BlackBerry AtHoc
Create and Publish Alerts
Create and publish alerts.................................................................................. 7
Publish an alert from an existing alert template................................................8
Publish a blank alert......................................................................................... 9
Publish a geofence alert................................................................................. 10
Search for an alert.......................................................................................... 11
Filter the alert list................................................................................................................................................. 11
Sort the alert list...................................................................................................................................................12
View a quick summary of an alert...................................................................13
Viewthe details of asent alert....................................................................... 14
Users tab...............................................................................................................................................................14
Organizations tab................................................................................................................................................. 15
Mass Devices tab.................................................................................................................................................15
Advanced Reports button....................................................................................................................................15
Details tab............................................................................................................................................................. 15
Change the number of alerts listed on the SentAlerts screen......................... 16
Edit an alert.................................................................................................... 17
Define alert template details........................................................................... 18
Writing effective alert messages.....................................................................19
Define content for an alert or alert template................................................... 21
Configure a call bridge for a response option...................................................................................................22
Add a bilingual alert.............................................................................................................................................22
Select analert or event location.........................................................................................................................23
View multiple information layers on a map............................................................................................24
Add attachments.................................................................................................................................................. 25
Enable geofence targeting...................................................................................................................................26
Add an attachment using Dropbox.....................................................................................................................26
Configure a response option as a user attribute..............................................28
Target users....................................................................................................30
Targeting basics...................................................................................................................................................30
Define fill counts and escalation........................................................................................................................ 30
Target groups in alerts or alert templates.........................................................................................................32
Block groups and distributionlists from receiving an alert..............................................................................32
Target individual users........................................................................................................................................ 33
Target dependents............................................................................................................................................... 33
Target subscribed users......................................................................................................................................33
Block a user from receiving an alert.................................................................................................................. 34
Target or block users by advanced query..........................................................................................................34
Target or block users with the User Last Updated Source attribute................................................................35
Target users by role.............................................................................................................................................35
Target users by location......................................................................................................................................36
Review the targeting summary........................................................................................................................... 36
Select personal devices for an alert or alert template......................................................................................37
Specify personal device options for analert or alert template.............................................................38
Preview a desktop alert template............................................................................................................43
Select the device delivery preference.................................................................................................................44
Target AtHoc Connect organizations.............................................................. 45
Select and configure mass devices for an alert or alert template.....................46
Review an alert............................................................................................... 47
Test an alert................................................................................................... 48
Set an alert todraftmode...............................................................................49
Publish a draft alert........................................................................................ 50
Quick publish an alert..................................................................................... 51
Resend an alert...............................................................................................52
Track alerts with advanced reports................................................................. 53
View advanced reports........................................................................................................................................ 53
Advanced reporttypes.........................................................................................................................................53
View alert lifecycle results.................................................................................................................................. 54
Alert partial batch recovery......................................................................................................................55
Export alert tracking reports............................................................................................................................... 56
Message termination...................................................................................... 57
Disable message termination..............................................................................................................................58
Redundant message stop................................................................................59
Message consolidation................................................................................... 60
End an alert.....................................................................................................61
Export analert as a PDF................................................................................. 62
Export sent alerts............................................................................................63
Delete an alert.................................................................................................64
Duplicate an alert............................................................................................65
Hosted SMS text messaging tracking codes................................................... 66
Pager carrier IDs and names...........................................................................67
Phone number validation................................................................................ 72
Areas of the system that validate phone numbers...........................................................................................72
Validation rules.....................................................................................................................................................72
Best practices.......................................................................................................................................................73
Email format validation................................................................................... 74
Email address syntax...........................................................................................................................................74
Local-part................................................................................................................................................... 74
Valid email address examples............................................................................................................................ 74
Invalid email address examples......................................................................................................................... 75
BlackBerry AtHoc Customer Support Portal.................................................... 76
Documentation feedback.................................................................................77
Legal notice.................................................................................................... 78
Create and publish alerts
Alerts are communications sent to your organization, to mobile users, or to outside organizations. A BlackBerry
AtHoc operator creates alerts and targets users, distribution lists, mobile users, and organizations through IPAWS
or AtHoc Connect. Operators publish alerts from the alerts menu in the BlackBerry AtHoc management system or
from the mobile app.
Incoming alerts are alerts received from mobile users, outside organizations, or IPAWS.
View the following quick action guides for simple steps to complete key tasks.
View all Quick Action Guides
Create and publish analert
Send an alert with fill count
Send an alert with escalation
End a sent alert
View alerts in the Inbox
Create an alert template
Organize your alert templates
|Create and publish alerts|7
Publish an alert from an existing alert template
Important: Before you create and publish a new alert, go to the BlackBerry AtHoc home page and check the
list of all alerts that are currently live, scheduled, and recurring in the system. This will help you avoid creating a
duplicate alert.
1. Log in to the BlackBerry AtHoc management system as an operator with alert publishing permissions.
2. In the navigation bar, click Alerts > New Alert.
3. On the Select from Alert Templates screen,hover your cursor over an alert template nameto view details
about analert template.
4. Do one of the following:
Quick Publish: In the Ready to Publish column, click Publish... beside an alert template.
Modify and publish:To modify the contents of any alert template, click Edit . Click Review and
Publish.Review the content of the alert template, then click Publish.
See Define alert template details, Define content for an alert or alert template and Target users for detailed
instructions on how to fill in the content and target users.
|Publish an alert from an existing alert template|8
Publish a blank alert
Important: Before you create and publish a new alert, go to the BlackBerry AtHoc home page and check the
list of all alerts that are currently live, scheduled, and recurring in the system. This will help you avoid creating a
duplicate alert.
If you have operator permissions, you can create a new alert without any predefined content or targeted users.
1. In the navigation bar, click Alerts > New Alert.
2. On the Select from Alert Templates screen, click Create a Blank Alert.
3. Define alert template details.
4. Define content for an alert or alert template.
5. Target users.
6. Click Review and Publish.
7. On the Review and Publish screen, review the content of the alert.
8. Click Publish.
|Publish a blank alert|9
Publish a geofence alert
Geofence targeting enables operators to target users who are part of a defined geo perimeter on the map. When
geofence targeting is enabled, BlackBerry AtHoc looks for updates made to users' locations that match the geo
perimeter selected in the alert. BlackBerry AtHoc sends an alert to users who are added to the targeted users for
the alert.
User locations are updated whena user manually updates their address, performs a check-in on the mobile app,
or when their location is updated by scheduled location access to the location defined in the geofence alert.
Geofence alerts are not limited to location-based targeting. Geofence alerts can also include other targeting
methods such as targeting by user, by groups, or by advanced query. If there are updates made to users that
match the targeting criteria in the geofence alert for other conditions except location, the new user still receives
the alert.
In the alert summary, or in alert reports, there is no distinction between users targeted initially and new users who
receive the alert when they enter the geo perimeter.
If you enable fill count, geofence targeting is disabled and cannot be enabled.
If you enable geofence targeting, fill count is disabled and cannot be enabled.
Operator and distribution list user base restrictions apply for alerts that use geofence targeting. If a user enters
the defined alert perimeter, and that user is outside the operator's user base, that user is not targeted.
If geofence targeting is enabled, and the Users in the defined location option in theTarget Users section of
the alert isthendeselected, the Enable Geofence Targeting option is automatically deselected and disabled.
If you then reselect the Users in the defined location option, the Enable Geofence Targeting option is not
automatically selected. To enable geofence targeting, you must select the Enable Geofence Targeting option
in the Location section again.
For more information, see Enable geofence targeting.
|Publish a geofence alert|10
Search for an alert
The alert search engine matches any set of letters or numbers anywhere in an alert title, folder name, or publisher
name and is not case-sensitive.
Wildcards are not supported in searches.
1. In the navigation bar, click Alerts > Sent Alerts.
2. In the search field, type or paste a word or phrase found in the alert title.
3. Optionally, filter the alert list or sort the alert list.
4. Click Search.
Filter the alert list
You can filter the alert list by any combination of the following attributes: title, status, folder, start time, and
1. In the navigation bar, click Alerts > Sent Alerts.
2. Click Advanced to open the advanced filtering options.
3. Optionally, in the Severity drop-down list, select the severity you want to use as a filter: High, Moderate, Low,
Informational, or Unknown.
4. Optionally, in the Type drop-down list, select the type of alert you want to use as a filter. The options displayed
in the list are configurable and vary depending on the setup of your organization.
5. Optionally, in the Status drop-down list, select the status you want to use as a filter. The following options
appear in the list: Select All, Ended, Draft, Scheduled, Live. You can select multiple status values.
6. Optionally, in the Publisher drop-down list, select the name of the alert publisher you want to use as a filter.
7. Optionally, in the Folder drop-down list, select the name of a folder to limit the search to only alerts within that
8. Optionally, in the Start Date and to fields, select the beginning and end dates of the date range that you want to
use as a filter. The alert list then displays only those alerts that have a start date that falls within the range you
9. Click Search.The alert list displays all alerts that match the filter criteria.
Remove filters from the alert list
After you have filtered the alert list, you can do any of the following to filters:
To remove all filters and return to the default alert list, click Clear all below the Search button.
To remove a Severity filter, select the Select All option in the Severity drop-down list then deselect it to remove
all selected options.
To remove a Type filter, select the Select All option in the Type drop-down list then deselect it to remove all
selected options.
To remove a Status filter, select the Select All option in the Status drop-down list then deselect it to remove all
selected options.
To remove a Publisher filter, select the Any Publisher option in the Publisher drop-down list then deselect it to
remove all selected options.
To remove a Folder filter, select the All Folders option in the Folder drop-down list then deselect it to remove
all selected options.
To remove a Date filter, highlight the date in the field, then press Delete.
|Search for an alert|11
Sort the alert list
1. In the navigation bar, click Alerts > Sent Alerts.
2. Click the column heading that you want to sort by.The alerts display in descending order of the values in the
selected column.
3. Optionally, click the same column header again to sort in the opposite direction.
|Search for an alert|12
View a quick summary of an alert
The Sent Alert screen provides the following information about sent alerts:
Alert title
Status: Ended, Live, or Scheduled
Start time
Publisher: The operator who published the alert.
Targeted: The number of targeted users for the alert.
Sent: The number of users the alert was sent to.
Responded: The number of users who responded to the alert.
1. In the navigation bar, click Alerts > Sent Alerts.
2. On the Sent Alerts screen, use the search field or scroll down to locate the alert that you want to view. You can
also click a column header to sort the sent alerts list.
3. Hover your cursor over the title of the alert. A tooltip is displayed, providing the following information:
Alert Title
Time Left:This field appears only if the alert has a Live status.
Response Options:If the alert has a Scheduled or Draft status, the response options appear by themselves.
If the status is either Live or Ended, each response option is followed by a number that indicates how many
respondents have chosen that option.
4. Click anywhere in an alert line to open the Users screen for the alert. The Users screen provides information
about the targeted users and response details for the alert. The Sent Details section displays the number of
targeted users. The Response Details section displays the number of users with each status. If dependents are
enabled for your organization and in the alert template, the number of users displayed in the tool tip includes
the number of sponsors and dependents.
5. Click the Details tab to view details of the content of the alert, including response options, severity,
type,location, alert time and targeted users.
If attachments are included in the alert, they are displayed.Click the attachment to open a preview window. In
the preview window, click Download to download the attachment.
The details screen is identical for both Live and Ended alerts except that the Scheduled section of a Live alert
is editable, allowing you to change the end time.
If the alert has a status of Draft or Scheduled, you can edit the details of the alert.
If the alert has a status of Live, you can end the alert. You can edit the end time of the alertif there are
fiveor moreminutesremaining before the alert end time.
If the alert has a status of Ended, you cannot edit it.
|View a quick summary of an alert|13
Viewthe details of asent alert
After you click the Publish button to send an alert, you can click the Alert Summary button at the bottom of the
Review andPublish screen.
The Alert Summary screen lists the current status of the alert: Live or Ended. For live alerts, the information on the
page updates automatically every minute. Click to update the screen manually.
If you are not on the Review and Publish screen, you can view the alert summary for any live or ended alert from
the Sent Alerts screen.
