NCC Certication Examination
NCC oers Live Remote Proctoring for most exams.
Earn your NCC certication at home or work using your own computer!
See pages 11-12 for details.
676 N. Michigan Avenue • Suite 3600 • Chicago, Illinois 60611
PSI Computer Testing
Computer Testing Center: Individual testing by computer
at one of many testing centers across the country ................................................. 3-10 & 20-21
Live Remote Proctoring: Individual testing with an online
proctor, using your own computer in a private room at
your home or oce. ............................................................................................................. 3-5 & 11-21
What Happens if You Cannot Take the Test
Request to Change or Withdraw from the Exam ...................................................................22-23
© 2024 The National Certication Corporation (NCC) All Rights Reserved.
NCC certication programs are accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA).
NCC nurse practitioner certication programs are accredited by both the Accreditation Board for Specialty Nursing
Certication (ABSNC) and the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA).
Rules, Policies and Procedures
for the various test administration options.
Schedule Your Exam
It is your responsibility to schedule
your examination.
New Year’s Day
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day (July 4)
Labor Day
(& the following Friday)
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
All PSI testing
on the
following days:
Candidates can take the exam at any available time within their 90-day eligibility, window, but
must schedule the exam within the rst 30 days of their eligibility window. The specic starting
and ending dates and times are provided in their eligibility letter.
Candidates who choose to schedule a test date toward the end of the 90-day eligibility window
and are unable to test for any reason (i.e. illness, quarantine, accident, etc) will be required to
pay a change fee to extend the eligibility window.
Examination eligibility letters can be found in the candidate’s NCC account and are sent via
email. It is the responsibility of the individual to ensure their email is current and accessible.
Candidates cannot schedule their examination until they receive the eligibility letter.
Candidates must schedule the appointment to take the examination within the rst 30
days of the eligibility window. Space availability will not be guaranteed if a candidate waits
to schedule beyond the rst 30 days. If the exam was not scheduled in the rst 30 days of the
eligibility window and space is not available in the assigned 90-day testing window, an Exam
Change Request form will have to be led with the applicable exam change fee.
Appointments to take examinations are scheduled on a rst-come, rst-served basis,
Monday-Saturday, excluding holidays*. Scheduling with PSI can be done from the
candidates NCC account at any time using the “Schedule or Launch Exam” link or by
calling PSI Candidate Services at 833-256-1426 during regular business hours. (see eligibility
To test at a computer testing center, it is required that a minimum of 4 business days occur
between the date the candidate scheduled the examination and the date of the appointment
to test.
To test using Live Remote Proctoring, it is required that a minimum of 2 business days occur
between the date the candidate scheduled the examination and the date of the appointment
to test.
PSI testing centers are located throughout the country. Test sites are subject to change. Visit to nd nearby available test
centers. If already registered for a certication exam, candidates can sign into their
account and click on the “Schedule or Launch Exam” link. PSI Candidate Services will be able
to advise candidates about the availability of testing centers, specic address and directions.
Fees not Refunded
Candidates will NOT receive
refunds for the below
circumstances, but they
may be able to le a
Change Request.
Specic rules apply, see
“Request to Change or
Withdraw from the Exam”.
(see pages 22-23 for details.)
Failure to login to the test
portal or appear at the
testing center (no-show)
Sign in late to the test
portal or arrive too late
at the testing center
Failure to schedule an
appointment to test
within the rst 30 days
of the 90-day
eligibility window
Failure to have proper ID
or to meet any required rules
Failure to take a scheduled
exam for any reason (illness,
quarantine, accident,
death, etc.)
Computer Testing Guide
Preview of HELP page
This guide provides information when taking a computer exam at either a testing center or
with live remote proctoring. Candidates please make sure to review the HELP page before
starting the computer exam. Below is some information on the HELP page, comment box and
All candidates are taken to the following HELP Page before starting the Practice Exam
tutorial. This page shows where the
buttons are located. Candidates
any item on the test if they want to return to it later. The item status will be
answered, unanswered or bookmarked. They can click to a previous or next item or put in a
question number to go directly to an item. The
button will tell the time remaining on
the test.
Fees NOT Refunded
Computer Testing Guide
Preview of HELP page
A comment box is provided with each question for notes or when doing calculations. Not all
exams require calculations. NCC does not allow scratch paper, however, if it is provided by a test
center it must be left with the proctor to be destroyed. Scratch paper is not allowed with remote
proctoring. Select the comment box to enter a comment or calculation for any exam questions.
