Running Head: Mechanical Turk for Recruiting Cancer Survivors
An Exploration of Mechanical Turk as a Feasible Recruitment
Platform for Cancer Survivors
Alaina Carr
Department of Psychology and Neuroscience
University of Colorado at Boulder
Thesis Advisor: Dr. Joanna Arch
Department of Psychology and Neuroscience
Dr. Rolf Norgaard, Program for Writing and Rhetoric
Dr. Richard Olson, Department of Psychology and Neuroscience (Honors Representative)
April 4, 2014
Running Head: Mechanical Turk for Recruiting Cancer Survivors
Objective: The recruitment of cancer survivors for participation in psychosocial studies can
be challenging. Recruitment can be slow and costly, sample sizes are often small, and
retention rates are low. These challenges are particularly pronounced in recruiting young
adult cancer survivors (e.g. 40 years of age). One possible solution to this problem is to
assess the feasibility and reliability of using Amazon’s Mechanical Turk (MTurk), an online
marketplace, as a survey research recruitment tool for cancer survivors. No known research
to date has assessed the utility of MTurk as a recruitment tool for cancer populations. The
present study seeks to address this gap in research by assessing the feasibility and validity of
MTurk as a recruitment platform for cancer survivors in general and for young adult cancer
survivors in particular. An additional goal is to assess cancer survivors general psychiatric
symptoms and use of formal psychosocial support and the degree to which the need for such
support is linked to their experience of having cancer.
Methods: During a 3-week period, a U.S. sample of cancer survivors (n = 166 total, n = 146
who fully completed the survey), defined as persons with cancer or a history of cancer (of
any type), were recruited on MTurk to complete a series of questionnaires relating to cancer
and general psychosocial functioning. The first survey assessed the presence of U.S. cancer
survivors on MTurk and to determine the extent to which cancer survivors could be recruited
quickly and at low cost compared to traditional recruitment methods and whether their
responses were valid and reliable. One week after completing the first survey, participants
were re-contacted through email to complete a second survey.
Results: 166 participants consented to our first survey and 146 of those 166 participants fully
completed the survey. Two participants provided insufficient cancer type (i.e. No cancer)
Running Head: Mechanical Turk for Recruiting Cancer Survivors
and 1 participant reported residency outside of the U.S. We additionally assessed the
reliability and validity of participant reporting on sociodemographic and cancer type items
across both surveys and found 9 participants provided inconsistent information. We
examined whether participants may have fabricated responses by using the MMPI-2 F(p)
scale and found 23 participants scored high on this measure of malingering. These
participants were excluded from analyses resulting in a final Survey 1 sample of 111
participants. When assessing reliability and validity of participant reporting, we found for the
majority of participants (88.75%), geographic and cancer type reporting was honest and
consistent across both surveys. Participants on MTurk had low non-response error in fully
completing the first and second surveys (87.96%; 89.89%) and total scores of questionnaires
(AAQ-II, PHQ-9, & BEAQ) administered across both surveys were highly correlated (r =
.83; r = .78 ; r = .85) suggesting adequate test-retest reliability. Our findings indicated there
is a particularly strong presence of younger cancer survivors (Median age = 38 years). Breast,
cervical, melanoma, ovarian, skin cancer, and lung cancer were the most commonly
represented cancers within our sample. Additionally, we assessed feasibility of collecting
data longitudinally and found 61.00% of participants (n = 89) responded to a second survey
sent out one week after the first survey.
Conclusion: This study demonstrated that MTurk can be used with relative success as a
survey research recruitment tool for cancer survivors, particularly for one-time surveys. Data
was collected quickly (< 1month), at a relatively low-cost (< $2.00/participant), and across a
broad geographic range within the U.S. Cancer survivor respondents were younger on
average than the national norm, suggesting that MTurk might represent a particularly viable
Running Head: Mechanical Turk for Recruiting Cancer Survivors
recruitment strategy for young adult cancer populations ( 40 years old). Keywords: Cancer
Survivors, Amazon’s Mechanical Turk, Cancer Recruitment, Internet
In 2012, Americans living with a history of cancer - that is, cancer survivors -
numbered nearly 14 million and by 2022, this number will increase to nearly 18 million
(Siegal et al., 2012). The cancer survivor community will continue to grow due to increased
early detection, improvement in medical treatments, and the aging U.S. population (Pollack
et al., 2005; Stanton, 2012). Medical and psychosocial research and treatment centers will
expand to address the challenges cancer survivors face during life beyond cancer diagnosis
and treatment, which include problems with interpersonal relationships, feelings of alienation
or isolation, fear of reoccurrence or death, anxiety and depression, and long-term treatment
side effects (Hewitt, Rowland, & Yancik, 2003; Stanton, 2012).
Despite these efforts researchers still face many challenges in recruiting cancer
survivors for psychosocial research. Challenges include difficulty locating cancer survivors,
lack of institutional commitment (lack of available staffing or time committed to the IRB
process and subsequent study), lack of patient interest, and poor retention rates (Ganz et al.,
2009). Young adults (< 40 years of age) have been particularly under-represented in cancer
survivorship research due to difficulty recruiting this mobile population (Rabin, Horowitz, &
Marcus, 2012; Siegal et al., 2012; Stanton, 2012). Yet young age is the steadiest
demographic predictor of poor quality of life, poor emotional functioning, and unmet needs
among cancer survivors (Rabin et al., 2012; Siegal et al., 2012; Stanton, 2012). As the
population living with a history of cancer continues to grow, the formation and
implementation of evidence-based methods for promoting the health and well-being of
Running Head: Mechanical Turk for Recruiting Cancer Survivors
cancer survivors are critical (Stanton, 2012). In sum, finding effective recruitment methods
for cancer survivors in general and young adult cancer survivors in particular, represents a
critical challenge to psycho-oncology research.
