Oneida County Land Information
PO Box 400, 1 S Oneida AVE
Rhinelander WI 54501
Version: 2021-12-10
Approved/Adopted by Land Information Council on: 12-07-2021
Oneida County
Land Information Plan
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................ 3
1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................. 4
2 FOUNDATIONAL ELEMENTS ............................................ 8
PLSS .............................................................................................................................. 9
Parcel Mapping ......................................................................................................... 12
LiDAR and Other Elevation Data ............................................................................ 14
Orthoimagery ............................................................................................................ 15
Address Points and Street Centerlines ................................................................... 16
Land Use .................................................................................................................... 18
Zoning ........................................................................................................................ 19
Administrative Boundaries ...................................................................................... 21
Other Layers .............................................................................................................. 24
3 LAND INFORMATION SYSTEM ..................................... 26
Public Access and Website Information ................................................................ 29
4 CURRENT & FUTURE PROJECTS .................................. 31
Project Plan for PLSS (Benchmark 4) ..................................................................... 32
Project #1: Register of Deeds Land Records Management System.................... 33
Project #2: Orthoimagery 2025 (WROC Program) ............................................... 33
Project #3: Replacement of Real Property & Tax System ................................... 35
Project #4: Maintain GIS Datasets .......................................................................... 35
Project #5: Register of Deeds Electronic Tract Index Pre 1997........................... 35
Project #6: Local Mapping Control......................................................................... 36
Project #7: Mobile mapping Apps .......................................................................... 36
Project #8: NewWorld GIS Integration & NG911 ................................................. 37
Project #9: Permit Imaging ..................................................................................... 37
Project #10: UAV Technology ................................................................................. 38
Project #11: GPS Equipment, Scanners, Large format printers, etc ................... 38
Project #12: Highway signs, Culverts, etc.............................................................. 38
Project #13: NGS 2022 Datum Change .................................................................. 39
Project #14: Floodplain Map Data .......................................................................... 39
Project #15: Land Record HardwareSoftware Updates/Maintenance ............. 40
Project #16: ROD Index and Retrieval of Historic Transcript Books .................. 40
About this Document. This document is a land information plan for Oneida County prepared by the
land information officer (LIO) and the Oneida County Land Information Council. Under state statute
59.72(3)(b), a countywide plan for land records modernization” is required for participation in the
Wisconsin Land Information Program (WLIP). The purpose of this document is twofold: 1) to meet WLIP
funding eligibility requirements necessary for receiving grants and retaining fees for land information, and
2) to plan for county land records modernization in order to improve the efficiency of government and
provide improved government services to businesses and county residents.
WLIP Background. The WLIP, administered by the Wisconsin Department of Administration, is
funded by document recording fees collected by register of deeds at the county-level. In 2020, Oneida
County was awarded $54,368 in WLIP grants and retained a total of $110,712 in local register of deeds
document recording fees for land information.
This plan lays out how funds from grants and retained fees will be prioritized. However, as county budgets
are determined on an annual basis with county board approval, this plan provides estimated figures that
are subject to change and are designed to serve planning purposes only. Therefore, projects listed here
and in Section 4 are subject to available funding and does not obligate the county.
Land Information in Oneida County. Land information is central to Oneida County operations,
as many essential services rely on accurate and up-to-date geospatial data and land records. A
countywide land information system supports all land related county departments, Real property, County
Surveyor, Planning & Zoning, Land Conservations, Forestry, Sheriff’s Department 911 and NewWorld
dispatch system, economic development, emergency planning and response, and provides geospatial
information to the local municipalities, the public and a host of other citizen services. The Oneida County
land information system integrates and enables efficient access to information that describes the physical
characteristics of land, as well as the property boundaries and some rights attributable to landowners.
Oneida County has strived for reduction in duplicative datasets, creates consistent databases, and
whenever possible shares data and integrates datasets across department.
Mission of the Land Information Office. In the next three years, Oneida County’s Land
Information Office wants to ensure compliance with the DOA Benchmark submissions; to be recognized
for its exceptional web mapping site, increase gains in governmental efficiencies by broadening the
utilization of GIS, improve the parcel mapping accuracy, and to be responsive to meeting the land records
needs of residents, the public, landowners and businesses.
Land Information Office Projects. To realize this mission, in the next three years, the county land
information office will focus on the following projects and others in Section 4 subject to funding:
Oneida County Land Information Projects: 2022-2024
Replace the Sanitary and Zoning permit software application
Work toward completion of PLSS remonumentation, DOA Benchmark 4
Maintaining the existing GIS feature classes with emphasis on parcel data set
Acquire countywide aerial imagery and/or LIDAR datasets
Update the web mapping application
Update and maintain the licensing of the various land records software
The remainder of this document provides more details on Oneida County and the WLIP, summarizes
current and future land information projects, and reviews the county’s status in completion and
maintenance of the map data layers known as Foundational Elements.
In 1989, a statewide public funding mechanism was created
whereby a portion of county register of deeds document
recording fees collected from real estate transactions would be
devoted to land information through a new program called the
Wisconsin Land Information Program (WLIP). The purpose of the
land information plan is to meet WLIP requirements and aid in
county planning for land records modernization.
The WLIP and the Land Information Plan
In order to participate in the WLIP, counties must meet certain
Update the county’s land information plan at least every
three years
Meet with the county land information council to review
expenditures, policies, and priorities of the land
information office at least once per year
Report on expenditure activities each year
Submit detailed applications for WLIP grants
Complete the annual WLIP survey
Subscribe to DOA’s land information listserv
Coordinate the sharing of parcel/tax roll data with the
Department of Administration in a searchable format
determined by DOA under s. 59.72(2)(a)
Any grants received and fees retained for land information through the WLIP must be spent consistent
with the county land information plan. Oneida County has met the requirements of the WLIP since 1989
and has benefited significantly from the program. Oneida County typically uses the retained fees to pay
maintenance costs for our larger land records hardware/software systems, and also saves up moneys for
projects requiring large expenditures. However, the maintence/licensing fees of the land records systems
in the Land Information Office, Planning & Zoning, Treasurer and Register of Deeds is now consuming all
of the annual fees collected so the offices will need to rely more on capital improvement funds from the
county for larger land records projects in the future.
Act 20 and the Statewide Parcel Map Initiative
A major development for the WLIP occurred in 2013 through the state budget bill, known as Act 20. It
directed the Department of Administration (DOA) to create a statewide digital parcel map in coordination
with counties.
Act 20 also provided more revenue for WLIP grants, specifically for the improvement of local parcel
datasets. The WLIP is dedicated to helping counties meet the goals of Act 20 and has made funding
available to counties in the form of Strategic Initiative grants to be prioritized for the purposes of
parcel/tax roll dataset improvement and PLSS completion.
For Strategic Initiative grant eligibility, counties are required to apply WLIP funding toward achieving
certain statewide objectives, specified in the form of “benchmarks.” Benchmarks for parcel data
standards or achievement levels on data quality or completenesswere determined through a
participatory planning process. Current benchmarks are detailed in the WLIP grant application, as will be
future benchmarks.
Any physical, legal, economic or
environmental information or
characteristics concerning land,
water, groundwater, subsurface
resources or air in this state.
‘Land information’ includes
information relating to
topography, soil, soil erosion,
geology, minerals, vegetation,
land cover, wildlife, associated
natural resources, land
ownership, land use, land use
controls and restrictions,
jurisdictional boundaries, tax
assessment, land value, land
survey records and references,
geodetic control networks, aerial
photographs, maps, planimetric
data, remote sensing data,
historic and prehistoric sites and
economic projections.
Wis. Stats. section 59.72(1)(a)
WLIP Benchmarks (For 2016-2021 Grant Years)
Benchmark 1 & 2 Parcel and Zoning Data Submission/Extended Parcel Attribute Set Submission
Benchmark 3 Completion of County Parcel Fabric
Benchmark 4 Completion and Integration of PLSS
More information on how Oneida County is meeting these benchmarks appears in the Foundational
Elements section of this plan document.
County Land Information System History and Context
Below is a brief outline of major modernization efforts that Oneida County achieved since the beginning
of the Wisconsin Land Information Program in 1989. While not mentioned below, each year ongoing
maintenance of data bases and related maps have been taking place.
