors to educate them on our
responsible recruitment standards and encourage them to develop similar policies and procedures for their
own business operations.
We are committed to eliminating the practice of migrant workers paying recruitment fees and related costs
to secure their employment as informed by the ILO’s general principles and operational guidelines for fair
recruitment and the Employer Pays Principle.
Ice Age Management condemns all forms of slavery, forced labor, human trafficking, or exploitation, and
we prohibit such practices across our business.
All Ice Age Management restaurant employees and staff when engaging in the recruitment of
migrant workers are expected to implement the following standards:
- Workers do not pay recruitment fees whether to a private labor broker/ employment agent or to
the employer itself;
- Workers are provided contracts in a language fully understandable by the workers
at the point of recruitment and prior to deployment;
- Ice Age Management does not keep or withhold any government-issued identification, monetary
deposits, bonding, or other collateral as a condition of employment; and
- If workers reside in employer-provided housing, there must be a plan for management of safe
housing and accommodation, including that it is structurally sound and in good repair.
How we Help Ensure Responsible and Ethical Recruitment of Migrant Workers
We encourage open and honest communications among our employees and our business partners.
Employees may raise recruitment-related issues, or report potential or actual responsible recruitment
violations through a number of reporting channels, including contacting their manager, a designated
Human Resources representative, or another designated representative of Ice Age Management at
336-584-1382 and/or [email protected]. Reports received by Ice Age Management of violations
of our policies, including this Responsible and Ethical Recruitment Policy are reviewed and addressed as
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Social Media & Online Communication Policy
Do not comment on trade secrets and proprietary Company information (business, financial and
marketing strategies) without the advance approval of the Owner/Operator.
Do not make negative comments about our customers, fellow employees, or the company (Ice Age
or McDonald’s) on any social media platform.
Use of social media on Company equipment during working time is permitted, if your use is for
legitimate, preapproved Company business. Please discuss the nature of your anticipated business
use and the content of your message with the Owner/Operator. Obtain his or her approval prior
to such use.
Respect copyright, trademark and similar laws and use such protected information in compliance
with applicable legal standards.
This policy applies to any form of personal social networking, including without limitation,
postings outside of work hours and through non-Company computer systems.
Restrictions: (YOU MAY NOT do any of the following)
Due to the potential for issues such as invasion of privacy (employee and customer), sexual or other
harassment (as defined by our harassment/discrimination policy), protection of proprietary recipes
and preparation techniques, employees may not take, distribute, or post pictures, videos, or audio
recordings while on working time. Employees also may not take pictures or make recordings of
work areas. An exception to the rule concerning pictures and recordings of work areas would be to
engage in activity protected by the National Labor Relations Act including, for example, taking
pictures of health, safety and/or working condition concerns or of strike, protest and work-related
issues and/or other protected concerted activities.
Use the Company’s (or any of its affiliated entities) logos, marks or other protected information or
property for any business/commercial venture without the Owner/Operator’s express written
Make knowingly false representations about your credentials or your work.
Create a blog or online group related to the Company (not including blogs or discussions involving
wages, benefits, or other terms and conditions of employment, or protected concerted activity)
without the advance approval of the Owner/Operator. If a blog or online group is approved, it must
contain a disclaimer approved by the Owner/Operator.
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Do Not Violate the Law and Related Company Policies:
Be thoughtful in all your communications and dealings with others, including email and social media.
Never harass (as defined by our anti-harassment policy), threaten, libel or defame fellow
professionals, employees, customers, competitors or anyone else. In general, it is always wise to
remember that what you say in social media can often be seen by anyone. Accordingly, harassing
comments, obscenities or similar conduct that would violate Company policies is discouraged in
general and is never allowed while using the Company’s equipment or during your working time.
All employees are expected to know and follow this policy. Nothing in this policy is, however,
intended to prevent employees from engaging in concerted activity protected by law. If you have
any questions regarding this policy, please ask the Owner/Operator before acting. Any violations of
this policy are grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including immediate termination of
Solicitation & Distribution Policy
To avoid interference with work and to ensure customers enjoy their experience, this restaurant maintains
the following rules regarding solicitation and distribution.
For purposes of this policy, solicitation means requesting funds, purchases, services, membership in any
organization, or commitments to outside organizations or causes. Distribution means handing out, dropping
off, or leaving behind written material.
Individuals not employed by this restaurant are prohibited, at all times, from engaging in solicitation or
distribution anywhere on restaurant property, including parking lots.
Employees may not solicit on restaurant property during such employee’s own working time or when the
employee being solicited is on working time. Working time is he time employees are expected to be working
and does not include rest, meal, or other authorized breaks. Solicitation by employees is also prohibited even
when not on working time if such solicitation takes place at any time in the working areas of the restaurant.
Solicitation is always prohibited in customer selling areas.
Distribution of literature by an employee is prohibited on company property, including parking lots, during
the employee’s working time, as defined above, or when the employee receiving the material is on working
time. Distribution by employees is also prohibited even when not on working time if such distribution takes
place in customer selling areas or in employees’ working areas. Company property, including parking lots,
must be kept clean and free of litter at all times.
The solicitation and distribution policy applies to activities on behalf of any cause or organization, with the
exception of restaurant-sponsored charities (e.g., Ronald McDonald House Charities).