Current outreach mediums for recruitment utilized by behavioral cancer studies
include: cancer registries, mass media advertising (newspapers, newsletters, flyers, radio,
brochures, and television), online advertising (e-mail, search engines, affiliate websites, and
online communities), telephone-based recruitment, clinical-based recruitment, and other
outreach efforts through the community including partnerships with churches and cancer
support groups, word of mouth, use of direct mail (Rabin, et al., 2012; Stanton et al., 2013).
Research using these recruitment methods tends to yield samples that are not representative
of the larger population of adults diagnosed with cancer, which can result in inadequate
recruitment as a major rate-limiting step in behavioral research on cancer survivors (Rabin et
al., 2012; Stanton et al., 2013). For example, Stanton and colleagues (2013), in recruiting for
three nationwide psychoeducational trials for cancer patients, demonstrated that cancer
information programs (i.e. Cancer Information Service and American Cancer Society) and
cancer registries of individuals open to participating in research (i.e. Avon Army of Women
program) served as worthwhile resources for prostate and breast cancer patient recruitment
with restrictive eligibility criteria. Yet they indicated these recruitment resources yielded a
participant profile characterized by high education (college graduate and above), high family
income, and a particularly high percentage of non-Hispanic whites. They found that these
demographic characteristics are representative of the Cancer Information Service, American
Cancer Society, and Avon Army of Women pools but are not representative of the larger
prostate and breast cancer survivor populations. Stanton and colleagues (2013) noted that
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other resources for recruitment are needed if attaining greater sociodemographic diversity in
cancer patient accrual is a research goal.
As noted, recruiting young adult cancer survivors has proven particularly challenging.
Approximately 70,000 individuals in their twenties and thirties are diagnosed with cancer
each year, yet are dramatically underrepresented in cancer survivorship research, and face
significant medical and psychosocial challenges. In a recent study for a web-based physical
activity intervention, Rabin, Horowitz, and Marcus (2012) found that in-person recruitment
for young adult cancer survivors at an oncology clinic yielded the greatest percentage of
participants enrolled for an exercise-based intervention (per cancer survivor approached):
38% (n = 13) of those approached agreed to be screened (n = 5) resulting in 1 enrolled
participant (8% of those approached). However, when considering the relative yield of each
strategy (absolute number of young adult cancer survivors enrolled), they found that mailings
appeared to be the most productive strategy with a yield of 8 enrollees out of 770 mailings.
Both strategies (in person and mass mailing), however took significant time and resources
and recruitment was restricted to a local sample. Noted recommendations for recruitment and
retention improvement included attending to convenience issues to make participation easier
and utilizing resources of low-cost to reach a large number of eligible participants (Rabin et
al., 2012; Stanton et al., 2013).
One potentially viable alternative for addressing several of these challenges in the
recruitment of cancer survivors is the utilization of novel internet-based recruitment sources.
Psychosocial research has begun to be conducted specifically on Amazon’s Mechanical Turk
(MTurk), a relatively new crowdsourcing site (founded in 2005) with access to one of the
largest, stable, and diverse subject pool for low cost experiments (Mason & Suri, 2012). To
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our knowledge, MTurk has not yet been explored as a potential research recruitment site for
cancer survivors.
MTurk has already been used in several online studies involving behavioral and
social research (Mason & Suri, 2012). There have been at least two studies demonstrating
that the behavior of subjects on MTurk is comparable to the behavior of laboratory subjects
(Mason & Suri, 2012; Paolacci, Chandler, & Ipeirotis, 2010). Paolacci, Chandler, and
Ipeirotis (2010), for example, conducted a behavioral study comparing the quality of data
provided by subjects recruited in online labor markets (MTurk & Internet Discussion Boards)
to offline methods of recruiting subjects (a Midwestern University subject pool). Their
demographic data suggests that MTurk workers are at least as representative of the U.S.
population as traditional subject pools, with gender, race, age, and education of Internet
samples corresponding to the population more closely than college undergraduate samples
and other internet based samples in general. One additional concern to researchers
conducting web-based experiments is that unsupervised subjects tend to be less attentive than
subjects in a lab with an experimenter. To address this concern, they used a catch trial to
identify which subjects failed to pay close attention provided to the survey. They found
subjects in the three subject pools (MTurk, the Midwestern university sample, & Internet
Discussion Boards) did not differ in terms of attention provided to the survey. The MTurk
sample had the lowest catch trail failing rate (4.17%) compared to the Midwestern University
sample (6.47%) and Internet Discussion Board sample (5.26%) (Paolacci, et al., 2010).
Additionally, MTurk subjects were more likely to have a low non-response error (i.e.
subjects that accessed and fully completed the study) compared to subjects from Internet
Discussion Boards (91.6% and 66.7% respectively) suggesting MTurk strongly diminished
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the potential for non-response error in online research (Paolacci et al, 2010) Paolacci and
colleagues (2010) findings confirmed that MTurk participants yield reliable data.
