Aardvark in the Park
There’s a large dark aardvark in the park
They say he’s missing from the zoo
The police are looking high and low,
They haven’t seen him, have you?
Oh I’ll tell you the reason,
Because it’s aardvark mating season!
When an aardvark makes a date
You know he slips right through that old zoo gate
So if you see two aardvarks playing in the park
Don’t upset their apple cart.
You are not a spy, you’re not the FBI,
And you should never break an aardvark’s heart!
Adams Family Grace
*Duh-nuh-nuh-nuh (snap, snap)
Duh-nuh-nuh-nuh (snap, snap)
Duh-nuh-nuh-nuh, duh-nuh-nuh-nuh,
Duh-nuh-nuh-nuh (snap, snap)*
We thank the earth for giving
This food we need for living
So bless us while we eat it
Because we really need it (The Girl Scout family) *
The Airplane Song
Open your song book to page 13.
If I had the wings of an airplane, airplane
Up in the sky I would fly, would fly
If I had the wings of an airplane, airplane
I’d fly till the day I would die, would die
Chorus: Ooh la la, ooh la la, ooh la la, repeat
Ooh la la, ooh la la, ooh la la, again
Ooh la la, ooh la la, ooh la la, once more
Ooh la la, ooh la la, la, the end
Close your song book
Alive, Awake, Alert, Enthusiastic
I’m alive, awake, alert, enthusiastic (2x)
I’m alive, awake, alert
I’m alert, awake, alive
I’m alive, awake, alert, enthusiastic
Alice the Camel
Alice the camel has 10 humps (3x)
So go, Alice, go!
(Continue on down to…)
Alice the camel has no humps (3x)
Cause Alice is a horse!
*Alligator, alligator
Can be your friend, can be your friend, can be your friend,
The alligator is my friend, he can be your friend too
If only you would understand that he has feelings too *
The alligator laughs and plays, he never sings the blues
I’d rather have him on my shirt than have him for my shoes *
The alligator ate my friend, he can eat your friend too,
If only you would understand that he gets hungry too *
All My Life’s a Circle
All my life’s a circle,
Sunrise to sundown.
The moon rolls through the evening
‘Til the daylight comes around.
All my life’s a circle,
But I can’t tell you why
Seasons spinning ‘round again
The years keep rolling by.
Oh you are my friend, and I’ll walk with you always
I’ll stay by your side and I’ll walk with you always
Always, always, I’ll walk with you always
Always, always, I’ll walk with you always
Animal Song
Animals are lots of fun
They’re big and round and hairy
Some have teeth and some have claws
And some are rather scary.
And I would go to the animal zoo
With lots of money to buy them
And I would bring one home to you
If I knew how to fly them.
Dum de dum de dum dum dum
Lions they are lots of fun
They’re big and round and furry
And I would bring one home to you
Bring one home in a hurry
And I would go to the African plain
And there I’d try to trap him
And I would bring one home to you
If I knew how to wrap him.
Dum de dum de dum dum dum
Elephants are lots of fun
They’re big and round and pleasant
And I would bring one home to you
As an elephant present.
And I would go to the animal zoo
With lots of peanuts to bribe him
And I would bring one home to you
If I knew how to hide him.
Dum de dum de dum dum dum.
Polar bears are lots of fun
They’re big and round and real white.
And I would bring one home to you
Bring one home on a plane flight.
And I would go to the north pole
And there I’d try to lure him
And I would bring one home to you
If I knew I wouldn’t hurt him.
Dum de dum de dum dum dum.
Wallabies are lots of fun
They’re big and round and jumpy.
And I would bring one home to you
Just so you could have comp’ny
And I would go to Australia
And there I’d try to tag him.
And I would bring one home to you
If I knew I wouldn’t gag him.
Dum de dum de dum dum dum
Announcements, announcements, announcements
A terrible death to die, a terrible death to die
A terrible death, a terrible death,
A terrible death to die
Make announcements short and sweet,
Short and sweet, short and sweet.
Make announcements short and sweet,
‘Cause they are boring.
__(name)__ has another one, another one, another one
__(name)__ has another one, she has them all the time.
Apple Trees
Underneath the rising moon, silver mists are dancing
Soft the lilac’s sweet perfume, fills the night entrancing
White and ghostly in the gloom,
Stands the apple trees in bloom
Apple trees in bloom, apple trees in bloom
(a round to be started after the first line)
The Ash Grove
Down yonder green valley where streamlets meander
When twilight is fading I pensively rove
Or at the bright noon-tide in solitude wander
Amid the dark shades of the lonely ash grove
‘Tis there where the blackbird is cheerfully singing
Each warbler enchants with his notes from the tree
Ah, then little think I of sorrow or sadness
The ash grove entrancing spells beauty for me
Auld Lang Syne
Should old acquaintance be forgot
And never brought to mind,
Should old acquaintance be forgot
In days of Auld Lang Syne
For Auld Lang Syne, my dear
For Auld Lang Syne
We’ll take a cup of kindness yet,
In days of Auld Lang Syne
(To be sung with “I Understand”)
Austrian Yodeling
Once an Austrian went yodeling
On a mountain so high.
When along came a cuckoo bird
Interrupting his cry:
*Oh, da la, oh da la kiki, oh da la cuckoo cuckoo
Oh da la kiki, oh da la cuckoo cuckoo
(add other verses with different sounds as desired,
i.e. grizzly bear, etc.)
Baby Bumble Bee
I’m bringing home my baby bumble bee
Won’t my mommy be so proud of me
I’m bringing home my baby bumble bee.
Ouch! It stung me!
I’m squishing up my baby bumble bee
Won’t my mommy be so proud of me
I’m squishing up my baby bumble bee
Ewww! It’s all over me!
I’m licking up my baby bumble bee
Won’t my mommy be so proud of me,
I’m licking up my baby bumble bee.
Ugh, I don’t feel so good!
Baby Day
Why sleep when the day has been brought up by the sun?
From the night, when the light’s gonna shine on everyone
Why sleep when sleep only closes up our eyes?
Why sleep when we can watch the sun arise? *
*We were meant to see the beginning of the day
I believe it was planned to lift us this way
Take you an apple and take you a song,
And watch the baby day be born*
Quite, quite, said I, that’s all very well to say
When I woke at the dawn, to your singing yesterday
I couldn’t see the light ‘cause the dark was in my skies
I couldn’t see the sun ‘cause the sun was in my eyes *
“Why sleep?” I heard and I followed it today,
To the top of the hill, where the wind-songs play
I know it like I heard it, why I heard it who knows why
Why sleep when we can watch the sun arise?
We were meant to see the beginning of the day
I believe it was meant to lift us this way
Take you an apple and take you a song
Take back an answer to something gone wrong
Take you some music and take me along
And watch the baby day be born
Baby Duck
Wasn’t it a bit of luck that I was born a baby duck?
With yellow sucks and yellow shoes
So I can go wherever I choose.
Quack! Quack! Quack-quack-quack! Yay Ducks!
Baby Lima
I think that I would like to be
A baby lima or a pea.
Living snuggly in my pod
In my green and tender bod.
Back of the Bread
In back of the bread is the flour
In back of the flour is the mill
In back of the mill is the wind and the rain
And the creator’s will.
Backwards Song
I walked up the door and opened the stairs
Said my pajamas and put on my prayers
Turned off my bed and jumped into the light
All because you kissed me, goodnight
When I woke up in the morning I scrambled my shoes
Shined up and egg and toasted my shoes
Buttered my tie and had another bite
All because you kissed me, never could resist me
All because you kissed me, goodnight
Green and yellow balloons make me happy
The red ones they make me feel sad
But tomorrow the red ones will make me feel silly
And the next day balloons are just fads *
*Friends let me cheer you, let me sing you a song
Let me tell you a tale of today
Let me create a moment, let me make the world move on
Let me live life just for today*
When you see out your window some rain
I’ll ask you to come out and play
But you’ll stay in your dry house and ask me to come in
But today I like rainy days
You take a stick of bamboo, you take a stick of bamboo,
You take a stick of bamboo, and you throw it on the water *
*Ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-na
The river, she comes down
The river, she comes down*
I travel on the river, I travel on the river,
I travel on the river, and I travel on the water *
My home’s across the river…
and my home’s across the water *
Banana Slug
Ya know I love my baby (love my baby!)
Love the way that she hugs (way that she hugs)
Some people don’t understand it (don’t understand it)
She’s a banana slug (banana slug) *
*Ba-na-na-na-na-na-na, BAAAAA, NAAAA, NAAAA,
She’s got just one foot (just one foot)
She ain’t got no toes (got no toes)
She hangs out in the forest (out in the forest)
Helps to decompose (decompose) *
Some people think she’s gross (think she’s gross)
But I don’t hear that jive (hear that jive)
Cause if it weren’t for my baby now (weren’t for my baby)
The forest might not survive (might not survive) *
The way you wiggle your antennae (wiggle your antennae)
Ya know you gimme such bliss (gimme such bliss)
Come on, come on, come on, banana slug (come on banana
Wontcha gimme a kiss (gimme a kiss) *
The way you slide through the forest (slide through the
You know you look so fine (look so fine)
Come on, come on, come on, banana slug (come on banana
Let me follow your slime (follow your slime) *
Banana slug, banananananana,
Banana slug, banananananana
Banana slug, banananananana, YEAH! (2,3,4)
Banana slug, banananananana
Banana slug, banananananana
Banana slug, banananananana, YEAH!
(a call and response song with the responses in parentheses)
I olulunce halad an olod banjolo that relested olon my
But nololow the strilings are olold and broloke
It ilis no uluse to melelele.
I toolook it tooloo the milliller sholop to seelee what hele
could dolololo
He sailaid to mele this olold banjolo it ilis no uluse to
By: Dave Ends
And some girls play with Barbies,
And some boys play with Ken,
But me I’d rather grab a sewing needle
And start again,
‘Cause the more you play with dolls,
The more you wanna look like them,
But if I make a doll of me,
I wanna be exactly how I am.
Just cause some boys prefer Barbie,
And some girls look more like Ken,
Besides it’s overrated to have plastic friends,
Maybe there’s a reason why fairl tales
Take place in a land so far-far-far away-ay-ay..
Out of my window, looking in the night
I can see the barges’ flickering lights
Silently flows the river to the sea
And the barges do go silently *
*Barges, I would like to go with you
I would like to sail the ocean blue
Barges, are there treasures in your hold?
Do you fight with pirates, brave and bold?*
Out of my window, looking in the night
I can see the barges’ flickering lights
Starboard shines green and port is glowing red
I can see the barges dead ahead *
How my heart longs to sail away with you
As you sail across the ocean blue
But I must stay beside my window, dear
As I watch you sail away from here
Bazooka Bubblegum
1.) My mom gave me a penny
She said go buy a henny
But I didn’t buy no henny
Instead I bought some bubblegum
Bazooka, zooka bubblegum
2.) Nickel, pickle
3.) Dime, lime
4.) Quarter, water
5.) Dollar, collar
My dog Lima likes to roam
My dog Lima, she left home
She came back, quite unclean
Where, oh where, has Lima bean?
Lima bean, lime bean, where, oh where has Lima bean?
Lima bean, lime bean, where, oh where has Lima bean?
(other possible verses: black, Mexican jumping,
human, state of, kidney, lentil, franks and, etc.
Belly Button Song
*Me likes to care for me belly button
Me likes to keep it nice and clean
Cause if me neglects me belly button
In it grows a fungus green
Fungus dance!
Do do do do, Do do do do, Do do do do, do do do*
When me was a little baby,
My mother looked and she adored
The doctor gave me a belly button,
When he cut off the umbilical cord *
In the winter I wear a sweater,
The one that my aunt Nellie sent
And when me takes it off at night time
My belly button, she is full of lint *
Some people they have an inny
Deeper than the Grand Canyon
Some people they have an outty
Larger than the Tacoma Dome *
Bear in Tennis Shoes
The other day°, I met a bear°
In tennis shoes°, a dandy bear° (2x)
He looked at me°, I looked at him°
He sized up me°, I sized up him° (2x)
He says to me°, “Why don’t you run?°
Cause I see you ain’t° got any gun?”° (2x)
And so I ran° away from there°
But right behind° me was that bear°(2x)
And on the path° ahead of me°
A great big tree°, oh glory me° (2x)
The lowest branch° was ten feet up°
I’d have to jump° and trust my luck° (2x)
And so I jumped° into the air°,
But I missed that branch° away up there° (2x)
Now don’t you fret°, now don’t you frown°
‘Cause I caught that branch° on the way back down° (2x)
The morale of° the story is°
Don’t talk to bears° in tennis shoes° (2x)
The end the end°, the end the end°
The end the end°, the end the end° (2x)
The Birdie Song
Way up in the sky, the big birdies fly
While down in the nest, the little birds rest
With a wing on the left, and a wing on the right
The little birds sleep, all through the night
Shhh! They’re sleeping!
The bright sun comes up, the dew falls away
“Good morning! Good morning!” the little birds say
Black Socks
Black socks, they never get dirty
The longer you wear them the blacker they get
Sometimes I think I might wash them
But something inside me says don’t wash them yet
Blowing in the Wind
How many roads must a man walk down
Before they can call him a man?
Yes’n how many seas must the white dove sail
Before she sleeps in the sand?
And how many times must the cannonballs fly
Before they’re forever banned?*
*The answer my friends, is blowin’ in the wind
The answer is blowin’ in the wind.*
How many times must a man look up
Before he can see the sky?
Yes’n how many ears must one man have
Before he can hear people cry?
Yes’n how many deaths will it take till he knows,
That too many people have died?*
How many years can a mountain exist
Before it is washed to the sea?
Yes’n how many years can some people exist
Before they’re allowed to be free?
Yes’n how many times must a man turn his head
Pretending that he just doesn’t see?*
Blue Sky
There’s a blue sky way up yonder
There’s a blue sky over my head.
There’s a blue sky way up yonder
That’s a cover for my bed *
*And wherever I wander, and wherever I roam
There’s a blue sky way up yonder
That’s calling me home*
There’s a bright star way up yonder
There’s a bright star over my head
There’s a bright star way up yonder
That’s a cover for my bed *
There’s a blue sky over the mountain
There’s a blue sky over the streams
There’s a blue sky over the sunset
That’s a home for my dreams *
The Boatmen
The boatmen dance, and the boatmen sing,
And the boatmen do most anything
When the boatmen come on ashore
They spend their money and they work for more *
*Hi-ho, the boatmen go
Up and down the river on the Ohio (2x)*
Have you ever seen where a boatman lives
It’s a house on a hollow and it leaks like a sieve
The boatman says if he gets one wish
If he gets any wetter he’ll soon be a fish *
My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean
My Bonnie lies over the ocean, my bonnie lies over the sea
My Bonnie lies over the ocean,
Oh bring back my bonnie to me
Bring back, bring back,
Oh bring back my Bonnie to me, to me
Bring back, bring back,
Oh bring back my Bonnie to me
Boogie Woogie Washer Woman
Way down the road where nobody goes,
There’s a boogie-woogie washer woman washing her clothes
With a scrubadub here and a scrubadub there
A boogie-woogie washer woman washing her clothes
A-diddly-ah, hum, a-boogie, a-woogie (3x)
A boogie-woogie washer woman washing her clothes!
Boom Chicka-Boom
I said a boom chicka boom°
I said a boom chicka boom°
I said a boom-a-chicka-rocka-chicka-rocka-chicka-boom°
Uh huh°, oh yeah°, One more time now°
(a repeat song with verses, fast, slow,
deep voice, high voice, English, etc.)
Bottle of Pop Medley
One bottle of pop, two bottle of pop
Three bottle of pop, four bottle of pop
Five bottle of pop, six bottle of pop
Seven bottle of pop, pop!
Don’t chuck your muck in my backyard
My backyard, my backyard
Don’t chuck your muck in my backyard
My backyard’s full
Fish and chips and vinegar, vinegar, vinegar
Fish and chips and vinegar
Pepper, pepper, pepper, salt
The Briar
Poor Rose, she died°
She died fer love°
Her lover he died°
From sarr°
They buried ‘em both°
In the old church yard°
In graves so deep°
And narr°
And up from hers°
There grewed a rose°
And up from his’m °
A briar°
They clumbed and clumbed°
Up the old church tower°
The red rose and°
The BRIAR (together)
Brownie Smile
I’ve got something in my pocket, that belongs across my face
I keep it very close at hand in a most convenient place
I bet you wouldn’t guess it, if you guessed a long, long while
So I’ll take it out, and I’ll put it on,
It’s a great, big, brownie smile!
