Walkways, Sidewalks, and
Public Spaces
L E S S O N 1 3L E S S O N 1 3
L E S S O N 1 3L E S S O N 1 3
L E S S O N 1 3
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13.1 Purpose
No single design feature can ensure that a
streetscape will be attractive to pedestrians. Rather,
the best places for walking combine many design
elements to create streets that “feel right” to people
on foot. Street trees, separation from traffic,
seating areas, pavement design, lighting, and many
other factors should be considered in locations
where pedestrian travel is accommodated and
encouraged. This lesson provides an overview of
these design elements, with examples of successful
streetscapes throughout the United States.
13.2 Basic Urban Sidewalk
All urban sidewalks require the
following basic ingredients for
success: adequate width of travel
lanes, a buffer from the travel lane,
curbing, minimum width, gentle
cross-slope (2 percent or less), a
buffer to private properties, adequate
sight distances around corners and
at driveways, shy distances to walls
and other structures, a clear path of
travel free of street furniture,
continuity, a well-maintained
condition, ramps at corners, and flat
areas across driveways. Sidewalks
also require sufficient storage
capacity at corners so that the
predicted volume of pedestrians can
gain access to and depart from signalized intersec-
tions in an orderly and efficient manner.
Minimum Width of Sidewalks
Sidewalks require a minimum width of 5.0 feet if set
back from the curb or 6.0 feet if at the curb face. Any
width less than this does not meet the minimum
requirements for people with disabilities. Walking is
a social activity. For any two people to walk together,
5.0 feet of space is the bare minimum. In some areas,
such as near schools, sporting complexes, some
parks, and many shopping districts, the minimum
width for a sidewalk is 8.0 feet. Thus, any existing
4.0-foot-wide sidewalks (permitted as an AASHTO
minimum) often force pedestrians into the roadway
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in order to talk. Even children
walking to school find that a 4.0-
foot width is not adequate.
Desirable Sidewalk Width
The desirable width for a
sidewalk is often much greater.
Some shopping districts require
12, 20, 30, and even 40 feet of
width to handle the volumes of
pedestrian traffic they encoun-
ter. Pennsylvania Avenue in
Washington, D.C. has 30-foot
sidewalk sections to handle tour
bus operations, K Street in
Washington, D.C. has 20=foot sections to handle
transit off-loading and commercial activity, the
commercially successful Paseo de Gracia boulevard
in Barcelona, Spain has 36 to 48 feet in most sections.
Designers must pay close attention to minimums, and
only use variances below these levels for short
sections. On the other side of the width equation,
overly ample sidewalk widths are rarely justified. It is
essential to work out the peak volumes of transit
discharge, the likely commercial appeal of an area,
and the influence of large tour buses and other
factors when designing public space.
Chapter 13 of the Highway Capacity Manual covers
the topics of sidewalk width and pedestrian level of
For two people to walk abreast, 5 feet is the bare
minimum for sidewalk width.
Including ammenities such as newspaper stands and kiosks along corners creates
lively, more defined spaces; however, they should not interrupt the flow of pedestrian
Be sure to calculate the commer-
cial need for outdoor cafes,
kiosks, corner gathering spots,
and other social needs for a
sidewalk. Sidewalk widths have
not been given sufficient
attention by most designers.
When working in a commercial
area, designers should always
consult property owners,
chambers of commerce, and
landscape architects to make
certain that the desired width is
realistic. Corner or mid-block
bulb-outs can be used to their advantage for creating
both storage space for roadway crossings and for
social space.
The safety needs of motorists and bicyclists in the
roadway must be considered when determining the
desirable widths of adjacent sidewalks. There is
compelling evidence that generous lane width (12-
foot) standards applied to downtown and commercial
streets are counterproductive and lead to faster
AASHTO specifically permits 10- or 11-foot travel
lanes on arterials in commercial districts, and also
permits turning lanes to be restricted to 10 feet.
Truck volumes and the volume of bicycles must also
be factored into this equation. As a general rule,
when speeds are at or near bicycle speeds (15 to 20
mph), then bike lanes may not be as essential as the
appropriate width of sidewalk. The
designer is reminded that in Central
Business Districts (CBD), the
pedestrian volume may be 50 to 90
percent of total traffic. When these
needs are not met, the commercial
and social success of the community
is lessened, and safety may be
Paving Materials
Although most sidewalks are made
of concrete, in some instances,
asphalt can provide a useful surface.
