Application for Initial Approval – Form 3A APA
`The Application for Initial Approval – Form 3 (APA Initial) is to be completed when a person is applying to become
a foster or kinship carer.
Any Queensland resident aged 18 years and over may express an interest in becoming a foster carer. A foster carer can be
male, female, single, married or partnered, a same sex couple, working full or part time, a full-time homemaker or retired,
and from any cultural background.
If you are applying to become a foster or kinship carer and you live with your partner you will both need to complete this
form to obtain a joint carer approval. A joint carer approval can also be sought with another adult who resides in the home
such as an adult son or daughter.
When applying to become a foster or kinship carer you and any adult household members will be required to disclose and
consent to the following:
Personal history checks including:
o Criminal history
o Domestic and family violence
o Traffic history
o Child protection history
As part of this application process, you will also need to complete and submit the Carer Health and Wellbeing Questionnaire
and obtain a Blue Card or Exemption card from Blue Card Services.
At their discretion, a CSSC Manager may request any of the following:
a referee check, to be completed by the assessor
a medical check with your nominated General Practitioner or treating medical practitioner identified on the
Carer Health and Wellbeing questionnaire.
an applicant’s employer about their employment history
specialist medical reports or a health plan
international child protection checks if an applicant or adult household member has lived overseas for more
than 6 months
On completion of this form applicants will be required to present their two forms of identification as indicated in the
application form and verify their identity in person by providing the identification documents used in the application, to
their nominated Foster and Kinship care support agency or
at their local Child Safety Service Centre
Each form of identification that has been provided will be photocopied, verified, and attached to your application.
For the purpose of this application form bank cards are not considered a form of identification and will not be accepted.
Additional information and guidance for questions when completing this application.
Applicants are required to complete all questions in the form, where information is not applicable to you or other people
recorded in the application an entry of N/A is to be provided.
Questions 1 to 6 – Personal history
Ensure all names that you are or may have been ‘known as’ are recorded in question 1 and 6, including all middles names, if
you do not have a middle name, please record N/A in this field.
ALL previous names need to be provided no matter how many you have been known by. When completing mandatory
personal history checks a search is conducted under every name a person has been known by, including current and previous
married names.
Application for Initial Approval – Form 3A APA
Applicants will need to be contacted if this information is not provided which may delay the progress of the application.
Question 5 – Australian residency status
If you are a temporary resident, you will be required to provide the original or verified copy of your visa when verifying your
Question 12 Do you provide or intend to provide regulated childcare services from your home, such as home-based family
day care or other home-based care service?
For the purpose of this application form a regulated care service is a service that involves the education of, or care for children
in your home, such as Family day care or a stand-alone care service. For more information on a regulated care service refer
to the options below:
Family day care service
Stand-alone care service
Question 13 – Self disclosure by applicant/s
Where the question ‘If approval was previously granted, why did you cease to be a carer?’ is applicable to you, ensure
information is provided around why you ceased to be a carer including circumstances where you may have had your approval
When responding to the questions around personal history information you must provide ALL known personal history
information including criminal history and traffic history. Criminal history checks include all charges and convictions
(including ‘spent convictions’).
For the question ‘Have you ever been the aggrieved or respondent in a domestic violence and family violence matter in
Queensland, interstate or internationally?’ The ‘aggrieved’ is the person who needs protection from domestic violence; and
the ‘respondent’ is the person from whom the aggrieved seeks protection.
Question 14 – Do you have a current blue card or exemption card?
A blue card or exemption card is part of the Queensland Government's Working With Children Check system designed to
contribute to the creation of safe and supportive environments for children when receiving services or participating in
activities. It is managed by Blue Card Services. All approved foster and kinship carers and adult members in their household
are required by law to hold a blue card or exemption card.
Blue card applications can be submitted through the blue card online portal or via paper application. Additional information
is available at Blue cards and exemption cards for foster and kinship carers – No Card No Start
Applicants should use the additional page provided at the end of the application to ensure all required information is provided
for each question.
For applicants who have more than 2 Household Members, please provide information for these additional household
members on the Addendum for Additional Household Members – Form 3C.