1989 County Acquired first county wide leaf off photography, film based
1990 Created Land Information office
1991 Created WLIP Land Modernization Plan, started work on a digital base map;
participated in LOCALIS state work group, assisted with re-districting
1992 Obtained first WLIB grant to create and complete a digital base map
1993 Start using GPS on PLSS, GPS and maintenance of basemap data continues each year
1994 Implemented a countywide change to the real property listing/tax billing process and
created an integrated parcel database
1995 Continue GPS real property listing, parcel splits etc
1996 Completed a digital soils layer
1997 WLIB address mapping grant to create an address point layer; Implemented E911
1998 Implemented ROD Imaging and an electronic tract index system
1999 Ensured land records systems were Y2K compliant; updated basemap info
2000 Changed from a town based assignment of addresses to a countywide addressing
and road naming proces; assisted with redistricting; launched ‘Parcel Vantage’ a
parcel viewer on Intranet
2001 Scanned ROD plats and CSM’s
2002 Scanned all county survey maps and PLSS forms
2003 Began the first countywide parcel mapping project ended in 2009; back scanned
deeds of current tax parcels.
2004 Implement a Web mapping application; included tax data in searchable form
including names on Internet
2005 Converted to Geodatabase; acquired first ever ‘Color’ countywide leaf off Digital
ortho photography
2006 Merged the Real Property Listers office with the Land Information Office
2007 Converted GIS dataset to ArcSDE, Geodatabase
2008 Land Information Office assigned the duties for sales of tax foreclosed and County
owned Real Estate Transactions
2009 Completed Generation 1 of the countywide parcel mapping, maintenance continues
2010 Created an Internet site to access our survey and other static maps, acquired color
digital ortho, Assisted with Comp Planning
2011 Assist with Redistricting and creation of Nokomis Lake District
2012 Revised snowmobile trails and linked parcels to snowmobile use agreements,
Develop a LiDAR contract
2013 Began LIDAR project, ROD migration to new system
2014 AIS mapping; Completed Lidar project, ROD redaction project completed
2015 GIS Server and ArcGIS upgrades, new color digital photography, new mapping apps,
completed ROD document scanning back to 1887
2016 186 PLSS corners were remonumented and/or geodetically positioned, Assisted with
Squash Lake District formation, launched new advanced web mapping One-View,
implemented ROD e-recording, scanned historic survey notes
2017 Updated snowmobile trails, created trail app, back scanned sanitary permits, 240 PLSS
corners were remonumented, ROD web access to documents
2018 Implemented a new highly integrated easy to use web tax, permit, deed and map
application, started process to move land records off AS400, implemented ROD credit
card purchase for documents
2019 Acquire new countywide digital imagery, ROD implemented WCI, a new document
management system, selected vendor for a new Real property tax application
system, highway sign inventory.
2020 Implement the new Real Property Tax Application system, updated the plainimetric
mapping from 2019 imagery and impervious surfaces, assisted with COVID response
plan and mapping application.
2021 Updated GIS servers and ArcSDE environment, update GIS environment for Sheriff
Department NewWorld CAD application
County Land Information Plan Process
DOA release of finalized instructions by March 31, 2021.
AprilSeptember 2021: Counties work on land info plans.
Draft plans due to DOA by September 30, 2021 (but sooner is advised).
Final plans with county land info council approval due by December 31st, 2021.
Plan Participants and Contact Information
Another requirement for participation in the WLIP is the county land information council, established by
legislation in 2010. The council is tasked with reviewing the priorities, needs, policies, and expenditures of
a land information office and advising the county on matters affecting that office.
According to s. 59.72(3m), Wis. Stats., the county land information council is to include:
Register of Deeds
Real Property Lister or designee
Member of the county board
Representative of the land information office
A realtor or member of the Realtors Association employed within the county
A public safety or emergency communications representative employed within the county
County surveyor or a registered professional land surveyor employed within the county
Other members of the board or public that the board designates
The land information council must have a role in the development of the county land information plan,
and DOA requires county land information councils to approve final plans.
+ Michael Romportl
Land Information Director
Land Information Officer
County Surveyor
Land Information
+ Tara Ostermann
County Treasurer
+ Sara Jewell
Real Property Lister
Assessment Coordinator
Land Information
+ Sonny Paszak
County Board Member
County Supervisor
+ Kyle Franson
Register of Deeds
Register of Deeds
+ Ted Cushing
+ Ken Kortenhof
Public Safety Officer
Sheriff Department
Emergency Government
kkortenho[email protected]
Karl Jennrich
Planning and Zoning Director
Planning & Zoning
Michele Sadauskas
County Conservationist
Planning & Zoning
Jason Rhodes
ITS Director
Information Technology
Art Hilgendorf
Geospatial Admin/Asst LIO
Land Information
Andy Faust
Regional Planning
Alex Hegeman
Highway Commissioner
Highway Department
Paul Fiene
Forest Director
Forestry & Outdoor
Jeff DeMuth
Land Surveyor
Cardinal North Surveyors
Land Information Council Members designated by the plus symbol
Counties must have a land information plan that
addresses development of specific datasets or map layer
groupings historically referred to as the WLIP
Foundational Elements. Foundational Elements
incorporate nationally-recognized “Framework Data”
elements, the major map data themes that serve as the
backbone required to conduct most mapping and
geospatial analysis.
In the past, Foundational Elements were selected by the
former Wisconsin Land Information Board under the
guiding idea that program success is dependent upon a
focus for program activities. Thus, this plan places priority on certain elements, which must be addressed
in order for a county land information plan to be approved. Beyond the county’s use for planning
purposes, Foundational Element information is of value to state agencies and the WLIP to understand
progress in completion and maintenance of these key map data layers.
Oneida County has completed many of the Foundational Elements thanks to the support of the Oneida
County Board and the Wisconsin Land Information Program. Maintaining the foundational elements is
ongoing and contributes to the increased accuracy of our land records systems. The cost of updating the
hardware-software and annual maintenance/licensing fees of land records programs is very expensive and
paid from land records fees which is limiting our larger project initiatives and may need more outside
funding in the future.
Parcel Mapping
LiDAR and Other Elevation Data
Address Points and Street Centerlines
Land Use
Administrative Boundaries
Other Layers
Public Land Survey System Monuments
Layer Status
PLSS Layer Status
Number of PLSS corners (section, ¼, meander) set in
government survey that can be remonumented in
your county
Number of PLSS corners capable of being remonumented in
your county that have been remonumented
Number of remonumented PLSS corners with survey grade
(see below for definition)
SURVEY GRADE coordinates collected under the
direction of a Professional Land Surveyor, in a
coordinate system allowed by 236.18(2), and obtained
by means, methods and equipment capable of
repeatable 2 centimeter or better precision
SUB-METER point precision of 1 meter or better
APPROXIMATEpoint precision within 5 meters or
coordinates derived from public records or other
relevant information
3230 Survey Grade
72 Sub meter
0 Approx
Number of survey grade PLSS corners integrated into county
digital parcel layer
Number of non-survey grade PLSS corners integrated into
county digital parcel layer
Tie sheets available online?
Percentage of remonumented PLSS corners that have tie
sheets available online
(whether or not they have
corresponding coordinate values)
Percentage of remonumented PLSS corners that have tie
sheets available online
(whether or not they have
corresponding coordinate values)
and a corresponding
URL path/hyperlink value in the PLSS geodatabase
PLSS corners believed to be remonumented based on filed
tie-sheets or surveys, but do not have coordinate values
Approximate number of PLSS corners believed to be lost or
Which system(s) for corner point identification/
does the county employ (e.g., the Romportl
point numbering system known as
Wisconsin Corner Point
Identification System
, the BLM Point ID Standard, or other
corner point ID system)?
Wisconsin Corner Point Identification System
S-T-R - Alphanumeric grid for paper copy book storage
Does the county contain any non-PLSS areas (e.g., river
frontage long lots, French land claims,
private claims, farm
lots, French long lots, etc.) or any special situations
regarding PLSS data for tribal lands?
Total number of PLSS corners along each bordering county
Number of PLSS corners remonumented along each county
Number of remonumented PLSS corners along each county
boundary with survey grade coordinates
In what ways does your county collaborate with or plan to
collaborate with neighboring counties for PLSS updates on
shared county borders?
