API Reference
Amazon Mechanical Turk
API Version 2017-01-17
Copyright © 2024 Amazon Web Services, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Amazon Mechanical Turk: API Reference
Copyright © 2024 Amazon Web Services, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Table of Contents
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference ........................................................................................ 1
Operations ........................................................................................................................................ 2
AcceptQualificationRequest ........................................................................................................................ 4
Description ................................................................................................................................................ 4
Request Syntax ........................................................................................................................................ 4
Request Parameters ................................................................................................................................ 4
Response Elements ................................................................................................................................. 5
Example ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
ApproveAssignment ..................................................................................................................................... 6
Description ................................................................................................................................................ 6
Request Syntax ........................................................................................................................................ 6
Request Parameters ................................................................................................................................ 7
Response Elements ................................................................................................................................. 7
Example ..................................................................................................................................................... 8
AssociateQualificationWithWorker ............................................................................................................ 9
Description ................................................................................................................................................ 9
Request Syntax ........................................................................................................................................ 9
Request Parameters ................................................................................................................................ 9
Response Elements ............................................................................................................................... 10
Example ................................................................................................................................................... 11
CreateAdditionalAssignmentsForHIT ...................................................................................................... 12
Description .............................................................................................................................................. 12
Request Syntax ...................................................................................................................................... 12
Request Parameters .............................................................................................................................. 12
Response Elements ............................................................................................................................... 13
Example ................................................................................................................................................... 13
CreateHIT ..................................................................................................................................................... 15
Description .............................................................................................................................................. 15
Request Syntax ...................................................................................................................................... 15
Request Parameters .............................................................................................................................. 16
Response Elements ............................................................................................................................... 21
Example ................................................................................................................................................... 21
CreateHITType ............................................................................................................................................. 23
Description .............................................................................................................................................. 23
API Version 2017-01-17 iii
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Request Syntax ...................................................................................................................................... 23
Request Parameters .............................................................................................................................. 23
Response Elements ............................................................................................................................... 25
Example ................................................................................................................................................... 25
CreateHITWithHITType .............................................................................................................................. 27
Description .............................................................................................................................................. 27
Request Syntax ...................................................................................................................................... 27
Request Parameters .............................................................................................................................. 28
Response Elements ............................................................................................................................... 31
Example ................................................................................................................................................... 31
CreateQualificationType ............................................................................................................................ 32
Description .............................................................................................................................................. 32
Request Syntax ...................................................................................................................................... 32
Request Parameters .............................................................................................................................. 32
Response Elements ............................................................................................................................... 36
Example ................................................................................................................................................... 36
CreateWorkerBlock ..................................................................................................................................... 38
Description .............................................................................................................................................. 38
Request Syntax ...................................................................................................................................... 38
Request Parameters .............................................................................................................................. 38
Response Elements ............................................................................................................................... 38
DeleteHIT ..................................................................................................................................................... 39
Description .............................................................................................................................................. 39
Request Syntax ...................................................................................................................................... 39
Request Parameters .............................................................................................................................. 39
Response Elements ............................................................................................................................... 40
Example ................................................................................................................................................... 40
DeleteQualificationType ............................................................................................................................ 41
Description .............................................................................................................................................. 41
Request Syntax ...................................................................................................................................... 41
Request Parameters .............................................................................................................................. 41
Response Elements ............................................................................................................................... 42
Example ................................................................................................................................................... 42
DeleteWorkerBlock ..................................................................................................................................... 43
Description .............................................................................................................................................. 43
Request Syntax ...................................................................................................................................... 43
API Version 2017-01-17 iv
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Request Parameters .............................................................................................................................. 43
Response Elements ............................................................................................................................... 43
DisassociateQualificationFromWorker .................................................................................................... 44
Description .............................................................................................................................................. 44
Request Syntax ...................................................................................................................................... 44
Request Parameters .............................................................................................................................. 44
Response Elements ............................................................................................................................... 45
Example ................................................................................................................................................... 45
GetAccountBalance .................................................................................................................................... 47
Description .............................................................................................................................................. 47
Request Syntax ...................................................................................................................................... 47
Request Parameters .............................................................................................................................. 47
Response Elements ............................................................................................................................... 47
Example ................................................................................................................................................... 47
GetAssignment ............................................................................................................................................ 49
Description .............................................................................................................................................. 49
Request Syntax ...................................................................................................................................... 49
Request Parameters .............................................................................................................................. 49
Response Elements ............................................................................................................................... 49
GetFileUploadURL ...................................................................................................................................... 50
Description .............................................................................................................................................. 50
Request Syntax ...................................................................................................................................... 50
Request Parameters .............................................................................................................................. 50
Response Elements ............................................................................................................................... 51
GetHIT ........................................................................................................................................................... 52
Description .............................................................................................................................................. 52
Request Syntax ...................................................................................................................................... 52
Request Parameters .............................................................................................................................. 52
Response Elements ............................................................................................................................... 52
GetQualificationScore ................................................................................................................................ 53
Description .............................................................................................................................................. 53
Request Syntax ...................................................................................................................................... 53
Request Parameters .............................................................................................................................. 53
Response Elements ............................................................................................................................... 53
Example ................................................................................................................................................... 54
GetQualificationType ................................................................................................................................. 55
API Version 2017-01-17 v
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Description .............................................................................................................................................. 55
Request Syntax ...................................................................................................................................... 55
Request Parameters .............................................................................................................................. 55
Response Elements ............................................................................................................................... 55
Example ................................................................................................................................................... 55
ListAssignmentsForHIT .............................................................................................................................. 57
Description .............................................................................................................................................. 57
Request Syntax ...................................................................................................................................... 57
Request Parameters .............................................................................................................................. 57
Response Elements ............................................................................................................................... 58
Example ................................................................................................................................................... 58
ListBonusPayments .................................................................................................................................... 60
Description .............................................................................................................................................. 60
Request Syntax ...................................................................................................................................... 60
Request Parameters .............................................................................................................................. 60
Response Elements ............................................................................................................................... 61
Example ................................................................................................................................................... 61
ListHITs ......................................................................................................................................................... 63
Description .............................................................................................................................................. 63
Request Syntax ...................................................................................................................................... 63
Request Parameters .............................................................................................................................. 63
Response Elements ............................................................................................................................... 63
Example ................................................................................................................................................... 63
ListHITsForQualificationType ................................................................................................................... 65
Description .............................................................................................................................................. 65
Request Syntax ...................................................................................................................................... 65
Request Parameters .............................................................................................................................. 65
Response Elements ............................................................................................................................... 66
Example ................................................................................................................................................... 66
ListQualificationRequests ......................................................................................................................... 67
Description .............................................................................................................................................. 67
Request Syntax ...................................................................................................................................... 67
Request Parameters .............................................................................................................................. 67
Response Elements ............................................................................................................................... 67
Example ................................................................................................................................................... 67
ListQualificationTypes ............................................................................................................................... 69
API Version 2017-01-17 vi
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Description .............................................................................................................................................. 69
Request Syntax ...................................................................................................................................... 69
Request Parameters .............................................................................................................................. 69
Response Elements ............................................................................................................................... 70
Example ................................................................................................................................................... 70
ListReviewableHITs ..................................................................................................................................... 72
Description .............................................................................................................................................. 72
Request Syntax ...................................................................................................................................... 72
Request Parameters .............................................................................................................................. 72
Response Elements ............................................................................................................................... 73
Example ................................................................................................................................................... 73
ListReviewPolicyResultsForHIT ................................................................................................................ 75
Description .............................................................................................................................................. 75
Request Syntax ...................................................................................................................................... 75
Request Parameters .............................................................................................................................. 75
Response Elements ............................................................................................................................... 76
ListWorkerBlocks ........................................................................................................................................ 77
Description .............................................................................................................................................. 77
Request Syntax ...................................................................................................................................... 77
Request Parameters .............................................................................................................................. 77
Response Elements ............................................................................................................................... 77
Example ................................................................................................................................................... 77
ListWorkersWithQualificationType .......................................................................................................... 79
Description .............................................................................................................................................. 79
Request Syntax ...................................................................................................................................... 79
Request Parameters .............................................................................................................................. 79
Response Elements ............................................................................................................................... 80
Example ................................................................................................................................................... 80
NotifyWorkers ............................................................................................................................................. 81
Description .............................................................................................................................................. 81
Request Syntax ...................................................................................................................................... 81
Request Parameters .............................................................................................................................. 81
Response Elements ............................................................................................................................... 82
RejectAssignment ....................................................................................................................................... 83
Description .............................................................................................................................................. 83
Request Syntax ...................................................................................................................................... 83
API Version 2017-01-17 vii
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Request Parameters .............................................................................................................................. 83
Response Elements ............................................................................................................................... 84
Example ................................................................................................................................................... 84
RejectQualificationRequest ...................................................................................................................... 86
Description .............................................................................................................................................. 86
Request Syntax ...................................................................................................................................... 86
Request Parameters .............................................................................................................................. 86
Response Elements ............................................................................................................................... 86
Example ................................................................................................................................................... 87
SendBonus ................................................................................................................................................... 88
Description .............................................................................................................................................. 88
Request Syntax ...................................................................................................................................... 88
Request Parameters .............................................................................................................................. 88
Response Elements ............................................................................................................................... 89
SendTestEventNotification ....................................................................................................................... 90
Description .............................................................................................................................................. 90
Request Syntax ...................................................................................................................................... 90
Request Parameters .............................................................................................................................. 90
Response Elements ............................................................................................................................... 91
UpdateExpirationForHIT ............................................................................................................................ 92
Description .............................................................................................................................................. 92
Request Syntax ...................................................................................................................................... 92
Request Parameters .............................................................................................................................. 92
Response Elements ............................................................................................................................... 92
UpdateHITReviewStatus ............................................................................................................................ 93
Description .............................................................................................................................................. 93
Request Syntax ...................................................................................................................................... 93
Request Parameters .............................................................................................................................. 93
Response Elements ............................................................................................................................... 94
UpdateHITTypeOfHIT ................................................................................................................................ 95
Description .............................................................................................................................................. 95
Request Syntax ...................................................................................................................................... 95
Request Parameters .............................................................................................................................. 95
Response Elements ............................................................................................................................... 95
UpdateNotificationSettings ...................................................................................................................... 96
Description .............................................................................................................................................. 96
API Version 2017-01-17 viii
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Request Syntax ...................................................................................................................................... 96
Request Parameters .............................................................................................................................. 96
Response Elements ............................................................................................................................... 97
UpdateQualificationType .......................................................................................................................... 98
Description .............................................................................................................................................. 98
Request Syntax ...................................................................................................................................... 98
Request Parameters .............................................................................................................................. 99
Response Elements ............................................................................................................................ 101
Example ................................................................................................................................................ 101
Question and Answer Data ......................................................................................................... 103
Crowd HTML Elements ........................................................................................................................... 104
Description ........................................................................................................................................... 104
Use Cases .............................................................................................................................................. 104
Examples ............................................................................................................................................... 104
Element Reference ............................................................................................................................. 107
Related Documents ............................................................................................................................ 107
Using XML Parameter Values ................................................................................................................ 108
XML Data as a Parameter ................................................................................................................. 108
Namespaces for XML Parameter Values ........................................................................................ 108
HITLayout ................................................................................................................................................... 109
Description ........................................................................................................................................... 109
Obtaining a Layout ID ....................................................................................................................... 109
Using a HITLayout .............................................................................................................................. 110
Guidelines for Using HITLayouts ..................................................................................................... 111
HTMLQuestion .......................................................................................................................................... 112
Description ........................................................................................................................................... 112
The HTMLQuestion Data Structure ................................................................................................. 113
Example ................................................................................................................................................ 114
Using Crowd HTML Elements .......................................................................................................... 115
Preview Mode ...................................................................................................................................... 116
The Form Action ................................................................................................................................. 117
The Answer Data ................................................................................................................................ 117
Guidelines For Using HTML Questions ........................................................................................... 117
ExternalQuestion ...................................................................................................................................... 119
Description ........................................................................................................................................... 119
The ExternalQuestion Data Structure ............................................................................................ 120
API Version 2017-01-17 ix
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Example ................................................................................................................................................ 120
The External Form .............................................................................................................................. 121
Using Crowd HTML Elements .......................................................................................................... 123
The Answer Data ................................................................................................................................ 125
Guidelines For Using External Questions ...................................................................................... 125
QuestionForm ........................................................................................................................................... 127
Description ........................................................................................................................................... 127
QuestionForm Structure .................................................................................................................... 128
Content Structure ............................................................................................................................... 130
Answer Specification .......................................................................................................................... 139
Example ................................................................................................................................................ 150
QuestionFormAnswers ............................................................................................................................ 153
Description ........................................................................................................................................... 153
The Structure of Answers ................................................................................................................. 154
Example ................................................................................................................................................ 154
Formatted Content: XHTML ................................................................................................................... 156
Using Formatted Content ................................................................................................................. 157
Supported XHTML Tags .................................................................................................................... 158
How XHTML Formatted Content Is Validated .............................................................................. 162
AnswerKey ................................................................................................................................................. 162
Description ........................................................................................................................................... 163
The Structure of an Answer Key ..................................................................................................... 163
Example ................................................................................................................................................ 166
Data Structure Schema Locations ........................................................................................................ 167
Data Structures ............................................................................................................................ 169
Assignment ................................................................................................................................................ 169
Description ........................................................................................................................................... 169
Elements ............................................................................................................................................... 169
Example ................................................................................................................................................ 174
HIT ............................................................................................................................................................... 175
Description ........................................................................................................................................... 175
Elements ............................................................................................................................................... 175
Example ................................................................................................................................................ 181
HITLayoutParameter ................................................................................................................................ 183
Description ........................................................................................................................................... 183
Elements ............................................................................................................................................... 183
API Version 2017-01-17 x
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Qualification .............................................................................................................................................. 185
Description ........................................................................................................................................... 185
Elements ............................................................................................................................................... 185
Example ................................................................................................................................................ 186
QualificationRequest ............................................................................................................................... 188
Description ........................................................................................................................................... 188
Elements ............................................................................................................................................... 188
Example ................................................................................................................................................ 190
QualificationRequirement ...................................................................................................................... 191
Description ........................................................................................................................................... 191
Using Custom, System-Assigned, and Master Qualification Types ........................................... 191
Elements ............................................................................................................................................... 192
Qualification Type IDs ....................................................................................................................... 197
Master Qualification ........................................................................................................................... 199
Adding Adult Content ........................................................................................................................ 200
The Locale Qualification ................................................................................................................... 201
Example—Using the QualificationRequirement Data Structure ............................................... 202
Example—Using the QualificationRequirement Data Structure for Comparing Multiple
Values .................................................................................................................................................... 202
Example—Using the QualificationRequirement Data Structure to Hide HIT from
Unqualified Workers ........................................................................................................................... 203
QualificationType ..................................................................................................................................... 204
Description ........................................................................................................................................... 204
Elements ............................................................................................................................................... 204
Example ................................................................................................................................................ 208
HIT Review Policy .................................................................................................................................... 210
Description ........................................................................................................................................... 210
HIT Review Policy Elements ............................................................................................................. 210
Parameter Elements ........................................................................................................................... 211
MapEntry Elements ............................................................................................................................ 212
Examples ............................................................................................................................................... 212
Locale .......................................................................................................................................................... 214
Description ........................................................................................................................................... 214
Elements ............................................................................................................................................... 214
Example ................................................................................................................................................ 215
Example ................................................................................................................................................ 215
API Version 2017-01-17 xi
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Review Policies ............................................................................................................................ 216
How Review Policies Work ..................................................................................................................... 216
Assignment Review Policies ................................................................................................................... 217
ScoreMyKnownAnswers/2011-09-01 ............................................................................................. 217
HIT Review Policies .................................................................................................................................. 221
SimplePlurality/2011-09-01 ............................................................................................................ 222
Review Policy Use Cases ......................................................................................................................... 228
Photo Moderation Use Case – Single Worker with Known Answers ........................................ 228
Photo Moderation Use Case Multiple Workers with Agreement ............................................ 230
Categorization and Tagging Use Case Multiple Workers ........................................................ 233
Managing Notifications ............................................................................................................... 235
Elements of a Notification Message .................................................................................................... 236
The Notification API Version ............................................................................................................ 236
Events .................................................................................................................................................... 236
Notification Handling Using Amazon SQS ......................................................................................... 237
Creating an SQS Queue .................................................................................................................... 237
Configuring an SQS Queue .............................................................................................................. 237
Amazon SQS Policy Document Example ....................................................................................... 238
Configuring Permissions Using the AWS Console ........................................................................ 238
Configuring Permissions Using the Amazon SQS API ................................................................. 239
Testing Your Queue ............................................................................................................................ 239
Guaranteed Delivery .......................................................................................................................... 239
SQS Message Ordering ...................................................................................................................... 239
Multiple SQS Queues ......................................................................................................................... 240
SQS Message Payload ....................................................................................................................... 240
Double Delivery ................................................................................................................................... 241
Notification Handling Using Amazon SNS ......................................................................................... 241
Creating an SNS Topic ....................................................................................................................... 241
Configuring an SNS Topic ................................................................................................................. 241
Amazon SNS Policy Document Example ....................................................................................... 242
Configuring Permissions Using the AWS Console ........................................................................ 243
Configuring Permissions Using the Amazon SNS API ................................................................. 243
Testing Your Topic .............................................................................................................................. 243
SNS Message Payload ........................................................................................................................ 243
Double Delivery ................................................................................................................................... 244
Notification ................................................................................................................................................ 245
API Version 2017-01-17 xii
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Description ........................................................................................................................................... 245
Elements ............................................................................................................................................... 245
Example ................................................................................................................................................ 246
API Version 2017-01-17 xiii
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
This is the Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference. This guide provides detailed information about
Amazon Mechanical Turk operations, data structures, and parameters. The major sections of this
guide are described in the following table.
Amazon Mechanical Turk is a web service that provides an on-demand, scalable, human workforce
to complete jobs that humans can do better than computers, for example, recognizing objects in
photos. For more information about this product go to the Amazon Mechanical Turk website.
If you do not add a CORS configuration to the S3 buckets that contain your image input
data, HITs that you create using those input images will fail. To learn more, see CORS
Configuration Requirement.
Operations Alphabetical list of all Amazon Mechanical Turk
Data Structure Schema Locations Links to Amazon Mechanical Turk data structure
Question and Answer Data Description of question and answer data that Amazon
Mechanical Turk passes between Requesters and
Data Structures Alphabetical list of all Amazon Mechanical Turk data
Review Policies Description of Amazon Mechanical Turk Review Policies.
Managing Notifications Description of how Amazon Mechanical Turk sends
notification messages to your application.
API Version 2017-01-17 1
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The Amazon Mechanical Turk API consists of web service operations for every task the service can
perform. This section describes each operation in detail.
API Version 2017-01-17 2
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
API Version 2017-01-17 3
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The AcceptQualificationRequest operation grants a Worker's request for a Qualification.
Only the owner of the Qualification type can grant a Qualification request for that type.
Request Syntax
"QualificationRequestId": String,
"IntegerValue": Integer
Request Parameters
The request accepts the following data in JSON format:
Name Description Required
The ID of the Qualification request, as returned by
the ListQualificationRequests operation.
Type: String.
The value of the Qualification. You can omit this
value if you are using the presence or absence of
the Qualification as the basis for a HIT requireme
Type: Integer
Default: 1
AcceptQualificationRequest API Version 2017-01-17 4
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Response Elements
A successful request for the AcceptQualificationRequest operation returns with no errors
and an empty body.
The following example shows how to use the AcceptQualificationRequest operation:
Sample Request
The following example grants a Qualification to a user.
Host: mturk-requester.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
Content-Length: <PayloadSizeBytes>
X-Amz-Date: <Date>
Sample Response
The following is an example response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-amzn-RequestId: <RequestId>
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.1
Content-Length: <PayloadSizeBytes>
Date: <Date>
Response Elements API Version 2017-01-17 5
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The ApproveAssignment operation approves the results of a completed assignment created with
the API.
Approving an assignment initiates two payments from the Requester's Amazon.com account: the
Worker who submitted the results is paid the reward specified in the HIT, and Amazon Mechanical
Turk fees are debited. If the Requester's account does not have adequate funds for these payments,
the call to ApproveAssignment returns an exception, and the approval is not processed. You can
include an optional feedback message with the approval, which the Worker can see in the Status
section of the web site.
You can also call this operation on assignments that were previous rejected and approve them by
over-riding the previous rejection. This works only on rejected assignments that were submitted
within the previous 30 days and only if the assignment's related HIT has not been deleted.
To maintain the consistency of the assignments for HITs in a batch, if a HIT is created
through the Amazon Mechanical Turk Requester website, you must use the Requester
website UI to approve or reject the work.
If you want to be able to approve or reject work through the API, you can use a HITLayout
when calling CreateHIT to utilize an existing template from the Amazon Mechanical Turk
Requester website
Request Syntax
"AssignmentId": String,
"RequesterFeedback": String,
"OverrideRejection": Boolean
ApproveAssignment API Version 2017-01-17 6
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Request Parameters
The request accepts the following data in JSON format:
Name Description Required
The ID of the assignment. This parameter must
correspond to a HIT created by the Requester.
Type: String
A message for the Worker, which the Worker can
see in the Status section of the web site.
Type: String
Constraints: Can be up to 1024 characters
(including multi-byte characters). The Requester
Feedback parameter cannot contain ASCII
characters 0-8, 11,12, or 14-31. If these character
s are present, the operation throws an InvalidPa
rameterValue error.
A flag indicating whether you want to approve an
assignment that was previously rejected.
Type: Boolean
Constraints: This works only on rejected
assignments that were submitted within the
previous 30 days and only if the assignment's
related HIT has not been deleted.
Response Elements
A successful request for the ApproveAssignment operation returns with no errors and an empty
Request Parameters API Version 2017-01-17 7
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The following example shows how to use the ApproveAssignment operation:
Sample Request
The following example approves an assignment identified by its assignment ID.
Host: mturk-requester.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
Content-Length: <PayloadSizeBytes>
X-Amz-Date: <Date>
Sample Response
The following is an example response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-amzn-RequestId: <RequestId>
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.1
Content-Length: <PayloadSizeBytes>
Date: <Date>
Example API Version 2017-01-17 8
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The AssociateQualificationWithWorker operation gives a Worker a Qualification.
AssociateQualificationWithWorker does not require that the Worker submit a Qualification
request. It immediately gives the Worker the Qualification.
You can only assign a Qualification of a Qualification type that you created (using the
CreateQualificationType operation).
AssociateQualificationWithWorker does not affect any pending Qualification
requests for the Qualification by the Worker. If you associate a Qualification to a
Worker, then later accept a Qualification request made by the Worker, accepting the
request may modify the Qualification score. To resolve a pending Qualification request
without affecting the Qualification the Worker already has, reject the request with the
RejectQualificationRequest operation.
Request Syntax
"QualificationTypeId": String,
"WorkerId": String,
"IntegerValue": Integer,
"SendNotification": Boolean
Request Parameters
The request accepts the following data in JSON format:
AssociateQualificationWithWorker API Version 2017-01-17 9
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name Description Required
The ID of the Qualification type to use for the
assigned Qualification.
Type: String
Constraints: must be a valid Qualification type
ID, as returned by the CreateQualificationType
The ID of the Worker to whom the Qualification
is being assigned. Worker IDs are included with
submitted HIT assignments and Qualification
Type: String
The value of the Qualification to assign.
Type: Integer
Default: 1
Specifies whether to send a notification email
message to the Worker saying that the qualifica
tion was assigned to the Worker.
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Response Elements
A successful request for the AssociateQualificationWithWorker operation returns with no
errors and an empty body.
Response Elements API Version 2017-01-17 10
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The following example shows how to use the AssociateQualificationWithWorker operation:
Sample Request
The following example grants a Qualification to a Worker.
Host: mturk-requester.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
Content-Length: <PayloadSizeBytes>
X-Amz-Date: <Date>
Sample Response
The following is an example response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-amzn-RequestId: <RequestId>
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.1
Content-Length: <PayloadSizeBytes>
Date: <Date>
Example API Version 2017-01-17 11
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The CreateAdditionalAssignmentsForHIT operation increases the maximum number of
assignments of an existing HIT.
To extend the maximum number of assignments, specify the number of additional assignments.
HITs created with fewer than 10 assignments cannot be extended to have 10 or more
assignments. Attempting to add assignments in a way that brings the total number
of assignments for a HIT from fewer than 10 assignments to 10 or more assignments
will result in an AWS.MechanicalTurk.InvalidMaximumAssignmentsIncrease
HITs that were created before July 22, 2015 cannot be extended. Attempting
to extend HITs that were created before July 22, 2015 will result in an
AWS.MechanicalTurk.HITTooOldForExtension exception.
Request Syntax
"HITId": String,
"NumberOfAdditionalAssignments": Integer,
"UniqueRequestToken": String
Request Parameters
The request accepts the following data in JSON format:
CreateAdditionalAssignmentsForHIT API Version 2017-01-17 12
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name Description Required
The ID of the HIT to for which to request more
Type: String
The number of additional assignments to request
for this HIT.
Type: Integer
A unique identifier for this request, which allows
you to retry the call on error without extending
the HIT multiple times. This is useful in cases
such as network timeouts where it is unclear
whether or not the call succeeded on the server.
If the extend HIT already exists in the system
from a previous call using the same UniqueReq
uestToken , subsequent calls will return an
error with a message containing the request ID.
Type: String
Constraints: must not be longer than 64 character
s in length.
Response Elements
A successful request for the CreateAdditionalAssignmentsForHIT operation returns with no
errors and an empty body.
The following example shows how to use the CreateAdditionalAssignmentsForHIT
Response Elements API Version 2017-01-17 13
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Sample Request
The following example adds 2 more assignments to a HIT.
Host: mturk-requester.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
Content-Length: <PayloadSizeBytes>
X-Amz-Date: <Date>
Sample Response
The following is an example response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-amzn-RequestId: <RequestId>
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.1
Content-Length: <PayloadSizeBytes>
Date: <Date>
Example API Version 2017-01-17 14
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The CreateHIT operation creates a new HIT (Human Intelligence Task). The new HIT is made
available for Workers to find and accept on the Amazon Mechanical Turk website.
This operation allows you to specify a new HIT by passing in values for the properties of the
HIT, such as its title, reward amount and number of assignments. When you pass these values to
CreateHIT, a new HIT is created for you, with a new HITTypeID.
CreateHIT also supports several ways to provide question data: by providing a value for the
Question parameter that fully specifies the contents of the HIT, or by providing a HitLayoutId and
associated HitLayoutParameters.
For a step-by-step tutorial, please read our blog post which walks you through the HIT creation
If a HIT is created with 10 or more maximum assignments, there is an additional fee. For
more information, see Amazon Mechanical Turk Pricing.
During the first few seconds after calling CreateHIT, the HIT cannot be modified except
to expire it using UpdateExpirationForHIT. Until the HIT becomes modifiable, the
following operations may return a RequestError:
UpdateHITTypeOfHIT, CreateAdditionalAssignmentsForHIT, and
UpdateExpirationForHIT with a DateTime in the future.
Request Syntax
"Title": String,
"Description": String,
"Question": String,
CreateHIT API Version 2017-01-17 15
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
"HITLayoutId": String,
"HITLayoutParameters": HITLayoutParameterList,
"Reward": String,
"AssignmentDurationInSeconds": Integer,
"LifetimeInSeconds": Integer,
"Keywords": String,
"MaxAssignments": Integer,
"AutoApprovalDelayInSeconds": Integer,
"QualificationRequirements": QualificationRequirementList,
"AssignmentReviewPolicy": ReviewPolicy,
"HITReviewPolicy": ReviewPolicy,
"RequesterAnnotation": String,
"UniqueRequestToken": String
Request Parameters
The request accepts the following data in JSON format:
Name Description Required
The title of the HIT. A title should be short
and descriptive about the kind of task the HIT
contains. On the Amazon Mechanical Turk web
site, the HIT title appears in search results, and
everywhere the HIT is mentioned.
Type: String
Request Parameters API Version 2017-01-17 16
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name Description Required
A general description of the HIT. A description
includes detailed information about the kind of
task the HIT contains. On the Amazon Mechanica
l Turk web site, the HIT description appears in the
expanded view of search results, and in the HIT
and assignment screens. A good description gives
the user enough information to evaluate the HIT
before accepting it.
Type: String
The data the person completing the HIT uses to
produce the results. You can learn more about the
various ways of specifying this field here
Type: String
Constraints: The XML question data must not
be larger than 64 kilobytes (65,535 bytes) in
size, including whitespace. Either a Question
parameter or a HITLayoutId parameter must be
The HITLayoutId allows you to use a pre-existing
HIT design with placeholder values and create
an additional HIT by providing those values as
HITLayoutParameters. For more information, see
Type: String
Constraints: Either a Question parameter or a
HITLayoutId parameter must be provided.
Request Parameters API Version 2017-01-17 17
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name Description Required
If the HITLayoutId is provided, any placehold
er values must be filled in with values using
the HITLayoutParameter structure. For more
information, see HITLayout.
Type: HITLayoutParameterList
The US Dollar amount the Requester will pay a
Worker for successfully completing the HIT.
Type: String
The amount of time, in seconds, that a Worker has
to complete the HIT after accepting it. If a Worker
does not complete the assignment within the
specified duration, the assignment is considere
d abandoned. If the HIT is still active (that is,
its lifetime has not elapsed), the assignment
becomes available for other users to find and
Type: Integer
An amount of time, in seconds, after which the
HIT is no longer available for users to accept.
After the lifetime of the HIT elapses, the HIT no
longer appears in HIT searches, even if not all of
the assignments for the HIT have been accepted.
Type: Integer
One or more words or phrases that describe the
HIT, separated by commas. These words are used
in searches to find HITs.
Type: String
Request Parameters API Version 2017-01-17 18
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name Description Required
The number of times the HIT can be accepted and
completed before the HIT becomes unavailable.
Type: Integer
The number of seconds after an assignment for
the HIT has been submitted, after which the
assignment is considered Approved automatically
unless the Requester explicitly rejects it.
Type: Integer
A condition that a Worker's Qualifications must
meet before the Worker is allowed to accept and
complete the HIT.
Type: QualificationRequirementList
The Assignment-level Review Policy applies to the
assignments under the HIT. You can specify for
Mechanical Turk to take various actions based on
the policy.
Type: ReviewPolicy
The HIT-level Review Policy applies to the HIT.
You can specify for Mechanical Turk to take
various actions based on the policy.
Type: ReviewPolicy
Request Parameters API Version 2017-01-17 19
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name Description Required
An arbitrary data field. The RequesterAnnotation
parameter lets your application attach arbitrary
data to the HIT for tracking purposes. For
example, this parameter could be an identifie
r internal to the Requester's application that
corresponds with the HIT. The Requester
Annotation parameter for a HIT is only visible
to the Requester who created the HIT. It is not
shown to the Worker, or any other Requester. The
RequesterAnnotation parameter may be different
for each HIT you submit. It does not affect how
your HITs are grouped.
Type: String
Constraints: must not be longer than 255
characters in length.
A unique identifier for this request. Allows you to
retry the call on error without creating duplicate
HITs. This is useful in cases such as network
timeouts where it is unclear whether or not the
call succeeded on the server. If the HIT already
exists in the system from a previous call using the
same UniqueRequestToken, subsequent calls will
return a AWS.MechanicalTurk.HitAlreadyExists
error with a message containing the HITId.
Type: String
Constraints: must not be longer than 64 character
s in length. It is your responsibility to ensure
uniqueness of the token. The unique token expires
after 24 hours. Subsequent calls using the same
UniqueRequestToken made after the 24 hour limit
could create duplicate HITs.
Request Parameters API Version 2017-01-17 20
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Response Elements
A successful request for the CreateHIT operation returns HIT object containing the newly created
HIT data.
The following example shows how to use the CreateHIT operation:
Sample Request
The following example creates a simple HIT. The Question parameter takes a block of XML data as
its value.
Host: mturk-requester.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
Content-Length: <PayloadSizeBytes>
X-Amz-Date: <Date>
Title:"Compare two photographs",
Description:"Compare two pictures and pick one",
Question:[XML question data],
Keywords:"location, photograph, image, identification, opinion"
Find code samples for MTurk Requester API at AWSLabs on Github
Sample Response
The following is an example response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-amzn-RequestId: <RequestId>
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.1
Content-Length: <PayloadSizeBytes>
Response Elements API Version 2017-01-17 21
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Date: <Date>
Example API Version 2017-01-17 22
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The CreateHITType operation creates a new HIT type.
CreateHITType lets you be explicit about which HITs ought to be the same type. It also gives you
error checking, to ensure that you call the CreateHITWithHITType operation with a valid HIT type
If you register a HIT type with values that match an existing HIT type, the HIT type ID of the
existing type will be returned.
Request Syntax
"Title": String,
"Description": String,
"Reward": String,
"AssignmentDurationInSeconds": Integer,
"Keywords": String,
"AutoApprovalDelayInSeconds": Integer,
"QualificationRequirements": QualificationRequirementList
Request Parameters
The request accepts the following data in JSON format:
Name Description Required
The title of the HIT. A title should be short
and descriptive about the kind of task the HIT
contains. On the Amazon Mechanical Turk web
CreateHITType API Version 2017-01-17 23
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name Description Required
site, the HIT title appears in search results, and
everywhere the HIT is mentioned.
Type: String
A general description of the HIT. A description
includes detailed information about the kind of
task the HIT contains. On the Amazon Mechanica
l Turk web site, the HIT description appears in the
expanded view of search results, and in the HIT
and assignment screens. A good description gives
the user enough information to evaluate the HIT
before accepting it.
Type: String
The US Dollar amount the Requester will pay a
Worker for successfully completing the HIT.
Type: String
The amount of time, in seconds, that a Worker has
to complete the HIT after accepting it. If a Worker
does not complete the assignment within the
specified duration, the assignment is considere
d abandoned. If the HIT is still active (that is,
its lifetime has not elapsed), the assignment
becomes available for other users to find and
Type: Integer
One or more words or phrases that describe the
HIT, separated by commas. These words are used
in searches to find HITs.
Type: String
Request Parameters API Version 2017-01-17 24
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name Description Required
The number of seconds after an assignment for
the HIT has been submitted, after which the
assignment is considered Approved automatically
unless the Requester explicitly rejects it.
Type: Integer
A condition that a Worker's Qualifications must
meet before the Worker is allowed to accept and
complete the HIT.
Type: QualificationRequirementList
Response Elements
A successful request for the CreateHITWithHITType operation returns a HITTypeId. A HITTypeId
can be up to 255 bytes long.
The following example shows how to use the CreateHITType operation:
Sample Request
The following example creates a new HIT type.
Host: mturk-requester.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
Content-Length: <PayloadSizeBytes>
X-Amz-Date: <Date>
Title:"Compare two photographs",
Description:"Compare two pictures and pick one",
Keywords:"location, photograph, image, identification, opinion"
Response Elements API Version 2017-01-17 25
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Sample Response
The following is an example response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-amzn-RequestId: <RequestId>
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.1
Content-Length: <PayloadSizeBytes>
Date: <Date>
Example API Version 2017-01-17 26
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The CreateHITWithHITType operation creates a new Human Intelligence Task (HIT) using an
existing HITTypeID generated by the CreateHITType operation.
This is an alternative way to create HITs from the CreateHIT operation. This is the recommended
best practice for Requesters who are creating large numbers of HITs.
CreateHIT also supports several ways to provide question data: by providing a value for the
Question parameter that fully specifies the contents of the HIT, or by providing a HitLayoutId and
associated HitLayoutParameters.
If a HIT is created with 10 or more maximum assignments, there is an additional fee. For
more information, see Amazon Mechanical Turk Pricing.
Request Syntax
"HITTypeId": String,
"Question": String,
"HITLayoutId": String,
"HITLayoutParameters": HITLayoutParameterList,
"LifetimeInSeconds": Integer,
"MaxAssignments": Integer,
"AssignmentReviewPolicy": ReviewPolicy,
"HITReviewPolicy": ReviewPolicy,
"RequesterAnnotation": String,
CreateHITWithHITType API Version 2017-01-17 27
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
"UniqueRequestToken": String
Request Parameters
The request accepts the following data in JSON format:
Name Description Required
The HIT type ID.
Type: String
The data the person completing the HIT uses to
produce the results. You can learn more about the
various ways of specifying this field here.
Type: String
Constraints: The XML question data must not
be larger than 64 kilobytes (65,535 bytes) in
size, including whitespace. Either a Question
parameter or a HITLayoutId parameter must be
The HITLayoutId allows you to use a pre-existing
HIT design with placeholder values and create
an additional HIT by providing those values as
HITLayoutParameters. For more information, see
Type: String
Constraints: Either a Question parameter or a
HITLayoutId parameter must be provided.
If the HITLayoutId is provided, any placehold
er values must be filled in with values using
the HITLayoutParameter structure. For more
information, see HITLayout.
Request Parameters API Version 2017-01-17 28
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name Description Required
Type: HITLayoutParameterList
An amount of time, in seconds, after which the
HIT is no longer available for users to accept.
After the lifetime of the HIT elapses, the HIT no
longer appears in HIT searches, even if not all of
the assignments for the HIT have been accepted.
Type: Integer
The number of times the HIT can be accepted and
completed before the HIT becomes unavailable.
Type: Integer
The Assignment-level Review Policy applies to the
assignments under the HIT. You can specify for
Mechanical Turk to take various actions based on
the policy.
Type: ReviewPolicy
The HIT-level Review Policy applies to the HIT.
You can specify for Mechanical Turk to take
various actions based on the policy.
Type: ReviewPolicy
Request Parameters API Version 2017-01-17 29
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name Description Required
An arbitrary data field. The RequesterAnnotation
parameter lets your application attach arbitrary
data to the HIT for tracking purposes. For
example, this parameter could be an identifie
r internal to the Requester's application that
corresponds with the HIT. The Requester
Annotation parameter for a HIT is only visible
to the Requester who created the HIT. It is not
shown to the Worker, or any other Requester. The
RequesterAnnotation parameter may be different
for each HIT you submit. It does not affect how
your HITs are grouped.
Type: String
A unique identifier for this request. Allows you to
retry the call on error without creating duplicate
HITs. This is useful in cases such as network
timeouts where it is unclear whether or not the
call succeeded on the server. If the HIT already
exists in the system from a previous call using the
same UniqueRequestToken, subsequent calls will
return a AWS.MechanicalTurk.HitAlreadyExists
error with a message containing the HITId.
Type: String
Constraints: must not be longer than 64 character
s in length. It is your responsibility to ensure
uniqueness of the token. The unique token expires
after 24 hours. Subsequent calls using the same
UniqueRequestToken made after the 24 hour limit
could create duplicate HITs.
Request Parameters API Version 2017-01-17 30
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Response Elements
A successful request for the CreateHIT operation returns HIT object containing the newly created
HIT data.
The following example shows how to use the CreateHITWithHITType operation:
Sample Request
The following example creates a simple HIT. The Question parameter takes a block of XML data as
its value.
Host: mturk-requester.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
Content-Length: <PayloadSizeBytes>
X-Amz-Date: <Date>
Question:[XML question data],
Sample Response
The following is an example response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-amzn-RequestId: <RequestId>
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.1
Content-Length: <PayloadSizeBytes>
Date: <Date>
Response Elements API Version 2017-01-17 31
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The CreateQualificationType operation creates a new Qualification type, which is
represented by a QualificationType data structure.
Request Syntax
"Name": String,
"Description": String,
"Keywords": String,
"RetryDelayInSeconds": Non-negative integer,
"QualificationTypeStatus": String,
"Test": String,
"AnswerKey": String,
"TestDurationInSeconds": Integer,
"AutoGranted": Boolean,
"AutoGrantedValue": Integer
Request Parameters
The request accepts the following data in JSON format:
Name Description Required
The name you give to the Qualification type. The
type name is used to represent the Qualification
to Workers, and to find the type using a Qualifica
CreateQualificationType API Version 2017-01-17 32
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name Description Required
tion type search. It must be unique across all of
your Qualification types.
Type: String
A long description for the Qualification type. On
the Amazon Mechanical Turk website, the long
description is displayed when a Worker examines
a Qualification type.
Type: String
Constraints: Must be less than or equal to 2000
One or more words or phrases that describe the
Qualification type, separated by commas. The
keywords of a type make the type easier to find
during a search.
Type: String
Constraints: Must be less than or equal to 1000
characters, including commas and spaces.
Request Parameters API Version 2017-01-17 33
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name Description Required
The number of seconds that a Worker must
wait after requesting a Qualification of the
Qualification type before the worker can retry the
Qualification request.
Type: Non-negative integer
Default: None. If not specified, retries are disabled
and Workers can request a Qualification of this
type only once, even if the Worker has not been
granted the Qualification. It is not possible to
disable retries for a Qualification type after it has
been created with retries enabled. If you want
to disable retries, you must delete existing retry-
enabled Qualification type and then create a new
Qualification type with retries disabled.
The initial status of the Qualification type.
Type: String
Constraints: Valid values are: Active | Inactive
Request Parameters API Version 2017-01-17 34
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name Description Required
The questions for the Qualification test a Worker
must answer correctly to obtain a Qualifica
tion of this type. If this parameter is specified
, TestDurationInSeconds must also be
Type: String
Constraints: Must not be longer than 65535
bytes. Must be a QuestionForm data structure.
This parameter cannot be specified if AutoGrant
ed is true.
Default: None. If not specified, the Worker may
request the Qualification without answering any
The answers to the Qualification test specified in
the Test parameter, in the form of an AnswerKey
data structure.
Type: String
Constraints: Must not be longer than 65535
Default: None. If not specified, you must process
Qualification requests manually.
The number of seconds the Worker has to
complete the Qualification test, starting from the
time the Worker requests the Qualification.
Type: Integer
when a
Test is
Request Parameters API Version 2017-01-17 35
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name Description Required
Specifies whether requests for the Qualification
type are granted immediately, without prompting
the Worker with a Qualification test.
Type: Boolean
Constraints: If the Test parameter is specified, this
parameter cannot be true.
Default: False
The Qualification value to use for automatically
granted Qualifications. This parameter is used
only if the AutoGranted parameter is true.
Type: Integer
Default: 1 when used with AutoGranted. None
when AutoGranted is not specified.
Response Elements
A successful request for the CreateQualificationType operation returns a QualificationType data
The following example shows how to use the CreateQualificationType operation:
Sample Request
The following example creates a Qualification type.
Host: mturk-requester.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
Content-Length: <PayloadSizeBytes>
X-Amz-Date: <Date>
Response Elements API Version 2017-01-17 36
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Description:"The ability to write and edit in text in English",
Sample Response
The following is an example response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-amzn-RequestId: <RequestId>
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.1
Content-Length: <PayloadSizeBytes>
Date: <Date>
Description:"The ability to write and edit in text in English",
Example API Version 2017-01-17 37
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The CreateWorkerBlock operation allows you to prevent a Worker from working on your HITs.
For example, you can block a Worker who is producing poor quality work. You can block up to
100,000 Workers.
Request Syntax
"WorkerId": String,
"Reason": String
Request Parameters
The request accepts the following data in JSON format:
Name Description Required
The ID of the Worker to block
Type: String
A message that explains the reason for blocking
the Worker. The Worker does not see this
Type: String
Response Elements
A successful request for the CreateWorkerBlock operation returns with no errors and an empty
CreateWorkerBlock API Version 2017-01-17 38
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The DeleteHIT operation disposes of a HIT that is no longer needed. Only the Requester who
created the HIT can delete it.
You can only dispose of HITs that are in the Reviewable state, with all of their submitted
assignments already either approved or rejected. If you call the DeleteHIT operation on a HIT that
is not in the Reviewable state (for example, that has not expired, or still has active assignments),
or on a HIT that is Reviewable but without all of its submitted assignments already approved or
rejected, the service returns an error.
HITs are automatically disposed of after 120 days.
After you dispose of a HIT, you can no longer approve the HIT's rejected assignments.
Disposed of HITs are not returned in results for the SearchHITs operation.
Disposing of HITs can improve the performance of operations such as ListReviewableHITs
and ListHITs.
Request Syntax
"HITId": String
Request Parameters
The request accepts the following data in JSON format:
Name Description Required
The ID of the HIT.
Type: String
DeleteHIT API Version 2017-01-17 39
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Response Elements
A successful request for the DeleteHIT operation returns with no errors and an empty body.
The following example shows how to use the DeleteHIT operation:
Sample Request
The following example deletes a HIT with the specified HIT ID.
Host: mturk-requester.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
Content-Length: <PayloadSizeBytes>
X-Amz-Date: <Date>
Sample Response
The following is an example response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-amzn-RequestId: <RequestId>
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.1
Content-Length: <PayloadSizeBytes>
Date: <Date>
Response Elements API Version 2017-01-17 40
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The DeleteQualificationType disposes a Qualification type and disposes any HIT types that
are associated with the Qualification type.
This operation does not revoke Qualifications already assigned to Workers because the
Qualifications might be needed for active HITs. If there are any pending requests for the
Qualification type, Amazon Mechanical Turk rejects those requests. After you delete a Qualification
type, you can no longer use it to create HITs or HIT types.
DeleteQualificationType must wait for all the HITs that use the deleted Qualification
type to be deleted before completing. It may take up to 48 hours before
DeleteQualificationType completes and the unique name of the Qualification type is
available for reuse with CreateQualificationType.
Request Syntax
"QualificationTypeId": String
Request Parameters
The request accepts the following data in JSON format:
Name Description Required
The ID of the QualificationType to dispose.
Type: String
DeleteQualificationType API Version 2017-01-17 41
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Response Elements
A successful request for the DeleteQualificationType operation returns with no errors and an
empty body.
The following example shows how to use the DeleteQualificationType operation:
Sample Request
The following example deletes a Qualification type and any HIT types that are associated with the
Qualification type.
Host: mturk-requester.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
Content-Length: <PayloadSizeBytes>
X-Amz-Date: <Date>
Sample Response
The following is an example response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-amzn-RequestId: <RequestId>
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.1
Content-Length: <PayloadSizeBytes>
Date: <Date>
Response Elements API Version 2017-01-17 42
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The DeleteWorkerBlock operation allows you to reinstate a blocked Worker to work on your
HITs. This operation reverses the effects of the CreateWorkerBlock operation. You need the Worker
ID to use this operation. If the Worker ID is missing or invalid, this operation fails and returns
the message “WorkerId is invalid.” If the specified Worker is not blocked, this operation returns
Request Syntax
"WorkerId": String,
"Reason": String
Request Parameters
The request accepts the following data in JSON format:
Name Description Required
The ID of the Worker to unblock
Type: String
A message that explains the reason for unblockin
g the Worker. The Worker does not see this
Type: String
Response Elements
A successful request for the DeleteWorkerBlock operation returns with no errors and an empty
DeleteWorkerBlock API Version 2017-01-17 43
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The DisassociateQualificationFromWorker revokes a previously granted Qualification from
a user.
You can provide a text message explaining why the Qualification was revoked. The user who had
the Qualification can see this message.
Request Syntax
"QualificationTypeId": String,
"WorkerId": String,
"IntegerValue": Integer,
"Reason": String
Request Parameters
The request accepts the following data in JSON format:
Name Description Required
The ID of the Qualification type of the Qualifica
tion to be revoked.
Type: String
The ID of the Worker who possesses the Qualifica
tion to be revoked.
Type: String
A text message that explains why the Qualifica
tion was revoked. The user who had the Qualifica
DisassociateQualificationFromWorker API Version 2017-01-17 44
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name Description Required
tion sees this message. IF a reason is not provided,
the worker will not be notified.
Type: String
Response Elements
A successful request for the DisassociateQualificationFromWorker operation returns with
no errors and an empty body.
The following example shows how to use the DisassociateQualificationFromWorker
Sample Request
The following example revokes Qualification of the specified Qualification type for the specified
Host: mturk-requester.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
Content-Length: <PayloadSizeBytes>
X-Amz-Date: <Date>
Sample Response
The following is an example response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-amzn-RequestId: <RequestId>
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.1
Response Elements API Version 2017-01-17 45
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Content-Length: <PayloadSizeBytes>
Date: <Date>
Example API Version 2017-01-17 46
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The GetAccountBalance operation retrieves the Prepaid HITs balance in your Amazon
Mechanical Turk account if you are a Prepaid Requester. Alternatively, this operation will retrieve
the remaining available AWS Billing usage if you have enabled AWS Billing.
Note: If you have enabled AWS Billing and still have a remaining Prepaid HITs balance, this balance
can be viewed on the My Account page in the Requester console.
Request Syntax
{ }
Request Parameters
The request accepts the following data in JSON format:
Response Elements
A successful request returns a string representing your available balance details in US Dollars.
The following example shows how to use the GetAccountBalance operation:
Sample Request
The following makes a GetAccountBalance request.
Host: mturk-requester.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
Content-Length: <PayloadSizeBytes>
X-Amz-Date: <Date>
Sample Response
The following is an example response:
GetAccountBalance API Version 2017-01-17 47
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-amzn-RequestId: <RequestId>
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.1
Content-Length: <PayloadSizeBytes>
Date: <Date>
Example API Version 2017-01-17 48
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The GetAssignment retrieves an assignment with an AssignmentStatus value of Submitted,
Approved, or Rejected, using the assignment's ID. Requesters can only retrieve their own
assignments for HITs that they have not disposed of.
Request Syntax
"AssignmentId": String
Request Parameters
The request accepts the following data in JSON format:
Name Description Required
The ID of the assignment you want to retrieve
Type: String
Response Elements
A successful request returns an Assignment data structure.
GetAssignment API Version 2017-01-17 49
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Beginning Tuesday, December 12th 2017 the Answer Specification structure will no longer
support the FileUploadAnswer element to be used for the QuestionForm data structure.
Instead, we recommend that Requesters who want to create HITs asking Workers to upload
files use Amazon S3.
The GetFileUploadURL operation generates and returns a temporary URL. You use the
temporary URL to retrieve a file uploaded by a Worker as an answer to a FileUploadAnswer
question for a HIT. The temporary URL is generated the instant the GetFileUploadURL operation is
called, and is valid for 60 seconds. You can get a temporary file upload URL any time until the HIT
is disposed. After the HIT is disposed, any uploaded files are deleted, and cannot be retrieved.
Request Syntax
"AssignmentId": String,
"QuestionIdentifier": String
Request Parameters
The request accepts the following data in JSON format:
Name Description Required
The ID of the assignment that contains the
question with a FileUploadAnswer.
Type: String
GetFileUploadURL API Version 2017-01-17 50
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name Description Required
The identifier of the question with a FileUploa
dAnswer, as specified in the QuestionForm of the
Type: String
Response Elements
A successful request returns an FileUploadURL string containing the temporary URL.
Response Elements API Version 2017-01-17 51
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The GetHIT operation retrieves the details of the specified HIT.
Request Syntax
"HITId": String
Request Parameters
The request accepts the following data in JSON format:
Name Description Required
The ID of the HIT.
Type: String
Response Elements
A successful request returns a HIT data structure.
GetHIT API Version 2017-01-17 52
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The GetQualificationScore operation returns the value of a Worker's Qualification for a given
Qualification type.
To get a Worker's Qualification, you must know the Worker's ID.
Only the owner of a Qualification type can query the value of a Worker's Qualification of that type.
Request Syntax
"QualificationTypeId": String,
"WorkerId": String
Request Parameters
The request accepts the following data in JSON format:
Name Description Required
The ID of the QualificationType.
Type: String
The ID of the Worker whose Qualification is being
Type: String
Response Elements
A successful request returns a Qualification data structure.
GetQualificationScore API Version 2017-01-17 53
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The following example shows how to use the GetQualificationScore operation:
Sample Request
The following example disposes a Qualification type and any HIT types that are associated with the
Qualification type.
Host: mturk-requester.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
Content-Length: <PayloadSizeBytes>
X-Amz-Date: <Date>
Sample Response
The following is an example response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-amzn-RequestId: <RequestId>
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.1
Content-Length: <PayloadSizeBytes>
Date: <Date>
Example API Version 2017-01-17 54
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The GetQualificationTypeoperation retrieves information about a Qualification type using its
Request Syntax
"QualificationTypeId": String
Request Parameters
The request accepts the following data in JSON format:
Name Description Required
The ID of the QualificationType.
Type: String
Response Elements
A successful request returns a QualificationType data structure.
The following example shows how to use the GetQualificationType operation:
Sample Request
The following example gets information about a Qualification type.
Host: mturk-requester.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
Content-Length: <PayloadSizeBytes>
GetQualificationType API Version 2017-01-17 55
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
X-Amz-Date: <Date>
Sample Response
The following is an example response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-amzn-RequestId: <RequestId>
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.1
Content-Length: <PayloadSizeBytes>
Date: <Date>
Description:"The ability to write and edit in text in English",
Example API Version 2017-01-17 56
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The ListAssignmentsForHIT operation retrieves completed assignments for a HIT. You can use
this operation to retrieve the results for a HIT.
You can get assignments for a HIT at any time, even if the HIT is not yet Reviewable. If a
HIT requested multiple assignments, and has received some results but has not yet become
Reviewable, you can still retrieve the partial results with this operation.
Use the AssignmentStatuses parameter to control which set of assignments for a HIT are
returned. The GetAssignmentsForHIT operation can return submitted assignments awaiting
approval, or it can return assignments that have already been approved or rejected. You can set
AssignmentStatuses=Approved,Rejected to get assignments that have already been approved and
rejected together in one result set.
Only the Requester who created the HIT can retrieve the assignments for that HIT.
Results are sorted and divided into numbered pages and the operation returns a single page of
results. You can use the parameters of the operation to control sorting and pagination.
Request Syntax
"HITId": String,
"AssignmentStatuses": String,
"NextToken": String,
"MaxResults": Integer
Request Parameters
The request accepts the following data in JSON format:
ListAssignmentsForHIT API Version 2017-01-17 57
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name Description Required
The ID of the HIT.
Type: String
The status of the assignments to return:
Submitted | Approved | Rejected
Type: String
Pagination token
Type: String
Type: Integer
Response Elements
A successful request returns a paginated list of Assignment data structures submitted for the HIT.
The following example shows how to use the ListAssignmentsForHIT operation:
Sample Request
Host: mturk-requester.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
Content-Length: <PayloadSizeBytes>
X-Amz-Date: <Date>
Sample Response
The following is an example response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Response Elements API Version 2017-01-17 58
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
x-amzn-RequestId: <RequestId>
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.1
Content-Length: <PayloadSizeBytes>
Date: <Date>
Example API Version 2017-01-17 59
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The ListBonusPayments operation retrieves the amounts of bonuses you have paid to Workers
for a given HIT or assignment.
Request Syntax
"HITId": String,
"AssignmentId": String,
"NextToken": String,
"MaxResults": Integer
Request Parameters
The request accepts the following data in JSON format:
Name Description Required
The ID of the HIT associated with the bonus
payments to retrieve. If not specified, all bonus
payments for all assignments for the given HIT
are returned. Either the HITId parameter or the
AssignmentId parameter must be specified
Type: String
The ID of the assignment associated with the
bonus payments to retrieve. If specified, only
bonus payments for the given assignment are
returned. Either the HITId parameter or the
AssignmentId parameter must be specified
ListBonusPayments API Version 2017-01-17 60
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name Description Required
Type: String
Pagination token
Type: String
Type: Integer
Response Elements
A successful request returns a paginated list of Bonuses with the following fields: WorkerId,
BonusAmount, AssignmentId, Reason and GrantTime
The following example shows how to use the ListBonusPayments operation:
Sample Request
Host: mturk-requester.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
Content-Length: <PayloadSizeBytes>
X-Amz-Date: <Date>
Sample Response
The following is an example response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-amzn-RequestId: <RequestId>
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.1
Content-Length: <PayloadSizeBytes>
Date: <Date>
Response Elements API Version 2017-01-17 61
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Example API Version 2017-01-17 62
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The ListHITs operation returns all of a Requester's HITs. The operation returns HITs of any status,
except for HITs that have been deleted of with the DeleteHIT operation or that have been auto-
Having high volumes of active HITs may lead to latency or timeouts when calling ListHITs. To
remedy this, call the DeleteHIT operation on HITs you no longer need access to.
Request Syntax
"NextToken": String,
"MaxResults": Integer
Request Parameters
The request accepts the following data in JSON format:
Name Description Required
Pagination token
Type: String
Type: Integer
Response Elements
A successful request returns a paginated list of HIT data structures.
The following example shows how to use the ListHITs operation:
ListHITs API Version 2017-01-17 63
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Sample Request
Host: mturk-requester.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
Content-Length: <PayloadSizeBytes>
X-Amz-Date: <Date>
Sample Response
The following is an example response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-amzn-RequestId: <RequestId>
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.1
Content-Length: <PayloadSizeBytes>
Date: <Date>
Example API Version 2017-01-17 64
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The ListHITsForQualificationType operation returns the HITs that use the given
QualififcationType for a QualificationRequirement. The operation returns HITs of any
status, except for HITs that have been deleted with the DeleteHIT operation or that have been
Having high volumes of active HITs may lead to latency or timeouts when calling
ListHITsForQualificationType. To remedy this, call the DeleteHIT operation on HITs you
no longer need access to.
Request Syntax
"QualificationTypeId": String,
"NextToken": String,
"MaxResults": Integer
Request Parameters
The request accepts the following data in JSON format:
Name Description Required
The ID of the Qualification type to use when
querying HITs.
Type: String
Pagination token
Type: String
Type: Integer
ListHITsForQualificationType API Version 2017-01-17 65
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Response Elements
A successful request returns a paginated list of HIT data structures.
The following example shows how to use the ListHITsForQualificationType operation:
Sample Request
Host: mturk-requester.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
Content-Length: <PayloadSizeBytes>
X-Amz-Date: <Date>
Sample Response
The following is an example response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-amzn-RequestId: <RequestId>
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.1
Content-Length: <PayloadSizeBytes>
Date: <Date>
Response Elements API Version 2017-01-17 66
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The ListQualificationRequests operation retrieves requests for Qualifications of a particular
Qualification type. The owner of the Qualification type calls this operation to poll for pending
requests, and accepts them using the AcceptQualification operation.
Request Syntax
"QualificationTypeId": String
Request Parameters
The request accepts the following data in JSON format:
Name Description Required
The ID of the QualificationType.
Type: String
Response Elements
A successful request returns a paginated list of QualificationRequests.
The following example shows how to use the ListQualificationRequests operation:
Sample Request
The following example lists requests for a Qualification type.
Host: mturk-requester.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
ListQualificationRequests API Version 2017-01-17 67
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Content-Length: <PayloadSizeBytes>
X-Amz-Date: <Date>
Sample Response
The following is an example response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-amzn-RequestId: <RequestId>
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.1
Content-Length: <PayloadSizeBytes>
Date: <Date>
QualificationRequests:[QualificationRequest ],
Example API Version 2017-01-17 68
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The ListQualificationTypes operation searches for Qualification types using the specified
search query, and returns a list of Qualification types.
Request Syntax
"Query": String,
"MustBeRequestable": Boolean,
"MustBeOwnedByCaller": Boolean,
"NextToken": String,
"MaxResults": Integer,
Request Parameters
The request accepts the following data in JSON format:
Name Description Required
A search term
Type: String
Specifies that only Qualification types that a
user can request through the Amazon Mechanica
l Turk web site, such as by taking a Qualifica
tion test, are returned as results of the search.
Some Qualification types, such as those assigned
automatically by the system, cannot be requested
directly by users. If false, all Qualification types,
including those managed by the system, are
considered for the search.
ListQualificationTypes API Version 2017-01-17 69
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name Description Required
Type: Boolean
Specifies that only Qualification types that the
Requester created are returned. If false, the
operation returns all Qualification types.
Type: Boolean
Default: False
Pagination token
Type: String
Type: Integer
Response Elements
A successful request returns a paginated list of Qualification Types.
The following example shows how to use the ListQualificationTypes operation:
Sample Request
The following example performs a simple text query for Qualification types.
Host: mturk-requester.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
Content-Length: <PayloadSizeBytes>
X-Amz-Date: <Date>
Response Elements API Version 2017-01-17 70
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Sample Response
The following is an example response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-amzn-RequestId: <RequestId>
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.1
Content-Length: <PayloadSizeBytes>
Date: <Date>
Example API Version 2017-01-17 71
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The ListReviewableHITs operation retrieves the HITs with Status equal to Reviewable or
Status equal to Reviewing that belong to the Requester calling the operation. Once a HIT has
either expired or had the requested number of assignments submitted, it enters the Reviewable
state. The only ways a HIT can leave the Reviewable states are:
By being extended, so assignments are once again available on the marketplace.
Because UpdateHITReviewStatus has updated the status to Reviewing.
By being disposed, either manually via the DisposeHIT operation, or automatically after 120
You can limit the query to HITs with a specified HIT type.
The operation sorts the results, divides them into numbered pages, and returns a single page of
results. You can control sorting and pagination can be controlled with parameters to the operation.
When (PageNumber x PageSize) is less than 100, you can get reliable results when you use any of
the sort properties. If this number is greater than 100, use the Enumeration sort property for best
results. The Enumeration sort property guarantees that the operation returns all reviewable HITs
with no duplicates, but not in any specific order.
Request Syntax
"HITTypeId": String,
"Status": String,
"NextToken": String,
"MaxResults": Integer
Request Parameters
The request accepts the following data in JSON format:
ListReviewableHITs API Version 2017-01-17 72
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name Description Required
The ID of the HIT type of the HITs to consider for
the query.
Type: String
The status of the HITs to return: Reviewable |
Type: String
By Default Status is set to Reviewable.
Pagination token
Type: String
Type: Integer
Response Elements
A successful request returns a paginated list of HIT data structures.
The following example shows how to use the ListReviewableHITs operation:
Sample Request
Host: mturk-requester.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
Content-Length: <PayloadSizeBytes>
X-Amz-Date: <Date>
Response Elements API Version 2017-01-17 73
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Sample Response
The following is an example response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-amzn-RequestId: <RequestId>
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.1
Content-Length: <PayloadSizeBytes>
Date: <Date>
Example API Version 2017-01-17 74
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The ListReviewPolicyResultsForHIT operation retrieves the computed results and the
actions taken in the course of executing your Review Policies during a CreateHIT operation. For
information about how to apply Review Policies when you call CreateHIT, see Review Policies. The
GetReviewResultsForHIT operation can return results for both Assignment-level and HIT-level
review results. You can also specify to only return results pertaining to a particular Assignment.
Request Syntax
"HITId": String,
"PolicyLevel": String,
"AssignmentId": String,
"RetrieveActions": String,
"RetrieveResults": String,
"NextToken": String,
"MaxResults": Integer
Request Parameters
The request accepts the following data in JSON format:
Name Description Required
The unique identifier of the HIT to retrieve review
results for.
Type: String
ListReviewPolicyResultsForHIT API Version 2017-01-17 75
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name Description Required
The Policy Level(s) to retrieve review results
for - HIT or Assignment. If omitted, the default
behavior is to retrieve all data for both policy
levels. For a list of all the described policies, see
Review Policies.
Type: String
If supplied, the results are limited to those
pertaining directly to this Assignment ID.
Type: String
Retrieves a list of the actions taken executing the
Review Policies and their outcomes. T or F.
Type: String
Retrieves a list of the results computed by the
Review Policies. T or F.
Type: String
Pagination token
Type: String
Type: Integer
Response Elements
A successful request operation has a ListReviewPolicyResultsForHITResponse element in the
response. The ListReviewPolicyResultsForHITResponse element contains the name of the Review
Policy applied as well as the AssignmentReviewReport element and the HITReviewReport element.
Response Elements API Version 2017-01-17 76
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The ListWorkersBlocks operation retrieves a list of Workers who are blocked from working on
your HITs.
Request Syntax
"NextToken": String,
"MaxResults": Integer
Request Parameters
The request accepts the following data in JSON format:
Name Description Required
Pagination token
Type: String
Type: Integer
Response Elements
A successful request returns a paginated list of Workers that have been blocked along with the
reason for the block.
The following example shows how to use the ListWorkerBlocks operation:
Sample Request
The following example lists all Worker blocks.
ListWorkerBlocks API Version 2017-01-17 77
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Host: mturk-requester.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
Content-Length: <PayloadSizeBytes>
X-Amz-Date: <Date>
Sample Response
The following is an example response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-amzn-RequestId: <RequestId>
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.1
Content-Length: <PayloadSizeBytes>
Date: <Date>
WorkerBlocks:[{WorkerId, Reason}],
Example API Version 2017-01-17 78
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The ListWorkersWithQualificationType operation returns all of the Workers with a given
Qualification type.
Request Syntax
"QualificationTypeId": String,
"Status": String,
"NextToken": String,
"MaxResults": Integer,
Request Parameters
The request accepts the following data in JSON format:
Name Description Required
The ID of the QualificationType.
Type: String
The status of the Qualifications to return. Granted
| Revoked
Type: String
Pagination token
Type: String
Type: Integer
ListWorkersWithQualificationType API Version 2017-01-17 79
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Response Elements
A successful request returns a paginated list of Qualifications that have been granted to Workers.
The following example shows how to use the ListWorkersWithQualificationType operation:
Sample Request
The following example performs a simple text query for Qualification types.
Host: mturk-requester.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
Content-Length: <PayloadSizeBytes>
X-Amz-Date: <Date>
Sample Response
The following is an example response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-amzn-RequestId: <RequestId>
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.1
Content-Length: <PayloadSizeBytes>
Date: <Date>
Response Elements API Version 2017-01-17 80
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The NotifyWorkers operation sends an email to one or more Workers that you specify with the
Worker ID. You can specify up to 100 Worker IDs to send the same message with a single call to the
NotifyWorkers operation. The NotifyWorkers operation will send a notification email to a Worker
only if you have previously approved or rejected work from the Worker.
Request Syntax
"Subject": String,
"MessageText": String,
"WorkerIds": Array of Strings
Request Parameters
The request accepts the following data in JSON format:
Name Description Required
The subject line of the email message to send.
Can include up to 200 characters.
Type: String
The text of the email message to send. Can
include up to 4,096 characters.
Type: String
An array of WorkerIds to notify. You can notify
upto 100 Workers at a time.
Type: Array of Strings
NotifyWorkers API Version 2017-01-17 81
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Response Elements
A successful request for the NotifyWorkers operation returns with no errors and an empty body.
Response Elements API Version 2017-01-17 82
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The RejectAssignment operation rejects the results of a completed assignment.
You must include a feedback message with the rejection, which the Worker can see in the Status
section of the web site. When you include a feedback message with the rejection, it helps the
Worker understand why the assignment was rejected, and can improve the quality of the results
the Worker submits in the future.
Only the Requester who created the HIT can reject an assignment for the HIT.
To maintain the consistency of the assignments for HITs in a batch, if a HIT is created
through the Amazon Mechanical Turk Requester website, you must use the Requester
website UI to approve or reject the work.
If you want to be able to approve or reject work through the API, you can use a HITLayout
when calling CreateHIT to utilize an existing template from the Amazon Mechanical Turk
Requester website
Request Syntax
"AssignmentId": String,
"RequesterFeedback": String
Request Parameters
The request accepts the following data in JSON format:
Name Description Required
The ID of the assignment. This parameter must
correspond to a HIT created by the Requester.
RejectAssignment API Version 2017-01-17 83
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name Description Required
Type: String
A message for the Worker, which the Worker can
see in the Status section of the web site.
Type: String
Constraints: Can be up to 1024 characters
(including multi-byte characters). The Requester
Feedback parameter cannot contain ASCII
characters 0-8, 11,12, or 14-31. If these character
s are present, the operation throws an InvalidPa
rameterValue error.
Response Elements
A successful request for the RejectAssignment operation returns with no errors and an empty
The following example shows how to use the RejectAssignment operation:
Sample Request
The following example rejects an assignment identified by its assignment ID.
Host: mturk-requester.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
Content-Length: <PayloadSizeBytes>
X-Amz-Date: <Date>
Sample Response
The following is an example response:
Response Elements API Version 2017-01-17 84
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-amzn-RequestId: <RequestId>
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.1
Content-Length: <PayloadSizeBytes>
Date: <Date>
Example API Version 2017-01-17 85
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The RejectQualificationRequest operation rejects a user's request for a Qualification.
You can provide a text message explaining why the request was rejected. The Worker who made
the request can see this message.
Request Syntax
"QualificationRequestId": String,
"Reason": String
Request Parameters
The request accepts the following data in JSON format:
Name Description Required
The ID of the Qualification request, as returned by
the ListQualificationRequests operation.
Type: String
A text message explaining why the request was
rejected, to be shown to the Worker who made
the request.
Type: String
Response Elements
A successful request for the RejectQualificationRequest operation returns with no errors
and an empty body.
RejectQualificationRequest API Version 2017-01-17 86
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The following example shows how to use the RejectQualificationRequest operation:
Sample Request
The following example rejects a specified Qualification request.
Host: mturk-requester.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
Content-Length: <PayloadSizeBytes>
X-Amz-Date: <Date>
Sample Response
The following is an example response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-amzn-RequestId: <RequestId>
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.1
Content-Length: <PayloadSizeBytes>
Date: <Date>
Example API Version 2017-01-17 87
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The SendBonus operation issues a payment of money from your account to a Worker. This
payment happens separately from the reward you pay to the Worker when you approve the
Worker's assignment. The SendBonus operation requires the Worker's ID and the assignment ID as
parameters to initiate payment of the bonus. You must include a message that explains the reason
for the bonus payment, as the Worker may not be expecting the payment. Amazon Mechanical Turk
collects a fee for bonus payments, similar to the HIT listing fee.
This operation fails if your account does not have enough funds to pay for both the bonus and the
fees. This operation may also fail if the Worker in question has not completed an Assignment for
you in the last six months.
Request Syntax
"WorkerId": String,
"AssignmentId": String,
"BonusAmount": String,
"Reason": String,
"UniqueRequestToken": String
Request Parameters
The request accepts the following data in JSON format:
Name Description Required
The ID of the Worker being paid the bonus.
Type: String
SendBonus API Version 2017-01-17 88
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name Description Required
The ID of the assignment for which this bonus is
Type: String
The bonus is specified as a US Dollar amount.
Type: String
A message that explains the reason for the bonus
payment. The Worker receiving the bonus can see
this message.
Type: String
A unique identifier for this request, which allows
you to retry the call on error without granting
multiple bonuses. This is useful in cases such as
network timeouts where it is unclear whether or
not the call succeeded on the server. If the bonus
already exists in the system from a previous call
using the same UniqueRequestToken, subsequent
calls will return an error with a message containin
g the request ID.
Type: String
Constraints: must not be longer than 64 character
s in length.
Response Elements
A successful request for the SendBonus operation returns with no errors and an empty body.
Response Elements API Version 2017-01-17 89
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The SendTestEventNotification operation causes Amazon Mechanical Turk to send a
notification message as if a HIT event occurred, according to the provided notification specification.
This allows you to test notifications without setting up notifications for a real HIT type and
trying to trigger them using the website. When you call this operation, the service sends the test
notification immediately.
Request Syntax
"Notification": Notification data structure,
"TestEventType": An EventType element of the Notification data structure.
Request Parameters
The request accepts the following data in JSON format:
Name Description Required
The notification specification to test. This value
is identical to the value you would provide to the
UpdateNotificationSettings operation when you
establish the notification specification for a HIT
Type: Notification data structure
The event to simulate to test the notification
specification. This event is included in the test
message even if the notification specification
does not include the event type. The notification
specification does not filter out the test event.
SendTestEventNotification API Version 2017-01-17 90
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name Description Required
Type: An EventType element of the Notification
data structure.
Response Elements
A successful request for the SendTestEventNotification operation returns with no errors and
an empty body.
Response Elements API Version 2017-01-17 91
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The UpdateExpirationForHIT operation allows you extend the expiration time of a HIT beyond
is current expiration or expire a HIT immediately. You cannot shorten the expiration time so that
you're not affecting Workers who have accepted your HIT.
To expire a HIT immediately, provide the value 0 or set ExpireAt to a time in the past.
Request Syntax
"HITId": String,
"ExpireAt": Timestamp
Request Parameters
The request accepts the following data in JSON format:
Name Description Required
The HIT to update.
Type: String
The date and time at which you want the HIT to
Type: Timestamp
Response Elements
A successful request for the UpdateExpirationForHIT operation returns with no errors and an
empty body.
UpdateExpirationForHIT API Version 2017-01-17 92
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The UpdateHITReviewStatus operation toggles the status of a HIT. If the status is Reviewable,
this operation updates the status to Reviewing, or reverts a Reviewing HIT back to the Reviewable
For example, when processing assignments from Workers if you do not want to make an immediate
decision about approving or rejecting assignments, you can use this operation to set the status of
the HIT to Reviewing . To retrieve a list of HITs in reviewing status, add "Status": "Reviewing"
to your request parameters in the ListReviewableHITs Operation.
Request Syntax
"HITId": String,
"Revert": Boolean
Request Parameters
The request accepts the following data in JSON format:
Name Description Required
The HIT to update.
Type: String
Specifies whether to update the HIT Status from
Reviewing to Reviewable.
Type: Boolean
Default: false; the operation promotes the HIT
from Reviewable to Reviewing.
UpdateHITReviewStatus API Version 2017-01-17 93
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Response Elements
A successful request for the UpdateHITReviewStatus operation returns with no errors and an
empty body.
Response Elements API Version 2017-01-17 94
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The UpdateHITTypeOfHIT operation allows you to change the HITType properties of a HIT. This
operation disassociates the HIT from its old HITType properties and associates it with the new
HITType properties. The HIT takes on the properties of the new HITType in place of the old ones.
Request Syntax
"HITId": String,
"HITTypeId": String
Request Parameters
The request accepts the following data in JSON format:
Name Description Required
The HIT to update.
Type: String
The ID of the new HIT type.
Type: String
Response Elements
A successful request for the UpdateHITTypeOfHIT operation returns with no errors and an empty
UpdateHITTypeOfHIT API Version 2017-01-17 95
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The UpdateNotificationSettings operation creates, updates, disables or re-enables
notifications for a HIT type.
If you call the UpdateNotificationSettings operation for a HIT type that already has a notification
specification, the operation replaces the old specification with a new one.
You can call the UpdateNotificationSettings operation to enable or disable notifications for the HIT
type, without having to modify the notification specification itself.
You can call this operation at any time to change the value of the of the Active parameter of
a HIT type. You can specify changes to the Active status without specifying a new notification
specification (the Notification parameter).
To change the Active status of a HIT type's notifications, the HIT type must already have a
notification specification, or one must be provided in the same call to UpdateNotificationSettings.
Request Syntax
"HITTypeId": String,
"Notification": Notification data structure,
"Active": Boolean
Request Parameters
The request accepts the following data in JSON format:
Name Description Required
The the HITTypeID whose notification specifica
tion is being updated.
Type: String
UpdateNotificationSettings API Version 2017-01-17 96
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name Description Required
The notification specification for the HIT type.
Type: Notification data structure
Specifies whether notifications are sent for HITs
of this HIT type, according to the notification
specification. You must specify either the Notificat
ion parameter or the Active parameter for the call
to SetHITTypeNotification to succeed.
Type: Boolean
Response Elements
A successful request for the UpdateNotificationSettings operation returns with no errors
and an empty body.
Response Elements API Version 2017-01-17 97
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The UpdateQualificationType operation modifies the attributes of an existing Qualification
type, which is represented by a QualificationType data structure. Only the owner of a Qualification
type can modify its attributes.
Most attributes of a Qualification type can be changed after the type has been created. However,
the Name and Keywords fields cannot be modified. The RetryDelayInSeconds parameter can be
modified or added to change the delay or to enable retries, but RetryDelayInSeconds cannot be
used to disable retries.
You can use this operation to update the test for a Qualification type. The test is updated based
on the values specified for the Test, TestDurationInSeconds and AnswerKey parameters. All three
parameters specify the updated test. If you are updating the test for a type, you must specify the
Test and TestDurationInSeconds parameters. The AnswerKey parameter is optional; omitting it
specifies that the updated test does not have an answer key.
If you omit the Test parameter, the test for the Qualification type is unchanged. There is no way
to remove a test from a Qualification type that has one. If the type already has a test, you cannot
update it to be AutoGranted. If the Qualification type does not have a test and one is provided by
an update, the type will henceforth have a test.
If you want to update the test duration or answer key for an existing test without changing the
questions, you must specify a Test parameter with the original questions, along with the updated
If you provide an updated Test but no AnswerKey, the new test will not have an answer key.
Requests for such Qualifications must be granted manually.
You can also update the AutoGranted and AutoGrantedValue attributes of the Qualification type.
Request Syntax
"QualificationTypeId": String,
"RetryDelayInSeconds": Integer,
"QualificationTypeStatus": String,
UpdateQualificationType API Version 2017-01-17 98
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
"Description": String,
"Test": String,
"AnswerKey": String,
"TestDurationInSeconds": Integer,
"AutoGranted": Boolean,
"AutoGrantedValue": Integer
Request Parameters
The request accepts the following data in JSON format:
Name Description Required
The ID of the Qualification type to update.
Type: String
The amount of time, in seconds, that Workers
must wait after requesting a Qualification of the
specified Qualification type before they can retry
the Qualification request. It is not possible to
disable retries for a Qualification type after it has
been created with retries enabled. If you want to
disable retries, you must dispose of the existing
retry-enabled Qualification type using DisposeQu
alificationType and then create a new Qualifica
tion type with retries disabled using CreateQua
Type: Integer
The new status of the Qualification type - Active |
Request Parameters API Version 2017-01-17 99
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name Description Required
Type: String
The new description of the Qualification type.
Type: String
The questions for the Qualification test a Worker
must answer correctly to obtain a Qualifica
tion of this type. If this parameter is specified
, TestDurationInSeconds must also be
Type: String
Constraints: Must not be longer than 65535
bytes. Must be a QuestionForm data structure.
This parameter cannot be specified if AutoGrant
ed is true.
Default: None. If not specified, the Worker may
request the Qualification without answering any
The answers to the Qualification test specified in
the Test parameter, in the form of an AnswerKey
data structure.
Type: String
Constraints: Must not be longer than 65535
Default: None. If not specified, you must process
Qualification requests manually.
Request Parameters API Version 2017-01-17 100
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name Description Required
The number of seconds the Worker has to
complete the Qualification test, starting from the
time the Worker requests the Qualification. This is
required if the Test parameter is specified.
Type: Integer
Specifies whether requests for the Qualification
type are granted immediately, without prompting
the Worker with a Qualification test.
Type: Boolean
Constraints: If the Test parameter is specified, this
parameter cannot be true.
Default: False
The Qualification value to use for automatically
granted Qualifications. This parameter is used
only if the AutoGranted parameter is true.
Type: Integer
Default: If AutoGranted is true, AutoGrantedValue
is set to 1.
Response Elements
A successful request returns a QualificationType data structure.
The following example shows how to use the UpdateQualificationType operation:
Sample Request
The following example changes the QualificationTypeStatus of a Qualification type.
Response Elements API Version 2017-01-17 101
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Host: mturk-requester.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
Content-Length: <PayloadSizeBytes>
X-Amz-Date: <Date>
Sample Response
The following is an example response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-amzn-RequestId: <RequestId>
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.1
Content-Length: <PayloadSizeBytes>
Date: <Date>
Description:"The ability to write and edit in text in English",
Example API Version 2017-01-17 102
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Question and Answer Data
Crowd HTML Elements
Using XML Parameter Values
Formatted Content: XHTML
Data Structure Schema Locations
The questions and answers that Amazon Mechanical Turk passes between Requesters and Workers
are XML documents that conform to schemas. These documents are passed to the service and
returned by the service as parameter values.
API Version 2017-01-17 103
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Crowd HTML Elements
Use Cases
Element Reference
Related Documents
Crowd HTML Elements extend the capabilities of the ExternalQuestion and HTMLQuestion. They
are web components that provide a number of task widgets and design elements that can be
tailored to the question being asked.
Use Cases
Crowd HTML Elements are web components, a web standard that abstracts HTML markup, CSS,
and JavaScript functionality into an HTML tag or set of tags. If you'd like to see how that works, try
the <crowd-bounding-box> example below. The element provides a bounding box widget which
can be customized with different instructions, labels, and headers.
Other types of questions that can be customized include: semantic segmentation, image
classification, text classification, utterance collection, and more.
To quickly try one of the examples below, open a text editor on your local machine, copy an
example from this page, paste it into the text editor, and then save the file with whatever name
you want and a .html extension. Open the file in a browser and the example should work. You
can try customizing it further or adding other Crowd HTML Elements by exploring the element
Crowd HTML Essential Elements
Every use of Crowd HTML Elements requires two things:
Crowd HTML Elements API Version 2017-01-17 104
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The Crowd HTML Elements loader, which is a <script> element that should be placed before
your form.
<script src="https://assets.crowd.aws/crowd-html-elements.js"></script>
Opening and closing <crowd-form> tags. Put your form's content between the tags. The
benefit to these is that they set up the specifications for your form and the "submit" button. You
write less code and need to remember fewer specific things.
Crowd HTML Bounding Box
Try this bounding box example. Copy it, paste it, and run it in a browser as instructed above.
<script src="https://assets.crowd.aws/crowd-html-elements.js"></script>
labels="['Basketball player', 'Referee']"
header="Draw boxes around each basketball player and referee in this image"
<full-instructions header="Bounding Box Instructions" >
<p>Use the bounding box tool to draw boxes around the requested target of
<li>Draw a rectangle using your mouse over each instance of the target.</li>
<li>Make sure the box does not cut into the target, leave a 2 - 3 pixel
When targets are overlapping, draw a box around each object,
include all contiguous parts of the target in the box.
Do not include parts that are completely overlapped by another object.
Do not include parts of the target that cannot be seen,
even though you think you can interpolate the whole shape of the target.
<li>Avoid shadows, they're not considered as a part of the target.</li>
<li>If the target goes off the screen, label up to the edge of the image.</li>
Examples API Version 2017-01-17 105
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Draw boxes around each basketball player and referee in this image.
Pay attention to the attributes and regions of the <crowd-bounding-box> element. It requires
the header, labels, name, and src attributes. It also requires the <full-instructions> and
<short-instructions> regions, though what is put in them is up to you.
The sample will also display the form output when you press the "submit" button, so you can see
the format of the output you will receive.
Crowd HTML Sentiment Analysis
Try this sentiment analysis example. Copy it, paste it, and run it in a browser as instructed above.
<script src="https://assets.crowd.aws/crowd-html-elements.js"></script>
categories="['Positive', 'Negative', 'Neutral', 'N/A']"
header="What sentiment does this text convey?"
Everything is wonderful.
<full-instructions header="Sentiment Analysis Instructions">
<p><strong>Positive</strong> sentiments include: joy, excitement, delight</p>
<p><strong>Negative</strong> sentiments include: anger, sarcasm, anxiety</p>
<p><strong>Neutral</strong>: neither positive or negative, such as stating a
<p><strong>N/A</strong>: when the text cannot be understood</p>
<p>When the sentiment is mixed, such as both joy and sadness, use your judgment
to choose the stronger emotion.</p>
Examples API Version 2017-01-17 106
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Choose the primary sentiment that is expressed by the text.
This shares some characteristics with other elements, like the bounding box above. For example,
they both require a name, a header, and instructions. One thing that's notably different is the
<classification-target> region. That has simple text in it, but it can contain just about any
HTML: a video clip, an audio clip, an animation, anything that can be represented in a browser and
simply classified.
Element Reference
The Custom HTML Element Reference provides a list of all supported custom elements, their
requirements, attributes, and sample outputs (where appropriate).
Related Documents
Element Reference
Element Reference API Version 2017-01-17 107
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Using XML Parameter Values
The HTMLQuestion,ExternalQuestion, QuestionForm, QuestionFormAnswers, and AnswerKey
data structures are used as parameter values in service requests, and as return values in service
responses. Unlike other data structures described in this API reference, these XML structures are
not part of the service API directly, but rather are used as string values going in and out of the
service. This article describes the encoding methods needed to use XML data as parameter and
return values.
XML Data as a Parameter
Data must be URL encoded to appear as a single parameter value in the request. Characters that
are part of URL syntax, such as question marks (?) and ampersands (&), must be replaced with the
corresponding URL character codes.
XML data should only be URL encoded, not XML escaped.
In service responses, this data will be XML escaped.
Namespaces for XML Parameter Values
XML data in parameter values must have a namespace specified for all elements. The easiest way to
do this is to include an xmlns attribute in the root element equal to the appropriate namespace.
The namespace for a HTMLQuestion,ExternalQuestion, QuestionForm,
QuestionFormAnswers, or AnswerKey element is identical to the URL of the corresponding
schema document, including the version date. While XML namespaces need not be URLs according
to the XML specification, this convention ensures that the consumer of the value knows which
version of the schema is being used for the data.
For the locations of the schema documents, as well as instructions on how to include the version
date in the URL, see Schema Locations.
Using XML Parameter Values API Version 2017-01-17 108
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Obtaining a Layout ID
Using a HITLayout
Guidelines for Using HITLayouts
A HITLayout is a reusable Amazon Mechanical Turk project template used to provide Human
Intelligence Task (HIT) question data for CreateHIT. You can create a HITLayout template by
creating a Mechanical Turk project on the Amazon Mechanical Turk Requester website. For more
information about creating a project, see How to Create a Project in the Requester UI Guide.
Obtaining a Layout ID
A Layout ID is assigned to each Mechanical Turk project you create on the Requester website.
You use the Layout ID as the value for HITLayoutId when calling CreateHIT to identify the
HITLayout project template to use. Mechanical Turk projects can contain parameter placeholders in
the format ${parameter_name}. The names for the parameter placeholders used in a HITLayout
project template are listed as Parameters along with the Layout ID on the Requester website.
To view the Layout ID and the Parameters used in your HITLayout project template
1. Go to the Amazon Mechanical Turk Requester website. Or for the Requester Sandbox site, go
to the Amazon Mechanical Turk Requester Sandbox website.
2. Click Create, and then click New Batch with an Existing Project.
3. Click the Project Name of an existing project to view Layout ID and Parameters.
HITLayout API Version 2017-01-17 109
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Using a HITLayout
You can use the HITLayout form of a HIT by calling CreateHIT with a HITLayoutId and a list
of HITLayoutParameter structures. The project parameter placeholders are replaced with values
from the HITLayoutParameter structures when you call CreateHIT to create a HIT. You need one
structure for each of the parameter values you want substituted. The parameter names that you
pass to CreateHIT must match the parameter names used in the HITLayout project template
created on the Requester website. The parameter values cannot be changed after the HIT has been
You can use either the HITLayoutId or the Question parameter when calling
CreateHIT, but not both.
Each CreateHIT call merges the parameter values from HITLayoutParameter structures into
the HITLayout template to generate the HIT question document. You use the same Layout ID in
HITLayoutId to call CreateHIT multiple times, with different parameter values supplied each
time for the placeholders.
Requesters can use this parameter substitution capability to create a large number of HITs that all
share a common design. For example, you can create a HIT question that asks Workers to provide
keywords for an image and draw boxes around key image features using a JavaScript library.
First, you use the Requester website to create a Mechanical Turk project that uses a parameter
Using a HITLayout API Version 2017-01-17 110
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
placeholder for the image URL. Then you call CreateHIT using the same HITLayout template
iteratively, using a different image URL value each time. Each call to CreateHIT uses the same
Layout ID, but each call uses a different HITLayoutParameter structure that contains a unique
image URL.
Guidelines for Using HITLayouts
After a HIT is created, the HIT behaves like an HTMLQuestion HIT, which gives you the option
to use HTML and JavaScript features in your HIT design, including Asynchronous JavaScript and
XML (AJAX) callbacks.
Parameter substitution allows you to replace a short parameter name with long strings of text.
You will receive errors if the resulting document is longer than permitted by the Question
parameter of CreateHIT.
The HITLayout is used to create an HTMLQuestion document. HITLayoutParameter values with
reserved characters or invalid HTML markup may result in an invalid HTMLQuestion document.
For more information, see HTMLQuestion.
Guidelines for Using HITLayouts API Version 2017-01-17 111
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The HTMLQuestion Data Structure
Using Crowd HTML Elements
Preview Mode
The Form Action
The Answer Data
Guidelines For Using HTML Questions
The HTMLQuestion data structure defines one or more questions for a HIT using HTML. The
HTMLQuestion data structure is similar to both the QuestionForm and ExternalQuestion
data structures.
The QuestionForm data structure defines, using a special XML language, how Amazon Mechanical
Turk displays HIT questions and collects the answers. The ExternalQuestion data structure
defines, using HTML, questions you host on your own "external" website. If you want to define your
questions using HTML forms without having to host a website, you can use the HTMLQuestion
data structure.
A HTMLQuestion HIT is like a cross between a QuestionForm HIT and an ExternalQuestion
HIT, for instance:
Like a QuestionForm HIT, you do not need to run a website or run any other infrastructure to
have your HIT display on Mechanical Turk. You define your question when you call CreateHIT and
then collect worker answers later, after they have been submitted.
Like an ExternalQuestion HIT, you can define your HIT in HTML. Your HTML code must
contain a form for the Worker to fill out and submit, which is displayed in a frame in the Worker's
web browser. The Worker submits results using your form, and your form submits the results
back to Amazon Mechanical Turk. Worker answers are processed by Mechanical Turk in the same
HTMLQuestion API Version 2017-01-17 112
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
way as ExternalQuestion HITs. If you choose, you can collect or process the results before
submitting to Mechanical Turk.
The worker interaction and presentation options available for HTMLQuestion are similar to
ExternalQuestion. HTMLQuestions differ from ExternalQuestions primarily in how they are
As with the other question data structures, an HTMLQuestion is a string value that consists of XML
data. This data must conform to the HTMLQuestion schema. See Data Structure Schema Locations
for the location of this schema. For more information about using XML data as a parameter or
return value, see Using XML Parameter Values.
You can only use an HTMLQuestion as the question of a HIT. You cannot use an
HTMLQuestion with a Qualification test.
The HTMLQuestion data structure is used as a parameter value for the following operation:
The HTMLQuestion data structure is a value in a HIT data structure.
All elements in an HTMLQuestion belong to a namespace whose name is identical to the URL of
the HTMLQuestion schema document for the version of the API you are using.
The HTMLQuestion Data Structure
The HTMLQuestion data structure has a root element of HTMLQuestion.
The HTMLQuestion element contains the following elements:
Name Description Required
The HTML code of your web form, to be displayed
in a frame in the Worker's web browser. The HTML
must validate against the HTML5 specification. HTML
5 is backwards-compatible with a variety of recent
The HTMLQuestion Data Structure API Version 2017-01-17 113
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name Description Required
HTML document specifications. For more informati
on, see http://www.w3.org/TR/html5-diff/. For help
in ensuring that your HTML validates, see http://v
Type: String
Default: None
Amazon Mechanical Turk appends the following
parameters to this URL: assignmentId , hitId,
turkSubmitTo , and workerId. For more
information about these appended parameters, see
the sections following this table.
The height of the frame, in pixels.
If you set the value to 0, your HIT will automatically
resize to fit within the Worker's browser window.
Type: Integer
Default: None
The following is an example of a complete HTMLQuestion data structure. Remember that to pass
this structure in as the value of a parameter to an operation, XML characters must be escaped as
character entities. For more information, see Using XML Parameter Values.
<HTMLQuestion xmlns="[the HTMLQuestion schema URL]">
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=UTF-8'/>
<script type='text/javascript' src='https://s3.amazonaws.com/mturk-public/
Example API Version 2017-01-17 114
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
<form name='mturk_form' method='post' id='mturk_form' action='https://www.mturk.com/
<input type='hidden' value='' name='assignmentId' id='assignmentId'/>
<h1>What's up?</h1>
<p><textarea name='comment' cols='80' rows='3'></textarea></p>
<p><input type='submit' id='submitButton' value='Submit' /></p></form>
<script language='Javascript'>turkSetAssignmentID();</script>
Using Crowd HTML Elements
The HTML Question supports Crowd HTML Elements. Based on HTML web components, they
encapsulate HTML, CSS, and JavaScript functionality behind a single HTML element. For example,
the <crowd-form> element sets up your form for you, setting the correct submission endpoint
and inserting a submit button at the end. Other elements provide question widgets or design
elements you can customize to create more tailored HIT structures.
Try this sample sentiment analysis form.
<HTMLQuestion xmlns="http://mechanicalturk.amazonaws.com/
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="https://assets.crowd.aws/crowd-html-elements.js"></script>
categories="['Positive', 'Negative', 'Neutral', 'N/A']"
header="What sentiment does this text convey?"
Everything is wonderful.
Using Crowd HTML Elements API Version 2017-01-17 115
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
<full-instructions header="Sentiment Analysis Instructions">
sentiment include: joy, excitement, delight</p>
<p><strong>Negative</strong> sentiment include:
anger, sarcasm, anxiety</p>
<p><strong>Neutral</strong>: neither positive or
negative, such as stating a fact</p>
<p><strong>N/A</strong>: when the text cannot be
<p>When the sentiment is mixed, such as both joy and sadness,
use your judgment to choose the stronger emotion.</p>
Choose the primary sentiment that is expressed by the text.
Between the <classification-target> opening and closing tags, you can put any HTML that
could be rendered and classified. For example you could use an audio clip or a video clip.
For more details, read the Crowd HTML Elements article or view the Element Reference to see the
different elements that are available.
Preview Mode
The question defined by HTMLQuestion displays when a Worker previews the HIT on
the Amazon Mechanical Turk website, before the Worker clicks the Accept HIT button.
When the HIT is being previewed, the URL has a special value for the assignmentId:
ASSIGNMENT_ID_NOT_AVAILABLE. This is the same mechanism used for ExternalQuestion
When a Worker previews a HIT, your HTML should show the Worker everything they will need to
do to complete the HIT, so they can decide whether or not to accept it. The easiest way to do this is
to simply display the form as it would appear when the HIT is accepted. However, you may want to
Preview Mode API Version 2017-01-17 116
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
take precautions to prevent a Worker from accidentally filling out or submitting your form prior to
accepting the HIT.
You can use JavaScript to check the assignmentId parameter, and change the display of the form
if the HIT is being previewed (assignmentId=ASSIGNMENT_ID_NOT_AVAILABLE).
The Form Action
For information about form actions for HTMLQuestion, see " The Form Action" in
The Answer Data
For information about answer data for HTMLQuestion, see " The Answer Data" in
Guidelines For Using HTML Questions
Your HTML code can do many things inside the browser frame, but eventually it must
cause the Worker's browser to load the "externalSubmit" URL in the frame with the results
in POST data. The easiest way to do this is with an HTML form whose fields contain
the HIT results, with a submit button that the Worker clicks. If a HTMLQuestion HIT
prevents the Worker from submitting results back to Amazon Mechanical Turk using the
"externalSubmit" mechanism, the Worker may not be able to claim rewards or continue
doing work without restarting their session. Amazon Mechanical Turk reserves the right to
remove any HTMLQuestion HITs that are not functioning properly.
Your HIT will be rendered inside an IFRAME that has certain limitations. The IFRAME
operates in HTML5 “sandbox” mode that has extra restrictions on the content that can
appear in the frame. This limits your ability to execute certain code and to use technologies
such as Adobe Flash. To ensure your HITs work as expected, we recommend you test them
first in the Requester Sandbox.
The Form Action API Version 2017-01-17 117
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
All HTMLQuestion HITs are served from the same domain, regardless of requester. Bear
this in mind if you choose to set cookies from JavaScript in your HTML.
Guidelines For Using HTML Questions API Version 2017-01-17 118
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The ExternalQuestion Data Structure
The External Form
Using Crowd HTML Elements
The Answer Data
Guidelines For Using External Questions
Instead of providing a QuestionForm data structure that tells Amazon Mechanical Turk how to
display your questions and collect answers, you can host the questions on your own website using
an "external" question.
A HIT with an external question displays a web page from your website in a frame in the Worker's
web browser. Your web page displays a form for the Worker to fill out and submit. The Worker
submits results using your form, and your form submits the results back to Amazon Mechanical
Turk. Using your website to display the form gives your website control over how the question
appears and how answers are collected.
To use an external question with a HIT, you provide an ExternalQuestion data structure
as the value of the Question parameter when calling the CreateHIT operation. As with the
QuestionForm data structure, an ExternalQuestion is a string value that consists of XML data.
This data must conform to the ExternalQuestion schema. See Data Structure Schema Locations
for the location of this schema. For more information about using XML data as a parameter or
return value, see Using XML Parameter Values.
You can only use an external question as the question of a HIT. You cannot use an external
question with a Qualification test.
ExternalQuestion API Version 2017-01-17 119
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The ExternalQuestion Data Structure
The ExternalQuestion data structure has a root element of ExternalQuestion.
The ExternalQuestion element contains the following elements:
Name Description Required
The URL of your web form, to be displayed in a frame
in the Worker's web browser. This URL must use the
HTTPS protocol.
Type: URL
Default: None
Amazon Mechanical Turk appends the following
parameters to this URL: assignmentId , hitId,
turkSubmitTo , and workerId. For more infor
mation about these appended parameters, see the
sections following this table.
The height of the frame, in pixels.
If you set the value to 0, your HIT will automatically
resize to fit within the Worker's browser window.
Type: Integer
Default: None
The following is an example of a complete ExternalQuestion data structure. Remember that
to pass this structure in as the value of a parameter to an operation, XML characters must be
escaped as character entities. For more information about escaping XML characters, see Using XML
Parameter Values. See Data Structure Schema Locations for the location of this schema.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
The ExternalQuestion Data Structure API Version 2017-01-17 120
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
<ExternalQuestion xmlns="[the ExternalQuestion schema URL]">
The External Form
When a Worker attempts to complete a HIT with an external question, the external website is
loaded into a frame in the middle of the screen. The web page at that URL should display a form
for the Worker to fill out, and all the information the Worker will need to complete the HIT.
The Frame's URL and Parameters
The URL used for the frame is the ExternalURL of the question with the following parameters
appended: assignmentId, hitId, turkSubmitTo, and workerId. These parameters are
appended CGI-style: The full URL has a question mark (?) before the first parameter, and an
ampersand (&) between each parameter, with each parameter consisting of a name, an equal sign
(=), and a value. Other parameters already present in this style in ExternalURL are preserved,
so the final URL will only have one question mark, and all parameters will be separated by
ampersands (&).
The URL you use for the ExternalURL must use the HTTPS protocol.
For example, consider an ExternalURL of:
With this ExternalURL, the full URL used for the page in the frame could be as follows:
The External Form API Version 2017-01-17 121
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Preview Mode
Your external question will be displayed when a Worker previews the HIT on the Amazon
Mechanical Turk website, before the Worker has clicked the "Accept HIT" button. When
the HIT is being previewed, the URL will have a special value for the assignmentId:
When a Worker previews a HIT, your web page should show her everything she will need to do to
complete the HIT, so she can decide whether or not to accept it. The easiest way to do this is to
simply display the form as it would appear when the HIT is accepted. However, you may want to
take precautions to prevent a Worker from accidentally filling out or submitting your form prior to
accepting the HIT.
You can use JavaScript or server-side logic to check the assignmentId
parameter, and change the display of the form if the HIT is being previewed
If a Worker submits your form before accepting the HIT, and your form attempts to post the data
back to Amazon Mechanical Turk, Amazon Mechanical Turk will display an error message to the
Worker, and the results will not be accepted.
The Form Action
The form on the external website must post the result data back to Amazon Mechanical Turk using
the following URL:
Or, if you are using the Amazon Mechanical Turk sandbox, you should post the result data back to
Mechanical Turk using the following sandbox URL:
The form must include the assignmentId field that was appended to the URL used to access your
form. It should be submitted along with the other form fields submitted by your form, with a name
of assignmentId and the same value as was passed to the form. Be sure to spell the field name
as it appears here, with the same letters uppercase and lowercase.
The External Form API Version 2017-01-17 122
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The field names assignmentId, hitId, turkSubmitTo, and workerId are reserved
for special purposes. Your form only needs to submit the assignmentId field. Any data
submitted with a field name of "hitId" will be ignored, and will not appear in the results
data for the HIT.
The form must submit data to that URL using the "POST" method. The data the form submits
should be name-value pairs in the CGI-style:
Each field appears as the name, an equal sign, and the value. For example:
Data that appears in the posted URL is preceded by a question mark (?), and is delimited by
ampersands (&). For example:
Data that appears in the HTTP message body (using the "POST" method) has one data pair per
line. For example:
The easiest way to post the data in the CGI-style is to use an HTML form on the web page, with the
externalSubmit URL as the "action," and "POST" as the "method."
Using Crowd HTML Elements
The External Question supports Crowd HTML Elements. Based on HTML web components, they
encapsulate HTML, CSS, and JavaScript functionality behind a single HTML element. For example,
the <crowd-form> element sets up your form for you, setting the correct submission endpoint
and inserting a submit button at the end. Other elements provide question widgets or design
elements you can customize to create more tailored HIT structures.
Using Crowd HTML Elements API Version 2017-01-17 123
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
There are three requirements for using Crowd HTML elements:
You must place the elements between the <crowd-form> opening and closing elements. As
noted above, these also invisibly set up a <form> element and place a "submit" button at the
Place the Crowd HTML Elements loader script before the opening <crowd-form> element.
Store the HTML file in an S3 bucket, make the file publicly accessible, and reference it in the
<ExternalURL> element of your XML .
Try this sample sentiment analysis form.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="https://assets.crowd.aws/crowd-html-elements.js"></script>
categories="['Positive', 'Negative', 'Neutral', 'N/A']"
header="What sentiment does this text convey?"
Everything is wonderful.
<full-instructions header="Sentiment Analysis Instructions">
sentiment include: joy, excitement, delight</p>
<p><strong>Negative</strong> sentiment include:
anger, sarcasm, anxiety</p>
<p><strong>Neutral</strong>: neither positive or
negative, such as stating a fact</p>
<p><strong>N/A</strong>: when the text cannot be
<p>When the sentiment is mixed, such as both joy and sadness,
Using Crowd HTML Elements API Version 2017-01-17 124
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
use your judgment to choose the stronger emotion.</p>
Choose the primary sentiment that is expressed by the text.
Between the <classification-target> opening and closing tags, you can put any HTML that
could be rendered and classified. For example you could use an audio clip or a video clip.
For more details, read the Crowd HTML Elements article or view the Element Reference to see the
different elements that are available.
The Answer Data
When the Worker submits your form, the form sends the field data to Amazon Mechanical Turk
using the externalSubmit URL, and Amazon Mechanical Turk records the field data as the results
of the Assignment.
When you retrieve the results using ListAssignmentsForHIT, the field data submitted by your
form will appear in the Answer of the Assignment as if each field were a free-text answer. The
QuestionIdentifier element of the answer will be the name of the field, and the FreeText
element will contain the value.
See the QuestionFormAnswers data format for more information about the format of answer data.
Guidelines For Using External Questions
External questions give your application a great deal of power over how Workers submit results for
your HITs. To ensure you get good results for your HITs, you should make sure your web server and
web pages can provide your Workers with a quality experience.
Because external questions depend on your web server for rendering the question form, both while
Workers are previewing HITs and while Workers are completing HITs, your server will need to be
engineered for high availability. The Amazon Mechanical Turk website gets heavy traffic, so your
web server will need to be able to respond quickly and correctly when receiving many requests in a
short period of time.
The Answer Data API Version 2017-01-17 125
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Amazon S3 offers high availability of data, accessible via public HTTPS URLs. You can host
your external questions as web pages in Amazon S3, and not have to run your own server.
When you use an S3-hosted layout, you need to add a ContentType header and set the
ACL to public read, as shown in the following Python SDK PutObject call:
Body=HTML layout,
Bucket=S3 bucket name,
Key=Object name,
Your website can do many things inside the frame, but eventually it must cause the Worker's
browser to load the "externalSubmit" URL in the frame with the results in POST data. The easiest
way to do this is with an HTML form whose fields contain the HIT results, with a submit button
that the Worker will click. If an external HIT prevents the Worker from submitting results back to
Amazon Mechanical Turk using the "externalSubmit" mechanism, the Worker may not be able to
claim rewards or continue doing work without restarting their session. Amazon Mechanical Turk
reserves the right to remove any external HITs that are not functioning properly.
Your HIT will be rendered inside an IFRAME that has certain limitations. The IFRAME
operates in HTML5 "sandbox" mode that has extra restrictions on the content that can
appear in the frame. This limits your ability to execute certain code and to use technologies
such as Adobe Flash. To ensure your HITs work as expected, we recommend you test them
first in the Requester Sandbox.
Finally, please remember that external questions must meet the Amazon Mechanical Turk
Participation Agreement, and Amazon Mechanical Turk's standards for appropriate content.
Specifically, the Participation Agreement expressly prohibits the use of Amazon Mechanical Turk
for advertising or solicitation. If your website typically displays advertising to visitors, please make
Guidelines For Using External Questions API Version 2017-01-17 126
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
sure those advertisements do not appear in your external questions. Amazon Mechanical Turk
reserves the right to remove HITs with inappropriate content.
QuestionForm Structure
Content Structure
Answer Specification
The QuestionForm data format describes one or more questions for a HIT, or for a Qualification
test. It contains instructions and data Workers use to answer the questions, and a set of one or
more form fields, which are rendered as a web form for a Worker to fill out and submit.
A QuestionForm is a string value that consists of XML data. This XML data must conform to the
QuestionForm schema. All elements in a QuestionForm belong to a namespace whose name
is identical to the URL of the QuestionForm schema document. See Schema Locations for the
location of this schema.
For information about creating HITs that use your own web site in a frame instead of
questions, see the ExternalQuestion data structure.
The QuestionForm data structure is used as a parameter value for the following operations:
CreateHIT and CreateHITWithHITType
QuestionForm API Version 2017-01-17 127
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For more information about using XML data as a parameter or return value, see Using XML
Parameter Values.
QuestionForm Structure
The top-most element of the QuestionForm data structure is a QuestionForm element. This
element contains optional Overview elements and one or more Question elements. There can
be any number of these two element types listed in any order. The following example structure
has an Overview element and a Question element followed by a second Overview element and
Question element—all within the same QuestionForm.
<QuestionForm xmlns="[the QuestionForm schema URL]">
The Overview element describes instructions and information, and presents them separately
from the set of questions. It can contain any kind of informational content, as described below. If
omitted, no overview text is displayed above the questions.
Each Question element can contain the elements described in the following table. See also the
example below the table.
Name Description Required
An identifier for the question. This identifier is used
to associate the Worker's answers with the question
in the answer data.
Type: String
QuestionForm Structure API Version 2017-01-17 128
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Name Description Required
Default: None
A name for the question, displayed as a prominent
Type: String
Default: None
Specifies whether the Worker must provide an answer
for this question to successfully submit the form.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Valid Values: true | false
The instructions and data specific to this question,
such as the text of the question. It can contain any
kind of informational content, as described in the
Content Structure section below.
Type: Content structure
Default: None
QuestionForm Structure API Version 2017-01-17 129
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Name Description Required
A structure that describes the field type and possible
values for the answer to this question, as described
in the Answer Specification section below. This
element controls how the form field is rendered
and specifies which values are valid answers for this
Type: An answer specification structure
Default: None
Valid Values: FreeTextAnswer | Selection
Answer | FileUploadAnswer
For example:
<DisplayName>My Question</DisplayName>
Content Structure
The Overview elements and the QuestionContent elements of a QuestionForm can contain
different types of information. For example, you might include a paragraph of text and an image in
your HIT's overview.
Each kind of information is defined by a corresponding element. These elements can appear in any
number, in any order. The content elements are rendered in the order in which they occur in the
containing element.
Content Structure API Version 2017-01-17 130
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Following are the allowed information types:
Application (Deprecated)
Each of these types are described in detail in the following subsections. A full example showing the
use of the elements and information types is at the end of the section.
A Title element specifies a string to be rendered as a title or heading.
<Title>The Next Move</Title>
A Text element specifies a block of text to be rendered as a paragraph. Only plain text is allowed.
HTML is not allowed. If HTML characters (such as angle brackets) are included in the data, they
appear verbatim in the web output.
<Text>What is the best next move for "X" in this game of Tic-Tac-Toe?</Text>
A List element displays a bulleted list of items. Items are specified using one or more ListItem
elements inside the List. The ListItem element is a string.
<ListItem>It must be a valid move.</ListItem>
<ListItem>"X" cannot resign.</ListItem>
Content Structure API Version 2017-01-17 131
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A Binary element specifies non-textual data of some kind, such as an image, audio, or video. The
elements listed in the following table are required and must be entered in the order shown here.
Name Description Required
Specifies the type of the data.
Type: MimeType element
Default: None
Child Elements:
A required string that specifies the type of the
data. The possible values are image, audio, or
An optional string that specifies the format of the
item, such as gif
DataURL The data itself specified with a DataURL element that
contains a valid HTTP URL.
Type: DataURL element
Default: None
The text that should appear if the data cannot be
rendered in the browser.
Type: String
Default: None
Content Structure API Version 2017-01-17 132
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<AltText>The game board, with "X" to move.</AltText>
Application (Deprecated)
Beginning Tuesday, December 12th 2017 the QuestionForm data structure will no longer
support the Application element. Instead, we recommend using the HTMLQuestion or
ExternalQuestion data structures for including interactive content for Workers.
An Application element specifies an embedded application. It contains either a JavaApplet
element or a Flash element.
You can specify zero or more parameters to pass to your Java applet or Flash application when
it is opened in the web page. For a HIT, in addition to the parameters you specify, Amazon
Mechanical Turk includes two parameters specific to the HIT: hitId and assignmentId. The
hitId parameter is equal to the ID of the HIT. The assignmentId parameter is equal to the ID of
the assignment if the Worker has accepted the HIT, or equal to ASSIGNMENT_ID_NOT_AVAILABLE
if the Worker is only previewing the HIT.
The JavaApplet element includes the elements described in the following table:
Name Description Required
The URL path to the directory that contains Java
classes for the applet.
Type: URL
Content Structure API Version 2017-01-17 133
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Name Description Required
Default: None
The name of the class file that contains the applet
code, which is located in the path specified by
AppletPath .
Type: String
Default: None
The width of the bounding box for the applet.
Type: String
Default: None
The height of the bounding box for the applet.
Type: String
Default: None
The parameters for the applet.
Type: ApplicationParameter
Default: None
Child Elements:
A required string that specifies the name of the
A required string that specifies the value of the
Content Structure API Version 2017-01-17 134
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The Flash element includes the elements described in the following table:
Name Description Required
The URL of the Flash movie file.
Type: URL
Default: None
The width of the bounding box for the Flash movie.
Type: String
Default: None
The height of the bounding box for the Flash movie.
Type: String
Default: None
The parameters for the Flash movie.
Type: ApplicationParameter
Default: None
Child Elements:
A required string that specifies the name of the
Content Structure API Version 2017-01-17 135
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Name Description Required
A required string that specifies the value of the
An EmbeddedBinary element specifies an external object of non-textual data of some kind, such
as an image, audio or video, that displays in your browser. The elements listed in the following
table are required and must be entered in the order shown here.
Name Description Required
Specifies the type of the data.
Type: EmbeddedMimeType element
Default: None
Child Elements:
Content Structure API Version 2017-01-17 136
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Name Description Required
A required string that specifies the type of the
data. The possible values are image, audio, or
An optional string that specifies the format of the
item, such as gif
DataURL The data itself specified by a DataURL element that
contains a valid HTTP URL
Type: DataURL element
Default: None
The text that should appear if the data cannot be
rendered in the browser.
Type: String
Default: None
The width of the bounding box for the object.
Type: String
Default: None
The height of the bounding box for the object.
Type: String
Default: None
Content Structure API Version 2017-01-17 137
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Name Description Required
The parameters for the EmbeddedBinary object.
Type: ApplicationParameter
Default: None
Child elements:
A required string that specifies the name of the
A required string that specifies the value of the
<AltText>The game board, with "X" to move.</AltText>
For finer control over the display of your HIT information, you can specify a FormattedContent
element. Formatted content is a block of text with formatting information specified using XHTML
Content Structure API Version 2017-01-17 138
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
tags. For example, you can use XHTML tags to specify that certain words appear in a boldface font
or to include a table in your HIT information.
Only a limited subset of XHTML is supported. For more information on the creating and validating
XHTML formatted content, see Formatted Content: XHTML.
The value of the FormattedContent element must be specified as an XML CDATA block. CDATA
tells the web service that the XHTML elements are not part of the QuestionForm data schema.
For example, the following describes a paragraph of formatted text:
<p>This is a paragraph with <b>bold text</b>,
<i>italic text</i>, and <b><i>bold italic text</i></b>.</p>
Answer Specification
The AnswerSpecification element describes the format and possible values for answers
to a question. It contains a FreeTextAnswer element, which describes a text field; a
SelectionAnswer element, which describes a multiple choice field; or a FileUploadAnswer,
which prompts the Worker to upload a file as the answer to the question.
A FreeTextAnswer element describes a text field and constraints on its possible values. It
includes the elements described in the following table:
Name Description Required
Describes the constraints on the allowed values for
the text field. This element is described in the next
Type: Constraints element
Default: None
Answer Specification API Version 2017-01-17 139
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Name Description Required
Specifies default text. This value appears in the form
when it is rendered, and is accepted as the answer if
the Worker does not change it.
Type: String
Default: An empty value
Specifies how tall the form field should be, if
possible. The field might be rendered as a text box
with this many lines, depending on the device the
Worker is using to see the form.
Type: Integer
Default: 1
A Qualification test that is to be graded automatically using an answer key cannot have any
free-text questions. An answer key can only match multiple-choice questions and cannot
match free-text fields.
The optional Constraints element describes constraints on the allowed values for the text field.
If no constraints are specified, any value is accepted for the field.
The Constraints element includes the elements described in the following table:
Name Description Required
Specifies that the value entered must be numeric.
Type: empty element
Default: None
Answer Specification API Version 2017-01-17 140
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Name Description Required
An optional integer that specifies the minimum
value allowed
An optional integer that specifies the maximum
value allowed
Specifies the length range of the answer.
Type: empty element
Default: None
An optional non-negative integer that specifies the
minimum number of characters
An optional positive integer that specifies the
maximum number of characters
Answer Specification API Version 2017-01-17 141
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Name Description Required
Specifies that JavaScript validates the answer string
against a given pattern.
A limitation of this approach is that Workers
who have disabled JavaScript on their
browsers cannot validate their answers.
Although this is uncommon, you might want
to caution your Workers.
Type: empty element
Default: None
A required string that specifies the regular express
ion that JavaScript uses to validate against the
Workers' entered values
An optional string that allows you to edit the co
ntent of errors displayed to the Worker on the Wo
rker web site if the regex validation fails. If this
attribute is not specified, the error displayed is
"Invalid input supplied."
An optional string with the value i which specifies
that case is ignored when matching characters
The Constraints element can contain multiple AnswerFormatRegex elements. All
AnswerFormatRegex constraints must be satisfied before the Worker can submit the HIT.
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The following examples demonstrate how to use the FreeTextAnswer element.
If you want a 3-digit positive integer between 100 and 999, use the following:
<IsNumeric minValue="100" maxValue="999"/>
<Length minLength="3" maxLength="3"/>
If you want a 3-digit number that includes decimals, use the following:
<Length minLength="3" maxLength="3"/>
If you want to ensure that there is some text, use the following example. The minLength attribute
includes whitespaces in the character count.
<Length minLength="2" />
<AnswerFormatRegex regex="\S" errorText="The content cannot be blank."/>
If you specify the minLength attribute, it is the same as if the IsRequired element is true. If
you want to allow an optional string that must be at least two characters, use the following:
Answer Specification API Version 2017-01-17 143
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<AnswerFormatRegex regex="(^$|\S{2,})"
errorText="You must enter at least two characters."/>
To request a US phone number in the format 1-nnn-nnn-nnnn, where "1-" is optional, use the
regex="^(1[- ]?)?(\([2-9]\d{2}\)\s*|[2-9]\d{2}-?)[2-9]\d{2}-?\d{4}$)"
errorText="You must enter a US phone number in the format
1-555-555-1234 or 555-555-1234."/>
If you want an answer that contains a date formatted as yyyy-mm-dd, use the following:
<AnswerFormatRegex regex="^[12][0-9]{3}-[01]?\d-[0-3]?\d$"
errorText="You must enter a date with the format yyyy-mm-dd."/>
If you want an answer that contains "regex" and variations including RegEx, REGex, and RegExes,
use the following:
<AnswerFormatRegex regex="regex" flags="i"
errorText="You must enter 'regex'."/>
Answer Specification API Version 2017-01-17 144
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A SelectionAnswer describes a multiple-choice question. Depending on the element defined,
the Worker might be able to select zero, one, or multiple items from a set list as the answer to the
A SelectionAnswer element includes the elements described in the following table:
Name Description Required
Specifies the minimum number of selections allowed
for a valid answer. This value can range from 0 to the
number of selections.
Type: non-negative Integer
Default: 1
Specifies the maximum number of selections allowed
for a valid answer. This value can range from 1 to the
number of selections.
Type: positive Integer
Default: 1
Specifies what style of multiple-choice form field to
use when displaying the question to the Worker. The
field might not use the suggested style, depending
on the device the Worker is using to see the form.
Type: String
Default: None
Valid Values:
Answer Specification API Version 2017-01-17 145
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Name Description Required
Can be used if MaxSelectionCount is 1, because
it restricts the user to selecting either zero or one
item from the list
Allows multiple selections, but can be restricted by
using the MaxSelectionCount element
Allows multiple selections, but can be restricted by
using the MaxSelectionCount element
Can be used if MaxSelectionCount is 1, because
it restricts the user to selecting either zero or one
item from the list
Allows multiple selections, but can be restricted by
using the MaxSelectionCount element
Allows multiple selections, but can be restricted by
using the MaxSelectionCount element
Answer Specification API Version 2017-01-17 146
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Name Description Required
Specifies the answer selections.
Type: Selections structure
Default: None
Child elements:
Specifies an answer selection. This element is des
cribed fully in the next table.
An optional text field to display below the se
lection list that allows the Worker to enter an alt
ernate answer that does not appear in the list of
selections. The contents of this element are similar
to FreeTextAnswer .
A Qualification test that you want to grade
automatically using an answer key cannot
have an OtherSelection field for a
multiple choice question. An answer key
can only match multiple-choice questions
and cannot match free-text fields.
The Selections element lists the selection options available. It contains one or more Selection
elements, one for each possible answer in the set. The Selection element includes the elements
described in the following table:
Name Description Required
Answer Specification API Version 2017-01-17 147
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Name Description Required
A unique alphanumeric string that is in the answer
data if this selection is chosen.
Type: String
Default: None
One of the following
Contains the content of the selected item.
Type: String
Default: None
A block of text formatted using XHTML tags that
contains the content of the selected item. For more
information about this format, see Formatted
Content: XHTML.
Type: String
Default: None
Contains the content of the selected item.
Type: Binary
Default: None
The following example shows a SelectionAnswer element that specifies a question with four
Answer Specification API Version 2017-01-17 148
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<Text>C1 (northeast)</Text>
<Text>C2 (east)</Text>
<Text>A3 (southwest)</Text>
<Text>C3 (southeast)</Text>
FileUploadAnswer (Deprecated)
Beginning Tuesday, December 12th 2017 the Answer Specification structure will no longer
support the FileUploadAnswer element to be used for the QuestionForm data structure.
Instead, we recommend that Requesters who want to create HITs asking Workers to upload
files use Amazon S3.
A FileUploadAnswer prompts the Worker to upload a file as the answer to the question. When
the Worker uploads the file, Amazon Mechanical Turk stores the file separately from the answer
data. Once the HIT is submitted, your application can call the GetFileUploadURL operation to
get a temporary URL it can use to download the file.
The FileUploadAnswer specification contains two required elements, a MinFileSizeInBytes
and a MaxFileSizeInBytes, that specify the minimum and maximum allowed file sizes
respectively. If the Worker uploads a file whose size in bytes is outside of this range, the answer
is rejected, and the Worker must upload a different file to complete the HIT. You can specify a
maximum size up to 2000000000 (2 billion) bytes.
Answer Specification API Version 2017-01-17 149
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A FileUploadAnswer element can only be used with HITs. It cannot be used with
Qualification tests.
The following example demonstrates a FileUploadAnswer element that specifies a file with a
minimum of 1000 bytes and a maximum of 3000000 bytes.
The following is an example of a complete QuestionForm data structure. Remember that to pass
this structure in as a value of a parameter to an operation, XML characters must be escaped as
character entities. (See Using XML Parameter Values for more information.)
<QuestionForm xmlns="[the QuestionForm schema URL]">
<Title>Game 01523, "X" to play</Title>
You are helping to decide the next move in a game of Tic-Tac-Toe. The board
looks like this:
<AltText>The game board, with "X" to move.</AltText>
Player "X" has the next move.
Example API Version 2017-01-17 150
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<DisplayName>The Next Move</DisplayName>
What are the coordinates of the best move for player "X" in this game?
<Length minLength="2" maxLength="2" />
<DisplayName>The Next Move</DisplayName>
How likely is it that player "X" will win this game?
<Text>Not likely</Text>
<Text>It could go either way</Text>
Example API Version 2017-01-17 151
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Example API Version 2017-01-17 152
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The Structure of Answers
The QuestionFormAnswers data format describes answers submitted by a Worker for a HIT, or
for a Qualification test.
A QuestionFormAnswers data structure is a string value that consists of XML data. The XML
data must conform to the QuestionForm schema. See Schema Locations for the location of this
schema. For more information about using XML data as parameter or return value, see Using XML
Parameter Values.
Answer data is not guaranteed by the Amazon Mechanical Turk Service to conform to
the answer specifications described in a QuestionForm. MTS only guarantees that answer
data returned by the service will conform to the QuestionFormAnswers schema. Your
application should check that the answer data sufficiently answers the question.
The QuestionFormAnswers data structure is used as a response element for the following
All elements in a QuestionFormAnswers belong to a namespace whose name is identical to the
URL of the QuestionFormAnswers schema document for the version of the API you are using.
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The Structure of Answers
A QuestionFormAnswers element contains an Answer element for each question in the
HIT or Qualification test for which the Worker provided an answer. Each Answer contains a
QuestionIdentifier element whose value corresponds to the QuestionIdentifier of a
Question in the QuestionForm. See the QuestionForm data structure for more information about
questions and answer specifications.
If the question expects a free-text answer, the Answer element contains a FreeText element. This
element contains the Worker's answer.
If the question expects a multiple-choice answer, the Answer element contains a
SelectionIdentifier element for each option the Worker selected. If the Worker did not make
any selections, the Answer will contain zero SelectionIdentifier elements. The identifier
corresponds to the SelectionIdentifier for the selection provided in the answer specification
for the question.
If the multiple-choice question includes an OtherSelection field, and the Worker enters data
into this field, that data appears in the Answer in an OtherSelectionText element. If the
Worker both selects an option from the list and provides text in this field, both values will be
present in the answer.
If the question expects an uploaded file as an answer, the Answer element contains
an UploadedFileSizeInBytes element, and an UploadedFileKey element.
UploadedFileSizeInBytes indicates the size of the file the Worker uploaded.
UploadedFileKey is a unique identifier for the file, unique with respect to other files
that Workers may have uploaded. To retrieve an uploaded file, your application calls the
GetFileUploadURL operation, which returns a temporary URL your application can use to
download the file. See the GetFileUploadURL operation for more information on retrieving
uploaded files.
Answer data will always conform to the answer specification provided in the HIT question, or in the
Qualification test question.
The following is an example of a complete QuestionFormAnswers data structure. Remember
that this value will be returned as a single return value, XML escaped in the response.
<QuestionFormAnswers xmlns="[the QuestionFormAnswers schema URL]">
The Structure of Answers API Version 2017-01-17 154
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When using Crowd HTML Elements in your form, they will output JSON formatted data in the
<FreeText> field. For example, the output for a crowd-bounding-box with three boxes on the
image would contain a text string similar to the one below.
'height': 902,
'label': 'human',
'left': 53,
'top': 174,
'width': 619
'height': 936,
'label': 'human',
'left': 734,
'top': 73,
'width': 684
'height': 686,
'label': 'human',
'left': 1174,
'top': 121,
'width': 556
Example API Version 2017-01-17 155
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
'height': 1080,
'width': 1920
Formatted Content: XHTML
Using Formatted Content
Supported XHTML Tags
How XHTML Formatted Content Is Validated
When you create a HIT or a Qualification test, you can include various kinds of content to be
displayed to the Worker on the Amazon Mechanical Turk web site, such as text (titles, paragraphs,
lists), media (pictures, audio, video) and browser applets (Java or Flash).
You can also include blocks of formatted content. Formatted content lets you include XHTML tags
directly in your instructions and your questions for detailed control over the appearance and layout
of your data.
You include a block of formatted content by specifying a FormattedContent element in
the appropriate place in your QuestionForm data structure. You can specify any number of
FormattedContent elements in content, and you can mix them with other kinds of content.
The following example uses other content types (Title, Text) along with FormattedContent to
include a table in a HIT:
This HIT asks you some questions about a game of Tic-Tac-Toe
currently in progress. Your answers will help decide the next move.
<Title>The Current Board</Title>
The following table shows the board as it currently stands.
Formatted Content: XHTML API Version 2017-01-17 156
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
<table border="1">
<td align="center">1</td>
<td align="center">2</td>
<td align="center">3</td>
<td align="right">A</td>
<td align="center"><b>X</b></td>
<td align="center">&nbsp;</td>
<td align="center"><b>O</b></td>
<td align="right">B</td>
<td align="center">&nbsp;</td>
<td align="center"><b>O</b></td>
<td align="center">&nbsp;</td>
<td align="right">C</td>
<td align="center">&nbsp;</td>
<td align="center">&nbsp;</td>
<td align="center"><b>X</b></td>
<td align="center" colspan="4">It is <b>X</b>'s turn.</td>
For more information about describing the contents of a HIT or Qualification test, see the
QuestionForm data structure.
Using Formatted Content
As you can see in the example above, formatted content is specified in an XML CDATA block, inside
a FormattedContent element. The CDATA block contains the text and XHTML markup to display
in the Worker's browser.
Only a subset of the XHTML standard is supported. For a complete list of supported XHTML
elements and attributes, see the table below. In particular, JavaScript, element IDs, class and
style attributes, and <div> and <span> elements are not allowed.
Using Formatted Content API Version 2017-01-17 157
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
XML comments (<!-- ... -->) are not allowed in formatted content blocks.
Every XHTML tag in the CDATA block must be closed before the end of the block. For example, if
you start an XHTML paragraph with a <p> tag, you must end it with a </p> tag within the same
FormattedContent block.
The tag closure requirement means you cannot open an XHTML tag in one
FormattedContent block and close it in another. There is no way to "wrap" other kinds of
question form content in XHTML. FormattedContent blocks must be self-contained.
XHTML tags must be nested properly. When tags are used inside other tags, the inner-most tags
must be closed before outer tags are closed. For example, to specify that some text should appear
in bold italics, you would use the <b> and <i> tags as follows:
<b><i>This text appears bold italic.</i></b>
But the following would not be valid, because the closing </b> tag appears before the closing </
i> tag:
<b><i>These tags don't nest properly!</b></i>
Finally, formatted content must meet other requirements to validate against the XHTML schema.
For instance, tag names and attribute names must be all lowercase letters, and attribute values
must be surrounded by quotes.
For details on how Amazon Mechanical Turk validates XHTML formatted content blocks, see "How
XHTML Formatted Content Is Validated," below.
Supported XHTML Tags
FormattedContent supports a limited subset of the XHTML 1.0 ("transitional") standard. The
complete list of supported tags and attributes appears in the table below. Notable differences with
the standard include:
JavaScript is not allowed. The <script> tag is not supported, and anchors (<a>) and images
(<img>) cannot use javascript: targets in URLs.
Supported XHTML Tags API Version 2017-01-17 158
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
CSS is not allowed. The <style> tag is not supported, and the class and style attributes are
not supported. The id attribute is also not supported.
XML comments (<!-- ... -->) are not supported.
URL methods in anchor targets and image locations are limited to the following: http://
https:// ftp:// news:// nntp:// mailto:// gopher:// telnet://
Other things to note with regards to supported tags and attributes:
In addition to the attributes listed, the title attribute is supported for all tags, and the dir and
lang attributes are supported for all tags except <br>.
The alt attribute is required for <area> and <img> tags.
<img> tags also require a src attribute.
<map> tags require a name attribute.
The following table lists the supported tags and attributes:
Tag Attributes
a accesskey charset coords href hreflang name rel rev
shape tabindex target type
area alt coords href nohref shape target
blockquote cite
Supported XHTML Tags API Version 2017-01-17 159
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Tag Attributes
col align char charoff span valign width
colgroup align char charoff span valign width
del cite datetime
font color face size
h1 align
h2 align
h3 align
h4 align
h5 align
h6 align
hr align noshade size width
img align alt border height hspace ismap longdesc src
usemap vspace width
ins cite datetime
li type value
map name
ol compact start type
Supported XHTML Tags API Version 2017-01-17 160
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Tag Attributes
p align
pre width
q cite
table align bgcolor border cellpadding cellspacing frame
rules summary width
tbody align char charoff valign
td abbr align axis bgcolor char charoff colspan headers
height nowrap rowspan scope valign width
tfoot align char charoff valign
th abbr align axis bgcolor char charoff colspan headers
height nowrap rowspan scope valign width
thead align char charoff valign
tr align bgcolor char charoff valign
ul compact type
Supported XHTML Tags API Version 2017-01-17 161
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
How XHTML Formatted Content Is Validated
When you create a HIT or a Qualification test whose content uses FormattedContent, Amazon
Mechanical Turk attempts to validate the formatted content blocks against a schema. If the
formatted content does not validate against the schema, the operation call will fail and return an
To validate the formatted content, Amazon Mechanical Turk takes the contents of the
FormattedContent element (the text and markup inside the CDATA), then constructs an XML
document with an appropriate XML header, <FormattedContent> as the root element, and the
text and markup as the element's contents (without the CDATA). This document is then validated
against a schema.
For example, consider the following FormattedContent block:
I absolutely <i>love</i> chocolate ice cream!
To validate this block, Amazon Mechanical Turk produces the following XML document:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<FormattedContent xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
I absolutely <i>love</i> chocolate ice cream!
The schema used for validation is called FormattedContentXHTMLSubset.xsd. For information
on how to download this schema, see Data Structure Schema Locations.
You do not need to specify the namespace of the XHTML tags in your formatted content. This is
assumed automatically during validation.
How XHTML Formatted Content Is Validated API Version 2017-01-17 162
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The Structure of an Answer Key
The AnswerKey data structure specifies answers for a Qualification test, and a mechanism to use to
calculate a score from the key and a Worker's answers.
An AnswerKey data structure is a string value that consists of XML data. The XML data must
conform to the AnswerKey schema. See WSDL and Schema Locations for the location of this
schema. For more information about using XML data as parameter or return value, see Using XML
Parameter Values.
The AnswerKey data structure is used as a parameter for the following operations:
The AnswerKey data structure is used as a return value for the following operations:
All elements in a AnswerKey belong to a namespace whose name is identical to the URL of the
AnswerKey schema document for the version of the API you are using.
The Structure of an Answer Key
An answer key is contained in a AnswerKey element. This element contains a Question element
for each question in the Qualification test, and an optional QualificationValueMapping
element that describes how to calculate the Qualification value from the answer key and the
Worker's answers.
A Question element contains a QuestionIdentifier element, which identifies the question for
this answer. This value corresponds to a QuestionIdentifier in the QuestionForm.
A Question element has one or more AnswerOption elements, one for each combination of
selections in the multiple-choice question that affects the Worker's test score.
Description API Version 2017-01-17 163
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Each AnswerOption contains one or more SelectionIdentifier elements that correspond
to identifiers for the selections in the QuestionForm. It also contains an AnswerScore element,
a number that is added to the Worker's test score if the Worker's answer matches this option. The
Worker must select all of the selections specified by the SelectionIdentifier elements, and no
others, to earn the score.
An AnswerScore for an AnswerOption may be negative.
The Question may have an optional DefaultScore, a number that is added to the Worker's
test score if none of the answer options exactly match the Worker's answer for the question.
DefaultScore is optional, and defaults to 0.
The Question may have an optional QualificationValueMapping element that describes how
to calculate the Worker's overall score from the scores of the Worker's answers. It contains either a
PercentageMapping element, a ScaleMapping element, or a RangeMapping element.
If no QualificationValueMapping is specified, the sum of the scores of the answers is used as
the Qualification value.
A PercentageMapping specifies a maximum score for the test, as a MaximumSummedScore
element. The Qualification value is calculated as the sum of the scores of the selected answers,
divided by the maximum, multiplied by 100 and rounded to the nearest integer to produce a
The Structure of an Answer Key API Version 2017-01-17 164
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
A ScaleMapping specifies a multiplier, as a decimal value in a SummedScoreMultiplier
element. The Qualification value is calculated as the sum of the scores of the selected answers,
multiplied by the multiplier.
A RangeMapping assigns specific Qualification values to ranges of total test scores. It contains
one or more SummedScoreRange elements, each of which specify an InclusiveLowerBound
element, an InclusiveUpperBound element, and a QualificationValue that becomes the
Qualification value if the sum of the scores of the selected answers falls within the specified
range. Finally, the RangeMapping includes a single OutOfRangeQualificationValue, which
specifies the Qualification value if the sum of the scores of the selected answers do not fall within a
specified range.
Ranges cannot overlap. If ranges overlap, the behavior is undefined.
The Structure of an Answer Key API Version 2017-01-17 165
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The following is an example of a complete AnswerKey data structure. Remember that to pass this
structure in as a parameter to an operation, XML characters must be escaped as character entities.
For more information, see Using XML Parameter Values.
<AnswerKey xmlns="[the AnswerKey schema URL]">
Example API Version 2017-01-17 166
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Data Structure Schema Locations
The Amazon Mechanical Turk uses several XML data structures to help you define your tasks
flexibly. These data structures are specified using schemas that are versioned. This allows MTurk to
add new versions of task types while preserving backwards compatibility.
When constructing an XML object for any of these structures, you must declare a namespace that
matches the target namespace for the schema for the structure. The namespace is defined using
the URL to the schema definition. For example, here is how to declare your namespace when
constructing an HTMLQuestion:
If the service returns an error message about data not validating against the schema, make sure
your namespace declaration matches the target namespace specified in the schema.
Beginning Tuesday, December 12th 2017 the QuestionForm structure will no longer
support the FileUploadAnswer element and the Application element. The
2017-11-06 version of the QuestionForm schema has been updated to reflect these
changes. If you don't use the deprecated elements in your QuestionForm, the 2005-10-01
schema will continue to work.
You can find the schema namespace values for all of the question and answer data structures
Type of Schema Latest Version Schema Namespace
The HTMLQuestion schema
Download HTMLQuestion.zip
The ExternalQuestion schema
Download ExternalQuestion.z
Data Structure Schema Locations API Version 2017-01-17 167
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Type of Schema Latest Version Schema Namespace
The Formatted Content:
XHTML subset
Download Formatted
The QuestionForm schemas
Download QuestionForm.zip
The QuestionFormAnswers
Download QuestionF
The AnswerKey schemas
Download AnswerKey.zip
Data Structure Schema Locations API Version 2017-01-17 168
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Data Structures
HIT Review Policy
The Amazon Mechanical Turk API uses several common data structures in its operation request and
response structures. For easy reference, these structures are documented in separate articles. For
more information, refer to their corresponding operations.
The Assignment data structure represents a single assignment of a HIT to a Worker. The
assignment tracks the Worker's efforts to complete the HIT, and contains the results for later
The Assignment data structure is used as a response element for the following operations:
The Assignment structure can contain the following elements.
Assignment API Version 2017-01-17 169
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name Description Required
A unique identifier for the assignment. Can be up to
255 bytes in length.
Type: String
Default: None
The ID of the Worker who accepted the HIT. Can be
up to 255 bytes in length.
Type: String
Default: None
The ID of the HIT. Can be up to 255 bytes in length.
Type: String
Default: None
The status of the assignment
Type: String
Valid Values: Submitted | Approved | Rejected
Default: None
AutoApprovalTime If results have been submitted, AutoApprovalTime
is the date and time the results of the assignment
results are considered Approved automatically if
they have not already been explicitly approved or
rejected by the Requester. This value is derived from
the auto-approval delay specified by the Requester in
the HIT. This value is omitted from the assignment if
the Worker has not yet submitted results.
Elements API Version 2017-01-17 170
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name Description Required
Type: a dateTime structure in the Coordinated
Universal Time (Greenwich Mean Time) time zone,
such as 2005-01-31T23:59:59Z .
Default: None
The date and time the Worker accepted the
Type: a dateTime structure in the Coordinated
Universal Time (Greenwich Mean Time) time zone,
such as 2005-01-31T23:59:59Z .
Default: None
SubmitTime If the Worker has submitted results, SubmitTime
is the date and time the assignment was submitted
. This value is omitted from the assignment if the
Worker has not yet submitted results.
Type: a dateTime structure in the Coordinated
Universal Time (Greenwich Mean Time) time zone,
such as 2005-01-31T23:59:59Z .
Default: None
Elements API Version 2017-01-17 171
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name Description Required
If the Worker has submitted results and the
Requester has approved the results, ApprovalT
ime is the date and time the Requester approved
the results.
Type: a dateTime structure in the Coordinated
Universal Time (Greenwich Mean Time) time zone,
such as 2005-01-31T23:59:59Z .
Default: None.
Note: This value is omitted from the assignment if
the Requester has not yet approved the results.
If the Worker has submitted results and the
Requester has rejected the results, Rejection
Time is the date and time the Requester rejected
the results.
Type: a dateTime structure in the Coordinated
Universal Time (Greenwich Mean Time) time zone,
such as 2005-01-31T23:59:59Z .
Default: None.
Note: This value is omitted from the assignment if
the Requester has not yet rejected the results.
Elements API Version 2017-01-17 172
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name Description Required
The date and time of the deadline for the assignmen
t. This value is derived from the deadline specifica
tion for the HIT and the date and time the Worker
accepted the HIT.
Type: a dateTime structure in the Coordinated
Universal Time (Greenwich Mean Time) time zone,
such as 2005-01-31T23:59:59Z .
Default: None
The Worker's answers submitted for the HIT
contained in a QuestionFormAnswers document,
if the Worker provides an answer. If the Worker does
not provide any answers, Answer may contain a
QuestionFormAnswers document, or Answer
may be empty.
Type: a QuestionFormAnswers data structure
Default: None
The feedback string included with the call to
the ApproveAssignment operation or the
RejectAssignment operation, if the Requester
approved or rejected the assignment and specified
Type: String
Default: None
Elements API Version 2017-01-17 173
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The following example shows an Assignment data structure returned by the
ListAssignmentsForHIT operation. The ListAssignmentsForHIT operation returns zero or
more Assignment elements for a Reviewable HIT.
Deadline: "2005-12-01T23:59:59Z",
AcceptTime: "2005-12-01T12:00:00Z",
SubmitTime: "2005-12-07T23:59:59Z",
QuestionFormAnswers:[XML-encoded Answer data]
Example API Version 2017-01-17 174
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The HIT data structure represents a single HIT, including all the information necessary for a Worker
to accept and complete the HIT.
The HIT data structure is used as a response element for the following operations:
The HIT structure can contain the elements described in the following table.
Name Description Required
A unique identifier for the HIT. The
CreateHIT operation gives a HIT
the HIT ID and the HIT retains that ID
Type: String
Default: None
The ID of the HIT type of this HIT
Type: String
Default: None
The ID of the HIT Group of this HIT
Type: String
HIT API Version 2017-01-17 175
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name Description Required
Default: None
The ID of the HIT Layout of this HIT
Type: String
Default: None
The date and time the HIT was created
Type: a dateTime structure in the
Coordinated Universal Time (Greenwic
h Mean Time) time zone, such as
2012-01-31T23:59:59Z .
Default: None
The title of the HIT
Type: String
Default: None
A general description of the HIT
Type: String
Default: None
One or more words or phrases that
describe the HIT, separated by commas.
Search terms similar to the keywords of
a HIT are more likely to have the HIT in
the search results.
Type: String
Default: None
Elements API Version 2017-01-17 176
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name Description Required
The status of the HIT and its assignments
Type: String
Valid Values: Assignable | Unassignable |
Reviewable | Reviewing | Disposed
Default: None
The amount of money the Requester will
pay a Worker for successfully comple
ting the HIT.
Type: a Price data structure
Default: None
The amount of time, in seconds, after
which the HIT is no longer available
for users to accept. The HIT becomes
unavailable even if the requested
number of assignments, specified by
MaxAssignments , has not been
Type: positive integer
Default: None
The length of time, in seconds, that a
Worker has to complete the HIT after
accepting it.
Type: positive integer
Default: None
Elements API Version 2017-01-17 177
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name Description Required
The number of times the HIT can be
accepted and completed before the HIT
becomes unavailable.
Type: positive integer
Default: 1
The amount of time, in seconds, after
the Worker submits an assignment for
the HIT that the results are automatic
ally approved by Amazon Mechanica
l Turk. This is the amount of time the
Requester has to reject an assignmen
t submitted by a Worker before the
assignment is auto-approved and the
Worker is paid.
Type: positive integer
Default: None
The date and time the HIT expires
Type: a dateTime structure in the
Coordinated Universal Time (Greenwic
h Mean Time) time zone, such as
2012-01-31T23:59:59Z .
Default: None
Elements API Version 2017-01-17 178
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name Description Required
The QualificationRequirement data
structure describes a Qualification that
a Worker must have before the Worker
is allowed to accept a HIT. A requireme
nt may optionally state that a Worker
must have the Qualification in order to
preview the HIT, or see the HIT in search
results. A HIT can have between zero
and ten Qualification requirements.
Type: a QualificationRequi
rement data structure.
Default: None
The data the Worker completing the HIT
uses produce the results.
Type: either a QuestionForm or an
ExternalQuestion data structure.
Default: None
An arbitrary data field the Requester
who created the HIT can use. This field is
visible only to the creator of the HIT.
Type: String
Default: None
Elements API Version 2017-01-17 179
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name Description Required
Indicates the review status of the HIT.
Type: String
Valid Values: NotReviewed | MarkedFor
Review | ReviewedAppropriate |
Default: None
The number of assignments for this HIT
that are being previewed or have been
accepted by Workers, but have not yet
been submitted, returned, or abandon
Type: non-negative integer
Default: None
Conditions: This element is returned
only if the HITAssignmentSummary
response group is specified.
The number of assignments for this HIT
that are available for Workers to accept
Type: non-negative integer
Default: None
Conditions: This element is returned
only if the HITAssignmentSummary
response group is specified.
Elements API Version 2017-01-17 180
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name Description Required
The number of assignments for this HIT
that have been approved or rejected.
Type: non-negative integer
Default: None
Conditions: This element is returned
only if the HITAssignmentSummary
response group is specified.
The following example shows a HIT data structure returned by the CreateHIT operation. The
CreateHIT operation returns an element named HIT that represents the HIT that was created by
the call.
Title:"Location and Photograph Identification",
Description:"Select the image that best represents...",
Keywords:"location, photograph, image, identification, opinion",
QuestionForm:[XML-encoded Question data]
Example API Version 2017-01-17 181
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Example API Version 2017-01-17 182
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The HITLayoutParameter data structure defines parameter values used with a HITLayout.
A HITLayout is a reusable Amazon Mechanical Turk project template used to provide Human
Intelligence Task (HIT) question data for CreateHIT. For more information, see HITLayout.
The HITLayoutParameter data structure is used in the results of the following operation:
The HITLayout is used to create an HTMLQuestion document. HITLayoutParameter values
with reserved characters or invalid HTML markup may result in an invalid HTMLQuestion
The HITLayout data structure has a root element of HITLayoutParameter.
The HITLayoutParameter element contains the following elements:
Name Description Required
The name of the parameter in the HITLayout.
Type: String
Default: None
Constraints: Parameter names supplied in a
HITLayoutParameter structure must be used in the
referenced HITLayout.
The value substituted for the parameter referenced in
the HITLayout.
HITLayoutParameter API Version 2017-01-17 183
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name Description Required
Type: String
Default: None
Elements API Version 2017-01-17 184
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The Qualification data structure represents a Qualification assigned to a user, including the
Qualification type and the value (score).
The Qualification data structure is used as a response element for the following operations:
The Qualification structure can contain the elements described in the following table. When the
structure is used in a request, elements described as Required must be included for the request to
Name Description Required
The ID of the Qualification type for the Qualification.
Can be up to 255 bytes in length.
Type: String
Default: None
The ID of the Worker who possesses the Qualification.
Can be up to 255 bytes in length.
Type: String
Default: None
The date and time the Qualification was associated
with the Worker. If the Worker's Qualification was
revoked, and then re-associated based on a new
Qualification request, GrantTime is the date
Qualification API Version 2017-01-17 185
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name Description Required
and time of the last call to the AssociateQualifica
tionWithWorker operation.
Type: a dateTime structure in the Coordinated
Universal Time (Greenwich Mean Time) time zone,
such as 2005-01-31T23:59:59Z
Default: None
The value (score) of the Qualification, if the Qualifica
tion has an integer value.
Type: Integer
Default: None
The value of the Qualification if the Qualification
describes a geographical region or location.
Type: a Locale data structure.
Default: None
The status of the Qualification
Type: String
Valid Values: Granted | Revoked
Default: None
The following example illustrates a Qualification with an integer value.
Example API Version 2017-01-17 186
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Example API Version 2017-01-17 187
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The QualificationRequest data structure represents a request a Worker has made for a
The QualificationRequest data structure is used as a response element for the following operations:
The QualificationRequest structure can contain the elements described in the following table:
Name Description Required
The ID of the Qualification request, a unique
identifier generated when the request was
submitted. Can be up to 255 bytes in length.
Type: String
Default: None
The ID of the Qualification type the Worker
is requesting, as returned by the CreateQua
lificationType operation. Can be up to 255
bytes in length.
Type: String
Default: None
The ID of the Worker requesting the Qualifica
tion. This ID corresponds to the WorkerId
returned with assignment results when the Worker
performs a HIT. Can be up to 255 bytes in length.
Type: String
QualificationRequest API Version 2017-01-17 188
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name Description Required
Default: None
The contents of the Qualification test that was
presented to the Worker, if the type has a test and
the Worker has submitted answers. This value is
identical to the QuestionForm associated with the
Qualification type at the time the Worker requests
the Qualification.
Type: a QuestionForm data structure
Default: None
The Worker's answers for the Qualification type's
test contained in a QuestionFormAnswers
document, if the type has a test and the Worker
has submitted answers. If the Worker does not
provide any answers, Answer may be empty.
Type: a QuestionFormAnswers data structure
Default: None
The date and time the Qualification request had
a status of Submitted. This is either the time the
Worker submitted answers for a Qualification test,
or the time the Worker requested the Qualification
if the Qualification type does not have a test.
Type: a dateTime structure in the Coordinated
Universal Time (Greenwich Mean Time) time zone,
such as 2005-01-31T23:59:59Z
Default: None
Elements API Version 2017-01-17 189
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The following example shows a QualificationRequest data structure returned by the
ListQualificationRequests operation. This operation returns the requests for Qualifications
of a Qualification type to the owner of the type.
QuestionForm:[XML-encoded Question data]
QuestionFormAnswers:[XML-encoded Answer data]
Example API Version 2017-01-17 190
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Using Custom, System-Assigned, and Master Qualification Types
Qualification Type IDs
Master Qualification
Adding Adult Content
The Locale Qualification
Example—Using the QualificationRequirement Data Structure
Example—Using the QualificationRequirement Data Structure for Comparing Multiple Values
Example—Using the QualificationRequirement Data Structure to Hide HIT from Unqualified
The QualificationRequirement data structure describes a Qualification that a Worker must have
before the Worker is allowed to accept a HIT. A requirement may optionally state that a Worker
must have the Qualification in order to preview the HIT, or see the HIT in search results.
The QualificationRequirement data structure is used as a parameter for the following operations:
The QualificationRequirement data structure is used in the HIT data structure.
Using Custom, System-Assigned, and Master Qualification Types
A Qualification requirement can be based on a Qualification you assign to Workers. You can
create a custom Qualification type using the CreateQualificationType operation. Then
you can grant requests for the Qualification automatically using a Qualification test and answer
key submitted with the Qualification type, or you can grant the request manually with the
AcceptQualificationRequest operation. The CreateQualificationType returns a
QualificationRequirement API Version 2017-01-17 191
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
QualificationTypeId, which you can use with the QualificationRequirement data
structure to identify the type of Qualification the Worker is required to have to accept a HIT. Either
the Qualification test or your call to AcceptQualificationRequest determines a Qualification
value, which is compared to the requirement in the HIT to determine the Worker's eligibility.
Amazon Mechanical Turk supplies several Qualification types for use by all Requesters. Mechanical
Turk system-assigned Qualification types work the same way as Qualifications that you create,
except that data from the Mechanical Turk marketplace determines the Worker’s values. Every
Worker has a value for each system Qualification, and these values are updated as the Worker uses
the system. Additionally, Amazon Mechanical Turk also provides Master Qualification types that
give you access to an elite group of Workers who have demonstrated superior performance while
completing thousands of HITs across the Mechanical Turk marketplace. You can use the Master
and system-assigned Qualification types by using the corresponding Qualification type ID in the
QualificationTypeId element of the QualificationRequirement data structure. For a list
of the Master and system-assigned IDs, see Qualification Type IDs. For more information about
using a Master Qualification type, see Master Qualification.
The QualificationRequirement data structure can contain the following elements.
Name Description Value
The ID of the Qualification type for the
requirement. Can be up to 255 bytes in
A valid QualificationType
ID from a custom Qualifica
tion type you created or an
ID from the list of Master
and system-assigned
Qualification Type IDs.
The kind of comparison to make against a
Qualification's value.
You can compare a Qualification's value:
To an IntegerValue to see if it is
LessThan, LessThanOrEqualTo ,
LessThan | LessThanO
rEqualTo | GreaterTh
an | GreaterTh
anOrEqualTo |
EqualTo | NotEqualTo |
Exists | DoesNotExist
| In | NotIn
Elements API Version 2017-01-17 192
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name Description Value
GreaterThan , GreaterTh
anOrEqualTo , EqualTo, or
NotEqualTo the IntegerValue .
To a LocaleValue to see if it is
EqualTo, or NotEqualTo the
LocaleValue .
To see if the value is In or NotIn a set
of IntegerValue or LocaleValue
A Qualification requirement can also test
if a Qualification Exists or DoesNotEx
ist in the user's profile, regardless of its
Elements API Version 2017-01-17 193
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name Description Value
Array of integer values to compare against
the Qualification's value.
IntegerValue must not be present if
Comparator is Exists or DoesNotEx
ist .
IntegerValue can only be used if the
Qualification type has an integer value;
it cannot be used with the Worker_Lo
cale QualificationType ID, see Qualifica
tion Type IDs.
When performing a set comparison by
using the In or the NotIn comparator,
you can use up to 15 elements in this list.
For an example of a set comparison, see
Example—Using the QualificationRequi
rement Data Structure for Comparing
Multiple Values.
An integer.
Elements API Version 2017-01-17 194
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name Description Value
The locale value to compare against the
Qualification's value. The local value must
be a valid ISO 3166 country code or
supports ISO 3166-2 subdivisions.
LocaleValue can only be used with a
Worker_Locale QualificationType ID,
see Qualification Type IDs.
LocaleValue can only be used with the
EqualTo, NotEqualTo , In, and NotIn
You must only use a single LocaleVal
ue element when using the EqualTo or
NotEqualTo comparators.
When performing a set comparison by
using the In or the NotIn comparator,
you can use up to 30 LocaleValue
elements in a QualificationRequirement
data structure. For an example of a set
comparison, see Example—Using the
QualificationRequirement Data Structure
for Comparing Multiple Values.
A Locale data structure.
Elements API Version 2017-01-17 195
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name Description Value
Setting this attribute prevents Workers
whose Qualifications do not meet this
requirement from taking the specified
Valid arguments are:
Accept (worker cannot accept the HIT)
PreviewAndAccept (worker cannot
accept or preview the HIT)
(worker cannot accept, preview, or see
the HIT in their search results)
It's possible for you to create a HIT with
multiple QualificationRequirements
(which can have different values for the
ActionGuarded attribute). In this case, the
Worker is only permitted to perform an
action when they have met all Qualifica
tionRequirements guarding the action.
The actions in the order of least restrictive
to most restrictive is Discover, Preview and
Accept. For example, if a Worker meets
all QualificationRequirements that are
set to DiscoverPreviewAndAccept, but
do not meet all requirements that are set
with PreviewAndAccept, then the Worker
will be able to Discover, i.e. see the HIT in
their search result, but will not be able to
Preview or Accept the HIT.
Accept | PreviewAndAccept
| DiscoverPreviewAnd
Elements API Version 2017-01-17 196
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name Description Value
The default is Accept.
DEPRECATED as of 03/29/2018 - Use the
ActionsGuarded field instead.
If true, the question data for the HIT
will not be shown when a Worker whose
Qualifications do not meet this requireme
nt tries to preview the HIT. That is, a
Worker's Qualifications must meet all of
the requirements for which RequiredT
oPreview is true in order to preview
the HIT.
If a Worker meets all of the requirements
where RequiredToPreview is true
(or if there are no such requirements), but
does not meet all of the requirements
for the HIT, the Worker will be allowed to
preview the HIT's question data, but will
not be allowed to accept and complete t
he HIT.
The default is false.
A Boolean value, true or
Qualification Type IDs
The following table lists the Master and system-assigned Qualification Type IDs that can be used in
the QualificationTypeId element.
Name QualificationTypeId Description
Masters Sandbox: 2ARFPLSP75KLA8M8DH
Masters are Workers who have
demonstrated superior p
erformance while completing
thousands of HITs across the
Qualification Type IDs API Version 2017-01-17 197
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name QualificationTypeId Description
Production: 2F1QJWKUDD8XADTFD2
Mechanical Turk marketplace.
Masters maintain this high level
of performance to keep this
distinction. Set the comparato
r parameter to "Exists" to require
that Workers have this Qualifica
Note that for this Qualifica
tion type ID, the Qualifica
tionTypeId value for the
Mechanical Turk Sandbox
environment is different than
the value for the production
00000000000000000040 Specifies the total number of HITs
submitted by a Worker that have
been approved. The value is an
integer greater than or equal to 0.
Worker_Locale 00000000000000000071 The location of the Worker, as
specified in the Worker's mailing
address. For more information
about the locale Qualification,
see the The Locale Qualification
Worker_Adult 00000000000000000060 Requires workers to acknowled
ge that they are over 18 and that
they agree to work on potentially
offensive content. The value type
is boolean, 1 (required), 0 (not
required, the default).
Qualification Type IDs API Version 2017-01-17 198
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name QualificationTypeId Description
000000000000000000L0 The percentage of assignments
the Worker has submitted that
were subsequently approved by
the Requester, over all assignmen
ts the Worker has submitted. The
value is an integer between 0 and
Note that a Worker's approval
rate is statistically meaningless
for small numbers of assignm
ents, since a single rejection can
reduce the approval rate by many
percentage points. So to ensure
that a new Worker's approval r
ate is unaffected by these statistic
ally meaningless changes, if a
Worker has submitted less than
100 assignments, the Worker's a
pproval rate in the system is 100%.
To prevent Workers who have less
than 100 approved assignments
from working on your HIT, set the
qualification type ID to a value
greater than 100.
Master Qualification
You can require that Workers must have a Master Qualification to complete your HITs.
To create a Qualification requirement for Masters, specify:
A QualificationTypeId of 2F1QJWKUDD8XADTFD2Q0G6UTO95ALH
Master Qualification API Version 2017-01-17 199
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
A Comparator of Exists
The Master Qualification Type ID values used for the QualificationTypeId parameter
in the preceding procedures are for the production environment. The ID values to use in the
Mechanical Turk Sandbox environment are listed in the Qualification Type IDs table.
Adding Adult Content
Adult content can be offensive to some people. For that reason, if your HIT is adult-oriented, we
ask you to use the following procedure.
Adding Adult HITs
1. In the HIT title, include the words "adult content."
2. Specify the worker's qualifications in one of the following ways:
Using the API:
Set the CreateHit parameter, QualificationRequirement , to the qualification
type, 00000000000000000060.
Set comparator parameter to "EqualTo."
Set the IntegerValue parameter to 1 (required).
3. Define the HIT to be private or previewed.
This setting prevents anyone who does not qualify from seeing the HIT. To make the HIT private,
use one of the following methods:
Using the API, set the ActionsGuarded parameter to PreviewAndAccept .
Adding Adult Content API Version 2017-01-17 200
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Using the command line tools, in the HIT properties file, set the private parameter,
qualification.private , to TRUE.
The Locale Qualification
You can create a Qualification requirement based on the Worker's location. The Worker's location is
specified by the Worker to Amazon Mechanical Turk when the Worker creates his account.
To create a Qualification requirement based on the Worker's location, specify:
A QualificationTypeId of 00000000000000000071
A Comparator of EqualTo or NotEqualTo
A LocaleValue that corresponds to the desired locale
To create a Qualification requirement based on the Worker being in or not in one of several
locations, specify:
A QualificationTypeId of 00000000000000000071
A Comparator of In or NotIn
Multiple LocaleValue values that correspond to the desired locales.
For more information on the format of a LocaleValue element, see Locale data structure.
The following example shows a QualificationRequirement specifying Workers located in the state
of Pennsylvania. Workers located in the state of New York (US-NY) or in the country of India (IN) do
not qualify for the HITs with this QualificationRequirement.
The Locale Qualification API Version 2017-01-17 201
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The following example shows a QualificationRequirement specifying Workers not located in the
state of California. Workers located in the state of New York or in the country of India (IN) will be
qualified to do HITs with this QualificationRequirement.
Example—Using the QualificationRequirement Data Structure
The following example of a QualificationRequirement data structure could be passed in to a call to
CreateHIT. CreateHIT accepts parameters that describe the HIT being created, including one or
more Qualification requirements:
Example—Using the QualificationRequirement Data Structure for
Comparing Multiple Values
The following example of a QualificationRequirement data structure could be passed in to a call to
CreateHIT. CreateHIT accepts parameters that describe the HIT being created, including one or
more Qualification requirements.
Example—Using the QualificationRequirement Data Structure API Version 2017-01-17 202
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Example Request
The following example shows a QualificationRequirement data structure used in a SOAP request
that uses multiple IntegerValue values when performing a set comparison by using the In
IntegerValues:[10, 20, 30]
Example—Using the QualificationRequirement Data Structure to Hide
HIT from Unqualified Workers
The following example of a QualificationRequirement data structure could be passed in to a call
to CreateHIT. This will hide the HIT from unqualified Workers (these Workers will not be able to
accept, preview, or see the HIT in search results). CreateHIT accepts parameters that describe the
HIT being created, including one or more Qualification requirements:
Example—Using the QualificationRequirement Data Structure to Hide HIT from Unqualified Workers API Version 2017-01-17 203
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The QualificationType data structure represents a Qualification type, a description of a property of
a Worker that must match the requirements of a HIT for the Worker to be able to accept the HIT.
The type also describes how a Worker can obtain a Qualification of that type, such as through a
Qualification test.
The QualificationType data structure is used as a response element for the following operations:
The QualificationType structure can contain the elements described in the following table:
Name Description Required
A unique identifier for the Qualification type. A
Qualification type is given a Qualification type
ID when you call the CreateQualificatio
nType operation operation, and it retains that
ID forever. Can be up to 255 bytes in length.
Type: String
Default: None
The date and time the Qualification type was
Type: a dateTime structure in the Coordinated
Universal Time (Greenwich Mean Time) time
zone, such as 2005-01-31T23:59:59Z .
QualificationType API Version 2017-01-17 204
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name Description Required
Default: None
The name of the Qualification type. The type
name is used to identify the type, and to find
the type using a Qualification type search.
Type: String
Default: None
A long description for the Qualification type.
Type: String
Default: None
One or more words or phrases that describe
theQualification type, separated by commas.
The Keywords make the type easier to find using
a search.
Type: String
Default: None
The status of the Qualification type. A Qualifica
tion type's status determines if users can apply
to receive a Qualification of this type, and if
HITs can be created with requirements based on
this type.
Type: String
Valid Values: Active | Inactive
Default: None
Elements API Version 2017-01-17 205
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name Description Required
The amount of time, in seconds, Workers must
wait after taking the Qualification test before
they can take it again. Workers can take a
Qualification test multiple times if they were
not granted the Qualification from a previous
attempt, or if the test offers a gradient score
and they want a better score.
Type: positive integer
Default: None. If not specified, retries are
disabled and Workers can request a Qualifica
tion only once.
The questions for a Qualification test associated
with this Qualification type that a user can take
to obtain a Qualification of this type.
Type: a QuestionForm data structure.
A Qualification test cannot use an
ExternalQuestionQuestionForm like a
HIT can.
Default: None
Constraints: must be specified if AnswerKey is
present. A Qualification type cannot have both
a specified Test parameter and an AutoGrant
ed value of true.
Elements API Version 2017-01-17 206
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name Description Required
The amount of time, in seconds, given to a
Worker to complete the Qualification test,
beginning from the time the Worker requests
the Qualification.
Type: positive integer
Default: None
The answers to the Qualification test specified in
the Test parameter.
Type: an AnswerKey data structure.
Default: None. If not provided with a test, the
Qualification author must process the Qualifica
tion request manually.
Specifies that requests for the Qualification type
are granted immediately, without prompting
the Worker with a Qualification test.
Type: Boolean
Valid Values: true | false
Default: None
Constraints: A Qualification type cannot have
both a specified Test parameter and an
AutoGranted value of true.
Elements API Version 2017-01-17 207
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name Description Required
The Qualification value to use for automatic
ally granted Qualifications, if AutoGranted is
Type: Integer
Default: 1
Specifies whether the Qualification type is one
that a user can request through the Amazon
Mechanical Turk web site, such as by taking
a Qualification test. This value is false for
Qualifications assigned automatically by the
Type: Boolean
Valid Values: true | false
Default: None
The following example shows a QualificationType data structure returned by a call to the
ListQualificationTypes operation. The GetQualificationType operation returns a
QualificationType element.
Description:"The ability to write and edit text...",
Keywords:"English, text, write, edit, language",
Example API Version 2017-01-17 208
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Example API Version 2017-01-17 209
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
HIT Review Policy
HIT Review Policy Elements
Parameter Elements
MapEntry Elements
HIT Review Policy data structures represent HIT review policies, which you specify when you create
a Human Intelligence Task (HIT). For more information about Review Policies, see Review Policies.
The following two types of HIT Review Policy data structures are used when calling the CreateHIT
AssignmentReviewPolicy data structures set the review results and actions at the
Assignment level. For more information, see Assignment Review Policies.
HITReviewPolicy data structures set the review results and actions at the HIT-level. For more
information, see HIT Review Policies.
The HIT Review Policy data structure is used in the following operation:
HIT Review Policy Elements
The HIT Review Policy data structures can contain the following elements.
Name Description Required
Name of a Review Policy. For policy names and
descriptions, see Assignment Review Policies and HIT
Review Policies.
HIT Review Policy API Version 2017-01-17 210
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name Description Required
Type: String
Constraints: SimplePlurality/2011-09-01 or
Name of the parameter from the Review policy.
Type: Parameter data structure, for a description see
the next section Parameter Elements.
Parameter Elements
The Parameter data structure contains the elements described in the following table.
Name Description Required
Name of the parameter from the list of Review
Polices. For a list of valid parameter names, see
Assignment Review Policies and HIT Review Policies.
Type: String
Constraints: none
Default: none
Value of the parameter.
Type: Varies.
This data structure is the data type for the
AnswerKey parameter of the ScoreMyKn
ownAnswers/2011-09-01 Review Policy, see
Assignment Review Policies.
Type: MapEntry data structure, for a description, see
the next section MapEntry Elements.
Parameter Elements API Version 2017-01-17 211
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
MapEntry Elements
The MapEntry element contains the elements described in the following table.
Name Description Required
The QuestionID from the HIT that is used to identify
which question requires Mechanical Turk to score
as part of the ScoreMyKnownAnswers/2011-09-01
Review Policy. Can be up to 255 bytes in length.
Type: String none
The answer to the question specified in the MapEntry
Key element.
Note: You can provide multiple Value elements, but
the Worker must match all values in order for the
answer to be scored correctly.
Type: String
The following example request shows the structure of a CreateHIT request using HIT Review
Policy data structures. The example request is followed by an example response.
Sample Request
The following is an example CreateHIT request.
{ HITTypeId:"T100CN9P324W00EXAMPLE",
Question:URL-encoded question data,
{ Key:"AnswerKey",
MapEntry Elements API Version 2017-01-17 212
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
{Key: "QuestionId1", Values:["B"]},
{Key: "QuestionId2", Value:["A"]},
{Key: "QuestionId3", Value:["C"]},
{Key: "QuestionId4", Value:["A"]}
{ Key: "ApproveIfKnownAnswerScoreIsAtLeast",
{ Key: "ExtendIfKnownAnswerScoreIsLessThan",
{ Key: "ExtendMaximumAssignments",
// Add upto 15 questions
Values:["questionid1", "questionid2", "questionid3", "questionid4", "questionid5"]
Examples API Version 2017-01-17 213
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The Locale data structure represents a geographical region or location.
The Locale data structure is used as part of the QualificationRequirement data structure when
you specify a requirement based on the locale Qualification, and as part of the Qualification data
structure that describes the value of a locale Qualification.
When used in a QualificationRequirement, the Locale data structure only needs to contain as much
of the locale as the Worker needs to match to meet the requirement. For example, a requirement
that the Worker be living anywhere in the United States would have only the Country field.
Currently, a Locale data structure only supports the Country field and Subdivision field.
Please note that subdivisions or states are only available for the United States of America.
The Locale structure can contain the elements described in the following table. When the structure
is used in a request, elements described as Required must be included for the request to succeed.
Name Description Required
The country of the locale.
Type: A valid ISO 3166 country code. For example,
the code US refers to the United States of America.
Default: none
The state or subdivision of the locale.
Type: Type: A valid ISO 3166-2 subdivision code. For
example, the code CA refers to the state of California
Default: none
Locale API Version 2017-01-17 214
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The following code sample indicates a locale in the United States.
The following code sample indicates a locale in the state of California in the United States of
Example API Version 2017-01-17 215
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Review Policies
Using Amazon Mechanical Turk Review Policies you can evaluate Worker submissions against a
defined set of criteria. You specify the Review Policy(s) that you want to use when you call the
CreateHIT operation.
There are two types of Review Policies, Assignment-level and HIT-level:
An Assignment-level Review Policy is applied as soon as a Worker submits an assignment. For
more information, see Assignment Review Policies.
A HIT-level Review Policy is applied when a HIT becomes reviewable. For more information, see
HIT Review Policies.
You can select from a set of pre-defined Review Policies. One Review Policy leverages known
answers or gold standards within a Human Intelligence Task (HIT) and has Mechanical Turk
calculate a Worker’s performance on these known answers. You can specify an action for
Mechanical Turk to take automatically based on Worker performance against the known answer.
Mechanical Turk has Review Policies that calculate consensus/agreement among multiple Workers
performing the same HITs. For instance, you can specify a Review Policy that measures agreement
on work items within the HIT and authorizes Mechanical Turk to keep asking additional Workers
to work on the HIT, until a certain level of agreement is achieved. Once the required level of
agreement is achieved, the results are returned to you for immediate use.
Review Policies that track Worker performance on your known answers and agreement with other
Workers give you information you can use to manage your Workers. For more information about
using Review Policies, see Review Policy Use Cases.
How Review Policies Work
You specify the Review Policy(s) that you want Mechanical Turk to apply when you call the
CreateHIT operation. You must specify Review Policies when you create a HIT. You cannot apply a
Review Policy to an existing HIT.
As assignments are submitted, Mechanical Turk applies the Review Policy(s) that you specify. You
call the ListReviewPolicyResultsForHIT operation to gather the results from the application of the
Review Policy.
How Review Policies Work API Version 2017-01-17 216
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
There are two types of Review Policies, Assignment-level Review Policies that are applied as
soon as a Worker submits an assignment and HIT-level Review Policies that are applied when a
HIT becomes reviewable. For more information, see Assignment Review Policies and HIT Review
You can specify one Assignment-level Review Policy and one HIT-level Review Policy when you
call CreateHIT using the HIT Review Policy data structure. The Assignment-level Review Policy
ScoreMyKnownAnswer/2011-09-01 and the HIT-level Review Policy SimplePlurality/2011-09-01
can be used in the same call to CreateHIT.
Once an Assignment-level Review Policy is applied, the Assignment's status is changed to
Submitted and optionally an event notification can be sent. Assignments with Submitted status are
returned by the ListAssignmentsForHIT operation and the results of applying the Review Policy are
available by using the ListReviewPolicyResultsForHIToperation.
You can use different Review Policies on distinct HITs in a HIT type. For example, you may wish to
apply the ScoreMyKnownAnswers/2011-09-01 policy to a small number of HITs that have known
answers in them, but apply the SimplePlurality/2011-09-01 policy to all HITs in a group. Workers
do not have access on the Worker User Interface to information about whether a Review Policy has
been applied to a HIT.
Assignment Review Policies
Assignment-level Review Policies are applied as soon as a Worker submits an assignment.
ScoreMyKnownAnswers/2011-09-01 is an Assignment-level Review Policy.
You can use the ScoreMyKnownAnswers/2011-09-01 Review Policy for QuestionForm (QAP) HITs
and for ExternalQuestion (iframe) HITs. You provide an answer key when you call the CreateHIT
operation. The answer key is a collection of QuestionIds, where each QuestionId has a set of zero or
more values that represent the correct response for that QuestionId. For more information about
QuestionForm and ExternalQuestion HITs, see QuestionForm and ExternalQuestion.
You can specify if one question in your HIT has a known answer or if many questions in your
HIT have known answers. When a Worker submits an assignment Mechanical Turk examines the
Worker's answers and compares them against the set of known answers that you provide when you
Assignment Review Policies API Version 2017-01-17 217
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
create the HIT. Mechanical Turk then calculates a score, for example, 4 out of 10 known answers
were correct.
Based on how the Worker's level of agreement with the known answers compares with various
configurable thresholds, Mechanical Turk can automatically take actions you requested to approve
the assignment, automatically reject the assignment, or automatically extend the HIT to publish an
assignment for another Worker.
A Worker’s performance on known answers within a specific assignment are returned from calling
the ListReviewPolicyResultsForHIT operation.
Mechanical Turk evaluates answers and considers the following answers as not matching:
The Worker left an empty value set in the answer key.
The answer key has an empty value set but the Worker supplied an answer.
The Worker provides an answer that is the wrong case or has incorrect punctuation that doesn't
match the answer exactly. You can either use structured HTML form elements to restrict the
values a Worker can submit, or use JavaScript to validate and normalize the submitted values.
The answer key says a question's answer is A and B but the Worker's value is A.
The answer key says a question's answer is A and the Worker selected both A and B.
When comparing answers for a match, Mechanical Turk removes any whitespace from before and
after the Worker's answer, and from before and after the answer you provide.
The following parameters are specified in the AssignmentReviewPolicy element when calling the
CreateHIT operation. You must also specify the PolicyName ScoreYourKnownAnswers/2011-09-01
as part of the AssignmentReviewPolicy element. For an example of how to structure the
AssignmentReviewPolicy element, see the HIT Review Policy data structure.
Name Description Required
Question IDs and the answers to the
Type: MapEntry, see the HIT Review Policy
data structure.
ScoreMyKnownAnswers/2011-09-01 API Version 2017-01-17 218
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name Description Required
Default: None
Approve the assignment if the KnownAnsw
erScore is equal to or greater than this val
ue. If not specified, assignments are left in
the submitted state and are not approved
or rejected.
Type: Integer
Constraints: Minimum value 0 (always
approve), maximum 101 (never approve)
A description provided to the Worker
about the reason the assignment was
approved. If not specified, the reason is
left blank.
Type: String
Reject the assignment if the KnownAnsw
erScore is equal to or less than this value. I
f not specified, assignments are left in the
submitted state and are not approved or
Type: Integer
Constraints: Minimum value 0 (never
reject), maximum 101 (always reject).
ScoreMyKnownAnswers/2011-09-01 API Version 2017-01-17 219
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name Description Required
A description provided to the Worker
about the reason the assignment was
rejected. If not specified, the reason is left
Type: String
Extend the HIT by one assignment to
allow one more Worker to complete it if
the known answer score is less than this
value. Ordinarily this is done to replace an
assignment that is being rejected or that
is not usable because the Worker didn't
answer the known answer correctly.
If omitted the HIT is not extended.
Type: String
Constraint: Minimum value 0 (never
extend), maximum 101 (always extend).
ScoreMyKnownAnswers/2011-09-01 API Version 2017-01-17 220
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name Description Required
The maximum number of assignments
the HIT can be extended. Note that if you
use the CreateAdditionalAssignments
ForHIT operation and specify a maximum
assignment count greater than this value,
ScoreMyKnownAnswers will not extend
the HIT.
Note: If a HIT is created with fewer than 10
assignments, it will not extend to have 10
or more assignments.
Type: Integer
Constraint: Minimum value 2, maximum
Default: 5
The additional time in seconds to let other
Workers complete the extended assignme
Type: Integer
Constraints: Minimum of 60 (one minute),
Maximum of 31536000 (one year).
Default: 0
HIT Review Policies
A HIT-level Review Policy is applied when a Human Intelligence Task (HIT) becomes reviewable.
HIT Review Policies API Version 2017-01-17 221
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
SimplePlurality/2011-09-01 is a HIT-level Review Policy.
The SimplePlurality/2011-09-01 policy allows you to automatically compare answers received
from multiple Workers and detect if there is a majority or consensus answer. The results can
optionally trigger additional actions, such as approving the assignments that matched the majority
answer. The results of this comparison are available as a part of the ListReviewPolicyResultsForHIT
Mechanical Turk evaluates answers and considers the following answers as not matching:
The Worker provides an answer that is the wrong case or incorrect punctuation that doesn't
match the answer exactly to another Worker. You can either use structured HTML form elements
to restrict the values a Worker can submit, or use JavaScript to validate and normalize the
submitted values.
One Worker's answer is A and B, but another Worker's value is A.
One Worker's answer is A, but another Worker selected both A and B.
When comparing answers for a match, Mechanical Turk removes any whitespace from before and
after the Worker's answer.
Answers that are longer than 256 characters are not used in the computation of HIT review
The following parameters are specified in the HITReviewPolicy element when calling the CreateHIT
operation. You must also specify the PolicyName SimplePlurality/2011-09-01 as part of the
HitReviewPolicy element. For an example, see HIT Review Policy data structure.
Name Description Required
SimplePlurality/2011-09-01 API Version 2017-01-17 222
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name Description Required
A comma-separated list of questionIds
used to determine agreement.
Type: String
Constraints: none
If the Question Agreement Score is
greater than this value, the questionI
d is considered to have an agreed
Type: Integer
Constraints: none
Excludes rejected assignments from
agreement calculation.
Type: Boolean
Constraints: T or F
Excludes answers from agreement
calculation if the KnownAnswerScore
is present and less than the provided
Type: Integer
Constraints: none
SimplePlurality/2011-09-01 API Version 2017-01-17 223
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name Description Required
If the HIT Agreement Score is less than
this value, extend the HIT to another
Worker to complete. If omitted,
extending on failure is disabled.
Type: Integer
Constraints: 1-100
If the ExtendIfHITAgreementScoreIs
LessThan is provided, this sets the total
maximum number of assignments for
the HIT.
If you use ExtendHIT operation and
specify the maximum assignmen
t count greater than this value,
ScoreMyKnownAnswers will not extend
the HIT.
Note: If a HIT is created with fewer
than 10 assignments, it will not extend
to have 10 or more assignments.
Type: Integer
Constraints: none
Conditions: Required if ExtendIfHITAgr
eementScoreIsLessThan is provided.
SimplePlurality/2011-09-01 API Version 2017-01-17 224
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name Description Required
If the ExtendIfHITAgreementScoreIs
LessThan is provided, this sets the
additional time that the HIT will be
extended by.
Type: Integer
Constraints: Minimum of 60 (one
minute), Maximum of 31536000 (365
Conditions: Required if ExtendIfH
ITAgreementScoreIsLessThan is
If the Worker Agreement Score is
not less than this value, approve the
Worker's assignment.
If omitted, assignment will not be
approved or rejected.
Type: Integer
Constraints: none
If the Worker Agreement Score is less
than this value, reject the Worker's
If omitted, assignment will not be
approved or rejected.
Type: Integer
Constraints: none
SimplePlurality/2011-09-01 API Version 2017-01-17 225
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name Description Required
If the RejectIfWorkerAgreementIsSc
oreLessThan value is provided,
this value sets the reason for any
automated rejections.
Type: String
Constraints: none
The following scores are calculated data from the SimplePlurality/2011-09-01 policy. Based on the
value of these scores, Mechanical Turk can take various actions that you specify in the CreateHIT
operation. It is important to understand how these scores are calculated so you can specify the
appropriate actions to take, including approving or rejecting assignments, or extending HITs. The
following chart describes how the scores are calculated.
Score Description
Percentage of Workers who provided the agreed-upon answer for a HIT.
Note: Answer values are not normalized for case, whitespace, or punctuation
before comparison. Answers can contain multiple values (such as in a set
of check boxes); two answers agree with each other if they have the same
values present and absent. We don't recommend using free format answers
because values are not normalized.
HIT Agreement
Percentage of questions within the HIT with an agreed-upon answer. The
number of questions within the HIT with an agreed-upon answer, divided
by the number of questions evaluated.
SimplePlurality/2011-09-01 API Version 2017-01-17 226
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Score Description
The percentage of questions to which a Worker's answer agreed with other
Workers' answers in the same HIT. If a question does not have an agreed
upon answer the question is disregarded in this calculation.
The example chart below describes how the Answer Agreement Score and Worker Agreement Score
is calculated for a HIT with 4 questions and answers from 3 Workers.
on value?
on value
A coat sweater coat Yes coat 66%
B blue blue green Yes blue 66%
C large large large Yes large 100%
D Furry fur furr No n/a n/a
100% 66% 66%
The Question Agreement Score for questions A and B are 66% because two Workers agreed on
the same answer. The HIT Agreement Score for this HIT is 75%. The HIT had four questions, and
three of them had an agreed-upon answer for a percentage of 75%. The Worker Agreement Score
for Worker 1 is 100% because this Worker agreed with the other Workers for each answer, except
Question D where there was no conclusive answer.
SimplePlurality/2011-09-01 API Version 2017-01-17 227
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Review Policy Use Cases
The following use cases show you how to apply ScoreYourKnownAnswers and SimplePlurality
policies when you call the CreateHIT operation.
Photo Moderation Use Case – Single Worker with Known Answers
In this scenario, you want Workers to moderate photos and screen the photos for inappropriate
content. You place 20 photos in a single HIT and 5 of the 20 photos are your known answers. You
are using Master Workers and have created the HIT with only one initial assignment. You want
to use the answers based on the Worker getting at least 4 of the 5 known answers (80% Answer
Agreement Score) correct. If the first Worker does not meet the Answer Agreement score of 80%,
then you want to extend the HIT to another Worker. But, in this scenario, you only want to extend
the HIT to a maximum of three Workers.
Elements and Parameters
The following is a list of elements and parameters you need to specify in the CreateHIT operation
to execute the above scenario and allow Mechanical Turk to automatically calculate the known
answer score. Note that this CreateHIT example assumes you have already created a HIT Type.
Element Parameter Value
PolicyName ScoreMyKnownAnswer
AnswerKey List of questionIDs and
ExtendMaximumAssignments 3
Review Policy Use Cases API Version 2017-01-17 228
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The following example shows how to use the above elements and parameters with the CreateHIT
Sample CreateHIT Request
The following example shows a CreateHIT request.
<Question>[CDATA block or XML Entity encoded]</Question>
<Key>QuestionId3</Key> <!—correct answer is “B” -->
<Key>QuestionId7</Key> <!—correct answer is “A” -->
<Key>QuestionId15</Key> <!—correct answer is “F” -->
<Key>QuestionId17</Key> <!—correct answer is “C” -->
<Key>QuestionId18</Key> <!—correct answer is “A” -->
Photo Moderation Use Case – Single Worker with Known Answers API Version 2017-01-17 229
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Photo Moderation Use Case – Multiple Workers with Agreement
In this scenario, you want Workers to moderate photos and screen the photos for inappropriate
content. You place 20 photos in a single HIT and 5 of the 20 photos are your known answers. You
want to approve the assignment if the Worker completes at least 4 of the 5 known answers correct
(at least 80% Answer Agreement Score).
You want 3 Workers to complete each HIT and you want to calculate the HIT Agreement Score for
the 15 photos you don’t know the answer to. Also, you want to disregard the Worker's answer in
the Agreement Score if they don't get 4 of 5 of the known answers correct.
Elements and Parameters
The following is a list of elements and parameters you need to specify in the CreateHIT
operation to execute the above scenario and allow Mechanical Turk to automatically approve the
assignments. Note that this CreateHIT example assumes you have already created a HIT Type.
Element Parameter Value
PolicyName ScoreMyKnownAnswer
Answer List of questionIDs and
ApproveIfKnownAnswerScoreIsAtLeast 80
ExtendIfKnownAnswerScoreIsLessThan 80
Photo Moderation Use Case – Multiple Workers with Agreement API Version 2017-01-17 230
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Element Parameter Value
ExtendMaximumAssignments 3
PolicyName SimplePlurality/20
QuestionIDs Your list of 15 question
QuestionAgreementThreshold 100
The following example shows how to use the above elements and parameters with the CreateHIT
Sample CreateHIT Request
The following example shows a CreateHIT request.
<Question>[CDATA block or XML Entity encoded]</Question>
<Key>QuestionId3</Key> <!—correct answer is “B” -->
Photo Moderation Use Case – Multiple Workers with Agreement API Version 2017-01-17 231
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
<Key>QuestionId4</Key> <!—correct answer is “A” -->
<Key>QuestionId13</Key> <!—correct answer is “F” -->
<Key>QuestionId14</Key> <!—correct answer is “C” -->
<Key>QuestionId19</Key> <!—correct answer is “A” -->
..... <! Add your additional 10 questionIDs for a total of 15
questions. Different from your known answer questionIDs.>
Photo Moderation Use Case – Multiple Workers with Agreement API Version 2017-01-17 232
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Categorization and Tagging Use Case – Multiple Workers
In this scenario, you want Workers to categorize a product and provide multiple tags for the
product in a HIT. You also want the Workers to be able to comment on your HIT and give you
You want to calculate the Answer Agreement Score for only the categorization question. If two
Workers do not agree on the product categorization question, you want to extend the HIT to a
third Worker. Also, you want to extend the assignment by an hour so the third Worker has time to
work on the assignment.
Elements and Parameters
The following is a list of elements and parameters you need to specify in the CreateHIT operation
to execute the above scenario and allow Mechanical Turk to automatically calculate agreement and
approve or reject the assignments. Note that this CreateHIT example assumes you have already
created a HIT Type.
Element Parameter Value
PolicyName SimplePlurality/20
QuestionIDs questionID1
QuestionAgreementThreshold 100
ExtendMinimumTimeInSeconds 3600
Categorization and Tagging Use Case – Multiple Workers API Version 2017-01-17 233
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Element Parameter Value
ExtendMaximumAssignments 3
The following example shows how to use the above elements and parameters with the CreateHIT
Sample CreateHIT Request
The following example shows a CreateHIT request.
<Question>[CDATA block or XML Entity encoded]</Question>
Categorization and Tagging Use Case – Multiple Workers API Version 2017-01-17 234
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Managing Notifications
Elements of a Notification Message
Notification Handling Using Amazon SQS
Notification Handling Using Amazon SNS
This section describes how to set up and handle Amazon Mechanical Turk event notification
messages. A notification message describes one or more events that happened in regards to a HIT
type. For more information, see Elements of a Notification Message.
You can configure Amazon Mechanical Turk to notify you whenever certain events occur during the
life cycle of a HIT. Mechanical Turk can send you a notification message when a Worker accepts,
abandons, returns, or submits an assignment, when a HIT becomes "reviewable", or when a HIT
expires, for any HIT of a given HIT type.
Notifications are specified as part of a HIT type. To set up notifications for a HIT type, you call the
UpdateNotificationSettings operation with a HIT type ID and a notification specification. For more
information about HIT types, see Understanding HIT Types.
A notification specification is defined by a Notification data structure, which describes a HIT
event notification for the HIT type. The notification specification is passed as the Notification
parameter when calling UpdateNotificationSettings.
Amazon Mechanical Turk can send a notification to an Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon
SQS) queue or to an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic.
For more information about setting up and handling notifications, see Creating and Managing
For more information on configuring notifications using SQS, see Notification Handling Using
Amazon SQS.
For more information on configuring notifications using SNS, see Notification Handling Using
Amazon SNS.
API Version 2017-01-17 235
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
You can test your application's ability to receive notifications using SendTestEventNotification.
Elements of a Notification Message
Notification messages contain one or more Event data structures that describe recent activity for
HITs of a HIT type.
The Notification API Version
Similar to how a REST request that is sent to the Amazon Mechanical Turk Requester service must
include a Version parameter to indicate which version of the service API the client is expecting to
use, a notification message must also include a Version parameter. This version string is identical
to the version that is included in the notification specification for the HIT type.
Your application may need to accommodate receiving notification messages of different
versions at the same time if you want to upgrade your notification specifications to a new
version without missing messages. You can avoid having to accommodate multiple API
versions by first disabling the notification specifications that use the old version, upgrading
your application to use the new version, then updating the notification specifications to use
the new version and re-enable notifications.
When a new version of the notification API is made available, all existing notification specifications
will continue to use the API versions they were using previously. You must update your notification
specifications to use a new version of the API.
A notification message describes one or more events that happened in regards to a HIT type. Each
event includes:
the event type (EventType), a value corresponding to the EventType value in the notification
specification data structure
the time of the event (EventTime), as a dateTime in the Coordinated Universal Time time zone,
such as 2005-01-31T23:59:59Z
Elements of a Notification Message API Version 2017-01-17 236
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
the HIT type ID for the event (HITTypeId)
the HIT ID for the event (HITId)
the assignment ID for the event, if applicable (AssignmentId)
Multiple events may be batched into a single notification message.
Notification Handling Using Amazon SQS
Your application can use the Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) to handle Mechanical
Turk notifications. By using Amazon SQS, your notifications are guaranteed to be delivered at least
once. For more information about guaranteed delivery of notifications, see Guaranteed Delivery.
For more information about, see Amazon SQS.
Creating an SQS Queue
You must create an Amazon SQS queue before using the SQS transport type in notification-related
calls. Mechanical Turk does not create an Amazon SQS queue for you. An SQS queue can be created
through the Amazon SQS API or by using the AWS Console. For more information, see the Amazon
SQS documentation.
Configuring an SQS Queue
Your Amazon SQS queue permissions must be configured to allow a Mechanical Turk system
account to call the sqs:SendMessage action on your queue. Whether you use the management
console UI or the API to configure permissions, consider the following:
You must add a permission that enables the Mechanical Turk service principal mturk-
requester.amazonaws.com to call SendMessage on your queue.
Your SendMessage permission must add an action of aws:SecureTransport set to true.
Limit the permissions you apply to this queue to those that will actually be used.
You should consider disallowing all other access to your queue from other accounts.
This makes it easy for you to be sure that available messages were sent by Mechanical Turk.
If you enable SendMessage for other accounts to this queue, or if you plan to send messages to
this queue from your AWS account, you should check the sending identity for every message that
you receive from the queue. You can do this by requesting the SenderId attribute in your call to
Notification Handling Using Amazon SQS API Version 2017-01-17 237
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
ReceiveMessage. This value will be AIDAIXO4EZE6RHVSXIN4E. Amazon SQS provides this value
as a strong guarantee of the authenticated identity of the sender, so if it matches, you can be
sure the message came from Mechanical Turk.
For more information, see the Amazon SQS Developer Guide and Amazon SQS API Reference.
Amazon SQS Policy Document Example
The following example policy document only creates the SendMessage permission for the
Mechanical Turk account. You can add additional restrictions. For more information about policy
documents, see the Amazon SQS Developer Guide.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Id": "arn:aws:sqs:region:aws-account-id:queue-name/MTurkOnlyPolicy",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Service": "mturk-requester.amazonaws.com"
"Action": "SQS:SendMessage",
"Resource": "arn:aws:sqs:region:aws-account-id:queue-name",
"Condition": {
"Bool": {
Configuring Permissions Using the AWS Console
To configure permissions in the AWS Console:
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon SQS console at https://
2. Select your queue, and then select Permissions.
Amazon SQS Policy Document Example API Version 2017-01-17 238
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
3. Click Edit Policy Document.
4. Enter a policy document similar to the example.
Configuring Permissions Using the Amazon SQS API
Call the Amazon SQS SetQueueAttributes action with the Attribute.Name parameter set to
Policy. You can call SetQueueAttributes with a policy document similar to the example policy
document. Do not use the Amazon SQS AddPermission action for configuring permissions on
this queue. If you programmatically create a queue and apply a policy document to it, you must
ensure the Resource value in the policy document is updated with the correct queue name.
Testing Your Queue
To test your permissions, call the Mechanical Turk SendTestEventNotification operation with a
Transport of SQS and your queue URL as the Destination.
Guaranteed Delivery
Using Amazon SQS provides a guaranteed at-least-once delivery of each message. Mechanical Turk
ensures that it calls SendMessage at least once for each message. SQS then provides guarantees
regarding message persistence and message delivery.
Rarely, the same message may show up twice in the queue. This is an attribute of Amazon SQS's
nature as a distributed system.
If you take action on your queue that prevents Mechanical Turk from publishing to it, we cannot
guarantee delivery of the messages that would have been sent to your queue. For instance, such
actions may include:
Modifying the permissions on your queue in a way that prevents our account from calling
SendMessage successfully.
Deleting or disabling your queue.
SQS Message Ordering
You should expect that messages may arrive out of order. For information about message ordering
behavior, see the SQS documentation.
Configuring Permissions Using the Amazon SQS API API Version 2017-01-17 239
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Multiple SQS Queues
You may use a different queue for each HITType that you configure with notifications.
Mechanical Turk does not provide the ability to route events within a HITType to different queues.
For example, you might prefer to have AssignmentSubmitted events for a HITType delivered to a
different queue than HITReviewable events for that same HITType. Mechanical Turk will publish
both events to the same queue. You can split the events into different queues by running an SQS
client that pulls the messages and republishes them to different queues depending on the event
SQS Message Payload
The body of each SQS message is a JSON-encoded structure that provides support for multiple
events in each message.
The JSON-encoded structure contains the following:
EventDocVersion: This is the requested version that is passed in the call to
UpdateNotificationSettings, such as 2014-08-15. For a requested version, Mechanical Turk
will not change the structure or definition of the output payload structure in a way that is not
EventDocId: A unique identifier for the Mechanical Turk event. In rare cases, you may receive two
different SQS messages for the same event, which can be detected by tracking the EventDocId
values you have already seen.
CustomerId: Your Customer Id.
Events: A list of Event structures, described next.
The Event structure contains the following:
EventType: A value corresponding to the EventType value in the notification specification data
EventTimestamp: A dateTime in the Coordinated Universal Time time zone, such as
HITTypeId: The HIT type ID for the event.
HITId: The HIT ID for the event.
AssignmentId: The assignment ID for the event, if applicable.
Multiple SQS Queues API Version 2017-01-17 240
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Double Delivery
Amazon SQS already provides a MessageId value that enables double-delivery detection in the
typical SQS case. However, when receiving messages from Mechanical Turk, we recommend that
you use the EventDocId value for double-delivery detection. This will cover an additional scenario
in which you may see the same EventDocId in two messages with distinct MessageIds.
Most messages are safe to process twice, since they represent independent one-way state changes.
Consider whether detection of repeated messages is important for your application. You may be
able to simply process the message and ignore it if it appears to have been applied already.
Notification Handling Using Amazon SNS
Your application can use the Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) to handle
Mechanical Turk notifications. For more information about Amazon SNS, see Amazon SNS.
Creating an SNS Topic
You must create an Amazon SNS topic before using the SNS transport type in notification-related
calls. Mechanical Turk does not create an Amazon SNS topic for you. An SNS topic can be created
through the Amazon SNS API or by using the AWS Console. For more information, see the Amazon
SNS documentation.
Configuring an SNS Topic
Your Amazon SNS topic permissions must be configured to allow a Mechanical Turk system account
to publish to your topic. Whether you use the management console UI or the API to configure
permissions, consider the following:
You must add a permission that enables the Mechanical Turk service principal mturk-
requester.amazonaws.com to Publish to your topic.
You should ensure that only notifications from your Mechanical Turk account can be
published to your topic. This can be done using a StringEquals IAM Policy Condition for
the IAM Policy Condition Key aws:SourceAccount in your SNS Topic Policy doc. Set the
aws:SourceAccount value equal to the AWS Account Id that is linked to your Mechanical Turk
You can determine the AWS Account Id that is linked to your Mechanical Turk account by visiting
the Mechanical Turk Developer page.
Double Delivery API Version 2017-01-17 241
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
For more information on the use of IAM Policy Conditions, see the IAM Policy Condition Element
Your Publish permission must add an action of aws:SecureTransport set to true.
Limit the permissions you apply to this topic to those that will actually be used.
You should consider disallowing all other access to your topic from other accounts.
This makes it easy for you to be sure that all messages were sent by Mechanical Turk.
For more information, see the Amazon SNS Developer Guide and Amazon SNS API Reference.
Amazon SNS Policy Document Example
The following example policy document only creates the Publish permission for the Mechanical
Turk account. You can add additional restrictions. For more information about policy documents,
see the Amazon SNS Developer Guide.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Id": "arn:aws:sns:region:aws-account-id:topic-name/MTurkOnlyPolicy",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Service": "mturk-requester.amazonaws.com"
"Action": "SNS:Publish",
"Resource": "arn:aws:sns:region:aws-account-id:topic-name",
"Condition": {
"StringEquals": {
"aws:SourceAccount": "linked-aws-account-id"
"Bool": {
Amazon SNS Policy Document Example API Version 2017-01-17 242
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Configuring Permissions Using the AWS Console
To configure permissions in the AWS Console:
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon SNS console at https://
2. Select your topic, and then select Actions.
3. Click Edit Topic Policy.
4. Enter a policy document similar to the example.
Configuring Permissions Using the Amazon SNS API
Call the Amazon SNS SetTopicAttributes action with the AttributeName parameter set to
Policy. You can call SetTopicAttributes with a policy document similar to the example policy
document. Do not use the Amazon SNS AddPermission action for configuring permissions on this
topic. If you programmatically create a topic and apply a policy document to it, you must ensure
the Resource value in the policy document is updated with the correct topic name.
Testing Your Topic
To test your permissions, call the Mechanical Turk SendTestEventNotification operation with a
Transport of SNS and your topic ARN as the Destination.
SNS Message Payload
The body of each SNS message is a JSON-encoded structure that provides support for multiple
events in each message.
The JSON-encoded structure contains the following:
EventDocVersion: This is the requested version that is passed in the call to
UpdateNotificationSettings, such as 2014-08-15. For a requested version, Mechanical Turk
will not change the structure or definition of the output payload structure in a way that is not
EventDocId: A unique identifier for the Mechanical Turk event. In rare cases, you may receive two
different SNS messages for the same event, which can be detected by tracking the EventDocId
values you have already seen.
Configuring Permissions Using the AWS Console API Version 2017-01-17 243
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
CustomerId: Your Customer Id.
Events: A list of Event structures, described next.
The Event structure contains the following:
EventType: A value corresponding to the EventType value in the notification specification data
EventTimestamp: A dateTime in the Coordinated Universal Time time zone, such as
HITTypeId: The HIT type ID for the event.
HITId: The HIT ID for the event.
AssignmentId: The assignment ID for the event, if applicable.
Double Delivery
When receiving messages from Mechanical Turk, we recommend that you use the EventDocId
value for double-delivery detection.
Most messages are safe to process twice, since they represent independent one-way state changes.
Consider whether detection of repeated messages is important for your application. You may be
able to simply process the message and ignore it if it appears to have been applied already.
Double Delivery API Version 2017-01-17 244
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
The Notification data structure describes a HIT event notification for a HIT type.
The Notification structure can contain the elements described in the following table. When the
structure is used in a request, elements described as Required must be included for the request to
Name Description Required
The destination for notification messages.
Type: String
For Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon
SQS) notifications (if Transport is SQS), this
is the URL for your Amazon SQS queue. For more
information, see Notification Handling Using
Amazon SQS.
For Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon
SNS) notifications (if Transport is SNS), this
is the ARN for your Amazon SNS topic. For more
information, see Notification Handling Using
Amazon SNS.
Default: None
The method Amazon Mechanical Turk uses to send
the notification.
Type: String
Notification API Version 2017-01-17 245
Amazon Mechanical Turk API Reference
Name Description Required
Valid Values: SQS | SNS
Default: None
The version of the Notification data structure schema
to use.
Type: String
Valid Values: 2014-08-15
Default: None
The array of one or more events that should cause
notifications to be sent. The Ping event is only valid
for the SendTestEventNotification operation.
Type: Array of Strings
Valid Values: AssignmentAccepted | Assignmen
tAbandoned | AssignmentReturned | Assignmen
tSubmitted | AssignmentRejected | Assignmen
tApproved | HITCreated | HITExtended | HITDisposed |
HITReviewable | HITExpired | Ping
Default: None
In the following example, the notification specification specifies that an event notification message
will be published to an SNS topic when a Worker accepts a HIT.
Transport: "SNS",
Example API Version 2017-01-17 246