International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2018): 7.426
Volume 8 Issue 11, November 2019
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Business Process Automation and Re-Engineering
Using Bizagi: Case Study on Loan Request Process
Fatimah Alruwaili
, Layla Almalki
, Dr. Salma Mahgoub
1, 2
Master Student, Information Systems Department, Faculty of Computing and Information Technology,
King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, KSA
Information Systems Department, Faculty of Computing and Information Technology, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, KSA
Abstract: Business Process Automation (BPA) has become a demand to all types of organization, the automation is used recently in
many sectors, regarding banking sector, automation is proved its important for this sector, hence transfer banking transactions from
traditional ways that include stress, crowded queues in customer service department, paper applications and waiting for long time to get
the answer whether request approved or rejected. Business process automation has emerged as a part of business process re-engineering
(BPR), which in turn formulate an important part of Enterprise Resources Planning, the process which must be done recently due to
advances and enlargement in business fields. This study presents loan request automation by using the bizagi application. The research
outcomes proved that loan request automation reduces time-wasting and efforts for users and banks as well.
Keywords: Business process, re-engineering, BPR, BPA, ERP, Bizagi, Loan Request
1. Introduction
Nowadays, the world has become one village, due to the
charming web networks that could be found on many
technological devices that used in our daily life, at the same
time in which enterprises, companies, and organizations
seek to facilitate their business process, within this recent
advanced technology that could be employed to serve the
organizations' business process at all levels and in all work'
sectors. Business Processes (BPs) could be identified as a
series of actions that have made to achieve a common
objective, such as fulfilling a business contract or satisfying
a customer need. [1]
But companies in the recent days face many challenges in
order to cope with the modern development in business area,
and the associated competition, what is needed to overcome
these challenges is a good planning for the company'
business processes by focusing on all resources, this is called
"an Enterprise Resource Planning" (ERP), i.e. complete
integrated business management system that comprises all
business departments such as logistics, production, finance,
accounting, and unman resource, result in organizing of
integration of all operational process and information to
reach the optimum use of resource. [2] While every
organization that wants to apply Enterprise Resource
Planning must re-engineer its business process. Business
process re-engineering is not a new term for the business
world. It has become the most popular process management
technique in the business field and has taken great attention
from industry owners, managers, and academicians. [3] The
meaning of re-engineering here is the reconstruction of
business processes and its related systems and also
organizational structure to improve business performance.
[4] To make successful business process re-engineering
procedures, many companies have focused on automating its
business process, so it could be managed & controlled in an
easy and fast way "business process automation" means
using technology to automate the complexity of business
processes or technology-enabled automation of processes
within any business. [5] To automate BP, there are many
software used and thus help in Enterprise Resource Planning
which all types of organizations want, one of these software
is Bizagi, the new digital business platform, here in the
current research, we examine the use of this software to
automate loan request process identifying Bizagi'
effectiveness to manage, follow the loan request. Where,
many people need to request personal loan to face some
financial problems, here the role of the banks appear as a
trusted organization from which those people could make
this request, Bank 'loans range from individuals to families,
individually owned and other small business to international
company [6] but, what we consider here is the personal
loan. Banks also are the most organizations that need and
use e-services, using IT, communications and the web-
networks to provide their clients by different services and
improve the level of these banking services, [7]thus within
adopting this e-banking services, the research investigates
automate business loan process using bizagi platform.
2. Literature Review
2.1 Business Process Definition
Business process trends that had roots in several disciplines
of management has been appeared since the 1980s and
1990s as one of the main patterns of structure and manage
the operations of an organization. [8]By looking in the term
" business process " one can concludes that there is a serial
work must be done to perform and manage different kinds of
business, where many researchers give these process
different definitions, from them, that a business process " is
a grid of related tasks, that are performed by performs
whether humans or systems, in logical and temporal
sequence with the help of means such as devices and
software. The tasks are applied to business elements (data or
physical objects) to satisfy a customer's needs.