Send new or revised remonumentation records and/or
coordinate values to adjoining counties as they come in.
Oneida County Land Information Office - Director/County Surveyor
Continue maintenance on PLSS corners including USPLSS records and GPS observations. New
USPLSS tie sheets are being appended to the original tie sheet to maintain a chain of record
for the occupation or maintenance of the corner. Oneida County has numerous meander
corners due to the many lakes & rivers. As such, original meander corners may be underwater
water as a result of flowages or eroded shorelines. The numbers reported in above table have
been adjusted slightly since last plan due to the number of meander corners and other factors
and is our best estimate at this time for total PLSS corners.
Created an attribute field to track coordinate values for re-observations of PLSS corners to
document repeatability and the datum adjustment used over time. Coordinates that have
been reported so far have been within approximately 0.10’ of the originally determined value
which demonstrates reliable procedures and equipment has been used to establish the value.
Continue to file survey maps and update index.
Continue to file field notes and other survey source documents.
Statutory Standards for PLSS Corner Remonumentation
s. 59.74, Wis. Stats. Perpetuation of section corners, landmarks.
s. 60.84, Wis. Stats. Monuments.
ch. A-E 7.08, Wis. Admin. Code, U.S. public land survey monument record.
ch. A-E 7.06, Wis. Admin. Code, Measurements.
s. 236.15, Wis. Stats. Surveying requirement.
SURVEY GRADE standard from Wisconsin County Surveyor’s Association:
SURVEY GRADEcoordinates collected under the direction of a Professional Land
Surveyor, in a coordinate system allowed by 236.18(2), and obtained by means,
methods and equipment capable of repeatable 2 centimeter or better precision
SUB-METERpoint precision of 1 meter or better
APPROXIMATEpoint precision within 5 meters or coordinates derived from public
records or other relevant information
Oneida County will require use of the means, methods and equipment capable of meeting the
2cm precision. However, due to various factors, meeting the repeatable measurement of 2cm
may not be able to be achieved in all cases. PLSS corners in wetlands, tree canopy, heavy soils,
frost, monument characteristics and other natural conditions may not allow the monument to
‘hold’ 2cm. Reobervations are showing results of 3cm or better which is extremely good
considering the conditions.
It will be the goal of the County to have coordinate values on PLSS corners meeting one of the
following ‘survey grade’, ‘sub meter’ or ‘approximate’ designations on all corners by 2030,
subject to funding and other priorities that may emerge in the future.
Other Geodetic Control and Control Networks
e.g., HARN, Height Mod., etc.
Layer Status
In 1994 Oneida County completed geodetic densification from stations within the Wisconsin
High Accuracy Reference Network (HARN) referenced to NAD 83(1991). The network consists
of 25 - 1 & 2 ppm stations which were established using the ‘Guidelines to Support
Densification of the Wisc High Accuracy Reference Network (HARN) using Global Positioning
System (GPS) Technology’ standards and specifications which were current at that time. In
addition, the County established 79 10 ppm stations in 1994. The horizontal geodetic
control is strategically placed throughout the County and has met our needs. Coordinate
values are available in Oneida County, (WCCS), State Plane and Latitude and Longitude. The
County assumes the custodial responsibility for the densified control stations. DOT has
maintained the 1 & 2 ppm stations and has recently set one new station due to highway
construction that destroyed the other station. Any new control stations set by the County
would adhere to National Standard for Spatial Data Accuracy, FGDC-STD-007.3-1998. Since
1991 there have been adjustments NAD 83(1997), NAD 83(2007) and NAD 83(2011). There is
very little shift between the NAD 83(1991) and NAD 83(2011). Oneida County will monitor the
effect of coordinate values generated using GPS to see if measures need to be implemented
to address the issue and to seek input from professional survey organizations for guidance.
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) Geodetic Survey Unit developed a
state Global Positioning System (GPS) reference station network. This network, called the
Wisconsin Continuously Operating Reference Stations (WISCORS) Network, consists of
permanent GPS sites, which provide real-time correctors to mobile users. These mobile users
that are properly equipped to take advantage of these correctors can survey in the field to the
2 centimeter accuracy level in real-time. The program is being partnered with state and local
governments, federal agencies and educational institutions. The WisDOT Geodetic Survey Unit
is responsible for enhancing and maintaining the vertical and horizontal geodetic control
infrastructure across the state of Wisconsin. The establishment and operation of this
permanent GPS CORS network in Wisconsin will help Oneida County users in their ability to
access the system in particular to develop reliable vertical data which is needed throughout
the County. Currently we have 2 CORS stations in Oneida County.
The Wisconsin Height Mod program administered by the WIDOT has completed the field
observations and published the results of Phase 8 monuments.
Oneida County supported the HARN re-observation effort led by the DOT to prepare for the
new NGS reference datum described below.
To improve the National Spatial Reference System (NSRS), NGS will replace all three North
American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83) frames and all vertical datums, including the North
American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88), with four new terrestrial reference frames and a
geopotential datum. The new reference frames will rely primarily on Global Navigation
Satellite Systems (GNSS), such as the Global Positioning System (GPS), as well as on a
gravimetric geoid model resulting from our Gravity for the Redefinition of the American
Vertical Datum (GRAV-D) Project. These new reference frames will be easier to access and to
maintain than the current NSRS, which relies on physical survey marks that deteriorate over
time. Oneida County will monitor the development of this new reference framework and
address issues as are needed or required to accommodate the transition. Oneida County
expects software vendors to update software to facilitate this transition.
WIDOT HARN and Height Mod network
Oneida County Land Information Office, County Surveyor Local Control
WIDOT HARN and Height Mod network
Oneida County Land Information Office, County Surveyor Local Control and will report any
issue with HARN or Height Mod to WIDOT.
HARN - National Standard for Spatial Data Accuracy, FGDC-STD-007.3-1998 and NGS
Publication 58.
Height Mod WIDOT Specifications & NGS Publication 59
Local Control 100 ppm
Parcel Mapping
Parcel Geometries
Layer Status
Progress toward completion/maintenance phase: In Oneida County, 100% of the county’s
parcels are available in a commonly-used digital GIS format, ie ArcGIS Geodatabase. Our first
generation of digital index parcel maps was completed in 2009. Parcel maps are referenced to
the lines of the public land survey system and are suitable for planning purposes and in many
cases suitable for assisting with land title boundary or survey line determination. Our parcel
maps are not intended to be a substitute for a certified land survey and are not intended to
guarantee title to property.
Projection and coordinate system: The parcel maps are published using the projection
parameters for the Wisconsin Coordinate Reference System (WISCRS), Oneida County. Oneida
County EPSG code is 7623 for WISCRS in Feet and 7564 for WISCRS in meters.
Integration of tax data with parcel polygons: The county does have a parcel polygon
model that directly integrates tax/assessment data as parcel attributes.
Online Parcel Viewer Software/App and Vendor name: OneView by GISI and ArcGIS Online
Unique URL path for each parcel record: No. However parcel URL’s are generated on the fly
when searching on OC tax- parcel website by parcel number.
Oneida County Land Information Office
Update Frequency/Cycle. Parcel polygons are updated as a parcel splits or more accurate
data is received. Web mapping updates weekly.
Data Dictionary: We are using FGDC standard in ESRI software, ArcCatalog. Oneida County’s
annual submission to DOA as part of the WLIP requirements meet their standards for
acceptance. The 2020 submission was version 7 and Oneida County plans to adhere to future
submission requirements. The County did a major GIS software upgrade in 2021 and the
metadata will be updated in the process.
Assessment/Tax Roll Data
Layer Status
Progress toward completion/maintenance phase: NA
Tax Roll Software/App and Vendor name: Ascent by Transcendent Technologies, LLC.
County creates the tax roll and runs tax bills using the Ascent software.
Municipal Notes: NA
Oneida County Land Information Office / Real Property and Treasurer
Maintenance of the Searchable Format standard: To maintain the Searchable Format
standard, the county uses the Ascent export routine and does very little modifications to be
useable for the parcel submission.
Searchable Format Workflow:
The county maintains parcel/tax roll data in the Searchable Format or close enough to the
Searchable Format that little to no human labor is required for the annual submission of
parcel/tax roll data to DOA.