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Bulletin Boards
Bulletin boards are reserved for the exclusive use of the Company for posting work-related notices or notices
which must be posted pursuant to local, state and federal law. From time to time, special notices and
information for employees will be posted by the Company on the bulletin boards. Please check the boards
regularly for such notices. Employees are prohibited from posting any material on Company bulletin boards.
Cell Phones and Electronic Devices
Cell phones and electronic devices should not be used while on working time. Any emergency calls that
the employee receives should come through the restaurant telephone. Managers may have their phones on
them but may only make calls or send texts that are work related during working hours. No personal
communication on your devices are allowed during working hours while you are on the clock.
Cash & Company Assets Policy (Updated 1/1/2024)
Crew are accountable for all Cash handling procedures.
To best protect employees and customers, the following Cash register policy is to be followed by all Ice
Age Management employees and Managers, handling Cash. Failure to responsibly follow Ice Age
Management policies may result in written warnings, suspension, and/or termination.
Cash Register Policy
: All Sales are rung up at the time they are made.
Each employee should count their drawer at the beginning and end of the shift; if
an employee declines, they must sign the Shift Register Tracking sheet, that they
decline to count the drawer. He or she will still be responsible for cash
overages/shortages, even if they decline. It is in your best interest to count the till.
Only one person is assigned to a register.
Call a manger for refunds, bills >$20, reductions, errors, McDonald’s Arch/Gift
cards, or other assistance, to avoid errors or shortages to your register. All signed
receipts and other necessary transaction documentation MUST be retained by the
cashier in the register.
Employees may not make change between drawers without a Manager.
Military/FD/EMS/police in uniform are discounted 20% on one single meal.
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Cash Register Shortages Corrective Action
We adhere to a rule of disciplinary actions that include 1) Verbal/Written warning, 2) Possible Suspension,
3) Termination.
All shortages less than $5.00 Result: Verbal warning
All shortages $5.00 -$19.99 Result: Written warning
All shortages $20.00 or more Result: Disciplinary action up to & including write up,
suspension, and/or termination.
Additions to Cash Policy (Managers)
1. Only one manager assigned to the safe.
2. Before shift change, two managers will verify the safe contents.
3. Shift manager is responsible for all money on the shift.
4. Routine skims should be conducted to get excess cash off the floor.
5. All cash drawers should be counted and verified every shift.
6. Register keys/codes should remain in the possession of the manager at all times.
7. All refunds, promos, employee meals must have a signed receipt and placed on cash sheet. Failure
to provide receipts/explanations will be treated as a cash shortage.
EID Usage
EIDs are not to be shared amongst employees. All managers are assigned their own EID. Individual
managers are responsible for any misuse of their EID unless proven to not be liable. Do not share your
EID login info with anyone.
Office (Cash) Policy
While money is being counted or the safe is open, only one manager will be allowed in the office.
Team Members or additional managers are not allowed while these tasks are taking place.
This policy will be closely monitored, and violations of this policy are subject to disciplinary action up to
and including possible termination.
Counterfeit Bills
All $20 bills must be marked with a counterfeit pen.
All $50 and $100 bills must be marked by counterfeit pen and checked by a manager before acceptance.
$20s and higher must be kept underneath the cash drawer on the register.
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If an employee accepts a counterfeit bill and did not go through the proper channels listed above, the
employee (crew or manager) will be responsible for paying the money back.
Company Property/Assets
1. All equipment, utensils, etc. shall be accounted for on each shift.
2. Equipment, furniture, computers shall be properly used and maintained.
3. Restaurant keys are considered company property.
Failure to properly use, maintain, or intentionally lose, or destroy company property can result in
disciplinary actions, repayment of missing or intentionally damaged property, and possible termination.
As a condition of employment, the employee acknowledges and accepts that they will be responsible for all
property issued to them throughout the course of employment with the Company.
All employees must exercise due care and attention in the use of company property and maintain it in
working condition. Negligence in the care and use of the property will be considered cause for disciplinary
action by the Company, which may result in termination of employment.
Property must be returned to the company (1) upon termination of employment or (2) upon request by
the company, whichever occurs first.
Any loss of or damage to the property must be reported immediately.
Failure to return store keys results in the Company having to re-key the store for security purposes and the
cost to re-key the store will be charged to the employee responsible.
The employee will be responsible for the full repair and replacement costs of any property damaged, lost,
or stolen while in their possession and/or as a result of their negligence. Failure to return the property will
be considered theft by the Company and may lead to criminal and/or civil prosecution.
If any property is not returned, returned in poor condition, or if re-keying of the store is required, as a
condition of employment, employees authorize the company to deduct the replacement value (as listed
below) for such costs from their paycheck (subject to FLSA guidelines).
Laptop & case (value: $470)
Tablet & case (value: $200)
Gas Card (value: $10)
Credit Card/Amex (value: $20)
Store Keys/Re-key locks (value: $300)
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Loyalty Point Usage
Employees are not permitted to earn, transfer, or redeem loyalty points from customer purchases.
Employees who have been identified conducting fraudulent transactions will be subject to account closure,
forfeiting of fraudulent accrued points, as well as disciplinary action, up to & including termination.
Employee Meal Policy
Crew and Managers may receive free meals, one meal/shift/day, under the following conditions:
Based on performance review of the employee, Excellent/Outstanding.
