The Oneida County Land Records Committee announces the sale of tax foreclosed real property as noted below. Oneida
County will be accepting sealed bids on these properties until Friday, December 9
, 2022, 4:00 PM CT. Bids will be opened
on Tuesday, December 13
, 2022, at the Land Records Committee meeting, 10:00 A.M., CT, Second Floor Committee
Room 2 (AKA Room C202), Oneida County Courthouse, 1 S Oneida Ave, Rhinelander, WI. You do not need to be present
for bid opening. The Land Records Committee and/or County Board reserve the right to reject any or all bids or to select
the bid most advantageous to Oneida County. If a municipality, county department or other public entity expresses an
interest in acquiring a property, the County will evaluate the request before making a final determination to convey the
property to others. A detailed list of the properties, bid form and other information can be obtained from the county website
under Announcements on the home page, choose ‘Real Property Sale Offerings’, or
contact the Oneida County Land Information Office, Courthouse, 2
Floor Rm C208, 1 S Oneida AVE, P.O. Box 400,
Rhinelander, WI 54501. Telephone: 715-369-6179, email Properties are being sold in ‘AS IS’
condition and may have debris present and/or buried on the property. Condition of well, septic, heating, electrical,
plumbing etc are unknown. Go to to check for sanitary, building
or zoning permits. All dimensions and acreages listed are approximate. Brief description and minimum bid for each
property described below.
VIEWING OF PROPERTIES: Do not enter properties with buildings. Parcels with building(s) require written
permission from the County, a signed declaration of assumption of risk and release of liability along with an Oneida
County Agent present to view or enter. You can view properties without buildings at any time unless there is no
legal access to the property. To get more information or to schedule a viewing of the property contact the Land
Information Office.
PIN # MI-1701 Town of Minocqua. Ward 5. Off of Highway 70. Part GL 4, Section 3, and part GL 2, Section 10, Township
39 North, Range 5 East. 50’ wide wooded parcel bounded on the North by Highway 70 and Sunday Lake frontage to the
South. Approx. 0.07 acres. Zoned single family. Minimum Bid $7,100.00.
PIN # NE-1001-2 Town of Newbold. Ward 1. Part of GL 4, Section 7, Township 39 North, Range 8 East. An island in
Pickerel Lake. Parcel consisting of pines. Water access only. Approx. 0.16 acres. Zoned recreational. Minimum bid
PIN # PE-171-4 Town of Pelican. Ward 2. Off E Lake George Rd. Alburleigh Shores plat. Part GL 1, Section 13, Township
36 North, Range 9 East. East 15’ strip of the platted road (not open), that lies between lots 66 and 67 of the Alburleigh
Shore plat. Parcel has access to George Lake. Approx. 0.08 acres. Zoned single family. Minimum bid $2,500.00.
Preference to adjoining landowner.
PIN # PL-572-9 Town of Pine Lake. Ward 3. Off Shepard Lake Rd. Part of N-SW¼, Section 27, Township 37 North,
Range 9 East. Small triangle wedge parcel south of Road. Approx. 0.09 acres. Zoned single family. Minimum bid $100.00.
Preference to adjoining landowner.
PIN # RH-1426 City of Rhinelander. Ward 6. 521 Thayer St. Part GL 1, Section 6, Township 36 North, Range 9 East. Lot
4, Block 2, of the Replat of a portion of Mill Lots C and D City of Rhinelander. Two-story house with attached garage in
poor condition. Approx. 60’ x 150’ with 0.21 acres. Zoned R-2 single and two-family residential. Minimum bid $58,700.00.
PIN # RH-1953 City of Rhinelander. Ward 17. 521 Gardner St. Part NW¼-NW¼, Section 6, Township 36 North, Range 9
East. Lot 17, Block 3 of G.S. Coon addition to the City of Rhinelander. No structures. Foundations of former house and
garage are on parcel with debris. Approx. 50’ x 132’ with 0.14 acres. Zoned R-2 single and two-family residential.
Minimum bid $9,900.00.
PIN # RH-3511 City of Rhinelander. Ward 2. Lot 7, Block 6, Woodland Drive Assessor’s Plat. Part NE¼-SE¼, Section 32,
Township 37 North, Range 9 East. Undeveloped landlocked square wooded lot with a creek thru parcel. Approx. 95’ x
115’ with 0.25 acres. Zoned R-1 single-family residential. Minimum bid $3,600.00. Preference to adjoining landowner.