Wisconsin Department of Revenue Property Assessment Manual and attendant DOR standards
DOR XML format standard requested by DOR for assessment/tax roll data
Non-Assessment/Tax Information Tied to Parcels
e.g., Permits, Easements, Non-Metallic Mining, Brownfields, Restrictive Covenants
Layer Status
Sanitary Permits tied to parcel number & GIS and permits scanned back to 1975
Zoning – Land Use Permits - tied to parcel number & GIS and permits scanned back to 1985
Non-Metallic Mining locations are captured as polygons attributed with with permit information
and responsible party.
Land use agreements or easements tied to parcels for only snowmobile trails.
Oneida County Planning and Zoning Department for the first three listed, Forestry for
Ongoing. New sanitary and zoning permits numbers and images are linked to the parcel
number and scanned into the system & GIS monthly. Non-Metallic yearly.
Internal to Department
ROD Real Estate Document Indexing and Imaging
Layer Status
Grantor/Grantee Index: The County Grantor/Grantee Index is in a digital database back to
1988. The paper copy books exists back to 1887 and are scanned and can be accessed online
All new entries are digital and can be accessed online at:
Tract Index: The Tract Index is PLSS, Plat and CSM based. The tract contains any recorded
document number that was able to be indexed, ie deeds, mortgages, easements, restrictive
covenants, Lis pendens, etc. The tract index is digital from 1997 to present and can be
accessed on line at:
The paper copy tract index books have been imaged in pdf format which date back to 1887
which can be accessed on line at:
The County would like to create a digital tract back at least 30 years.
Imaging: Oneida County has imaged all of the documents containing the deeds, etc back to
the original patents 1887 including the Lincoln, Vilas and Forest County transcript deeds.
Mortgages prior to 1975 are not imaged but it is something the county would like to do. Since
1997 all new deeds, mortgages, plats, CSM’s etc are imaged and the County implemented E-
Recording in March 2016.
ROD Software/App and Vendor Name: RecordEase from contractor/vendor West Central
indexing (WCI).
County Register of Deeds
New recorded images are entered into system daily and if any old images are found to be of
poor quality they are re-imaged.
s. 59.43, Wis. Stats. Register of deeds; duties, fees, deputies.
ch. 706, Wis. Stats. Conveyances of real property; Recording; Titles.
Ch 236, Wis Stat, Platting lands and recording and vacating plats, csm’s
Ch 703 Wis Stats Condominiums
S 84.095(8) Wis Stats Transportation Project Plats
LiDAR and Other Elevation Data
Layer Status
Most recent acquisition year: 2013
Accuracy: The Oneida County dataset has been tested and the overall RMSE is 0.290 feet and
on bare earth surfaces is 0.18 feet.
Post spacing: Nominal point spacing (NPS) 1.0 meter, flown at 50% overlap
Contractor’s standard, etc.: See below.
Next planned acquisition year: No date. Will evaluate updating if landscape changes occur
or if outside funding source becomes available.
QL1/QL2 acquisition plans: If outside funding becomes available will consider. Currently
considering a possible proposal from DOA partnership for a project with USGS but
uncertain if County will be able to fund County’s portion. If approved, flight planned for
2022 and delivered in 2023.
Oneida County Land Information Office
The contractor has represented that errors found in the data will be reviewed and corrected.
All deliverables were produced meeting or exceeding these guidelines or specifications:
1. USGS LiDAR Guidelines and Base Specifications v. 1.
2. The Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners Appendix A:
Guidance for Aerial Mapping and Surveying; Federal Emergency Management Agency. April
2003 (including the Procedure Memorandum No. 61-Standards for LiDAR and Other High
Quality Digital Topography, September 2010.
3. The USGS LBS v1 was followed as a guideline for how the LiDAR was acquired.
4. In addition, the Contractor flew the entire area at 50% overlap to ensure coverage in the
forested areas.
LiDAR Derivatives
e.g., Bare-Earth Digital Terrain Model (DTM), Bare-Earth Elevation Contours, Bare-Earth Digital
Elevation Model (DEM), Digital Surface Model (DSM), “Hydro-Enforced DEMs” etc.
Layer Status
The following layers are complete.
1) countywide 2-foot contour surface;
2) bare earth DTM;
3) first return digital surface model (DSM);
4) digital elevation model (DEM);
5) intensity images;
6) hydro enforced break lines which are hydro-flattened;
7) low confidence area polygons;
8) additional classifications for low, medium and high vegetation, buildings, bridges, and dams
Oneida County Land Information
See above
See above
Other Types of Elevation Data
Layer Status
Oneida County Land Information
As needed
ESRI Arc 3d Analyst
Layer Status
Most recent acquisition year: 2019
Resolution: 6” resolution 4 band digital
Contractor’s standard: Vexcel UltraCam Eagle Mark 3 system at 30% sidelap.
Meets ASPRS Class II standards for horizontal accuracy, +/- 2.4 feet at 95% confidence level
Next planned acquisition year: 2024-2025
WROC participation in 2025: Planning to participate but subject to funding.
Oneida County Land Information
Typically 5 years to coincide with WROC
The 6-inch orthoimagery conforms to ASPRS Class II standards for 1” = 100’ scale mapping
with an ortho image ground sample distance (GSD) of <6 inches. The horizontal accuracy will
be measured by root mean statistical error (RMSE), which will be 2.0-feet or less
Historic Orthoimagery
Layer Status
1938, resolution & scale unknown; B&W; paper (Acquired from Robinson Library)
1989, film based and mylar to meet 1”=400’ scale mapping standards
1998, 18” resolution, scale unknown; B&W; mylar & digital
2005, 12” resolution, scale 1:200; Color; paper & digital
2010, 12” resolution, scale 1:100; Color; digital
2015, 6” resolution, scale 1:100; Color and Infrared; digital
2019, 6” resolution, scale 1:100; Color and Infrared; digital
Oneida County Land Information
Archive only.
Various, contact county for specifics if needed
Other Types of Imagery
e.g., Oblique Imagery, Satellite Imagery, Infra-red, etc.
Layer Status
2019, Infra-red
Oneida County Land Information
Plan for in 2024 or 2025
Vexcel UltraCam Eagle Mark 3 system at 30% sidelap.
6-inch pixel resolution
4-band (RGB-NIR)
Meets ASPRS Class II standards for horizontal accuracy, +/- 2.4 feet at 95% confidence level
Address Points and Street Centerlines
Address Point Data
Layer Status
Oneida County Land Information
All known parcels with a building for human habitation have an address assigned. The County
administers the countywide addressing and road naming ordinance. Address points are
assigned to all buildings used for human occupation. Other buildings are addressed as
needed, ie separate utilities, garage only on a parcel, camping pads, etc. Address points are
tied to the parcel number and are generated from Orthoimagery or other means. NextGEN 9-
1-1 is in the process of being built for Wisconsin. The network it will run on has been
contracted and a key component of the system is accurate local GIS data. Oneida County
participated in the NextGEN taskforce for establishing GIS data standards that will be used by
the system to ensure timely and accurate location services for 911 calls, text messaging and
video. Oneida County's address and street centerline data has been updated to meet these
requirements but still needs work like all counties in the state.
Oneida County Land Information
Chapter 16 of Oneida County Code for addressing and follow the US Postal Standard as near
as practical.
NENA NG911 Data Standards
Wisconsin GIS NG9-1-1 Data Standard
Building Footprints
Layer Status
Building footprints were last updated in 2019. A ‘point’ has been added to new building
locations based on address application, LiDAR, Google Maps and with newer Orthoimagery.
Oneida County Land Information
Points are added as new addresses are assigned to buildings; however accessory structures are
not located.
Internal to office
Other Types of Address Information
e.g., Address Ranges
Layer Status
Address ranges maintained in Street Centerlines
Oneida County Land Information
See Street centerlines
Street Centerlines
Layer Status
The County has a complete centerline layer and address range of all named public and private
roads and active railroads in the County. The class of the road is added as an attribute, ie
town, county, state, federal forest, county forest, public private. The Land Information Office
maintains the Master Street Address Guide in cooperation with the Sheriff’s Office. The
County also maintains a point for the driveway location of the address.
Oneida County Land Information
Complies with the County GIS geodatabase design.
The County adheres to the PO Addressing Standard and/or NENA standard for road naming
conventions as much as practical and does not allow new roads to duplicate another road
name in the County. The County is also working to meet the NewWorld system requirements.