If the Team met Food Cost goals the prior QTR (see General Manager for details).
All employees, off-duty or otherwise, will have their meals rung up at the front
counter and approved by a manager, and sign the receipt.
Employees will consume food in the designated break area.
Employee may choose their employee “meal” from our Menu Board. A “meal”
consists of any menu items totaling $10 or less. Additions subject to GM’s
Employee meals are subject to change per Operations Manager discretion only.
Employees with performance or attendance issues will lose their free employee
meal, but may purchase an employee meal at a 30% discount.
Scheduling and Breaks
Schedules are posted 1 month in advance.
Two weeks written requests for time-off, subject to GM approval.
Proper documentation must be provided when missing scheduled work.
Hourly managers will clock out for break when another manager is present.
Do not clock in for anyone but yourself and at your scheduled time.
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Attendance Policy (Updated 1/1/2024)
One of the greatest benefits of working for our organization is a flexible work schedule. Your schedule will
be based on a number of factors, including your availability, the needs of the business, and your overall
performance and versatility. Due to changes in restaurant needs and employee availability, your work
schedule and amount of hours will likely vary each week. You work as a team, and from time to time you
will want or need time off, and so will your teammates. Sometimes this will happen unexpectedly.
Nevertheless, it is important to provide as much notice as possible, and to accommodate others when you
can. Accordingly, you may be asked to come to work on a shift that you were not originally scheduled to
workas others might be asked on your behalf. Obviously, the more notice we have, the less the other team
members will be inconveniencedand the less you will be inconvenienced when it is your turn. All of us
value employees who are considerate of their teammates, who assist when needed and when they can, if they
are asked to come in, or to work past their scheduled shift. But, out of respect for others, unexcused failures
to abide by the procedures set forth below shall result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
If you are unable to report for your shift, where practicable you should contact the restaurant a minimum
of 3 hours before your shift begins, or if you’re scheduled for the breakfast shift, the night before. In the
event of illness or absence of more than 2 consecutive shifts, your manager may request documentation
demonstrating that your absence was for a medical reason or emergency. Obviously, a failure to report
means that your teammates will have to pick up the slack, either by having to come in when they were not
scheduled, or by having to work with less crew. Unexcused absences will result in disciplinary action, up to
and including termination.
Unexcused Absences:
* Employee illness: no documentation provided
* Family illness/emergency: absence due to the care of a child or spouse will not be excused
unless the employee is entitled to FMLA.
* Personal time: any absence greater than 3 work days requires leave of absence
* Transportation problems
* Job Abandonment
* Weather conditions (subject to manager/HR determination)
The fact that the absence was reported does not automatically excuse the absence.
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Excused Absences
* Employee illness: (documentation provided, 1 week or longer requires leave of absence/FMLA)
* Bereavement Leave ((immediate family only, documentation required) see policy
* Workers comp Absence
* FMLA/ADA leave
* Jury Duty (documentation required), Jury duty is not paid leave, however, pto/vacation time can
be used.
* Military Leave (documentation required)
* Severe/ Hazardous Weather Conditions (subject to manager/HR determination)
Please Note: Frequent unexcused and excused absences begin to affect your attendance record. Poor
attendance affects your job. You may be required to submit a change in availability to avoid attendance and
dependability issues.
Employees that are out of work for several days at a time are still required to keep in contact with their
manager/supervisor to provide updates on their return to work status.
Unexcused Absence Corrective Action:
offense: Verbal Warning (note in file)
offense: Written Warning (write up)
offense: Disciplinary action up to and including Suspension or Termination
The company reserves the right to bypass any or all of the above steps when an employee accumulates
attendance occurrences too rapidly to administer the appropriate warnings and to make exceptions to the
corrective action procedures listed above.
Should you fail to call in or report to work for a scheduled shift this will be considered an unexcused
absence. If there are extenuating, emergency circumstances related to your failure to come to work and to
call the restaurant, please contact your General Manager as soon as possible. Any incident where the
employee does not contact their manager within the first hour of their scheduled shift to report the call out,
is considered a no call/no show. If you are a No Call No Show, with no communication, it will be presumed
that you have abandoned your job and will result in termination.
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All employees should report to work on time for their assigned shift. Except in the case of an emergency,
if you are going to be late, you must notify the manager at least 30 minutes in ADVANCE of your shift’s
start time. Employees who violate the attendance policy will be subject to discipline, up to and including
termination. Excessive tardiness will not be tolerated and is subject to manager discretion; generally 3 or
more in a rolling 3-month time period.
If you are entitled to FMLA leave due to a serious medical condition or a serious medical condition of a
family member, or to a reasonable accommodation due to disability, and you have acted in accordance with
the provisions governing ADA accommodations and FMLA leave contained in this handbook, you will not
be subject to disciplinary action for attendance.
Performance Reviews (Updated 1/1/2024)
All Ice Age employees will receive performance reviews throughout their employment. The purpose is to
provide and receive feedback from both parties regarding performance, results, and potential growth
within the company.
Crew/crew trainers: performance reviews are conducted in April / October for
those that are due.
Managers and above: performance reviews are conducted annually/bi-annually.
Merit or pay increase reviews may or may not occur at these same intervals.