1. In the navigation bar, click Alerts > Sent Alerts.
2. On the Sent Alerts screen, use the search field or scroll down to locate the alert you want to view.
3. Click anywhere in an alert line to open the details screen for the alert.
TheAlert Summaryscreen contains Details and Userstabs.When applicable, tabs for organizations and mass
devices are displayed.
If the alert is live, there is an End Alert button that you can use to end the alert immediately.
Users tab
The Users tab provides statistics on the number of users who were targeted by the alert and the kinds of
responses that were recorded from users who received the alert.
The Sent Details section contains statistics on the number of users targeted by the alert, the number of users the
alert was sent to, and the number of users the system is still trying to contact, or the system failed to contact. For
each of these options, a menu next to the number contains the following options:
Export Delivery Summary (CSV): Click this option to create an exportable .csv file that contains the names
of all users belonging to the category you clicked: Targeted, Sent , or In Progress or Failed.Where applicable,
the .csv file also contains the alert sent time, responded time, user response, and error time recorded for each
user in the list.
Tip: To view phone error codes, see "Unified telephony tracking codes" in the BlackBerry AtHoc Manage Alert
Tracking and Reporting Guide.
Send alert to these users: Click this option to open a duplicate of the original alert that you can modify and
send out again. For the "In Progress or Failed" category, this option is a quick way of adding more personal
devices and delivery methods to the alert to try to contact alert targets who were unaware of or unable to
respond to the original alert.
User List:Click this option to open a User Tracking Report. The report opens in a new browser window.
The Response Details section of the Users tab displays the possible alert response options, each assigned a
different color. The total number of alert recipients who have selected that option is displayed beside each option.
This information is also represented in a pie chart.Hover over the pie chart to display a tool tip that shows the
number of users in each category.If dependents are enabled for your organization and in the alert template, the
number of sponsors and dependents is displayed.
The menu next to each response number contains the following options:
Export Delivery Summary (CSV) :Click this option to create an exportable .csv file containing the names of all
recipients who chose the corresponding response option.Where applicable, the .csv file also contains the alert
sent time, responded time, user response, and work related details for each recipient.
Send Alert to These Users: Click this option to open a duplicate of the original alert that you can modify and
send out again. For the "Not Responded" category, this option is a quick way of adding more personal devices
and delivery methods to the alert to try to contact alert targets who were unaware of or unable to respond to
|Viewthe details of asent alert|14
the original alert. For other options, it is a way to provide specific additional instructions to a highly targeted
User List:Click this option to open a User Tracking Report. The report opens in a new browser window.
Organizations tab
The Organizations tab provides statistics on the number of organizations that were targeted by the alert and the
types of responses that were recorded from those organizations.
Each list on the Organizations tab contains an Export Delivery Summary option. There is no option to resend the
alert to the selected organizations.
Mass Devices tab
Note: Mass devices are not available for non-English alert templates.
The Mass Devices Targeted tab provides statistics on the number of mass devices that were targeted by the
alert and the responses that were received from the devices. Because mass devices broadcast alerts rather than
sending them to specific people or organizations, tracking mass device responses involves noting whether a
delivered alert was accepted or not. The two response options used for mass devices are Responded, meaning
the device broadcast the alert, and Not Responded, which means the device did not broadcast the alert.
The drop-down lists in the Targeted, Sent, and InProgress or Failed sections contain only an Export Delivery
Summary option, which creates a downloadable .csv file that lists the mass devices that were targeted, that were
sent the alert, or that did not or could not receive the alert. There is no option to resend the alert.
Advanced Reports button
The Advanced Reports button takes you to the Report screen, where you can view a range of different reports. For
more information, see View advanced reports.
Note: Unlike the Report Summary screen, the Advanced Reports screen is not localized. The screen appears in
U.S. English for all BlackBerry AtHoc users, regardless of their default system or organization locale.
Details tab
The Details tab displays all fields that were included in the alert.
The Total Users field in the Target Users section displays the total number of users targeted in the alert. Click the
number to open a Users screen that displays the names and user details of each of the targeted users.The Target
Users section also displays the Fill Count, if enabled, response options, targeted personal devices, and the device
delivery preference (System defined, Organization defined, or User preferred.)
If attachments were included in the alert, you can click the image of the attachment to view or download it.
For live alerts, you can change the alert end time in the Alert Timing section of the Schedule section if there are
five or more minutes remaining before the alert end time.
|Viewthe details of asent alert|15
Change the number of alerts listed on the SentAlerts
To make it easier to locate alerts on the Sent Alerts screen, you can change the number of alerts that appear on
each page.
1. In the navigation bar, click Alerts > Sent Alerts.
2. Scroll to the bottom of the alert list.
3. Click the list that appears next to the phrase items per page.
4. Select the number of alerts you want to display per page.
The screen refreshes and displays the total number of results you specified.
|Change the number of alerts listed on the SentAlerts screen|16
Edit an alert
The amount of editing that you can do to an alert depends on its current status:
If the alert has a Draft or Scheduled status, you can edit any of the details.
If the alert has a Live status, you can edit the end time for the alert if there are five or more minutes remaining
before the alert end time.
If the alert has an Ended status, you cannot make any changes to it.
1. In the navigation bar, click Alerts > Sent Alerts.
2. Use the search field or scroll down in the alerts table to locate the alert you want to edit.
3. Select the check box next to the alert name.
4. At the top of the screen, click the More Actions > Edit.
5. Make any changes you want to the unlocked fields.
6. Click Save.
|Edit an alert|17
Define alert template details
The Alert Template section is used to establish the identifying characteristics of the alert template in the system.
1. In the navigation bar, click Alerts > Alert Templates.
2. Click New.
3. On the New Alert Template screen, in the Name field of the Alert Template section, enter a name and
description for the alert template.The name and description display in BlackBerry AtHoc only; they are not
displayed to end users. The name and description should make it easyto help publishers identify the alert
template. For example, Tornado Warning.
4. In the Description field, provide details about the alert template purpose or content. For example, “Send out
when there has been a tornado sighted within 5 miles of the facility.” This description is not seen by end users.
It is only visible within the application.
5. In the Folder field, select the alert folder that you want to add the alert template to.
6. Optionally, select Available for quick publish if you want to make the new alert template available through all
quick publish links in the application.
7. Optionally, select Available for mobile publishing if you want to make the new alert template available for
publishing from the mobile app.
8. When you are done, configure the Content section.
|Define alert template details|18
Writing effective alert messages
Use the following hints and best practices to publish successful alerts.
Content and message
Keep the title and body brief and simple.
If the alert is an Exercise or Test, clearly put the text “Exercise” or “Test” in the title and message. This practice
ensures that everyone responds appropriately and no one mistakenly takes your exercise message for a real-
world event.
Use the five W’s: who, what, when, where, why, and how if needed.
If you use acronyms or unique words, remember that text-to-speech may mispronounce your message or
make it hard to understand. Add spaces or periods after each letter of the acronym.
If you include a phone number, remember that the text-to-speech reads the number in this order: nation
number, regional number, telephone exchange number, subscriber number, and extension number. Phone
numbers are read digit by digit. If you include a regional number (area code) in parentheses, text to speech will
not read the number correctly.For example: (xxx)-xxx-xxxx. To ensure that text to speech reads the regional
number correctly, use one of the following formats:
xxx xxx xxxx
The following table lists supported phone number formats:
Example phone number Text to speech expansion
1 800 123 4567 one, eight hundred, one two three, four five six seven
01.1234.5678 zero one, one two three four, five six seven eight
01.1234.5678 Ext. 15 zero one, one two three four, five six seven eight,
extension one five
Call me at 123-4567 Call me at one two three, four five six seven
Placeholders can be very useful when using alert templates. Don’t forget to select the values if they are
Use the More info link to add a web page or Dropbox attachment URL.
Include response options. They are a powerful tool to see who has responded to your alert and can provide
valuable accountability information from your users.
Devices and coverage
Use the devices that will most likely reach your users at the time of the alert.
Target your Connect organizations if you want them to receive your alert.
When sending a desktop pop-up, ensure that you choose the template and audio that best corresponds to your
The Phone is the only device that you can establish a delivery order for. When selecting multiple telephony
devices, prioritize the devices your recipients are most likely to use.
|Writing effective alert messages|19
Use the device options to ensure your message is effectively communicated. For example, some devices have
shorter message requirements. Or, a message that goes to the phones of individuals might be different than a
message that goes to the general public over a loudspeaker.
Use the options for (SMS) text messages to shorten the content to 160 characters or less. If you exceed the
160 characters allocated for the title, body, and response options, your message may be broken into several
When you use Twitter, use discretion because the message appears on social media, outside of your user
Publishing schedule
Alerts can be scheduled to be published at a later date and time.
Set the ‘live’ time for the time you want your users to be able to respond to your alert. You can estimate how
long that they will receive the message and respond if they are away from their devices.
Review and publish
If you have time, always test your messages before sending.
Use Alert Folders (formerly called Channels) to organize your alerts.
Use spell checking for your Title and Content before publishing.
Verify in the Targeting Summary that the correct individuals are receiving your alert.
|Writing effective alert messages|20
Define content for an alert or alert template
The Content section is used to define the key parts of an alert or alert template in the system:title, body, type,
response options, website links, locations, and attachments.
1. To create an alert or alert template in a language other than the default language displayed on the screen,
click the button besidethe Type field and select a language. Thisdoes not change the language displayed on
the screen. Instead, it changes the language that the message is delivered in. If text-to-speech is enabled, the
audio portion of the sent alert will be in the language you selected.
2. In the Severity field, select a severity level from the list.
Important: High severity is reserved for extreme emergencies. On the mobile app, it overrides the device
sound settings to play any sounds associated with the alert or alert template.
3. In the Title field, enter a one-line summary that communicates the purpose of the alert or alert template. The
maximum number of characters is 100. The title is required and displays at the top of the recipients' screen
when the alert is sent out.
Optionally, to insert a placeholder into the alert or alert template title, click and select the placeholder from
the list.
5. In the Body field, enter up to 4000 characters of text that communicate why the alert has been sent and
provide instructions to the target audience.For more details on what to include in the Body field, see Writing
effective alert messages.
6. In the Type field, select the type that fits with the alert or alert template you are creating.
7. In the Response Options field, do one of the following:
Click Custom Response Options to view and select from a list of pre-set responses.
Click Add Response Option to define one or more responses that alert recipients can send to let you know
that they have received the message. To add a call bridge to a response option, see Configure a call bridge
for a response option.
Note: Targeted users incountries that have a provisioned SMS country code can respond to SMS alerts.
Users in countries that do not have a provisioned country code cannot respond to SMS alerts.
8. Optionally, in the Add Bilingual section, click Add.
a. On the Translation Language dialog, click Change Language.
b. Select a language fromthe Select Language pull-down menu.The Title, Body, and Response Options are
displayed in the original language on the left and in the selected language on the right.
Note: A response option is required.
c. Review the translated text and make any necessary edits.
d. Click Apply.
For more information, see Add a bilingual alert.
9. Optionally, in the More Info Link field, enter one of the following:
A URL that opens a webpagewhere users can get more details about the alert. When users receive the alert,
a For more info link in it will take them to the webpage.
A URLthat opens an attachment (media or documents) stored on Dropbox. For details on how to store an
attachment on Dropbox, see Add an attachment using Dropbox.
Note: To include the URL in SMS alerts, the SMS alert template must contain a [TargetUrl] placeholder. For
more information, see "Configure the hosted gateway for cloud services" in the BlackBerry AtHoc System Settings
and Configuration guide.
10.If you entered a URL in the previous step, click Test URL to verify that the link works correctly.
|Define content for an alert or alert template|21
11.Optionally, in the Location section, click Add to access a map where you can select a geographic area for the
alert or alert template.For more information, see Select analert or event location.This location can also be
used to target users by location. For more information, see Target users by location.
12.Optionally,in the Location section, if you have selected a location, select Enable Geofence Targeting to target
users who enter the location after the alert is sent. For more information, see Enable geofence targeting.
13.Optionally, in the Attachments section, drag and drop or click Browse to select files to include as attachments
in the alert. For more information, see Add attachments.
14.Configure the Target users section.
Configure a call bridge for a response option
A call bridge is a type of alert response option for telephony devices consisting of a text response accompanied
by either a phone number or a URL address. If you set up a Call Bridge phone option, end users must type the full
phone number plus the passcode (if required) preceded by an ‘x’ delimiter: for example, (321)987-6543x98127.