On trails, joggers and some others
prefer asphalt. As a general rule,
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downtown areas, nature strips are also a convenient
location for the swing-width of a door, for place-
ment of parking meters, hydrants, lampposts, and
other furniture.
Another way to achieve border width and the needed
buffer from traffic is to provide bike lanes. This 5-foot
space creates a minimal safe width to the sidewalk,
even when at the back of the curb; reduces the
effects of noise and splashing; and provides a higher
level of general comfort to the pedestrian.
On-street parking has two distinct advantages for the
pedestrian. First, it creates the needed physical
separation from the motorist. Second, on-street
parking has been shown to reduce motorist travel
speeds. This creates an environment for safer street
On the back side of sidewalks, a minimum width
buffer of 1to 3 feet is essential. Without such a
buffer, vegetation, walls, buildings, and other objects
encroach on the usable sidewalk space. With just
several months of growth, many shrubs will dominate a
sidewalk space. This setback is essential, not only to
the walking comfort of a pedestrian, but to ensure
essential sight lines at each residential and commer-
cial driveway.
Placement of Street Furniture/Shy Distances
Pedestrians require a shy distance from fixed objects,
such as walls, fences, shrubs, buildings, parked cars,
and other features. The desired shy distance for a
however, the long life of concrete,
and the distinct pattern and lighter
color are preferred. Paver stones
can also be used, and in some
applications, they have distinct
advantages (see section later in
this lesson).
Border Areas and Buffers
A border area should be provided
along streets for the safety of
motorists and pedestrians as well
as for aesthetic reasons. The
border area between the roadway
and the right-of-way line should be
wide enough to serve several
purposes, including provision of a
buffer space between pedestrians
and vehicular traffic, sidewalk space, snow storage,
an area for placement of underground utilities, and an
area for maintainable esthetic features such as grass
or other landscaping. The border width may be a
minimum of 5 feet, but desirably, it should be 10 feet
or wider. Wherever practical, an additional obstacle-
free buffer width of 12 feet or more should be
provided between the curb and the sidewalk for
safety and environmental enhancement. In residential
areas, wider building setback controls can be used to
attain these features. (AASHTO, A Policy on
Geometric Design of Highways & Streets, 1990)
The preferred minimum width for a nature strip is 5 to
7 feet. A nature strip this wide provides ample
storage room for many utilities. The width provides:
An essential buffer between an out-of-control
motorist and a pedestrian.
Improved sight distances at driveways.
Adequate width for landscaping and street trees.
A tree set back from the roadway 4.0 feet meets
minimum AASHTO standards for fixed objects when
a barrier curb is used (30 mph or less), and is ad-
equate for most species. The area is ample for most
snow storage. When this preferred minimum cannot
be achieved, any width, down to 4.0 feet or even 2.0
feet, is still beneficial.
Nature strips, especially in downtown areas, may be a
good location to use paver stones for easy and
affordable access to underground utilities. In
The width of a natural buffer provides the essential space needed for situations such
as protecting pedestrians from out-of-control vehicles.
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pedestrian is 2.0 feet. Allow for this shy distance in
determining the functional width of a sidewalk.
Note that attractive windows in shopping districts
create momentary stoppage of curious pedestrians.
This is a desired element of a successful street.
These window watchers take up about 18 to 24
inches of space. The remaining sidewalk width will be
constrained. This is often desirable on sidewalks not
at capacity. But if this stoppage forces pedestrians
into the roadway, the sidewalk is too narrow.
Newspaper racks, mail boxes, and other street
furniture should not encroach into the walking space.
Either place these items in the nature strip, or create a
separate storage area behind the sidewalk, or in a
corner or mid-block bulb-out. These items need to be
bolted in place.
Parking meters on a narrow sidewalk create high
levels of discomfort. In a retrofit situation, place
meters at the back of the walk, or use electronic
parking meters every 50 or 100 feet.
Parking garages on commercial district walks are
ideally placed away from popular walking streets. If
this cannot be done, keep the driveways and curb
radii tight to maximize safety and to minimize the
discomfort to pedestrians.
If possible, grade should be kept to no more than 5
percent, and, terrain permitting, avoid grades greater
than 8 percent. When this is not possible, railings
and other aids can be considered to help elder
adults. The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA)
does not require designers to change topography,
but only to work within its limitations and con-
straints. Do not create any man-made grade that
exceeds 8 percent.
