1623 Buckeye Dr.
Milpitas, CA 95035
P. 408-969-6600
W. www.lumissil.com
Follow us on Linkedin to keep up to date with our latest news: linkedin.com/company/lumissil
LED Driver with CAN Bus for Dynamic Automo�ve
Interior RGB Ligh�ng
The IS32FL3202 integrates CAN Bus interface that enables rapid response for
LED strings with 256 RGB LEDs
MILPITAS, Calif., June 11, 2024 -- Lumissil Microsystems sets a new standard for dynamic
and intensity-
 
1623 Buckeye Dr.
Milpitas, CA 95035
P. 408-969-6600
W. www.lumissil.com
Follow us on Linkedin to keep up to date with our latest news: linkedin.com/company/lumissil
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About Lumissil Microsystems
for low to mid--er products