1. In the Response Options section, select the Call Bridge option beside a response option.
2. In the Call Bridge # field,enter the conference call number.
3. In the Pass Code field,enter the pass code users will use to dial in to the conference call. To add pauses
before or in the middle of the code (for the operator to speak), add a comma for each second of pause time.
4. Optionally, in the Conference URL field, enter a call bridge URL. The URL address must begin with one of the
http:// – for standard webaddresses
https:// – for secured web addresses
sip:// – for conference device addresses
Add a bilingual alert
Operators can send an alert in two languages. The Bilingual Alert feature enables operators to send an alert in
both an original language, and in a second language. Users can then choose a preferred language to receive alerts
The Bilingual Alerts feature does not support the following types of alerts:
Connect rules
Mobile events
BlackBerry Feed Service (BFS)
Before you begin:
The IsBilingualAlertSupported feature must be enabled by a System Administrator in Settings > System Setup
> Feature Enablement for the super enterprise, enterprise, or suborganization.
The Add Bilingual option must be enabled in the alert template in Alert Template Settings > Content.
1. In the Content section of an alert, in the Add Bilingual field, click Add.
2. On the Translation Language dialog, click Change Language.
3. Select a language fromthe Select Language pull-down menu.The title, body, and response options are
displayed in the original language on the left and in the selected language on the right.
|Define content for an alert or alert template|22
Note: A response option is required.
4. Review the translated text and make any necessary edits.
5. Click Apply.
After you finish: If you make any changesto the alert title, body, or response options,click Edit inthe Add
Bilingual field. On the Translation Language dialog, click Refresh Translation and then click Apply.
Select analert or event location
There are two ways to add locations to an alert or event on the publisher map:
Define custom locations using the drawing tools available on the map.
Select geographic areas from a list of locations that were predefined by a BlackBerry AtHoc administrator.
Users with any geolocation attribute in the selected location are targeted in the alert or event. In addition, any
users with a Last Known Location attribute that was updated within the last 4 hours are also targeted.
1. In the Content section, click Add in the Location section.
The publisher map opens in a new browser tab.
Note: If you have the necessary permissions, you can set the default map area through the Map Settings
2. Optionally, if the location you want to target is not displayed on the current map, enter the address, point of
interest, or longitude/latitude value pair in the search field. Press Enter on your keyboard to refresh the map
3. To use a predefined location on the map as a targeting criteria, click Select Predefined Locations and select
any of the layers that have been created for you. When you select a layer, the map updates automatically to
display the layer location on the screen.
Note: Uploading multiple layers with different sets of predefined locations is recommended to improve
usability and system performance. Map layers are configured on the Map Settings screen. Administrators can
access them at Settings > Basic > Map Settings.
4. Select one or more predefined locations within the layer by clicking them on the map or selecting the check
box next to their names in the drop-down menu.As you make selections, the locations are highlighted on the
5. To create a custom location, click Create Custom Locations to display the drawing tools for creating shapes.
6. In the Create Custom Locations section, click ashape button and click and drag on the screen to cover the
location you want to use in the alert or event.
7. To view the size of a custom location, click the shape on the map. A black box appears next to the Create
Custom Locations section, listing the total area of the custom location in square miles or square kilometers,
depending on which unit of measurement your system uses.
8. To edit a custom location, click the shape and then click and drag on any of the circles that appear around the
edge of the shape.
9. To scale new shapes up and down while preserving their dimensions, complete the following steps:
a. Press and hold the SHIFT key on your keyboard.
b. Click and release the shape to select it.
c. Move your cursor over one of the white squares around the shape.
d. Click and hold on the white box while dragging the mouse to increase or decrease the shape size.
As you create shapes and select predefined locations on the map, the Location Summary field in the bottom-
right corner updates to provide you with an overview of the total number of locations that are displayed on the
map and the locations that will be included in the alert or event.
|Define content for an alert or alert template|23
10.To delete a custom location, in the Location Summary field, click the X beside each location you want to
remove. If you have created more than one custom location, they are combined in the list and cannot be
deleted individually. To delete individual custom locations,click the border of the location shape on the map to
select it, then click to remove it.
11.To see the total number of users and organizations that are located within the selected map locations, click
Calculate next to the Select By Location field.
Important: Users and organizations listed in the Select By Location field are notautomaticallyadded to the
alert or event target list. To add them as targets, you must select the Target Users and Target Organizations
12.Optionally,in the Select by Location section, click Export to export the targeted users.
a. On the Export Options screen, select the columns to export in the left column and click Add.
b. Optionally, use the control buttons on the right to order the selected columns.
c. Click Export PDF or Export CSV.The .pdf or .csv file downloads to your system.
d. Click Cancel to close the Export Options screen.
13.When you are done adding locations and targeting users and organizations, click Apply.
Note: To target users with geofence targeting, see Enable geofence targeting.
View multiple information layers on a map
To enable operators to view multiple layers simultaneously, the Map screen includes a Layers ( ) icon. Selecting
layers from this list adds them to the map for informational purposes: they can be viewed, but not clicked. In
contrast, the Select Predefined Location button (available only on the publisher map) allows operators to select a
location from a single layer at any given time.
1. Open the map.
In the bottom left corner of the screen, click .
3. Select the layers you want to view fromthe ShowLayers panel.
4. Click the check box next to any of the ShowLayers items to see it displayed on the map. The difference
between selecting a predefined location in the Select Predefined Locations drop-down list and doing so in the
Show Layerspanel is that the location is not interactive when selected in the Layers panel. This non-clickable
status is indicated by the use of lighter shading and dotted lines around the edges of the locations, as shown
on the right in the following image:
Note: Custom locations are not listed on the Show Layers panel.
If more than one object exists at or is very close to the same location, click to see the details of the next object.
|Define content for an alert or alert template|24
Change the maptype
To change the map style in an alert or alert template, click in the bottom left corner of the screen and then click
to select the map you want to use. The following options are available:
Bing Road: Microsoft's standard drawing map with streets and major landmarks labeled.
Bing Aerial: Microsoft's standard aerial photograph of the map area.
Imagery:Aerial photograph of the map area.
Imagery with Labels:Aerial photograph of the map area with major landmarks labeled.
Streets:Traditional drawing map with streets and major landmarks labeled.
Topographic:Traditional drawing map with topographical features displayed and streets and major landmarks
Dark Gray Canvas:Dark drawing map with bodies of water and cities labeled. Roads are shown but are not
Light Gray Canvas:Light drawing map with bodies of water and cities labeled. Roads are shown but are not
National Geographic:Traditional drawing map with topographical features displayed and streets and major
landmarks labeled.
Oceans:Traditional drawing map with topographical land features displayed and underwater topography
Terrain with Labels:Traditional drawing map with topographical features displayed and cities and major roads
OpenStreetMap:Traditional drawing map with streets and major landmarks labeled.
Note: OpenStreetMap is provided by OpenStreetMap( All other map types, except for
Bing maps, are provided by ESRI (
Add attachments
If attachments are enabled for your organization and in the alert template, you can include text, audio, and video
files as attachments in your alerts.You can add a maximum of 5 files totaling up to 5 MB.
Important: Always use caution when including attachments in events and alerts. Alerts and events with a large
number of targeted users and attachments will experience a significant delay in the expected delivery time. (The
delivery time is the total time from when the operator sends the alert to when the last targeted user receives the
alert). For example, if an alert with a 5 MB attachment is sent to 20,000 users, the expected delivery time is 2
hours. If additional alerts with attachments are also in the BlackBerry AtHoc system, theexpected delivery time
can increase significantly.
In the Content section of an alert, in the Attachments field, drag and drop files or click Browse.. to select files to
include in the alert.
Users who receive the alert can view the attachments from the BlackBerry AtHoc mobile app, email, or in the Self
Service inbox. Alerts received through the desktop app do not include attachments.
The following file types are supported:
Adobe Acrobat document (.pdf)
Microsoft Word document (.doc, .docx)
Microsoft Excel document (.xls, .xlsx)
Text document (.txt)
Image files (.jpeg, .jpg, .bmp, .png, .gif)
Audio and video files (.mp3, .mp4)
|Define content for an alert or alert template|25
Markup language files (.html, .xml, .kml)
Note: File types that are not supported on all mobile platforms (.wma, .wmv, .mov, .tif, and .tiff) are converted to
universally supported file types (.mp3, .mp4, and .jpeg) when uploaded.
If you export the alert as a .pdf, any included attachments are displayed as images.
Enable geofence targeting
For more information about geofence alerts, see Publish a geofence alert.
Before you begin:
The IsGeoFenceSupported feature must be enabled in Settings > System Setup > Feature Enablement.
At least one predefined or custom perimeter must be selected on the map.
The Location option must be selected on the Content tab of the alert template settings.
The By Location option must be selected on the Target Users tab of the alert template settings.
1. In the Content section of an alert or alert template, in the Location section, click Add to access a map on
which you can select a geographic area for the alert or alert template.
2. On the map, select one or more custom or predefined locations. For more information, see Select analert or
event location.
3. Click Apply.The Users in the defined location option on theBy Locationtab in theTarget Userssection is
selected automatically.
4. In the Location section, select the Enable Geofence Targeting option.
5. In the Target Users section, click By Location.
6. Verify that theUsers in the defined location option is selected.
7. Click Review and Publish. The following message is displayed:You have selected geofence targeting. All users
entering the selected locations will be added to the targeted user base.
Add an attachment using Dropbox
Note: Visibility of the Choose from Dropbox button is controlled by an organization setting so it might not be
active for your organization. If it is active, you must first register with Dropbox and then sign in before you can
attach files.Details on how to register and sign in are presented below.
If you want to include an attachment in an alert, alert template, event, or event template, you can upload media
or documents on Dropbox and then include a link to that attachment within the alert, event, or template you are
creating. To add a link to an attachment stored in Dropbox, complete the following steps:
1. In the Content section of the alert, event, or template, click Choose from Dropbox.
2. Enter your Dropboxusernameandpassword. If you do not have a Dropbox account, click create an account
under the Sign In button to create one.
Note: Although you need to set up an account in order to access Dropbox, you can use the Choose from
Dropbox button to select files stored in the cloud or add files from your local drive without having to install the
full Dropbox application on your computer.
3. Click Upload.
4. Click Choose files.
5. Navigate to the file you want to upload, then click Open.
6. Click Done.
7. Click the filename in your Dropbox homepage, then click the Share link that appears in the same row.
|Define content for an alert or alert template|26
8. Copy the link location that appears in the Link to file field.
9. Paste the link location into the More Info Link field in the Content section of the alert, event, or template you
are creating.
|Define content for an alert or alert template|27
Configure a response option as a user attribute
Response options can be either of the following types:
Custom: Defined during the creation of an alert or alert template. This is the most common type.
Preset: Defined in advance as user attributes. The preset options have a feature that is not available in custom
responses. When a user responds to the alert using a preset option, the response value is copied to their user
record as a user attribute that can later be the subject of a query. The user attribute must be a single-select
picklist, status attribute, or check box type. Use the single-select picklist type when you want to customize
the response options. Use the check box attribute type if you require onlya "Yes" or "No" response. Status
attributes are used primarily as a single-select picklist for accountability events, but are also available as
preset response options.
Note: Single-select picklist, and status attributes can have a maximum of 9 values when used as response
When a user responds to an alert on multiple devices, only the response on the first device updates the alert
summary. A user can update the user attribute from the response options one time for each device that received
the alert. For example, if email is used to update a response option, and more than one email address is targeted,
only the first email addressthe user responds from will update the attribute. Each subsequent response is ignored
in alert reports. The user can update the attribute value by using another device, such as Phone or SMS, each
device can update one time per alert.
If an attribute is used as a response option in an alert, the last response from a single device is the response
that updates the user attribute value. If the attribute needs to be updated again after the alert, the user must
access Self Service to make the update. Additionally, operators and administrators can update the attribute in the
BlackBerry AtHoc management system.
If an attribute is used as a response option in an accountability event, each device can update the event if there
are changes to the user's status. Only a single device can be used to update the status attribute value.