Candidates can click the
button to keep or save the comment, or the
button to
discard it. After a comment is submitted, an asterisk * will appear on the
button to
indicate there is a comment submitted for that question. Candidates may select the
button to submit, view, edit or remove the comments on any items up until the timer ends or the
candidate exits the exam.
The computer exam has a full screen with a calculator enabled. The
button toggles
the calculator on and o. It is available on all questions when enabled for a test. The calculator
appears directly below the answer options.
Testing Center - Admission
Candidates must report to the designated Testing Center location on the day of the examination
at least 15 minutes before the scheduled appointment time. No guests, visitors or family
members are allowed in the testing room or reception areas.
A candidate who arrives more than 15 minutes after the scheduled testing time will not be
admitted and will not receive a refund.
Candidates who are late or fail to take the test can le
a Change Request Form with applicable fees.
After arrival at an PSI testing center, look for the signs indicating PSI Testing Center Check-in.
Candidates must check in with the test supervisor.
Candidates must bring the copy of the eligibility letter with them.
To gain admission to the Testing Center, a candidate needs to present two forms of
identication, one with a photograph. Both forms of identication must be current,
unexpired and include the candidate’s current name and signature. The primary form of
identication must include a photograph. The candidate will also be required to sign a roster
for verication of identity.
Primary identication must display name, signature and photograph. Acceptable
examples include driver’s license, state identication card, passport/passport card, green
card, alien registration, permanent resident card, or national identication card.
Secondary identication must display name and signature. Acceptable examples include
employment ID, student ID, credit card or social security card.
Temporary identications are NOT acceptable. Candidates are prohibited from
misrepresenting their identities or falsifying information to obtain admission to the
Testing Center.
Proof of name change will not be accepted during testing for ID names that
do not match the name on the test registration.
Please bring a sweater or jacket that can be removed or put on as needed. (Note: Some test
centers do not allow jackets and candidates may be asked to remove their jackets.) While every
eort is made to provide a comfortable environment, individual temperature responses or
facility management is beyond the proctor’s control.
No personal items, valuables, or weapons should be brought to the Testing Center. Only wallets
and keys are permitted. Coats must be left outside the testing room.
No electronic devices are permitted in the Testing Center. No cellular phones, smart phones
or watches, tablets or other hand-held computers. No digital music players, signaling devices
such as pagers and alarms, photographic or duplicating devices. Calculators are no longer
permitted. An online calculator is enabled within the test, see page 5.
No books, papers, dictionaries, other reference materials or personal items (e.g., purses,
briefcases) may be taken into the Testing Center; candidates must leave all personal items at
home or in their automobile.
Candidates will be provided a soft locker to store their wallet and/or keys in the testing room.
They will not have access to these items until after the examination is completed. Please note
the following items will not be allowed in the testing room except securely locked in the
soft locker.
head coverings (If a candidate requires a head covering they must test at a test center)
If any personal items are observed in the testing room after the
examination is started, the candidate will be dismissed, and the
administration will be forfeited.
Testing Center - Rules and Policies
Personal Belongings
NCC and PSI adhere to test administration and test security standards that are designed to
ensure that all candidates are provided the same opportunity to demonstrate their abilities.
The Testing Center is continuously monitored by audio and video surveillance equipment for
security purposes.
Candidates will be asked to pull out their pockets to ensure they are empty. If all personal items
will not t in the soft locker
(see Personal Belongings)
they will not be able to test. The site will
not store any personal belongings. Neither PSI nor NCC is responsible for loss, damage, or
misplacement of any items brought into or stored at the PSI site.
NCC does not provide pencils or scratch paper for use during examinations. If a test center
provides scratch paper, it must be returned to the supervisor at the completion of testing,
or the candidates exam will not be scored.
No documents or notes of any kind may be removed from the examination room.
All computer screens, questions, paper and written materials are the property
of NCC and/or PSI and may not be reproduced in any form.
No questions concerning the content of the examination may be asked during the test.
Eating, drinking or smoking will not be permitted in the Testing Center.
No breaks will be permitted during the testing time.
If the candidate has any problem during the test session, they MUST alert the proctor at the time
of the issue. This could be related to computer function, environment or any other issue. The
chat log will document the concern for review later if needed.
Testing Center - Rules and Policies
Restrictions and Security
In the event of inclement weather or unforeseen emergencies on the day of an examination, PSI
will determine whether circumstances warrant the cancellation, and subsequent rescheduling,
of an examination. The examination will usually not be rescheduled if the Testing Center
personnel are able to open the Testing Center. If power to a testing center is temporarily
interrupted during an administration, the examination will restart where the candidate left o,
and the exam may be may continued.