Sheriff department records management system
Rights of Way
Layer Status
The right-of-way of public roads was developed as part of the parcel mapping process and
assigned a PIN when a recorded document is found to support the road description. However,
many of our roads lack written descriptions or surveys so the positional accuracy needs
improvement and will be updated as new information is obtained from various sources. Public
right-of-ways have a ROW polygon associated with the road and when known are tied to the
document to support the right-of-way.
How maintained: The Right-of-way layer is revised maintained as part of the parcel
maintenance based on new survey or supporting documents.
Oneida County Land Information
Complies with the County GIS geodatabase design
e.g., Recreational Trails, Snowmobile Trails
Layer Status
County funded Snowmobile trails are mapped along with intersection identification points for
emergency location purposes. Trail heads or parking areas are assigned an address for
emergency location purposes. ATV/UTV Trails on County owned lands are mapped.
Parks and recreational trails on county owned lands are maintained by the Forestry
Department. Maps for County Parks, X-Country ski trails/ hiking, biking and other
miscellaneous trails in the county forest can be accessed on our static mapping site with maps
in pdf format.
Boat Landings are separate layer, however some may be part of the road right-of-way. We
have boat launches as part of our dataset but updates and further attribution is needed
indicating the status of the landing, improved, walk in etc. and is planned as time permits.
Public access to waterbodies are mapped as part of the parcel layer.
Oneida County Forestry Department and Land Information Office
As trails are changed, the snowmobile clubs provide the information to the County for updates
Oneida County Forestry Department and Land Information Office. Forestry Department
provides updates to ATV/UTV trails.
Complies with the County GIS geodatabase design
Land Use
Current Land Use
Layer Status
The County’s Comprehensive Plan includes a ‘generalized’ land use 2010 map that is not
included in the geodatabase at this time but accessible in the plan document
( The County’s
tax database contains the DOR classification code that can be linked to the parcel dataset in
the GIS database, which if needed, could be used to create a generalized map.
Planning and Zoning Department, NCWRPC
Last updated 2010
Future Land Use
Layer Status
Future land use maps are typically created through a community’s comprehensive planning
process. Future land use mapping for a county may be a patchwork of maps from
comprehensive plans adopted by municipalities and the county.
Planning and Zoning Department, NCWRPC
As municipalities update their plans.
s. 66.1001, Wis. Stats. Comprehensive planning.
If a future land use map is created as part of an adopted comprehensive plan(s), then it
can be assumed to meet the standards in s. 66.1001
According to s. 66.1001, beginning on January 1, 2010, if a town, village, city, or county
enacts or amends an official mapping, subdivision, or zoning ordinance, the enactment
or amendment ordinance must be consistent with that community's comprehensive
Future land use mapping for a county may be a patchwork of maps from
comprehensive plans adopted by municipalities and the county.
County General Zoning
Layer Status
The County does maintain a GIS representation of county general zoning boundaries.
Planning and Zoning Department
District boundaries are changed any time an ordinance change is enacted.
Zoning districts are mapped in accordance with the Oneida County Planning and Zoning
s. 59.69, Wis. Stats.
Shoreland Zoning
Layer Status
The County does maintain a GIS representation of county shoreland zoning boundaries.
Planning and Zoning Department
District boundaries are changed any time an ordinance change is enacted.
Zoning districts are mapped in accordance with the Oneida County Planning and Zoning
Farmland Preservation Zoning
Layer Status
Administered by county but not in GIS format.
Year- of certification: 2002. We only have one farm in the County currently registered.
Planning and Zoning Department
Land Conservation Department
As needed
s. 59.69, Wis. Stats.
Oneida County Zoning and Shoreland Protections Ordinance.
Floodplain Zoning
Layer Status
The County does maintain a GIS representation of floodplain zoning boundaries.
The county’s floodplain zoning GIS data is the same as/identical to the FIRM map.
Letter of Map Amendments are shown as a point with a link to the letter.
Planning and Zoning Department
Updated as LOMA or other official documentation is received.
The positional location of the flood boundaries of the FIRM maps provided by FEMA are poor.
The County highly desires updated FIRM maps from FEMA or DNR.
FEMA and Oneida County Floodplain Ordinance
Airport Protection
Layer Status
The County does maintain a GIS representation of airport protection zoning boundaries.
Airport protection zoning map depicts:
- Height limitations
Rhinelander- Oneida County Airport Commission, FAA, Planning and Zoning Department
As changes are made, which are very rare.
Municipal Zoning Information Maintained by the County
e.g., Town, City and Village, Shoreland, Floodplain, Airport Protection, Extra-Territorial,
Temporary Zoning for Annexed Territory, and/or Zoning Pursuant to a Cooperative Plan
Layer Status
The City of Rhinelander Zoning layer is included with the County GIS geodatabase.
City of Rhinelander Inspection department
Last updated July 2021 and maintains as zoning changes are made and submitted to the
Administrative Boundaries
Civil Division Boundaries
e.g., Towns, City, Villages, etc.
Layer Status
Complete, 20 Towns, 1 City
Oneida County Land Information
City of Rhinelander, Annexations
All annexations are filed with the office and updated as they occur. Positional accuracy of the
boundaries is updated as more accurate control is obtained
Spatially aligned to parcels. Complies with the County GIS geodatabase design and the
Consolidated Boundary Annexation Survey (CBAS) standards
School Districts
Layer Status
Progress toward completion/maintenance phase: Complete
Relation to parcels: Spatially aligned to parcels in GIS.
Attributes linked to parcels: Oneida County Assessment Tax codes
Oneida County Land Information
Assessor Real Property Lister
Daily as splits of parcels occur, Real Property assigns codes. Validity checks are run yearly.
Spatially aligned to parcels. Complies with the County GIS geodatabase design. Assessment
classification codes by DOR.
Election Boundaries
e.g., Voting Districts, Precincts, Wards, Polling Places, etc.
Layer Status
The County has current voting ward, aldermanic, county board supervisory districts and polling
places as part of the jurisdictional boundaries or points in the GIS. The location of the voting
places is not shown but addresses are published by the County Clerk.
County Clerk
NCWRPC submits County GIS dataset Legislative Technology Services Bureau yearly
Oneida County Land Information
As annexations occur boundaries are updated and also when required by redistricting.
Currently working on the 2021 redistricting plan.
Oneida County will comply with the Wisconsin statute that requires submission of ward level
Geographic Information System (GIS) data to the Legislative Technology Services Bureau
(LTSB) twice a year, by January 15
and July 15
Spatially aligned to parcels. Complies with the County GIS geodatabase design.
Utility Districts
e.g., Water, Sanitary, Electric, etc.
Layer Status
Sanitary: The County’s tax data base includes a code designating which parcels are within a
sanitary district which can be linked to the parcel dataset and a map created as needed. There
are 4 districts and the city of the Rhinelander in the county.
Tax incremental financing districts (TIF): The County’s tax database includes a code
designating which parcels are within a TIF and there is a layer in our GIS which shows the
Sanitary District Boards, Towns, City and Land Information Office.
The County runs a validity test of the assessment code against the GIS dataset to determine if
the parcels and boundary districts are consistent. Corrections were made and updated as
Spatially aligned to parcels. Complies with the County GIS geodatabase design.
Emergency Service Boundary Law/Fire/EMS
Layer Status
These layers are included in the Sheriff Department Dispatch System ‘NewWorld’. Data
preparations are being made for Next-Gen 911.
Law Enforcement: Completed
Fire: Completed
EMS: Completed
Land Information/Emergency Government/Sheriff/Towns
Maintenance: As service area or location of facilities change the data is updated.
Wisconsin GIS NG9-1-1 Data Standard (Emergency Service Boundary)
Complies with the County GIS geodatabase design.
Public Safety Answering Points (PSAP) Boundary
Layer Status
PSAP Boundary: Completed PSAP boundary coincident with the County Boundary.
Emergency Government/Land Information
As service area or location of facilities change the data is updated.
Wisconsin GIS NG9-1-1 Data Standard (PSAP Boundary)
Provisioning Boundary
Layer Status
Currently the provisioning boundary is the County boundary. This could change a little as we
work with adjacent counties to determine how to handle things on our borders. This layer
represents the coverage area for which GIS data providers are responsible for submitting GIS
data for NG9-1-1. The data provided must cover the entire extent of the coverage area that
defines their geographic area of responsibility but data must not extend beyond the identified
coverage area.