PIN # ST-557-10 Town of Stella. Ward 1. GL 2, Section, 6, Township 36 North, Range 10 East. Small triangular
landlocked parcel with frontage on North Branch Pelican River. Approx. 0.62 acres. Zoned single family. Minimum bid
PIN # SU-1145-2 Town of Sugar Camp. Ward 1. Off County A. Part SE¼-NE¼, Section 18, Township 38 North, Range 10
East. Undeveloped wooded parcel north of and adjacent to County A. Approx. 3.80 acres. Unzoned. Minimum bid
PIN # TL-297-4 Town of Three Lakes. Ward 3. 2150 Wykowski Rd. Part SW¼-SW¼, Section 25, Township 39 North,
Range 10 East. Lot 1 CSM V14 P3295. Parcel partially forested with debris and dilapidated trailer house. Approx. 360’ x
200’ with 1.69 acres. Zoned residential and farming. Minimum bid $15,300.00.
PIN # WB-381-2 Town of Woodboro. Ward 1. End of Red Fox Run (Private Road). Part GL 1, Section 26, Township 36
North, Range 7 East. N/K/A Out Lot 1 CSM V18 P4061. Small rectangular parcel, which is landlocked. No legal access to
parcel. Approx. 0.15 acres. Zoned single family. Minimum bid $100.00. Preference to adjoining landowner.
PIN # WR-13-18 Town of Woodruff. Ward 1. 417 Hickory St. Part N-SW¼, Section 2, Township 39 North, Range 6
East. House and attached garage both have significant fire damage and debris present. Structures will require demolition.
All structures and debris must be removed from the property by July 1
, 2023. Approx. 100’ x 155’ with 0.37 acres. Zoned
single family. Minimum bid $11,600.00. Permits on file.
PIN # WR-420-17 Town of Woodruff. Ward 2. Off Glencoe Dr. Part GL 2, Section 33, Township 39 North, Range 7 East.
Rectangular wooded parcel. Approx. 40’ x 197’ with 0.18 acres. Zoned single family. Minimum bid $1,100.00.
PIN # WR-460 Town of Woodruff. Ward 1. Off Cedar St. Part GL 1, Section 2, Township 39 North, Range 6 East. Lot 2,
Block 1, Village of Woodruff. Open and grassy rectangular lot with a fenced in area with debris. Approx. 0.20 acres. Zoned
Business B-2. Minimum bid $12,700.00.
PIN # WR-461 Town of Woodruff. Ward 1. 520 Cedar St. Part GL 1, Section 2, Township 39 North, Range 6 East. Lot 3,
Block 1, Village of Woodruff. Rectangular lot adjacent to WR-460 with house and detached garage in good condition with
debris. Approx. 0.22 acres. Zoned Business B-2. Minimum bid $87,300.00.
See next pages for Bid form and other information.
BID DEADLINE: Friday, December 9
, 2022 4:00 PM CT. Late bids will not be accepted. The number of bids
received or names of bidders will not be revealed prior to bid opening.
BID OPENING: Bids will be opened on Tuesday, December 13
, 2022 at the Land Records Committee meeting,
10:00 A.M., CT, Second Floor Committee Room 2 (AKA Room C202), Oneida County Courthouse, 1 S Oneida
Ave, Rhinelander, WI. You do not need to be present for bid opening.
BID GUARANTEE: A bid guarantee of $500.00 shall accompany each parcel with a minimum bid of $500.00 or
more. If the minimum bid amount is less than $500.00, the bid guarantee shall equal the bid amount.
SEALED BIDS: Sealed bids must be submitted on the Oneida County Real Estate Bid Form that is on page
2 of this form. Any bid less than the minimum advertised bid will be rejected. Only one bid, per bidder, per
parcel accepted. The bid must be a specific value and cannot be an “open ended bid”.
SALE CONDITIONS: The Land Records Committee and/or County Board reserve the right to reject any or all
bids and to select the bid most advantageous to Oneida County. If a municipality, county department or other
public entity expresses an interest in acquiring a property, the County will evaluate the request before making a
final determination to convey the property to others. Property is being sold in “AS IS” condition. Buildings may
contain mold and/or lead paint, and properties may contain debris on or buried on the property. The successful
bidder will have 60 days from date of County Board approval to complete payment. A quit claim deed will be
issued and the County is not providing title insurance. No title, access, boundaries, parcel area or dimensions,
easements, fitness for use or related issues guaranteed or warranted. Sale may be subject to any easements,
restrictions, reservations, or rights-of-way of record or ingress/egress of use over existing traveled ways and
utilities in place. The successful bidder will be responsible for the $30.00 deed recording fee and providing
information for filling out a Wisconsin Real Estate Transfer Receipt.