If the candidate has started the exam and is disconnected, please contact the proctor to attempt
to get reconnected and continue testing. If the disconnection is related to the PSI testing facility
or equipment the candidate will be provided with a new test date and time.
If the candidate is unable to get reconnected after starting the exam, the timing for a second
attempt to take the exam will be based on how much time and how many questions they were
exposed to. If a candidate is disconnected and cannot be reconnected and have tested for under
15 minutes and were exposed to less than 10% of the exam they may be able to reschedule
within the current eligibility window. Candidates must work directly with PSI that day to
reschedule and if they run into any issues they must notify NCC within 3 days of testing.
If a candidate tests for longer than 15 minutes and/or saw more than 10% of the questions
on the exam they will have to wait 90 days before they can reschedule and must follow NCCs
retest policy. A decision on the timing of a second attempt will be made after reviewing the test
exposure. Please note, candidates need to retest at a Testing Center. Please notify NCC of the
internet disconnection issue as soon as computer access is available.
Candidates should call PSI Candidate Services at 833-256-1426 or use the same number
they called to schedule their appointment to determine weather-related test site closures.
Every attempt will be made to administer the examination as scheduled; however, should an
examination be canceled at a testing center, all scheduled candidates will receive notication
regarding a rescheduled examination date or reapplication procedures. Please check the test
center openings the day before the exam and check for email and phone messages the day of
the exam to insure there have been no last minute test site closures.
Inclement Weather, Power Failure or Emergencies
After the candidates identication has been conrmed, they will be directed to a testing carrel.
They will be prompted on-screen to enter their NCC-assigned ID number. The candidate’s
photograph, taken before beginning the examination, will remain on-screen throughout their
testing session.
Prior to the examination, candidates will be given the opportunity to practice taking a test on
the computer. The time used for this practice test is NOT counted as part of the examination
time. When the candidate is comfortable with the computer testing process, they may quit the
practice session and begin the timed examination. Instructions for taking the examination are
provided on-screen. If candidates have any questions about how the computer testing works,
please ask the proctor.
Testing Center - Taking the Exam
What to Expect
A proctor may dismiss a candidate from the
examination for any of the following reasons:
Violation of any of
the provisions will
result in dismissal
from the testing
session. The exam
score will be voided
and the examination
fees will not be
the candidates admission to the examination
is unauthorized
the candidate creates a disturbance, is abusive,
or otherwise uncooperative
the candidate gives or receives help or is suspected
of doing so
the candidate attempts to record test questions,
answer keys or to make notes
the candidate displays and/or uses electronic
communications equipment such as pagers,
cellular phones
the candidate talks or participates in conversations
with other examination candidates
the candidate leaves the Testing Center during the
the candidate attempts to take the examination
for someone else
the candidate is observed with personal belongings
the candidate is observed with notes, books or other aids
without it being noted on the roster
All fees will be forfeited
by the candidate for any
of the following:
Failure to follow any
PSI rules
Dismissal from the testing
center for being disorderly or
otherwise disruptive to other
test candidates, testing center
personnel or others at the
testing center
Dismissal from the testing
center for any reason.
See Misconduct
Failure to show up for a
scheduled exam for any
reason (illness, quarantine,
accident, death, etc.)
Live Remote Proctoring (LRP) is a secure and non-invasive platform that uses professional
proctors and technology to monitor examinees live while they complete the certication exam.
The process is secure, easily accessible, and monitors testing activity and records all aspects of
the exam session. NCC is unable to oer live remote proctoring for the Inpatient Antepartum
Nursing (RNC-IAP) or Neonatal Neuro-Intensive Care (C-NNIC) exams at this time.
Candidates who would like to choose LRP are required to ensure the computer they will be
using meets the Technical Requirements, System Specications and passes the Compatibility
and Webcam Testing to verify it will meet remote proctoring requirements.
IF ALL requirements are met, candidates may schedule an exam with LRP.
Candidates must visit the NCC webpage Testing with Live Remote Proctoring” to access testing
links and to carefully read the requirements, policies and procedures.cation-exams/testing-with-live-
Administrative Rights
If candidates plan to use a work computer, or take the exam in an environment with rewalls, or
use WiFi that may have a rewall (e.g. hotels) - they must ensure they have administrative rights
to disable the rewall and the ability to download and install a small program – PSI’s secure web
browser, prior to the exam.