Benefits of using a preset response option
Preset response options created as user attributes are appropriate in the following situations:
As a way to efficiently gather data about users for use later in alert targeting. The response an alert recipient
gives to an alert asking if they have medical training, for example, could be added to each respondent's
personnel record. During a subsequent emergency, the user database could be searched and an alert
immediately sent out to all users whose user attribute value for Medical Training is set to "Yes."
When there is a need to send out multiple versions of the same alert but view the results in a single,
aggregated report. The responses from each version of the alert are added to each respondent's user record.
At any time, operators can generate a single personnel report that shows the aggregate totals for all response
options across the multiple versions of the alert.
In the navigation bar, click .
2. Click Users > User Attributes.
3. On the User Attributes screen, click New > Single-select Picklist.
Note: If you require only a "Yes" or "No" response, select New > Checkbox.
Note: Single-select Picklist attributes can have a maximum of 9 values when used as response options.
4. In the Basic section, in the Name field, enter a name for the attribute.
5. In the Basic section, select Use as a Response Option.
6. For a Single-select Picklist attribute, in the Values section, add the response options for each picklist option.
The recommended number of response options is 3 to 5. Do not use more than 9 response options.
|Configure a response option as a user attribute|28
7. In the Page Layout section, leave all drop-down lists set to Do not show.
8. Optionally, to track the responses:
a. Inthe Personnel Reports section, select the Enabled Yes option.
b. In the Name field, enter the same name you entered in Step 4.
9. Click Save.
The response option user attribute appears in the Response Options section of the alert details screen.
If you selected the Enable check box in Step 8, each time an operator publishes an alert with the response options
you created, the option value each respondent selects is added to their user record. To view a summary of
responses to each option, go to Reports > Personnel Reports and click Summary beside the name you gave the
report in Step 8.A list of attributesand users who have selected the values are listed. A pie chart of the selected
values is displayed.
For the attribute to show as a response option, at least one user must make a selection in the attribute.You may
need to log out and log in to see the new attribute as a response option.
|Configure a response option as a user attribute|29
Target users
Use the Target Users section allows to identify the users you want to send an alert to or block from receiving an
alert. As you create an alert or alert template, users can be identified based on their names, attributes, roles, group
memberships, distribution list memberships, or physical locations.
Targeting basics
The following general targeting information can be used to plan how to target recipients for different types of
User-based targeting provides one or a combination of ways to select users:
By Groups: Target users who belong to one or more groupsselected by the operator.Groups can be
defined as organizations, shared attributes, or distribution lists. For more information, see Target groups
in alerts or alert templates. You can also block groups from receiving the alert. For more information, see
Block groups and distributionlists from receiving a notification.
By Users: Target individual users.You can also target dependents of sponsor users. Operators can also
block specific individuals within a group from receiving the alert. For more information, see Block a user
from receiving a notification.
By Advanced Query: Target users based on standard or user attributes or delivery devices. Select this
option to perform customized targeting for an alert. For more information, see Target or block users by
advanced query.
By Location: Target users based on their geographical location. For more information, see Target by
The administrator can restrict the organizational nodes and distribution lists that each publisher can access. As a
result, a publisher might be able to target only a fraction of the total available organizations and distribution lists.
Use Fill Count to specify a certain number of responses before ending an alert. This option is useful when you
need confirmation that the alert has been received by a certain number of users.
Enable Escalation to control the order in which users are contacted. Use escalation options to control the
delivery order by groups or specific individuals.
You can add a group escalation path based on user attribute values and priority. You can also specify a
sequence that targets individuals, one-by-one, until enough users respond. After the fill count is met, the alert is
Blocking a recipient always takes priority during targeting. If a user is excluded, they will not receive an alert,
even if they belong to a group, organization, geographical area, or distribution list that has been targeted to
receive the alert.
Define fill counts and escalation
Use Fill Count to specify a certain number of responses before ending an alert. This option is useful when you
need confirmation that the alert has been received by a certain number of users. For example, if you need ten
emergency responders to report to an event, you can request this many responses before the alert ends.
Additionally, you can enable Escalation to control the order in which groups or individuals are contacted. For
example, you might want a high priority group of users to be contacted before another group of users. To control
the order, you use an attribute to target groups or users.
Note: Ifdependents are targeted in the alert template, Fill Count is not available. If Fill Count is enabled in the
alert template, dependents cannot be targeted.
|Target users|30
Example: Emergency notification with fill count and escalation
You need to set up an alert template to contact the appropriate teams during a chemical spill. You select a
user attribute named EC_ChemSpill. The values of EC_ChemSpill include Chemical Facility, Supervisors, and
The creation and execution of this hypothetical alert would take place in the following stages:
1. You specify the number of “I can help” responses that must be sent before the alert can end. In this example,
that number is 10.
2. You enable alert escalation by choosing a user attribute with groups that are contacted one at a time until the
fill count is satisfied.
3. You set the sort order from lowest to highest to ensure that if 10 Chemical Facility team members do not
select the "I can help" response option within the time frame, the alert escalates to the Supervisors team.
4. You enter an interval of 6 minutes for each team to respond before the alert escalates to the next team.
5. The first group, the Chemical Facility team, gets the alert immediately.
6. Only seven members respond within the six-minute interval for that part of the alert.
7. The alert then escalates automatically to the next team: the Supervisors.
8. Three members of the Supervisors team respond within the next six-minute interval. The fill count is met so
the alert ends.
9. The Executive team is not contacted because the alert ended before it escalated to them.
The alert template must have the Fill Count setting enabled. See "Manage visibility options for Target Users
fields in an alert template" in the Manage Alert Templates User Guide.
The user attribute that will be used to target groups and users must be created:
It can be any attribute type other than Memo or Geolocation.
(Recommended) For escalations, you should use a single- or multi-select picklist that targets the groups of
users needed to meet the fill count.
Users must have the selected user attribute as part of their profile.
Response options must be defined in the Content section of the alert.
1. In the Target Users section, click Fill Count and Escalation.
2. On the Fill Count and Escalation window,in the Required Response(s) field, enter the number of responses
needed to end the alert. This number can be changed when the alert is actually published.
3. Select a Response Option for the fill count.
4. Optionally, select the Enable Escalation option to define the order in which groups of users are contacted.
5. In the Escalate By list, select any user attribute with a type other than memo or geo location.
The attribute should target the users you want to deliver the alert to. If the attribute is a picklist, ensure that the
sort order is correct.
6. Specify the Escalate Priority method for the escalation or delivery method.
Select Top to Bottom to start with the first value in the attribute list or Bottom to Top to start with the last
value in the list. For example, in planning for a chemical spill, you could select top to bottom to ensure that
HazMat personnel are sent the notification before it is escalated to higher levels of authority.
7. Optionally, to enable controlled delivery, select One User at a Time as a Delivery Method.
8. In the Interval field, specify how much time will be given to a group to respond before the next group or user is
contacted. If the first group does not send enough responses to meet the fill count during the interval, alerts go
out to the next group in the sort order.
9. Click Apply.Your choices are displayed at the top of the Target Users section. These choices can be edited
before publishing.
|Target users|31
10.To view the order users will be alerted in, click the number next to Total Users in the Targeting Summary
section. The list of users is displayed in the order of escalation priority.
11.Publish the alert.
12.Monitor the status of the fill count with the Alert Summary Report. As the users respond, the fill count
Target groups in alerts or alert templates
Using the By Groups tab, publishers can target groups of users based on their memberships in organizational
hierarchical nodes or distribution lists. The alert is sent to users within the selected groups. Users who belong to
multiple targeted groups receive a single alert.
The publisher can also block recipient groups (exclude them from alert delivery.)
The Group target categories displayed are:
Organizational Hierarchy: If your system is set up for them
Distribution Lists: Static and dynamic
Targetable Attributes: Any attributes that have been selected as targeting criteria
Note: The administrator can restrict the contents of these categories for each publisher. For example, a publisher
might have permission to view only one of four organizational hierarchies.
1. In the Target Users section, click By Groups if it is not already selected.
2. In the Groups field, select the check box next to each group or distribution list that you want to target.
If you select a group or distribution list that contains sub groups or sub distribution lists, those are also
automatically selected. Click the check box next to a selected sub group or sub distribution list to name to
deselect it. If you select all sub groups or sub distribution lists manually, the parent group or distribution list is
not selected automatically.
Note: The presence of a black square (or a black hyphen if you are using Google Chrome) in a check box
indicates that some of its sub groups or sub distribution lists are selected and some are not.
Block groups and distributionlists from receiving an alert
You can block groups (organizations or distribution lists)from receiving an alerton the By Groups tab in the
Target Users section .
1. In the Target Users section, click By Groups.
2. In the Groups field, click Block beside each group or distribution list that you want to block.
Note: Even if a top-level group or distribution list is selected for inclusion, you can still block a sub group or
sub distribution list underneath it. Blocking takes precedence over inclusion, so blocked sub groups and sub
distribution lists will not be targeted even if their parent groups or distribution lists are targeted.
When you block a group or distribution list, the Block linkchanges to an Unblock link and a appears
besideits name.
3. To unblock a group or distribution list, click Unblock beside its name.
Note: If you block a group or distribution list that contains sub groups or sub distribution lists, those are also
automatically blocked. To unblock any of the sub groups or sub distribution lists, you must manually unblock
the parent group or distribution list first. If you manually block all sub groups or sub distribution lists, the
parent group or distribution list will not display a blocked icon.
|Target users|32
Target individual users
Use theBy Users tab in the Target Users section to target individual users.
Note: If dependents are enabled for your organization and enabled in the alert template settings, the Target Users
section displays separate tabs for sponsors and dependents.
1. In the Target Users section, click By Users.
2. In the Users field, click Add/Block Users.
3. On the Add/Block Users screen, select the check box next to each user that you want to target in the alert.
Click Blockin the row for any user you want to block from receiving the alert.
Note: If the name of the user does not appear on the screen, enter the name in the search field, and then click
As you select and block users, the total number selected updates automatically at the top of the screen. The
total number of targeted and blocked users appears below the search field.
4. Click Apply.The users you added are displayed in the Users field with a beside their name.Blocked users
appear with a .
Note: To remove a targeted user from the alert recipient list, click beside their name.
5. Optionally, to target dependents, click the Dependents tab and then select Include all dependents of targeted
Target dependents
If dependents are enabled for your organization, you can target them on the Dependents tab inthe Target Users
1. In the Target Users section, click Sponsors.
2. Select one or more sponsor users.
3. In the Target Users section, click Dependents.
4. Select Include all dependents of targeted sponsors.
Target subscribed users
Subscribed users can be targeted in alerts on their subscribed organization when:
The organization subscription feature is enabled
Organizations are enabled for subscription
Users are subscribed to enabled organizations
Subscribed users can be targeted on their subscribed organization using email, SMS, phone, and mobile app
devices and can be targeted using any criteria such as location, groups, or attributes. Targeted devices must be
enabled on both the home and subscribed organizations. When targeting subscribed users by attributes, those
attributes must be enterprise-level attributes.
1. In the Target Users section, click By Advanced Query.
2. Click the Select Attribute list,and then scroll down and click Subscribed Organizations in the Attribute
3. In the Select Operation field, select the equals operator. In the field that appears, select your organization.
|Target users|33
4. Optionally, in the Targeting Summary section, click the number beside the Advanced Query field to view a pop-
up screen that displays the attributes you have selected as targeting criteria for the alert.
Block a user from receiving an alert
You can block (exclude) specific users from receiving an alert. Individual alert settings take precedence over
group settings, so if a user is blocked, they will not receive an alert even if a group they belong to is targeted in the
1. In the Target Users section, click By Users.
2. In the Users field, click Add/Block Users.
3. On the Add/Block Users screen, click Block beside each user you want to block from receiving the alert.
Note: If the user's name does not appear on the screen, enter the name in the search field, then click Search.
When you block a user, the Block link becomes an Unblock link and a appears beside their name.
4. Click Apply.
The Users screen reappears, displaying the names of the users you blocked with besidetheir name.
Target or block users by advanced query
You can perform ad hoc targeting or blocking of users based on general attributes, organization hierarchies,
geolocation, operator attributes, or device types.
1. In the Target Users section, click By Advanced Query.
2. Select the AND/OR operator. When AND is selected, users must meet all conditions to be targeted in the alert.
When OR is selected, users that match any of the search conditions are targeted. The default is AND.