This form has the provision to be signed with a digital signature.
Any required information that is not provided in the application form may result in the delay of your application being
Application for Initial Approval – Form 3A APA
Application for Initial Approval – Form 3A APA 3
Applicant 1 surname: September 2023
Applicant 1 Applicant 2
Title Title
Family name Family name
First name First name
Middle name (if applicable) Middle name (if applicable)
Marital status Marital status
Date of birth Date of birth
2 What gender do you identify as? 2 What gender do you identify as?
3 Place of birth 3 Place of birth
Town/city Town/city
State State
Country Country
4 Your contact details 4 Your contact details
Mobile Mobile
Other (if applicable) Other (if applicable)
Email address Email address
5 Australian residency status 5 Australian residency status
If you are a temporary resident, you will be required
to provide a copy of your visa when verifying your
If you are a temporary resident, you will be required
to provide a copy of your visa when verifying your
Permanent Permanent
Temporary…provide visa expiry date below Temporary…provide visa expiry date below
Date of expiry Date of expiry
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Applicant 1 Applicant 2
6 Have you been known by any other name/s?
Please check all appropriate boxes
6 Have you been known by any other name/s?
Please check all appropriate boxes
No – go to question 7 No – go to question 7
Yes – give details below Yes – give details below
Name at birth Name at birth
Change of name following divorce Change of name following divorce
Maiden name (before marriage) Maiden name (before marriage)
Alias Alias
Change of name by certificate / deed poll Change of name by certificate / deed poll
Different first / middle name Different first / middle name
Change of name order (i.e., known by middle name) Change of name order (i.e., known by middle name)
Full birth name
Full birth name
Previous family name/s
Previous family name/s
Previous first name/s
Previous first name/s
Previous middle name/s
Previous middle name/s
Alias names
Alias names
Do you currently use an abbreviation / nickname/
alias for your first name? (Elizabeth, abbreviation ‘Betty’)
Do you currently use an abbreviation / nickname/
alias for your first name? (Elizabeth, abbreviation ‘Betty’)
No – go to question 7 No – go to question 7
Yes – give details below Yes – give details below
Name Name
7 Current residential address 7 Current residential address
State Postcode State Postcode
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Applicant 1 Applicant 2
Current postal address
(‘as above’ if same as residential information)
Current postal address
(‘as above’ if same as residential information)
State Postcode State Postcode
8 Previous residential address 8
Previous residential address
Provide details below of ALL past addresses, with a
minimum stay of at least 6 months and the date range
you resided at these locations (including overseas and
If there is insufficient space, please provide additional
details on the page provided at the end of this application.
Provide details below of ALL past addresses, with a
minimum stay of at least 6 months and the date range
you resided at these locations (including overseas and
If there is insufficient space, please provide additional
details on the page provided at the end of this application.
Date range:
Date range:
State Postcode State Postcode
Date range: Date range:
State Postcode State Postcode
Date range: Date range:
State Postcode State Postcode
Date range: Date range:
State Postcode State Postcode
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Applicant 1 surname: September 2023
Applicant 1 Applicant 2
9 Do you identify as: 9 Do you identify as:
Aboriginal Aboriginal
Torres Strait Islander Torres Strait Islander
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Australian South Sea Islander Australian South Sea Islander
Other – please specify below Other – please specify below
10 What is the primary language spoken in your
10 What is the primary language spoken in your
English English
Other – please specify below Other – please specify below
11 What is your relationship to Applicant 2? 11 What is your relationship to Applicant 1?
12 Do you provide or intend to provide regulated child
care services from your home? such as home-based
family day care or other home-based care service?
(Refer to page 2 for details)
Do you provide or intend to provide regulated child
care services from your home? such as home-based
family day care or other home-based care service?
(Refer to page 2 for details)
Yes No Yes No
If yes, provide details below: If yes, provide details below:
Family day care Family day care
Stand-alone care Stand-alone care
Number of children at residence: Number of children as residence:
Ages of children at residence: Ages of children at residence:
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Applicant 1 surname: September 2023
Applicant 1 Applicant 2
NOTE: Question 13 must be completed in full even if you
have no history, the ‘No’ box must be ticked. If Yes’ is
ticked, details must be provided.
