ACC QLD/NT Online Credential Process Flow Chart
(Only after a Regional Interview can the online credential application be started)
Candidate completes the online credential application and submits all requested documentation, theology and
evidence through the Credential Portal.
Candidate & Theology Coach
An online Theology Coach will interact with candidates if any theology answers need more attention before the
application is submitted to the Credential Committee (OMC candidates are not required to redo their theology).
Please note at any stage of the review process, further information can be requested prior to the application
being sent to the ACC State & National Executive for final approval. This process can take a number of
months as the Credential Committee and Executives only meet four times a year.
Prior to the interview with the Senior Pastor, the candidate is to contact their 3 nominated referees (known for at
least 3 years/not related to candidate or each other) and acquire current contact details i.e. mobile number and
e-mail address.
1. Senior/Supervising Pastor or Regional Leader (if candidate is a Senior Pastor)
2. Two referees who can comment on their suitability for ministry (preferably one referee is a pastor from a
different church
Senior Pastor & Candidate
Senior Pastor conducts an online interview with their candidate through the Credential Portal
( Once the 3 nominated referees’ details are submitted and the Senior Pastor clicks
‘REGISTER’, an automated e-mail notification is sent to the 3 referees to complete an online reference.
A regional interview will be arranged by the local ACC QLD/NT Region once all 3 references have been
received from the nominated referees. It is the candidates responsibility to confirm with their referees that they
have completed the references as this will ensure that a regional interview will be arranged by candidate’s
region as soon as practical. If no notification of a regional interview date received within 2-3 weeks, candidate
to contact their local Re
ional Administration Office
o to www.
.au for re
ional contact details
Regional Interview
After a successful regional interview (if applicable, candidate’s spouse is to attend the regional interview), an
automated e-mail will be sent to the candidate inviting them to complete an online credential application
through the ACC QLD/NT Credential Portal.
Senior Pastor
The Senior Pastor organises an interview with their candidate after they have completed the pre-interview quiz
on the ACC QLD/NT Online Credential Portal ( to ascertain the suitability of their candidate.
**Important Info: Check for completion of Safer Churches training, current blue/ochre card, divorce/remarriage
and bankruptcy situations during Senior Pastor Interview. See attached checklist of requirements.
SMC: Specialised Ministries Certificate
This Certificate is issued to successful candidates who are involved in specific ministries within a local church. The
certificate is only valid for the designated ministry and church. Should the holder leave that ministry and/or church the
Certificate lapses. There is no pathway to ordination (OMC); they will need to re-apply for a PMC. A person holding
such a Certificate does not have a vote at State or National Conferences.
PMC: Provisional Ministers Credential
This Credential is issued to successful candidates who have clear signs of an evident call of God upon their life and
are committed to fulfil that call. This Credential is valid for the State in which it is issued as long as the applicant
remains active in ministry and fulfils the requirements as per article 11 of the United Constitution under the covering of
their Senior Pastor. PMC holders have a vote at State Conference but not National Conference. This Credential can
lead to ordination (OMC).
OMC: Ordained Ministers Credential
It is not possible to be nominated for an OMC directly without fulfilling a probationary period or to be nominated before
the probationary period has been completed. It is the Senior Pastor/Supervising Pastor who determines when it is
appropriate for a PMC holder to be nominated for full Ordination. OMC holders may apply for a Marriage Celebrant
License and have full voting rights at the State and National Conferences.
SaferChurchesTraining EvidenceofcompletionofACCSaferChurchesTraining (Pleaseclickheretocompletetherequired
WorkingwithChildrenCheck Queensland:BlueCard/NorthernTerritory:OchreCard
RefereeDetails Names,mobileandemailof3refereeswhohaveknownthecandidateforaminimum
DivorceDocuments Ifcandidateorspousehavepreviouslybeendivorced/remarried,acopyoftheDecree
Bankruptcy Ifcandidateorspousehavepreviouslybeenbankrupt,acopyoftheBankruptcy
PermanentResidency Evidenceofcitizenship/permanentresidency,*temporary/conditionalvisaifnotborn
PassportPhoto PassportphotoinJpegformat
Payment PaymentofanapplicationFee($150.00)willberequiredoncetheonlinecredential
SaferChurchesTraining EvidenceofcompletionofACCSaferChurchesTraining (Pleaseclickhereto
WorkingwithChildrenCheck Queensland:BlueCard/NorthernTerritory:OchreCard
Pastors'Intensive'Essentials' EvidenceofcompletionofPastors'Intensive‘Essentials’(Pleaseclickheretoregister
PMC MusthaveheldaPMCforatleast2yearsor3yearsifdivorced
TheologicalQualifier MinimumqualificationofaCertIVinChristianMinistryoritsequivalent.
RefereeDetails Names,mobileandemailof3refereeswhohaveknownthecandidatefora
DivorceDocuments Ifcandidateorspousehavepreviouslybeendivorced/remarried,acopyof
Bankruptcy Ifcandidateorspousehavepreviouslybeenbankrupt,acopyofthe
PassportPhoto PassportphotoinJpegformat
PermanentResidency Evidenceofcitizenship/permanentresidency,*temporary/conditionalvisaif
Payment PaymentofanapplicationFee($150.00)willberequiredoncetheonline
Dues:National&State PMCpastorsduesmustbepaiduptodateforcurrentyear