Since falls are common with poorly designed stairs,
every effort should be made to create a slip-free,
easily detected, well-constructed set of stairs. The
following principles apply: Stairs require railings on
at least one side, and they need to extend 18 inches
beyond the top and bottom stair. When an especially
wide set of stairs is created, such as at transit
stations, consider rails on both sides and one or two
in mid-stair areas. Avoid open risers, and use a
uniform grade with a constant tread to rise along the
stairway length. All steps need to be obvious. Stairs
should be lit at night. A minimum stairway width is
42 inches (to allow two people to pass). The
forward slope should be 1 percent in order to drain
water. Stairs in high nightlife pedestrian centers can
be lit both above and at the side.
“Landscaping should be provided for esthetic and
erosion control purposes in keeping with the
character of the street and its environment. Land-
scaping should be arranged to permit sufficiently
wide, clear, and safe pedestrian walkways. Combina-
tions of turf, shrubs, and trees are desirable in
border areas along the roadway. However, care
should be exercised to ensure that guidelines for
sight distances and clearance to obstructions are
observed, especially at intersections.” (AASHTO, A
Policy on Geometric Design of Highways &
Streets, 1990)
Landscaping can also be used to partially or fully
control crossing points of pedestrians. Low shrubs in
commercial areas and near schools are often desirable
to channel pedestrians to crosswalks or crossing
Sidewalks must be graded and placed in areas where
water will not pond or where large quantities of
water will not sheet across.
Parked cars can also serve as a buffer between the sidewalk and the
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Rural Sidewalks
Sidewalks along rural roadway sections should be
provided as near the right-of-way line as is practi-
cable. If a swale is used, the sidewalk should be
placed at the back of the swale. If a guardrail is used,
the sidewalk must be at the back of the guardrail.
There will be times in near-urban spaces where the
placement of sidewalks is not affordable or feasible.
Wide paved shoulders on both sides of the roadway
will be an appropriate substitute in some cases.
However, the potential for growth in near-urban areas
requires that rights-of-way be preserved. When
sidewalks are placed at the back of the right-of-way,
it may be necessary to bring the walkways forward at
intersections in order to provide a roadway crossing
where it will be anticipated by motorists. Security
issues are also important on rural area sidewalks, so
street lighting should be given full consideration.
This lighting can act as part of the transitional area
alerting higher speed motorists that they are arriving
in an urban area.
Bridge Sidewalks
Bridge crossings are essential to pedestrians and
bicyclists. Whenever possible, the sidewalks should
be continued with their full width. Sidewalks on
bridges should be placed to eliminate the possibility
of falling into the roadway or over the bridge itself.
Sidewalks should be placed on both sides of bridges.
Under extreme conditions, sidewalks can be used on
one side only, but this should only be done when
safe crossings can be provided on
both ends of the bridge. When
sidewalks are placed on only one
side, they should be wider in order
to accommodate large volumes of
pedestrian traffic.
Management of land on the corner
is essential to the successful
commercial street. This small
public space is used to enhance the
corner sight triangle; to permit
underground piping of drainage so
that street water can be captured on
both sides of the crossing; to
provide a resting place and tele-
phone; to store pedestrians waiting
to cross the roadway; and to provide
other pedestrian amenities. Well-designed corners,
especially in a downtown or other village-like
shopping district can become a focal point for the
area. Benches, telephones, newspaper racks,
mailboxes, bike racks, and other features help enliven
this area. Corners are often one of the most secure
places on a street. An unbuilt corner, in contrast, is
often a magnet for litter and it erodes the aesthetics
of the street.
13.3 Street Lighting
For both safety and security reasons, most sidewalks
require street lighting. Lighting is needed for both
lateral movement of pedestrians and for detection by
motorists when the pedestrian crosses the roadway.
As a general rule, the normal placement of street
luminaries, such as cobra heads, provide sufficient
lighting to ensure pedestrian movement. However, in
commercial districts, it is often important to improve
the level of lighting, especially near ground level.
Successful retail centers often use low street lamps
in addition to or in lieu of high angle lamps. Some
designs permit both the high angle highway lamp and
the low angle street lamp on the same pole.
Pedestrians on a pedestrian-oriented street design
(shopping district) require three sources of lighting.
The first is the overall street lighting, the second is
the low placement of lamps (usually tungsten) that
reach between and below most trees, and the third is
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the light emitted from stores that line the street. The
omission of any one of these lights can result in an
undesirable effect, and can reduce the desire to walk
or shop at night.