NOTE: Question 13 must be completed in full even if you
have no history, the ‘No’ box must be ticked. If ‘Yes is
ticked, details must be provided.
a) Have you previously applied or been approved to be
a foster carer or kinship carer in Queensland?
a) Have you previously applied or been approved to
be a foster carer or kinship carer in Queensland?
Yes No Yes No
If yes, please provide details below: If yes, please provide details below:
b) Have you previously applied or been approved to be
a carer interstate or overseas?
b) Have you previously applied or been approved to
be a carer interstate or overseas?
Yes No Yes No
If yes, please provide details below: If yes, please provide details below:
c) If approval was previously granted, why did you
cease to be a carer?
c) If approval was previously granted, why did you
cease to be a carer?
d) Have you had any involvement with a Queensland,
interstate, or international child protection agency?
d) Have you had any involvement with a Queensland
interstate, or international child protection agency?
Yes No Yes No
If yes, please provide details below: If yes, please provide details below:
e) Do you have any criminal history information,
including charges laid against you awaiting
determination in Queensland, interstate or
e) Do you have any criminal history information,
including charges laid against you awaiting
determination in Queensland, interstate or
Yes No Yes No
If yes, please provide details below: If yes, please provide details below:
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Applicant 1 surname: September 2023
Applicant 1 Applicant 2
f) Have you ever held a Queensland driver’s license? f) Have you ever held a Queensland driver’s license?
Yes No (proceed to next question) Yes No (proceed to next question)
If yes, please provide your driver’s license number
If yes, please provide your driver’s license number
License number
License number
your License number is unknown
your License number is unknown
g) Do you have any traffic history information,
including fines and/or charges laid against you
awaiting determination in Queensland, interstate or
g) Do you have any traffic history information,
including fines and/or charges laid against you
awaiting determination in Queensland, interstate or
Yes No Yes No
If yes, please provide details below: If yes, please provide details below:
h) Have you ever been the aggrieved or respondent in a
domestic violence and family violence matter in
Queensland, interstate or internationally?
h) Have you ever been the aggrieved or respondent in
a domestic violence and family violence matter in
Queensland, interstate or internationally?
Yes No Yes No
If yes, please provide details below:
If yes, please provide details below:
i) Are you aware of any criminal, domestic violence, or
traffic history information including charges laid
against a member of your household in Queensland,
interstate or internationally?
i) Are you aware of any criminal, domestic violence or
traffic history information including charges laid
against a member of your household in Queensland,
interstate or internationally?
Yes No Yes No
If yes, please provide details below: If yes, please provide details below:
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Applicant 1 surname: September 2023
Applicant 1 Applicant 2
14 Do you have a current Blue Card or Exemption
14 Do you have a current Blue Card or Exemption
Yes – provide details below Yes – provide details below
No – complete LINK to Child Safety No – complete LINK to Child Safety
Blue Card number Blue Card expiry date Blue Card number Blue Card expiry date
Exemption Card
Exemption Card expiry
Exemption Card
Exemption Card expiry
LINK to Child Safety LINK to Child Safety
Register for an online account number with Blue Card
Services and provide your online account number
Register for an online account number with Blue
Card Services and provide your online account
number below.
Online account number
Online account number
Date online account number
Date online account number
If completing a paper based blue card application
If completing a paper based blue card application
Complete and attach a Volunteer foster/kinship carer
or adult member blue/exemption card application
form AND provide one certified form of identification
with your application.
Complete and attach a Volunteer foster/kinship
carer or adult member blue/exemption card
application form AND provide one certified form of
identification with your application.
Disclosure statement and privacy notice
The Department of Child Safety, Seniors and Disability Services (Child Safety) is collecting the personal information on
this form for the purpose of assessing your application to become a foster or kinship carer. This is authorised under th
e Child Protection Act 1999 and the Child Protection Regulation 2023. Your personal information will be managed in a
ccordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009.
Child Safety may disclose relevant personal information to the Queensland Police Service, Blue Card Services,
Department of Transport and Main Roads, your nominated referees, your nominated medical practitioner and Foster
and Kinship care agencies. If you change to a different Foster and Kinship care agency, the current agency will transfer
your personal information to the new agency.
