Professional Learning Documentation Guidelines for Administrators
Licensure Renewal Background
The Nevada Department of Education (NDE) approved changes to the educator license renewal
requirements effective July 1, 2019. A summary of these changes can be viewed on the Educator
Brochure provided by NDE. These new requirements will require professional learning for licensure renewal
which is not typically recorded in the Enterprise Learning Management System (ELMS) to be documented
for educators.
Required Nevada Standards for Professional Development
For professional learning hours to count toward license renewal, the development, implementation and
evaluation of the professional learning must incorporate the Nevada Standards for Professional
Development. For a list of these standards, please view the NV Standards for Professional Development
Document Completed for Site-Specific Professional Learning
It is the responsibility of the site-based administrator to provide sign-in sheets when providing professional
learning to staff and maintain accurate records for completion of professional learning each semester.
Recommended procedures:
Attendance at all site-based professional learning must be tracked using sign-in sheets. These
sign-in sheets will remain on file with the school or department offering the professional learning.
Ensure the sign-in sheet includes the session title, professional learning coordinator, location name,
date, and start and end time. Each professional learning should have a separate sign-in sheet.
At the end of each semester, the site-based administrator will issue a PDF certificate to each
educator who completes professional learning hours at the site with the total number of hours for
the semester. 
Recurring professional learning, such as Site-Based Collaboration Time (SBCT), can be combined
on one certificate which is issued to educators at the end of each semester.
A separate certificate can be provided for professional learning, which is only offered once.
License renewal requirements are based on the calendar year, not the school year. This
necessitates providing certificates at the end of each semester.
Certificates should only be provided for professional learning occurring after July 1, 2019, that is
not recorded in the ELMS.
Educators should be encouraged to upload certificates to the NDE online tracking system, OPAL,
upon receipt to avoid the need to reissue lost certificates.
A fillable PDF certificate (CCF-47) can be downloaded and used to document site-specific professional
learning that is not recorded in ELMS. This certificate will also be available for download from the CCSD
Graphics website. A completed sample certificate can be viewed here.
Records Retention
It is highly recommended that supervisors retain all sign-in sheets, along with an agenda for each
professional learning offered for historical purposes, for a minimum of six years.