3. Click AddCondition.
4. In the Select Attribute list, select the first attribute, organization hierarchy, geolocation, operator attribute, or
device you want to use as targeting criteria.
5. In the Select Operation field, select the operation that you want to assign to the attribute. To block users who
have specific attributes, select a negative operation such as not equals or does not contain.
Note: The list of operations varies depending on the type of attribute selected.
6. If the operation you selected in Step 5 requires additional query values, a third field appears. Enter or select a
value for the attribute.
Tip: For Multi-select Picklist, Single-select Picklist, and Status type attributes, enter characters in the search
box to filter the list of attribute values. You can enter characters that appear anywhere in the attribute value.
7. Optionally, click Add Condition and then repeat steps 3 through 6 for each additional condition you want to
Note: In order to be included in the target group, users must meet all conditions specified by the condition
The Targeting Summary field at the bottom of the Target Users section updates automatically to display the
total number of users who match the query conditions you have created.
Tip: You can target or block users based on the User Last Updated Source attribute. For more information, see
Target or block users with the User Last Updated Source attribute.
8. Optionally, click the number in the By Advanced Query field in the Targeting Summary to view a screen that
displays the criteria that you created for the advanced query.
|Target users|34
9. Optionally, modify the query conditions as needed to isolate the exact user group that you want to send the
alert to. Click Add Condition to add more conditions. Click beside a condition to remove it.
Target or block users with the User Last Updated Source attribute
Operators can target or block users based on the the source that last updated the users' profiles. The following
table lists the possible sources and the search terms required to target users by source.
Source Search term
Mobile app Check-in
User Tracking - Mobile App
Self Service SelfService
BlackBerry AtHoc Management System ManagementSystem
User Sync Client UserSyncClient
CSV Import UserImport
Targeted Device Alert Tracking -Desktop Popup
Alert Tracking -Email
Alert Tracking -Mobile App
Alert Tracking -Phone
Alert Tracking -Text Messaging
1. In the Target Users section, click By Advanced Query.
2. Select the AND/ORoperator. When AND is selected, users must meet all search conditions to be included
in the search results. When OR is selected, users that match any of the search conditions are included. The
default is AND.
3. Click AddCondition.
4. From the Select Attribute list, select User Last Updated Source.
5. Select an operation from the Select Operation list.
6. In the blank field that appears, enter the source that you want to target users by. The text you enter in this field
must match one of the search terms listed in the table above.You can add more than one source, separated
by a comma. For example, API, UserSyncClient.
Target users by role
1. In the Target Users section, click By Advanced Query.
|Target users|35
2. Optionally, select the AND/OR operator. When AND is selected, users must meet all conditions to be targeted
in the alert. When OR is selected, users that match any of the search conditions are targeted. The default is
3. Click AddCondition.
4. In the Select Attribute list, scroll down to the Operator Attribute section and select Roles.
5. In the Select Operation field, select a query operation.
6. In the third field that appears, select the role or roles that you want to use as search criteria.
Note: Roles associated with features that are not enabled in the organization do not appear. For more
information, see "BlackBerry AtHoc roles"in the BlackBerry AtHoc Manage Operators and Administrators Guide.
The Targeting Summary field at the bottom of the Target Users section updates automatically to display the
total number of users who match the query conditions you have created.
7. Optionally, click the number in the By Advanced Query field to view a pop-up screen that lists the operator
roles you have selected as targeting criteria for the alert.
Target users by location
You can target users based on a geographical location that you select on a map.
Users with any geolocation attribute in the selected location are targeted in the alert or event. In addition, any
users with a Last Known Location attribute that was updated within the last 4 hours are also targeted.
To target users by location, define a location in the Content section of the alert or alert template. For detailed
instructions, see Select analert or event location.
1. In the Content section of an alert or alert template,in the Location section, click Add. The publisher map
2. On the map, select one or more custom or predefined locations. For more information, see Select analert or
event location.
3. Click Apply.The Targeting Summary section updates to display the total number of locations on the map that
will be used to target recipients.
4. Optionally, in the Targeting Summary section, click the number beside By Location to open a map that shows
the targeted locations.
Note: To target users with geofence targeting, see Enable geofence targeting.
Review the targeting summary
TheTargeting Summarysection of the Target Users section displays the total number of groups and users that
have been selected and blocked, and the number of targeted locations and personal devices included in the alert.
As additional groups, users, and devices are added to or removed from the target group, the section updates
Click the numbered links in the Targeting Summary field to open a pop-up screen that provides a list of the users,
devices, or search conditions related to the selected target.
By Groups
The By Groups summary screen lists the organizational hierarchies and distribution lists that are included in the
alert.If a group or distribution list has children that have been blocked, the alert will not go out to users within
those sub groups or sub distribution lists.
|Target users|36
By Groups-Blocked
The Groups-Blocked summary screen lists the organizational hierarchies and distribution lists that have been
excluded from the alert. If all sub groups or sub distribution lists of a parent have been blocked manually, the
parent is not also blocked by default. The parent can only be blocked by manually selecting it for blocking.
By Users
The By Users screen lists the users who have been selected for inclusion in the alert.
By Users-Blocked
The By Users-Blocked screen lists the users who have been blocked from receiving the alert.
By Location
The By Location screen displays a map showing each of the locations that are targeted in the alert. This is the
same map that can be seen in the Location field within the Content section of the new alert template or new alert
By Advanced Query
The By Advanced Query screen lists the search conditions that have been created to identify the target audience
for the alert.
The Personal Devices screen displays a list of the personal devices that will be used to target the alert recipients.
The percentage of alert recipients who can be reached using the device is listed beside each device.
Select personal devices for an alert or alert template
After selecting the users or groups you want to include in the alert or alert template, you must select the personal
and mass devices to use to contact the target group.
1. In the Target Users section, click Select Personal Devices.
A list of available personal devices appears, including the percentage of selected users who can be reached by
each device type.
2. Select the check box beside each personal device you want to include.As you select devices, the pie chart in
the Targeting Summary section updates to show the number of reachable and unreachable users based on
your current selections.
3. Optionally, click the number beside the Total Users field to view a screen that displays the username and
organizational hierarchy for the users in the target group.
4. Optionally, click the numbers in the Reachable Users and Unreachable Users fields to view separate pop-up
screens that provide user details for those groups.
Note: If no users are reachable based on the targeted users and devices you select, the alert template is not
ready for publishing.
|Target users|37
Specify personal device options for analert or alert template
After you select personal devices for an alert or alert template, you can specify options for most of the devices.
1. In the Target Users field, click Select Personal Devices.
2. In the Personal Devices field, select the check boxes next to each of the personal devices you want to use as
targeting methods.
3. Click Options in the top corner of the Personal Devices field.
The Personal Devices Options screen opens, displaying separate tabs and separate options for each device
you selected in Step 2.
4. After selecting options, click Apply.
The following table details the options that are available for the most common device types.
Device Type Options Description
App Template All desktop pop-up alerts display the alert severity
and type, and, if available, a link to the alert
location. BlackBerry AtHoc provides default
templates, one for each severity: High, Moderate,
Low, Informational, and Unknown.
Specify the desktop delivery template, either the
default template or a custom template.
If you choose Use Custom Template, you can pick
from any existing templates.
Best Practice:Click Preview to preview the
custom template.
Important: If your operating system has been
magnified to 150% or higher, reduce the amount of
text in the alert. If the alert exceeds the size of the
alert dialog, the scroll bars might be unavailable.
AppAudio Select whether to use the default or a custom
audio sound. The default audio is predefined by
your organization.
If you choose Use Custom Audio, you can pick
from any existing audio sound.
Best Practice:Click
to preview audio selections.
Desktop Popup
Map Image in Alert Select Enable to include the location set in an alert
template as a map in an alert. Users who receive
the alert can click the image of the map in the alert
to go to an interactive map.
Email Email Template Specify the email template, either the default
template or a custom template. BlackBerry AtHoc
provides default templates for each severity:
High, Moderate, Low, Informational, and Forgot
Note: If you select a custom template and your
email delivery system does not support it, the default
template is used.
|Target users|38
Device Type Options Description
Email Message Content Select Alert Title and Body to use the information
in the alert title and body fields as the email
message content.
Select Custom Text to enter a custom title and
message body as the email message content.
Map Image in Alert Select Enable to include the location set in an alert
template as a map in an alert. Users who receive
the alert can click the image of the map in the alert
to go to an interactive map.
Text Messaging Content Sent Via Text Select Alert Title and Body(Short) to use the first
1250 characters of the alert title and body as the
text message content. The text message content
is truncated at the first space before the 1250th
character. If the content is truncated, the text
message includes a link users can click to view the
complete alert text.This is the default option.
Select Alert Title to use the information in the
alert title as the text message content.
Select Custom Text to enter a custom message as
the text message content.The maximum is 1250
Targeted users within countries that have a
provisioned SMS country code can respond to
SMS alerts. Users within countries that do not
have a provisioned country code cannot respond
to SMS alerts. For more information, including a
list of countries with a provisioned code, refer to
How does AtHoc SMS support sending text messages
to countries abroad? on the BlackBerry AtHoc
customer support site.
Pager Content Select Alert Title and Body to use the information
in the alert title and body fields as the pager
message content.
Select Custom Text to enter a custom message as
the pager message content.
Cisco IPPhone Display Alert Image Select None if you do not want an image to
accompany the alert.
Select Image to select an image from a predefined
Select Online Image to enter the URL for an image
that you want to accompany the alert.
|Target users|39
Device Type Options Description
Ringtone Select No Ringtone if you do not want a ringtone
to play before the alert
Select Use Ringtone to select a ringtone from a
predefined list.The tone will sound before the alert
content plays.
Audio Broadcast Select No audio message if you want no audio to
play when the alert is received.
Select Audio - Title and Body if you want the alert
title and body to play when the alert is received. If
you select this option, you can specify the number
of times to replay the alert.
Select Audio - Title Only if you want the alert title
to play when the alert is received. If you select this
option, you can specify the number of times to
replay the alert.
Select Audio - BodyOnly if you want the alert body
to play when the alert is received.If you select this
option, you can specify the number of times to
replay the alert.
Select Custom if you want to enter custom text for
the alert.If you select this option, you can specify
the number of times to replay the alert.
Phone Message Content Select Send Alert Title and Body to use the
information in the alert title and body fields as the
phone message content.
Select Send Custom Text to enter a custom
title and message body as the phone message
Select Send Recorded Message to create and
upload a custom recorded message that will be
played for the alert recipients. For complete details
on creating a recorded message, see Create a
custom recorded message for an alert or alert
template. For complete details on uploading a
recorded message, see Upload a custom recorded
message for an alert or alert template.
Recipient Answers the
Select what happens after the recipient answers the
Deliver alert without any authentication.
Deliver alert only after the provided PIN is entered.
Deliver alert only after user validation.
|Target users|40
Device Type Options Description
Recipient Does Not
Answer the Call
Select what happens if the call is not answered:
Deliver alert as voice mail.
Leave callback information in the voicemail.
Note: If this option is selected, the end user
must have a PIN associated with their account
toretrieve the alert message from a phone number
other than the phone number targeted in the alert.
No voice mail.
Select if the alert has no response options. The
acknowledgment steps are provided at the end of the
Stop Calling Options Select the criteria that stop calls from being made to
the alert recipient:
Recipient acknowledged the message.
Recipient listened to entire message.
Entire message left on voicemail.
Call Attempts Enter the number of attempts the system makes to
contact each recipient.
Retry Interval Enter the amount of time that must elapse before the
system tries again to contact the recipient.
|Target users|41
Device Type Options Description
Repeat Notification Each alert is only sent once. This option specifies
if and how often notifications about the alert are
repeated on a mobile device.
None: Send the alert notification once.
Default: Use the default time that has been defined
for the selected severity.
For High severity alerts, the default is one
notification a minute for 10 minutes.
For Moderate, Low, Informational, or Unknown
severity alerts, the default is one notification a
minute for 2 minutes.
Custom :
Select how long to repeat the notification if the
user does not respond.
Select how long to pause between each
Note: Ensure that the pause time is smaller
than the repetition timeframe. For example, if
you set the Stop Repetition After value for 5
minutes, and the Pause between Notifications
value to 30 seconds, the notification can
be repeated up to 9 times. However, if the
Stop Repetition After value is 5 minutes, but
the Pause between Notifications value is 6
minutes, the notification is repeated only once.
