Volume 14, Issue 1, November 2019
A scholarly forum for guiding evidence-based
practices in speech-language pathology
T U  I  E
M S  E-B P
E D, MSE, SLP-CF
J W, MSE, SLP-CF
R M, MSE, SLP-CF
M J. L, MHA, MSE, SLP-CF
K A. M, PD, CCC-SLP
O D U
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Davis, E., Wolff, J., Murdock, R., Lopez, M. J., & Murphy, K. A. (2019).
The utilization of internal and external memory strategies in evidence-based
practice. EBP Briefs, 14(1), 1–10. Bloomington, MN: NCS Pearson, Inc.
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The Utilization of Internal and External Memory
Strategies in Evidence-Based Practice
Copyright © 2019 NCS Pearson, Inc. All rights reserved.
EBP Briefs Volume 14, Issue 1
November 2019
Structured Abstract
Clinical Question: For adult patients with cognitive linguistic impairment because of
traumatic brain injury (TBI), is the use of internal and/or external memory strategies
beneficial to memory outcomes compared to alternative or no treatment?
Method: Systematic Review
Study Sources: Comprehensive EBSCOhost database search (i.e., ERIC, Academic Search
Complete, Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection, Education Source), speechBITE,
Cochrane Library, PubMed, PsycINFO, PsycBITE, and the ASHA PracticePortal
Search Terms: traumatic brain injury OR TBI AND intervention OR treatment OR therapy,
cognit*, memory, internal strateg* OR external strateg*
Number of Included Studies: 11
Primary Results: The use of internal and external strategies to facilitate positive memory
outcomes for TBI patients is supported. A variety of internal and external strategies have
been studied with consistent positive results.
Conclusion: Both internal and external strategies should be considered for use as
compensatory techniques for memory impairments in adults with traumatic brain injuries.
The evidence presented in this paper explores a variety of internal and external strategies,
and outcomes have revealed an overall positive effect. These strategies have important
implications for clinical decision-making for improving patient quality of life after TBI.
Copyright © 2019 NCS Pearson, Inc. All rights reserved.
The Utilization of Internal and External Memory
Strategies in Evidence-Based Practice
Emily Davis, MSEd, SLP-CF
Jennifer Wolff, MSEd, SLP-CF
Rebecca Murdock, MSEd, SLP-CF
Myrelsa J. Lopez, MHA, MSEd, SLP-CF
Kimberly A. Murphy, PhD, CCC-SLP
Old Dominion University
Clinical Scenario
Betty is 6 months into her clinical fellowship year as
a medical-based speech-language pathologist providing
therapy services at a hospital outpatient clinic with an
adult patient population. Patients with ongoing primary
diagnoses of motor speech and language disorders comprise
the majority of Bettys caseload. Betty has not had much
experience working with patients with cognitive deficits
with primary impairments in memory.
A patient named John was recently added to her
caseload. John is a 49-year-old male with a traumatic brain
injury from a motor vehicle accident 1 year ago. Of his
many symptoms, the most distressing to John and his family
are his long-term and short-term memory impairments. He
can no longer consistently remember the faces of family and
friends, and he cannot safely navigate to outside errands
because he cannot remember the directions to places he
has been many times before. Betty has explained to his
family that it is possible to use compensatory techniques
for memory to improve his quality of life. However, John
expressed to Betty he has lost confidence in his abilities and
is doubtful compensatory techniques would benefit him.
Betty is interested in identifying internal and/or
external strategies that would be a good fit for John as well
as identifying the supporting scientific evidence for their
use as compensatory techniques for memory deficits. Betty
would like to find quality research evidencing whether these
strategies have had a positive impact on memory outcomes
and whether there is evidence to support either internal or
external memory strategies as more effective. Betty tells John
that she understands his concerns, and they will discuss
whether compensatory techniques would be appropriate for
him after she reviews the research literature.
Background Information: Adults
With Traumatic Brain Injury
The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
(ASHA) calls traumatic brain injury (TBI) “an insult to
the brain caused by an external force” (Dennis, 2009).
TBI can result from a wide variety of initiating events and
present with a wide variety of symptoms, but memory
impairment is one of the most common manifestations.
