Is There Too Much Government in Your Life?
Patricia Lee Sykes
Very different groups of Americans would either endorse or reject the resolution
for debate – “There is too much government in my life” – depending on a wide range of
considerations. Urban youth at high risk of incarceration certainly feel that way and
understandably their anti-government sentiments strengthen once they enter prison.
group that garners much more media attention, the Tea Party enthusiastically embraces
the resolution as its members protest taxation they consider government intrusion and
infringement on rights. By contrast, many citizens who oppose the resolution believe
they have the right to receive the collective benefits of living in civil society, and they
expect government to serve the interests of all citizens including the least advantaged.
Others in favor of strong government emphasize the importance of national defense,
especially during a war on terror. Most Americans would probably choose different
language to address the issue and state simply that government is either too big or not
big enough. The majority of Americans tends to distrust big government, though
individuals usually appreciate and wish to maintain the particular government benefits
that serve them personally.
Usually for Americans, the debate turns on just how much
government is needed to fulfill the promise of our founding documents – namely, to
ensure “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” and “secure the blessings of liberty.”
Associate Professor, Department of Government, American University, Washington, DC.
Admittedly, this brief paper can only begin to address such a wide ranging topic. I am especially
grateful to my graduate assistant William Harder for his quick, conscientious fact checking and
editorial assistance.
Vesla M. Weaver and Amy Lerman, “Political Consequences of the Carceral State,” American
Political Science Review vol. 104 (4): 817-833.
Karlyn Bowman “Are Attitudes Changing about the Proper Role of the Federal Government?”
American Enterprise Institute Studies in Public Opinion, December 15, 2009.
The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.
Background: The Nature and Role of Government in Political Development
Distaste for the notion of a strong central government is unique to the United
States and rooted in its earliest history. The current populist movement known as the
Tea Party takes its name from the historic moment in the American Revolution when
colonists rebelled against taxation without representation – seen as a sure sign of the
tyranny of England – by dumping tea into Boston Harbor. In retrospect, that a tax on tea
should spark a revolution strikes many historians and social scientists as strange.
Americans never experienced the sort of ruthless tyranny that usually incites people to
revolt. (Compare it with the Arab Spring.) Instead, the American rebels took their status
as subjects of a king as an affront to their individual rights, producing a revolution that
was more the result of theoretical reasoning than dire circumstances. From the start,
Americans rejected the idea of big government – especially one remote and removed
from the people.
Pamphleteers like Thomas Paine popularized Enlightenment thinking about
rights, and by the time of the Revolution most Americans had become familiar with and
embraced the notion that Thomas Jefferson would eloquently express in the Declaration
of Independence. The only legitimate government is one that operates with the consent
of the governed and it exists to secure life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Jefferson employed loftier language than the original philosophers of the Enlightenment
who identified “estate” or “property” instead of “the pursuit of happiness,” and
Jefferson’s elegant choice of words would leave open a more expansive view of rights
later in political development.
The Founders were virtually unanimous in their agreement that securing rights
renders the limited legitimate goal of government and constitutes the singular object of
the Constitution. When Charles Pinkney suggested the constitution might establish a
national university to educate and uplift its citizens, the other Founders scoffed at the
idea and quickly reminded him that governments are instituted to secure rights – and do
no more.
While delegates to the constitutional convention argued about how best to
secure rights, the Federalists ultimately prevailed by persuasively arguing for a large
nation where dangerous majorities would be less likely to form than in a confederation
See, for example, Gordon S. Wood, The Creation of the American Republic 1776-1787, Chapel Hill:
University of North Carolina Press, 1969.
See debates on September 14, 1787 in James Madison, The debates in the Federal Convention of
1787, which framed the Constitution of the United States of America, reported by James Madison, a
delegate from the state of Virginia. eds. Gaillard Hunt and James Brown Scott, New York: Oxford
University Press, 1920.
of small states.
To further protect rights, they adopted a complex system of separation
of powers with checks designed to thwart the tyranny that comes from concentrated
The Anti-Federalists disagreed and argued the proposed constitution would
undermine the notion of a government limited to securing the rights of all citizens. They
objected to the vast powers given to the national legislature – including powers of
commerce, spending, and taxation – and they considered the president essentially an
“elected king” (as Jefferson damned the drafted Article II). According to the Anti-
Federalists, a strong national government would neglect the differences among the
several states and impose a degree of uniformity that would stifle diversity. At the same
time, they feared the complex system that the Federalists proposed would obscure
responsibility, confuse citizens, and ultimately alienate the electorate. Perhaps most
significant, the Anti-Federalists believed a strong central government would serve only
the interests of the wealthiest Americans. As Samuel Adams exclaimed, “The few
haughty Families, think They must govern. The Body of the People tamely consent and
submit to be their Slaves. This unravels the Mystery of Millions being enslaved by the
While today’s Tea Party protesters hark back to the rhetoric of the Revolution, the
Occupy Wall Street movement echoes the anger of the Anti-Federalists.