Compared to social psychological studies on MTurk, studies on MTurk for clinical
and health psychology research are not as prevalent. Shapiro, Chandler, and Mueller (2013)
provide clinical psychology researchers with the first study to date examining the utility of
MTurk for conducting research on psychopathology. Their longitudinal research design also
assessed the reliability of participant reporting by comparing responses to demographic items
across two surveys spaced one week apart. They found that the vast majority (97%) provided
consistent demographic data across the two surveys. Additionally, MTurk workers were
shown to match or exceed the prevalence of depression, social anxiety disorder, and trauma
exposure in the general population (Shapiro et al., 2013). Their findings suggest that MTurk
has potential to serve as a useful tool in recruiting clinical and subclinical psychiatric
MTurk has structural and technical advantages that could make it a useful recruitment
tool for cancer survivors, that address some of the limitations and recommendations for
recruitment posed by previous investigators (e.g. Rabin et al., 2012; Stanton et al., 2013).
First, studies and data can be conducted quickly at a low cost (rewards can be as low as $0.01
and rarely exceed $1.00; the median reservation wage of $1.38 per hour) (Horton & Chilton,
2010; Paolacci et al., 2010; Shapiro et al., 2013). MTurk has the added benefit of offering a
built-in mechanism to pay workers, which reduces the difficulties of compensating large
numbers of individuals for their participation in studies (Mason & Suri, 2012). Second,
workers tend to come from diverse backgrounds, have a wide range of age, ethnicity, socio-
economic status, and geographic region (Mason & Suri, 2012). Specifically in the U.S., the
Running Head: Mechanical Turk for Recruiting Cancer Survivors
mean age of MTurk workers are 33 years old, workers have lower reported annual household
income (66.7% of workers have a reported annual household income <60k), and there is a
prevalence of female workers (64.85%) (Paolacci et al., 2010). MTurk’s relatively young
population could be useful particularly in reaching and recruiting young cancer survivors
(Paolacci et al., 2010). Third, a worker’s reputation defined by approval rate (percentage of
the worker’s submitted HITs have been approved by the Requester of the work) has a direct
effect on the future HITs that a worker can complete (Ross et al., 2010). As a result, workers
on MTurk tend to complete HITs with honesty and accuracy as to avoid having their work
rejected by a requester (Paolacci et al., 2010; Shapiro et al., 2013).
Fourth, MTurk makes workers anonymous to requestors (only identifiable by a
unique worker ID) and this can increase response rate and honesty as well (Shapiro et al.,
2013). Workers’ unique ID can be used by requesters to identify workers who have already
completed a HIT and researchers can exclude these workers accordingly (Paolacci et al.,
2010). To further ensure honesty among workers, online labor market creators have their
own strong financial incentives to prevent users from having multiple accounts and use a
terms-of-use agreement and technical approaches to prevent multiple accounts (Horton,
Rand, & Zeckhauser, 2011). Lastly, each worker has a unique worker ID that can restrict
what types of HITs a workers can see and complete (Paolacci et al., 2010; Shapiro et al.,
Thus requesters can require workers to have a particular “qualification” (i.e. national
origin, age, worker reputation, etc.) which could be a useful tool in targeting specific
subgroups of cancer survivors (Shapiro et al., 2013).
Running Head: Mechanical Turk for Recruiting Cancer Survivors
This study aims to address the utility of Mechanical Turk’s online Internet
community as a valid and feasible platform in recruiting cancer survivors to behavioral
survey research. No known work to date has assessed the presence of cancer survivors
among the MTurk community or the feasibility of recruiting such participants to complete
survey research. To address this gap, we aimed to recruit 250 cancer survivors within a
relatively brief time span (< 1 month), for low cost (< $2.00/ participant), and characterize
them with regard to cancer type and history, socio-demographics and psychosocial treatment
preferences. Finally we aimed to assess the feasibility of conducting longitudinal research
with cancer survivors on Mechanical Turk by aiming to recruit our sample for 2 surveys
spaced one week apart. A related goal was to assess the validity of the data by including a
widely-used test of malingering, Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2
Infrequency-Psychopathology Scale (F(p) scale, Arbisi & Ben-Porath, 1995), and including
other longitudinal checks (i.e. consistency of cancer type and demographic data reported
across both surveys) on the accuracy and reliability of the reported data.
Participants were recruited from Amazon’s Mechanical Turk according to the
following eligibility criteria: 1) They were U.S. residents, defined by self-report, ownership
of a U.S. bank account through Amazon, required social security number (SSN) or individual
tax identification number (ITIN) for Amazon’s worker account registration as well as
Amazon’s U.S. Resident Tax Information, and GeoIP estimate with longitudinal and
latitudinal coordinates of the computer accessing the survey located in the U.S.; 2) Fluent in
Running Head: Mechanical Turk for Recruiting Cancer Survivors
English; 3) At least 18 years of age or older; 4) Had at least a 90% HIT approval rate
(meaning 90% of the worker’s submitted HITs have been approved by the Requester of the
work); and 5) Identified as a cancer survivor, defined here as a person with cancer or a
history of cancer (of any type). Non-U.S. residents were excluded because most of our
measures have not been validated in non-Western samples and some questions were not
relevant to oncology care settings outside of the U.S. Of the original 166 participants that
consented to the study, 146 participants completed the first survey, 1 responded from a non-
American Internet protocol address, and 2 provided insufficient cancer type information at
Survey 1 (i.e., “no cancer”). Of the remaining 143 participants, 23 scored highly on the
MMPI-2 measure of malingering discussed below, and 9 provided inconsistent demographic
and cancer information at Survey 2 resulting in a final Survey 1 sample of 111 participants
that represent the focus of the analyses that follow (See Figure 1). Participants provided their
informed consent online. The study was approved by the University of Colorado Boulder
Institutional Review Board.