The degree of memory impairment an individual may
suffer depends on the exact manner and place in which the
brain was damaged. Short-term and long-term memory
may be affected in different ways, and in some instances it
may appear that one type of memory was left untouched
while another was critically impacted. The variability of
patient characteristics regarding severity of injury and
severity of memory impairment brings about this question:
Can internal and/or external memory strategies benefit
the majority of this patient population, and is one type of
memory strategy (i.e., internal or external) more effective
than the other?
This brief explores both internal and external strategies
practiced as memory compensation techniques. Internal
strategies involve mental manipulations that promote
retention of select stimuli (O’Neil-Pirozzi et al., 2010). They
include mnemonic devices, such as counting, repeating,
categorization, face–name associations, visualization, and
rhyming methods that “facilitate storage and retrieval”
from short- and long-term memory (Perna & Perkey,
2016). Internal strategies may target a specific task, such as
formation of an acronym to recall a regimen, or they may
be more general, such as the use of visual imagery to recall
useful information and assist with completion of functional
daily tasks (O’Neil-Pirozzi, Kennedy, & Sohlberg, 2016).
The Utilization of Internal and External Memory
Strategies in Evidence-Based Practice
Copyright © 2019 NCS Pearson, Inc. All rights reserved.
EBP Briefs Volume 14, Issue 1
November 2019
External strategies, on the other hand, reduce the cognitive
load on an individual using external aids, which may include
personal electronic planners, scrapbooks, timers, checklists,
and a wall or pocket calendar to store and reclaim short- and
long-term memories (Perna & Perkey, 2016).
Clinical Question
In Bettys initial search for evidence, she wanted to
know if the efficacy of internal memory strategies was
greater than that of external memory strategies so that
she could determine the best type of strategy to use in her
intervention with John and future clients with similar needs.
She searched for studies that included evidence for both
strategies. It is widely accepted that using internal/external
memory strategies results in positive memory outcomes for
specific memory tasks and activities of daily living. However,
there is a lack of research comparing internal strategies to
external strategies. The existing body of evidence compares
the memory outcomes for compensatory memory strategies
(either internal or external) to memory outcomes in
control groups that received alternative treatments (such as
spaced retrieval and errorless learning) or no intervention.
Therefore, Betty changed her clinical question to reflect the
existing body of data so that she could have a foundation to
make the best clinical decision.
Betty used the PICO (population, intervention,
comparison, outcome) format to develop the following
question to guide her review of the research: Would an adult
with cognitive linguistic impairments because of traumatic
brain injury (P) benefit from the use of internal and/or
external memory strategies (I), as compared to an alternative
or no intervention (C), as shown by improvements in
memory outcomes (O)?
Search for the Evidence
Bettys inclusion criteria required using internal/
external strategies as primary interventions, a majority
adult population with memory deficits secondary to a
traumatic brain injury diagnosis, and measurement of
memory outcomes. Additionally, articles needed to provide
an intervention and be published in peer-reviewed journals.
In following the line of her PICO question, Betty sought
out studies that focused primarily on internal and external
interventions. Subsequently, cognitive rehabilitation
studies where internal/external strategies were only part of
a bigger whole were excluded. Further exclusion criteria
applied to Bettys search were: studies conducted or
published in a language other than English, patients with
neurodegenerative comorbidities, and studies conducted
before the year 2000 to ensure quality research standards.
Betty used these criteria when searching for relevant articles
within the following databases and resources: comprehensive
EBSCOhost database search (i.e., ERIC, Academic
Search Complete, Psychology and Behavioral Sciences
Collection, Education Source), speechBITE, Cochrane
Library, PubMed, PsycINFO, PsycBITE, and the ASHA
Practice Portal. The search terms were: traumatic brain
injury OR TBI, intervention OR treatment OR therapy,
cognit*, memory, internal strateg* OR external strateg*.
Betty read titles and abstracts to determine relevance to
her PICO question. This search returned 55 articles. Betty
also manually searched the references from two systematic
reviews that she found, but no new studies were added to
her total pool of articles. Table 1 presents the 11 studies
that met Bettys eligibility criteria and were relevant to
her review. Two of these studies were systematic reviews,
seven were group comparison studies, and two were single
group designs. These 11 studies are further explored and
summarized in the following section.