In circumstances where an interstate or international child protection check is required, your personal information
may be provided to the government agency responsible for child protection in other Australian States and Territories
and to International Social Services Australia and the New Zealand Oranga Tamariki (Ministry of Children).
Under the Childrens Court Rules 2016 and the Director of Child Protection Litigation Act 2016, Child Safety is required
to provide relevant information to the Director of Child Protection Litigation (DCPL) in relation to child protection
proceedings, and the DCPL has a duty to disclose documents relevant to the proceedings to each other party.
Therefore, any information provided to Child Safety that may be relevant to current or future court proceedings may
be provided to the parties, including the parent. This may include applications for future child protection orders for
children already in your care as an approved foster or kinship carer, such as long-term Child Protection Orders.
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Applicant 1 surname: September 2023
Applicant 1 Applicant 2
Verification of identity
Two forms of identification must be provided to verify your
identity. A blue card, exemption card, Customer Reference
number (CRN) or online account number provided by Blue
Card Services can be used as one of the forms of identity.
Verification of identity
Two forms of identification must be provided to verify your
identity. A blue card, exemption card, Customer Reference
number (CRN) or online account number provided by Blue
Card Services can be used as one of the forms of identity.
Provide two forms of identification from the options
Provide two forms of identification from the options
CRN number provided by TMR including:
Driver’s license number
Adult Proof of Age Card Number (18+)
CRN number provided by TMR including:
Driver’s license number
Adult Proof of Age Card Number (18+)
Expiry Expiry
Current passport number Current passport number
Expiry Expiry
Current financial entitlement card issued by
Current financial entitlement card issued by
Expiry Expiry
Birth Certificate or Extract number Birth Certificate or Extract number
Blue Card or Exemption Card identified in
question 14 – Applicant 1
Blue card or Exemption card identified in
question 14 – Applicant 2
Online Account number identified in question
14 – Applicant 1
Online Account number identified in question
14 – Applicant 2
If you are a temporary resident the original or certified
copy of your visa is also required as part of your
verification of identity
If you are a temporary resident the original or certified
copy of your visa is also required as part of your
verification of identity
Temporary Visa (if applicable) Temporary Visa (if applicable)
Child Safety officer or Foster and Kinship Care Service staff use only
Verification of Identity - Where an applicant already holds a current blue card or exemption card, the card must be sighted as part
of their verification of identity.
Identification verified by Child Safety Foster and Kinship care agency
Name Position
Foster and Kinship Care Agency (if identified above)
I have sighted and verified the required identification shown above for the applicant/s:
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Applicant 1 surname: September 2023
Consent requirements for Applicants
I understand that I may be required to complete training by Child Safety.
Personal history checks
I consent to Child Safety, the relevant agencies identified in the privacy notice, and the government departments and
agencies responsible for child protection in other Australian States and Territories, International Social Services Australia
and the New Zealand Oranga Tamariki (Ministry of Children) to:
Undertake criminal history, child protection, carer history, domestic violence and traffic history checks
and provide to the requesting officer any information, related to me.
Undertake international criminal history and child protection checks and provide to the requesting
officer any information, related to me if I have lived overseas.
I consent to information obtained in processing this application to become a carer being provided to any third party who
is authorised to assess my application and/or provide ongoing support to me should this application be approved e.g.,
Foster and kinship care agency.
I understand that my personal information will be handled by the department in accordance with the Information Privacy
Act 2009 and relevant section of the Child Protection Act 1999.
Applicant consent
I have read and understand the disclosure statement and privacy notice and provide consent in accordance with the
consent requirements listed above. I confirm that the information in the application is correct.
Applicant 1 Applicant 2
Date Date
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Applicant 1 surname: September 2023
The below section will need to be completed for all Household members.
Who is considered a household member?
A household member includes adults and children who are residing in the home with the carer or may also be another adult who
does not live with you but is a regular or frequent visitor to your home or property. This may include a new partner, as well as
extended family members and others in your personal network who have regular and frequent contact with your household.