In Survey 1, participants completed a well-being survey of approximately 22 minutes
of administered questionnaires relating to cancer and general psychosocial functioning. The
focus of this paper will be on two of the study-specific cancer-related measures,
sociodemographic and support preferences, which includes the measures listed below.
Participants who were paid $0.50 for approximately 22 minutes and recruitment took
approximately three weeks. This rate of pay ($1.42 per hour) is about average for MTurk
HITs as the median reservation wage for tasks performed on MTurk is $1.38 per hour
Running Head: Mechanical Turk for Recruiting Cancer Survivors
(Horton & Chilton, 2010; Shapiro et al., 2013). After a worker’s response to the first HIT
was accepted on MTurk, the worker was emailed indicating they were eligible to complete a
second HIT, were assigned a custom qualification (numeric specific criteria assigned to each
worker in order to only have those qualified workers access the second survey), and would
receive further instruction in one week.
One week after completing the first part of the study, participants were re-contacted
through a second email to complete a second survey in exchange for $0.70. See measures
below for the second survey content. Up to five email invitations were sent out to remind
participants to complete the second survey if participants still had yet to complete it
following the previous email. The five email invitations resulted in eighty-nine (61.0%)
participants responding to this request over the course of ~4 weeks, with eighty fully
completing the second survey. Of these eighty Survey 2 participants, eight exceeded the
established cutoff on a test of malingering at Survey 1 (see malingering measure below) and
an additional 9 participants provided inconsistent demographic and cancer history
information between surveys 1 and 2. These 17 participants were excluded from further
analyses, resulting in a final Survey 2 sample of 63 participants (See Figure 2). Survey 1
participants who participated in Survey 2 did not differ from those on demographic and
cancer type. In Survey 2, participants completed the AAQ-II, PHQ-9, BEAQ, and Support
Preferences once again. Participants were also asked to provide demographic information and
Brief Cancer History again as a mechanism to identify potential data validity issues (i.e.
reporting different demographic information and cancer type would indicate lack of validity).
Survey 1 Measures
Running Head: Mechanical Turk for Recruiting Cancer Survivors
To decrease time burden for Mechanical Turk workers, we evaluated constructs as
efficiently as possible using sample-appropriate, psychometrically sound measures.
The 9-item Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9, Kroenke, Spitzer, & Williams,
2001) was designed to briefly assess depressive symptoms in medical settings. The PHQ-9 is
roughly half the length of other common depression measures, which decreases the time
burden for participants (Kroenke et al., 2001). Major depression is suspected if 5 or more of
the 9 depressive symptom criteria have been existent at least “more than half of the days” in
the past 2 weeks, and 1 of the symptoms is depressed mood or anhedonia (Kroenke et al.,
2001). The PHQ-9 demonstrates good sensitivity (.84) and fair specificity (.72) in medical
settings (Kroenke et al., 2001).
The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2, Infrequency Psychopathology
Scale F(p) (MMPI-2, Arbisi & Ben-Porath, 1995) includes 27 MMPI-2 items answered
infrequently (<10% of the time) by both the MMPI-2 normative sample and psychiatric
inpatients (Arbisi & Ben-Porath, 1995). The MMPI-II F(p) scale demonstrates good
construct validity and incremental validity (Arbisi & Ben-Porath, 1995). The higher the F(p)
score, the more likely it is that the participant has faked bad or malingered in their self-report
responses. We used a gender-specific T score corresponding to five standard deviations
above the normed mean to designate a malingered response, as recommended by Arbisi &
Ben-Porath (1995). A little over fifteen percent (n= 23; 15.75%) of our sample score above
this cut off and were excluded from analyses.
The Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II (AAQ-II) assesses the construct of
acceptance, experiential avoidance, and psychological inflexibility (Bond et al., 2011). The
AAQ-II indicates satisfactory structure, reliability, and validity with a mean alpha coefficient
Running Head: Mechanical Turk for Recruiting Cancer Survivors
of .84 (.78-.88) and a 3 and 12-month test-retest reliability of .81 and .79, respectively (Bond
et al., 2011).
The Brief Experiential Avoidance Questionnaire (BEAQ, Gámez et al., 2013) is a 15-
item self-report measure that demonstrates expected associations with measures of
avoidance, psychopathology, and quality of life. The BEAQ demonstrates good internal
consistency and strong convergence with respect to each of the Multidimensional
Experiential Avoidance Questionnaires (MEAQ). The MEAQ was developed to assess a
broad range of experiential avoidance and the BEAQ includes content from each of the
MEAQ’s six subscales and tends to be more strongly associated with measures of avoidance
across populations (Gámez et al., 2013).
Study-specific Demographics and Brief Cancer History questionnaires asked about
basic socio-demographics, cancer type, cancer stage, cancer related experiences (high
anxiety, distress, or depression prior and since diagnosis), psychosocial support previously
and/or currently received, and cancer treatment type(s).
(Follow Up Survey) Survey 2 Measures
In the follow up survey - the 2
HIT MTurk workers were given- we administered
the AAQ-II, PHQ-9, BEAQ, & support preferences for a second time. Additionally, we
administered the same socio-demographic questionnaire and slightly altered the Brief Cancer
History to a 10-item questionnaire.