Evaluating the Evidence
After Betty collected these 11 articles, she evaluated
their quality. She knew that there were rating scales she
could use to evaluate the methodological quality of the
studies and therefore the overall body of evidence. For the
systematic reviews, she chose the Evidence in Augmentative
and Alternative Communication (EVIDAAC) Systematic
Review Scale (Schlosser et al., 2008), and for the group
design studies, she chose the PEDro-P scale, which is a
version of the Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro;
Maher, Sherrington, Herbert, Moseley, & Elkins, 2003)
modified by PsycBITE. Table 2 presents review criteria for
the EVIDAAC and PEDro-P scale.
The most recent review, by O’Neil-Pirozzi and
colleagues (2016), investigated the use of internal strategies
to improve memory outcomes for individuals with
traumatic brain injury. Forty-six studies were included in
the review, with a total of 1,143 participants. From the total
population, 84% of participants across studies had sustained
traumatic brain injuries. Of the studies that reported time
post-injury, time since onset was greater than 1 year for
The Utilization of Internal and External Memory
Strategies in Evidence-Based Practice
Copyright © 2019 NCS Pearson, Inc. All rights reserved.
EBP Briefs Volume 14, Issue 1
November 2019
54% of the participants. Most of the studies reported age
information, with a range of 8–86 years old. A variety of
specific and generalized internal strategies were used across
studies. The overall findings across studies suggest that
participants with brain injury benefit from internal strategy
training. O’Neil-Pirozzi et al. (2016) examined the quality
of the studies to determine the strength of the evidence.
Strength of evidence was enough to satisfy requirements for
being a Practice Guideline. The EVIDAAC rating for this
study was 11/14.
The second systematic review by Sohlberg et al. (2007)
focused on using external aids as a memory compensation
technique for individuals with brain injury. This review
examined 21 articles for key information about population
characteristics, types of interventions, outcomes, and
methodological quality. There was a total of 270 participants
across studies, the majority of whom were adult males,
with chronic post-injury memory deficits. Although there
were varied etiologies of brain injuries, the inclusion
criteria required studies to have at least one TBI subject
(with one exception). The TBI subpopulation was also the
largest across studies. The types of external aids used in
the studies varied, but the most common were memory
notebooks. This may have been because electronic devices
were too complex for persons with severe memory problems.
Outcomes of the studies collectively support using external
aids for memory compensation following TBI. The strength
of this evidence supports using external memory aids for
memory compensation following brain injury as a Practice
Guideline. The EVIDAAC rating for this study was 7/14.
A randomized controlled trial by Lannin et al. (2014)
investigated the effectiveness of using handheld computers
to improve memory in individuals who had memory
functioning impairment after an acquired brain injury. The
studys 42 participants had the following characteristics:
older than 17, diagnosis of acquired brain injury, and
functional memory impairment. The participants were
split into an experimental group and a control group. The
experimental group was given a personal digital assistant
(PDA) with training and had to complete five training
modules within 8 weeks. The control group was trained
by an occupational therapist to use nonelectronic memory
strategies. There were significant differences between the
outcomes of the two groups. The individuals who used
the PDAs demonstrated fewer memory failures with less
frequency of forgetting per caregiver questionnaire. This
study was rated 8/10 on the PEDro-P scale.
Another randomized controlled trial (O’Neil-Pirozzi
et al., 2010) examined the effects of internal memory
rehabilitation strategies on participation within a memory
group intervention study of individuals with acute,
moderate, and severe memory impairments secondary to
traumatic brain injury. The internal memory interventions
used in the study included categorization and clustering
(e.g., semantic associations), auditory and visual imagery,
and semantic elaboration/chaining. There were 94 total
participants in the study, consisting of middle-age women
and men. Each had endured a traumatic brain injury within
the past 12 months and noted difficulty with memory after
the traumatic brain injury. After treatment, improvement
was noted in semantic associations and overall memory
functioning. The PEDro-P rating for this study was 3/10.
Schefft, Dulay, and Fargo (2008) compared the efficacy
and generalization effects of an external learned memory
strategy (i.e., passive participation) and a self-generated
memory strategy (active participation) in 40 adults with
average ages of 31 years and 34 years for each intervention
group. Participants had suffered a closed-head TBI between
6 weeks and 2 years earlier, with memory deficits ranging
from mild to severe. Half the participants were allocated to
the read-condition group in which they were given a pair of
words presented graphically and verbally and were told the
rule that connects the pair. These semantic rules included
synonyms, antonyms, category, association, and rhyme. The
other half of the participants were allocated to the generate-
condition group in which they were given one word, the
first letter of the second word, and the rule that connects
them. The participants were asked to generate the second
word. Both groups were then presented with the first word
of a word pair and asked to recall the second word. Analysis
of the results demonstrated significant effects on improving
recognition memory for the generate condition when
compared to the read condition. Research indicates that the
use of the generate condition in therapy can be generalized
for real-world application tasks (Schefft et al., 2008). The
PEDro-P rating for this study was 3/10.