BIDDERS RESPONSIBILITY: The bidder is responsible to satisfy any questions they may have on access, title,
survey, boundaries, parcel area or dimensions, legal issues, zoning, utilities, easements, building
conditions/uses or other issues relating to the property. Direct driveway access questions from public roads to
the Town or City in which the parcel lies, and from State Highways, to the WI Department of Transportation at
715-365-3490, and from County Highways, to the Oneida County Highway Department at 715-369-6184.
Questions on zoning of parcels, building permits or other development or improvement issues should be directed
to the Oneida County Planning & Zoning Department at 715-369-6130 or if located in the city, the City of
Rhinelander Inspection Department at 715-365-8606.
MAILING/CONTACT LIST: The present postal mailing list of parties interested in our real estate sales
discontinued with this notice. If you wish to remain on the postal mailing list, please fill out and return this portion
with your name and address and mail to: Oneida County Land Information Office, P. O. Box 400,
Rhinelander, WI 54501 or email to If you are on our email list, there is no need to
contact us. Future notices sent by email. Please notify us if your email address changes or you want removal
from the list. Email is the preferred method for the contact list.
In order to remain on our POSTAL mailing list you MUST return this form; or since we received an
Email rejection, you must provide us with a current email.
NAME: ____________________________________________________________________________ _____
ADDRESS: _________________________________________________________________________ _____
CITY, STATE, ZIP: _____________________________________________________________ ___________
EMAIL: _____________________________________________________________________
See page 2 for Bid Form
BID DEADLINE: Received by or delivered to Oneida County Clerk by:____________________ ____
Friday, December 9
, 2022 4:00 P.M. CT______________________________ __
Name of Bidder(s): ______________________________________________________________________
CLEARLY PRINT name(s) as you want them to appear on Quit Claim Deed and if multiple names,
how you want to hold title, i.e. joint tenants, tenants in common, survivorship marital property,
husband and wife as joint tenants, a trust, LLC, etc.
Address: ____________________________________________________________________ __
City, State, Zip: _____________________________________________________________________ _
Phone# and Email: _____________________________________________________________________ _
PIN #: _____________________________________________________________________ _
Parcel Address: _____________________________________________________________________ _
Bid amount: _____________________________________________________________________ _
Please use a separate bid form for each parcel.
The County retains the right to reject any or all bids or to select the bid most advantageous to Oneida County. If a
municipality, county department or other public entity expresses an interest in acquiring a property, the County will evaluate
the request before making a final determination to convey the property to others. A bid guarantee of $500 shall accompany
each real estate parcel bid. If the minimum bid amount established by the County and the amount bid are each less than
$500, the bid guarantee shall equal the amount bid. The bid guarantee for the highest two bids shall be deposited by
the County Treasurer. The other bid guarantee(s) returned to the unsuccessful bidder(s). The bid guarantee of the highest
bidder applied to the purchase price if the sale approved and completed. The bid guarantee of the second highest bidder
refunded. The successful bidder will have 60 days from the date of County Board approval to complete payment. If the
highest bidder fails to complete an approved sale, the bid guarantee will be forfeited to Oneida County and the second
highest bidder offered the real estate with their bid guarantee applied to the purchase price. If the second highest bidder
fails to complete an approved sale, the bid guarantee forfeited to Oneida County. It could take 90 150 days for this process
to be completed. The Oneida County Land Records Committee will be the sole and final authority as to what constitutes
just cause for not completing a sale. Oneida County is only transferring its interest in this property in an AS IS condition.
A quitclaim deed will be issued and the County is not providing title insurance. No title, access, boundaries, parcel area or
dimensions, easements, fitness for use or related issues guaranteed or warranted. Sale may be subject to any easements,
restrictions, reservations, or rights-of-way of record or ingress/egress of use over existing traveled ways and utilities in
place. The successful bidder will be responsible for the $30.00 deed-recording fee and providing information for filling
out a Wisconsin Real Estate Transfer Return Receipt.
I/we submit this bid and understand the conditions set forth above and in the Notice of Sale.