Emergency Government/Land Information
As service area or location of facilities change the data is updated.
Wisconsin GIS NG9-1-1 Data Standard (Provisioning Boundary)
Other Public Safety
e.g., Healthcare Facilities
Layer Status
Hospitals, and Government Facilities are currently identified in the County All Hazards
Mitigation Plan and future plans are to include point data in the Sheriff Department NewWorld
system and/or County GIS.
Emergency Government/Land Information
Currently revised in All Hazards Mitigation Plan
NewWorld or County GIS standards
Lake Districts
Layer Status
Lake Districts: The County’s tax data base includes a code designating which parcels are within
a lake district which can be linked to the parcel dataset and a layer with the boundaries are
shown in our GIS. There are 9 Lake Districts in the County.
Lake District Boards, Towns and Oneida County Land Information Office.
The County runs a validity test of the assessment code against the GIS dataset to determine if
the parcels and boundary districts are consistent. Corrections were made and updated as
Spatially aligned to parcels. Complies with the County GIS geodatabase design.
Native American Lands
Layer Status
There are two sections of land in the county that have Native American parcels and the parcel
mapping carries an attribute to identify the tribal lands
Oneida County Land Information
As needed
County Parcels mapping
Other Administrative Districts
e.g., County Forest Land, Parks/Open Space, etc.
Layer Status
The County has created a large tracts ownership dataset that includes state, federal, county
and industrial forest lands. In addition the County’s tax database contains the DOR
classification code that is accessible in the tax database and can be linked to the geodatabase,
which if needed, could be used to create a generalized map. The County also maintains
County owned ‘forest stands’ used in the Forestry Department for management purposes.
Oneida County Land Information
Updated as ownership changes.
Spatially aligned to parcels. Complies with the County GIS geodatabase design.
Other Layers
Hydrography Maintained by County or Value-Added
e.g., Hydrography maintained separately from DNR or value-added, such as adjusted to orthos;
Elevation-Derived Hydrography
Layer Status
The county waterbody layer was created by stereo digitizing the 1989 film based aerial
photography and tied to the DNR master water body inventory for attribute information. The
County would like to revise the geometry of the waterbodies based on the 4 band
photography and the LiDAR data if funding and time allows in the future.
The 2013 LiDAR data set has hydro enforced elevation derived break lines, however it was
based on water levels that were low in 2013.
AIS: Aquatic invasive species areas are mapped in project areas.
Oneida County Land Information Office and Land Conservation department.
Waterbody boundaries are updated occasionally when parcel mapping in an area shows a
significant difference.
AIS as project determines.
Complies with the County GIS geodatabase design.
Cell Phone Towers
Layer Status
Cell towers and other communication towers that are registered with FCC or permitted by
Oneida County are mapped and have been used for broadband analysis.
Sheriff Department, Planning & Zoning and Oneida County Land Information
As new towers are added, moved or removed.
Complies with the County GIS geodatabase design.
Bridges and Culverts
Layer Status
The County desires to inventory bridges and culverts for County Highways. The county
developed an app but have not been able to assign personnel to the do the collection yet.
County Highway Department and Oneida County Land Information Office.
Will develop procedures for maintenance once implemented.
Initial database design per DOT
Other / Miscellaneous
e.g., Pipelines, Railroads, Non-Metallic Mining, Sinkholes, Manure Storage Facilities, etc.
Layer Status
Wetlands: DNR determined wetlands are included with the county GIS but are not re-
distributed per DNR policy.
Non-metallic permitted sites are mapped yearly and maintained in the GIS.
Soils: Joint project with NRCS and County completed the soils maps and are included in the
county GIS.
Airports incomplete.
Active railroads
AIS Aquatic and Invasive species inventories
TIS: Terrestrial invasive species areas are mapped in project areas.
Oneida County Land Information Office
If new data is created in the future, the County will evaluate it and incorporate it in the County
The County desires new wetland map data from the DNR.
Complies with the County GIS geodatabase design.
The WLIP seeks to enable land information systems that are both modernized and integrated. Integration
entails the coordination of land records to ensure that land information can be shared, distributed, and
used within and between government at all levels, the private sector, and citizens.
One integration requirement is listed under s. 16.967(7)(a)(1), Wis. Stats., which states that counties may
apply for grants for:
The design, development, and implementation of a land information system that contains and
integrates, at a minimum, property and ownership records with boundary information,
including a parcel identifier referenced to the U.S. public land survey; tax and assessment
information; soil surveys, if available; wetlands identified by the department of natural
resources; a modern geodetic reference system; current zoning restrictions; and restrictive
This chapter describes the design of the county land information system, with focus on how data related
to land features and data describing land rights are integrated and made publicly available.
County Parcel Data Workflow Diagram
Technology Architecture and Database Design
This section refers to the hardware, software, and systems that the county uses to develop and operate
computer systems and communication networks for the transmission of land information data.
GIS system contains IBM Servers with fail over, each having 8 virtual machines, plus a virtual
machine in the DMZ hosting web applications. Land Records tax assessment application
(Ascent) has been installed on an IBM Server.
Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Datacenter, Microsoft SQL Server 2019, ESRI Software Suite,
Ascent Real Property System.
County currently uses ArcGIS Pro: Yes limited. Since PRO has severe limitation, its full
implementation and use may be in question. ESRI need to make it easier to use.
County plans to upgrade to ArcGIS Pro: N/A
Website Development/Hosting
Oneida County hosts all land records data on Oneida systems. Land records data can be
accessed using one of several applications. The GIS Mapping website was provided by GISi
Inc. and maintained by Oneida County. Oneida County also has other website applications it
developed using ArcGIS Online. Land records tax data can be accessed using Ascent Land
Records Suite by Ttech or the OCTAX site created by Oneida County. The Register of Deeds
and Planning and Zoning also have their data available through the county website.
Metadata and Data Dictionary Practices
Metadata Creation
Metadata creation and maintenance process: Basic metadata exists for 60% of our GIS
layers including parcels, zoning and addresses and is ongoing as resources allow.
Metadata Software
Metadata software: ArcCatalog
The software does generate metadata consistent with the FGDC Content Standard for
Digital Geospatial Metadata, and ISO geographic metadata standard 19115.
Metadata fields manually populated: Typical required fields such as description, summary,
resource citation, contacts, etc.
Metadata Policy
Metadata Policy: Driven by ArcCatalog. Oneida County does not have a formal metadata
Municipal Data Integration Process
Oneida County is the custodian for the countywide real property system and tax bill creation.
The County works with the municipalities Assessor, Clerk and Treasurers in obtaining the
assessment data from the Assessor needed to create the assessment roll, and the clerks and
treasurers to produce the tax bills and tax rolls. The County is responsible for reviewing the
deeds and updating the ownership data, ie owners name, mailing address, document, etc.
The County also maintains the county wide address and master street guide for the 911
system. The County works with the municipalities addressing coordinator for placements of
the address and road name signs.
The County has Comprehensive Shoreline Zoning and all municipalities come under County
zoning jurisdiction except the City of Rhinelander. The City provides City’s zoning,
annexations, TIF districts and other boundary information to the County which is housed on
the County’s GIS system.
Oneida County has a strong cooperative working relationship with the municipalities where
the County regularly provides data to municipalities for land related projects, planning
purposes, land use and other issues. Many of the municipalities have a link on their web
pages to our land records systems and they regularly use the mapping site.
Public Access and Website Information
Public Access and Website Information (URLs)
Public Access and Website Information
GIS Webmapping Application(s)
Link URL
GIS Download Link - URL
Real Property Lister Link - URL
Register of Deeds Link - URL
Municipal Website Information
Municipal Website
Municipal Website URL
Data Sharing
Data Availability to Public
Data Sharing Policy
Most of Oneida County GIS data is available for FREE download at
LiDAR and derived datasets are available for purchase, $50 per request plus $5 per 5000’x5000’
Oneida County and other Counties full LiDAR data sets are available for free from a State site
The Oneida County countywide 2’ topographic contour dataset and be downloaded for free
from the Oneida County FTP site. Please email your request to [email protected] and we
will send you a temporary log in to download the data.