Kaschel et al. (2002) compared the impacts of visual
imagery training versus pragmatic memory training
on memory outcomes for patients with mild memory
impairment. Twenty-one participants, with primarily closed-
head injuries and a mean age of 36.6 years, completed the
study. Participants were randomly assigned to intervention
groups receiving either the visual imagery training or the
pragmatic training. Study outcomes showed significant
The Utilization of Internal and External Memory
Strategies in Evidence-Based Practice
Copyright © 2019 NCS Pearson, Inc. All rights reserved.
EBP Briefs Volume 14, Issue 1
November 2019
improvement in short- and long-term retention of verbal
material for the visual imagery group but no improvement
was observed in the pragmatic memory training group
outcomes. Improvements in relatives’ ratings of memory
problem occurrences were also only significant for the visual
imagery intervention group. These improvements were still
seen at the 3-month follow-up, which suggests maintenance
of functional verbal memory changes. The PEDro-P rating
for this study was 5/10.
Wilson, Emslie, Quirk, and Evans (2001) evaluated
whether using a paging system affected the ability of
subjects with memory and/or organizational problems
because of brain injury to complete everyday tasks. This
randomized control, crossover design study collected
complete data from 143 participants with memory and/
or planning/organizational problems. The largest subgroup
in the population was made up of persons with traumatic
brain injuries. Other brain injury etiologies were from
stroke, other acquired nonprogressive conditions, and
concomitant conditions. The mean age of participants was
38.57 years with an average of 4.9 years passed since brain
injury. Results indicate that using the paging system helped
84.6% of participants carry out more daily tasks. It also
suggests there is some maintenance of this improvement in
functioning for at least 7 weeks following pager use. The
PEDro-P rating for this study was 3/10.
A subsequent paper by Wilson, Emslie, Quirk, Evans,
and Watson (2005) disaggregated the data from the 2001
study to evaluate the results of the TBI subgroup. There
were 63 participants in the TBI group (mostly male), with
an age range of 8–83 years old. The average time since
injury was 5.3 years. Outcomes from the study showed
that 81% of the TBI participants had significant success
completing more target tasks when using the paging system
than at baseline.
A quasi-experimental study by Bourgeois, Lenius,
Turkstra, & Camp (2007) compared the treatment effects
of two interventions for improving memory in 38 adults
who had suffered a TBI at least 1 year before treatment
and had persistent memory problems ranging from mild
to severe. The two treatments were spaced retrieval (SR)
and didactic strategy instruction (SI), both provided via
teletherapy. Therapy sessions for the participants in the
SI group included discussions, such as written reminders,
association, verbal rehearsal, and imagery. Both treatments
resulted in fewer instances of memory problems over time;
however, there were limited generalization effects per
participant report. No significant effects on quality of life
were observed. The PEDro-P rating for this study was 2/10.
A single group research design by Perna and
Perkey (2016) examined the effects of internal memory
rehabilitation strategies on individuals with acute,
moderate, and severe memory impairments secondary to
traumatic brain injury. Internal memory strategies, such as
word associations, semantic clustering, mnemonics, and
visualization, were used during intervention activities. The
11 participants in this pilot study had endured a traumatic
brain injury within the 12 months before the start of the
study. Five weeks after treatment, significant improvement
over pretest was found in immediate free recall and delayed
free recall for word lists and story memory (immediate
recall). Each participant also reported improved memory.
In another single-group design, Melton and Bourgeois
(2005) explored the feasibility and efficacy of teaching
memory strategies over the telephone. They used spaced
retrieval to train participants to remember to use external
memory strategies (e.g., PDA, notebook and pen, routine
location) and to recall functional information (e.g., phone
number). The study included seven participants with an
age range of 33–56 years who presented with memory
deficits because of TBI. Memory goals were provided by
the patients and/or their families. The results indicate
that all participants attained their memory goals. Spaced
retrieval approach memory goals were 94.4% maintained,
and strategy execution on the goals trained was 77.7%
maintained. The authors concluded that spaced retrieval
intervention by phone helped facilitate the use of external
strategies. Results also revealed that 94% of goals were
maintained at the 1-month follow-up after treatment, and
the researchers concluded that phone intervention was a
viable method of therapy practice.
