2019 Replacement
Traffic Control
410.01 Authorit
y and Considerations for Placement of Devices.
410.02 Conformity with State Manual.
410.03 Powers of County Administrator.
410.04 Posting of Signs and Signals Required.
410.05 County Administrator's Powers not Limited.
410.06 Records of County Administrator.
410.07 Reservation of Power to Board of County Commissioners.
410.08 Violations.
410.09 Sound Amplifying Devices.
410.10 Repealed.
410.11 Repealed.
410.12 Repealed.
410.13 Repealed.
410.14 Repealed.
410.15 Repealed.
410.16 Repealed.
410.17 Repealed.
410.18 Repealed.
410.19 Unclaimed vehicles.
410.20 Repealed.
410.21 Repealed.
410.22 Vehicle Impoundment and Immobilization Program.
410.99 Penalty.
Traffic Safety Committee - see ORS 802.300 et seq.
County traffic safety programs - see ORS 802.329
Powers of State and local authorities generally - see ORS 810.010 et seq.
Traffic control devices - see ORS 810.200 et seq.
Approval of size and weight of mass transit vehicles - see ORS 818.010 et seq.
Growth for non-interstate highways - see S.U. & P.S. Ch. 1024, Exhibit I
Computation of traffic volume - see S.U. & P.S. 1024.15
410.02 Traffic Control 3
2019 Replacement
The County Administrator or his or her authorized representative shall place and maintain
traffic control devices upon any street or highway under County jurisdiction as are
necessary to effectuate the provisions of this Traffic Code, or to regulate, warn or guide
traffic, and such other traffic control devices as such person shall deem necessary for the
proper control of traffic. The County Administrator or his or her authorized
representative shall determine the location, timing and coordination of such traffic control
devices upon the basis of an applicable engineering or traffic investigation and shall
consider the following:
(a) The maximum safety and protection of vehicular and pedestrian traffic from
physical injury or property damage;
(b) The existing and potential traffic movement, volume and conditions;
(c) The location and frequency of accidents, including studies of remedial measures;
(d) The recommendations of the Sheriff and the Roads and Parks Director;
(e) The acceleration of transportation of persons and property by vehicles so as to
expedite travel and promote public safety;
(f) The convenience and welfare of the general public in parking, standing, loading and
unloading, and the use of the streets as affecting business concerns and places of
assembly; and
(g) Economy in the expenditure of money.
(Adopting Ordinance. Passed 12-10-85; Ord. 2003-4. Passed 1-22-03; Ord. 2007-2.
Passed 1-31-07.)
All traffic control devices placed pursuant to this Traffic Code shall conform to the State
Manual and Specifications of Uniform Standards for Traffic Control Devices adopted by
the Oregon Transportation Commission pursuant to ORS 810.200.
(Adopting Ordinance. Passed 12-10-85; Ord. 92-7. Passed 7-1-92.)
4 Traffic Control 410.03
2019 Replacement
The County Administrator or his or her authorized representative is hereby authorized to:
(a) Designate any street or highway as a through street or highway and require that all
vehicles stop or yield the right of way as may be required before entering the same;
(b) Designate any intersection as a stop intersection and require all vehicles to stop at
one or more entrances to such intersection;
(c) Designate any intersection as a yield intersection and require all vehicles to yield the
right of way as required;
(d) Designate any street as a one-way street and require that all vehicles thereon be
moved in one specific direction;
(e) Designate and mark lanes to be used by traffic moving in a particular direction
regardless of the centerline of the roadway;
(f) Erect signs directing slow-moving traffic to use a designated lane or allocating
specified lanes to traffic moving in the same direction;
(g) Designate those portions of any street where overtaking and passing other traffic or
driving to the left of the center or centerline of the roadway would be especially
hazardous, by appropriate signs or markings on the street to indicate the beginning and
end of such zones. Such zones may be marked by an auxiliary yellow line placed parallel
and to the right of the normal centerline or offset marked lane line;
(h) Place markers, buttons or signs within or adjacent to intersections and require that a
specific course of direction be traveled by vehicles proceeding in lanes by either
permitting, prohibiting or requiring turns at such intersections;
(i) Install traffic control devices, signals and signs at any location to regulate traffic;
(j) Establish safety zones, crosswalks, zones of quiet and play streets;
(k) Close any street or portion thereof to vehicular traffic which is in the process of
construction, reconstruction or repair;
(l) Determine the location of any necessary bus stops and taxicab stands;
(m) Determine the location and limiting hours of truck loading zones;
(n) Designate dangerous railroad crossings and erect stop signs thereat;
410.06 Traffic Control 5
2019 Replacement
(o) Erect "No U Turn" signs at any location to prohibit a vehicle from being turned so as
to proceed in the opposite direction;
(p) Regulate or prohibit the stopping, standing and parking of vehicles on streets, alleys
or public property by erecting signs plainly indicating the prohibitions, restrictions or
(q) Designate individual parking spaces by markings, which may either be parallel or at
a prescribed angle to the curb or edge of the roadway.