Lights are needed in all areas where there are
crosswalks or raised channel islands. Lighting can be
either direct or can be placed to create a silhouette
effect. Either treatment aids the motorist in detecting
the pedestrian.
Pedestrians are less attracted to a commercial zone,
or any area where there are dark spots. The potential
to be victimized keeps many pedestrians from
traveling through an area at night. Thus, lighting
from shops, street lamps, and highway luminaries are
essential to the success of a commercial district.
Even one dark spot along a block may force some
pedestrians to the opposite side of the street.
13.4 Sidewalk Placement
Sidewalks are recommended on both sides of all
urban arterial, collector, and most local roadways.
Although local codes vary, AASHTO and other
national publications insist that separation of the
pedestrian from motorized traffic is an essential
design feature of a safe and functional roadway.
Although the AASHTO Policy on Geometric Design
of Highways and Streets (Greenbook) does not fully
address the issue of sidewalk placement, in lightly
Pedestrians on a pedestrian-oriented street (shopping district) require three sources
of lighting.
developed areas, the Greenbook does recommend
that rights-of-way be preserved on all arterial and
collector roadways. Although AASHTO and many
other organizations suggest that some short sections
of local streets can have sidewalks on one side only,
the designer should consider that single-side
sidewalks can create unwanted motorist/pedestrian
Priority Construction of Sidewalks
Many communities, such as Tallahassee, Florida,
have small ($250,000), but significant, sidewalk
construction funds set aside for community develop-
ment and pedestrian safety. When prioritizing
missing sidewalks, it is important to provide side-
walks to fill gaps on arterials and collectors at the
following locations:
• Schools (within 1/4 mile).
• To all transit stops.
• Parks, sports arenas.
• Shopping districts, other commercial areas.
• Recreational corridors.
• Retirement homes.
• Medical complexes/hospitals.
• All public buildings.
Costs and Benefits of Sidewalks
A typical neighborhood lot sidewalk of 5 feet and
two street border trees raise the cost of the undevel-
oped lot by 1to 3 percent. In
comparison, residential lot streets
with sidewalks and trees often show
an increased property value of $3,000
to $5,000.
13.5 Ambiance,
Shade, and Other
The above discussion provides a
basis for meeting the most basic
needs of a pedestrian. In many parts
of a city, it is essential to create
highly successful walking corridors.
The following elements are often
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found to be desirable to achieve
robust commercial activity and to
encourage added walking versus
single-occupant motor vehicle trips.
One or two very attractive features
create a highly successful block ...
and one or two highly offending or
unsafe conditions will leave one side
of the street nearly vacant.
It is hard to imagine any successful
walking corridor fully void of trees.
The richness of a young or mature
canopy of trees cannot be matched
by any amount of pavers, colorful
walls or other fine architecture, or
other features. Although on higher
speed roads (40 mph and above) trees are often set at
the back of the sidewalk, the most charming streets
are those with trees gracing both sides of a walkway.
This canopy effect has a quality that brings pedestri-
ans back again and again. If only one side can be
achieved, then on low-speed roadways, again the
trees are best if placed between the walkway and the
curb. A 4-foot setback from the curb is required.
In older pre-WW II neighborhoods, trees were often
placed every 25, 30, or 35 feet apart. It is essential to
keep trees back far enough from the intersection to
leave an open view of traffic. With bulb-outs, this
can often allow trees near the corner.
Paver Stones
Colorful brick, stone, and even tile ceramics are often
used to define corners, to create a mood for a block
or commercial district, or to help guide those with
visual impairments. These bricks or
pavers need to be set on a concrete pad for maximum
life and stability.
Paver stones can also be used successfully in
neighborhoods. Denmark is one of many European
countries that use concrete 1-meter-square paver
stones as sidewalks. These stones are placed directly
over compressed earth. When it is time to place new
utilities, or to make repairs, the paver stones are
simply lifted, stacked, and replaced when the work is
Retail shops should be encouraged to provide
protective awnings to create shade, protection from
rain and snow, and to otherwise add color and
attractiveness to the street. Awnings are especially
important in hot climates on the sunny side of the
Outdoor Cafes
There are many commercial actions that can help
bring back life to a street. Careful regulation of street
vendors, outdoor cafes, and other commercial
activity, including street entertainers, help enliven a
place. The more activity, the better. One successful
outdoor cafe helps create more activity and, in time,
an entire evening shopping district can be helped
back to life. When outdoor cafes are offered, it is
essential to maintain a reasonable walking passage-
way. The elimination of two or three parking spaces
in the street and the addition of a bulbed-out area
can often provide the necessary extra space when
cafe seating space is needed.