Furthermore, it is performed in a technical, organizational,
and social context. [9] We can also define a business process
Paper ID: ART20202776
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2018): 7.426
Volume 8 Issue 11, November 2019
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
as " a network process which is used regularly a series of
linked activities using information and resources to
transform inputs to outputs, starting from a request or certain
task to the satisfaction of the customer needs." [5]
However, a holistic definition by Davenport and Short 1990,
who defined business process by distributed it into three
subs dimensions as follows:
Entities: they are processes that often occur among
organizational entities. They could be inside the
organization, related to functions or persons.
Goals: they are the processes that lead to the desired
objectives, whether physical or informal.
Actions (tasks): they comprise managerial (e.g., budget)
and operational (e.g., customer application) [10]
But the question is, what does business process offer to a
The answer id, business process supports business
performance and success, through many characters from
them are:
Improve business processes by enhancing the performance
of business steps and functions as well as external
processes such as partners, suppliers, and customers such
as (the value chainmaking the business processes visible
(and thus explicit) to business.
Maintain the business process modelconsistent with
process performing and enable users and analysts to use
the model to improve business performance and outcomes.
•Empowering the effective integration of process actions,
business assessments, and management, to prepare the
basic stone for continuous improvement.
Enabling fast repetitions of processes and main systems
for continuous process optimization. [11]
After taking a look on business process concept , it worth
mention that, by passing the time, the advances become
more and more, where technology now is used in our daily
life special Android technology, whether on mobile phones
or others, thus the business process now is subjecting to
what we call business process re-engineering, it will be
discussed in the next section and automation ( it will be
discussed briefly later ).
2.2 Brief note on Business process re-engineering
After business process emerged, the organization realized
soon that, the need of continuous improvement and make
change for better, and ensure achieving new goals for the
business and enhance its performance, therefore it was the
starting point to re-design the current business elements or
even establish new ones, thus business process re-
engineering has been taken its way.
Business process re-engineering is an approach that
concentrates on costumer and aims to achieve advances and
developments within work or business, enhance the whole
performance. It acts on the recreation of the business of any
organization. [12]
Business Process Re-Engineering (BPR) also could be
defined as design, management, and innovation for a
business process. Re-engineering includes a review for
organizational processes, but many terms given to BPR,
such as core process re-design, new industrial engineering,
and so on. All of those names mean the same concept, which
concerns about combine both business process, redesign,
and information technology used with supporting the re-
engineering work. [13]
BPR often breaks the present processes and helps in
planning new channels to execute organizing tasks,
organizing individuals, and facilitate the use of information
technology systems, which in turn leads to processes support
the goals of the organization in a better way. This task
performed by determining the critical business processes.
Then analyze these processes and re-design them for
efficiency improvement and performance. [14]
To revise, analyze, and re-invent and design a business
process for any company, it needs to perform a serial of that
requires. The common steps could be summarized in the
next figure:
Figure 1: Shows the business process steps: source [15]
Also, Business Process Re-Engineering comprises many
activities, and we can mention the common ones (related to
the current research) as follows:
Business process renewal It is business processes re-
design in order to improve business operations and
performance. Renew process comprises facilitation main
business processes, contributing to success and continuous
progression of work aspects, and sometimes integrating
other business processes. It must be done before
automation to be sure that the activities, tasks, and others
that will be automated are required to improve the
Business process automation It is a business process
mechanization for the propose of improving process
efficiency by using ICT. It permits the business to be
performed in any location and allows faster transfer to
customers and support quick service provision and
paperless transactions. Generally, it provides an effective
change in the work performing method, and it also helps
Paper ID: ART20202776
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2018): 7.426
Volume 8 Issue 11, November 2019
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
the customer in avoiding the stress and effort that are done
within traditional transactions. [13]
From the previous, it could be concluded that business
process automation is the main part of BPR activity in any
organization. Thus, the current research adopts the BPA
(Business Process Automation) as a method to re-engineer
the traditional loan request process.
2.3 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
ERP system is an enterprise-wide package that integrates all
necessary business functions into a single system with a
shared database. These software packages can be customized
up to a certain limit to the specific needs of each
organization. [16]
Enterprise Resource Planning systems or enterprise systems
are software systems for business management,
encompassing modules supporting functional areas such as
planning, manufacturing, sales, marketing, distribution,
accounting, financial, human resource management, project
management, inventory management, service and
maintenance, transportation and e-business. [17]. ERP
systems are computer-based systems designed to process an
organization’s transactions and facilitate integrated and real-
time planning, production, and customer response‖. [18] A
holistic ERP system can replace multiple databases with a
single and centralized data source, with information relating
to products, services, customers, and suppliers accessible by
anyone in a company. [19]
Applying the ERP system has resulted in the following
Units design, including many special business units such
as financial, accounting, manufacturing, and so on.