Current Tax records data available county wide for $50.
Customized digital data requests are handled through our ITS and Land Information Offices in
cooperation with the custodian of the data.
Digital orthophotography $500 countywide.
Open Records Compliance
Oneida County adheres to the Wisconsin Open Records Law for access to land records.
Data Sharing Restrictions and Government-to-Government Data Sharing
Data Sharing Restrictions
Oneida County has a data disclaimer and a data use policy that must be signed prior to
delivery of data. Email for request form.
Government-to-Government Data Sharing
Oneida County regularly engages with other governmental agencies in sharing of GIS data.
Since the County GIS is online for free download, the direct requests by agencies have
Single Landing Page/Portal for All Land Records Data
Web Services/REST End Points
declined. Typically the County will request an exchange of data. The County would like to
have DOT make their historic ‘gas tax maps’ available to a public download site.
Training and Education
County staff regularly attends online or in-person conferences, workshops and/or training
sessions sponsored by the following: Wisconsin Land Information Association; Wisconsin
Society of Land Surveyors; Wisconsin GIS Users Group; Real Proper Lister Association; Register
of Deeds Association, Treasurers Association; ESRI Vendor; Trimble Vendor; County Code
Administrators. The ESRI SGELA has allowed for a very attractive webinar or online training
The county will continue to use the WLIP training and education grant for land records
staff development.
This chapter lists the current and future land information projects the county is currently undertaking or
intends to pursue over its planning horizon. A project is defined as a temporary effort that is carefully
planned to achieve a particular aim. Projects can be thought of as the means to achieving the county’s
mission for its land information system. While there are several projects listed in this section, they are
not listed in the order that they may be implemented, and not all are expected to be started or
completed within this planning cycle. A few projects do not have estimated costs at this
time. However, these projects are listed within this planning cycle so that the County may spend
WLIP funds if an opportunity arises to implement them, or if insufficient levy funding is available.
Figure 1. The WLIP Land Information Plan/Grant Project Cycle
Project Plan for PLSS (Benchmark 4)
Project Title: Project Plan for PLSS (Benchmark 4)
Project Description/Goal
Planned Approach
Use most of the Strategic Initiative monies each year to continue to remonument and/or establish
control on PLSS corners to Survey Grade accuracy concentrating on township boundaries then
interior section.
Land Info Spending Categories: PLSS
Current Status
Tally of the total number of corners: See PLSS Layer Status table in Chapter 2.
Remonumentation status: See PLSS Layer Status table in Chapter 2.
Coordinate status (accuracy class) if known: See PLSS Layer Status table in Chapter 2.
Number of corners to be remonumented and/or rediscovered: ±957
Number to have new coordinates established: ±1514
Accuracy class for these new coordinates: Survey Grade is goal but may have to settle for Sub-
meter or Approximate depending on funding and accessibility of corner location. Some locations
are under water.
Way in which these points will be integrated into the parcel fabric: All coordinates are
integrated into the Parcel layer upon collection, regardless of accuracy level, i.e., survey grade, sub
meter or approximate. Any new survey grade coordinates or upgraded coordinates will be added
and the Parcel layer will be adjusted.
Missing Corner Notes
Documentation for any missing corner data: Many of the lost or obliterated corners are
meander corners. Each corner is situation dependent and various methods will be used to
document the status of the corner as time permits.
County Boundary Collaboration
Oneida County has provided any new monumentation records and/or coordinates to the adjoining
counties and will continue to do so if new forms or coordinates are obtained. 95% of corners on
the County boundaries are completed and the last 5% may be the lost, obliterated.
Business Drivers
The Project Plan for PLSS is a requirement for those counties who utilize Strategic Initiative funds
for work related to PLSS completion and integration.
All PLSS survey information, which is integrated into the parcel boundary layer, is utilized by the
Real Estate community (surveyors, title companies, attorneys, realtors, etc.), construction industry
(i.e., architects, engineers, general contractors, plumbers, etc.), and the general public will access
accurate property boundary information in searchable, digital format available on the internet and
hardcopy documents from the appropriate County Office.
Objectives/Measure of Success
The objective is to meet Benchmark 4 (Completion and Integration of PLSS) by 2030 if funding is
available. Completion date revised based on experience now with the actual cost to remonument
a corner and the more difficult ones lie ahead.
As GPS data is collected and processed, it is integrated into the parcel layer as well as all layers
dependent upon the accuracy of the parcel boundaries.
The overall goal of the benchmark is to capture all the PLSS corners in the County. However, due
to the number of inaccessible corners located in waterbodies or flowages it may not be possible to
locate those corners. In addition the ‘lost’ corners in large blocks of public lands are of low priority.
A realistic measurement of success would be to capture all the accessible PLSS corners at survey
grade or sub meter level for the 557 PLSS corners that exist but may not have coordinates or a tie
sheet and to work the County Forest Lands and other areas where corners are lost/obliterated.
Project Timeframes
Project Plan for PLSS **Example**
Project start
Projected over
next 3 years
February 1, 2022
February 1, 2023
February 1, 2024
Contract and or in-house
30 days
16 months each
2022-June 1,
Project complete
June 1
of each
succeeding year.
Responsible Parties
Land Information, County Surveyor
Estimated Budget Information
See table at the end of this chapter.
Project #1: Register of Deeds Land Records Management System
Project Description/Goal
The County will be moving all systems off the AS 400 and the Reg of Deeds systems for electronic
tract index and images of deeds was one of the first to be updated or replaced. The IMS imaging
system is planned to be moved to a server based system next.
Land Info Spending Category: Software
Business Drivers
All land records users to have access to recorded documents.
Moving IMS off the AS 400.
Objectives/Measure of Success
All images and indexes are accurately converted to new system
System up and running daily
Project Timeframes
Project #1 Title
Project #1 start
2 years
In progress
Project complete
Responsible Parties
IT Department, Register of Deeds, Land Information
Estimated Budget Information
See table at the end of this chapter.
Project #2: Orthoimagery 2025 (WROC Program)
Project Description/Goal
The Wisconsin Regional Orthoimagery Consortium (WROC) is a multi-entity group. The goal of the
consortium is to build and sustain a multi-participant program to acquire digital orthoimagery and
elevation data throughout Wisconsin. The WROC approach brings a number of potential benefits
to participants including cost savings, specifications and standards support, customized datasets,
data sharing between members and partners, and procurement support. The aerial mapping
services provided under WROC will continue to evolve to meet the needs of local government
members and partner organizations.
Oneida County plans to participate in the WROC 2025 to capture countywide 6” or 3” color/IR
ortho rectified imagery.
Land Info Spending Category: Orthoimagery
Business Drivers
Parcel mapping universally used by government agencies, private businesses, and the general
Asset management aids in locating assets for preliminary planning and reduces field verification
Property assessment aids assessors in property valuation for equitable taxation.
Utility facility mapping accurate mapping is necessary for planning and maintenance of utilities.
Environmental monitoring and management
Impervious surface mapping calculated using imagery
Building permit tracking
Zoning enforcement change detection; zoning violations, planning
Emergency response
Municipal growth planning - annexation
Forest management
Floodplain mapping
Preliminary engineering design
Public meeting displays visual aids are important to communicate information concerning
property changes, assessment values, etc.
Objectives/Measure of Success
Acceptance of countywide 6 or 3” inch resolution, 4-band imagery as the standard base product.
Project Timeframes
Project timeline dependent upon the order in which the executed contract is received and when
flight specifications, ie snow cover duration, sun angle, etc are optimal
Timeline Orthoimagery
Project start
June 1 2024
90 days
June August 2024
Capture imagery
30 days
April May 2025
Delivery and review
4 months
Sept Dec 2025
Responsible Parties
Wisconsin Regional Orthophoto Consortium vetting contracted services; negotiating
contributions from partnership funding sources
NCWRPC assist with review
Oneida County Land Information
Estimated Budget Information
See table at the end of this chapter.