Buddies and Pals
You and me, we’re gonna be partners
You and me, we’re gonna be pals
You and me, we’re gonna be partners,
Buddies and pals.
You and me, we’re gonna be happy
You and me, we’re gonna have fun
You and me, we’re gonna be happy
Gonna have fun.
From now on, we’re gonna be partners
From now on, we’re gonna be pals
From now on, we’re gonna be partners,
Buddies and pals
Buffalo Song
Hey! (Hey what?)
Are you ready? (Ready for what?)
To buff! (Buff?)
Alo! (Oh…)
I’ve got my hooves up high, my hooves down low
And that’s the way we buffalo
We might be fast, we might be slow
But that’s the way we buffalo
Buffalo, buff-buff-alo!
Buffalo, buff-buff-alo!
(A call and response song with the responses in parentheses)
Button Factory
Hello, my name is Joe
I have a wife, and a dog, and a family
I work all day in a button factory
One day, my boss came up to me and said,
“Hey Joe, are you busy?”
I said, “No, heck no!”
“Then do this…”
(any action from pushing a button to jumping up and down,
and all actions are done simultaneously)
Bye-Bye Long Johns
I just lost my underwear, I don’t care, I’ll go bare.
Bye-bye Long Johns.
They were very close to me, tickled me, tee hee hee
Bye-bye Long Johns.
How I miss that old trap door behind me.
When you see them you’ll know where to find me.
I just lost my underwear, I don’t care, I’ll go bare.
Long Johns, bye-bye.
Camp Robbinswold
*Camp Robbinswold, Camp Robbinswold
Camp Robbinswold, Camp Robbinswold*
We call it fun but some may call it madness,
So come on along and wipe away your sadness
Happy campers are we, having fun ‘neath the trees
And when we are gone, we’ll remember our song
(The chorus also gets sung the whole time as a base line)
Canoeing in the Wind
*Canoeing in the wind, feeling free
Just a sunset between you and me
There are so many things I want to say
Before they forever slip away*
Sharing out thoughts and feelings
Life was young and so were we
Talking together with special looks
That only friends can see *
Memories of a warm meadow
Where we laughed and played all day
That night we both got homesick
And we tried to run away *
We vowed we’d be together
When we finally could be staff
Making friendship bracelets of leather
Just us sharing a laugh *
Some people just don’t understand us
They can’t accept us for who we are
Laughter’s our way of expressing ourselves
It’s like singing with a guitar *
Once more I want to run barefoot
In the dew sprinkled land I love
They say we’re too old to be children
But so are the stars above
Yes so are the stars above
Caravan Song
(high part) Ya na-na na na na na na na
Ya na-na na na na na
Ya na-na na na na na na na
Ya na-na na na na
(low part) Eh oh, oh eh
Casey’s Song
*The stars are out tonight
It’s a very lovely sight
They sparkle and they dance on the dew
Do they look the very same to you*
I’m reminded of a midnight hour
When I talked with you beneath such stars
We spoke of life and magic and love
While the stars twinkled softly above *
‘Twas then that our friendship grew
When I looked at you and then I knew
Two kindred souls had wandered so far
To meet each other here beneath the stars *
Catch the Wind
(Donovan Leitch)
In the chilly hours and minutes
Of uncertainty I long to be
In the warm hold of your loving mind
To feel you all around me and to
Take your hand along the sand
But I may as well try and catch the wind
When the sun has paled the sky I want to
Hide away behind your smile
Everywhere I look your eyes I’d find
For me to love you now would be the
Sweetest thing, ‘twould make me sing
But I may as well try and catch the wind
When the rain has hung the leaves with tears I
Want you hear to quell my fears
Help me chase all my woes away
Standing in your heart is where I
Want to be, I long to be
But I may as well try and catch the wind
I celebrate my time with you (clap 2x)
I celebrate my time with you (clap 2x)
I celebrate my time with you
Memories for all year through, Go!
(clap, clap-clap, clap-clap, clap-clap, clap, clap-clap, clap)
Meeting new folks left and right…
We’ll all be friends before the night, Go!
Swimming, sailing ‘neath the sky…
Feeling the ultimate natural high, Go!
Round the campfire warm and bright…
Sharing dreams all through the night, Go!
Counting stars and catching “z’s”…
Girl Scout Camp is ecstasy, Go!
(Repeat first verse)
Chairs to Mend
Chairs to mend, old chairs to mend
Mackerel, fresh mackerel,
Any old rags, any old rags
Change the World
*Change the world, come with me
Time to let our dreams fly free
And it comes so easily, that is our way
Every moment we’re alive,
It’s our love that will survive
In the Girl Scouts, together,
We change the world*
Sisters of every color,
Friends from everywhere
We all make the difference,
When we show the world we care
The Girl Scouts are our family,
And they show us what we can be
And I believe, together, we change the world *
In America, we have so much to give
To our sisters around the world
Who are struggling just to live
Light the light and do our share,
Reach out your hand and someone’s there
And I believe, together, we change the world *
Charlottestown is burning down, good-bye, good-bye
Burning down to the ground, Good-bye Liza Jane
Ain’t you mighty sorry, good-bye, good-bye
Ain’t you might sorry, good-bye Liza Jane
Three Chartreuse Buzzards
Three chartreuse buzzards (caw!)
Sitting on a dead tree
Three chartreuse buzzards
Sitting on a dead tree *
*Oh no, one has flown away!
What a shame!*
Two chartreuse buzzards… *
One chartreuse buzzard… *
No chartreuse buzzards… *
*Oh look! One has returned!
Let us rejoice! *
One chartreuse buzzard… *
Two chartreuse buzzards… *
Three chartreuse buzzards…
Che Che Koole
Che che koole!
Che che kofisa!
Kofisa langa!
Che che qui langa!
Mm, Atengue!
Mm, Atengue, hey!
Hands on your head
Hands on your shoulders
Hands on your waist
Hands on your knees
Hands on your ankles
Mm, Atengue, hey!
(a repeat song, and repeat speeding up each time)
Chiquita Banana
Chiquita bananas, unite!
Peel banana, peel peel banana
Eat banana, eat eat banana
Go bananas, go go bananas!
Chiquita Banana #2
Chiquita bananas unite!
Peel to the left, peel to the right
Peel down the middle, and ungh, take a bite!
Go bananas, go go bananas!
Go bananas, go go bananas!
Chocolate Chip Cookies
Chocolate chip cookies, you gotta have more,
You can bake ‘em in the oven or
Buy ‘em at the store
But whatever youdo, have ‘em ready at the door
And I’ll love you till I die
You can’t eat one, you can’t eat two
Once you start munching, there’s nothing left to do
But to finish the plate and to eat the crumbs too
And go and find some more
Boom boom boom . . .
Made of butter, sugar, and flour,
You put ‘em in the oven about a half an hour-
But the thing that gives them
Their magical power
Is the chocolate chips inside
Boom boom boom….
When I die, I don’t want wings,
A golden halo or a harp that sings
Just give me a book, a fire, and
Someone to bring me chocolate chip cookies all day.
Boom boom boom . . . .
The Circle Game
(Joni Mitchell)
Yesterday a child came out to wonder
Caught a dragonfly inside a jar
Fearful when the sky was full of thunder
And tearful at the falling of a star *
*And the seasons, they go round and round
And the painted ponies go up and down
We’re captive on a carousel of time
We can’t return, we can only look
Behind from where we came
And go round and round and round in the circle game*
Then the child moved ten times round the seasons
Skated over ten clear frozen ponds
Words like “when you’re older” must appease him
And promises of someday make his dreams *
Sixteen springs and sixteen summers gone now
Cartwheels turn to car wheels through the town
And they tell him “Take your time it won’t be long now
Till you drag your feet to slow the circles down” *
Years spin by and now the child is twenty
Though his dreams have lost some grandeur coming true
There’ll be new dreams, maybe better dreams and plenty
Before the last revolving year is through *
Circle the Earth
I circle the earth (clap twice)
I circle the earth from the mountains to the sky
From the mountains to the sky
Wearing my long wing feathers as I fly
(This is a round to be started after the first line)
The road is rough and the way is often steep,
But inside yourself there’s a promise you can keep
When you reach the top the view is worth the climb
All the stumbling and the pitfalls seem very far behind
Just keep your eyes looking at the sky
And there’ll never be a night you can’t reach
Climb to the clouds, raise your voices out loud
And show the world the joy of being free
When you climb
We’ve climbed this far but our climbing’s just begun
And now we know that climbing can be fun
There’s a lot to share and it’s time to say goodbye
But we’ll always have the memory of how we climbed so
Cockles and Mussels
In Dublin’s fair city, where girls are so pretty
I first set my eyes on sweet Mollie Malone
As she pushed her wheel barrow,
Through streets broad and narrow
Crying cockles and mussels alive, alive, oh! *
*Alive, alive, oh! Alive, alive, oh!
Crying cockles and mussels, alive, alive, oh!*
She was a fishmonger, but sure ‘twas no wonder
For so were her father and mother before
And they each pushed their wheelbarrow
Through streets broad and narrow
Crying cockles and mussels alive, alive, oh! *
She died of a fever, and no one could save her
And that was the end of sweet Mollie Malone
Her ghost wheels her barrow
Through streets broad and narrow
Crying cockles and mussels alive, alive, oh!
Come and Go
Come and go with me today
We will sail across the bay
(a round with a high and low part)
Come Follow
1.) Come follow, follow, follow,
Follow, follow, follow me
2.) Wither shall I follow, follow, follow
Wither shall I follow, follow thee?
3.) To the greenwood, to the greenwood
To the greenwood, greenwood tree
Come Sisters Come
Edge of the night
A campfire’s light
Come sisters come
Magic of song,
A place to belong
Come sisters come
Warmth of a fire,
Warmth of a friend
Come sisters come
And when days have past
Through the memories that last
Sisters come back again
(a round to be started after the first stanza)
Crawdad Song
You get a line, I’ll get a pole, honey
You get a line, I’ll get a pole, Babe
You get a line, I’ll get a pole,
We’ll go down that crawdad hole,
Honey, oh Babe, of mine
See that crawdad struttin’ around, honey
See that crawdad struttin’ around, babe
See that crawdad struttin’ around,
Thinks he’s king of that crawdad town
Honey, oh Babe, of mine
Whatcha gonna do when the water runs dry, honey
Whatcha gonna do when the water runs dry, babe
Whatcha gonna do when the water runs dry,
Sit right down and have a crawded fry
Honey, oh babe, of mine
Crawdads kinda turn me on, honey
Crawdads kinda turn me on, babe
Crawdads kinda turn me on,
Think I’ve been here way too long!
Honey, oh babe, of mine
(first verse, part of the Robbinswold Harmony)
Crazy Elephant
There was a crocodile, an orangutan
And an eagle flying, and a northern pike
A bunny, a beaver, a crazy elephant
Na-na na na na, Na-na na na na
The Lady and the Crocodile
She sailed away on a sunny summer day
On the back of a crocodile
‘You see,’ said she, ‘he’s as tame as he can be,
and I’ll ride him down the Nile!’
The croc winked his eye as she waved them all goodbye
Wearing a happy smile
At the end of the ride, the lady was inside
And the smile was on the crocodile!
Daisy On My Toe
Perty daisy on my toe
It is not real, it does not grow
It’s just a tattoo of a flower
So I look neat taking a shower
It’s on the second toe of my left
A stem and flower but there’s not root
(‘Cause that wouldn’t look good!)
Perty daisy on my toe
My right foot loves my left foot so
Darling Won’t You Wait
Darling won’t you wait, won’t you wait, won’t you wait
Darling won’t you wait for me (2x)
Should another love come along, come along
Simply tell her you’re not free
Send her on her way, on her way, on her way
Darling won’t you wait for me
Oh my love, some of us I know are bound to die
Hold me close, kiss me once again before we say good-bye
Devoted to You
Darling you can count on me, Till the sun dries up the sea
Until then I’ll always be, Devoted to you
I’ll be yours till endless time, I’ll adore your charms sublime,
Guess by now you know that I’m, Devoted to you
I’ll never hurt you, I’ll never lie, I’ll never be untrue
I’ll never give you reason to cry,
I’d be unhappy if you were blue
Through the years my love will grow, Like a river it will flow
It can’t die because I’m so, Devoted to you
Dickey Bird
High on a tree a dickey bird
High on a tree a dickey bird sat
Below her sat a furry black *
Below her sat a furry black cat
She said, “For dinner, I shall have *”
She said, “For dinner, I shall have you”
Then all at once the dickey bird *
Then all at once the dickey bird flew, she flew,
She flew, she flew, she flew, She flew!
Dona Nobis Pacem
Dona nobis pacem pacem
Dona nobis pacem
Dona nobis pacem
Dona nobis pacem
Dona nobis pacem
Dona nobis pacem
The Doughnut Song
Well I walked around the corner and I walked around the
And I walked right into a Doughnut shop,
And I picked up a doughnut and I wiped off the grease,
And I handed the lady a five-cent piece.
Well, she looked at the nickel and she looked at me and
She said “Kind sir you can plainly see,
There’s a hole in the nickel and it goes right through,”
And I said, “There’s a hole in the doughnut too!
Thanks for the doughnut, So long!”
Down by the Banks
Down by the banks of the hanky-panky
Where the bullfrogs jump from bank to banky
With an eeps, ipes, opes, ops,
And they ease off the lily with the kerplop!
Down by the Bay
Down by the bay, where the watermelons grow
Back to my home, I dare not go
For if I do, my mother will say,
“Have you ever seen a whale, with a polka-dotted tail
Down by the bay?”
(a repeat song with such verses as fox wearing some socks,
Do Your Ears Hang Low
Do your ears hang low, do they wobble to and fro?
Can you tie ‘em in a knot? Can you tie ‘em in a bow?
Can you throw them o’er your shoulder like a continental
Do your ears hang low?
Do your ears stick out, can you waggle them about?
Can you flap them up and down as you fly around the town?
Can you shut them up for sure when you hear an awful bore?
Do your ears stick out?
Do your ears stand high, do they reach up to the sky?
Do they hang down when they’re wet,
Do they stand up when they’re dry?
Can you semaphore your neighbor with the minimum of
Do your ears stand high?
A Duck Can’t Sit on a Log
Oh a duck can’t sit on a log
Cause he hasn’t got toes on his feet
And a fish can’t swim in the sea like a bird
Cause he hasn’t got a waterproof, hasn’t got a waterproof
Hasn’t got a waterproof seat.
Duck Girl
Oh I’m a lone duck rover from out in Montana
Round up them duckies and drive ‘em along
To a flooded corral where they bulldog and brand them
Mosey on home just a-singin’ this song *
*Singin’ quack-quack-yippee-ay
And quack-quack-yippee-o
Get along little duckies, get along real slow
It’s dirty and smelly and it really don’t pay
But I’ll be a duck girl ‘til the end of my day*
On Saturday nights I ride into town
On a short-legged pony with my hat pulled way down
But the boys don’t like duck girls,
And I can’t figure out why
No cowgirl could be more romantic than I *
There’s danger, adventure, and romance I know
From a wild-duck stampede to a duck rodeo
But there’s loneliness too and it cuts to the bone
When you smell like duck feathers you’re always alone *
Dum Dum Da Da
Dum dum da da
Da dum dum da da
Da dum dum da da da dum da dum dum dum
Da dum dum da da da da dum dum da da da dum
Elephant So Elegant
Have you seen what’s in the sky tonight
It’s something grey and big, it’s riding on a bike
It is an elephant, she is so elegant
She has a trunk in front, a tail behind
Oh epo-i-tai-tai-ay
Oh epo-i-tai-tai-ay
Oh epo-i-tai-tai
Et On Pagaie
Et on pagaie, on pagaie
Mais ou t’as mis la pagaie?
