Psychological Science in the
Public Interest
2016, Vol. 17(3) 187 –191
© The Author(s) 2016
Reprints and permissions:
DOI: 10.1177/1529100616664716
As is convincingly demonstrated in the target article
(Simons et al., 2016, this issue), despite the numerous
forms of brain training that have been tested and touted
in the past 15 years, there’s little to no evidence that cur-
rently existing programs produce lasting, meaningful
change in the performance of cognitive tasks that differ
from the trained tasks. As detailed by Simons et al.,
numerous methodological issues cloud the interpretation
of many studies claiming successful far transfer. These
limitations include small sample sizes, passive control
groups, single tests of outcomes, unblinded informant-
and self-report measures of functioning, and hypothesis-
inconsistent significant effects. (However, note that, with
older adults, a successful result of the intervention could
be to prevent decline in the training group, such that they
stay at their pretest level while the control group
declines.) These issues are separate from problems
related to publication bias, selective reporting of signifi-
cant and nonsignificant outcomes, use of unjustified
one-tailed t tests, and failure to explicitly note shared
data across publications. So, considering that the litera-
ture contains such potential false-positive publications
(Simmons, Nelson, & Simonsohn, 2011), it may be sur-
prising and disheartening to many that some descriptive
reviews (Chacko et al., 2013; Salthouse, 2006; Simons
etal., 2016) and meta-analyses (Melby-Lervåg, Redick, &
Hulme, 2016; Rapport, Orban, Kofler, & Friedman, 2013)
have concluded that existing cognitive-training methods
are relatively ineffective, despite their popularity and
increasing market share.
For example, a recent working-memory-training meta-
analysis (Melby-Lervåg etal., 2016) evaluated 87 studies
examining transfer to working memory, intelligence, and
various educationally relevant outcomes (e.g., reading
comprehension, math, word decoding). The studies var-
ied considerably in terms of the sample composition
(age; typical vs. atypical functioning) and the nature of
the working-memory training (verbal, nonverbal, or both
verbal and nonverbal stimuli; n-back vs. span task
methodology; few vs. many training sessions). Despite
the diversity in the design and administration of the train-
ing, the results were quite clear. Following training, there
were reliable improvements in performance on verbal
and nonverbal working-memory tasks identical or similar
to the trained tasks. However, in terms of far transfer,
there was no convincing evidence of improvements,
especially when working-memory training was com-
pared to an active-control condition. The meta-analysis
also demonstrated that, in the working-memory-training
literature, the largest nonverbal-intelligence far-transfer
effects are statistically more likely to come from studies
with small sample sizes and passive control groups. This
finding is not particularly surprising, given other work
showing that most working-memory training studies are
dramatically underpowered (Bogg & Lasecki, 2015) and
that underpowered studies with small sample sizes are
more likely to produce inflated effect sizes (Button etal.,
2013). In addition, small samples are predominantly the
reason irregular pretest-posttest patterns have been
observed in the control groups in various working-mem-
ory and video-game intervention studies (for review, see
Redick, 2015; Redick & Webster, 2014). In these studies,
inferential statistics and effect-size metrics provide evi-
dence that the training “worked,” but investigation of the
descriptive statistics tells a different story. Specifically, a
number of studies with children and young adult sam-
ples have examined intelligence or other academic
achievement outcomes before and after training. Closer
inspection indicates that training “improved” intelligence
or academic achievement relative to the control condi-
tion because the control group declined from pretest to
posttest—that is, the training group did not significantly
change from pretest to posttest.
XXX10.1177/1529100616664716McCabe et al.Brain-Training Pessimism
Corresponding Author:
Randall W. Engle, School of Psychology, Georgia Institute of
Technology, 654 Cherry St., Atlanta, GA 30332
Brain-Training Pessimism, but Applied-
Memory Optimism
Jennifer A. McCabe
, Thomas S. Redick
, and
Randall W. Engle
Center for Psychology, Goucher College;
Department of Psychological Sciences, Purdue University; and
School of Psychology, Georgia Institute of Technology
188 McCabe et al.
However, if the brain-training methods outlined in
Simons etal. (2016) have little efficacy outside of the nar-
row range of the tasks that are repeatedly practiced, are
there interventions that might be more effective? Cer-
tainly, we think that cognitive functioning can be altered,
although most research has not been able to determine
whether a particular intervention produces temporary,
state-like change or enduring, trait-like modification
(Ilkowska & Engle, 2010). Whereas others have reviewed
non-cognitive interventions such as aerobic exercise
(Erickson, Hillman, & Kramer, 2015), meditation training
(Diamond & Lee, 2011), and pharmaceutical use (M. E.
Smith & Farah, 2011), we will focus on cognitive tech-
niques based on over 100 years of research that individu-
als can implement with relatively little cost and essentially
no risks or negative side effects. However, as will be
seen, each technique requires an intentional, active effort
on the part of the learner that is likely viewed as less
enjoyable than playing a video game.