Signature and printed name of bidder(s):_____________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________________________Date: ____________
BID GUARANTEE: Payable to Oneida County Treasurer. Return completed bid form with bid guarantee in the form of
a certified check, money order, or personal check made payable to Oneida County Treasurer.
SUBMISSION OF BID: Mail or submit your bid and bid guarantee in a sealed envelope to: Oneida County Clerk,
Courthouse, Room # A100, 1 S Oneida Ave, P.O. Box 400, Rhinelander, WI 54501. No fax or email submittals accepted.
You can also drop off in person or call 715-369-6144 to confirm receipt of only your bid, not the number of bids received or
who submitted. **MARK ENVELOPE: Please mark on outside of bid envelope Real Estate Sealed Bid” in the lower left
hand corner. Include return name and address on envelope.
Frequently asked questions about tax foreclosed property: Page 1 of 1
Q: Who is responsible for the mortgages, liens, judgements or taxes on the tax foreclosed properties?
A: Oneida County uses Wis. Statute 75.521 Foreclosure of tax liens by action in rem. The County Treasurer contracts
with a Title Company to search property ownership, title, mortgages and Federal, State and Municipal liens. These entities
notified of the impending foreclosure. Other liens/judgements against the Landowner not required for searched. If entities
do not take measures to protect their respective interest prior to the court date, the Court forecloses out the interest, the
entity may have against the Property and title to the property awarded to the County. The County pays the back taxes and
the new Landowner is not responsible for back taxes, mortgages, liens/judgements, special assessments etc. If interested
in a property, you may want to contact a title company in advance of submitting a bid with any questions about insuring title
to the property. The County uses various Title Companies and can provide you with the name of the Title Company that
did the County search for a particular property.
Q: Who is responsible for paying the current year’s real estate taxes?
A: If the County is the owner of the property as of January 1
of the taxing year, the property will be exempt in that year
and no taxes will be due on the property. If there are taxes due for the year in which the County sells the property, the
County pays the real estate tax bill.
Q: Can I have the property inspected by licensed plumbers, carpenters, septic etc.?
A: Possibly, however inspection done at your cost. The inspectors or contractors must sign the waiver of liability form,
have insurances required by the County and the inspector or contractor must restore the property to the condition the
property existed prior to the inspection. It should be noted that most buildings the County forecloses on would not pass
inspections required by lending institutions today and that utilities are usually disconnected so you could not test water,
furnace etc. You are purchasing the property in ‘AS IS CONDITION’.
Q: What does Preference to adjoining owner mean?
A: The properties with this designation usually mean the parcel may be a very small remnant or an irregular parcel that
likely would be of best use to an adjoining landowner. In most cases the parcels are landlocked, cannot be built on and
have restrictions placed on the parcel. In order to minimize land use issues, the Committee would likely recommend sale
only to an adjoining landowner.
Q: What is preferred payment method if awarded the property?
A. If you purchase a property with buildings and you want the keys the same day you make payment, the payment must
be cash, a cashier’s or a bank check; otherwise the County has to wait until a personal check has cleared before recording
the deed and giving you the keys. If the property is vacant, you can pay by cash, a cashier’s or a bank check and the deed
recorded usually within 1 day. If payment is with a personal check, the deed may not be recorded until the check has cleared.
Checks for the $30 recording fee can be by personal check.
Q: What if I am waiting on a loan to purchase the property and it would take more than the 60 days to complete
the sale?
A: The successful bidder will have 60 days from the date of County Board approval to complete payment. If the highest
bidder fails to complete an approved sale within the 60 days, the bid guarantee forfeited to Oneida County and the County
would then work with the second highest bidder or offer again for sale. As mentioned above, most of the properties with
buildings on them would not pass inspections, so have your payment plans in place.
Q: What happens if the properties do not sell?
A: The Land Records Committee reviews the unsold properties and offers them again but may adjust the minimum bid.
Sales usually held twice a year.
Q: What is a Wisconsin Real Estate Transfer Return Receipt and what information is need.
A: This is a form required by the Wisconsin Department of Revenue completed with any real estate transfer. The names,
address and social security number of all people named on the deed needs to be listed. If you prefer not to provide your
social security number to the County, the County will enter 9999999 and the Department will contact you for that information
later. Your social security number is not required when submitting your bid. If a property deeded to a Corporation etc., the
FEIN is needed.