Although they are not residents, the nature of their contact might present a risk of harm to the child in your care if they are not
appropriately checked.
Child Safety needs to know who is living with you or regularly spending time in your home, as this person will likely have some
contact with the child we have placed in your care. All approved foster and kinship carers are required to provide this information
to Child Safety (Child Protection Act 1999, section 141G).
The decision about whether or not someone is a household member will be made by the Child Safety Service Centre Manager.
They will take into account the nature and context of this person's contact with the child placed into your care.
Each household member must complete this section including the applicant’s own children. The applicant’s biological or
stepchildren and any child who is in the long term or permanent guardianship of the applicant/s should be recorded as a
household member.
Question 20
Household members aged under 18 years are not subject to traffic or domestic violence checks. Child Protection checks will be
undertaken to assist in the determination of suitability of the applicants.
All adult household members aged 18 years and over are required to give signed consent to the undertaking of personal history
checks which include child protection, criminal, traffic and domestic violence history.
Adult household members are required to hold a current blue card or exemption card prior to joining a carer household. The
only exception to this rule is if the adult household member is part of a provisionally approved carer household.
Where an applicant is provisionally approved, adult household members will undergo criminal history checks conducted by Child
Safety in addition to child protection history checks, domestic violence, and traffic history checks. Criminal history checks include
all charges and convictions (including ‘spent convictions’).
A parent of a child in care who is living in the same household as the child does not require a blue card.
Where an adult household member has lived in New Zealand or interstate for more than six months in the last five years, New
Zealand and interstate criminal and child protection history checks will be conducted. All adult household members will be
required to consent to have personal history checks completed and consent to the disclosure statement and privacy notice.
If you have more than 2 household members, please provide information for these additional household members on the
Addendum for Additional Household Members – Form 3C.
Household member Household member
15 Title 15 Title
Family name Family name
First name First name
Middle name Middle name
Birth name Birth name
Other names known by Other names known by
Application for Initial Approval – Form 3A APA
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Applicant 1 surname: September 2023
Household member Household member
Gender Gender
Date of birth Date of birth
Place of birth Place of birth
State of birth State of birth
Country of birth Country of birth
16 Contact details 16 Contact details
Mobile Mobile
Other (if applicable) Other (if applicable)
Email address Email address
17 Current residential address 17 Current residential address
State Postcode State Postcode
18 Previous residential address 18 Previous residential address
Provide details below of ALL past addresses, with a
minimum stay of at least 6 months and the date
range you resided at these locations (including
overseas and interstate).
If there is insufficient space, please provide additional
details on the pages provided at the end of this
Provide details below of ALL past addresses, with a
minimum stay of at least 6 months and the date
range you resided at these locations (including
overseas and interstate).
If there is insufficient space, please provide additional
details on the pages provided at the end of this
Dates Dates
State Postcode State Postcode
Application for Initial Approval – Form 3A APA
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Applicant 1 surname: September 2023
Household member Household member
Dates Dates
State Postcode State Postcode
Dates Dates
State Postcode State Postcode
19 Relationship to Applicant/s 19 Relationship to Applicant/s
It is important that all the relevant relationships
between applicant 1 and applicant 2 are listed in the
appropriate boxes.
It is important that all the relevant relationships
between applicant 1 and applicant 2 are listed in the
appropriate boxes.
What is your relationship to Applicant 1? What is your relationship to Applicant 1?
What is your relationship to Applicant 2? What is your relationship to Applicant 2?
20 Have you ever held a Queensland driver’s license?
20 Have you ever held a Queensland driver’s license?
Yes No (proceed to next question)
Yes No (proceed to next question)
If yes, please provide your driver’s license number?
If yes, please provide your driver’s license number?
License number or
License number or
your license number is unknown
your license number is unknown
Application for Initial Approval – Form 3A APA
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Applicant 1 surname: September 2023
Household member Household member
21 Do you have a Blue Card or Exemption Card? 21 Do you have a Blue Card or Exemption Card?
Yes…. provide blue card details below Yes…. provide blue card details below
No…… complete LINK to Child Safety below No…… complete LINK to Child Safety below
N/A…. household member under 18 years N/A…. household member under 18 years
If yes, Blue Card
Blue Card expiry date?