To assess the methodological quality of the papers
collected, Betty used the EVIDAAC for the two systematic
reviews and the PEDro-P for the seven group comparison
studies. Tables 3 and 4 show that the specific item ratings
and total scores varied across studies. Betty recognized,
however, that quality inconsistencies may be partly due
to changes in quality standards that have occurred over
time. The most frequently missed criteria on the PEDro-P
were concealment of allocation, blinding of subjects,
blinding of therapists, and using an intention-to-treat type
analysis; only one paper or no papers satisfied these criteria.
The EVIDAAC criteria that were most frequently missed
were: whether attempts to locate unpublished studies were
The Utilization of Internal and External Memory
Strategies in Evidence-Based Practice
Copyright © 2019 NCS Pearson, Inc. All rights reserved.
EBP Briefs Volume 14, Issue 1
November 2019
made, whether search terms were stated for each database,
and whether a log of rejected studies were reported or made
available to the reader. Neither paper satisfied these criteria.
Although the methodological ratings of the studies were not
consistently high, the overall strength of the evidence points
to positive clinical implications, especially considering
the findings of the systematic reviews. When collated, the
findings support using internal and external strategies as
tools to compensate for memory deficits.
e Evidence-Based Decision
Betty considered the information she collected from
the studies and the quality of the evidence. Bettys clinical
question was: Would an adult with cognitive linguistic
impairment because of traumatic brain injury benefit from
the use of internal and/or external memory strategies, as
shown by improvements in memory outcomes? In the
studies presented, the experimental populations consisted
primarily of adults who had been diagnosed with TBI and
presented with a primary deficit of memory impairment.
The 11 studies Betty reviewed suggest positive memory
outcomes for adult patients with TBI.
At their next session, Betty shared the results of her
investigation with John and his family. She explained the
research supporting using internal and external strategies
to improve memory outcomes in activities of daily living
and how those same strategies might benefit John and his
family. John had previously expressed a lack of confidence
in the ability of compensatory techniques to meet his
daily functional needs, and Betty knew from her clinical
experience that patient buy-in is an important factor for
therapy success. She thought that if she could find situations
where John was successful in using his memory, then any
techniques he already used could be scaffolded to future
compensatory strategies. Betty asked John and his family
to describe things that were easier for him to remember
and what he did to remember the targeted information.
She listened to what worked for John and his family and
counseled them on how internal and/or external strategies
could be tailored to fit his needs. John and his family were
excited to discuss memory aids that could be built into
his routine using familiar tools, such as his cell phone and
address book.
Betty reflected on how best to integrate evidence-based
practice (i.e., external scientific evidence, clinical expertise,
and client/patient/caregiver perspectives) to create a plan of
care with John and his family. Everyone agreed that using
a combination of internal and external strategies in therapy
could help to address the memory deficits affecting his
quality of life. Betty used her clinical expertise to help John
select specific strategies that would be most beneficial to his
goals. She also used her clinical knowledge to select the best
training method to teach the selected strategies. Because
of her research, Betty felt confident in using internal and
external strategies to address Johns memory deficits. John
and his family found the research encouraging and were
motivated to begin using these strategies. Betty made further
plans to incorporate Johns use of strategies in a variety of
situations and environments to promote maintenance and
Authors’ Note
Emily Davis, MSEd, SLP-CF, is a communication
science and disorders graduate from Old Dominion
University. She graduated with a BS in neuroscience with a
minor in linguistics from the College of William & Mary.
Jennifer Wolff, MSEd, SLP-CF, is a communication
science and disorders graduate from Old Dominion
University. She graduated with a BA, BFA, and BS in
French, graphic design, and art education from Kansas State
Rebecca Murdock, MSEd, SLP-CF, is a communication
science and disorders graduate from Old Dominion
University. She graduated with a BA in French with a minor
in linguistics from the University of Virginia.
Myrelsa J. Lopez, MSEd, is a communication science
and disorders graduate from Old Dominion University.
Kimberly A. Murphy, PhD, CCC-SLP, is an assistant
professor in the Department of Communication Disorders
and Special Education at Old Dominion University. She
teaches the graduate class on evidence-based research in
speech-language pathology where the first draft of this paper
was written.