(r) Establish load limits on bridges and roads and erect signs displaying said limits.
(Adopting Ordinance. Passed 12-10-85; Ord. 2002-7. Passed 2-6-02.)
No provision of this chapter shall be effective until signs, signals, markings or other
devices giving notice of such local traffic regulations are posted upon or at the entrance
to the street or part thereof affected, as may be most appropriate, so that in a proper
position they are sufficiently legible to be seen by an ordinarily observant person.
(Adopting Ordinance. Passed 12-10-85.)
The powers of the County Administrator or his or her authorized representative shall not
be limited by the specific enumeration of subjects contained in this chapter.
(Adopting Ordinance. Passed 12-10-85.)
The County Administrator or his or her authorized representative shall keep a record of
all rules, regulations and proceedings promulgated in connection with this chapter.
(Adopting Ordinance. Passed 12-10-85.)
6 Traffic Control 410.09
2019 Replacement
Notwithstanding the provisions of this chapter, the Board of County Commissioners may
override any decision of the County Administrator or his or her authorized representative
and may assume any of the powers delegated to such person, by a resolution adopted by a
vote of a majority of the members duly elected thereto. Upon the adoption of any such
resolution, the same may be changed only by an amending or repealing resolution
adopted by the Board.
(Adopting Ordinance. Passed 12-10-85.)
Any person violating the rules and regulations promulgated in connection with this
chapter shall be subject to the penalties provided for in Section 410.99.
(Adopting Ordinance. Passed 12-10-85; E. Ord. 93-34. Passed 10-13-93; P. Ord. 93-35.
Passed 10-27-93.)
(a) Unreasonable Sound Amplification From a Vehicle. A person commits the
violation of causing unreasonable sound amplification from a vehicle if the person
operates, or permits the operation of, any sound amplification system which is plainly
audible outside of a vehicle from fifty or more feet, when the vehicle is on any public
roadway or on premises open to the public within the White City Unincorporated
Community Boundary during nighttime hours, unless that system is being operated to
request assistance or warn of a hazardous situation.
(E. Ord.2003-29. Passed 10-15-03; P. Ord. 2003-28. Passed 10-29-03; Ord 2013-4.
Passed 7-10-13.)
(b) Exceptions. Subsection (a) hereof does not apply to:
(1) Emergency vehicles as defined in ORS 801.260;
(2) Vehicles operated by utilities defined under ORS 757.005, 758.505 and
(3) Audio alarm systems installed in vehicles; or
(4) Areas zoned for industrial use.
410.18 Traffic Control 7
2019 Replacement
(c) Definitions. As used in this section:
(1) Nighttime Hours - means between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.
(2) Plainly Audible - means any sound for which the information content of that
sound is unambiguously communicated to the listener, including, but not
limited to, understandable spoken speech, comprehension of whether a voice is
raised or normal, or comprehensible musical rhythms or vocal sounds.
(3) White City Urban Unincorporated Community Boundary - means the
Unincorporated Community Boundary Line for White City adopted by the
Board of Commissioners pursuant to Ordinance No. 98-18 on September 2,
1998, acknowledged by the Oregon Land Conservation and Development
Commission on October 22, 1998, pursuant to Work Order No. 00992, and
effective on November 1, 1998. A map of the White City Urban
Unincorporated Community Boundary, as adopted pursuant to Ordinance No.