La-bas, derriere le cocotier
Le crocodile l’a mangee
Et on ne peut plus pagayer
(a repeat song)
You are my family*
And Robbinswold*
That is our home
And I’m so glad, they brought us here together
And I’m so glad that together we will grow
Love my friends*
That’s what you’ve shown me*
And openness*
I’ve never seen before
For you have shown, that love is more than words
And now my life, it will never be the same
So as we go*
I’ll always cherish*
The memories*
Of times well spent
And in my heart, you’ll always find a home,
Ad in my eyes, you will always be a friend
So family*
You are my family*
And Robbinswold*
That is our home
And I’m so glad, they brought us here together
And I’m so glad that together we have grown
Father Abraham
Father Abraham had seven sons
Seven sons had father Abraham
And they never laughed and they never cried,
All they did was go like this
(Add in motions that you do simultaneously)
Father, Father, Goodbye
Father, father goodbye
And fare thee well mother
I’m leaving you now to begin with another
I’m leaving you now to begin with another
Finally, finally, finally
Finally, finally,
Finally, fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine
Finally, finally, finally
Finally, finally,
Finally, fine, fine.
Fishing On a Bright Sunny Day
Have you ever been fishing on a bright sunny day
With all the little fishies swimmin’ up and down the bay
With your hands in your pockets,
And you pockets in your pants
And all the little fishies doing the hoochie-coochie dance
Tra-la-la-la-la, tra-la-la-la
With your hands in your pockets
And your poc
kets in your pants
And all the little fishies doing the hoochie-coochie dance
The flicker of the campfire, the wind in the pines
The moon in the heavens, the stars that shine
A place where people gather, make friends of all kinds
A place where all man’s troubles are always left behind *
*So give me the light of the campfire, warm and bright
And give me some friends to sing with, I’ll be here all night
Love is for those who find it, I’ve found mine right here
Just you and me and the campfire, the songs we love to sing
Da-dum, da-da-da-da-da-da-da-dum
Da-dum, da-da-da-da-da-da-da-dum
Green are the valleys, sweet is the clover
Gone are the cold winds, forever none
The roses now are blooming, the lake is so blue
The sun above is setting, above our lives so new *
The peacefulness of the silence of night
The sun in the morning shining so bright
The place where campers gather, making friends for all times
A place where city troubles are always left behind
I know a place where no one ever goes
There’s peace and quiet, beauty and repose
It’s hidden in a valley, beside a mountain stream
And lying there beside the stream I find that I can dream
Only of things of beauty to the eye
Snow peaked mountains, towering in the sky
It’s then that I know god made this world for me
Flea fly!
Flea fly flo!
Kumalata kumalata kumala vistay
Oh, no no no not the vistay
Eenie meenie decimeenie ooh walla walla meenie
Eenie meenie decimeenie ooh walla wa
A beat bittily oten doten bo-bo bo deetin’ dottin’
Wattin’ tottin’ window wattin’ chhhhhhh
Fleas flies
Fleas flies flo
Calomine, Calomine, Calomine lotion
Oh, no more calomine lotion
Itchy itchy scratchy scratchy
Ooh I’ve got one on my backy
Beat, went the bug when I sprayed him with the bug spray
Food Chain Song
(together) Where have you been since I saw thee, I saw thee?
On Ilkley Moor Baht-At
(high part) Where have you been since I saw thee?
Where have you been since I saw thee?
On Ilkley Moor Baht-At
On Ilkley Moor Baht-At
On Ilkley Moor Baht-At
(low part) Where have you been since I saw,
Where have you been since I saw thee?
Where have you been since I saw thee?
On Ilkley Moor Baht-At
On Ilkley Moor Baht-At
I’ve been a courtin’ Mary Jane…
Then ye shall thy death of cold…
Then we shall have to bury thee…
Then worms shall come and eat thee oop
Then dukes (ducks) shall come and eat oop worms…
Then we shall come and eat oop dukes…
Then we shall have our loved ones back…
There is a moral to this tale…
Don’t go a-courtin’ Mary Jane…
Forest Is A Wonderful Place
Forest is a wonderful place
Filled with frogs and snakes
I wanna see a salamander’s face
Forest is a wonderful place
(repeat at various volumes)
Fred the Moose
There was a great big moose
He liked to drink a lot of juice
There was a great big moose
He liked to drink a lot of juice *
*Singin’ who
Way-oh, way-oh, way-oh, way-oh
Way-oh, way-oh
Way-oh, way-oh, way-oh, way-oh*
The moose’s name was Fred
He liked to drink his juice in bed
The moose’s name was Fred
He liked to drink his juice in bed *
He drank his juice with care
But he spilled some in his hair
He drank his juice with care
But he spilled some in his hair *
Now he’s a sticky Moose
He’s a moose
Full of juice
On the loose *
Freedom Land
(echo) I’m on my way
To the freedom land
I’m on my way
To the freedom land
(together) I’m on my way
To the freedom land
I’m on my way, oh yes, I’m on my way
Other verses:
I asked my brother, “Wontcha come with me?”
I asked my sister, “Wontcha come with me?”…
If you won’t come, dontcha hinder me…
French Cathedrals
Orleans, Beaujency
Notre Dame de Cléry
Vendome, Vendome
(a round)
Fried Ham
Fried ham, fried ham, cheese and bologna
And after the macaroni
We’ll have mustard, pickles and ketchup
And then we’ll have some more fried ham
Fried ham, fried ham!
Same song, second verse, English accent
Whole lot worse!
(Then sung with an English accent, or a country accent,
underwater accent, etc.)
Friend of Yours
I wanna be a friend of yours, mmm, and a little bit more
I wanna be a friend of yours, mmm, and a little bit more
I wanna be that little flower hanging above your door
I wanna be your grandmother, grandfather
Mother, father, sister, brother, mmm, and a little bit more
Friends are Nothing
Friends are nothing ‘till they sing
They must sing all day,
They must sing the night away!
They must sing together, they must sing
2. laugh, 3. work, 4. cry, 5. camp
Friends are nothing ‘til they part with teardrops in their eyes
They must go their separate ways
They must hope to meet again someday
Dog, Cat
Dog, Cat, Mouse
Itsy bitsy teenie weenie little green froggy
Jump, jump, jump little froggy
Little greenie froggy eating all the bugs and spiders
Fleas and flies are scrumpdiddleyumptious
Ribbit, ribbit, ribbit, ribbit, ribbit, ribbit, croak!
Frog Round
Hear the lively sound
Of the frogs in yonder pond
Krik, krik, krikity krik
Geoduck Song
You can hear the diggers say as they’re headed for the bay
Oh I gotta dig a duck, gotta dig a duck a day
For I get a buck a duck if I dig a duck a day
So I gotta dig a duck, gotta dig a duck a day *
*Dig a duck, dig a duck, dig a geoduck
Dig a duck, dig a geoduck, dig a duck a day
Dig a duck, dig a duck, dig a geoduck
Dig a duck, dig a geoduck, dig a duck a day*
Well it takes a lot of luck, and a certain kind of pluck
Just to get around the muck, just to get a geoduck
‘Cause it doesn’t have a front, and it doesn’t have a back
And it doesn’t know a Donald, and it doesn’t go quack *
G for Generosity
She wears a G for generosity
She wears an I for interest too
Se wears an R for real live sportsmanship
She wears an L for loyalty, for loyalty!
She wears an S for her sincerity
She wears a C for courtesy, for courtesy
She wears an OUT for outdoor life, outdoor life!
And that Girl Scout is me!
Do you dig that crazy gibberish,
Do you dig it? Do you dig it?
Do you dig that crazy gibberish,
Do you dig it? Do you dig it?
Hey look! There’s a chicken on the barnyard fence
Hey look! There’s another one coming down the road
Ma! Ma! Get that son of a gun off my tractor!
(A round)
The Gift
I have a little present here for you
Inside this tiny bottle so very small and blue
Please do not uncork it, simply put it on away
For inside there lies a summer’s day
Put it on away
I’d be pleased if you did not ask me why I gave this gift to
I don’t know myself, did it on a whim,
As the thought came running through
I just want to make you happy in a summertime sort of way
And I thought you might like your own summer’s day
Put it on away
Can you read the writing on this tiny bottle’s walls
I know that it’s quite small, but I can read it all
It says, “She who is a-reading me is a-lookin’ right at my
And might be sort of interested at what lies inside.
There’ll be one breath of a butterfly, and one ray from the sun
And lots and lots of laughter from little children’s fun.”
Please do not uncork it, or everything’ll get away
And I want you to have your own summer’s day
Put it on away
Ging Gang Goolie
Ging gang goulie goulie goulie goulie wash wash
Ging gang goo, ging gang goo
Ging gang goulie goulie goulie goulie wash wash
Ging gang goo, ging gang goo
Oh oh oh way-la (clap 2x)
Oh way-la shay-la (clap 2x)
Oh way-la shay-la shay-la oh oh
Way-la (clap 2x)
Oh way-la shay-la (clap 2x)
Oh way-la shay-la shay-la oh
Shalloway shalloway shalloway shalloway
Umpa Umpa Umpa
(Sing all together one time through, then the
Ging Gang Goolie part is sung over the Umpas)
Girl Scouts Are So High Minded
Girl Scouts are so high minded
Bless my soul their double-jointed
They climb mountains, don’t mind it
All day long
(Each time through drop a line of words, humming
instead, but continue to do the motions)
Gnomes are Short
Hi ho cried the merry gnomes * *
It’s off to the woods we * Are*
We’d like to stay but time is * * short
To be sung as a three part round
(* = silent clap)
God Bless My Underwear
God bless my underwear, my only pair
Stand beside them, and guide them.
Through the rips, through the holes, through the tears
From the washer to the dryer, to the clothesline in the air
God bless my underwear, my only pair.
Gonna Build Us a Land
Order or verses:
1) Gonna build us a land, a land of a lifetime
Gonna build it with love
Won’t you come along
And lend a hand if you can
Gonna build us a land where everybody can be free
2) Now you don’t need a boat,
And you don’t need a highway
To get to our land, all you need is love
So lend a hand if you can
Gonna build us a land where everybody can be free
3) Gonna build it out of, with the help of lots of,
Gonna build it out of love
So come along if you can and help us build tomorrow now
4) Can you hear the new sound,
Of the rhythm of living?
The sound of our land, that’s near at hand
So lend a hand if you can and help us
Build tomorrow now
5) No more hatred in our, no more sorrows in our,
Good tomorrows in our land
So come along if you can and help us
Build tomorrow now
Good Morning All You Robbinswold Girls
Good morning all you Robbinswold girls
With your hair just as messed as mine
Good morning all you Robbinswold girls
You’re surely lookin’ fine
Out of your pajamas and into your togs,
Hoppin’ down to breakfast like a bunch of frogs
Good morning all you Robbinswold girls
With your hair just as messed as mine
Good Morning, Good Morning, Good Morning
Good morning, good morning, good morning
It’s time to rise and shine
Good morning, good morning, good morning
I hope you’re feeling fine
It’s time to get up, get out of bed
It’s time to get up you sleepy head
The day is dawning just for you
And all your dreams are coming true…
Doo doo doo doo, doo doo doo do, doo doo doo doo
Goodnight Irene
Foxes sleep in the forest, lions sleep in their dens
Goats sleep on the mountainside, and piggies sleep in pens
Irene, goodnight, Irene goodnight
Goodnight Irene, goodnight Irene,
I’ll see you in my dreams
Whales sleep in the ocean, zebras sleep on the land
Hippos sleep by the riverside, and camels sleep on sand
Coyotes sleep in the canyon, a birdie sleeps in a tree
And when it’s time for me to rest, my bed’s the place for me
Great Green Gobs
Great green gobs of greasy grimy gopher guts
Mutilated monkey meat
Little birdies dirty feet
French fried eye balls floating in a pool of blood
And me without my spoon
The Haka
Ka ma-te, ka ma-te
Ka ora, ka ora
A ka ma-te, ka ma-te
Ka ora, ka ora
Tenei te tangata
Nana nei I tiki mai
Whakawhiti t era
Upane, kaupane
Upane, kaupane
Whiti te ra
Ham and Eggs
Ham and eggs, ham and eggs
Some like theirs all golden brown
Some like theirs turned upside-down
Ham and eggs, ham and eggs
Flip ‘em, flop ‘em, flip ‘em, flop ‘em
Ham and eggs
Happiness Runs
Happiness runs in a circular motion
Love is like a little boat upon the sea
Everybody is a part of everything anyway
You can have it all if you let yourself be
Happiness runs, happiness runs
Happiness runs, happiness runs
Happy Birthday Song
Today is a birthday, I wonder for whom?
It must be for somebody here in this room
So, look all around you for someone who is
Laughing and smiling, my goodness it’s _______!
Happy birthday _______, from all of us to you
Happy birthday _______, from friends and family too
Happy birthday _______, may all your dreams come true!
Happy birthday ________, from all of us to you!
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear _______
Happy birthday to you!
Happy Days
Happy days to all those that we love
Happy days to all those that love us
Happy days to all those that love them
That love these that love them that love us
Harriet Tubman
(Walter Robinson)
One night I dreamed I was in slavery
‘Bout 1850 was the time
Sorrow was the only sign
Nothing around to ease my mind
Out of the night appeared a lady
Leading a distant pilgrim band
“First mate,” she cried pointing her hand,
“Make room aboard for this young woman” *
*Saying, Come on up, I’ve got a lifeline
Come on up to this train of mine
Come on up, I’ve got a lifeline
Come on up to this train of mind
She said her name was Harriet Tubman
And she drove for the Underground Railroad*
Hundreds of miles, we traveled onward
Gathering slaves from town to town
Seeking every lost and found
Setting those free that once were bound
Somehow my heart was growing weaker,
I fell by the wayside sinking sand
Firmly did this lady stand,
She lifted me up and took my hand *
Who are those children dressed in red?
They must be the ones that Moses led.
Who are those children dressed in red?
They must be the ones that Moses led… *
Head and Shoulders, Baby
Head and shoulders baby, 1,2,3 (2x)
Head and shoulders, head and shoulders,
Head and shoulders baby, 1,2,3
(touch head and shoulders each time)
Other verses: Knees and toes (touch knees and toes)
Shoot the stars (pretend to shoot the stars)
Kick the can (kick and imaginary can)
Round the world (make hips go in a circle)
(to be sung in a circle with everyone clapping their hands
then the hands of the person next to them)
Herman the Worm
Sittin’ on a fence post, chewing my bubblegum
(chew, chew, chew, chew)
Playin’ with my yo-yo, Woo-Hoo
When along came Herman the worm
And he was THIS big
And I said, “Herman, what happened?”
And he said, “Duh, I ate my _____”
(Fill in the blank with mother, sister, father, cousin, etc. and
Herman gets bigger each time, until finally, “Duh, I burped.”)
Hey, Ho
Hey, ho, nobody home
Meat, nor drink, nor money have I none
Yet still I will be merry
Hey, ho, nobody home
(pretty in a round with Rose and Hey Poor Bird)
Hey, Little Child
*Hey, Little Child, where you gonna run to?
Ho, Little Child, where you gonna run to?
Hey, Little Child, where you gonna run to?
All on a summer’s day
Hey, hey, hey…*
I ran to the trees, the trees said grow with me
I ran to the trees, the trees said grow with me
I ran to the trees, the trees said grow with me
All on a summer’s day
Hey, hey, hey… *
Other verses: stars/dance, wind/blow, moon/shine,
clouds/float, etc.)
Hey Poor Bird
Hey poor bird
Take thy flight
High above the shadows
Of this dark night
The Hills (a grace)
The hills in their glorious height
Surround us by day and by night
Sing praise to the hills
Hey Robbin
By Meaghan Leferink Summer 2010
Hey Robbin, I hear the waves calling your name
Hey Robbin, here no day is exactly the same
Hey Robbin, this is a place to stake a claim
So come out by the water and make your claim to fame
Hey Robbin, I hear the forest singing a song
Hey Robbin, I think it want you to sing along
Hey Robbin, no song you sing can be wrong
So come out to the forest and find where you belong
Hey Robbin, I hear the firelight’s call to you
Hey Robbin, nights like this are few
Hey Robbin, look up into that dark deep blue
Then look down around you and see those friendships true
Hey Robbin, live your life out in the wild
Hey Robbin, feel the days that are mild
Hey Robbin, look through the eyes of a child
Then look back at out times together and
Remember each time you smiled
Then look back to Camp Robbinswold
And remember each time you smiled
Hippopotamus Song
What can make a hippopotamus smile?
What can make him walk for more than a mile?
It’s not a tune on the old violin,
Or listening to the whistling wind
That’s not what hippos do *
*They ooze through the goose without any shoes
They wade through the water ‘til their lips turn blue
That’s what hippos do*
What can make a hippopotamus smile?