Pay Practices
Ice Age wants to ensure that you are paid for all hours worked, including overtime, and that our pay practices
comply in all respects with all state, federal and local laws. This means that you are entitled to be paid for
every hour that you work, including all overtime worked. If for any reason, you believe that you have not
been paid for all hours that you have worked, you should immediately contact your General/Restaurant
Manager and they will assist you in receiving pay for all hours worked.
To make sure that you get paid for all hours that you work you must clock in before you begin work and
you must clock out only when you have finished your work for the day. Do not punch out until your last
task is completed. Because it is important that you receive pay for all hours that you work, you must never
punch in or out for anyone else and you must never let anyone punch in or out for you.
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Depending on your shift, your restaurant, and the state in which you work, you may also be entitled to rest
and meal periods and may be required to clock out and in for those periods. Your manager will inform you
at the start of your employment what rest and meal periods you can expect to receive. You will then be given
the opportunity to take those rest and meal periods during your shift. If you have any questions about rest
and meal breaks or concerns about whether they are being provided to you in accordance with this policy,
please notify your General/Restaurant Manager as soon as possible. By working together in this way, we
can make sure you get to take the rest and meal periods during your shift to which you are entitled.
We all know that mistakes can happen in clocking in and out. However, it is important that we correct any
mistakes that occur as quickly as we can. Therefore, if you notice that you made a mistake in clocking in or
clocking out or if you notice any other mistakes in your paycheck as to the hours that you worked or the pay
that you received, please contact your manager immediately. We will then work with you to ensure that you
get paid for all hours you worked.
Because your management team wants to ensure that you are paid for all hours worked, a manager may
notify you of an error in recording your time that the manager believes needs to be corrected. It is important
that you understand the change your manager wants to make and that you agree with your manager that the
change corrects your time record.
If after discussion, you and your manager cannot agree as to what change should be made to correct your
time records, your manager should contact the General/Restaurant Manager so that the issue can be resolved
promptly. If your manager fails to contact the General/Restaurant Manager to resolve this issue, or you are
unhappy with the resolution, you should bring it to the attention of your General/Restaurant Manager as
soon as possible so that the issue can be resolved and you can receive all of the pay you have earned without
any delay.
Your management team takes seriously its obligations to pay you for all hours that you work and to follow
all legal requirements with regard to rest and meal periods.
If you believe at any time that a manager is not living up to these obligations, please bring it to the attention
of your General/Restaurant Manager or Area Supervisor as soon as possible so that we can rectify the
situation quickly.
We strictly prohibit retaliation against any employee who seeks to correct any pay errors or report any
problems regarding our obligations to pay employees correctly.
All Ice Age employees are paid bi-weekly. The pay date is on Tuesdays, unless there is a holiday that falls on
that date. Then, the pay date will be the Monday before. However, on a normal pay cycle, the only date that
we can guarantee your money is on the Tuesday pay date.
Ice Age Management, Inc. Confidential & Proprietary v. January 2024
Direct Deposit is the only form of payment that is utilized within our Company and can be provided via a
bank account, external pay card or an employer issued pay card. Direct deposit returns as result of
incorrect account information provided by the employee or closed bank accounts will incur a $10
processing fee at the expense of the employee for each occurrence.
Pay stubs can be accessed via our online employee portal. (Please ask your manager for details on how to
access the portal).
Ice Age does not hold any paychecks (no paychecks in the hole). Employees are paid on the regular pay date
for hours worked in that pay period even if it is only a couple of hours/days.
Unclocked Hours Regular/overtime hours that are not clocked in or submitted on time during the regular
pay cycle will be delayed until the next payroll is processed. Vacation/PTO hours not submitted on time will
be delayed until the next pay cycle.
Ice Age Management, Inc. Confidential & Proprietary v. January 2024
Vacation Policy (Updated 1/1/2024)
Ice age employees are entitled to vacation benefits by job classification and/or years of service. See the
breakdown below.
Operations Manager 4 weeks vacation (40 hrs/week), after 3 months in position
o Extra day off Birthday Month
Area Supervisor 3 weeks vacation (40 hrs/week), after 3 months in position
o Extra day off Birthday Month
General Manager 3 weeks vacation (40 hrs/week), after 3 months in position
Dept Mgr/GM Trainee 2 weeks vacation (avg weekly hrs), after 6 months in position (open
availability required)
Swing/Shift Manager 2 weeks vacation (avg weekly hrs), after 6 months in position
(open availability required)
Floor Mgr/SMT 1 week vacation (avg weekly hrs.), after 6 months in position
(limited availability)
Store Maintenance 1 week vacation (avg weekly hrs), after 6 months in position
Crew/Crew trainer see Paid Time Off (PTO) Policy
Office, Training, Marketing, Technology, & Maintenance Department (non-store specific only)
- Department Head 3 weeks vacation (40 hrs/week), after 3 months in position
o Extra Day off Birthday Month
- Department Staff 2 weeks vacation (40 hrs/week), after 6 months in position
All Vacation must be approved by GM, Supervisor and/or Ops Manager to be taken.
Vacation is to be used within the calendar year (January 1-December 31), except PTO which is based on
anniversary date. Store MUST be staffed and running properly (in good standing) for vacation to be
approved/taken. The employee also must be in good standing for vacation to be approved/taken.