Candidates must be able to use the computer in a private room without interruption.
Available Live Remote Proctoring Exams:
Care of the Extremely Low Birth Weight Neonate (C-ELBW)
Electronic Fetal Monitoring (C-EFM®)
Inpatient Obstetric Nursing (RNC-OB®)
Low Risk Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing (RNC-LRN®)
Maternal Newborn Nursing (RNC-MNN®)
Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing (RNC-NIC®)
Neonatal Nurse Practitioner (NNP-BC®)
Neonatal Pediatric Transport (C-NPT®)
Obstetric and Neonatal Quality and Safety (C-ONQS)
Women’s Health Care Nurse Practitioner (WHNP-BC®)
Live Remote Proctoring - About
Live Remote
is NOT oered
for these exams:
Inpatient Antepartum
Nursing (RNC-IAP)
Neonatal Neuro-
Intensive Care (C-NNIC)
Live Remote Proctoring - Preparation
Computer Specications
Candidates must make sure the computer that will be used for LRP meets the below
Technical Requirements
System Specications
Compatibility Testing
Technical Requirements
Candidates will not be able to use a tablet. Chromebooks, tablets, and cellphones are
not compatible and cannot be used. Touchscreens cannot be used.
Laptop or desktop computer (Windows or Mac only)
Dual screens are not allowed
(detachable preferred),
Microphone and Speakers
(functional and available
for testing, HD 1080P webcam recommended).
Candidates must be able to do a
360-degree room scan. If the testing computer has a built-in web camera and cannot be
moved to scan the entire room, candidates must have a 5” x 6”or larger handheld mirror
to scan the testing room for the virtual proctor.
Stable broadband internet connection – Minimum 500 Kbps; we recommend 5Mbps or
higher upload and download [click here to test internet speed]
A wired connection is preferred over wireless (WiFi)
Screen resolution 1368 x 769 or higher
Current version of Google Chrome or some other Chromium-based browser is best
[click here to learn how to determine browser versions].
It is highly recommended to use a personal computer and not a work-issued computer.
Work-issued computers often have applications running in the background that a
candidate cannot or may not have administrative right to close or detect.
Ability to download and install a small program: PSI’s secure web browser. Candidates
who plan to use a work computer must have administrative access to disable the rewall,
to share the screen and to end any running programs.
(See Administrative Rights page 11)
Candidates must have permission to close running applications. Go to Task Manager
click on the “processes” and services” tabs and make sure prohibited applications can
be closed (i.e. Dell Data Vault, ConnectWise, JAMF Screen Recording, Zoom, NVIDIA
container, Adobe Creative Cloud, Conguration Manager Remote Control Service,
HPsystemeventutility, Ice Cream Screen Recorder and Kaseya Agent Endpoint).
If using a shared device (e.g. with other users or multiple proles) ensure all proles
are logged out and there are no open sessions for prohibited applications running in
alternate proles.
Make sure the PSI Tech
support number is available
at all times during the
testing process. This
number is in the candidate
eligibility letter.
Live Remote Proctoring - Preparation
System Specications
System requirements an change and it is the candidates responsibility to ensure they meet the
requirements for the operating system (PC or MAC), screen resolution, bandwidth, microphone,
and camera. Please check the most current requirements at PSI SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS.
Browser requirements:
For PC users Firefox and Chrome are supported. Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer are not. For
Mac users Safari, Firefox or Chrome can be used.
Compatibility Testing
Candidates must test the computer they are going to use to take the exam, and must check to see
if the computer is compatible for Live Remote Proctoring (LRP) testing.
[click here for compatibility and webcam tests]. If the computer is compatible and
meets all technical and system requirements, they can proceed to register to take an exam.
The compatibility link does not check for operating system requirements, technical
requirements or administrative rights.
Live Remote Proctoring - Scheduling
The examination is administered by appointment only. Examinations may be taken any day
of the week, including Saturday and Sunday,24 hours a day.
It is the candidate’s responsibility to schedule the examination as soon as the eligibility notice is
received.This must be done within the rst 30 days of the eligibility window.
If a candidate is unable to take the exam by LRP for any reason, they will need to allow time to
change to a computer test center, so it is critical they do not delay scheduling. If a candidate is
unable to schedule at a PSI Testing Center for any reason, they may have to pay a change fee to
extend the eligibility window. There are no refunds, if they submit a change request and then
take the exam as scheduled or within the original testing window.