What can make him walk for more than a mile?
It’s not a party with a paper hat,
Or a bag of candy that’ll make him fat
That’s not what hippos do *
Homeward Bound
In the quiet, misty morning
When the moon has gone to bed
When the sparrows stop their singing
And the sky is clear and red
When the summer ceased its gleaming
When the corn is past its prime
When adventures lost its meaning
I’ll be homeward bound again *
*Bind me not to the pasture
Chain me not to the plow
Set me free to find my calling
And I’ll return to you somehow*
If you find it’s me you’re missing
If you’re hoping I’ll return
To your thoughts I’ll soon be listening
In the road I’ll stop and turn
Then the wind will set me racing
As our journey nears its end
In the path I’ll be retracing
When I’m homeward bound again *
In the quiet misty morning
When the moon has gone to bed
When the sparrows stop their singing
I’ll be homeward bound again
Come back to me with all your heart
Don’t let fear keep us apart
Trees do bed though straight and tall
So must we to others call *
*Long have I waited for your coming home to me
And living deeply our new life*
The wilderness will lead you
To the place where I will speak
Integrity and justice
Tenderness you shall know *
You shall sleep secure with peace
Faithfulness will be your joy *
The House at Pooh Corner
Christopher Robin and I walked along
Under branches lit up by the moon
Posing our questions to Owl and Eeyore
As our day disappeared all too soon
But I’ve wandered much further today than I should
And I can’t seem to find my way back to the wood
So help me if you can I’ve got to get
Back to the house at Pooh Corner by one
You’d be surprised there’s so much to be done
Count all the bees in the hive
Chase all the clouds from the sky
Back to the days of Christopher Robin and Pooh
Winnie the Pooh doesn’t know what to do
Got a honey jar stuck on his nose
He came to me asking help and advice
And from here no one knows where he goes
So I sent him to ask of the Owl if he’s there
How to loosen the jar from the nose of a bear
It’s hard to explain how a few precious things
Can follow throughout all of our lives
After all’s said and done, I was watching my son
Sleeping there with the bear by his side
So I tucked him in, I kissed him and as I was going
I could swear that old bear whispered
“Boy, welcome home”
Believe me if you can I’ve finally come
Back to the house at Pooh Corner by one
What do you know, there’s so much to be done
Count all the bees in the hive
Chase all the clouds from the sky
Back to the days of Christopher Robin
Back to the ways of Christopher Robin
Back to the days of Pooh
Ho, Young Rider
Ho, young rider, apple-cheeked one,
Wither riding
On your steed so black and prancing
Wither riding
What matters where I ride?
Slovak mountains are my pride
Du-shamoyah, du-shamoyah, hey!
Ho, young rider, apple-cheeked one
Wither roaming
On your steed so black and prancing
Wither roaming
What matters where I roam,
Slovak mountains are my home
Du-shamoyah, du-shamoyah, hey!
The Human Touch
It’s the human touch in this world that counts
The touch of your hand in mine
It means far more to this fading heart
Than shelter, bread, or wine
The shelters’ gone when the night is ore
The bread lasts only a day
But the touch of hand and the sound of your voice
Rings on in my heart always
May the road rise up to meet you
May the wind be always at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face
And the rain fall soft upon your fields
Until we meet again someday
May God hold you in the palm of her hand
May the memories that we have shared
Linger on and on
Humpty Dumpty
*Hump-ty Dump, Hump-hump-ty dump-ty dump-ty
Hump-ty Dump, Hump-hump-ty dump-ty dump-ty*
(Insert first three lines of a nursery rhyme, followed
by “Ooh, ain’t that funky now…”
for example: Jack and Jill went up the hill
to fetch a pail of water,
Jack fell down and broke his crown and
Ooh, ain’t that funky now… *
Three dances that accompany the chorus:
-the lawn mower
-the sprinkler
-the karate kid (wax on, wax off, paint the fence (2x), catch
that fly (2x), crane (2x)
I Don’t Care if I Go Crazy
I don’t care if I go crazy, 1 2 3 4 5 6 switch
Crazy go I if care don’t I, 6 5 4 3 2 1 switch
If All the Raindrops
If all the raindrops were lemon drops and gum drop
Oh what a rain it would be
I’d stand outside, with my mouth open wide
Going “AA Aa-aa aa aa-aa aa aa-aa aa”
If all the raindrops were lemon drops and gum drops
Oh what a rain it would be!
If all the snowflakes were candy bars and milkshakes
Oh what a snow it would be!
I’d stand outside, with my mouth open wide
Going “AA Aa-aa aa aa-aa aa aa-aa aa”
If all the snowflakes were candy bars and milkshakes
Oh what a snow it would be!
If all the sunbeams were jellybeans and ice cream
Oh what a sun it would be!
I’d stand outside, with my mouth open wide
Going “AA Aa-aa aa aa-aa aa aa-aa aa”
If all the sunbeams were jellybeans and ice cream
Oh what a sun it would be!
If all the hailstones were gummy bears and Sno-Cones
Oh what a hail it would be!
I’d stand outside, with my mouth open wide
Going “AA Aa-aa aa aa-aa aa aa-aa aa”
If all the hailstones were gummy bears and Sno-Cones
Oh what a hail it would be!
If I Had a Hammer
If I had a hammer, I’d hammer in the morning
I’d hammer in the evening, all over this land
I’d hammer out danger, I’d hammer out warning
I’d hammer out love between my brothers
And my sisters all over this land
If I had a bell, I’d ring it in the morning
I’d ring it in the evening, all over this land
I’d ring out danger, I’d rng out warning
I’d ring out love between my brothers
And my sisters all over this land
If I had a song, I’d sing it in the morning
I’d sing it in the evening, all over this land
I’d sing out danger, I’d sing out warning
I’d sing out love between my brothers
And my sisters all over this land
Now I have a hammer, and I have a bell
And I’ve got a song to sing all over this land.
It’s the hammer of justice
It’s the bell of reedom
It’s the song of love between my brothers
And my sisters all over this land
If You Love Me
If you love me, if you love love love me
Plant a rose for me
And if you’ll love me for a long long time
Plant an apple tree
So whether I stay, or whether I go
You’ll have an apple or you’ll have a rose
So if you love me, if you love love love me
Plant a rose for me
I Love the Mountains
I love the mountains, I love the rolling hills
I love flowers, I love the daffodils
I like the fire side when all the lights are low
Boom-di-yada, boom-di-yada, boom-di-yada, boom-di-yada
I’m a Little Dinosaur
I’m a little dinosaur, I’m a little dinosaur
I’m a little dinosaur and I’m planning to go away
I am real old don’tcha know
Born ten million years ago/ but the people here
Don’t love me so
I’m planning to go away
The children on their lawns will wake up and wonder
Where I’ve gone
And the flies that buzzed around where I used to pee
Are gonna have to get along without me
They’ll say “where’s that little dinosaur?” (where’d he go?)
“Where’s that little dinosaur? He must have gone away.”
Oh no, please don’t go
Oh no, please don’t go
Don’t go little dinosaur
Please don’t go away
Well ok, I’ll come back!
o-oh you know I’m back to stay
for I’m just a little dinosaur
and I could never really go (No!)
Never really go (He’s back!)
Never really go away
I’m a Nut
I’m a little acorn brown
Lying on the cold, hard ground
Everybody steps on me,
That is why I’m cracked you see *
*I’m a nut (click, click)
I’m a nut (click, click)
I’m crazy (click, click)*
Called myself on the telephone,
Just to see if I was home
Asked myself out on a date
Set the time for half-past eight *
Took myself to the picture show
Sat myself in the very last row
Wrapped my arms around my waist
Got so fresh I slapped my face!
I’m On My Way
I’m on my way, to the freedom land (repeat 3x)
I’m on my way, oh yes, I’m on my way!
I asked my brother, wontcha come with me (repeat 3x)
I’m on my way, oh yes, I’m on my way!
I asked my sister, wontcha come with me (repeat 3x)
I’m on my way, oh yes, I’m on my way!
If you can’t come, dontcha hinder me! (repeat 3x)
I’m on my way, oh yes, I’m on my way!
(a repeat song)
I’m Up Right
I’m up right, in right, out right, down right
Happy all the time
The birds their songs they sing,
Throughout the woodland green
I’m up right, in right, out right, down right
Happy all the time
Is There Any Reason
Is there any reason to be in such a mood alone?
Is there ay reason to be in such a mood alone?
Sitting alone on a log on a hill far away
Sitting alone you don’t find very much left to say
La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la (2x)
Is there any reason to be in such a mood alone?
I Understand
I understand, just how you feel, my dear
My love for you has been unreal
It’s over now, but it was grand, my dear
I understand, I understand
Should you ever change your mind, my dear
Come back to me, and you will find
Me waiting there to take your hand, my dear
I understand, I understand
(To be sung simultaneously with Auld Lang Syne)
I Want To Be Strong
*Well, I want to be strong
To be, strong as the land around me
I want a heart that’s as wide as the sky
I want a spirit like a moving mountain stream
I want to look people straight in the eye*
Walking along beneath a canopy of clouds
Feeling like a stranger in the midst of a crowd
I know that something great is calling me out loud
I know that I must choose *
I know that in this world there’s hunger and there’s hate
But if we care it’s not too late
A loving, laughing world, we’ll be able to create
Underneath the endless sky *
I Won’t Grow Up!
I won’t grow up (repeat)
I don’t want to go to school (repeat)
Just to learn to be a parrot (repeat)
And recite a silly rule (repeat)
If growing up means it would be
Beneath my dignity to climb a tree,
I’ll never grow up, never grow up, never grow up
Not me! (Not I) Not me, so there! *mlaaah!*
I won’t grow up (repeat)
I don’t want to wear a tie (repeat)
Or a serious expression (repeat)
In the middle of July (repeat)
And if it means I must prepare
To shoulder burdens with a worried air,
I’ll never grow up, never grow up, never grow up
Not me! (Not I) Not me, so there! *mlaaah!*
I won’t grow up (repeat)
Not a penny will I pinch (repeat)
I will never grow a mustache (repeat)
Or a fraction of an inch (repeat)
Cause growing up is awfuller
Than all the awful things that ever were
I’ll never grow up, never grow up, never grow up
Not me! (Not I) Not me, so there! *mlaaah!*
I Wuv a Wabbit
I wuv a wabbit, a cwazy cwazy wabbit
Hop, hop, bunny, bunny
Hop, hop, bunny, bunny
Hop, hop, ho, ho, hop hop
He wuvs his cawwots, his cwazy cwazy cawwots
Chew, chew, bunny, bunny
Chew, chew, bunny, bunny
Chew, chew, ho, ho, chew, chew
When I go to sweep at night, I kiss he, and he kiss I
If he’s been a such and such
He sweeps out in da wabbit hutch
Oh, I wuv a wabbit, a cwazy cwazy wabbit
Hop, hop, bunny, bunny
Hop, hop, bunny, bunny
Hop, hop, ho, ho, hop, hop
Jamaican Farewell
Down the way where the lights are gay
And the sun shines brightly on the mountain tops
I took a trip on a sailing ship
And when I reached Jamaica, I made a stop *
*But I’m sad to say, I’m on my way
Won’t be back for many a day
My heart is down, my head is turning around
I had to leave a little boy back in Kingston town*
Sounds of laughter are everywhere
And the dancers swinging to and fro
I must declare that my heart is there
Though I’ve been from Maine to Mexico *
Down at the market, you can hear
Ladies cry out while on the heads they bear
Ackie rice, salt fish are nice
And the rum (mangoes are) is fine anytime of year *
Jambalaya, crawfish pie, filet gumbo,
Cause tonight I’m gonna see my cheramio,
Pick guitar, fill fruit jar, and by gay-o,
Son of a gun we’ll have big fun on the bayou.
Goodbye Joe, me gotta go, me oh my oh,
Me gotta go pole the pirogue down the bayou,
My Yvonne, the sweetest one, me oh my oh,
Son of a gun, we’ll have big fun on the bayou.
Thibodeaux, Fountainbleu, the place is buzzin,
Kinfolk come to see Yvonne by the dozen,
Dress in style, go hog wild and be gay-o,
Son of a gun, we’ll have big fun on the bayou
Jell-O and Fruit
Monday I had fruit and Jell-O
Tuesday I had Jell-O and fruit
Wednesday I had fruit and Jell-O
Thursday I had Jell-O and fruit
Friday I had fruit and Jell-O
Saturday I had Jell-O and fruit
Sunday was a change in menu
I had Jell-O without the fruit
Jell-O Song
Oh, the big red letter stands for the Jell-O family
Oh, the big red letter stands for the Jell-O family
It’s Jell-O, yum yum yum
Jell-O pudding, yum yum yum
Jell-O tapioca pudding, try all three
(this is a round)
Jimmy Brown
Run and jump and skip and fall
You think you’re tall but you’re so small
Oh mama calls for supper, no more play
Soon comes tomorrow, it’ll be another day
Singing hey la de da
Oh la de de
Oh le oaten doen, ollyoxinfree
Oh I can run faster than Jimmy Brown
I’m the king of the mountain
And you’ll never get me down
Up bright and early, got a lot to do
Gonna build a castle and go to the zoo
And visit Mother Goose in storybook land
Why does Mommy hold my hand?
I’m real old now five and a half
Gonna be like Daddy and never laugh
‘Cause when you’re old you’ve gotta be strong
You’re not a child for very long
I’m full grown now on my own
Oh how I wish I could go back home
And play all day with my old friends
Why does childhood have to end?
Joan Glover
Go to Joan Glover and
Tell her I love her and
By the light of the moon
Tell her I’ll come to her
(a round to be started after the first line)
Johnny Appleseed
Oh the earth is good to me, and so I thank the earth
For giving me, the things I need
The sun and the rain and the appleseed
The earth is good to me
John Jacob Jingle Hymer Schmidt
John Jacob Jingle Hymer Schmidt
His name is my name too
Whenever I go out, the people always shout,
“There goes John Jacob Jingle Hymer Schmidt”
Da na na na na na na
Jubilate Deo
Jubilate Deo,
Jubilate Deo,
Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree
Merry, merry kinig of the bushes, he
Laugh Kookaburra, laugh Kookaburra
Gay your life must be!
Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree
Eating all the gum drops he can see
Stop, Kookaburra, stop Kookaburra
Save some there for me!
La Haina
I was sitting at a table in an open café, waiting for a drink of
When I asked the water for the time of day
He said, “Look out, there’s a centipede a-comin’ your way!”
*In La Haina, sugar cane grows, in La Haina, livin’ is slow
in La Haina, the mangoes grow sweet,
But the centipede she crawls all over your feet!
Bah-dah-dah-dum bum bum bum bah-dah-dum
Bah-dah-dah-dum bum bah-dum! In La Haina! (repeat)*
I was laying by the water in the morning sun, shaded by a
coconut tree,
When I turned around it was all I could see,
There was a great big a-centipede a-starin’ at me! *
I had only a second to decide what to do, while staring at it’s
poisonous fangs
When I said I thought it was a beautiful day, he said,
“Hey lady don’t ya think you’re pulling my leg?” *
La, La, La
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la. La, la, la
La, la, la
Leavin’ On a Jet Plane
My bags are packed, I’m ready to go
I’m standing right outside your door
I hate to wake you up to say good-bye
But the dawn is breaking, it’s early morn
The taxi’s waiting, he’s blowing his horn,
Already I’m so lonesome I could die…*
*So kiss me and smile for me,
Tell me that you’ll wait for me
Hold me like you’ll never let me go
‘Cause I’m leaving on a jet plane,
Don’t know when I’ll be back again
O babe I hate to go*
There’s so many times I let you down
So many times I played around
I tell you now that they don’t mean a thing
Every place I go, I’ll think of you
Every song I sing, I’ll sing for you
When I come home, I’ll wear your wedding ring…*
Well now the time has come to leave you
One more time, please let me kiss you,
Then close your eyes and I’ll be on my way
Dream about the days to come
When I won’t have to leave you alone
About the times when I won’t have to say…*
Let Me See Your…
Let me see your Frankenstein
What’s that you say?
I said let me see your Frankenstein
What’s that you say?