Worker Targeting and Protection Strategies
1) Assigning Worker Qualifications and Requirements:
Survey 1 participants could only complete the first survey if they met the eligibility
criteria outlined by the research team. In MTurk, only workers qualified to complete the HIT
Running Head: Mechanical Turk for Recruiting Cancer Survivors
can preview the HIT. Workers were required to have a 90% HIT approval rate for all
Requesters’ HITs, be 18 years or older, and located in the U.S. The HIT approval rate (%)
for all requesters is a statistic associated with a worker who does work over time on MTurk
and is based on how well the worker has accurately and satisfactorily completed all previous
HITs. The Amazon Mechanical Turk Participation Agreement requires that workers and
requesters that register and use their site certify that they are at least 18 years or older.
Furthermore, Amazon’s Mechanical Turk Participation Agreement requires workers to
acknowledge and agree to all services used in the site. Any services performed for a
Requester will be performed outside of the United States if a worker is not a resident or
citizen of the United States. The participation agreement and the worker criteria outlined in
the HIT dually ensure that workers that completed our Wave 1 survey were 18 years or older
and located in the U.S.
For Survey 2, we created a custom qualification type in MTurk that assigned a
particular qualification ID to the participants that successfully completed Survey 1. This
custom qualification type, titled “Completion of Survey on Well-Being among Cancer
Survivors”, only allowed those workers who completed and received payment for the first
survey to view and access the second HIT. Additional eligibility criteria noted earlier were
not necessary to include in the 2
HIT requirements because workers already indicated they
met those requirements upon completion of the 1
2) Tracking Subjects to Ensure Independent Responses
We used two different methods to ensure that participants were not accessing our
study HIT multiple times and providing multiple responses to our surveys. The first method
was through the use of TurkGate, a tool for researchers that recruits through MTurk but run
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their studies on other sites (Darlow & Goldin, 2013). TurkGate provides better control and
verification of MTurk workers’ access to an external site (Darlow & Goldin, 2013).
TurkGate allowed us to group our HITs together so that workers completing the Survey 1
and 2 surveys could only access one survey each. Once a worker had accessed our surveys
they are denied future access to the same survey. Additionally TurkGate prevents workers
from returning to a survey even if they accidently closed out of it and from previewing our
The second method used to ensure workers were not accessing the HITs multiple
times and providing multiple responses was through, Qualtrics, an external survey software
site used for online data collection. We used Qualtrics to program and present the surveys.
Qualtrics has survey settings that prevent people from taking the same survey more than once
through assignment of unique Response IDs. Qualtrics assigns a response ID unique to that
participant and independent from MTurk and TurkGate. These two methods vastly reduced
or eliminated the risk of having our subject pool contaminated by multiple responding.
3) Non-Response Error and Verification of Survey Completion
We used additional features in TurkGate and Qualtrics to ensure that participants
were answering all questions and fully completing the surveys. Qualtrics has a forced
response option that can be used on every survey item ensuring every question is responded
to before the participant can move on to the next survey question. A participant cannot
continue with the survey if he or she has not filled out every question item. Additionally, to
verify that only those who agreed to the informed consent form could proceed with the
survey, we implemented an end of survey feature in Qualtrics that jumped to an “end of
survey” page and redirection back to MTurk if participants did not give their consent. In
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addition, Turkgate uses secure codes to verify that workers are completing their surveys. The
secure codes indicate whether or not the information in the first half of a code (i.e. Worker
ID, Group Name, and any custom key-value pairs) when hashed with a private encryption
key matches the second half of the code (Darlow & Goldin, 2013). This helps prevent users
from fabricating their own codes and checks if any codes have been duplicated. In
summary, we employed multiple technological features to ensure the highest data quality
among study participants.
Hypothesis 1: Measure the Reliability and Validity of Participant Reporting
We assessed participant’ honesty and consistency in reporting using multiple
approaches. First, we compared their responses to geographic (i.e. “In which state and
country do you currently reside?”) and cancer type items (i.e. “What type of cancer were you
diagnosed with?”) across the two surveys. We also used the GeoIP addresses (longitudinal
and lateral coordinates of their computer location) of the participants that completed survey 1
and 2 to dually ensure participants were completing the surveys in the location they self-
reported. Geographic and cancer type information remained consistent across time periods
for 88.75% (71 /80) of the 80 participants who completed both surveys. Nine MTurk
participants provided demographic and cancer information at Survey 2 that differed from
what they provided at Survey 1 – these participants were excluded from the analyses.
Malingering. We also examined whether participants may have fabricated responses
by using the MMPI-2 F(p) scale. Slightly over fifteen percent of our sample (n = 23,
15.75%) scored above the 5 SD cutoff that the scale authors suggest indicates probable
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malingering (Arbisi & Ben-Porath, 1995). Participants who scored above this cutoff were
excluded from further analyses.
These participants excluded from analysis did not differ on their demographic
characteristics except the proportion of women malingers to non-malingerers was smaller
than of the proportion of male malingers to non-malingerers
(2, 134) = 6.25, p .05. This
indicates that male participants were more likely to malinger than female participants in our
Survey 1 sample. Participants that malingered were also younger on average than those who
did not malinger (M=33.52, SD=12.50, and M=41.03, SD= 14.71), t(35.857)= -2.540, p .05.
Test-Retest Reliability. The AAQ-II, PHQ-9, and the BEAQ were given at Survey 1
and Survey 2. AAQ-II scores across the two surveys were highly correlated r = .83, as were
scores on the PHQ-9 r = .78 and the BEAQ r = .85, suggesting adequate test-retest reliability
in participant responses.