Employees may only take one week of vacation/per quarter up to their max. Vacations taken in back-to-
back months are prohibited even if in different quarters. (i.e. vacation in Dec/Jan)
No two GM’s, Supervisors, or Ops Managers in the same patch are allowed to take vacation at the same
time. Please plan accordingly.
Ice Age Management, Inc. Confidential & Proprietary v. January 2024
Any unused vacation at year end (December 31
) will be forfeited. No carryover into the following year.
No payouts.
Any unused vacation/pto is automatically forfeited if an employee is terminated or voluntarily separates
from employment. No payouts.
Note: The holidays are a prime time for vacation requests. As a result, vacation during the holidays will
only be granted on a first come, first serve basis and as schedules permit for each store location. Subject to
manager approval, store standing and staffing needs.
Ice Age Management, Inc. Confidential & Proprietary v. January 2024
Paid Time Off (PTO) Policy (Applies to Crew & Crew Trainers Only)
Paid time off is available to all employees classified as “crew or crew trainer”. PTO can be used for
personal time, sick time, or vacation time. All other job classifications “see vacation policy”.
Accrual: PTO is accrued at a rate of 0.025 hrs per hour worked. Accrual starts the first check after the
hire date, however, no time can be used until the employee has completed their first 90 days of
employment. Only 40 hrs maximum of PTO hours can be earned each year. Once you reach the
maximum, PTO will stop accruing until your anniversary date. At that time, PTO accrual will start over.
Scheduled PTO: When you require time off, please obtain approval from your manager in advance. At
least 14 days advance notice is required. Any request for time off received with less than 14 days notice will
be considered at the discretion of your manager. Your manager must ensure there is proper department
staffing before any time off can be approved. Submitted requests will be reviewed and approved or denied
within two to three (2 -3) working days of request date.
Unscheduled PTO: If you take time off without prior approval by your manager it will be considered
unscheduled PTO. Your manager may approve such leave; however, excessive use of unscheduled PTO
will be addressed in a prompt and consistent manner.
Unscheduled PTO can include family emergencies, illness (with proper documentation), funerals
(immediate family members), and jury duty. All subject to manager approval.
Newly hired employees may not use PTO during their first 90 days of employment.
Unused hours/Carryover: Employees may only carryover 10 PTO hours into the next year. Any
unused hours beyond that will be forfeited and will not be paid out.
If an employee resigns or is terminated, any remaining PTO is forfeited and will not be paid out.
Note: The holidays are a prime time for PTO requests. As a result, PTO during the holidays will only be
granted on a first come, first serve basis and as schedules permit for each store location. Subject to
manager approval and staffing needs.
PTO Calculation Example:
* Employee worked 74 hrs on biweekly paycheck.
74 hrs. x 0.025 = 1.85 hours of PTO earned this check.
* Employee worked 105 hrs on biweekly paycheck.
105 hrs x 0.025 = 2.625 hours of PTO earned this check.
Ice Age Management, Inc. Confidential & Proprietary v. January 2024
Benefits and Eligibility (updated 1/1/2024)
The benefits offered by Ice Age Management are based on several different factors. The following benefits
are currently offered by our company:
Paid Vacation/time off (PTO) - (see vacation policy)
Paid Training - applies to all required training
Early Pay Option
Discounted or Free Employee Meals - (see employee meal policy)
Free Uniforms applies to all job classes
College Credit Connection; Scholarship Opportunities; ESL classes, GED Program
(contact HR or Training Department for details)
Tuition Assistance (contact HR or Training Department for details)
Employer Sponsored Health Insurance (eligibility required)
Phone Allowance
Auto Allowance
Employer Sponsored Health Insurance
Ice Age Management currently offers employer sponsored health insurance to all full-time and full-time
equivalent (avg. 30+ hrs/week) employees. Full time salaried employees are eligible for insurance upon
hire or promotion into the position. All new crew must first be measured using a 12-month measurement
period to determine eligibility. Department managers eligible after 3 months in position & shift/floor
managers & store specific maintenance eligible after 6 months in position but must still average 30 or more
hours per week to be eligible.
The below employer contributions are provided based on job class:
O/O, DO, Operations Managers & Supervisors
* 100% company paid medical, dental and vision (all coverage levels: employee, spouse, children, family)
* All other elections (i.e. STD, LTD, etc) must be paid by EMPLOYEE.
Department Heads
* Medical: up to $1000/month company paid
* Dental & Vision: 100% company paid (employee only
* All other elections (i.e. STD, LTD, etc) must be paid by EMPLOYEE.
Office Staff, Training, Maintenance (non-store specific), & Technology
* Medical: up to $800/month company paid
* Dental & Vision: 100% company paid (employee only)
* All other elections (i.e. STD, LTD, etc) must be paid by EMPLOYEE.
Ice Age Management, Inc. Confidential & Proprietary v. January 2024
General Managers
* Medical: 100% company paid (employee only) based on plan 1 rates.
- Option to Buy up to plan 2 or 3 at EMPLOYEE expense.
* Dental & Vision - paid in full by employee
* All other elections (i.e. STD, LTD, etc) must be paid by EMPLOYEE.
All other job classes:
(crew, crew trainer, maintenance (store specific), shift mgr, SMT, floor mgr, dept mgr, 1st
assistant/GM in training)
* Medical: Based on ACA rate of pay safe harbor & age. (varies by employee)
- rates based on plan 1 employee only rates
- option to buy up to plan 2 or 3 at EMPLOYEE expense.