The specic starting and ending days are provided in the candidates eligibility notication
-candidates cannot nalize an appointment until receiving their eligibility notication.
letters can be found in the candidate’s NCC account and are sent via email once the candidate’s
application is approved. It is the responsibility of the individual to ensure their email is current
and accessible. It is recommended that candidates schedule the appointment as soon as
Anyone unable to take the examination using LRP will have to take the exam at a Testing Center.
Candidates may schedule using the “Schedule or Launch Exam” link on their NCC account page
or by calling PSI Candidate Services at 833-256-1426 during regular business hours
(see eligibility letter).
can change. Please
check the current
at PSI System
PSI- Bridge-FAQ-
Live Remote Proctoring - Testing
What to Expect
All candidates must report to the test portal by 15 minutes before the scheduled testing
time. They can launch the exam platform starting 30 minutes before the appointment time.
A minimum of 15 minutes is needed for checking IDs, surveying the testing environment and
going through the security measures & exam rules.
Anyone not starting the exam within 15 minutes of the scheduled appointment time,
automatically forfeits the examination appointment and the ability to test using Live Remote
Proctoring. Candidates who are late or fail to take the test can le a Change Request Form with
applicable fees and will need to take the exam at a PSI Testing Center.
If a candidate is unable
to obtain a test center date within the eligibility window and have already made one change
request, they will no longer be eligible and will have to apply and pay an exam registration fee
again. There are no refunds.
The time spent on the security measures and exam rules does not aect the testing time.
Candidates willhave the full time allotted to take the exam.
For the screen-sharing connection during the exam, candidates must download a
program, which connects the candidates screen to the proctor. Once the candidate has
connected their screen to the proctor, the proctor connects the two-way video and audio
connection. Once the exam is over, the session expires, and the remote connection is no longer
If a candidate does not wish to complete the download, they should consider taking the
test at a PSI Testing Center).
A small program le will download to the testing computer. Click the le to open it and
select “Run to install the program. If any pop-ups ask for approval, click Yes or “Okay.
A live proctor will connect with the candidate via a chat box. Candidates will read the rules
and sign o on them.
Live Remote Proctoring - Process
Two forms of current ID are required and must be presented to the proctor before the
exam starts. All identication presented must be current or unexpired and contain a signature.
The primary one must have a photo, expiration date, and the rst and last name must match
those provided on the application. Candidates will not be allowed to test without proper
ID, (e.g. Driver’s License, State identity card (non-driver license), Passport, Passport card, Green
Card, Alien registration, Permanent resident card, or National identication card).No forms of
temporary identication will be accepted.The second form of identication must display name
and signature for signature verication (e.g. credit card with signature, social security card with
signature, employment/student ID card with signature). Military IDs cannot be used.
The proctor will conrm the candidates identication prior to starting the examination.
The proctor will ask the candidate to show their photo ID by holding it up to the webcam for
identity verication. All information on the primary and secondary ID must be readable by the
proctor to proceed to the exam.
Testing Environment
Candidates can schedule and launch the exam right from their home or oce computer
but must have a microphone, webcam, speakers and stable broadband internet.
The proctor will check to make sure the webcam and microphone are working properly and that
screen sharing has been activated. Candidates will be asked to share the screen for all connected
The proctor will ask the candidate to slowly move the webcam around the room to verify that
the candidate is alone and that the desk is clear of restricted items.If there are notes, drinks, a
box of tissues or any such items on the desk, the candidate will be asked to remove them prior
to releasing the exam. Scanning the room is required. If for any reason the candidate is unable
to scan the entire room with the webcam, a 5” x 6”or larger hand-held mirror may be used for
scanning the testing room for the proctor.
If a candidate needs assistance during the exam, a chat should be initiated with the online test
administrator using the in-exam chat tool.
No conversing or any other form of communication is permitted once the exam has been
Candidates are prohibited from reproducing, communicating or transmitting any test content
in any form for any purpose. Copying or communicating content is a violation of NCC and PSI
security policies. Either one may result in the disqualication of examination results, may lead to
legal action and will be reported to the candidates Licensing Authority/Sponsor.
Live Remote Proctoring - Process
Testing Environment
The testing environment will be surveyed by the proctor prior to testing. The testing
computer must be in a private room and be able to be used without interruption. A proctor will
continuously monitor both the test taker and the testing environment.
No other people(i.e. guests, visitors, family members)or petsare allowed in the testing room.
Having another person enter the room can end the examination.
The workspace must be cleared of all materials, including books, papers, dictionaries, other
reference materials or personal items (e.g., purses, briefcases, coats).