Corresponding author:
Kimberly A. Murphy
4501 Hampton Blvd.
Old Dominion University
Norfolk, VA 23529
The Utilization of Internal and External Memory
Strategies in Evidence-Based Practice
Copyright © 2019 NCS Pearson, Inc. All rights reserved.
EBP Briefs Volume 14, Issue 1
November 2019
*Studies included in the systematic reviews
ASHA. (n.d.). Traumatic brain injury in adults. Retrieved
from https://www.asha.org/PRPSpecificTopic.aspx?fold
Bourgeois, M. S., Lenius, K., Turkstra, L., & Camp, C.
(2007). The effects of cognitive teletherapy on reported
everyday memory behaviours of persons with chronic
traumatic brain injury. Brain Injury, 21(12), 1245–
1257. doi:10.1080/02699050701727452
Dennis, K. C. (2009). Current perspectives on traumatic
brain injury. Retrieved from https://www.asha.org/
*Kaschel, R., Della Sala, S., Cantagallo, A., Fahlböck,
A., Laaksonen, R., & Kazen, M. (2002).
Imagery mnemonics for the rehabilitation
of memory: A randomised group controlled
trial. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 12(2), 127–153.
Lannin, N., Carr, B., Allaous, J., Mackenzie, B., Falcon,
A., & Tate, R. (2014). A randomized controlled
trial of the effectiveness of handheld computers for
improving everyday memory functioning in patients
with memory impairments after acquired brain
injury. Clinical Rehabilitation, 28(5), 470–481.
Maher, C. G., Sherrington, C., Herbert, R. D., Moseley,
A. M., & Elkins, M. (2003). Reliability of the PEDro
scale for rating quality of randomized controlled
trials. Physical Therapy, 83(8), 713–721. doi:10.1093/
Melton, A., & Bourgeois, M. (2005). Training
compensatory memory strategies via the telephone
for persons with TBI. Aphasiology, 19(3–5), 353–364.
O’Neil-Pirozzi, T. M., Kennedy, M. R. T., & Sohlberg,
M. M. (2016). Evidence-based practice for the use of
internal strategies as a memory compensation technique
after brain injury: A systematic review. Journal of Head
Trauma Rehabilitation, 31(4), E1–E11. doi:10.1097/
*O’Neil-Pirozzi, T. M., Strangman, G. E., Goldstein, R.,
Katz, D. I., Savage, C. R., Kelkar, K., . . . Glenn, M.
B. (2010). A controlled treatment study of internal
memory strategies (I-MEMS) following traumatic brain
injury. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 25(1),
43–51. doi:10.1097/HTR.0b013e3181bf24b1
Perna, R., & Perkey, H. (2016). Internal memory
rehabilitation strategies in the context of post-acute
brain injury: A pilot study. International Journal of
Neurorehabilitation, 3(1), 1–5. doi:10.4172/2376-
Schefft, B. K., Dulay, M. F., & Fargo, J. D. (2008). The
use of a self-generation memory encoding strategy to
improve verbal memory and learning in patients with
traumatic brain injury. Applied Neuropsychology, 15(1),
61–68. doi:10.1080/09084280801917806
Schlosser, R. W., Raghavendra, P., Sigafoos, J., Eysenbach,
G., Blackstone, S., & Dowden, P. (2008). EVIDAAC
systematic review scale. Retrieved from http://evidaac.
*Sohlberg, M. M., Kennedy, M., Avery, J., Coelho, C.,
Turkstra, L., Ylvisaker, M., & Yorkston, K. (2007).
Evidence-based practice for the use of external aids as
a memory compensation technique. Journal of Medical
Speech-Language Pathology, 15(1), xv–li.
*Wilson, B. A., Emslie, H. C., Quirk, K., & Evans, J. J.
(2001). Reducing everyday memory and planning
problems by means of a paging system: A randomised
control crossover study. Journal of Neurology,
Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 70(4), 477–482.
Wilson, B. A., Emslie, H., Quirk, K., Evans, J., &
Watson, P. (2005). A randomized control trial to
evaluate a paging system for people with traumatic
brain injury. Brain Injury, 19(11), 891–894.
The Utilization of Internal and External Memory
Strategies in Evidence-Based Practice
Copyright © 2019 NCS Pearson, Inc. All rights reserved.