Alleys and Narrow Streets
Alleys can be cleaned up and made attractive for
walking. Properly lit and planned they can be secure
and inviting. Some alleys can be covered over and
made into access points for a number of shops. The
tasteful and elegant Bussy Place alley in Boston was
a run-down alley between buildings. With a roof
overhead and a colorful interior with escalators, this
The designer of this pre-WW II neighborhood in Birmingham, AL knew the value of
street trees.
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alley is now the grand entry to a number of success-
ful downtown shops. Other alleys become attractive
places for outdoor cafes, kiosks, and small shops.
Victoria, on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, has a
host of 30 or more alleys that channel a major portion
of its pedestrian traffic between colorful buildings
and quaint shops. Some alleys that were originally
hard-wood bricks are now polished and provide a
true walk through history.
The expansion of a mid-block set of crossings can
help make these alleyways a prime commercial route
and can lessen some of the pedestrian activity on
several main roads.
Small tourist centers, navigational kiosks, and
attractive outlets for other information can be
handled through small-scale or large-scale kiosks.
Well-positioned interpretive kiosks, plaques, and
other instructional or historic place markers are
essential to visitors. These areas can serve as safe
places for people to meet and can generally help with
Play Areas and Public Art
Public play areas and interactive art can help enliven
a corner or central plaza. One especially creative
linear space in Norway provided a fence and a 40-
foot-long jumping box. Children were invited to see
how far they could jump, and compare their jump with
record holders, kangaroos, grasshoppers, dogs, and
other critters.
Pedestrian Streets, Transit
Streets, and Pedestrian Malls
A number of European cities are
reclaiming streets that are no
longer needed for cars. Cars still
have access to many of these
streets before 10:00 a.m. and
after midnight. Other streets in
both the East and West are
being converted to transit and
pedestrian streets (e.g., 15th
Street Mall in Denver). These
conversions need to be made
with a master plan so that traffic
flow and pedestrian movements
are fully provided for. There are
many streets in America that
have been temporarily converted to pedestrian
streets and later, following a lack of use, were then
converted back to traffic. There are many instances
where it is not possible to generate enough pedes-
trian traffic to keep a street “alive.” Under these
conditions, the presence of on-street auto traffic
creates security for the pedestrian.
13.6 Pedestrian Plazas
Many plazas constructed in the recent past have
been too large and uncomfortable for pedestrians,
serving more to enhance the image of the building on
the lot. Some of these are products of zoning laws
that encouraged plaza construction in exchange for
increased building height. However, bonus systems
haven’t ensured that the “public space” will actually
be a public benefit. Decisions have been based on
inches and feet, instead of on activity, use, or
orientation. The result has been a number of plazas
with problems: some are windswept, others are on
the shady side of buildings, while others break the
continuity of shopping streets, or are inaccessible
because of grade changes. Most are without
benches, planters, cover, shops, or other pedestrian
comforts. To be comfortable, large spaces should be
divided into smaller ones. Landscaping, benches,
and wind and rain protection should be provided,
and shopping and eating should be made accessible.
It has been demonstrated that no extra room should
be provided. In fact, it is usually better to be a bit
crowded than too open, and to provide many smaller
Alleys can be made attractive and can serve as access points to shops.
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Enclose a plaza on one or two
Plan for at least 20 percent of
the plaza to be landscaped.
Provide seating in the sun and
make it readily accessible to
the public.
Develop shops and stores
along the plazas, excluding
large banks, travel agents, and
offices that attract few
Do not use large expanses of
blank wall.
Plan for prevailing sun angles and climatic
conditions, using as a rule of thumb a minimum
of 20 percent of daily sunshine hours on March
Encourage the use of bandstands, public display
areas, outdoor dining space, skating rinks, and
other features which attract crowds. In cold or
rainy areas, a covered galleria would benefit
pedestrians more than an open plaza.