For most of the nineteenth century the powers of the federal government
remained extremely circumscribed. First the Jeffersonians and later the Jacksonians
ensured that governmental power would operate primarily at the state level. Then
during the Civil War Abraham Lincoln asserted and expanded the authority of the
national government, even going so far as to defy judicial rulings when he blockaded
Southern ports and suspended the writ of habeas corpus.
Paradoxically, Lincoln
violated rights in order to preserve a union dedicated to securing rights, and a positive
argument for permanently expanding the role of the national government was not
seriously advanced until the Progressive movement at the start of the twentieth century.
Initially, progressives argued that industrialization, which had produced robber
barons, concentrated economic power in ways that corrupted the free market,
concluding that government regulation was needed to “bust the trusts,” as Theodore
Roosevelt put it. As progressives, Roosevelt and later Woodrow Wilson advanced
reforms that planted the seeds of the modern administrative state. Increasingly
Federalist Papers, No. 10.
Federalist Papers, Nos. 47-52.
“Letter from Samuel Adams to Richard Henry Lee,” December 3, 1787. In Kenneth M. Dolbeare
and Michael S. Cummings, eds. American Political Thought, 5
ed., Washington, DC:
Congressional Quarterly Press, 2004, pp. 120-121.
See: Prize Cases, 67 U.S. 635 (1862) and Ex parte Milligan, 71 U.S. 2 (1866).
government intervention was promoted as the means to protect the rights and enhance
the collective welfare of citizens. Progressive arguments prevailed and their objectives
became institutionalized when Franklin Delano Roosevelt instituted the New Deal
during the Great Depression.
Under the New Deal, the federal government assumed responsibility for a range
of policy issues with programs designed to create jobs, regulate agriculture, industry,
and banking, and provide support for the elderly and unemployed – most notably Social
Security. In his first presidential campaign, FDR proposed a philosophy of government
that would fulfill the promise of “the apparent Utopia which Jefferson imagined for us
in 1776, and which Jefferson, Roosevelt, and Wilson sought to bring to realization.”
president, FDR declared that the original political rights “proved inadequate to assure
us equality in the pursuit of happiness.” Advocating a second economic Bill of Rights, he
identified rights to a job, adequate food and clothing, a decent home, medical care and
good health, a good education, and protection from the economic fears of old age,
sickness, accident, and unemployment.
Passage of New Deal programs required
Congress to expand its “power of the purse,” and the Supreme Court initially declared
unconstitutional but later validated the legislation. Such innovative use of congressional
power to regulate commerce and spending in the 1930s paved the way for Lyndon
Johnson’s Great Society in the 1960s, which vastly expanded the welfare state, adding
Medicare and Medicaid as well as civil rights legislation to the ways government would
guarantee any citizen’s right to the pursuit of happiness.
On the eve of the Great Society, in 1964, Republican presidential candidate Barry
Goldwater emerged to challenge the premise and promise of the welfare state, and
though he lost in a landslide election, his candidacy foreshadowed the Reagan
revolution that would reverse the direction of public policy in the 1980s. Boldly
announcing that “government is not the solution, government is the problem,” President
Ronald Reagan embarked on an agenda to roll back the state in domestic policy, even as
he vastly increased its growth in defense spending during the Cold War. For the next
thirty years, the Reagan agenda set the terms of debate, and even the Democratic
President, William Jefferson Clinton, declared “The era of big government is over” as he
fulfilled his promise to “end welfare as we know it.” Shortly after severe economic crisis
hit the U.S. in 2008, the new president (and only the second Democrat since 1980)
proposed a series of measures – stimulus spending, a national health care program, and
reform of the financial industry – that might alter the direction of public policy and
political development. While Republicans depict President Barack Obama’s programs
“The Commonwealth Club Address” (1932), in Dolbeare and Cummings eds., pp. 406-413.
“An Economic Bill of Rights” (1944), in Dolbeare and Cummings, eds., pp. 418-420.
as radical, many Democrats allege that he has acted too cautiously and proposed only
modest change based on the need to deal with the economic emergency. Even without
articulating an alternative public philosophy, the actions of the current president have
renewed debate about the appropriate role and size of government.
Today and throughout U.S. history such debate takes place largely within the
liberal tradition that emphasizes individual rights.
Notwithstanding the heated
partisan rhetoric of the past few years, socialism – the public ownership of the means of
production, distribution, and exchange – is noticeably absent.
(A health care plan that
lacks a public option can hardly be described as socialist.) At the other end of the
spectrum, Americans also show limited support for libertarianism as evidenced by the
dearth of libertarians holding elected office throughout history. Ordinary Americans
tend to shun ideological extremes,
and as a result, they are unlikely to embrace entirely
or consistently the arguments for or against the proposed resolution.
Arguments Supporting the Resolution
At the moment economic arguments dominate the debate about the role and size
of government, and those who support the resolution emphasize the value of a free
market and interpret individual rights primarily in terms of property. The roots of their
arguments extend as far back as Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations, which relied on the
“invisible hand” of the free market to generate wealth and protect property rights.
Building on Smith’s reasoning, present-day “supply-side” economists argue that freely
allowing ambitious individuals to pursue their interests produces wealth that trickles
down to benefit all members of civil society.