EBP Briefs Volume 14, Issue 1
November 2019
Table 1. Summary of Articles Selected for Review
and year Title Population
Bourgeois, M.
S., Lenius, K.,
Turkstra, L., &
Camp, C.
The effects of
cognitive teletherapy
on reported everyday
memory behaviours
of persons with
chronic traumatic
brain injury
n = 38
TBI > 1 year before
Persisting memory
Spaced retrieval (SR)
Didactic strategy
instruction (SI); for
example, written and
auditory reminders and
(external and internal
No statistically significant
effect sizes between groups
SR subjects mastered their
goals more quickly than SI
Both groups reported
generalization to nontargeted
Kaschel, R.,
Della Sala, S.,
Cantagallo, A.,
Fahlböck, A.,
Laaksonen, R.,
& Kazen, M.
Imagery mnemonics
for the rehabilitation
of memory: A
randomised group
controlled trial
n = 21
57% TBI
Brain injury > avg. 5
years prior
Mean age 42 years
Majority male
Mild memory
Visual imagery
mnemonic training
(internal strategy)
Pragmatic training
control group
Significant improvements
in the visual imagery group
for short- and long-term
retention of verbal material,
positive effects seen at
3-month follow-up
Relatives’ ratings of
frequency of memory
problems for the imagery
group improved but not for
the pragmatic group
Lack of changes in the
pragmatic control group
Lannin, N.,
Carr, B., Allaous,
J., Mackenzie,
B., Falcon, A., &
Tate, R.
A randomized
controlled trial of
the effectiveness of
handheld computers
for improving
everyday memory
in patients
with memory
impairments after
acquired brain injury
n = 42
Personal digital assistant
with occupational
(external strategy)
Control group trained
with nonelectronic
memory strategies with
occupational therapy
(external strategy)
Instances of functional
memory failure significantly
Significant decrease in
number of instances of client
forgetting in caregiver report
Melton, A., &
Bourgeois, M.
memory strategies
via the telephone for
persons with TBI
n = 7
Patients were trained
to use memory aids
using spaced retrieval
techniques via telephone
(external strategy)
Memory goals were attained
and generalized after five
30-minute sessions
Not rated
et al.
A controlled
treatment study of
internal memory
strategies (I-MEMS)
following traumatic
brain injury
n = 94
Categorization and
clustering (e.g., semantic
associations), auditory
and visual imagery, and
semantic elaboration/
(internal strategies)
Individuals with mild and
moderate brain injuries
were the best candidates
for the internal memory
rehabilitation strategies,
with improvement noted in
semantic associations and
overall memory functioning.
The Utilization of Internal and External Memory
Strategies in Evidence-Based Practice
Copyright © 2019 NCS Pearson, Inc. All rights reserved.
EBP Briefs Volume 14, Issue 1
November 2019
Table 1. Summary of Articles Selected for Review (continued)
and year Title Population
T. M., Kennedy,
M. R. T., &
Sohlberg, M. M.
practice for the use
of internal strategies
as a memory
technique after brain
injury: A systematic
n = 1,143
84% - TBI
Of studies that
reported the
54% had TBI >1 year
before intervention
Majority adult males
A variety of specific
and generalized internal
Literature base is supportive
of internal memory strategy
Uniformity of positive
reports indicate strategy
instruction should be part of
treatment considerations
Strength of evidence base =
Practice Guideline
Perna, R., &
Perkey, H.
Internal memory
strategies in the
context of post-acute
brain injury: A pilot
n = 13
First letter mnemonics,
practicing visualization,
semantic clustering,
completing worksheets
from Workbook of
Activities for Language
and Cognition, and
elaborative encoding
(internal strategies)
Improvement was noted in
story memory recall, the
immediate free recall, and
delayed free recall of word
Schefft, B. K.,
Dulay, M. F., &
Fargo, J. D.
The use of a self-
generation memory
encoding strategy
to improve verbal
memory and
learning in patients
with traumatic brain
Study 1:
n = 20
Study 2:
n = 20
Closed head injury
6 weeks to 2 years
before intervention
Study 1 (Read
condition): presented
word pairs and rule that
connects them (e.g.,
synonym, category)
Study 2 (Generate
condition): presented
with one word, the first
letter of the second
word, and the rule that
connects them; the
subjects had to generate
second word.