* Dental & Vision - paid in full by employee
* All other elections (i.e. STD, LTD, etc) must be paid by EMPLOYEE.
Employees that are not eligible for employer sponsored health insurance are encouraged to seek insurance
by other means.
Phone Allowance provided to compensate for the many calls received on your personal cell phone
- Operations Managers, Supervisors, Dept Heads, Office Staff - $30/check
- Gm’s and Dept staff (non-store specific) - $25/check
- All other job classes N/A
Auto Allowance provided to compensate for the wear and tear on your vehicle (Sups and above only)
- Director of Operations - $1800/month ($830.77/check)
- Operations Managers - $1200/month ( $553.85/check)
- Supervisors - $600/month ($276.92/check)
- Dept Heads, Dept Staff - $400/month ($184.62/check)
- All other job classes N/A
- Calculated as: monthly amount x 12 months / 26 paychecks = per paycheck amount
Leave of Absence Policy
Personal Leave of Absence, Maternity Leave, Bereavement Leave and FMLA
There may be times when you need time off from work sometimes for personal reasons, needs, and
sometimes out of need for unforeseen circumstances. We try to respect and accommodate crew needs,
however a leave request may not always be approved due to business reasons. Not all requests for leave can
Ice Age Management, Inc. Confidential & Proprietary v. January 2024
be approved or be excused. If a need for a leave arises, you must obtain approval in advance from your
manager. You must also follow the policies and practices regarding absences.
Leaves of absence are generally unpaid and non-job protected unless otherwise provided. Medical benefits,
if applicable, will also be placed in leave status, except under FMLA. After 90 days of “continuous”
personal leave, you will be terminated and your position will be forfeited. You must reapply for
employment. However, personal leave can be intermittent as approved.
Upon return, if the previous position is no longer available, the employee may be considered for other open
positions which he/she may be qualified for and as they become available.
If no position exists, the employee will remain on unpaid personal leave until a suitable opening develops.
If such an opening does not occur within a 90-day period, any obligation to reinstate the employee is
discontinued and the employee’s leave status is changed to a voluntary termination. Future reemployment
would be as a rehire with only legally required reinstatement of applicable benefits.
Ice Age Management understands that the birth/adoption of a child is a very important life event and will
comply with all federal and state laws in its regards.
Effective 1/1/2023, Ice Age Management does not offer any paid maternity/paternity leave to any job class.
Vacation and accrued PTO may be used during maternity leave if available. Eligible employees that currently
pay for short term disability may also apply for it during this time.
This policy establishes uniform guidelines for providing paid time off to employees for absences related to
the death of an immediate family member.
Eligibility: All Full-Time, Salaried employees only.
Leave Amount : 3 days
***Ice Age defines immediate family member as spouse, mother, father, son or daughter only
An employee who wishes to take time off due to the death of an immediate family member should notify
his or her supervisor as soon as possible.
In addition to bereavement leave, an employee may, with his or her supervisor/Manager’s approval, use
any available vacation for additional approved time off as necessary.
Ice Age Management, Inc. Confidential & Proprietary v. January 2024
Ice Age Management provides leave according to the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA). The
FMLA requires covered employers to provide up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave to eligible
employees for the following reasons:
for incapacity due to pregnancy, prenatal medical care or child birth;
to care for the employee’s child after birth, or placement for adoption or foster care;
to care for the employee’s spouse, son, daughter or parent, who has a serious health condition; or
for a serious health condition that makes the employee unable to perform the employee’s job.
Military Family Leave Entitlements
Eligible employees whose spouse, son, daughter or parent is on covered active duty or call to covered
active duty status may use their 12-week leave entitlement to address certain qualifying exigencies.
Qualifying exigencies may include attending certain military events, arranging for alternative childcare,
addressing certain financial and legal arrangements, attending certain counseling sessions, and attending
post-deployment reintegration briefings.
FMLA also includes a special leave entitlement that permits eligible employees to take up to 26 weeks of
leave to care for a covered service- member during a single 12-month period. A covered service member
(1) a current member of the Armed Forces, including a member of the National Guard or Reserves, who is
undergoing medical treatment, recuperation or therapy, is otherwise in outpatient status, or is otherwise on
the temporary disability retired list, for a serious injury or illness; or
(2) a veteran who was discharged or released under conditions other than dishonorable at any time during
the five year-period prior to the first date the eligible employee takes FMLA leave to care for the covered
veteran, and who is undergoing medical treatment, recuperation, or therapy for a serious injury or illness.
The FMLA definitions of “serious injury or illness” for current service members and veterans are
distinct from the FMLA definition of “serious health condition”.
Benefits and Protections
During FMLA leave, the employer must maintain the employee’s health coverage under any “group health
plan” on the same terms as if the employee had continued to work. Upon return from FMLA leave, most
employees must be restored to their original or equivalent positions with equivalent pay, benefits, and
other employment terms.
Use of FMLA leave cannot result in the loss of any employment benefit that accrued prior to the start of
an employee’s leave.