Alert notifications repeat until one of the following
actions occur:
The recipient responds to the alert from any of
the mobile apps on which the same recipient is
registered. Responses sent from other devices
such as email, phone, or SMS, do not stop the
The defined timeframe for repeat notifications
The alert ends.
BlackBerry AtHoc Mobile
Deliver Alert with Sound Select Yes if you want the mobile device to play a
sound according to the alert severity and device
settings. For High severity alerts, this setting
overrides the device settings and plays a sound
when an alert is delivered. For all non high-severity
alerts, the sound setting on the mobile device
takes precedence. This is the default.
Select No to prevent the mobile device from
playing any sounds. Alerts of any severity are
delivered silently.
|Target users|42
Create a custom recorded message for an alert or alert template
Note: Audio files are compressed to 8 bits before an alert is delivered. The quality of the recorded voice that is
delivered to the end user may be different from the quality of the original audio file.
Note: Recorded messages are supported only on Chrome and Firefox browsers.
1. In the Target Users section, click the Select Personal Devices tab.
2. In the Personal Devices section, select the check boxes beside thephone devicesto use as targeting methods.
3. Click Options.
4. On the Personal Devices Options screen, click the Phone tab.
5. In the Phone Message Content section, select Send Recorded Message.
6. Click Record New Message.
7. On the Record New Message window, click Record and then start speaking.
Note: As you speak, the timer on the screen counts down, showing you how many more seconds you can
record. By default, the timer is set to 1 minute.
8. When you have finished recording the message, click Stop.
Optionally, click to listen to your message.
10.Optionally, if you want to re-record the message, click Record.
11.When you are satisfied with the recording, click Use Recording.
The Personal Devices Options screen appears, with the Phone tab displayed and the filename field populated
with a system-generated name for your recording.
Optionally, click to download your message as a .wav file.
13.Optionally, make selections in the other fields on the Phone tab.
14.Click Apply.
The recorded message is added and will be played when the alert is sent.
Upload a custom recorded message for an alert or alert template
Note: Audio files are compressed to 8 bits before an alert is delivered. The quality of the recorded voice that is
delivered to the end user may be different from the quality of the original audio file.
Note: Recorded messages are supported only on Chrome and Firefox browsers.
1. In the Target Users field of the alert or alert template, click the Select Personal Devices tab.
2. In the Personal Devices section, select the check boxes beside thephone devicesto use as targeting methods.
3. Click Options.
4. On the Personal Devices Options screen, click the Phone tab.
5. In the Phone Message Content section, select Send Recorded Message.
6. Click Browse and navigate to the location where the custom recorded message is stored.
7. Click the filename and then click Open.The name of the file appears in the filename field.
8. Optionally, click Play to hear the message before attaching it to the alert or alert template.
9. Optionally, make selections in the other fields on the Phone tab.
10.Click Apply.
The recorded message is added and will be played when the alert is sent.
Preview a desktop alert template
1. In the Target Users section, click Select Personal Devices.
2. In the Personal Devices field, select Desktop App.
|Target users|43
3. Click Options.
4. On the Personal Devices Options screen, click Desktop Popup.
5. In the App Template field,select Use Custom Template.
6. Select the desktop template you want to use for the alert.
7. Click Preview.
Note: A preview of the template appears on the screen.
8. To preview the audio component of the alert, in the App Audio field,select Use Custom Audio.Select an audio
file from thelist and then click .
Select the device delivery preference
Device delivery preference must be enabled in Settings > Feature Enablement.When device delivery preference
is enabled,devices selected in the order configured by the organization or in the default order and default interval
are used.If the desktop app is an enabled device in the organization, it is first in priority.
After selecting thepersonal devices to use to contact users, the operator selects the delivery method and can
choose between organization-defined, system-defined, or user-preferred device delivery preference to use to
contact users.This selection applies to personal devices only. The default selection is system-defined.
When the device delivery preference is system-defined, all devices are targeted almost simultaneously. The
alertis sent to the users targeted in the alert on all of their enabled devices at the same time.Phones can be set in
a delivery order.
When the device delivery preference is user-preferred, the user defined sequence, configured in either the
BlackBerry AtHoc management system or in Self Service, is applied.
When device delivery preference is enabled, and the alert publisher selects Device Delivery Preference as
organization-defined or user-preferred, on the Alert Publish page, BlackBerry AtHoc performs redundant message
stop. End users targeted in the alert receive the alert on their enabled devices in the specified sequence and
interval. Once a user responds to the alert on a higher priority device, theyshouldnot receive the alert on any
additional enabled devices.The alert must contain response options for redundant message stop to work.
Messages do not stop until the user responds with a response option.
Note: Users may receive an alert on their next device if BlackBerry AtHoc did not receive their response before
sending the alert to the user’s next device. Users will also receive alerts on additional devices when an alert does
not have a response option that the user can respond to.
Note: If a high severity alert is received on the mobile app and audio tones are used, only a response from the
mobile app will stop the mobile app audio. Responding on another device does stop the audio once the alert has
been received on the mobile app.
Before you begin:
Device delivery preference must be enabled for your organization.
Device delivery priority and delay must be configured in Settings > Devices.
1. In the Target Users section, click Device Delivery Preference.
2. Select System defined, Organization defined, or User preferred.The operator does not see the order or
interval when sending the alert.
|Target users|44
Target AtHoc Connect organizations
Note: You must have the Connect Publisher, Organization Administrator, or Enterprise Administrator role to target
AtHoc Connect organizations in alerts or alert templates or to respond to alerts from these organizations.
1. Create or open the alert or alert templateyou want to add organizations to.
2. In the Target Organizations section, select each organization you want to target or select Include all
connected organizations at the top of the section to target all organizations that you are connected to.
|Target AtHoc Connect organizations|45
Select and configure mass devices for an alert or alert
Note: This feature is not available for non-English alert templates.
Mass devices are designed to alert users in a general location using equipment such as digital signs,
loudspeakers, and fire alarms. When using mass devices, there is no need to target individual users or groups.
1. In the MassDevices section, select the check box beside each mass device you want to use to broadcast
2. Optionally, click Options at the top of the Mass Devices section.
Each of the mass devices you selected in Step 1 appears as a separate tab on the Mass Devices Options
screen that opens.The contents of each tab vary depending on the type of mass device selected.
3. Click each tab on the screen and then configure each mass device by selecting from the range of options that
4. Click Apply.
|Select and configure mass devices for an alert or alert template|46
Review an alert
When you click Review and Publish after creating an alert, the Review and Publish screen opens.
1. Review the values in each section.
2. Optionally, to make changes to any part of the alert, click Cancel. The edit alert screen appears. Make and save
your changes.
3. When you are satisfied with the alert contents, click Publish to initiate the alert.
The Alert Summary screen appears, displaying alert detail and targeting information and an Advanced Reports
button that allows you to view detailed tracking reports for the alert.
|Review an alert|47
Test an alert
The BlackBerry AtHoc system allows you to test any alert from the Edit Alert screen. When you test the alert, it is
sent only to you.
1. In the navigation bar, click Alerts > New Alert.
2. On the Select from Alert Templates screen, click Edit for the alert you want to test.
3. On the alert details screen, click Test Alert.The Test Alert window opens with your available enabled devices
selected or a test box to add a device. You can deselect any device you don't want to receive the test alert on.
4. In the Test Alert window, click Test Alert.
The Test Alert screen closes and a confirmation notification appears at the top of the alert details screen.The
test alert is sent to your selected devices.
|Test an alert|48
Set an alert todraftmode
Alerts are sometimes created in advance or created by operators who do not have the necessary permissions to
publish them. BlackBerry AtHoc allows the alert creator to set the alert to Draft mode, which retains the details of
the alert. The draft alert is saved in the Sent Alerts screen as a draft.
1. Create the alert.
2. Click Draft at the top of the screen.
The Sent Alerts screen appears and the alert is listed with a Draft status.
|Set an alert todraftmode|49
Publish a draft alert
1. In the navigation bar, click Alerts > Sent Alerts.
2. On the Sent Alerts screen, use the search field or scroll down to locate the alert you want to publish.
3. Select the check box beside the alert name.
4. Click More Actions > Publish.
5. On the Review and Publish screen, review all sections of the alert.
6. Optionally, if you need to make any changes, click Edit at the bottom of the screen, then make and save your
changes on the edit alert screen.
7. When you are satisfied with the alert contents, click Publish to send the alert.A Completed banner appears on
the Review and Publish screen.
8. Optionally, click Alert Summary to go to the alert details page.
|Publish a draft alert|50
Quick publish an alert
When time is critical and you want to publish an alert where only the Title and Body content needs to be changed,
you can edit only those sections without the need to wait for the entire Review and Publish page to load.
Before you can quick publish an alert, the alert template must be in a Ready state.
1. Access an alert template from any of the following locations:
The Quick Publish section on the BlackBerry AtHoc management system home page
The Alert Templates page
The Sent Alerts page. Select an alert, and then select More Actions > Publish.
The Review and Publish page opens. The Title and Body fields in the Content section of the alert template
appear in a white box at the top of the page.
Click .
3. On the Edit Title and Body window, update the title and body text as needed. The title must be between 3 and
100 characters. The body must be fewer than 4000 characters.
4. Click Apply. You are returned to the Review and Publish page.If you click Edit at the bottom of the Review
and Publish page to edit other sections of the alert template, any changes you made in the Edit Title and Body
window are not retained.
5. Click Publish.
|Quick publish an alert|51
Resend an alert
The Resend feature in BlackBerry AtHoc enables an operator to customize the targets when resending an alert.
The operator can resend the alert to all original recipients, to recipients who responded to the original, or to
recipients who did not respond to, or did not receive, the original alert.
1. the navigation bar, click Alerts > Sent Alerts.
2. On the Sent Alerts screen, click the alert that you want to resend.
3. On the Alert Summary screen, click the Users tab.
4. In the Sent Details section, click the drop-down menu in the Targeted, Sent, or In Progress or Failed row.
5. Select Send Alert to These Users.
6. Optionally, revise the details of the alert that opens.
7. Click Review and Publish.
8. On the Review and Publish page, click Publish.
|Resend an alert|52
Track alerts with advanced reports
The following sections describe how to track alerts using advanced reports and how to export and print those
View advanced reports
There are two methods you can use to view an advanced report. You can select a report from the Advanced
Reports screen, or go directly to a specific report from the Userstab of the alert report page for a sent alert.
To view advanced reports from the Advanced Reports screen, complete the following steps:
1. In the navigation bar, click Alerts > Sent Alerts.
2. Click a live or ended alert.
3. On the alert details screen, click Advanced Reports.
4. In the Report section, select a report from the Select a Report list.
5. Select a report type to view.
The report opens in a new browser screen.
To view an advanced report for a specific set of users from the Sent Alerts screen, complete the following steps:
1. In the navigation bar, click Alerts > Sent Alerts.
2. Click a live alert or ended alert.
3. Click the Users tab.
4. Do one of the following:
In the Sent Details section, select User List from the drop-down menu next to Targeted, Sent, or
InProgress or Failed to go directly to an Advanced Report that lists users in that category.
In the Response Details section, select User List from the drop-down menu next to Responded or
Not Responded to go directly to an Advanced Report that lists users who have responded or have not
responded to the alert.
Advanced reporttypes
The following reports provide advanced tracking information about the alert delivery process, including the
number of alerts sent compared to the delivery devices used and the responses received.
Report name Description
OrganizationalReport Displays the alert progress for recipients grouped by Organizational Hierarchy.
DistributionList Report Displays the alert's progress for recipients divided by targeted distribution
Delivery Distribution by
Devices (Chart)
Displays a group bar chart that tracks, for each device used, the number
of targeted alerts, the number of alerts sent, and the number of responses
|Track alerts with advanced reports|53
Report name Description
Delivery Distribution by
Displays a tabular report that tracksthe number of targeted alerts, the number
of alerts sent, and the number of responses receivedfor each device used.
The report can include all devices or only the devices used for targeted
recipients. You can click any user count in the report, such as the number of
targeted users, to opena detailed user tracking report that identifies individual
users and provides their names, device addresses, and responses. This
information is useful for evaluating the effectiveness of the delivery devices
used for the alert.