98-18, is included as Exhibit 1 to this section.
(Adopting Ordinance. Passed 12-10-85; E. Ord. 93-34. Passed 10-13-93; P. Ord. 93-35.
Passed 10-27-93; Ord. 95-33. Passed 6-28-95; Ord. 2013-4. Passed 7-10-13.)
410.10 (Adopting Ordinance. Passed 12-10-85; Ord. 96-20. Passed 5-22-96;
REPEALED by Ord. 99-5. Passed 4-21-99.)
410.11 (Ord. 96-20. Passed 5-22-96; REPEALED by Ord. 99-5. Passed 4-21-99.)
410.12 (Ord. 96-20. Passed 5-22-96; REPEALED by Ord. 99-5. Passed 4-21-99.)
410.13 (Ord. 96-20. Passed 5-22-96; REPEALED by Ord. 99-5. Passed 4-21-99.)
410.14 (Ord. 96-20. Passed 5-22-96; REPEALED by Ord. 99-5. Passed 4-21-99.)
410.15 (Ord. 96-20. Passed 5-22-96; REPEALED by Ord. 99-5. Passed 4-21-99.)
410.16 (Ord. 96-20. Passed 5-22-96; REPEALED by Ord. 99-5. Passed 4-21-99.)
410.17 (Ord. 96-20. Passed 5-22-96; REPEALED by Ord. 99-5. Passed 4-21-99.)
410.18 (Ord. 96-20. Passed 5-22-96; REPEALED by Ord. 99-5. Passed 4-21-99.)
8 Traffic Control 410.22
2019 Replacement
If a is vehicle taken into custody pursuant to ORS 809.700 to 809.720, ORS Chapter 819,
or by any other lawful means, and if such vehicle is not reclaimed after providing notice
pursuant to ORS 809.725, the impounding agency or its designee may dispose of the
vehicle in any lawful manner provided by Oregon law.
(Ord. 96-20. Passed 5-22-96; Ord. 99-5. Passed 4-21-99.)
410.20 (Ord. 96-20. Passed 5-22-96; REPEALED by Ord. 99-5. Passed 4-21-99.)
410.21 (Ord. 96-20. Passed 5-22-96; REPEALED by Ord. 99-5. Passed 4-21-99.)
(a) There shall be established in Jackson County a vehicle impoundment and
immobilization program pursuant to ORS 809.698 through 809.725.
(b) The County Community Corrections (Probation) Department is hereby delegated the
authority to administer the program, including the installation of vehicle immobilization
boots as ordered by the court.
(c) Vehicles which are not reclaimed as required pursuant to ORS 809.698 through
809.725 will be disposed of by the County in accordance with the procedures set out in
ORS 819.180, 819.190, 819.210, 819.220 and 819.240 to 819.260. The impoundment
and sale of vehicles may be carried out by private or governmental agencies other than
Jackson County which have entered into a contract with the County for that purpose.
(d) For the purpose of hearings requested pursuant to ORS 819.190, the Community
Corrections (Probation) Department shall designate a hearings officer with the prior
approval of the County Administrator. If the Department designates the Circuit Court to
preside, no prior approval is necessary.
(e) Proceeds from the sale of any vehicle under the provisions of this ordinance shall be
paid to the County less an amount sufficient to cover the costs incurred in the sale and the
costs and expenses incurred in the removal, preservation and custody of the vehicle. The
amount to be deducted may be the subject of the contract required by subsection (c)
(Ord. 98-27. Passed 12-16-98)
410.99 Traffic Control 9
2019 Replacement
(a) Violation of Section 410.09 is subject, upon conviction, to a fine of not more than
two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) for the first violation, and a fine of not more than five
hundred dollars ($500.00) for a second violation and for each violation thereafter.
(b) Any person violating the rules and regulations promulgated in connection with any
other provisions of this chapter shall be subject to the general Code penalty provided for
in Section 202.99.
(E. Ord. 93-34. Passed 10-13-93; P. Ord. 93-35. Passed 10-27-93; E. Ord. 2003-29.
Passed 10-5-03. P. Ord 2003-28. Passed 10-29-03)
10 Traffic Control Exhibit 1
2019 Replacement