Learning Strategies From Applied
Memory Research
Given the lack of consistent evidence for working-
memory training programs, many of which are designed
and implemented at great cost, we propose a reinvigo-
rated and reimagined implementation of lower-cost
learning-strategy “training programs.” Applied memory
research, particularly in the interdisciplinary space wed-
ding cognitive and educational psychology, has consis-
tently shown benefits of several core groups of related
learning strategies. Indeed, the translation of basic
memory research to educationally relevant contexts has
been a focus of recent major publications by leaders in
the field (e.g., Dunlosky, Rawson, Marsh, Nathan, &
Willingham, 2013; Roediger & Pyc, 2012). These learning
strategies have been mainly examined in the context of
studies with clear applications to the traditional class-
room. However, the existing strong evidence in favor of
these strategies suggests an opportunity to further expand
their implementation in various training environments.
In this section, we describe several core memory strat-
egies as alternatives to costly interventions such as work-
ing-memory training programs. Echoing the organizational
schemes from Dunlosky etal. (2013) and Roediger and
Pyc (2012), below we summarize three categories of
strategies established by memory research as effective for
long-term memory: elaboration, testing, and spacing.
After describing each strategy, we discuss the conclusions
regarding translation to educational contexts in recent
The first major category, meaning-based elaboration,
stems from Craik and Lockhart’s (1972; see also Craik
& Tulving, 1975) evidence for the theory that deep
processing of information at the encoding stage, through
semantic connections, is superior to more shallow (sur-
face) types of processing. There are several subcategories
of strategies based on the elaboration principle. For
example, use of the self-schema during encoding is based
on the self-reference effect, which suggests that memory
will be stronger for information related to oneself (e.g.,
Klein & Kihlstrom, 1986; Rogers, Kuiper, & Kirker, 1977).
That is, learners who actively make connections to their
own lives should be more successful in remembering the
content of educational materials compared to learners
who use relatively shallow strategies such as rereading or
highlighting the text. This variety of elaboration has not
been a focus of recent translational research, however.
Two related meaningful elaboration strategies are
elaborative interrogation, which involves asking oneself
questions during learning (e.g., B. L. Smith, Holliday, &
Austin, 2010), and self-explanation, which involves
describing to oneself why a particular strategy choice
was made during problem-solving (e.g., Wong, Lawson,
& Keeves, 2002). Both Dunlosky et al. (2013) and
Roediger and Pyc (2012) have argued that these are
promising strategies in the educational domain but have
also called for more research in applied contexts. Toward
this goal, a recent review presented evidence that train-
ing in self-explanation strategies led to more connected
and coherent knowledge as learners developed expertise
(Richey & Nokes-Malach, 2015).
Next, the use of imagery enables elaboration by utiliz-
ing multiple modalities for encoding. Supplementing the
rehearsal of language-based information with mental
images greatly benefits memory. According to Paivio’s
(1986) dual-coding theory, using verbal and image-based
encoding enhances the number of routes for retrieval
(see also Bower & Winzenz, 1970; Paivio, Smythe, &
Yuille, 1968). Though basic memory research has estab-
lished the use of imagery as a consistently and highly
impactful strategy across a variety of materials and situa-
tions, Dunlosky etal. (2013) categorized the strategy of
imagery for text as potentially limited to specific text-
learning situations (e.g., when students have stronger
existing domain knowledge from which to generate
images) and therefore in need of further research to
establish boundary and transfer conditions.
The third category of elaboration is the use of mne-
monics, which can be verbal or visual but are often a
combination of both. Mnemonic devices help to impose
an organizational or chunking scheme onto to-be-learned
material, which makes the material more meaningful to
the learner (though the degree to which the mnemonics
involve meaningful elaboration does vary) and ultimately
more memorable at a later time (e.g., Bellezza, 1996).
Common examples of mnemonic techniques include first-
letter mnemonics (e.g., acronyms, acrostics), keyword
Brain-Training Pessimism 189
mnemonics, the pegword method, the method of loci,
and the use of songs, rhymes, and stories. Dunlosky etal.
(2013) focused their review of the extant literature on the
keyword technique, which involves creating a similar-
sounding keyword for a to-be-learned term, then con-
necting the keyword to the term’s definition via a mental
image. They concluded that keyword mnemonics may be
most helpful for foreign language learning and expressed
concerns about the shorter-term nature of the learning.
Yet some research has in fact demonstrated long-term
learning, with transfer to applied assessments, for the key-
word technique (e.g., Carney & Levin, 2008). Additional
studies are needed to determine the best fit of specific
mnemonic strategies to different types of content and
learning environments.
The next major category of empirically supported
memory strategy is testing (or retrieval-based learning).
Research has consistently demonstrated that practicing
retrieval of information from long-term memory is a
potent learning event in and of itself. That is, compared to
simply rereading a text, engaging in effortful retrieval of
text information (i.e., taking a test) results in far better
memory outcomes (e.g., Karpicke, 2012; McDaniel,
Howard, & Einstein, 2009; Roediger & Karpicke, 2006).
Dunlosky et al. (2013) concluded from their extensive
review that practice testing is extremely effective for lon-
ger-term learning in a variety of learning situations. We
also note that testing is one example of a broader cate-
gory of memory strategy called generation, which is
based on the idea that memory is better for learner-cre-
ated materials than instructor/trainer-created ones (e.g.,
Slamecka & Graf, 1978; for more on generation in relation
to educationally relevant materials, see McCabe, 2015).