Note: If device delivery preference is set to Organization defined, the
numberin the Sent column of the report is updated incrementally as different
personal devices are targeted.
User Tracking Reports Displays user tracking information and user response data. The User Tracking
with Devices report tracks which users were targeted by device and which
device users responded on. The User Tracking with Alerts report tracks the
delivery date and delivery status of the alert.
View alert lifecycle results
You can view the publishing lifecycle for an alert to trace the progress of the alert and determine how it was
handled during delivery. The lifecycle shows information such as the following:
When the alert went through the delivery gateway
If a failure prevented the alert from being delivered
If the alert needed to be redirected because of a gateway failover
You can also check the batch process to determine if the alert was delivered.
To view the publishing lifecycle events, complete the following steps:
1. Open the alert summary and do one of the following:
After sending the alert, click Alert Summary in the completed alert, then click Advanced Reports at the top
of the screen.
In the navigation bar, click Alerts > Sent Alerts.
a. On the Sent Alerts screen, click the live or ended alert you want to see lifecycle results for.
b. Click Advanced Reports.
2. On the report screen, scroll to the Publishing Lifecycle section.
3. Check to see that the alert was marked as Live.
4. In the Publish Alert messages field, check for batch reports, and then click Show Details to see a detailed log.
A batch contains the alerts for each targeted user and is sent to a delivery gateway corresponding to the
personal or mass devices targeted in the alert. The batch report tracks the delivery of the batch to the gateway
and whether it was successful.
It shows if there was a problem with the batch and whether it had to be sent to another gateway for delivery.
This is called batch recovery.
5. Check to see that the recipients were populated.
Note: If you have specified backup delivery gateways for the targeted devices, you might see additional batch
reports if messages were redirected to a backup gateway because of a failover.
|Track alerts with advanced reports|54
Alert partial batch recovery
BlackBerry AtHoc Cloud Delivery Services performs partial batch recovery when a subset of a batch of alerts
cannot be successfully delivered to email, SMS, or telephony devices. Batch recovery occurs when delivery errors
in the batch reach 20% of users, or more.
If there is a complete batch failure (100%), BlackBerry AtHoc tries to recover immediately.
For example, an operator publishes an alert that targets 50 users. Thirty-five users receive their alerts, however,
message error codes were received for the other 15 users, exceeding the 20% recovery threshold. After 5 minutes,
BlackBerry AtHoc sends a termination request to the primary gateway. It then creates a recovery batch only for
the users that got errors for the next available gateway.
BlackBerry AtHoc cancels the current batch delivery and creates a new batch to be sent to another gateway, if the
alert batch meets the following conditions:
The network is up and BlackBerry AtHoc Cloud Delivery Service is available.
Gateway reporting succeeds for the batch.
The percentage of "No activity" plus "Error" messages reaches the recovery threshold within the batch. The
default is 20%. Alerts that have received responses are not counted.
After a specified time (the default is five minutes), BlackBerry AtHoc resends any alert that was not sent or does
not have a response. Users that have responded to the alert do not receive another alert.
The new alert batch contains the following information:
All alert messages that had delivery errors
All alert messages that had no delivery tracking information (inactivity)
Relevant phone messages that had MSG-SENT codes, when the contact cycle value is greater than “1”
Excludes all messages that already have acknowledgments coming from any devices
To view delivery information, check the Publishing Lifecycle section of the Alert Summary. The Batch details show
how many alerts, whether the batch was sent successfully, and if it had to be redirected. You can also check user
delivery reports for more information.
The following figure shows the history of the alert delivery and the recovery process.
|Track alerts with advanced reports|55
As you can see, the initial alert batch was terminated (Batch:123419) for the current gateway, and a second
publishing batch was created (Batch: 123421). You can click on the details for the additional batch reports to
see if the batch was successfully sent. The batch can be sent to additional gateways if there are problems with
second batch.
Export alert tracking reports
You can export alert tracking reports to a .csv file to view the full detailed report or for other tracking reasons.
1. Send an alert.
2. Click Alert Summary from the completed alert or open the alert from the Sent Alerts list.
3. On the Alert Summary screen, click Advanced Reports.
4. Hover over the Export link and then select Export Full Report.
The report is exported to a .csv file.
|Track alerts with advanced reports|56
Message termination
The BlackBerry AtHoc management system performs message termination(also known as call termination)on
hosted telephone devices for users with multiple targeted phones.Message termination is enabled by
default.Message termination is not performedforother devices such as email, SMS, or the mobile app.
When a user has multiple phone numbers in the system, and those numbers arealltargeted, when the user
responds from one number, theyshouldnot receivethealertonanyotherphone numbers.The operator must
select the order of the phones, or they are all listed as priority 1 and the alert is sent to all phones at the same
time. The alert must contain response options so that the user can respond and prevent the alert from being sent
to their additional phone devices.
The number of usersand phone numbers targetedin an alert may impact theuser experienceof message
termination. For example, if an alert is sent to a small group of users, theymay not have enough time to respond
tothealert on their first targeted phone before the system sendsthe alert out to the second group of phone
To specify the callorder,operators should set the preference order for phone devices when selecting them for
targeting in an alert.
The StopCalling Optionsfor phones set in the Personal Devices Options in an alertalso impact message
termination.If an operator selects the“Recipient listened to the entire message” or “Entire Message left on
Voicemail”stop calling option,the delivery preferencecontinuesuntil one of the devices is used to respond to an
alert.These phone options,designed to stop phone calls if the user listens to the message or has the message
left on their voicemail,donot function with device delivery preference. Phone calls continue in the order of the
delivery preference,and users continue to receive phone calls,even if theoperator selects these options.The
user must respond to the alert to stop alerts from being sent to their additional devices.Ensure that the Requires
Acknowledgment option is selected in the Personal Devices Options for phone devices.
Message termination applies only to multiple phone device types. Message termination is not redundant message
stop, which applies to other targeted device types and is enabled whena system administrator enablesdevice
delivery preference. For more information, see Redundant message stop.
|Message termination|57
Disable message termination
Message termination is enabled by default.
1. Start Internet Information Services (IIS.)
2. In the Connections panel, expand the Sites folder.
3. Expand IWSServices.
4. Click UserTermination Coordinator.
5. In the Actions panel, click Stop Application.
6. In the Connections panel, click Application Pools.
7. In the Application Pools pane, click AtHoc User Termination Coordinator Pool.
8. In the Actions panel, in the Application Pool Tasks section, click Stop.
Note: If the Application Pool task indicates that it is already stopped, you can stop the process using the task
9. Reset IIS.
|Message termination|58
Redundant message stop
Redundant message stop prevents users from receiving the same alert on multiple devices after they have
responded to the alert on one device.When redundant message stopis enabled,when a user is targeted in an
alert on multiple devices, whentheyrespond to the alert from a higher priority device, including email, SMS, mobile
app, or mobile device, they do not receive the alert on anyadditionaltargeted devices.
Redundant message stop is enabled when:
Device delivery preference is enabled by a system administrator in Settings > Feature Enablement.
An administrator sets the delivery order and interval in Settings > Devices > Personal Devices.
The Device Delivery Preference is set to Organization defined or User preferred on the alert details page when
publishing an alert.
If the device delivery preference is set to the default (System defined) all alerts are sent in a single batch
(broadcasted)and redundant message stop is not performed.
Redundant message stop is not supported on the desktop app.
For alerts targeted to the mobile app, if the Repeat Notification setting is enabled, redundant message stop is
notperformedfor mobile app alerts, andusers continue to receive alertnotifications on their mobile app once the
alert has been received on the mobile app even if they have responded on another device.
Redundant message stop is only performed on devices that have a response option.By default, the desktop
app and mobile app have an acknowledge response if the alert does not have response options.Phones have
a response by default if the Requires Acknowledgement option in Personal Devices Options for phones is
checked.Other devices do not include a response option unless one or more is included in the alert content.
Redundant message stop is not message termination, which is enabled by default and applies only to phones. For
more information, see Message termination.
|Redundant message stop|59
Message consolidation
Message consolidation applies to phone and text messaging devices only. Consolidation occurs when multiple
users have the same phone number. It does not occur when a user has entered the same phone number for
multiple device addresses.
For example, an alert targets a work phone, mobile phone, and text messaging. One of the targeted users has
entered the same phone number in the address field for each device. The system sends two phone calls and a
text message to the same device.
When the same alert targets several users who share a phone, the system sends one phone call to the phone.
Note that response options are disabled when message consolidation occurs.
|Message consolidation|60
End an alert
You can end alerts that currently have a Live status.
1. In the navigation bar, click Alerts > Sent Alerts.
2. On the Sent Alerts screen, use the search field or scroll down to locate the alert or alerts you want to end.
3. Select the check box next to the name of each alert you want to end.
4. Click More Actions > End.
5. On the End Alerts dialog, click End.
The alert status changes fromLive to Ended.
|End an alert|61
Export analert as a PDF
The BlackBerry AtHoc system allows you to export alerts as .pdf documents by clicking a button on the Review
and Publish screen that appears when reviewing a new or draft alert.
1. In the navigation bar, click Alerts> Sent Alerts.
2. On the Sent Alerts screen, use the search field or scroll down to locate the alert thatyou want to export.
3. Click anywhere in the alert row.
4. Optionally, on the alert details screen, add or modify information.
5. Click Review and Publish.
Note: If any required information is missing, the Review and Publish button will be inactive, indicated by a .
6. On the Review and Publish screen, click Export to PDF.
The alert details are downloaded as a .pdf file.
Note: If the alert contains attachments, they are displayed in the .pdf as thumbnail images. The attachments
cannot be viewed or downloaded from the exported .pdf.
|Export analert as a PDF|62
Export sent alerts
The BlackBerry AtHoc system enables you to export the details of sent alerts to a .csv file. The report contains
the following columns: Alert ID, Alert Title, Alert Body, Start Time, Publisher, Severity, Type, Status, Targeted, Sent,
Responded, and Error.
Note: You must have report manager operator permissions to export sent alerts.
If the Sent Alerts page is sorted by column, the exported report reflects the sorting.
1. In the navigation bar, click Alerts > Sent Alerts.
2. Use the search field or scroll down to locate the sent alerts you want to export.
3. Select the sent alerts you want to export.
4. Select More Actions > Export.
The .csv file downloads to your computer.
|Export sent alerts|63
Delete an alert
You can delete any alert that has a Draft or Scheduled status. If the alert has a Live or Ended status, it cannot be
deleted from the system.
1. In the navigation bar, click Alerts > Sent Alerts.
2. Locate the alert you want to delete.
3. Select the check box next to the alert name.
4. Click More Actions > Delete.
5. On the Delete Alerts dialog, click Delete.
The SentAlerts screen refreshes and the alert no longer appears in the list.
|Delete an alert|64
Duplicate an alert
Important: When you duplicate an alert, the Schedule section of the new alert reverts to the default settings for
all new alerts, overriding any date and time parameters that are configured for the alert that you duplicated. For
example, if you duplicate an alert that is set to begin at 12:30 PM on August 1, 2015 and your system default is to
have all new alerts begin "As soon as I click the "Publish" button," your duplicated alert will begin as soon as you
click Publish unless you manually change the Alert Timing setting beforehand.
1. In the navigation bar, click Alerts > Sent Alerts.
2. On the Sent Alerts screen, use the search field or scroll down to locate the alert thatyou want to duplicate.
3. Select the check box next to the alert name.
4. Click Duplicate.
The Duplicate Alert screen opens, displaying a copy of the alert.
Note: If the original alert contains attachments, they are included in the duplicate alert. You can remove these
attachments, or add additional attachments.
|Duplicate an alert|65
Hosted SMS text messaging tracking codes
The following codes are used to track the status of SMS text messages. They appear in the full delivery report for
an alert.
Code Status Message
3001 Sent Invalid destination phone number
3002 Sent The target user has unsubscribed
from BlackBerry AtHoc alerts
3003 Not Sent The target carrier has blocked
BlackBerry AtHoc alerts
3006 Not Sent Rejected by the SMS aggregator
3007 Not Sent Rejected by target carrier
3900 Not Sent Error in sending alert
|Hosted SMS text messaging tracking codes|66
Pager carrier IDs and names
The following table displays the name and ID of all of the pager carriers that are supported in BlackBerry AtHoc.