Project #3: Replacement of Real Property & Tax System
Project Description/Goal
Complete real property, tax listing, taxation processing, permitting, sanitary and related land
records software to replace the existing AS 400 applications in coordination with IT, Land Info,
Planning & Zoning, Treasurer and Register of Deeds
Land Info Spending Category: Software
Business Drivers
Current in-house system will be phased out in 5 years
Objectives/Measure of Success
System replaced and working error free
Project Timeframes
Project start
Jan 1 2020
Real Property -Tax
Permits software
4 months
Sept 2021 April 2022
Responsible Parties
ITS, Land Information, Zoning, Treasurer, Register of Deeds
Estimated Budget Information
$60,000 to complete.
Project #4: Maintain GIS Datasets
Project Description/Goal
Keep GIS data current. As more accurate information is obtained datasets need to be updated to
maintain the integrity of the system.
Land Info Spending Category: Parcel mapping
Business Drivers
All land records users. Outdated information diminishes the credibility of the data.
Objectives/Measure of Success
Updated parcel maps by March of each year, add new road, address, zoning and boundaries as
they occur.
Project Timeframes
Responsible Parties
Oneida County Land Information
Estimated Budget Information
TBD Staff time
Project #5: Register of Deeds Electronic Tract Index Pre 1997
Project Description/Goal
Create electronic tract index back at least 30 years
Land Info Spending Category: Other. Register of Deeds documents.
Business Drivers
Register of Deeds, Title companies, County land records departments
Objectives/Measure of Success
Enter from manual tract index books or directly from documents so a tract search can be
performed electronically back at least 30 years
Project Timeframes
Depends on available time and budget, 2022 – 2030.
Responsible Parties
Register of Deeds
Estimated Budget Information
TBD - Staff time, possible consultant.
Project #6: Local Mapping Control
Project Description/Goal
Obtain control in areas where parcel mapping needs more accuracy by using GPS or information
obtained from area surveyors and remap the areas.
Land Info Spending Category: Parcel Mapping
Business Drivers
Land Information and all records users.
Objectives/Measure of Success
Use GPS to determine coordinates on lot corners. The areas where we need more control are
usually associated with old plat or poor metes and bounds descriptions.
Project Timeframes
Responsible Parties
Land Information Office
Estimated Budget Information
$5,000 contracting or purchasing of data and possible Staff time.
Project #7: Mobile mapping Apps
Project Description/Goal
Add more individual mapping applications for mobile devices.
Land Info Spending Category: Website Development
Business Drivers
All land related departments, public.
Objectives/Measure of Success
Simple mapping apps are becoming more common for specific purposes and as requests from the
various departments come in they will be evaluated for implementation.
Project Timeframes
Depends on available time 2022 - 2025
Responsible Parties
Land Information, ITS, Consultants
Estimated Budget Information
TBD - Staff time and Consultants depends on type and complexity of request.
Project #8: NewWorld GIS Integration & NG911
Project Description/Goal
Ensure that the County GIS data integrates with the new 911 NewWorld upgrade and GIS data is
prepared for Next Gen 911.
Land Info Spending Category: Address points
Business Drivers
State initiative urging counties to prepare for Next Gen 911 requirements
Need to maintain current 911 system
Objectives/Measure of Success
Compliance with data standards set forth and guided by statewide NG911 Plan
To provide for a seamless update of GIS dataset so there is no duplication of effort and one map is
used for 911 system.
Project Timeframes
2022 - 2025
Responsible Parties
Sheriff, Emergency Government, Land Information, ITS
Estimated Budget Information
TBD - Staff time and consultant.
Project #9: Permit ImagingOnline Applications
Project Description/Goal
To maintain the use of document imaging and GIS to “geocode” documents to geography such as
permits and make them available to the public via the Internet.
Work toward Online permit application and submittal.
Land Info Spending Category: Other Parcel Work
Business Drivers
Contractors being able to retrieve data 24/7
Increase efficiency of Zoning Department with geocoded permits
Objectives/Measure of Success
Online application system functioning.
Permits geocoded back 30 years
Project Timeframes
Online applications, unknown, depends on the permit module being completed.
Add new permits within 3 months of issuing permit
Responsible Parties
Planning & Zoning, ITS, Land Information
Estimated Budget Information
TBD Staff time.
Project #10: UAV Technology
Project Description/Goal
Follow FCC and Legislative rules and regulations for possible implementation of UAV technology
to aid in land records management. Currently Sheriff Dept has a unit for search and rescue and
disaster recon.
Land Info Spending Category: Hardware - Software
Business Drivers
Search and rescue, non-metallic mine checks, bridge checks, flooding documentation, 3D model,
change detection, algae bloom mapping, oak wilt or other tree disease detection,
Objectives/Measure of Success
Research possibilities and technology to see if Sheriff Dept unit use could be expanded on if
independent unit should be obtained.
If a decision is made to pursue, obtain appropriate certifications and training.
Project Timeframes
2020 - 2025
Responsible Parties
Land Information, Sheriff, Forestry, Zoning, ITS
Estimated Budget Information
Project #11: GPS Equipment, Scanners, Large format printers, etc
Project Description/Goal
Keep equipment current and functional.
Land Info Spending Category: Hardware
Business Drivers
Need reliable equipment to run a successful land records modernization program
Objectives/Measure of Success
Acquire new GPS equipment, scanner, computers, servers, tablets and printers as needed in land
records office dedicated to land records modernization.
Project Timeframes
Responsible Parties
Land Information, Planning & Zoning, ITS
Estimated Budget Information
Project #12: Highway signs, Culverts, etc
Project Description/Goal
GPS location of signs, culverts and other highway related infrastructure and tie to the mapped
Land Info Spending Category: Other. Highway
Business Drivers
The Highway Department program for culverts on State R/W and County is ready for collection.
Sign inventory for safe travel
DNR would like culvert locations on all roads for hydro modeling.
Objectives/Measure of Success
All culverts and signs accounted for with proper attributes.
Project Timeframes
Signs are completed, culverts 2022 2023
Responsible Parties
Highway, Land Information
Estimated Budget Information
Project #13: NGS 2022 Datum Change
Project Description/Goal
New projection parameters determined for Oneida County coordinate system using the 2022 NGS
Land Info Spending Category: Other. Control
Business Drivers
NGS is adopting a new datum and while it is not known yet what vendors will do to accommodate
the change there likely will be an impact.
Objectives/Measure of Success
Efficient conversion of existing GIS data and control into new datum.
Project Timeframes
2022 – 2030 Depends on when NGS releases the Datum for official use.
Responsible Parties
Land Information. County Surveyor, NGS advisor, DOT
Estimated Budget Information
Project #14: Floodplain Map Data
Project Description/Goal
To provide LiDAR data and Orthoimagery to state and federal agencies to update floodplain maps.
Land Info Spending Category: Other. Floodplain
Business Drivers
Inaccurate FEMA maps do not match current needs
Accurate floodplains will reduce unnecessary delays for landowners wanting to improve their
property and allow for better zoning administration
Objectives/Measure of Success
Increase reliance on floodplain maps
Project Timeframes
Responsible Parties
FEMA, DNR, Planning & Zoning, Land Information
Estimated Budget Information
TBD Staff time to provide data to DNR who would likely spearhead the project
Project #15: Land Record HardwareSoftware Updates/Maintenance
Project Description/Goal
To stay current with hardware and software to continue day to day operations.
Land Info Spending Category: Software Hardware (Website Hosting)
Business Drivers
Must pay maintenance fee and have stable software - hardware. Currently cost of Register of
Deeds, Real Property-Tax Application and GIS maintenance is $102,000 a year. Servers have a 4-7
year life.
Objectives/Measure of Success
Systems up and running daily
Project Timeframes
Timeline Project #1 Title
Project #1 start
Jan 1 2022
Project complete
Responsible Parties
ITS, Register of Deeds, Land Information, Planning & Zoning, Treasurer
Estimated Budget Information
$102,000 a year.
Project #16: ROD Index and Retrieval of Historic Transcript Books
Project Description/Goal
The historic transcript deeds from adjoining counties that once encompassed Oneida are scanned
but are not included in the electronic system for indexing or retrieval.
Land Info Spending Category: Other Parcel Work
Business Drivers
Increased efficiency in Register of Deeds in retrieving historic documents
Cannot electronically access the documents from the indexing system
Objectives/Measure of Success
Create an index consistent with the electronic tract index and tied to the imaging system
Project Timeframes
Responsible Parties
Register of Deeds, ITS
Estimated Budget Information
TBD, possible staff time.
End of Document