No electronic devices
(other than the computer being used to test)
are allowed in the room.
This includes, cell/smart phones or watches, signaling devices such as pagers and alarms,
cameras or other photographic or duplicating devices, personal digital assistants (PDAs),
recording devices or other hand-held computers, tablets and digital music players (e.g., iPod
& iPad).
All jewelry(i.e., watches, necklaces, pins)and head coverings must be removed from the
roomprior to the testing session. If a candidate requires a head covering, they will need to test
at a computer test center.
The launch button will be enabled when the exam is fully prepared for delivery.
Candidates may not exit the camera view or use a cell phone or other electronic devices during
the examination.
Candidates must keep their face on the screen during the examination and avoid looking down
or to the sides during testing. Talking or mouthing words while testing is prohibited.
Candidates hands must be visible to the camera at all times.
PSI requires all employees and exam takers to conduct themselves in a professional and
courteous manner at all times. Exhibiting abusive behavior towards a proctor via chat or other
candidates (if at a test center) will be reported to the candidates Licensing Authority/Sponsor
and may result in criminal prosecution.
The proctors have a list of major and minor events that are not allowed during the examination.
Major events will stop the examination immediately. Three minor event warnings and the
examination will be terminated. Candidates are responsible for reading the full list of Major and
Minor events found on the website under Testing with Live Remote Proctoring”.
Live Remote Proctoring -
Rules and Policies
Restrictions and Security
The computer screen, questions and browser are monitored by the proctor throughout the
exam process. All information displayed on the computer screen during testing (instructions,
questions, etc.) is the property of NCC and may not be reproduced in any form.
No questions concerning the content of the examination may be asked during the test.
No breaks will be permitted during the testing time.
If any non-approved items are observed on the workspace after the examination is
started, the candidate will be dismissed, the test administration will end, and all fees will
be forfeited.
If testing has to be shut down for technical reasons, the candidate will be required to reschedule
at a PSI Testing Center and may have to pay an additional fee. PSI requires a 2-day notice
to reschedule. If a candidate is unable to reschedule for a test center exam within the
eligibility window, a change request along with a $125.00 fee will have to be submitted to
obtain a new eligibility window.
Any questionable behavior will be reviewed on the webcam, chat logs and audio from time of
authentication through submission of the examination. All recordings are deleted after 30 days.
Live Remote Proctoring -
Rules and Policies
If a candidate is dismissed by the proctor, the test administration will end, and all fees will be
forfeited.The proctor maydismiss a candidate from the examinationfor any of the following
the candidate gives or receives help or is suspected of doing so
the candidate attempts to record test questions or to make notes
the candidate displays and/or uses electronic communications equipment
such as pagers, cellular phones, PDAs
the candidate attempts to take the examination for someone else
the candidate is observed with personal belongings
the candidate allows one major event or
three minor events. Candidates are responsible
for reading the full list of major and minor
events found on the website under Testing
with Live Remote Proctoring”.
the candidate is observed with notes, books or
other aids without it being previously approved
by NCC
any event that the proctor(s) deems as
a compromise to the testing session
If a candidate engages in misconduct and is dismissed --
the exam score will not be reported, and examination
fees will not be refunded.
All fees will be forfeited
by the candidate for any
of the following:
Failure to follow any
PSI rules
Dismissal from the testing
center for being disorderly or
otherwise disruptive to other
test candidates, testing center
personnel or others at the
testing center
Dismissal from the testing
center for any reason.
See Misconduct
Failure to show up for a
scheduled exam for any
reason (illness, quarantine,
accident, death, etc.)
Live Remote Proctoring -
Rules and Policies
Timed Examination
After the security measures have been completed and the rules have been reviewed, the
examination will start. During the exam the browser is secured with no ability to copy, paste,
screen capture, access other sites, use instant messaging applications or run remote access/
virtual machines.
The use of Live Remote Proctoring is based on the candidate’s computer, the bandwidth and
the ability to download the program that provides the proctor and the exam. In some cases,
this process can take time to work through and may cause a delay in the start time for the
exam. The exam is not started or timed until the set up process is completed. If a candidate
feels that attempting this set up prior to the start of the exam will cause undue stress, NCC
recommends they take the exam at a test center.
Inclement Weather,Power Failure,
Internet Disconnections, or Emergencies
Candidates unable to take the scheduled examination due to inclement weather, power failure
or unforeseen emergencies, may reschedule the exam ONCE at no charge by contacting PSI.