Pager Name ID Pager Name ID
AAA 1 MetroCall National TAP
Advanced Paging and
2 MetroCall National2 TAP
Advantage Paging 41 MetroCall TAP (757) 166
Airtouch Paging 3 MetroCall TAP (904) 162
Airtouch TAP 84 Metrotel National TAP 167
AllCom 4 Metrotel TAP 100
ALLTEL PCS 42 Midwest Paging 39
Alpha Messaging Center
103 Midwest Paging National
AlphaNow 5 Minncomm 57
American Messaging 73 MinnComm National TAP 133
American Messaging
National TAP
149 MinnComm TAP (763) 134
American Messaging
81 Mobilfone 94
American Messaging
74 MultiComm Paging TAP 97
American Messaging
TAP (305)
145 MultiComm SNPP 98
American Messaging
TAP (520)
140 MWD TAP 72
American Messaging
TAP (586)
146 National Communication
American Messaging
TAP (618)
139 Network Services 20
American Messaging
TAP (714)
147 New SPN National TAP 189
|Pager carrier IDs and names|67
Pager Name ID Pager Name ID
American Messaging
TAP (734)
138 New SPN TAP (252) 194
American Messaging
TAP (734)
144 New SPN TAP (330) 197
American Messaging
TAP (734)
142 New SPN TAP (406) 190
American Messaging
TAP (818)
150 New SPN TAP (609) 191
American Messaging
TAP (818)
148 New SPN TAP (612) 193
American Messaging
TAP (904)
141 New SPN TAP (626) 192
American Page Network 52 New SPN TAP (626) 195
Ameritech 6 Nextel 21
Ameritech 001 TAP 106 Nextel 2 Way 22
Ameritech TAP (314) 108 Northeast Paging 23
Ameritech TAP (573) 107 Omni-com Paging 24
Aquis SNPP 210 Omnicomm TAP (406) 110
Aquis TAP (615) 200 One Source 203
Arch National TAP 158 Other 40
Arch Wireless (USA
38 Page 1 78
Arch Wireless 1-way
(USA Mobility)
61 Page One TAP (304) 187
arch1way (USA Mobility) 18 Page Plus TAP (918) 153
AT&T Wireless 58 PageMart Canada 25
ATS National TAP 161 PageMe Inc 55
ATS Paging 83 PageNet - Canada 53
ATS TAP (402) 160 Pagenet Pro TAP 66
|Pager carrier IDs and names|68
Pager Name ID Pager Name ID
ATT Tap 208 PageOne - TX 215
Bailys Comm. 43 PageOne UK 92
Baystar 7 PagePlus 90 60 Pager People TAP 101
Bell Mobility (US) 8 Personal Page 214
Bell Mobility TAP (416 /
Walkerton, ONT)
205 Porta-Phone Paging 26
Bell Mobility TAP (519 /
Walkerton, ONT)
206 Priority Communications 27
BELL SNPP 204 ProPage 28
Cap Communications
TAP (231)
175 RAM-Page 62
Carolina Wireless TAP 99 Range Paging 196
Carolina Wireless TAP
172 Range
CellularPage 88 Range
(TAP 512)
Central Vermont Comm. 45 Range
Chariton Valley National
199 RCS Wireless 77
Cingular 64 Rogers Two Way 48
Comm Special TAP (910) 109 RSC COMM National TAP 151
9 Satellink 29
Contact Communications 82 Satellink TAP (615) 111
Contact Paging 10 SBC National TAP
|Pager carrier IDs and names|69
Pager Name ID Pager Name ID
Contact Wireless 207 SBC National TAP
Cook Paging 37 SBC National TAP
DataComm 11 SBC Paging 56
DataPage 12 SBC TAP 85
Dial A Page TAP (479) 186 SBC TAP (313) 131
Digi-Page/ Kansas 13 SBC TAP (573) 127
Edge Wireless 79 SBC TAP (763) 128
Electronic Engineering
TAP (319.362)
181 Schuylkill Mobile 93
Electronic Engineering
TAP (319.833)
180 Schuylkill TAP (570) 154
Electronic Engineering
TAP (515)
179 Schuylkill TAP (717) 155
Extel Mobile 14 Sharp TAP (256) 176
GrayLink 15 Skytel 30
Highland Paging, Inc. 16 SkyTel National TAP 173
Illinois Signal 46 Skytel Talkabout 63
IM Cingular 76 Skytel TAP 67
Indiana Paging SNPP 44 Sprint SNPP 89
Indiana Paging TAP
126 Stenocall TAP (806) 174
Indiana Paging TAP
124 Teleone TAP 104
Indiana Paging TAP (317) 125 Teleone TAP (903) 178
Infopage Systems 17 Telepage TAP 105
Intelliguard Systems 95 TeleTouch (TeleOne)
|Pager carrier IDs and names|70
Pager Name ID Pager Name ID
Intelliguard Systems
96 Teletouch TAP (501) 171
Island Page 68 Teletouch1 National TAP 168
JSM Comm TAP (414) 137 Teletouch2 National TAP 169
JSM Comm TAP (608) 136 Teletouch3 National TAP 170
JSMCOM 1-way 65 Tele-Trak 31
KP In-House 213 Telus Vancouver TAP 91
KPN TAP 212 Texas Communications 198
Lauttamus 2 TAP (304) 183 TSCNet 32
Communications SNPP
201 TWR TAP (301) 184
Lauttamus TAP (304) 182 UCOM 50
54 UCP 33
Metro Communication
87 Unity Comm TAP (304) 135
Metrocall (USA Mobility) 19 Unity Communications 59
Metrocall 1-way (USA
51 US Mobility TAP 75
MetroCall National TAP
163 USA Mobility 80
|Pager carrier IDs and names|71
Phone number validation
An Emergency Mass Notification System is only as effective as the contact information it contains. For this
reason, BlackBerry AtHoc provides a phone number validation feature that applies to all phone numbers, no
matter which country they belong to. It also enforces clean data wherever data can be entered.
The validation feature gives operators higher confidence before an alert is sent that end users with phone
numbers are reachable. One way it does this is by ensuring that end users completing Self Service profiles enter
actual phone numbers, instead of invalid data such as “No Phone” or “N/A.” Validating phone numbers when
they are created in the system makes the alerting process more rapid and efficient by preventing the Telephony
Delivery Service from wasting time trying to send telephone notifications to invalid numbers.
BlackBerry AtHoc provides this featurefor customers operating outside or calling users who are outside the
United States. Validated phone numbers can be stored in the internationally recognized E.164 format, ensuring
that alerts sent by delivery services deployed throughout the world will reach their destinations. BlackBerry AtHoc
uses a third-party library to validate phone numbers.
BlackBerry AtHoc works with customers to make sure that automated data imports, including Active Directory
sync, .csv imports, and direct SDK integrations, will send phone numbers to the server in the correct format. The
following sections provide the validation rules and best practices for getting the most out of this feature.
Note: If you are unable to comply with the validation rules, fields that do not contain valid phone numbers will not
be updated.
For BlackBerry AtHoc release and earlier releases, you must continue to use 011 instead of + at the
beginning of all international phone numbers.
BlackBerry AtHoc release and later releases fully support the leading + method. Dialing 011 will continue
to be supported after upgrade to for organizations with a U.S. country code since 001 is the U.S. exit
Areas of the system that validate phone numbers
The following inputs use the same set of phone number validation rules:
BlackBerry AtHoc SDK
User Sync module
CSV Import
Self Service
User Details page in the BlackBerry AtHoc management system
Validation rules
The following validation rules are delivered by a third-party open source component. For more information, see:
E.164 international format is preferred and is always accepted.The number should start with + followed
by the country code and then the full number to call. A maximum of 15 digits can be used.For example:
Numbers can have an extension.The user interface has a separate field for telephone extensions. When
importing numbers, an x should be used to separate the main number from the extension.When dialing,
the Telephony Delivery Service will wait for the call to connect before dialing the extension.For example:
+18884628462x1340.Unlike the phone number field, the extension field is not validated.
|Phone number validation|72
Numbers not in E.164 are interpreted based on the Default Country Code for the Organization.
The Default Country Code can be set on the General Settings screen in the Phone Call Settings section.
For example, for the Country Code “US,” the following rules apply:
If the number starts with 011, which is the international exit code from within US, it will be replaced with
If the number contains only 10 digits, it will be stored as +1 followed by the number.
If the number contains 11 digits and starts with 1, it will be stored as +1 followed by the number.
For example:(888) 462-8462 will be interpreted as +18884628462
Common formatting punctuation is ignored.
The following characters are removed: ().-_
For example: +1 (888) 462-8462 will be interpreted as +18884628462.
If you are using control characters such as , (comma) or # (pound sign), they must be in the extension field.
If the number contains letters, they will be converted to numbers according to a standard keypad.For example:
(888) Go AtHoc will be converted to +18884628462.
If the number starts with +, it will be assumed to be an international number.For example: A number starting
with +440 will dial the UK, even though 440 is a valid US area code.
Best practices
Send all numbers in E.164 format. Although E.164 format is not required, it is the best way to send a number to
the system, especially if user data can contain numbers from different countries.
Make sure you set the correct Default Country Code in the Phone Call Settings section on the General Settings
screen. This specifies what country is the default for user-entered phone numbers. This also is used to interpret
phone numbers that are not in E.164 format.
If the number contains any special control characters that must be dialed, such as , (comma) ; (semicolon)
* (asterisk) or # (pound sign), the characters must be part of the extension. This is especially important for
numbers that connect to a conference bridge.
|Phone number validation|73
Email format validation
A critical event management system is only as effective as the contact information it contains. For this reason,
BlackBerry AtHoc validates that email addresses are RFC-5322 compliantin the following areas:
End User Manager in the management system
Self Service My Profile page
Forgot Username
Forgot Password
.CSV import
User Sync Client
Email address syntax
The valid email address syntax is local-part@domain.
The local-part of an email address can contain any of the following ASCII characters:
Uppercase and lowercase Latin letters A to Z and a to z
Digits 0 to 9
The following printable characters:!#$%&'*+-/=?^_`{|}~
The following guidelines apply to the local-part of a valid email address:
The dot (.) character is allowed but cannot be the first or last character and cannot appear consecutively.
Spaces are not allowed.
The length is not validated.
The domain of an email address can contain any of the following ASCII characters:
Uppercase and lowercase Latin letters A to Z and a to z
Digits 0 to 9
The following guidelines apply to the domain of a valid email address:
The domain must match the requirements for a hostname, and include a list of dot (.) separated DNS labels.
The dot (.) character is allowed but cannot be the first or last character and cannot appear consecutively.
No digits are allowed in the top-level domain (TLD). The TLD is the portion of the domainafter the dot (.).
The TLD must contain a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 15 characters.
Spaces are not allowed.
The length is not validated.
Valid email address examples
|Email format validation|74
Invalid email address examples (No @ character.)
A@b@[email protected] (Only one @ is allowed outside quotation marks.)
a"b(c)d,e:f;g<h>i[j\k][email protected] (None of the special characters in the local-part are allowed.)
just"not"[email protected] (Quoted strings are not supported.)
this is"not\[email protected] (Spaces, quotes, and backslashes are not allowed.)
this\ still\"[email protected]
|Email format validation|75
BlackBerry AtHoc Customer Support Portal
BlackBerry AtHoc customers can obtain more information about BlackBerry AtHoc products or get answers to
questions about their BlackBerry AtHoc systems through the Customer Support Portal:
The BlackBerry AtHoc Customer Support Portal also provides support via computer-based training, operator
checklists, best practice resources, reference manuals, and user guides.
|BlackBerry AtHoc Customer Support Portal|76
Documentation feedback
The BlackBerry AtHoc documentation team strives to provide accurate, useful, and up-to-date technical
documentation.If you have any feedback or comments about BlackBerry AtHoc documentation, email
[email protected].Please include the name and version number of the documentin your email.
To view additional BlackBerry AtHoc documentation, visit
blackberry-athoc. To view the BlackBerry AtHoc Quick Action Guides, see
For more informationabout BlackBerry AtHoc products or if you need answers to questions about your BlackBerry
AtHoc system, visit theCustomer Support Portal at
|Documentation feedback|77
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|Legal notice|79