Turning now to spacing (or distributed processing) as
a third memory principle with great potential for transla-
tion to training programs, research has repeatedly shown
a large benefit from taking breaks between periods of
study, as compared to massing or cramming studying
into one session, even with total study time held constant
(e.g., Cepeda, Pashler, Vul, Wixted, & Rohrer, 2006;
Kornell & Bjork, 2007; S. M. Smith & Rothkopf, 1984).
One reason why spacing is a slightly different type of
learning strategy is that it refers more to the schedule of
study than to a specific encoding technique. Thus, a
combination of strategies from the first two categories
(elaboration and testing) implemented on a schedule to
spread out learning sessions over time, with breaks in
between, should be even more effective. Spacing and
testing have garnered the most support as promising
memory principles to be applied to real-world contexts.
These strategies were enthusiastically endorsed by both
Dunlosky etal. (2013) and Roediger and Pyc (2012).
Almost three decades ago, Dempster (1988) lamented
the lack of application of the well-documented spacing
effect to educational contexts. After all, some of these
strategies, including spacing, have been known to be
effective since Ebbinghaus (1885/1913). Those in charge
of research on education and training programs should
consider whether we have come any further in applying
spacing and other memory principles established by
decades of research in cognitive psychology. Although
the memory strategies discussed above have been mainly
explored in traditional educational contexts (i.e., K-12
and higher education), there is no reason why they could
not be expanded to training situations in areas such as
the military, work training, and older adult education.
Teachers and trainers, along with researchers, have a
responsibility to learners. They should understand and
apply the best practices for learning and durable mem-
ory, representing the current state of knowledge and con-
sensus in the field.
In general, though, people are likely not aware of the
benefits of these strategies, given that when college stu-
dents were asked about the most effective learning strate-
gies, either directly through self-report (Kornell & Bjork,
2007) or indirectly through the evaluation of learning
scenarios (McCabe, 2011), they showed low metacogni-
tive awareness that these strategies (e.g., testing, spacing)
should be most helpful for learning. This speaks to a
major challenge in implementing these strategies in
applied learning contexts—namely, to convince the peo-
ple in charge of the “training,” whether these are teachers
designing classroom activities or students deciding how
to study, that these strategies support durable learning
and long-term retention.
In fact, some of the strategies discussed above are not
obvious and are even quite counterintuitive, having been
dubbed “desirable difficulties” by Bjork (1994). Desirably
difficult learning situations are those that the learner may
perceive as slow, effortful, and error-prone, yet which
demonstrate substantial long-term memory benefits. In
the present learning moment, it may not feel like signifi-
cant learning is actually taking place; thus, learners (and
teachers) may avoid these strategies and may even opt
for less effective but more intuitively appealing and
“easy” strategies such as highlighting or rereading.
Those studies that have examined the impact of learn-
ing-strategy “training” in higher education have shown
promising results, at least with regard to improved student
knowledge about the empirically supported study strat-
egy choices (e.g., McCabe, 2011) and increased meta-
cognition and subsequent academic performance (e.g.,
Azevedo & Cromley, 2004; Fleming, 2002; Tuckman, 2003;
see McCabe, 2014, for an instructional resource about
incorporating learning- and memory-strategy demonstra-
tions in the classroom). We call for additional controlled
research to determine the effectiveness and generalizabil-
ity of learning-strategy training in real-world educational
190 McCabe et al.
situations. In particular, researchers and educators should
examine the relative impact of these strategies when
directly compared to each other in similar learning envi-
ronments, and also the combined impact when the strate-
gies are used in tandem (e.g., testing or self-explanation
or imagery implemented on different spaced/distributed
schedules). And now that we know there is a metacogni-
tive disconnect with regard to what learners believe is the
best way to learn, we need to explore how to train them
to use the empirically based strategies; in an ideal world,
learners (some of whom will become teachers and train-
ers) would develop a tool kit of these effective habits of
mind when encountering to-be-learned information.
Another obstacle to implementation is that even if
those in charge of training know about the strategies,
they may feel more swayed by intuitively appealing yet
unsubstantiated ideas, including ideas about learning
styles (Pashler, McDaniel, Rohrer, & Bjork, 2008) and, as
discussed extensively in the target article, working-mem-
ory training (Rabipour & Davidson, 2015). It is also pos-
sible they are not convinced that the memory principles
will be realistically helpful in their specific classroom or
learning context (see Daniel & Poole, 2009, for a critique
of the memory-first approach). And, of course, it does
take motivation to change and/or implement a brand-
new training program. We recommend the popular press
book Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning
(Brown, Roediger, & McDaniel, 2014) for teachers and
trainers as an effective means of translating many of the
memory principles discussed here.
Working-memory training as currently implemented
does not work. One hundred years of research on basic
memory phenomena has discovered many procedures
that do!
Declaration of Conflicting Interests
The authors declared that they had no conflicts of interest with
respect to their authorship or the publication of this article.
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