Using the database management system (DBMS), which is
needed for any business.
Business units unified and provide easy data flow among
these units, increasing operational transparency through
standard interfaces.
ERP is resilient and provides the best business practices.
Business units with ERP systems work in real-time with
online and batch processing. [17]
ERP has four characteristics, specifically, standardization,
integration, routinization, and centralization. They are in
a) Standardization: means employing System Application
Products (SAP) in businesses and controlled by company
head offices.
b) Integration: is the main character of ERP systems. It
points to collect all relevant data related to a set of
business processes, and they are managed in the same
software application.
c) Routinization: It comprises all routine accounting and
other information processing that could be managed
within SAP.
d) Centralization: It is essential to deal with both the
systems centralization, design, and control, as well as the
centralization of extra maintenance actions.[20]
Regarding the automation process, ERP is generally could
be defined as a system that automates key business functions
through integration and support decision making
accordingly. [21]
Thus, implement of ERP for any organization must be
comprised of business process and business process re-
engineering, which in turn includes automation for the
process, so the implementation of successful automation
leads to ERP successful system, that what the research seeks
to examine.
2.4 Loan Request Process
A loan means lends the amount of money to an individual or
organization on the condition that it will be paid back over a
known period with definite interest. The traditional manual
process that used to obtain and grant loans is difficult,
exhausting, and needs a lot of time for lender and borrower
as well. Thus, automate the loan processing procedure
becomes urgent demand. [22] However, within today’s
lending markets competition, having software becomes more
efficient. This software which could be open on one
platform permits the lender to use a set of the same tools to
develop security protocols and set regulations to emphasis
process consistency across the enterprise, that were applied
to all loans, so when compliance require updates and
verification, it could be made in one-time process. [23] As it
is clear, there is a need to automate the loan request process.
2.5 Loan Automation System as An Example for Process
The loan automation process provides the bank services a lot
of new features such as speed, the automatic review of
application detail, which helps in selecting the user who
needs a loan. It reduces the stress that resulted in direct
contact between employees and customers. Within loan
request automation, the customer will be able to access the
system by selecting the login option after a successful
registration. The user, therefore, fills the application or loan
request online through the system. This reduces users' effort
by direct contact in the bank. After the submission of loan
details is successful, it will be processed further by verifying
the details. After all details being verified and found valid,
the customer will be informed whether the bank will
approve the loan or it will be rejected. [22]
For making success loan automation process, it needs
special requirement, and those requirements could be
classified into, functional and nonfunctional, in more detail:
Functional requirements: this type of requirements for
automation loan request via application software include
online platform for secure loan application, process
application, and notification for accepted or rejected
requests, links to accept loan repayment via online
banking and (ATM), ability to enable multiple users view
the services within different fields at the same time, and
avenue for managerial update which help in insertion of
data in the database tables.
Non-functional Specification : it is very important as well
as functional one, these requirements of comprises
portability (access from different software and hardware
platforms, and deployment to various hardware
platforms), efficiency ( manage loan contents or
Paper ID: ART20202776
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2018): 7.426
Volume 8 Issue 11, November 2019
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
applications efficiently as the structure of content
organized accurately and precisely represent the system;
interface available, and precise for users, security and
others. [24]
3. Bizagi as Software Application for Loan
Request Automation
The current research is going to apply the loan automation
process via bizagi software. This software includes a special
application called personal loan request, this application is
reliable as its main software, but first, we need to know
more about this program or suite " bizagi".
3.1 Concept of Bizagi
Bizagi is a tool to model and document the business
processes. This modeler enables the user to visually
diagram, model, and document business processes. (Bizagi,
2009)Bizagi helps organizations to transform into digital
business. The Bizagi Digital Business Platform which
includes: Bizagi Modeler, Bizagi Studio, and Bizagi
Automation helps user to manage the complete his business
processes life-cycle [25] " Bizagi Modeler appeared in the
next image."
Bizagi’s Process Application Platform is known as the
Bizagi Digital Business Platform and found on version 11.0.
This is a closely integrated, in-house advanced tools suite. A
free unique Modeler tool downloaded more than 2.5
million times all over the world this application is
available as part of the full suite, which is completed by the
studio, which fully developed and runtime process
application server. [26]
3.2 Bizagi Tools
Bizagi BPM Suite is a system for Business Process
Management (BPMS) system that automates processes with
more velocity and makes it more elastic than ever before. In
Bizagi, it could be re-design and re-construct most of the
common and reoccurring needs in process automation.
Furthermore, Bizagi enables business users to automate and
control or change complex, dynamic business processes
faster and with more flexibility than any other system. Thus,
it supports the continuous improvement of the company’s
critical processes. [25]
Bizagi BPM Suite is consisting of three tools that help the
user in modeling, executing, and improving a business
process life cycle, which are:
Bizagi Process Modeler: The modeler empowers the user to
the diagram, model, and document business processes
Bizagi Studio: The design module helps in determining data
of the model, the user interfaces (known as forms),
regulations of the business, the participants or performers of
the tasks of workflow, and acts on integration with external
Bizagi BPM Server: The BPM Suite implement the model
in a Work Portal. It could be accessed through a browser, via
the Bizagi BPM Server, to make effective and intelligent
process management. (e. g. daily uses). [25]
The next image explains the icons for the Bizagi Suite and its
three components, referring to the main role of each one.
Paper ID: ART20202776
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2018): 7.426
Volume 8 Issue 11, November 2019
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
3.3 Creating Project in Bizagi
To create a project in Bizagi business process management,
there are specific steps that must be followed:
1) Click the Bizagi icon on your device opening Bizagi
application then select New project to create a new
Bizagi project. (as seen in the next image).
2) Write by typing the project name: process1 and click
Next. (next image)
3) Bizagi will begin to create a selected project. (May take
several minutes)
4) Bizagi Studio will open soon after doing step 3, and the
Process Wizard appears. The Wizard acts as a guide
through all the necessary steps to automate the required
process. (see next image)
3.4 Bizagi Loan Request Process
Bizagi application of the loan request process is analyzed at
different stages. Including investigation of the applicant's
profile, his payment capacity, and credit history that is
linked to the requested products. The approval stages are
determined according to each case and comprise automatic
and partial approvals and total negotiations. [27]
Paper ID: ART20202776
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2018): 7.426
Volume 8 Issue 11, November 2019
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
The applicant forms of bizagi loan request appeared in the following image:
The user or the customer needs to fill Query Form on bizagi
in case of loan request; using bizagi is easy and available for
every user.
3.5 Previous Study
By reviewing the literature and previous study, the
researchers didn't find any study examine or apply bizagi as
a software for automating loan request process, which
distinguish the current research from others, and explain the
need to conduct it, however there are many studies have
been conducted on business process automation, especially
in banking sector, we could offer them as follows:
A study by [1]: it is a case study of modeling and automating
business processes in the loan monitoring department of a
medium-sized bank. In this study, business process
automation has been performed using Lotus Domino/Notes
groupware platform. The direct mapping and support of
MPN main entities within the Notes environment ensured
the accurate and complete implementation of all business
processes and reduced significantly programming cost. The
study recommended using business process automation in
loan monitoring, while it is an effective and fast way if it
was applied in the right way.
[24] The objective of this study is to analyze how
Norwegian providers of financial technology utilize new
technologiesand the combination of these in light of a
regulatory directive.
Design and creation research strategy was adopted, and data
collection was through existing documents and structured
interviews. The waterfall software development method was
adopted. The result of the study provided a loan automation
application that saves paper works throughout the life of the
loan, and its design is also available as a contributory guide
towards the creation of a similar system.The Loan
Automation Application Software would help boost a
lending institution’s customer service in many ways and
make lending operations more efficient and transparent.
[28] The study examined the factors affecting customer
experience in retail banking services delivered by business
process automation. In specific, it developed a theoretical
framework for the role of various factors that affect the
adoption of process automation in the retail banking
industry. The research model was tested using a survey
questionnaire. Results indicated that factors such as security,
privacy, reliability, and usefulness are significant in
advancing process automation in the retail banking industry.
The research emphasis process automation as an alternative
way for human banking work.
[22] The study aimed to develop an online loan application
project to introduce an easy way to apply loan. The study
seeks to help users to get information about applying for a
loan and can apply online. The application of the study
implements, where users need to fill the details of identity
cards like PAN and bank account details. This information
about users will be verified by the bank authority and status
of the loan. The developed program enabled the user to
receive notification regarding loans, whether approved or
rejected, and they also can download the details of the loan
in the cases of approved loans. Information, notification
about the loan could be gained from anywhere and at any
Paper ID: ART20202776
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2018): 7.426
Volume 8 Issue 11, November 2019
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
time. Thus, the application can save a lot of time. The study
indicated that the automated loan request could be a very
useful and successful way to apply for the personal loan
4. Description of the Loan Request Process Re-
4.1 Loan Request Process- AS-IS
The loan application process takes place between the
borrower and the loan provider to approve the loan
application. There are four loan provider roles:
1) The financial officer is responsible for checking the
customer's credit card.
2) The property appraiser evaluates the property.
3) The insurance sales representative displays the insurance
rates for homes when needed.
4) The loan officer performs all other responsibilities.
The process begins at the request of the client. Upon receipt
of the application, it is confirmed that the application is
complete. In case the application is not completed, it shall be
returned to the client to complete the necessary within a
period not exceeding five days. In the next stage, the
application moves to a stage where two operations are
required: The first is to check the customer's credit card
history and estimate the risk, the second process will
evaluate the property by the property appraiser. After
passing the second stage, the eligibility of the client is
assessed. If the customer is not eligible, the request is
completely rejected. If the customer is eligible, the loan
officer will send the acceptance documents and the payment
agreement to the client by mail to be signed and returned to
the bank within two weeks. The loan officer verifies the
client's signature on the paperwork and approves the
agreement between him and the bank and then issues the
final decision whether to approve or reject the loan
application. The customer shall be informed of the approval
or rejection decision. The loan application can be
accompanied by a home insurance plan if required and is
made after sending the acceptance papers and the payment
agreement to the customer.
4.2 Loan Request Process- TO-BE
Paper ID: ART20202776
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2018): 7.426
Volume 8 Issue 11, November 2019
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
The loan request process requires a specific time limit for
filing the application and completing the approval process.
Therefore, it is important in the loan request process to take
care of the time to complete the task. The applicant's
application could reject for several reasons, informing the
customer why and making suggestions for accepting the
application helps save time and effort for the client and the
bank as well. Loan request process re-engineering focuses
on providing the customer with appropriate suggestions in
these cases:
1) When the applicant's request is received, it is checked to
make sure that the order is complete, and in case it is not
completed, a rejection message is sent to the client and
suggestions are provided to help him know the reason for
the rejection to be completed and re-order again.
2) When the applicant's eligibility is rejected after the
property and the loan risk evaluation, the application is
rejected, and then suggestions are sent to check the
balance on the credit card to be approved.
3) When the application is canceled because the client has
not signed the payment agreement, suggestions are made
to the applicant to complete the required paperwork and
procedures within two weeks.
5. Conclusion
Business process automation is an essential step in the ever-
evolving world of industry. It has emerged as a part of
business process re-engineering, which in turn formulate an
important part of Enterprise Resources Planning.
Companies, especially banks, are constantly striving to work
in parallel with these developments in the industrial world.
Automation helped banks reduce waiting times and efforts
for users and employees, thus improve performance and
This research is aimed to apply the bizagi personal loan
request application in order to examine and follow the loan
request automation. This suite or program is selected
because it could be download easily, and users can access
and handle it quickly and clearly. The research outcomes
proved that loan request automation has many benefits for
bank, employee and users such as reduce stress, time-
wasting, effort, long procedures, increase the speed, and
dealing with large number of customers, users also can
access to bizagi platform from any device at any time, fill
the application, get notifications about their request and pay
via it in the case of accepted requests.
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Paper ID: ART20202776
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2018): 7.426
Volume 8 Issue 11, November 2019
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
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Paper ID: ART20202776