I said ooh ah-ah-ah, ooh ah-ah-ah, ooh ah-ah (2x)
(replace italicized word Tarzan, John Travolta, etc. with
hand motions and act like the character)
Like A Ship in the Harbor
Like a ship in the harbor
Like a mother and child
Like a light in the darkness
I’ll hold you awhile
We’ll rock on the water
I’ll cradle you deep
And hold you while angels
Sing you to sleep
Mmmm, I wanna linger
Mmmm, a little longer
Mmm, a little longer here with you
Mmmm, it’s such a perfect night
Mmmm, it doesn’t seem quite right
Mmmm, that it should be my last with you
Mmmm, and some September
Mmmm, I will remember
Mmmm, our camping days and friendships true
Mmmm, and as the years go by
Mmmm, I’ll think of you and sigh
Mmmm, this is good-night and not good-bye
Little Canoe
Just a boy and a girl in a little canoe
With the moon shining all around
They paddled their paddles so
You couldn’t even hear a sound
And they talked and they talked till the moon grew dim
He said you better kiss me or get out and swim
So what ‘cha gonna do in a little canoe
With the moon shining all a, boy swimming all a,
Girl paddling all around
Little Cottage
Little cottage in the woods
Little man by the window stood
Saw a rabbit hopping by
Knocking at his door
“Help me, help me, Help!” He said
“Or the hunter will shoot me dead.”
“Come little rabbit, come inside.
Safely you’ll abide.”
(Keep singing, omitting the words to a line at a time,
continuing on with the motions)
Little Drop of Dew
(high part and low part)
Little drop of dew of dew, like a gem you are,
I believe that you must have been a star
When the morn is light, on the grass you lie
Tell me then at night are you in the sky?
Little drop of dew of dew, like a gem you are,
I believe that you must have been a star
Little Green Frog
Mmm-ah went the little green frog one day
Mmm-ah went the little green frog
Mmm-ah went the little green frog one day
And they all went mmm-mmm-ah!
Now all those frogs go la-dee-da-dee-da
Now all those frogs go la-dee-da-dee-da
Instead of mmm-mmm-ah
Little Red Caboose
Little red caboose, chug chug chug
Little red caboose, chug chug chug
Little red caboose behind the train, train, train, train
Smoke stacks on his back, back, back, back
Comin’ ‘round the track, track, track, track
Little red caboose behind the train
Lollipop Grace
We thank the earth for a hundred things
For the flowers that bloom and the birds that sing
For the sun that shines and the rain that drops
For ice cream and raisins and lollipops
Long John
Well I’m a long john
And I’m a long time gone
Like a fish in the canal
With his long johns on
Glub, glub-glub, glub
Glub, glub-glub, glub
Glub, glub, glub, glub
(a repeat song)
(other suggested verses: seal/canal/arf, snake/grass/hiss,
bear/woods/roar, etc.)
Lull-a lull-a bye,
Lull-a-bye, lull-a-bye
Sweetly sing to a lull-lull-lull-lull-a-bye
Lull-a-bye, lull-a-bye
Sweetly sing to a lull-lull-lull-lull-a-bye
Madeleine Grace
We love our bread, we love our butter
But most of all, we love each other
*Magic is the sun the makes the rainbow out of rain
And magic keeps the dream alive, to try and try again
Magic is the love that stays, when good friends have to leave
I do believe in magic I believe*
When I was young I thought the stars were made for wishing
And every hole deep in a tree must hide a leprechaun
Houses all had secret rooms, if I could find the key
I do believe in magic, I believe *
Growin up, the grown-ups said, one day I’d wake to find
That magic’s just a childhood game, I’d have to leave behind
Like clothes that did no longer fit, or toys that I’d ignore
I’d not believe in magic anymore *
Now I’ve grown old and learned again that much to my
Magic did not fade away, it took a new disguise
A childhood friend, a smile, a song, the courage to stand tall
I do believe in magic after all
Magic is the sun that makes the rainbow out of rain
And magic keeps the dream alive to try and try again
Magic is the love that stays when good friends have to leave
I do believe in magic,
For love’s the greatest magic,
I do believe in magic, I believe
Magic Melody
Here I stand, all alone upon a hill so high
Gazing at the sky as clouds drift by
And I hear a melody from my heart
Leaves sing too, echoing my lovely melody
And my longing to be free to roam
In the sunlight of today and always
Where I choose in the heather by the restless sea
This my magic song my heart sets free
I’m in love with the world
I’m in love with the world
Rain may fall all around me and the sky show gray
Comes again my melody to say
I will see a rainbow smiling at me
Bright hues there, splendor painted on an arc of blue
And the morning sun peeks through to say
Follow on to find the treasures of life
All the way, yet another path another day
Filled with promise and my magic song
I’m in love with the world
I’m in love with the world
I’m in love with the world
Make New Friends
Make new friends, but keep the old
One is silver, and the other’s gold
A circle’s round, it has no end
That’s how long I want to be your friend
(a round, to be started after “Make New Friends”)
Make Your Own Kind of Music
Don’t let anyone tell you
There’s only one song worth singin’
They make try to tell you
Cause it hangs them up, to see someone like you
But you’ve gotta *
*Make your own kind of music
Sing your own special song
Make your own kind of music
Even if nobody else sings along, sings along*
You’re gonna be lonely
The loneliest kind of lonely
It may be rough goin’
Cause to do your thing is the hardest thing to do
But you’ve gotta *
So if you cannot take my hand
And if you must going
I will understand, that you’ve gotta *
Mark Twain
1.) If I could be anything I wanted
Anything under the sun
I think I’d be the old steam-boat captain
On the old Cotton Blossom #1, #1
The old Cotton Blossom #1
And I’d go Mark Twain up the river
I’d go Mark Twain up and down
I’d go Mark Twain up the river
And I’d serenade the people back in town, back in town
I’d serenade the people back in town.
2.) Same as first verse, except “old steam-boat captain,”
it’s the “old steam boat paddle” that goes “swish”
3.) “Whistle” instead of “captain” that goes “toot-toot”
4.) “Calliope” instead of “captain” that goes “who-who-
Martian Hop
Ooh mao-mao, papa, ooh mao-mao
Papa ooh mao-mao, papa ooh mao-mao
Ooh mao-mao, papa, ooh mao-mao
Papa ooh mao-mao, papa ooh mao-mao
Ooh mao-mao, papa, ooh mao-mao
Papa ooh mao, ooh mao, ooh mao-mao
Ooh mao-mao, papa, ooh mao-mao
Papa ooh mao, ooh mao, ooh mao-mao
Eeee, eee-eee, eee-eee eee, Martian Hop
Eeee, eee-eee, eee-eee eee, Martian Hop
Matilda the Gorilla
I had a pet gorilla
Her name was Matilda
Matilda used to sing songs everyday
And this is what Matilda the gorilla would say:
Ooh, ooh, aah-aah
Ooh, ooh aah-aah
Ooh, ooh, aah-aah
Ooh, ooh aah-aah
May All Your Dreams
*May all your dreams bloom like daisies in the sun
May you always have stars in your eyes
And may you not stop running, not until your race is won
And may you always have blue skies*
A dream is something all your own to keep within your heart,
To build on when you’re glad
Or when your world has fallen apart
A dream is something all your own that no one else can steal
A dream is something you can make come real *
You can share a smile with any stranger that you meet
You can share your money with a beggar on the street
But you can only share a dream when love has set it free
Please won’t you share yours with me *
May the Long Time Sun
May the long time sun shine upon you
All the love surround you
And the pure light within you
Guide you all the way on
(a round)
Me and My Dinosaur
One day when the weather was cloudy and gray,
And I wished that someone would come out and play!
I heard a ‘knock, knock’ and I opened the door,
And there stood the loveliest BIG! Dinosaur *
*Me and my dinosaur, I’ve never had such a friend before!
Big as a house, twenty times and a half,
And fifty times taller than ANY giraffe!
Legs like sequoia trees, teeth big as piano keys!
No two people are buddies more than me and my dinosaur!*
I brought out some cookies and we had a snack,
Then she said she’s give me a ride on her back,
I started to climb from her tail to her cheek,
The whole darn trip took a year and a week! *
We hop-scotched to Africa, quick as a breeze
While leap-frogging over the coconut trees!
Then we got thirsty after a while,
In one great big gulp we just drank up the Nile! *
Mickey Mouse Roll Call
Who’s the leader of the pack that’s made for you and me?
M-i-c-k-e-y M-o-u-s-e
Mickey Mouse (Donald Duck)
Mickey Mouse (Donald Duck)
Forever let us hold our banners high
High, high, high!
Come along and sing this song
And join the jamboree
M-i-c-k-e-y M-o-u-s-e
Mickey Mouse roll call sound off now…
Mississippi Mud
1.) Sun goes down, moon comes up,
People gather ‘round and they all begin to shout *
*Hey, hey, Uncle Dud
It’s a treat to beat your feet on the Mississippi Mud
It’s a treat to beat your feet on the Mississippi Mud*
2.) What a dance do they do?
Lordy how I’m tellin’ you *
3.) They don’t need no rockin’ band
They keep time by clappin’ their hands *
Mud, mud, mud, mud, mud
Mississippi Mud
Mister Moon
Mister Moon, Mister Moon, you’re out too soon
The sun is still in the sky
Go back to bed and cover up your head
And wait till the day goes by
From out the battered elm tree,
The owl cries out, “Who’s there?”
And from the distant forest, the cuckoo answers clear
Cuckoo! Cuckoo! Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo!
Cuckoo! Cuckoo! Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo!
Moon on the Meadow
Moon on the meadow, bugs in our ears
Smoke in our eyes, wet wood and tears
On up the meadow, water somewhere
We were the only ones there
Wild horse and Slushy, Dry Lakes, the Peak
Finding a love that everyone seeks
Hiking to Rainbows, Sunsets and Stars
Just finding out who we are
We will return here some lucky day
Our hearts will guide us, they know the way
People in cities don’t understand
Falling in love with the land
Moon on the meadow, bugs in our ears
Smoke in our eyes, wet wood and tears
On up the meadow, water somewhere
With you my friend, I am there
(The capitalized words in the second verse are the
names of units at another camp)
*I’m being followed by a moonshadow,
moonshadow, moonshadow
Leaping and hopping on a moonshadow,
moonshadow, moonshadow*
And if I ever lose my eyes,
All my colors, they run dry
‘Cause if I ever lose my eyes
O-wee-ee-ee-wee ee ee ee
I won’t have to cry no more *
And if I ever lose my hands,
Lose my plow and lose my land,
‘Cause if I ever lose my hands
O-wee-ee-ee-wee ee ee ee
I won’t have to work no more *
And if I ever lose my legs,
I won’t cry and I won’t beg,
‘Cause if I ever lose my legs
O-wee-ee-ee-wee ee ee ee
I won’t have to walk no more *
And if I ever lose my mouth
All my teeth, North and South
‘Cause if I ever lose my mouth,
O-wee-ee-ee-wee ee ee ee
I won’t have to talk—um um *
But if I ever lose my friends,
All my world comes to an end,
If I ever lose my friends
O-wee-ee-ee-wee ee ee ee
I would never love no more.
Moses Supposes
Moses supposes his toeses are roses
But Moses supposes erroneously
‘Cause nobody’s toeses are poses of roses
Like Moses supposes his toeses to be
Moses supposes his toeses are roses
But Moses supposes erroneously
Morning Star
Morning, morning
Star, Star
Here we go swimming and here we go sailing
And morning, morning
Star, Star
(Draw a star with your finger)
Mountain Girls
City girls, they wear those high heels
Country girls, they do the same
Mountain girls just wear their hiking boots,
But they get there just the same.
City girls they wear that French perfume
Country girls, they do the same
Mountain girls just go au naturel
But they get there just the same.
City girls they use those flush toilets
Country girls, they do the same
Mountain girls just find a friendly bush
But they get there just the same
Mountains High
1.) Mountains high, reaching for the sky
That I can climb and find peace of mind
2.) Meadows green, tiny flowing streams
To beautiful it seems, I dream, mountain dream
3.) Mountains high, reaching for the sky
That I did climb and find peace of mind
Murray the Rabbit Boy
*Murray the rabbit boy, Murray
Murray the rabbit boy, Murray?
What’d he do?
He hops from place to place
To save the human race
Murray the rabbit boy, Murray*
One day the rabbit and the boy were caught in a radiation
And when the clouds had lifted
The boy had been transformed
The rabbit and the boy had mutated into one
The legend of Murray the rabbit boy has begun *
Music Alone Shall Live
All things shall perish from under the sky
Music alone shall live
Music alone shall live
Music alone shall live, never to die
My Babe
My babe she came in winter
Like a seed sprouting under
The dark earth’s greeny cover
Deep in the womb of the world.
Ooh la la ooh la oo la (x3)
Oo la la ooo la la
My babe she sees like springtime
Everything wildflowers,
Blossoming in the morning
she watches nature moving
My girls she plays like summer
Like an elf hiding under
The green leaf, distant thunder,
Cannot shake or surprise her
My girl she leaves like autumn
Dressed up in many colors
She reaps the harvest we sowed
It seems like so long ago
My Friends
*My friends, my friends are good for me
I like them and they like me
1.) Together we drink our juice and bread
We’re so happy when everyone’s fed *
2.) A friend can be either short or talk
A friend can be most anyone at all *
3.) Together we dance and play around
Wiggle our toes in the soft green ground *
My Old Mom’s a Farmer
My old mom’s a farmer, now whadda you think about that?
She wears her farmer’s raincoat, she wears her farmer’s hat
She wears her farmer’s collar, she wears her farmer’s shoes
And every Sunday morning she reads the farmer’s news
And some day, if I can
I’m gonna be a farmer, just like my old mom
(other verses: doctor, counselor,
Chiquita banana sticker licker, etc.)
My Paddle
My paddle’s keen and bright
Flashing like silver
Follow the wild goose flight
Dip, dip and swing
Dip, dip and swing and back
Flashing like silver
Swift as the wild goose flies
Dip, dip and swing
My Roots Go Down
*My roots go down, down into the ground (3x)
My roots go down*
I am a fish swimming in the sea (3x)
My roots go down *
(Make up any verses)
My Summer Friend
*So many times we’ve cared my summer friend
The secrets that we’ve shared my summer friend
And as surely as the sun will rise, you’re always there for me
My summer friend I know you’ll always be*
1.) The first days of my summer were so empty and alone
I didn’t have a friend to see me through
When we first met we hit it off and summer changed it’s tone
And now I know I have a friend in you *
2.) Through summer days we’ve shared our dreams, our
secrets, and our fears
And now I see a part of me in you
I hope these days would never end because of you my friend
How strong our love would be we never knew *
3.) Summer’s over and I never knew
How quickly time would fly
It seems our days together were so few
Those happy days, those giving days I’ll always keep in mind
With memories that will keep me close to you *
‘Neath These Tall Green Trees
‘Neath these tall green trees we stand
Asking blessings from thy hand
Thanks we give to thee above
For thy health and strength and love
No Bananas in the Sky
There are no bananas in the sky, in the sky (2x)
There’s a sun and a moon and a coconut cream pie,
But there are no bananas in the sky, in the sky!
Noodle Soup
Oh, I was born one night one morn
When the whistle went too, toot
You can bake a steam or fry a cake
When the mud pies are in bloom
Does six and six make nine?
Does ice grow on a vine?
Does Uncle Joe eat cheerios
In the good old summer-time?
Oh, loop the loop in the noodle soup
Just give your socks a shine
I’m the guilty judge, I stole the fudge
Three cheers for old exsine
I cannot tell a lie, I hocked an apple pie
It’s on a tree, beneath the sea,
Above the great blue sky
They call me King Napoleon
But I’m not him at all
I come from South Dakota
Way down by old St. Paul
I’ll sue them all for slander
I’ll make them all repent
For how can I be Bonaparte
When I’m the president
If Easter eggs don’t shave their legs,
Their children will have ducks
Quack, quack, quack
I’d rather have a lemon pie than 47 bucks
Way down in Barcelonia
They fell into the foamia
Now that is all bolognia
Paterooski blow your horn
Toot! Toot!