Non-response error. We looked at the number of people that accessed and consented
to both surveys but did not fully complete it. 87.96% of participants at Survey 1 fully
completed the survey and 89.89% of participants at Survey 2 fully completed the second
Hypothesis 2: Assess the Presence of Cancer Survivors on Mechanical Turk.
Table 1 illustrates the demographic characteristics of the cancer survivor sample that
responded to Survey 1 and Table 2 presents cancer types reported from the Survey 1 sample.
Participants identified as Cancer survivors were 41.03 years of age (SD = 14.71) on average
(range = 19-75 years old, median = 38 years) and younger than the general U.S. cancer
registry population (M= 64) (Stanton et al., 2013). Compared to the general U.S. cancer
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registry population, our participants were less educated (2 year college vs. college graduate
or above), and have a lower income (31-40k vs. 60k) (Stanton et al., 2013). Additionally,
participants predominately self-identify as white (81.10%), female (68.50%), and with regard
to family and relationships, 36.90% identified themselves as married and 49.50% reporting
having one or more children. The Survey 1 sample represented a broad geographic range of
the U.S. with 34 states represented among responders, with the highest percentage of
participants residing in Florida (9.90%), California (9.00%), Illinois (8.10%), and Georgia
As presented in Table 2, breast (24.03%), cervical (9.90%), melanoma (9.00%),
ovarian (7.20%), basal cell/ squamous cell skin carcinoma (7.20%), lymphoma/ Hodgkin
lymphoma (5.40%), and lung/ carcinoma of the lung/ small cell lung cancer (5.40%) were the
most common cancer types reported among participants.
The majority of participants reported being in stage 1 (localized) or 2 (locally
advanced) when diagnosed with cancer (36.00% and 30.60%); see Table 3. Regarding cancer
treatment, 42.60% had surgery, 25.40% had chemotherapy, 20.80% had radiation, 7.10% had
hormonal treatment, and 4.10% had other forms of treatment.
Table 4 presents the Brief Cancer History support preferences reported from Survey
1. Slightly less than half of participants from Survey 1 reported previously struggling with
high anxiety, depression, or distress prior to cancer diagnosis (47.70%). However when
asked about struggling with high anxiety, depression, or distress since cancer diagnosis, there
was nearly a 20.00% increase (67.60%). Despite this sharp rise in reported struggle with high
anxiety, depression, or distress since cancer diagnosis, only 34.20% of participants are
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currently seeking any kind of treatment or help for anxiety, depression, distress, or other
emotional difficulties and 41.40% of participant have previously sought treatment or help.
Hypothesis 3: Evaluate Response Rates from a Follow up Survey Administered l One
Week Following the Original Survey
Eighty-nine participants of the original 146 participants (61.00%) responded to the
second survey, which was administered one week, following the original survey and
responses were collected in a roughly four-week period. Response rates to the second survey
were consistent with other obtained response rates in follow-up studies for general
populations, with one study finding a 60% response rate to a second survey administered
within the first few months of collecting data (Chandler, Mueller, & Paolacci, 2013).
However, the Survey 2 response rate (61.00%) was lower compared to consistent response
rates in similar follow-up clinical studies conducted on MTurk (80.00%) (Shapiro et al.,
2013). When controlling for malingering at Survey 1 and inconsistent demographic and
cancer information (refer to the procedures section) from Survey 1 to Survey 2, 23
participants scored high on a test for malingering (8 of the 23 participants completed the
second survey) and 9 participants provided inconsistent demographic and cancer information
across both surveys. This resulted in final sample size of 63 participants for Survey 2.
The current study represents the first known exploration of MTurk as a potential
recruitment platform for cancer survivors in behavioral survey research. We investigated
study-specific cancer-related measures, sociodemographics, and support preferences, at
Running Head: Mechanical Turk for Recruiting Cancer Survivors
Survey 1 to descriptively characterize the cancer survivors recruited on MTurk, assess the
validity and reliability of the data they provided, and evaluate the possibility of following up
with them longitudinally one week after Survey 1 was completed. Feasibility of recruiting
cancer survivors was assessed in Survey 1 by tracking indices of common barriers to the
recruitment of this population including cost, time, and a lack of sociodemographic diversity.
Reliability and validity of reported data was assessed via participant reporting on
sociodemographics and cancer type across both surveys as well as by examining whether
participants may have fabricated responses by using the MMPI-2 F(p) scale. The possibility
of follow-up one week after Survey 1 was completed was evaluated through participant
response rate to the second survey.
Reliability and Validity of Participant Reporting
Consistent with earlier research on participant data quality on MTurk (Paolacci et al.,
2010; Shapiro et al., 2013), participants in our study demonstrated good test-retest reliability
on AAQ-II, PHQ-9, & BEAQ scores across Survey 1 and Survey 2. Both surveys
demonstrated reasonably low non-response error with 87.96% of participants fully
completing the first survey and 89.89% fully completing the second survey. These numbers
may have been higher except that we programmed the survey to lock participants out if they
left and came back to it at a later time. Our non-response rate was slightly higher compared
to the non-response rates from a previous MTurk study on the general population with
91.60% of their participants (n= 120 of 131) fully completing their survey (Paolacci et al.,
2010). Additionally, participants’ honesty in reporting geographic and cancer type
information remained consistent across time periods for 88.75% (71 / 80) of the 80
participants who completed both surveys. This suggests imperfect but reasonable data quality
Running Head: Mechanical Turk for Recruiting Cancer Survivors
provided by participants. Specific qualifications used at Survey 1 (i.e. 90% HIT approval
rate, located in the U.S., fluent in English, 18 years) functioned as a prescreen tool to
ensure visibility of the survey to those participants that meet the study’s criteria. This also
offered more methodologically rigorous and sophisticated research design than those
typically conduced using online convenience samples (Chandler et al., 2013). A prior study
using MTurk to study clinical populations recommended incorporating screening methods for
workers’ Internet protocol address to ensure better data quality due to a substantial portion of
their participants (n = 33 of 530) completing their survey from an Internet protocol address
located outside of the U.S. (Shapiro et al., 2013). In comparison, we used specific
qualifications and a GeoIP estimate (longitudinal and latitudinal coordinates of the computer
accessing the survey located in the U.S.) at Survey 1 and found 1 worker’s reported
residency located outside of the U.S. This ensures participants are from a nation where
questionnaires are validated on the normed U.S. population.