This reschedule must occur within the 90-day testing window. If the candidate has already
used the one-time rescheduling option with PSI, then a “Change Request Form” must be
submitted (fees and restrictions apply).
If power or the internet is temporarily interrupted during the exam administration, all attempts
will be made to restart where the candidate left off so they may continue to take their
If the candidate has started the exam and is disconnected please use call PSI tech support to
attempt to get reconnected and continue testing.
Inside the U.S.: 855-560-3721
Outside the U.S.: 1-617-564-9052
If the disconnection is related to the PSI testing facility or equipment the candidate will be
provided with a new test date and time. Any issue related to the candidates equipment, system,
or wi connection may require the submission of a change request and change fee.
If the candidate is unable to get reconnected after starting the exam, the timing for a second
attempt to take the exam will be based on how much time and how many questions they
were exposed to. If a candidate is disconnected and cannot be reconnected and have tested
for under 15 minutes and were exposed to less than 10% of the exam they may be able to
reschedule within the current eligibility window. Candidates must work directly with PSI that
day to reschedule and if they run into any issues they must notify NCC within 3 days of testing.
If a candidate tested for longer than 15 minutes and/or saw more than 10% of the questions
on the exam they will have to wait 90 days to reschedule and must follow NCC’s retest policy.
A decision on the timing of a second attempt will be made after reviewing the test exposure.
Please note, candidates will need to retest at a PSI Testing Center. Please notify NCC of the
internet disconnection issue as soon as computer access is available.
Exams must be
canceled or
rescheduled a
minimum of
4 business days before the
scheduled appointment time.
Failure to cancel
or reschedule
within this time will result in
exam fees.
Taking the Exam by Computer
What to Expect
The NCC examinations are timed. The examination will terminate if the time limit is exceeded.
Candidates may select the
button to monitor the time. A digital clock indicating the time
remaining to complete the examination will appear. The time feature may also be turned o
during the examination.
Only one test item is presented at a time showing the stem and three answer options labeled A,
B and C. Selections are indicated by either entering the letter of the option (A, B, or C) or
clicking on the option. To change an answer, enter a dierent option.
Candidates may change
the answers as many times as they wish during the testing time limit.
To move to the next item, click on the forward arrow (>) in the lower right portion of the screen.
This action will move the examination forward item by item. If a candidate wishes to review any
item or items, click the backward arrow (<) or use the left arrow key to move backward through
the examination.
A test item may be left unanswered and returned to later in the testing session. Items may also
be bookmarked (agged) for later review by clicking in the blank square to the right of the Time
button. Select the double arrows (>>) to advance to the next unanswered or bookmarked item
on the examination.
When the examination is completed, the number of test items answered is reported. If all items
have not been answered, return to the examination and answer those items. Any unanswered
question is considered a wrong answer. It is to the candidate’s advantage to provide an
answer for each test item before ending the examination.
Online comments may be provided for any item by clicking on the
buttonto the left
of the
button. This opens a dialogue box where comments may be entered. Comments will
be reviewed, but individual responses will not be provided. NOTE: the time to make comments
will be counted toward the test time and comments are NOT accepted as answers.
Candidates will have two (2) hours
to complete the 125* questions on a
subspecialty exam
Care of the Extremely
Low Birth Weight Neonate (C-ELBW)
Electronic Fetal Monitoring (C-EFM
Neonatal Neuro-Intensive
Care (C-NNIC)
Neonatal Pediatric Transport (C-NPT
Obstetrics and Neonatal Quality
and Safety (C-ONQS)
Candidates will have three (3) hours to
complete the 175* questions
on a core exam
Inpatient Antepartum Nursing (RNC-IAP)
Inpatient Obstetric Nursing (RNC-OB
Low Risk Neonatal Intensive Care
Nursing (RNC-LRN
Maternal Newborn Nursing (RNC-MNN
Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing (RNC-NIC
Neonatal Nurse Practitioner (NNP-BC
Womens Health Care Nurse Practitioner
* Subspecialty exams have 125 multiple-choice items.
100 are scored and 25 are used to gather statistical data
on item performance for future exams.
* Core exams have 175 multiple-choice items. 150 are scored and
25 are used to gather statistical data on item performance for
future exams.
Taking the Exam
Results Notication
Testing Center Locations
PSI testing centers are located throughout the country. Test sites are subject to change.
To nd available test centers go to
If a candidate has are already registered for a certication exam, they can
sign into their account and click on the “Schedule or Launch Exam link.
completing the examination, an email will be sent by the testing company explaining how test
results can be obtained.