Now All the Woods are Waking
Now all the woods are waking
The sun is rising high
Wake up now, Get up now,
Before the dew is dry
In the land of Oden
There stands a mountain
Ten thousand miles in the air
From edge to edge, this mountain measures
Ten thousand miles square
A little bird comes a-winging
Once every million years or so
Sharpens her beak on a stone
And then quickly disappears
And when that mountain
Has worn away
This to eternity will be,
But one single day
In the land of Oden
There stands a mountain
Ten thousand miles in the air
Oh Be Joyful
Oh be joyful, oh be jubilant
Put your sorrows far away
Come rejoice and sing together this happy day
Oh be joyful, oh be happy on this day
Oh be joyful, oh be joyful
Oh be joyful on this happy day
Oh be joyful, oh be joyful
Oh be joyful on this happy day
(a round, to be started after the first chunk)
Oh, Gee, How Happy I Feel!
Oh, gee, how happy I feel
I’ve got the rhythm of an automobile
Don’t have to worry where I get my next meal
Cause I’m eating chicken and I don’t have to steal
Everything’s just going my way
Every dog’s gotta have his day
Well, I’ve had mine and I’m ready to say
Everything, everything, everything, everything,
Everything’s going my way!
Well, my clothes are tailor made,
And my shoes are patent leather
All you gotta do is stitch yourself together
Take a look at me, and Lordy, Lordy, Lordy!
Everything’s going my way!
Oh How Lovely Is the Evening
Oh, how lovely is the evening, is the evening
When the bells are sweetly ringing, sweetly ringing
Ding, dong, ding, dong, ding, dong
Oh Mr. Sun
Oh, Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun
Please shine down on me
Oh, Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun
Hiding behind that tree
Camp Robbinswold is a-waitin’ for you
So come on and do the things that you do
Oh, Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun
Please shine down-on
Won’t ya shine down-on
Please shine down-on me
Oh, Olay Olay! (The Corn Growing Song)
Oh, olay olay
Alla tikka tumba
Maza maza maza
Olloo olloo olloway!
(a repeat song)
Oh Be Joyful
Oh be joyful, oh be jubilant
Put your sorrows far away
Come rejoice and sing together this happy day
Oh be joyful, oh be happy on this day
Oh be joyful, oh be joyful
Oh be joyful on this happy day!
Old McDonald
Old McDonald had a farm, eyi-eyi-o
And on that farm he had some chickens
With a bock bock here, and a bock bock there
Here a bock, there a bock, everywhere a bock bock
Old McDonald had a farm, eyi-eyi-o
One Day
One day
Walking in the sun
We laugh
Friendship has begun
Same day
Talkin’ in the sun
Two there
Becoming one
Time past
Friends part
Friendship last
Bound between hearts
Two together
Two alone
Love each other
Find the way home
One day
Forever long
Builds a bond
Forever strong
(a repeat song)
One Finger, One Thumb
One finger, one thumb keep moving (3x)
We’ll all be merry and bright
One finger, one thumb, one arm keep moving, etc.
Other possible motions to accompany singing: arm, leg, stand
up sit down, nod of the head, etc.
One Tin Soldier
Listen children to a story
That was written long ago
‘Bout a kingdom on a mountain
And the valley folk below
On the mountain was a treasure
Buried deep beneath a stone
And the valley people swore
They’d have it for their very own *
*Go ahead and hate your neighbor,
Go ahead and cheat a friend
Do it in the name of heaven
You can justify it in the end
There won’t be any trumpets blowing
Come the judgment day
On the bloody morning after…
One tin soldier rides away*
So the people of the valley
Sent a message to the hill
Asking for the buried treasure
Tons of gold for which they’d kill
Down the mountain came the answer
“With our neighbors we will share
All the secrets of our mountain
All the riches buried there” *
Now the valley cried with anger
“Mount your horses, draw your swords”
And they killed the mountain people
So they won their just reward
Now they stood beside the treasure
On the mountain dark and red
Turned the stone and looked beneath it
“Peace on earth” was all it said *
Now the mountain people’s story
Seems to me so very sad
Not because they lost their treasure
But because all others had
Take a look down in the valley
We could be the people there
Seeking riches we abuse
What little peace we still might share *
On My Honor
*On my honor I will try
There’s a duty to be done, and I say “aye”
There’s a reason here for a reason above
My honor is to try and my duty is to love*
People don’t need to know my name
If I hurt someone, then I’m to blame
If I help someone, then I’ve helped me
And that’s the way that it should be *
I’ve tucked away a song or two
If you’re feeling low, there’s one for you
If you need a friend, then I will come
There’s plenty more where I come from *
Come with me where a fire burns bright
You can see much better by its own light
You can find more meaning in a campfire’s glow
Than you’ll ever find in a year or so *
Friendship is the strangest thing
If you keep it to yourself, no reward will it bring
But you gave it away, and you give it to me
And from now on great friends we’ll be *
We’ve got a promise to always keep
We will sing, “Day is Done” before we sleep
We are Girl Scouts together, and when we’re gone
We’ll still be a-trying and a-singing this song *
On The Loose
1.) Have you ever a sunrise
Turn the sky completely red?
Have you slept beneath the moon and stars
A pine bough for your head?
Do you sit and talk with friends
Though a word is never said?
Then you’re just like me and you’ve been on the loose *
*On the loose to climb a mountain
On the loose where I am free
On the loose to live my life the way I think my life should be
For I’ve only got a moment and a whole world yet to see
I’ll be looking for tomorrow on the loose*
2.) There’s a trail that I’ll be hiking
Just to see where it might go
Many places yet to visit,
Many people yet to know
So in following my dreams
I will live and I will grow
On a trail that’s waiting out there on the loose *
So in search of love and laughter
I’ll be traveling this land
Never sure of where I’m going
For I haven’t any plans
So in time when you are ready
Come and join me take my hand
And together we’ll share life out on the loose *
Oyster Stew
One day I ordered an oyster stew, alone tee-hee alone
And only one oyster loomed in view, alone tee-hee alone
He winked at me and he blinked at me
“I’ve been in many a stew,” said he
“But don’t tell the chef that you saw me, alone tee-hee alone
And maybe I’ll go to the junior prom, alone tee-hee alone
And maybe I’ll sit by the chaperone, alone tee-hee alone
And maybe somebody will wink at me
And I will wink at them, tee-hee
And then you’ll know that I’ll not be, alone tee-hee alone”
Parting Wish
I’d like to share this parting wish with you
Treasure all the friendships unto you
Remember all the good times we’ve had here
And don’t forget them in the coming year
(a repeat song, repeat two times through, the last time, repeat
the last line again)
Paul’s Lullaby
Sing your lullaby to the world, it’s a happy song to know
For the children need their sleep to grow
Softly as the people sleep, the moon drifts through the sky
And she sings to us all her lullaby
Peace is the World Smiling
Peace is the world smiling
Peace is a gentle dove,
Peace is sharing, Peace is caring
Peace is filling the world with love!
Peace Like a River
I’ve got peace like a river (3x)
In my soul, in my soul (2x)
I’ve got love like a mountain (3x)
In my soul, in my soul (2x)
I’ve got joy like a fountain (3x)
In my soul, in my soul (2x)
I’ve got peace like a river
I’ve got love like a mountain
I’ve got joy like a fountain
In my soul, in my soul (2x)
Percy the Pale Face Polar Bear
Way up in the land of ice and snow
Where the temperature drops to forty below
Who’s the happiest one up there?
It’s Percy the pale face polar bear
He sleeps all day and then at night
He catches his fish by the pale moonlight
Has no worries, has no cares
He’s Percy the pale face polar bear
Then one day the hunters came
They caught poor Percy by the snout
Put him in a great big cage
Percy howled, and he growled
But he couldn’t get out
Now he’s living in the zoo
Funny thing he likes it too
‘Cause he met his girlfriend there
And she loves Percy the pale face polar bear
Who? Percy the pale face polar bear!
Pink Pajamas
I wear my pink pajamas in the summer when it’s hot
I wear my flannel nighty in the winter when it’s not
And sometimes in the spring and sometimes in the fall
I jump between the sheets with nothing on at all!
Glory, glory hallelujah!
Glory, glory what’s it to ya?
Balmy breezes flowin’ through ya,
With nothing on at all!
Pickin’ Flowers
*Pickin’ flowers in the rain and
laughing with the sun
Trying to teach them how to live by themselves
And still get things done *
Gonna be a counselor at summer camp,
Gonna find out what it’s all about
Little eyes will look up to you and
Little hands will reach out *
The days are long and the nights are short
And the pay is so small
We really don’t know if what we say
Sinks in at all *
Build a fire, dig a trench,
Sharpen an axe with a wet stone
And maybe next time when we’re not here
They can do it all alone *
And sometimes when things don’t work out right
And we think we’re all flops
They look up at us and they smile at us
And ask us not to stop *
When it’s all over and it’s time to leave
We’ll sit and think
What parts of us do they take along?
What part of them do they leave?
So that’s why I’m here at this summer camp
And I hope you feel the same way
There’s a lot to get, but there’s much more to give
And I hope you’re here to stay *
Pirate Ship
When I was one
I sucked my thumb
The day I went to see
I jumped aboard a pirate ship
And the captain said to me,
“We’re going this way that way
Forward backward
Over the Irish Sea
A juicy plum (a bottle of rum)
To warm my tum
The pirate’s life for me”
Plea for the World
A plea for on world is heard in many different lands
These are the pleas of a world who is hungry for peace
Let us all come together
Let us live well together
Striving to make the world better
Pledging out lives to peace
This Pretty Planet
This pretty planet, spinning in space
Your garden, your harbor, your holy place
Golden sun going down
Gentle blue giants spin us around
All through the night
Safe to the morning light
Princess Pat
The princess pat
Light infantry
She sailed across
The seven seas
She sailed across
The channel two
And she took with her
A rickadandoo *
*A rickadandoo
Now what is that?
It’s something made
By the Princess Pat
It’s red and gold
And purple too
That’s why it’s called
A rickadandoo*
Now Captain Jack
Had a mighty find crew
He sailed across
The Channel Two
But his ship sank
And yours will too
If you don’t take
A rickadandoo *
(a repeat song)
No matter how young a prune may be
She’s always getting wrinkles
A baby prune is like her dad
But she ain’t wrinkled half as bad
Now you have wrinkles on your face
But prune has them everyplace!
No matter how young a prune may be,
She’s always getting wrinkles
Little seed inside the pru-in
Is it night or is it noo-in
Whatch yo’ name
And Whatch yo’ doin’
Little seed inside the pru-in
No matter how young a prune may be
She’s always getting wrinkles
Puff the Magic Dragon
Puff the magic dragon, lived by the sea
And frolicked in the autumn mist
In a land called Honalee
Little Jackie Paper loved that rascal Puff
And brought him strings and sealing wax
And other fancy stuff
Together they would travel on a boat with billowed sail
Jackie kept a lookout perched
On Puff’s gigantic bluff
Noble kings and princes would bow whenever they came
Pirate ships would lower their flags
As Puff roared out his name
A dragon lives forever, but not so little boys
Painted wings and giants’ rings
Make way for other toys
One gray night it happened, Jackie Paper came no more
And Puff that mighty dragon
He ceased his fearless roar
His head was bent in sorrow, green scales fell like rain
Puff no longer went to play
Along the cherry lane
Without his lifelong friend Puff could not be brave
So Puff that might dragon
Sadly slipped into his cave
Purple Lights
Purple lights*
In the canyon*
That’s where I*
Long to be*
With my three*
Good companions*
My banjo, my pony, and me, yee-haw!
In the willer*
Sings a sweet*
For my three*
Good companions*
My banjo, my pony, and me, yee-haw!
No more goats*
To be ropin’*
No more strays*
Do I see*
Just my three*
Good companions*
My banjo, my pony, and me, yee-haw!
Gonna hang*
My sombrero*
On a limb*
Of a tree*
For my three*
Good companions*
My banjo, my pony, and me, yee-haw!
Purple Soup
We’re makin’ a purple soup ba-doup, ba-doup
Makin’ a purple soup, ba-doup, ba-doup
Purple potatoes, and purple tomatoes
And we want you
Rain Dance
Have one person leading the following motions:
1. Rub hands back and forth (wind)
2. Snap fingers lightly (light showers)
3. Slap knees softly (shower)
4. Slap knees harder (harder rain)
5. Stomp feet (cloud bursts)
6. Slap knees hard
7. Slap knees softer
8. Snap fingers lightly
9. Rub hands back and forth
10. Put hands over head to form the sun
Rainbow Connection
Why are there so many songs about rainbows?
And what’s on the other side?
Rainbows are visions, but only illusions,
Rainbows have nothing to hid
So we’ve been told and some choose to believe it
I know they’re wrong, wait and see
Someday we’ll find it, the rainbow connection
The lovers, the dreamers and me
Who said that every wish would be heard and answered
And wished on the morning star?
Somebody thought of that and someone believed it
And look what it’s done so far
What’s so amazing that keeps us star gazing
And what do we think we might see?
Someday we’ll find it, the rainbow connection
The lovers, the dreamers, and me
Have you been half asleep and have you heard voices
When I’ve heard them calling my name?
Is this the sweet sound that calls the young sailors
The voice might be one and the same
I’ve heard it too many times to ignore it
It’s something that I’m supposed to be
Someday we’ll find it, the rainbow connection
The lovers, the dreamers and me
La deed a, la dee da doo
The lovers, the dreamers and me
Raisin Song
Lay some happiness on me
Give me raisins and I’ll be
So much happier, you’ll see
Lay some happiness on me
I think raisins are just dandy
A natural energy treat, oh boy!
Raisins are as good as candy
‘Bout as good as fruit, so…
A Ram Sam Sam
A ram sam sam, a ram sam sam
Goolie, goolie, goolie, goolie, goolie, ram sam sam
A raja, a raja
Goolie, goolie, goolie, goolie, goolie, ram sam sam
Rare Bog
*(together) Rare bog, the rattlin’ bog
Way down in the valley-oh
Rare bog, the rattlin’ bog
Way down in the valley-oh*
(echo) And in that bog
There was a tree
A rare tree
A rattlin’ tree
And the tree’s in the bog
And the bog’s down in the valley, Oh! *
And on that tree, there was a limb…
And on that limb, there was a branch…
And on that branch, there was a twig…
And on that twig, there was a leaf…
And on that leaf, there was a nest…
And in that nest, there was an egg…
And in that egg, there was a chicken…
And on that chicken, there was a feather
And on that feather, there was a tick…
And on that tick, there was a speck of dust…
And in that speck of dust, there was a whole new world…
And in that whole new world, there was a Girl Scout camp…
(in the last verse, instead of a “rattlin’ Girl Scout camp,”
it’s a “rockin’ Girl Scout camp”)
*Reach up to the sky, and open up your eyes
And, let your troubles fade away
Dream those dreams today
And melt your cares away
And open up your heart and sing*
Live your life for everyday
The old one is gone,
So don’t let this one slip away, and… *
Reach for the Sun
Ride on the wind of a summer’s day
Ride on the wind and be a world away
Reach for the sun and touch the moon too
Reach for the sun and touch the moon
Find yourself before you run away
Stand on the grass and watch the children play
Their world is really half of yours, too
Their world is really half of yours
Where ‘ere you go be sure to see the sky
Don’t let your only chances pass you by
Reach for the sun and touch the moon, too
Reach for the sun and touch the moon
Red Balloon
1.) Give me a red balloon on a long black string
I’ll be richer than any king
With my red balloon on a long black string
I can whistle and I can sing *
*Laughs are many and tears are few
Life’s exciting and always new
In a world of girls and boys
In a world of simple joys*
2.) Give me a paper kite on a windy day
Oh I think I’ll fly away
With my paper kite on a windy day
Oh yes, I’ll fly away *
3.) Give me a warm spring day and an apple tree
There’s nothing that I can’t see
When I looked out from my apple tree
Look up there and you’ll see me *
4.) Give me a blue C-Lark and a windy day
And I think I’ll sail away
In my blue C-Lark on a windy day
Oh yes, I’ll sail away *
5.) Give me friends to love and a place to go
With these friends there’s joy I know
That when they’re gone and far apart
There’s still joy beneath our hearts *
6.) Give me a summer camp and the campers there
We’ll explore with friends who care
On the rocky shores of Robbinswold
Memories in my heart I’ll hold *
7.) Skies are blue and the trails are long
Joy and love ring in our song
In a world of friendship true
In a world I share with you *
Red River Valley
From this valley they say you are going
We will miss your bright eyes and sweet smile
For they say you are taking the sunshine
Which has brightened our pathway a while *
*Come and sit by my side if you love me
Do not hasten to bid me adieu
But remember the Red River Valley
And the one who has loved you so true*
Won’t you think of the valley you’re leaving
Oh, how lonely, how sad will it be?