If yes, Blue Card
Blue Card expiry date?
If yes, Exemption Card
Exemption card expiry?
If yes, Exemption
Card number?
Exemption card expiry?
LINK to Child Safety LINK to Child Safety
ONLY to be used for adult household members
who do not have a current blue card or exemption
card AND have completed the blue card
registration process.
ONLY to be used for adult household members
who do not have a current blue card or exemption
card AND have completed the blue card
registration process.
Online account number provided by Blue Card
Online account number provided by Blue Card
Date online account number was received Date online account number was received
If completing a paper based blue card application If completing a paper based blue card application
Complete and attach a Volunteer foster/kinship carer
or adult member blue/exemption card application
form AND provide one certified form of identification
as per the instructions in the blue card application
form .
Complete and attach a Volunteer foster/kinship
carer or adult member blue/exemption card
application form AND provide one certified form of
identification as per the instructions in the blue card
application form .
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Applicant 1 surname: September 2023
Disclosure statement and privacy notice
The Department of Child Safety, Seniors and Disability Services (Child Safety) is collecting the personal information on this form for the
purpose of assessing you as an adult household member. This is authorised under the Child Protection Act 1999 and the Child
Protection Regulation 2023. Your personal information will be managed in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009.
Child Safety may disclose relevant personal information to the Queensland Police Service, Blue Card Services, Department of Transport
and Main Roads.
In circumstances where an interstate or international child protection check is required, your personal information may be provided to
the government agency responsible for child protection in other Australian States and Territories and to International Social Services
Australia and the New Zealand Oranga Tamariki (Ministry of Children).
Under the Childrens Court Rules 2016 and the Director of Child Protection Litigation Act 2016, Child Safety is required to provide
relevant information to the Director of Child Protection Litigation (DCPL) in relation to child protection proceedings, and the DCPL has a
duty to disclose documents relevant to the proceedings to each other party. Therefore, any information provided to Child Safety that
may be relevant to current or future court proceedings may be provided to the parties, including the parent. This may include
applications for future child protection orders for children already in your care as an approved foster or kinship carer, such as
long-term Child Protection Orders.
Adult household member consents
Personal history checks
I consent to Child Safety, the relevant agencies identified in the privacy notice, and the government departments and
agencies responsible for child protection in other Australian States and Territories, International Social Services Australia
and the New Zealand Oranga Tamariki (Ministry of Children) to:
Undertake criminal, child protection, carer history, domestic violence and traffic history checks and
provide to the requesting officer any information related to me.
Undertake international criminal history and child protection checks and provide to the requesting
officer any information related to me if I have lived overseas.
I consent to information obtained in processing this application to be provided to any third party who is vested with
assessing the application.
I understand that my personal information will be handled in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 1999 and
relevant sections of the Child Protection Act 1999.
Adult Household member consent
I have read and understand the disclosure statement and privacy notice, consents and confirm that the information is
correct. I consent to the personal history checks described above.
Adult household member Adult household member
Name Name
Date Date
Reset form
Print form
Save form
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Applicant 1 surname: September 2023
Additional information that could not be provided in the application above can be provided in the fields
Please provide the question number that the information relates to in each of the fields below.
Additional Household fields have also been provided below if required
Question number
Question number
Question number
Question number
Central Screening Unit (CSU)
Application for Initial Approval – Form 3A APA
CSU Application for Initial Approval – Form 3A APA 18
Applicant 1 surname: September 2023
Child Safety staff member to complete and forward to Central Screening Unit
Application for Initial Approval
Type of application (please tick one only) Kinship Carer Foster Carer
Does this application require a Provisional Approval Yes No
Is the application properly made? Yes Date application properly made
Suitability outcome to be sent to Region
CSSC responsible for applicant’s application
Supporting Foster and Kinship Care agency (if relevant)
Name of applicant 1
Names of subject children (for foster carer-specific child/ren and kinship applications only)
Last name Given names Date of birth Gender ICMS Person ID
File reference
Application number
ICMS EOI / Application ID