Ocial results, with the score report, can be found in the candidates NCC account within
15 business days of computer exam administration.
When new forms of an exam or new test grids are developed ocial results can take up to 21
business days.
Date of certication is based on the date of the ocial results, not the exam date.
Candidates are not certied until the ocial results are in their NCC account.
Test result reports are NOT available by phone or email, pass/fail status can only can be seen in
the candidates NCC account. They will receive an email when the test results are in their account.
Candidates can check their account at any time by signing in with their username (email) and
NCC reserves the right to cancel test scores when there is reason to believe that scores are
invalid. Proof of misconduct is not required to cancel scores.
Third-party notication of pass/fail status will not be released without authorization from
the candidate. A $30 fee is required for any third-party notication or issuance of duplicate
pass/fail reports. Such verications will not be issued until ocial written conrmation of pass/
fail is made by NCC and notication has been sent to the candidate. Verication requests can
only be made via the online verication system on the NCC website.
Successful candidates will be mailed a certicate and pin to the address in their account.
If a candidate does not receive the certicate and pin within two weeks of getting the test
results, they must contact NCC. After 6 months a lost certicate and/or pin must
be purchased.
Change your Testing Date, Method of Testing or Exam Category
Candidates who cannot take their currently scheduled examination, have missed their testing
date or need to take a dierent exam - can request a change. Candidates may request to change
their examination category, reschedule their testing date or even change their method of
testing, provided that they meet the requirements listed below. Candidates are only allowed
one change option (ex. if they reschedule the examination date, they will not be able to change
the examination category). All change requests must be approved by NCC and candidates may
be required to provide additional information. There will be no refund of original fees or Exam
Change Request Form fees. Candidates who fail to take the examination under this change option
must re-apply with full fees. Candidates can anticipate a new eligibility letter within 2-4 weeks.
Eligibility must be re-established for the new exam category, and additional documentation and
fees may be required.
What Happens if You Cannot Take the Test Using
Any of the Modes of Testing:
All candidates requesting a change MUST:
Submit the change request within one calendar year from the rst date of their original
assigned eligibility window
Cancel their exam date with PSI (if they have one scheduled), before submitting a
change. Scheduled exams may be canceled using the “Schedule or Launch Exam” link in
the candidates account or by calling PSI Candidate Services
at 833-256-1426 during regular business hours (see eligibility letter).
Use the NCC website to submit the Change Request Form
(changes requested in any other format, will not be accepted).
Submit a non-refundable fee of $125 with the Change Request Form
To change examination category:
The time to consider eligibility for the new category will count toward the original assigned
90-day computer testing window.
Examinees must take the exam for which they have been determined eligible. No
changes will be permitted on examination day. If a candidate knowingly or unknowingly
takes an examination other than the one she/he was found eligible to take, the
examination will not be scored. No refunds will be allowed, and all fee policies will apply if
the candidate reapplies for an examination.
Examination category cannot be changed from a subspecialty or RN Core application to a
NNP or WHNP certication. Candidates who registered for an RN Core exam or subspecialty
exam and need to change to NNP or WHNP will have to submit an exam withdrawal for a
partial refund and complete the full registration for one of these APRN certication exams.
Candidates must submit their request at least 30 days prior to the end of their
testing window.
Withdrawing Candidates
Only the applicant/candidate can withdraw from the examination process.
All withdrawal requests must be submitted online at the NCC website BEFORE the nal day of
the original eligibility window.
Candidates who register using a bulk purchase voucher cannot withdraw from the exam.
To withdraw candidates CANNOT have a scheduled appointment to take an exam
through PSI.
If candidates have a scheduled appointment they will be unable to withdraw until they
cancel the appointment directly with PSI. Candidates must UNSCHEDULE the exam prior to
submitting the withdrawal application with NCC. Candidates can cancel their appointment by
logging into their account and clicking on the “Schedule or Launch Exam link or by calling PSI
Candidate Services at 833-256-1426 during regular business hours.
Any test appointment with PSI must be canceled/unscheduled no later than four business days
prior to the scheduled testing date.
PSI can only remove a candidate from the test schedule after they have canceled the test date.
After the candidate has canceled, they can complete the NCC online withdrawal request form.
Anyone who has previously requested an exam change of any kind, including a request for a
new eligibility window or exam category is not eligible to withdraw.
No refund will be considered after the original eligibility window expires.
National Certification Corporation | 676 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 3600 | Chicago, IL 60611-2832