Oh, think of the fond heart you’re breaking
And the grief you are causing to me *
As you go to your home by the ocean
May you never forget those sweet hours
That we spent in the Red River Valley
And the love we exchanged ‘mid the flowers *
Red Wagon
You can’t ride my little red wagon
Front wheel’s broken
And the back wheel’s dragging
Slug! Slug! Slug, slug, slug!
See the clouds rolling on their way
See the stars shining so gay
Hear the wind in the tall pine trees
And you’ll know exactly why I’m free
I am a rover rolling along
Rover, singing a song
I am a rover until the day I die
Have few friends but they are true
A mountain, flower and a sky so blue
I am a wanderer, never standing still
And I must go onward to those hills
Through this land I’m bound to roam
Without a friend, a fire or a home,
But I have a friend that is true,
And that, my comrade, that is you
Rhymes and Reasons
So you speak to me of sadness
And the coming of the winter, the
Fear that is within you now, it
Seems to never end. And the
Dreams that have escaped you
And the hopes that you’ve forgotten
And you tell me that you need me now
And you want to be my friend
And you wonder where you’re going
Where’s the rhyme and where’s the
Reason, and it’s you who can’t accept
It is here we must begin
To seek the wisdom of the children
And the graceful way of flowers in the wind
For the children and the flowers are our sisters and
Our brothers, their laughter and
Their loveliness could clear a cloudy
Day. Like the music of the mountains
And the colors of the rainbow they’re
A promise of the future and a blessing
For today.
Rice Crispies
Snap now, snap now, snap’s the sound
You gotta have snap or the world’s not round
I snap, you snap, we snap, they snap
Snap! (pause, pause) Makes the world go round
Crackle, crackle, the crispy sound
You gotta have crackle or the clock’s not wound
Geese cackle, feathers tickle, boys are fickle, have a pickle
(pause) Crackle! (pause) Makes the world go round
I insist that pop’s the sound
You’ve gotta have pop or the world’s not round
Orange pop, grape pop, lemon pop, lime pop
(pause, pause) Pop! Makes the world go round
Snap, crackle, pop rice krispie
Ride on the Wind
1.) Ride on the wind of a summer’s day
Ride on the wind and be a world away
Reach for the sun and touch the moon too
Reach for the sun and touch the moon
2.) Find yourself before you run away
Stand in the grass and watch the children play
Their world is really half of yours too
Their world is really half of yours
3.) Where ‘ere you go be sure to see the sky
Don’t let your only chances pass you by
Reach for the sun and touch the moon too
Reach for the sun and touch the moon
4.) Repeat verse 1
Riggidy Jig
Riggidy Jig and away we go
Away we go, away we go
Riggidy jig and away we go
Hi ho Hi ho Hi ho
We were starved as starved could be
But now we’ve had enough to eat
Riggidy jig and away we go
Hi ho Hi ho Hi ho
Rising of the Sun
(echo) From the rising of the sun
(together) To the going down of the same
(echo) Mother Earth
(echo) Is to be praised
*No, I ain’t gonna step down off that riverboat
No, I ain’t gonna step down off that riverboat
‘Cause if I step down off that riverboat
Oh, I don’t think that I’m gonna float
‘Cause there’s mud just below that sparkling water
Yes, there’s mud just below that sparkling water
And it’s soft, soft, deep and warm
Settled ‘neath the river once in a storm
Mud just below that sparkling water*
Once had a daughter strong and fine
Grew up said she didn’t wanna be mine
Said I understood and felt the same (2,3,4)
Now she runs a school for girls
Each one tougher than a redwood burl
Growing up stronger than the world into which they came *
When, oh when, will I ever learn
It’s not just fire that makes me burn
It’s not just ice that cools my flaming skin (2,3,4)
But if I get caught it’ll cook me good
And that’s not the road to sisterhood
Where I’m going is the same as where I’ve been *
River of Life
I’ve got a river of life flowing out of me
Makes the lame to walk and the blind to sea
Opens prison doors, sets the captives free
I’ve got a river of life flowing out of me
Spring forth well inside my soul
Spring forth a well, and make me whole
Spring forth well, and let me see
That life, which shines in me
Robbinswold Goodnight Medley
The Time Has Come:
The time has come for me to say
It has been a lovely day
And the spirit dwelling in my heart
Won’t be leaving when the sun goes down
So have a good night,
Have a good night,
Have a good night,
Have a good night my dear
The time has come for me to say
It has been a lovely day
And the spirit dwelling in my soul
Won’t be leaving when the sun goes down
So have a good night,
Have a good night,
Have a good night,
Have a good night my dear friend
Green Trees:
Green trees around us, blue skies above
Friends all around us,
In a world filled with love
Taps sounding softly
Hearts beating true
As we all sing, good night to you
Good night:
Good night, good night
As the evening shadows creep into the night
With each living glowing ember
There’s a friendship to remember
As we sing
Day is done, gone the sun
From the lakes, from the hills, from the sky
All is well, safely rest,
And good night
Robbinswold Harmony
Dominique-nique-nique o’er the land he walks along
And sings a little song
Never asking for reward
He just talks about the Lord
He just talks about the Lord
Swing low:
Swing low, sweet chariot
Comin’ for to carry me home
Swing low, sweet chariot
Comin’ for to carry me home
Crawdad Song:
You get a line, I’ll get a pole honey
You get aline, I’ll get a pole babe
You get a line, I’ll get a pole
We’ll go down that crawdad hole
Honey, oh babe, of mine
Oh When the Saints:
Oh, when the saints, go marching in
Oh when the saints go marching in
How I want to be in that number
Oh, when the saints go marching in
(sing all four simultaneously
Robbinswold Song
O’er the waters we have come to join in gaiety
Here the mountains rise so high and here the winds blow free
O’er the waters singing, hear our laughter ringing
Echoes softly bringing back a melody
Camp of royal beauty, Robbinswold, we salute thee
May we always know thy rugged majesty
Rose Round
Rose, Rose, Rose, Rose
Will I ever see thee wed?
I will marry at thy will sire
At thy will
(a round, to be sung with Hey, Ho, and Hey Poor Bird)
Row, Row, Row Your Boat
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream
(a round to be started after each line, or to be sung dropping
one word off the end each time the song is sung through)
Rub-a-Dub Grace
Thanks for the grub
Yay earth
Sai-volley-volley means take a walk
Tai-tolley-tolley means too much talk
A-lo-pey-ah-tey-oy means I love you
Take it easy, fie-fie-ley-mo
Sarah the Whale
In Bristol Bay there was a whale
She ate oysters by the pail
By the thimble… by the teacup
By the schooner full
Her name was Sarah and when she smiled
You could see her teeth for miles and miles
And her tonsils… and her adenoids
And things too fierce to mention!
Now what would you do with a whale like that?
What would you do if she sat on your hat?
Or you toothbrush, or your counselor?
Or other things like that
Sarasponda, sarasponda, sarasponda ret set set
Sarasponda, sarasponda, sarasponda ret set set
A dooray-oh, a dooray boomday-oh
A dooray boomday ret set set
Pawsay pawsay oh
Every morning by the river side, sardines!
See the people standing by my side, sardines!
Every morning when I go to the store, sardines!
See the people there all beggin’ for more
*I’ve got sardines on my plate and I don’t need no steak
With sardines, hey, and pork and beans,
Hey, and sardines*
On a Monday, hey, hey
On a Tuesday and a Wednesday, hey, hey
I’ve got sardines on a Thursday, hey, hey
A Friday, Saturday and Sunday, hey, hey *
Scotland’s Burning
Scotland’s burning, Scotland’s burning
Look out! Look out!
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Pour on water! Pour on water!
(a round, come in after first line)
Second Story Window
The window, the window
The second story window
With a heave and a ho,
And a mighty throw
They threw it out he window
(Sing nursery rhymes to the tune)
Sea Fever
I must go down to the sea again
To the vagrant gypsy life
To the gull’s way and the whale’s way
And the wind like a whetted knife
And all I ask is a merry yarn
From a laughing fellow rover
And a long sleep and a sweet dream
When the long trick’s over
I must go down to the sea again
For the call of the running tide
Is a wild call and a clear call
That may not be denied
And all I ask is a windy day
With the white clouds flying
And the flung spray and the blown spume
And the seagulls crying
I must go down to the sea again
To the lonely sea and sky
And all I ask is a tall ship
And a star to steep her by
And the wheel’s kick and the winds’ song
And the white sails shaking
And a gray mist on they seas’ face
And a gray dawn breaking
Shangy Mama
Shangy mama, shangy mama,
Shangy mama, shangy mama (2x-low)
Shangy mama, shangy mama,
Shangy mama, shangy mama (2x-high)
Ya two ya vana, ee ya vana
Terminah suzakah (2x)
Ya two, suzakah,
Ee ya ee terminah (2x)
Ooh ooh ooh, ee ya vana
Terminah suzakah (2x)
Shooting Star
Please won’t you catch a shooting star for me
And take it with you on your way,
Though it seems like we just met
You’re the one I won’t forget,
Hope some kind of wind blows you back my way.
And I was thinking maybe somewhere later down the road,
After all out stories have been told,
I’ll sit and think of you,
You’re the dear friend I once knew,
Shot through my life like a shooting star.
You are my dears, you’re my bright and shining stars,
You brighten each and every day,
You are so near, yet soon you’ll be so far,
So why not hold my hand today?
Sometimes I know that a part of you will show,
Somewhere in my eyes or in my smile,
They’ll always be some part of you deep inside my heart,
And I know just when to let it show.
Sing a Rainbow
Red and yellow and pink and green
Purple and orange and blue
I can sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow too
Listen with your eyes
Listen with your hearts
Sing everything you see
I can sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow, sing along with me
Red and yellow and pink and green
Purple and orange and blue
I can sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow too
Sing Me a Rainbow
*Sing me a rainbow, paint me a dream
Show me a world that I’ve never seen
Whisper a sunset, and when you do
You’ll know how I feel, I say you’ll know how I feel
You’ll know how I feel when I’m with you*
…Walked into my life on such an ordinary day
But it’s been extraordinary since you’ve come my way
There’s nothing in this world that I can’t do
As long as you continue to… *
…Brought something special to a life that was so plain
Feelings that you’ve turned me onto I just can’t explain
Something happens when I’m near you
And I just can’t wait to hear you… *
Sing, Sing a Song
Sing, sing a song, sing out loud, sing out strong
Sing of good things, not bad
Sing of happy, not sad
Sing, sing a song, make it simple
To last your whole life long!
Don’t worry if it’s not good enough
For anyone else to hear
Sing, sing a song!
(La, lalala, la lala, lalalala, la la la la la…)
Dong worry if it’s not good enough
For anyone else to hear
Sing, sing a song!
Sing With Joy
Sing, sing with joy,
Sing with joy that knows no end
Sing, sing with love
Welcome home my dearest friend
Round, and round, and round, and round we go
The love and laughter set your face a-glowing dear
(a round to be started after the first line)
Sisters Around the World
Sisters around the world, friendship across the sea
We raise our voices high in harmony
The world lies just ahead, the sun will shine
In each and ever land, for all to find
There’ll be many a road to travel, many a hill to climb
I’m gonna reach that mountain top
If it takes till the end of time!
Boom, boom, boom
(repeat first verse)
Skeeters and the Bedbugs
I woke up Sunday morning
I looked up on the wall
The skeeters and the bedbugs were having a game of ball
The score was 6 to nothing, the skeeters were ahead
The bedbugs hit a homerun and knocked me out of bed *
*Singin’ ee-ner, mea-ner and a min-er mo
Catch a wiper wopperby the toe
And if he hollers, hollers, hollers
Don’t let him go
Singin’ ee-ner, mea-ner, and a mi-ner mo*
I went downstairs for breakfast
I ordered ham and eggs
I ate so many pickles,
The juice ran down my leg *
Skinny Dog
I’ve got a dog, skinny as a rail
He’s got fleas all over his tail
Every time his tail goes pop
The fleas on the bottom all hop to the top
Slap, Bang!
Slap! Bang! Here we go again,
Here we go again, here we go again
Slap! Bang! Here we go again,
Jolly good friends are we!
We laugh, we sing
We laugh, Ha! Ha! We sing, Tra la!
Slap! Bang! Here we go again,
Jolly good friends are we!
(can also be sung Bang, Slap!)
Slick Chick
Oh I once had a chicken that wouldn’t lay an egg
So I poured hot water up and down her leg
And the little chicken cried, and the little chicken begged
And the gosh darn chicken laid a hard boiled egg!
Boom diddly-ada, slick chick!
(colored dye/Easter egg, hot chocolate/Cadbury egg,
DNA/dinosaur egg, etc.)
Smile Awhile
Smile awhile, and give your face a rest
Raise your hand to the one you love the best
Then shake hands with the one nearby
And greet them with a smile awhile
Song for Judith
Sometimes I remember the old days,
When the world was filled with sorrow
You might have thought that I was living
But I was all alone
In my heart the rain was falling
The wind blew, the night was calling
Come back, come back
I’m all you’ve ever known *
*Open the door and come on in
I’m so glad to see you my friend
You’re like the rainbow
Coming around the bend
And when I see you happy
Well, it sets my heart free
I’d like to be as good a friend to you
As you are to me*
There are friends who could always see me
Through the haze their smiles would reach me
Saying okay, saying good-bye, saying hello
Soon I knew what I was after
Was life and love, tears and laughter
Hello my good friend, hello my darling, what do you know?
I used to think it was only me
Living alone, not feeling free
To be alive, to be your friend
Now I know we all have stormy weather
The sun shines through when we’re together
I’ll be your friend right through the end
Song of the Soul
Open mine eyes that I might see
Glimpses of truth thou hast for me
Open mine eyes illumin me
Spirit Divine
Love of my life, I am crying
I am not dying, I am dancing
Dancing along in the madness
There is no sadness
Only a song of the soul *
*And we’ll sing this song, why don’t you sing along
And we can sing for a long time
Why don’t you sing this song
Why don’t you sing along
And we can sing for a long time*
What do you do for a living,
Are you forgiving, giving shelter
Follow your heart, love will find you
Truth will unbind you
Sin gout the song of the soul *
Come to your life like a warrior
Nothing will bore, you can be happy
Let in the light it will heal you
And you can feel you
And sing out a song of the soul *
Southerly Wind
Oh a southerly wind and a cloudy sky,
Proclaiming a hunting morning
It’s over the hills and away we fly
No sleep my downy bed scorning
To horse, my friend, and away
Great Phoebus the hills adorning
The face of all nature is gay
It’s a beautiful hunting morning
Hark, hark follow! Tally-ho, tally-ho, tally-ho
Hark, hark follow! Tally-ho, tally-ho, tally-ho
Sparrow Song
(echo) Do you love me?
Said the sparrow to the tree
I will always
Let you be what you must be *
*(together) In the autumn
In the spring
I will give you
Songs to sing*
(echo) Will you take me?
Underneath your hallowed light
And protect me
Even through the darkest night *
Speckled Frogs
Five little speckled frogs, sitting on a hallow log
Eating some most delicious bugs, yum yum!
Once jumped into the pool, where it was nice and cool
Now there are four little speckled frogs, ribbit ribbit!
(Repeat counting down)
Spider’s Web
It’s a web like a spider’s web
Made of silk and light and shadow
Spun by the moon in my room at night
It’s a web made to catch some dreams
Hold them fast till I awaken
As if to tell me my dreams are all right
Spirit Springing
What a spirit, spirit, springing round my head
Makes me feel glad that I’m not dead
What a spirit, spirit, springing round my head
Makes me feel glad that I’m not dead
Ow-a-nicka, ow-a-nicka
Hey-nay, hey-nay, noah (2x)
Squirrel, Squirrel
Squirrel, squirrel, shake your bushy tail
Squirrel, squirrel, shake your bushy tail
Wrinkle up your little nose, stick it in between your toes
Squirrel, squirrel, shake your bushy tail
Starfish and Coffee
7:45, we stood in line for our teacher, Miss Kathleen
First came Kevin, then came Lucy, third in line was me.