Subjects were asked to
produce second word
when presented with the
first word with which it
is associated in the list
(internal strategy)
A self-generation
intervention (i.e., generate
condition) provides a
strong effect in improving
recognition memory and
cued recall test performance
compared with the passive
didactic presentation of
information (i.e., read
Sohlberg et al.
practice for the
use of external
aids as a memory
n = 270
TBI largest subgroup
Majority adult males
Significant memory
A variety of external aids
used across studies
Memory books: most
Studies support using
external aids to compensate
for memory impairments
Using external strategies =
Practice Guideline
The Utilization of Internal and External Memory
Strategies in Evidence-Based Practice
Copyright © 2019 NCS Pearson, Inc. All rights reserved.
EBP Briefs Volume 14, Issue 1
November 2019
Table 1. Summary of Articles Selected for Review (continued)
and year Title Population
Wilson, B. A.,
Emslie, H. C.,
Quirk, K., &
Evans, J. J.
Reducing everyday
memory and
planning problems
by means of a
paging system: A
randomized control
crossover study
n = 143
44% TBI (largest
Brain injury > avg. 4.9
years prior
Mean age 38.57 years
Age range 8–83 years
Majority male
Memory and/or
problems (unspecified
Simple paging system
(external aid) use*
Time periods of not
using the paging system
(time periods 1 and 3
for Group A and time
periods 1 and 2 for
Group B)
84.6% of all participants
were significantly more
successful at achieving target
tasks when using the pager
than in baseline
Postpager data for Group
A participants (who were
significantly more successful
using the pagers) showed
they were still significantly
better than at baseline (7
weeks after returning the
Wilson, B. A.,
Emslie, H.
C., Quirk, K.,
Evans, J., &
Watson, P.
A randomized
control trial to
evaluate a paging
system for people
with traumatic brain
n = 63
TBI participants from
Wilson et al. (2001)
TBI > avg. 5.3 years
Age range 8–65
Majority male
Memory and/or
problems (unspecified
Simple paging system
(external aid) use*
Time periods of not
using the paging system
(time periods 1 and 3
for Group A and time
periods 1 and 2 for
Group B)
81% of the TBI subgroup
were significantly more
successful at achieving target
tasks when using the pager
than in baseline
Postpager data for Group
A participants (who were
significantly more successful
using the pagers) showed
they were still significantly
better than at baseline (7
weeks after returning the
The Utilization of Internal and External Memory
Strategies in Evidence-Based Practice
Copyright © 2019 NCS Pearson, Inc. All rights reserved.
EBP Briefs Volume 14, Issue 1
November 2019
Table 2. Review Criteria for PEDro-P and EVIDAAC Scales
PEDro-P criteria EVIDAAC criteria
Eligibility criteria presented
Subjects randomly allocated to groups
Allocation concealment
Groups similar at baseline
Subjects were blinded
Therapists were blinded
Assessors were blinded
Measures of one key outcome obtained from > 85% of subjects
initially allocated to groups
At least one key outcome measured by “intention-to-treat”
Results of between-intervention group statistical comparisons were
reported for at least one key outcome
Point measures and measures of variability provided for at least
one key outcome
Focused question presented
Search methods predefined
Multiple sources consulted
Unpublished studies located
Databases carefully selected
Search terms stated and appropriate
Inclusion/exclusion criteria predefined
Inclusion/exclusion criteria appropriate
Log of rejected studies available
Reliable study inclusion
Coding categories predefined
Data extracted reliably
Quality criteria predefined and appropriate
What constitutes effective treatment predefined and
Note. PEDro-P = Physiotherapy Evidence Database, adapted by PsycBITE; EVIDAAC = Evidence in Alternative and Augmentative Communication.
Table 3. PEDro-P Ratings of Group Comparison Studies
Criteria ( = criterion met)
Total for
criteria (2–11)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Bourgeois et al. (2007)
Kaschel et al. (2002)
Lannin et al. (2014)
O’Neil- Pirozzi et al. (2010)
Schefft et al. (2008)
Wilson et al. (2001)
Wilson et al. (2005)
Note. PEDro-P = Physiotherapy Evidence Database, adapted by PsycBITE.
Table 4. EVIDAAC Ratings of Systematic Reviews
Criteria ( = criterion met)
total1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
O’Neil-Pirozzi, T. M.,
Kennedy, M. R. T.,
& Sohlberg, M. M. (2016)
Sohlberg et al. (2007)
Note. EVIDAAC = Evidence in Alternative and Augmentative Communication.