Ice Age Management, Inc. Confidential & Proprietary v. January 2024
Eligibility Requirements
Employees are eligible if they have worked for a covered employer for at least 12 months, have 1,250
hours of service in the previous 12 months, and if at least 50 employees are employed by the employer
within 75 miles.
Definition of Serious Health Condition
A serious health condition is an illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition that involves
either an overnight stay in a medical care facility, or continuing treatment by a health care provider for a
condition that either prevents the employee from performing the functions of the employee’s job, or
prevents the qualifying family member from participating in school or other daily activities.
Subject to certain conditions, the continuing treatment requirement may be met by a period of incapacity
of more than 3 consecutive calendar days combined with at least two visits to a health care provider or one
visit and a regimen of continuing treatment, or incapacity due to pregnancy, or incapacity due to a chronic
condition. Other conditions may meet the definition of continuing treatment.
Use of Leave
An employee does not need to use this leave entitlement in one block. Leave can be taken intermittently
or on a reduced leave schedule when medically necessary. Employees must make reasonable efforts to
schedule leave for planned medical treatment so as not to unduly disrupt the employer’s operations.
Leave due to qualifying exigencies may also be taken on an intermittent basis.
Substitution of Paid Leave for Unpaid Leave
Employees may choose or employers may require use of accrued paid leave while taking FMLA leave. In
order to use paid leave for FMLA leave, employees must comply with the employer’s normal paid leave
Employee Responsibilities
Employees must provide 30 days advance notice of the need to take FMLA leave when the need is
foreseeable. When 30 day notice is not possible, the employee must provide notice as soon as practicable
and generally must comply with an employer’s normal call-in procedures.
Employees must provide sufficient information for the employer to determine if the leave may qualify for
FMLA protection and the anticipated timing and duration of the leave. Sufficient information may
include that the employee is unable to perform job functions, the family member is unable to perform
daily activities, the need for hospitalization or continuing treatment by a health care provider, or
circumstances supporting the need for military family leave. Employees also must inform the employer if
the requested leave is for a reason for which FMLA leave was previously taken or certified. Employees
also may be required to provide a certification and periodic recertification supporting the need for leave.
Employer Responsibilities
Covered employers must inform employees requesting leave whether they are eligible under FMLA. If
they are, the notice must specify any additional information required as well as the employees’ rights and
responsibilities. If they are not eligible, the employer must provide a reason for the ineligibility.
Ice Age Management, Inc. Confidential & Proprietary v. January 2024
Covered employers must inform employees if leave will be designated as FMLA-protected and the
amount of leave counted against the employee’s leave entitlement. If the employer determines that the
leave is not FMLA-protected, the employer must notify the employee.
Unlawful Acts by Employers
FMLA makes it unlawful for any employer to:
interfere with, restrain, or deny the exercise of any right provided under FMLA; and
discharge or discriminate against any person for opposing any practice made unlawful by FMLA or
for involvement in any proceeding under or relating to FMLA.
An employee may file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Labor or may bring a private lawsuit
against an employer.
FMLA does not affect any Federal or State law prohibiting discrimination, or supersede any State or local
law or collective bargaining agreement which provides greater family or medical leave rights.
Service/Support Animals
The American with Disabilities Act, various state laws and our restaurant policy permit service animals to
accompany disabled customers or their trainers inside the restaurant.
If you are not sure whether an animal is a pet or service animal, ask the person with the animal, “Is this a
service animal?” If they confirm that it is a service animal:
- Permit the customer or service animal to remain in the restaurant
- Do not ask the customer about his/her disability
- Do not request documentation or any proof that the customer is disabled or that the animal is in
fact a service animal
- Do not touch, feed, pet, talk to or make noises directed at the service animal
If the customer states the animal is not a service animal, or if you do not understand their response to your
question, ask you manager for assistance immediately. If the service animal appears to be threatening other
customers or otherwise acting in a disruptive manner, you should ask the owner why the animal is acting in
this manner BEFORE taking any action.
- If the service animal barks or growls, it may be performing its job by warning its owner of an
upcoming seizure or other danger
- If after talking to the service animal’s owner, you conclude that the animal is in fact threatening other
customers, you should ask the owner to either control the animal or take the animal outside of the
- Always provide the customer the option of remaining on the premises without the service animal
Ice Age Management, Inc. Confidential & Proprietary v. January 2024
Please note that even if accompanied by other persons, individuals with a service animal are still permitted
to have their service animal with them inside the restaurant.
Accommodations to Handbook Policies
If you believe you need an accommodation to any of these policies based on your disability, religion, gender
identity, or any other protected class, please contact the Area Supervisor or Human Resource Manager at
Employee Rights Under the National Labor Relations Act
Nothing in this Handbook is intended to restrict or otherwise prevent employees from engaging in the rights
afforded to them under Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act, including the discussion of wages,
hours, and other terms and conditions of employment.
Hospitality Promise
Here at Ice Age McDonald’s, I promise…….
To treat each customer as a Valued Guest.
To make each guest feel welcome, as if this were my home.
To interact with all guest through conversation, emptying trays, etc.
To make each customer’s experience feel Five Star not Fast Food.
To look for opportunities to impress the customer.
To make kids feel special.
At Ice Age, Our Mission is To Serve…. the Customer, Each Other, Ourselves.
As our Founder Ray Kroc said, “If you work just for money, you’ll never make it, but if you love what
you’re doing and you always put the customer first, success will be yours.”