Integrate indoor and outdoor space to make it
more useful. Plan spaces to be small and
informal in character and quality so as to be
inviting, comfortable, and non-oppressive.
spaces instead of a few large
ones. It is better to have places
to sit, planters, and other
conveniences for pedestrians
than to have a clean, simple, and
“architectural” space. It is
better to have windows for
browsing and stores adjacent to
the plaza space, with cross-
circulation between different
uses than to have the plaza
serve one use. It is better to
have retailers rather than offices
border the plaza. And, finally, it
is better to have the plaza be a
part of the sidewalk instead of
separated from the sidewalk by
Where is the best place for a plaza? Plazas ideally
should be located in places with good sun exposure
and little wind exposure, in places that are protected
from traffic noise and in areas that are easily acces-
sible from streets and shops. A plaza should have a
center as well as several sub-centers.
The planner should inventory downtown for spaces
that can be used for plazas, especially small ones.
Appropriate spaces include: space where buildings
may be demolished and new ones constructed,
vacant land, or streets that may be closed to traffic or
may connect to parking.
New stores can sometimes be
set back 8 to 10 feet from the
street to allow plaza space in
exchange for increased density.
Some suggestions for planners
and developers of plazas include
the following:
Limit plaza size to create
small, human-scaled spaces.
A maximum size of 2,500
square feet is appropriate,
with several small plazas
being better than one large
Small protected spaces provide separation from
noise and traffic.
In some European countries, streets have been turned over to pedestrians.
13 - 10
Streets with a raised median will usually have
lower pedestrian crash rates.
Avoid sunken plazas, since
access is difficult and
people feel uncomfortable
in them. Keep them level or
just slightly below sidewalk
grade. For instance, at
Rockefeller Center in New
York City, the lower level
originally had shops, that
failed and were converted
to the now famous ice
skating rink. Most people
view the rink from above,
while only users go below.
Avoid architectural and
geometrical bench arrange-
ments. Instead, consider
where and how most people
would prefer to sit. One
reason so-called “undesirables” frequent many
plazas is that benches are not usable by pedes-
trians. Movable chairs, heavy enough not to be
stolen, but light enough to move, are recom-
mended so that people can choose where they
want to sit and what arrangement they prefer.
13.7 Exercise: Design a
Pedestrian Space
Part 1
Choose an existing public space that currently does
not encourage walking and redesign it to better
accommodate pedestrians. Your plan should be
developed at a conceptual level.
You should prepare a plan view
drawing with enough information
to identify major existing features,
proposed improvements, and
impacts. Profile and cross-section
view drawings are also helpful in
presenting particular details
required to construct your
proposed improvements. Aerial
photographs and U.S. Geological
Survey topographic maps often
provide a good background for
overlaying proposed improve-
Part 2
Conduct a pedestrian capacity
analysis for the Piedmont Park
case study location (as described
in Exercise 3.8 of Lesson 3) using procedures
described in the Highway Capacity Manual. The
four major park entrances, as indicated on the Site
Location Map, should be evaluated to determine the
pedestrian level of service (LOS). In order to
conduct this evaluation, the following assumptions
should be utilized:
Expand 15-minute pedestrian counts included in
the park usage data to represent hourly volumes.
All of the pedestrian volume at each of the four
entrances accesses the park on existing 5-foot-
wide feet wide sidewalks.
Utilize and document other
assumptions as necessary in
order to conduct the LOS
analysis. Be sure to evaluate
the sensitivity of values related
to your assumptions.
Determine the existing level of
service for pedestrians at the
four major park entrances. Do
the sidewalks need to be
widened? In addition, evaluate
pedestrian level of service
under the following scenarios:
13 - 11
Average weekday pedestrian traffic is antici-
pated to double in 5 years, will 5-foot-wide
sidewalks be adequate?
Special events will generate pedestrian volumes
five times those measured for an average
13.8 References
Text and graphics for this lesson were derived from
the following sources:
Florida Department of Transportation, Florida’s
Pedestrian Planning and Design Guidelines, 1997.
Oregon Department of Transportation, Oregon’s
Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan, 1995.
Richard Untermann, Accommodating the Pedestrian,
Wilmington Area Planning Council, Mobility-
Friendly Design Standards, 1997.
For more information on this topic, please refer to:
AASHTO, A Policy on Geometric Design of High-
ways & Streets, 1990.
Institute of Transportation Engineers, Design and
Safety of Pedestrian Facilities, 1998.
Office of Transportation Engineering and Develop-
ment, Pedestrian Design Guidelines Notebook,
Portland, OR, 1997.
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