All of us were ordinary, except for Cynthia Rose
She always stood at the back of the line
With a smile beneath her nose
Her favorite number was 20, and every single day
If you asked her what she’d had for breakfast,
This is what she’d say: she’d say
Starfish and coffee, (clap) maple syrup and jam (clap clap)
Butterscotch clouds, and tangerines,
and a side order of ham (clap clap)
and if you set your mind free, baby, maybe you’ll understand
starfish and coffee (clap), maple syrup and jam. (clap clap)
Cynthia wore a pretty dress with different colored socks
Sometimes I wondered what was in her lunchbox.
Lucy and I opened it when Cynthia wasn’t around
Lucy cried I almost died! Do you know what we found?
Cynthia wore a happy face just like the one she draws
On every wall, of every school - but that’s all right ,
It’s for a worthy cause!
Chorus (last line 2x, 2
time slow)
Super California Surfer
Because I was afraid to surf when I was just a lad,
My father took away my board and told me I was bad
(you’re bad!)
And then one day I heard the word that ever surfer knows,
The longest word I ever heard and this is how it goes!
Oh! SuperCaliforniaSurferExpertOnTheOcean
Even though the most of them do not wear suntan lotion
If you hit a wave too hard, you’re always in a motion
Hum-diddle-diddle-diddle Umm-diddle-aye
Hum-diddle-diddle-diddle Umm-diddle-aye
Superman Grace
We thank the earth for giving us food
We thank the earth for giving us food
For the friends we meet, and the food we eat
We thank the earth for giving us food
Sweet Baby James
(James Taylor)
There is a young cowboy who lives on the range
His horse and his cattle are his only companions
He works in the saddle and he sleeps in the canyons
Waiting for summer his pastures to change
And as the moon rises he sits by his fire
Thinking about women and glasses of beer
Closing his eyes as the doggies retire
Sings out a song which is soft but is clear
As if maybe someone could hear *
*Goodnight you moonlight ladies
Rock-a-bye Sweet Baby James
Deep greens and blues are the colors I choose
Won’t you let me go down in my dreams
And rock-a-bye Sweet Baby James*
The first of December was covered with snow
So was the turnpike from Stockbridge to Boston
The Berkshires seemed dreamlike on account of that frosting
Ten miles behind me, and ten thousand more to go
There’s a song that they sing when they take to the highway
A song that they sing when they take to the sea
Maybe you can believe it if it helps you to sleep
But singing works just fine for me
Swinging Along
(low part) Swinging along, the open road
Under a sky that’s clear
Swinging along, the open road
In the fall of the year
Swinging along, swinging along,
Swinging along the open road
All in the fall of the year
(high part) Swinging along the open road
Swinging along under a sky that’s clear
Swinging along the open road
All in the fall, in the fall of the year
Swinging along, swinging along
Swinging along the open road
All the in the fall of the year
Take Me Back
Take me back to the happy land
Where the cotton candy grows
Where the little marshmallows grow on the ground
And the lollipops grow on the ground
What? The lollipops grow on the ground?
Yes, the lollipops grow on the ground!
Day is done, gone the sun
From the lakes, from the hills, from the sky
All is well, safely rest
And good-night
Tarzan, swinging on a rubberband
Tarzan, fell into a frying pan
Ooh, that hurt
Now Tarzan has a tan
Jane, cruisin’ in her jet plane
Jane, crashed into a traffic lane
Ooh, that hurt
Now, Jane has a pain,
Now Tarzan has a tan
(a repeat song, to the tune of Tongo)
Tennessee Wiggle Walk
I’m a bowlegged chicken, I’m a knock-kneed hen
Haven’t been so happy since I don’t know when
I walk with a wiggle and a giggle and a squawk
Doin’ the Tennesse Wiggle Walk
Put your heels together and your knees apart
Snap your fingers, ready and start
Flap your elbows just for luck
And you wiggle and you waddle like a baby duck
Come dance with me, Baby, keep your toes in time
Haven’t been so happy in a long, long time
I walk with a wiggle and a giggle and a squawk
Doin’ the Tennessee Wiggle Walk
Doin’ the Tennessee Wiggle Walk
Thank You Mother Earth
Thank you Mother Earth
Thank you sister water
Thank you for our births
Thank you from your daughters
Thank You My Friend
Thank you my friend
For sharing with me
Your love and your warmth
I’m grateful you see
For all of your wealth
I never could find
Best wishes in life
Are born in the mind
They grow ‘til they light
N some one in time
And I’ve been made warm
For friendship is mine
For friendship is mine
This Land is Your Land
*This land is your land, this land is my land,
From California, to the New York Island
From the Redwood forest, to the Gulf Stream waters
This land was made for you and me*
As I was walking that ribbon of highway
I saw above me, that endless skyway
I saw below me, that golden valley
This land was made for you and me *
(descant over chorus)
This land is your land, this land is my land
This land goes from the river to he sea
I’m singin’ this land is your land, this land is my land
This land was made for you and me!
Third Fence Post
I’ve been sitting here thinking about leaving
When I wanted to stay the most
So I went outside and left a piece of my heart
Buried ‘neath the third fence post
*So when tomorrow morning comes I’ll be smiling
Though I might be a little down
Though my body’s leaving, I’ll still be around*
I was sitting here thinking about smiling
And the warmth and the love that you give
So I went inside your little house
And felt glad this is how you live *
I’ve been sitting here thinking about flowers and sunshine
And the happiness of being alive
Which means I’m thinking of you and the waters and the
And the plenty of warm open skies *
Though my body’s leaving, I’ll still be around
*Today while the blossoms still cling to the vine
I’ll taste your strawberries, I’ll drink your sweet wine
A million tomorrows will all pass away
Ere I forget all the joys that are mine today*
I’ll be a dandy and I’ll be a rover
You’ll know who I am by the song that I sing
I’ll feast at your table, and sleep in your clover
Who knows what tomorrow shall bring *
I can’t be contented by yesterday’s glories
I can’t live on promises winter to spring
For now is my moment, today is my story
I’ll laugh and I’ll cry and I’ll sing *
Tomorrow Today
Haven’t known each other long for time has just begun
I’m discovering you and you’re discovering me
And, I like what I see
I see two people laughing and sharing
And giving up their time
Risking their love, their pride their own
But becoming much more whole inside *
*And when I think of you my heart sings with joy
And laughter fills my mind
You’re the smile in my heart I’ve got a running start
On the road to happiness
One thing’s for certain: I’ll remember you
My time with you will never end my friend
For I’ve got you now as well as yesterday
I promise you a piece of my tomorrow today
Tomorrow today*
You see yourself I ask nothing else I love true honesty
I’ll give you room to grow so that you’re able to know
You’re special to me
And when I see you change I won’t rearrange
Your life to be like mine
You’re one of a kind and like fruit on the vine
You’ve opened up the world for me *
I’m so proud to have you as my friend
And I’m so thankful that you’ve chosen me
Chosen me
And when it’s time to leave there will be a tear
But it’s one of gratefulness
I’ll be singing with joy that you’ve opened the door
And opened me
And some people say that our time is short
And all good things must end
But that isn’t true because I’m giving to you
A piece of my tomorrow too *
Jimminey bayo bayo
Upi upi upi-yo
Ooh, ollay
Mali-pa, mali-way
Mali-pa, mali-way
(a repeat song)
Tony Chestnut
Tony Chestnut,
Chest got back from the frong
He shouldered his arms to face defeat
Hip, hip, hooray!
Too Ollay-lay Mao Mao
(echo) Too ollay-lay mao mao
Gee-o lay lay mao mao
Too ollay-lay mao mao
Gee-o lay lay mao mao
(together) Austen gee-lee, gwinzop gwin-zollay
Agua lay-lay mao mao lay mao mao
Too ollay-lay mao mao
Toothbrush Song
1.) Woke up in the morning a quarter to one
Felt like having a little fun *
*I brushed my teeth
Ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch
I brushed my teeth
Ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch*
2.) Woke up in the morning at a quarter to two
Felt like trying something new *
(make up verses)
True Blue Billy
I grew up in the mountains
Up where the snakes have legs,
Where the hoot owls speak in English
And the roosters lay square eggs.
I shaved my beard and moustache,
The morning I was born,
And then I wrestled my old man
And I ate his rye and corn.
*Oh, I’m a truthful fellow,
They call me True Blue Bill
I never told false said “no”
And I bet I never will.
Oh true-oo, blue-oo, Bill-ee*
One day when I was flying
In my aeroplane,
I flew across to Paris
And I started home again.
When I got halfway back over
The gosh darn motor balked
So I let it just right sit up there
And I got right out and walked. *
One day when I was shipwrecked
In Islands in the seas,
I was captured by some cannibals
And tied up to the trees.
Oh they danced and beat their tom-toms
(Do-do do do do, beat chest)
And it got rather rough,
But they said I would not make good steak
Cause I was too gosh darn tough.
Oh the father of our country
Could never tell a lie,
And he was my great-uncle soooooo
I ask you why should I?
Oh, True-oo, Blue-oo, Bill-ee
Oh-oh-oh True-oo, Blue-oo, Bill-ee
Tuesday Song
Sunshine dancing on mountain tops
Morning shadows seem to run away
Music echoes from trees and rocks
The whole world smiles ‘cause it’s Tuesday
Doo doo doo, do do do do
Do do do do do do do do do do do
Doo doo doo, do do do do
The whole world smiles ‘cause it’s Tuesday
Turn, Turn, Turn
(Pete Seeger)
*To everything, turn, turn, turn
There is a season, turn, turn, turn
And a time for every purpose under heaven*
A time to be born, a time to die
A time to plant, a time to reap
A time to kill, a time to heal
A time to laugh, a time to weep *
A time to build up, a time to break down
A time to dance, a time to mourn
A time to cast away stones
A time to gather stones together *
A time of love, a time of hate
A time of war, a time of peace
A time you may embrace
A time to refrain from embracing *
A time to gain, a time to lose
A time to rend, a time to sew
A time to love, a time to hate
A time of peace, I swear it’s not too late *
Tzena, Tzena, Tzena, Tzena,
Can’t you hear the music playing
In the village square? (2x)
Tzena, Tzena, join the celebration
There’ll be people there from every nation
Dawn will find us dancing in the sunlight
Dancing in the village square
Under the Full Moonlight
Under the full moonlight
We danced, spirits
Danced we danced joining
Hands we danced joining
Souls, rejoice!
(a round to be started after “moon”)
Us Two
Wherever I am, there’s always Pooh
There’s always Pooh and me
Whatever I do, he wants to do,
“Where are you going today?” says Pooh
“Well, that’s very odd ‘cause I was too.
Let’s go together,” says Pooh, says he.
“Let’s go together,” says Pooh.
“What’s twice eleven?” I said to Pooh
“Twice what?” said Pooh to me
“I think it ought to be twenty-two.”
“Just what I think myself,” said Pooh
“It wasn’t an easy sum to do,
But that’s what it is,” said Pooh, said he.
“That’s what it is,” said Pooh.
“Let’s look for dragons,” I said to Pooh.
“Yes, let’s,” said Pooh to me.
We crossed the river and found a few
“Yes, those are the dragons all right,” said Pooh.
As soon as I saw their beaks I knew
“That’s what they are,” said Pooh, says he.
“That’s what they are,” said Pooh.
“Let’s frighten the dragons,” I said to Pooh.
“That’s right,” said Pooh to me.
“I’m not afraid,” I said to Pooh
And held his paw and I shouted “Shoo!”
Silly old dragonsand off they flew.
“I wasn’t afraid,” said Pooh, said he
“I’m never afraid with you.”
So wherever I am, there’s always Pooh.
There’s always Pooh and me
“What would I do?” I said to Pooh
“If it wasn’t for you,” and Pooh said, “True,
It isn’t much fun for one, but two
Can stick together,” says Pooh, says he,
“That’s how it is,” says Pooh.
Walk With Me
*So walk with me, and talk with me
And say you’ll be my friend
And together we’ll work out harmony
On a road that’ll never end*
1.) Although our paths are different
Just watch as they converge
We’ve got a job to do together
Our songs they must be heard *
2.) Sister’s for the summer
That’s what the children say
But little do they know when we go away
Our friendship will never fade *
3.) So when you’re down I’ll build you up
And when you’re up I’ll laugh with you
And together we’ll find a peace of mind
That only true friends can find *
Watermelon Over My Grave
You can plant a watermelon over my grave
And let the juice slip through
You can plant a watermelon over my grave
And that’s all you have to do
Girl Scout cookies taste so fine,
But there’s nothing like the taste of a watermelon rind…
You can plant a watermelon over my grave
And let the juice slip through
We Come From the Mountain
We come from the mountain (2x)
Go back to the mountain
And turn the world around
We come from the mountain
Go back to the mountain
And turn the world around.
We come from the water (2x)
Go back to the water
And turn the world around
We come from the water
Go back to the water
And turn the world around.
We come from the fire (2x)
Go back to the fire
And turn the world around
We come from the fire
Go back to the fire
And turn the world around.
We come from the sky (2x)
Go back to the sky
And turn the world around
We come from the sky
Go back to the sky
And turn the world around.
We come from Robbinswold (2x)
Go back to Robbinswold
And turn the world around
We come from Robbinswold
Go back to Robbinswold
And turn the world around.
We Welcome You to Robbinswold
We welcome you to Robbinswold
We’re mighty glad you’re here
We’ll sent the air reverberating with a mighty cheer
We’ll sing you in, we’ll sing you out
To you we raise a mighty shout
Hail, Hail, the kids are here
Welcome to Robbinswold!
The Whale Song
Ta hora nui
Ta hora roa
Ta hora te ma no wan a
Ta hora pua pua e
Fe ora pue pue e
Ta hora te moana e moana e
When E’er You Make a Promise
When e’er you make a promise
Consider well its importance
And when made
Engrave it upon your heart
(a round to be started after the first line)
Where Are You Going with the Rain?
1.) Where are you going with the rain?
Little boy I wish that you’d explain
I’m gonna take my friend the rain
Back where she can’t hear anyone explain *
*She won’t hear those straight faced liars,
bad mouthed talkers, mean back fighters
That’s where I’m going with the (wind, rain, your heart)*
2.) Where are you going with the wind?
There’s no place I know where she ain’t been
I’m gonna take my friend the wind
Back where the stars begin *
3.) Where are you going with my heart
Little boy I guess I’m not so smart
I’m gonna take my friend your heart
To the world from breaking apart *
White Coral Bells
White coral bells upon a slender stalk
Lilies of the valley deck my garden walk
Oh, don’t you wish that you could hear them ring
That will happen only when the fairies sing
(a round to be started after “bells”)
White Sands
White sands and gray sands
Who will buy my white sands?
Who will buy my gray sands?
(a round to be started after “gray sands”)
Yawnin’ In the Mornin’
Yawnin’ in the mornin’,
When you hear that whistle blow (Toot! Toot!)
You only got two hours of sleep,
And you wish you had ten more
If you’d only gone to bed
When your unit leader said
You wouldn’t be yawnin’ in the mornin’
Yogi Bear
I know someone you don’t know, Yogi, Yogi
I know someone you don’t know, Yogi, Yogi Bear.
Yogi, Yogi Bear, Yogi, Yogi Bear.
I know someone you don’t know, Yogi, Yogi Bear.
Yogi has a little friend, Boo-Boo, Boo-Boo
Yogi has a little friend, Boo-Boo, Boo-Boo Bear
Boo-Boo, Boo-Boo Bear, Boo-Boo, Boo-Boo Bear
Yogi has a little friend, Boo-Boo, Boo-Boo Bear
Yogi has a girlfriend, too, Cindy, Cindy
Yogi has a girlfriend, too, Cindy, Cindy Bear
Cindy, Cindy Bear, Cindy, Cindy Bear
Yogi has a girlfriend, too, Cindy, Cindy Bear
They all have an enemy, Ranger, Ranger
They all have an enemy, Ranger, Ranger Rick
Ranger, Ranger Rick, Ranger, Ranger Rick
They all have an enemy, Ranger, Ranger Rick
They all live in Jellystone, Jelly, Jelly
They all live in Jellystone, Jelly, Jellystone
Jelly, Jellystone, Jelly, Jellystone
They all live in Jellystone, Jelly, Jellystone
You Are My Sunshine
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You’ll never know dear how much I love you
Please don’t take my sunshine away
Zippity Do Da
Zippity do da, zippity a
My, oh my, what a wonderful day
Plenty of sunshine heading my way
Zippity do da, zippity a