Despite the overall honesty and consistency in participant reporting, some concerns
about data quality surfaced in this study particularly with the sizable minority of participants
(15.75% of the Survey 1 sample) endorsing items consistent with malingering. This suggests
that a minority of MTurk participants were motivated to fake psychological distress. A
possibility is that participants perceived psychological distress to be an interest to the
researcher given the title of the survey, “Survey on Well-Being among Cancer Survivors”
and provided high responses of psychological distress as a means to meet the perceived
interests of the researcher or to have access to more surveys (increase % HIT approval rate,
higher paying surveys, etc.).
Presence of Cancer Survivors on MTurk
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In line with our hypothesis, findings revealed a presence of cancer survivors among
the MTurk community. Further confirming our hypothesis, there was a prevalence of young
adult cancer survivors (M= 41.03, SD=14.71) in particular. Our study yielded a sample of
adult cancer survivors who were significantly younger than large cancer registry populations
(M = 64 years) (Stanton et al., 2013). Given the widespread use of the Internet by young
adults, MTurk could also be a promising nationwide recruitment strategy for mobile young
adult cancer survivors given the young average age of our sample. Additionally, our sample
had a higher percentage of females (68.50%). The reported sociodemographic characteristics
of our sample indicated participants are less educated (2 year college) and have lower annual
family income (31-40k) than major cancer registry populations (college graduate or above;
60k) (Stanton et al., 2013). However, our sample of cancer survivors MTurk and cancer
registry samples similarly reported a higher percentage of non-Hispanic white participants
(81.10% vs. 82.64%) (Stanton et al., 2013). These findings suggest that MTurk could be a
viable recruitment method for cancer survivors if relative economic and educational diversity
are research goals. However, researchers may wish to consider alternative recruitment
strategies if greater racial/ ethnic diversity is a major goal.
Cancer survivors appeared more willing to disclose relatively personal information
about their experience of cancer, including previous and current type(s) of psychosocial
support received and experiences with high anxiety, distress, and depression prior to
diagnosis and since diagnosis.
Follow Up Longitudinally One Week Following the Original Survey
To assess the feasibility of follow-up data collection in sophisticated research design
on MTurk, we contacted participants one week after completing Survey 1 to take a follow-up
Running Head: Mechanical Turk for Recruiting Cancer Survivors
survey. 89 participants (61.00%) responded to the second survey, which is consistent in
follow-up studies for general populations, with one study finding a 60% response rate to a
second survey administered within the first few months of collecting data (Chandler et al.,
2013). However, our study’s response rate (61.00%) was lower compared to response rates in
similar follow-up clinical studies on MTurk (80.00%) (Shapiro et al., 2013). More adequate
approaches are needed in future follow-up studies.
Study Limitations
This study had several limitations. First, the response rate of our second survey
(61.00%) was low compared to the obtained follow-up response rates of an MTurk clinical
psychology study (80.00%) (Shapiro et al., 2013). A possible explanation for a lower
response rate is that pay rate was relatively low for both of our surveys ($1.41 per hour for
Survey 1; $1.99 per hour for Survey 2) compared to the Shapiro et al. longitudinal MTurk
study ($2.25 per hour for Survey 1; $2.40 per hour for Survey 2) (Shapiro et al., 2013). Prior
studies found that MTurk task response rates increased with higher wages (Mason & Suri,
2012). An additional possible explanation for a lower response rate is the study was not
advertised as a longitudinal survey on both of the HITs. Second, our Survey 1 response rate
was lower than we hypothesized, with only 166 cancer survivors responding within < 1-
month period as opposed to the 250 we were aiming for. Thus, recruiting a very large
sample of cancer survivors (for example, 1000+) might be challenging on Mechanical Turk.
Third, our study demonstrated the feasibility of using MTurk for survey-oriented research
studies with cancer populations but we still have not tested the possibility of using MTurk to
recruit for more involved research beyond survey research (e.g. online interventions). Fourth,
a sizable minority (15.75%) of our participants scored above a suggested cutoff on a
Running Head: Mechanical Turk for Recruiting Cancer Survivors
malingering scale, suggesting that a minority of respondents were not honest and requires
future studies to include such approaches to help ensure honest responding. Fifth, we locked
out participants who began the survey, took a break, and attempted to finish it later. In that
cancer survivors often report difficulties concentrating and high levels of fatigue; this feature
may have accidentally excluded legitimate participants from completing the survey. Future
studies of cancer survivors on MTurk should omit this feature.