Many Company policies and employee benefits have been addressed only briefly in this handbook. If you
have any questions or want more information, your General Manager, Area Supervisor, or HR Manager will
be glad to fill in the details for you and will also be happy to help you get answers to any question you have
regarding the Company’s policies.
Ice Age Management, Inc. Confidential & Proprietary v. January 2024
New Hire Policy Acknowledgement & Confidentiality Agreement
By signing this Agreement, the Employees acknowledges the following: Initial each statement and sign
_______ I have attended an orientation and/or new hire info has been provided to me.
_______ All policies in the Employee Handbook have been reviewed with me and I have
had the opportunity to review the handbook.
_______ I agree to uphold All Ice Age Management policies reviewed during
company orientation.
_______ I understand failure to comply with policies can result in suspension or termination.
_______ I understand that a copy of our handbook is available via the QR code boards.
_______ I understand that Ice Age Management reserves the right to amend and enforce the
policies contained in the Employee Handbook with proper notice.
_______ I understand this is an Employment-at-Will Company meaning Ice Age
Management may terminate my employment at any time and I can resign my
employment at any time.
________ I understand and give permission for Ice Age Management to run a criminal and
credit background check on me when/if I become a manager. Employment or
promotion to management is subject to a background review.
_______ I understand that Ice Age Management is a DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE and
that any work-related accident/incident may require a drug/alcohol test.
_______ I understand the workplace violence prevention policy and No weapons policy as
outlined in the handbook.
_______ I understand and agree to abide by the appearance, cash, and attendance policy as
outlined in the handbook.
_______ All administrative work, paperwork, and other documentation submitted will be
done on time, as expected, and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
_______ Intentional falsification of documents and/or misrepresentation of data is a
terminable offense. This includes cash sheets, inventory levels, safe counts,
performance reviews, food safety documentation, routine paperwork, staffing
levels, reports, and scorecard items.
_______ I understand the Code of Conduct as outlined in the handbook regarding ensuring
we provide safe food. Falsification of food safety documentation, or failure to
perform proper food safety checks is a terminable offense.
_______ I understand the Code of Conduct as outlined in the handbook regarding ensuring
the safety of our employees. This includes enforcement of safety equipment for
maintenance personnel, staggered open/close procedures, emergency and
evacuation procedures in place. I also understand the procedures in place as
outlined in the handbook to ensure customer safety by regularly performing travel
paths and conducting safety and security walk-thru’s to identify hazards.
Ice Age Management, Inc. Confidential & Proprietary v. January 2024
______ I understand the Code of Conduct as outlined in the handbook regarding
supporting diversity in hiring and promotion. I support equal opportunity for all
______ I understand and respect the Code of Conduct as outlined in the handbook
regarding religious views of employees.
______ I understand as outlined in the handbook regarding Communication protocol at Ice
Age Management
_______ I understand as outlined in the handbook regarding zero tolerance for
discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment, and acknowledge retaliation towards
employees for reporting such activity will not be tolerated.
_______ I will handle and protect all assets of Ice Age management. This includes all
equipment, technology, cash, product inventory, and anything purchased by and
used at Ice Ace Management, Inc.
_______ I agree to abide by the company property/assets policy as outlined in the handbook
_______ Confidentiality Provision: I agree to not disclose trade secrets, sales figures,
confidential customer credit card information, guest counts, business plans or
food/marketing promotions to non-employees.
Image Release: I hereby grant to McDonald’s Corporation, its affiliates, subsidiaries, franchisees, advertising and
promotional agencies, and their agents and representatives (collectively, “McDonald’s”), the irrevocable, unrestricted
worldwide right to use, publish, display, broadcast, edit, modify and distribute materials bearing my name, voice, image,
likeness, statements attributable to me, and/or any other identifiable representation of myself (collectively, My
Likeness”). I agree that all materials containing My Likeness shall be and remain the sole and exclusive property of
McDonald’s, and I hereby assign any right I may have acquired in or to such materials to McDonald’s. I hereby release
and forever discharge McDonald’s from all claims, liabilities and damages relating to the use of My Likeness.
If you do not agree to this Image Release, please submit your decline in writing to your store manager and/or
HR. This will not affect your employment.
All policies set forth by Ice Age Management are intended to protect crew, managers, and customers. They are also
intended for the protection of the Brand McDonald’s and Ice Age Management. Failure to acknowledge and comply
with the information contained in this handbook will result in discipline, up to, and including, termination of
employment. All employees will review each policy during orientation and a permanent copy will remain on
restaurant premises.
By signing the permanent application and this agreement, you are acknowledging compliance with Ice Age
Management Code of Conduct. We look forward to a mutually beneficial working relationship with you.
Employee Name: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________
Ice Age Management, Inc. Confidential & Proprietary v. January 2024
The Ice Age Management private office is open Monday through Friday from 9am to 5pm. Office staff
can be reached by calling 336-584-1382.
Human Resource Department [email protected]
Payroll Department [email protected]
Ice Age Office will be closed on the following days:
New Year’s Day
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day & Day After Thanksgiving
Christmas Eve & Christmas Day (observed)
* The office will operate on Summer hours from June 1
to August 31
with half day Fridays.
(alternating rotation)
For more information about our company, please visit our website: