Last updated: July 2024
Complaints Code of Pracce
EE, the UK’s most advanced digital communicaons company, is the rst in Britain to oer superfast 4G and 5G mobile
services alongside bre broadband. We deliver our millions of customers the best network and best service, so they
trust us with their digital lives.
EE provides a range of services, including support services for customers with disabilies, please visit our website
hp:// for more informaon.
EE is required to publish a code of pracce containing details and informaon on how we work to solve customer
complaints and disputes, and the opons available to you if we can’t do that within eight weeks. This code applies to
you if you’re an EE home broadband, mobile, residenal, or small business customer. This code is available at
hp:// or you can get a copy by calling us.
Last updated: July 2024
Terms and Condions
When you rst enter into agreement with us, you’ll receive a set of terms and condions which details how we will
provide the services to you. A copy of the terms and condions that apply to you can be downloaded from our website
at hp:// or by contacng us. Please be aware that call charges may be incurred depending on your talk
plan or service provider, and an administraon charge may be applied.
Complaint handling and alternave dispute resoluon procedures
We hope that you’ll never have reason to complain about any aspect of our services. However, if there is something
that you’re not happy with you should contact customer services rst. We’ll try and solve your issue quickly where we
can, but there may be mes when it may take a while to resolve.
We will consider your complaint resolved if we do not hear from you within 28 days of the complaint resoluon being
agreed. Any complaint made aer this me will be considered a new complaint.
If your landline or broadband service has been delivered late, or you’ve had a total loss of service that has taken more
than two working days to x, or our engineer has missed an appointment we made with you, your account will be
credited automacally in accordance with our Automac Compensaon scheme. You can see the details at
EE complaints procedure
Step 1
There are two ways you can complain, either over the phone or via one of our wrien communicaon opons
including leer, email webform or direct email.
Over the phone
You can call us free between 8am to 9pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 8pm Saturday and Sunday using the telephone
numbers and contact details below. Please remember that calls may be monitored and recorded for training purposes.
For mobile customers
From your EE mobile phone
From a UK landline
If you’re abroad
If your phone is lost or stolen
Last updated: July 2024
Customers with disabilities
Next Generation Text Relay or
Text Relay
Video Relay Service
Additional Support for EE customers with disabilities
We are commied to providing you with the best service possible, no maer what your disability is. By lling out our simple Disability Registraon Form (see link below), our Customer
Service Teams will be able to tailor our services to meet your needs. They’ll be aware of your disability when you call and will take your disability into consideraon. Learn more about
registering for our tailored services
Leer, email webform or direct email
Over the phone is the quickest way to resolve your complaint however if you prefer you can also raise a complaint by
sending a leer, compleng our email webform or emailing us directly. The table below contains the contact
informaon for each opon.
If you’re a mobile or small business home broadband customer, write to us at;
Customer Services
6 Camberwell Way
Tyne & Wear SR3 3XN
Email webform
If you’re a mobile or small business home broadband customer, write to us at;
Email webform
For landline and home broadband customers
From any phone
From an EE phone
Last updated: July 2024[email protected]
If you email us directly, don’t forget to include:
Your full name
Your full postal address
Your account number and/or mobile telephone number and if you’re a home broadband customer your landline
telephone number
Details of your complaint
Your resoluon requirements
An alternave dayme contact telephone number
The Customer Services Team will be working towards contacng you as soon as possible aer receiving your complaint.
If we can’t get hold of you by phone, we’ll email you if you have provided us with your email address, or we’ll write to
Note: If you complete the email webform or send a leer or email, please do not submit sensive or personal
informaon such as account security answers or payment informaon. If you need to update your account details,
including payment informaon, please visit hp:// or call Customer Services. Call charges are free
from your EE mobile phone, however charges from another mobile network or landline may vary. If you’ve set up a
Customer Services password, remember EE will never ask you to reveal it in full.
Step 2 Stage 1
You can get independent advice from the Cizens Advice Bureau, Consumer Advice Centre, and Trading Standards.
Whilst we’re happy to work together with the above independent organisaons, if you decide you need their help
to resolve your complaint, we would always want you to come to us rst, as most problems can be resolved quickly
this way. For broadband customers, aer asking us to refer your complaint to the organisaons menoned above,
you may also nd it useful to speak to the Internet Service Providers Associaon (ISPA) at
Stage 2 – Ombudsman Review
If aer contacng us we have not resolved your complaint within eight weeks or you are unhappy with our response,
you may refer your complaint, free of charge, for independent review by an Ombudsman.
EE works with two dierent ombudsman service providers, depending on the nature of your complaint.
Complaints regarding your EE airme and/or network services
The Communicaons Ombudsman is an independent dispute resoluon scheme, approved by Ofcom. Please ensure
that you read Communicaon Ombudsman guidelines to ensure that your complaint sases the condions for
referral. If your complaint sases these condions, then you must contact Communicaon Ombudsman within six
years of rst complaining to us. In a case of deadlock where we are unable to reach an agreed resoluon to your
complaint, then you must contact the Communicaons Ombudsman within 12 months of deadlock being issued.
Last updated: July 2024
When your complaint goes through the Communicaons Ombudsman, an independent assessor will review your
complaint and decide about how to sele it.
Details of the service are available by contacng us or Communicaon Ombudsman directly:
Communicaons Ombudsman
PO Box 730
Tel: 0330 440 1614
Complaints regarding EE device nance agreements
If your complaint relates to your EE device nance agreement, you will need to contact the Financial
Ombudsman Service (FOS). The Financial Ombudsman Service is an independent dispute resoluon
When your complaint goes through the Financial Ombudsman Service, an independent assessor will review your
complaint and decide about how to sele it.
Details of the service are available by contacng us or the Financial Ombudsman Service directly:
Financial Ombudsman Service
Exchange Tower
E14 9SR
Tel: 0800 023 4567
You can also nd out more informaon about what the Financial Ombudsman Service can help with at:
If you require a copy of this document in alternave format such as large print, braille, or audio please contact our
Customer Services team.
EE Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for the provision of consumer credit.