Future Directions
Future studies could use a more targeted survey with a HIT title that included a
particular targeted cancer type(s). In using a HIT title that advertises for specific cancer
types, we would learn whether recruitment of particular cancer types in larger numbers is
feasible. Given the high prevalence of female cancer survivors in our sample and on
Mechanical Turk in general, future studies could additionally target Mechanical Turk cancer
survivors with breast or cervical cancer. Additionally, an investigation of the feasibility of
implementing web-based interventions could be useful in targeting particular cancer
survivors groups (e.g., depressed or anxious cancer survivors) that report lower quality of
life. Difficulty regaining quality of life is most commonly seen in women and in people
diagnosed with cancer at a young age (Siegal et al., 2012). This could be a compelling future
direction given the prevalence of younger and female cancer survivors in our sample.
Summary and Conclusion
Despite these limitations, the findings from this study suggest that researchers
studying cancer survivors and young adult cancer survivors in particular should consider
Mechanical Turk as a potentially useful recruitment strategy. Our findings suggest that use
of MTurk requires use of data safeguards such as use of malingering tests because a minority
Running Head: Mechanical Turk for Recruiting Cancer Survivors
of participants appeared to be falsely responding. Nonetheless, the majority of participants
provided seemingly honest and consistent responses across the two surveys. Relatively high
data quality provided by participants as well as the prevalence of survivors of a wide variety
of cancers across very broad US geographic regions suggest MTurk could be a viable
alternative to recruitment strategies previously considered by researchers (i.e. mailings, in
person oncology clinic recruitment, cancer registries, etc.). As the population living with a
history of cancer continues to grow, the formation and implementation of evidence-based
methods for understanding and promoting the health and well-being of cancer survivors are
critical. Using MTurk as a recruitment platform could address several of the recruitment
challenges psycho-oncology researchers currently face in pursuing this work.
Running Head: Mechanical Turk for Recruiting Cancer Survivors
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Figure 1. Participant Flow Survey 1.
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Figure 2. Participant Flow Survey 2.
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Survey 1 (n = 111)
41.03 (14.71)
4.16 (1.32)
4= 2 yr. college degree
4.01 (2.16)
4= 31-40k
68.50% (76/111)
81.10% (90/111)
7.20% (8/111)
6.30% (7/111)
2.70% (3/111)
1.80% (2/111)
.90% (1/111)
36.90% (41/111)
26.10% (29/111)
19.80% (22/111)
8.10% (9/111)
9.00% (10/111)
49.50% (55/111)
Running Head: Mechanical Turk for Recruiting Cancer Survivors
Table 2 Reported Cancer Type.
Cancer Type, %(n)
Survey 1 (n=111)
24.03% (27/111)
9.90% (11/111)
9.00% (10/111)
7.20% (8/111)
Skin/Basal Cell/ Squamous Cell Carcinoma
7.20% (8/111)
Lymphoma/ Hodgkin Lymphoma
5.40% (6/111)
Lung/ Carcinoma of the Lung/ Small Cell
Lung Cancer
5.40% (6/111)
Thyroid/ Papillary Thyroid
4.50% (5/111)
4.50% (5/111)
3.60% (4/111)
Colon Cancer
2.70% (3/111)
2.70% (3/111)
Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia/ Acute
Lymphoblastic Leukemia
1.80% (2/111)
1.80% (2/111)
1.80% (2/111)
Lingual/ Oral/ Tongue
0.90% (1/111)
0.90% (1/111)
Cerebral Pilocytic Astrocytoma
0.90% (1/111)
0.90% (1/111)
0.90% (1/111)
0.90% (1/111)
0.90% (1/111)
Throat (Laryngeal and Pharyngeal)
0.90% (1/111)
Intestinal/ Celiac Diseases/ Crohn's Disease
0.90% (1/111)
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Table 3. Stage and Treatment
Survey 1 (n=111)
What stage of cancer were you
diagnosed with?
Stage 0
9.00% (10/111)
Stage 1
36.00% (40/111)
Stage 2
30.60% (34/111)
Stage 3
8.10% (9/111)
Stage 4
6.30% (7/111)
9.90% (11/111)
What type(s) of treatment have you
Hormonal Treatment
Running Head: Mechanical Turk for Recruiting Cancer Survivors
Table 4. Brief Cancer History
Survey 1 (n=111)
PRIOR to your cancer diagnosis, did you ever
struggle with high anxiety, depression, or distress?
47.70% (53/111)
SINCE your cancer diagnosis, have you struggled
with high anxiety, depression, or distress? (Yes)
67.60% (75/111)
Are you CURRENTLY seeking any kind of help
or treatment for anxiety, depression, distress, or
other emotional difficulties? (Yes)
34.20% (38/111)
If YES, what type(s) of treatment are you
currently doing?
Counseling and Psychotherapy
Both counseling/ psychotherapy and
Alternative Medicine (yoga, acupuncture,
medication, etc.)
Support, therapy, or skills group
To what degree do you think these difficulties were
related to your having had cancer?
Not at all Related
Somewhat Related
Moderately Related
Mostly Related
Completely Related
Have you ever PREVIOUSLY sought treatment or
help for anxiety, depression, distress, or other
emotional difficulties? (Yes)
41.40% (46/111)
If YES, what type(s) of treatment have you done
in the past?
Counseling and Psychotherapy
Both Counseling/ psychotherapy, and
Alternative Medicine (yoga, acupuncture,
medication, etc.)
Support, therapy, or skills group
To what degree do you think these difficulties were
related to your having had cancer?
Not at all Related
Somewhat Related
Moderately Related
Mostly Related
Completely Related
Running Head: Mechanical Turk for Recruiting Cancer Survivors