One of the most prominent economists in
the Reagan era, Milton Friedman, acknowledges that some regulations are necessary to
safeguard property rights but insists that generally the regulatory state stifles the spirit
of enterprise.
Bureaucratic red tape generates inefficiencies and imposes burdens that
discourage business and prove costly as regulatory agencies expand the scope of the
Louis Hartz, The Liberal Tradition in America: An Interpretation of American Political Thought since
the Revolution, New York: Harcourt Brace, 1955.
Seymour Martin Lipset, “Why No Socialism in the United States?” in S. Bialer and S. Sluzar,
eds., Sources of Contemporary Radicalism, vol. 1, 1977, pp. 31-149.
Morris Fiorina, Samuel Abrams, and Jeremy Pope, Culture War? The Myth of a Polarized America,
New York: Pearson Longman, 2005.
Adam Smith, An Inquiry into the Nature and the Causes of the Wealth of Nations, New York: P.F.
Collier & Son Company, 1909.
Jude Wanniski, The Way the World Works, New York: Simon and Schuster, 1983.
Milton Friedman, Capitalism and Freedom, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1962.
state. Other economists such as Arthur Laffer warn about the economic costs of
expanding the role of government, as there exists an optimal point of government
spending followed by diminishing returns, and the government reached that peak by
mid-twentieth century.
In sum, such economists reject regulations, propose to cut
government spending, emphasize the hazards of the budget deficit, and refuse to raise
Government should not engage in industrial policy, either to create jobs or to
achieve particular policy outcomes. Bureaucrats are bad at calculating costs and
assessing risks in the market place. Moreover, when politicians partner with industry it
increases the likelihood of influence peddling and corruption. To support these points,
consider the current controversy surrounding the solar panel company Solyndra. The
California-based company secured a loan guarantee for $535 million as part of the 2009
stimulus package with the dual goals of creating “green jobs” that would improve the
environment and put Americans back to work. One of the original investors was George
Kaiser, a major contributor to the 2008 Obama campaign. Even after Price Waterhouse
Coopers’ audit in 2010 revealed $558 million in losses during its first five years of
existence, the company received a $40 million installment of its loan guarantee,
ostensibly to keep it running until November 2011. In August 2011 Solyndra went
bankrupt and dismissed its employees. Testifying before an Oversight and
Investigations panel of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, Energy Secretary
Steven Chu insisted that he and his department acted “with the best interest of the
taxpayer in mind,” but email communications in his agency indicate political
considerations overrode economic judgments. Even if no illegal or corrupt activity
occurred, in this case the government promised more than half a billion dollars to an
unproven, speculative business, and when it failed, taxpayers incurred the costs.
general, the scale and scope of the regulatory state have expanded greatly under the
Obama administration and the net economic impact of this trend remains uncertain. The
particular case of Solyndra raises serious questions about the wisdom of both
government regulation and government spending.
Supporters of the resolution propose several ways to cut government spending.
Some suggest cuts in discretionary programs such as food stamps, but even they are
likely to acknowledge that such spending constitutes a very small part of the budget.
Most focus on the need to reform or abolish entitlement programs, in particular Social
Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. This year Social Security (19.15%), Medicare (11.88%),
Jude Wanniski, “Taxes, Revenues, and the ‘Laffer Curve’,” The Public Interest vol. 50 (1): 3-16.
Michael Barone, “Obama Tainted by Loan Guarantees to Solar Firms,” Washington Examiner,
September 14, 2011. Accessed at on November 19, 2011. See also the Washington
Post, November 18, 2011. Accessed at on November 19, 2011.
and Medicaid (7.32%) comprised 38.35% of federal budget outlays. The Office of
Management and Budget projects that in 2019 Social Security (21.53%), Medicare
(16.45%), and Medicaid (8.83%) will account for 46.81% of total federal budget outlays.
To some extent, the same phenomena make both programs unfeasible. The U.S. has an
aging population – baby boomers started to collect Social Security in 2008 – and a
shrinking workforce with fewer people paying into the system. Those who oppose
Social Security allege it simply will cease to exist by the time the current generation
comes to collect, and as a result it constitutes “a Ponzi scheme.”
For Medicare, rising
health care costs as well as an aging population make it unsustainable. Instead, these
programs should be privatized or “personalized.” (And the same people who oppose
these existing government programs adamantly object to the 2010 Patient Protection and
Affordable Care Act, dubbed “Obamacare,” which increases projected spending.) In
general, opponents argue individuals (or the states) are better than the federal
government at providing for retirement and health care, and those who are unable to
care for themselves can rely on private charities and individual charitable giving.
Mandatory spending programs constitute the greatest source of the national
debt, and the budget deficit jeopardizes the nation’s economy and diminishes its
international status. In a report written for the Joint Economic Committee more than a
decade ago, two economists identified the optimal amount of government spending as
17.5% of GDP, at a time when it was actually between 20 and 22% with a balanced
(The last time government spending fell below 17.5% was before 1965 and the
Great Society programs.) Now the national debt exceeds 100% of GDP and constitutes
more than a total 14 trillion dollars. (The projected amount of debt to GDP ratio for 2012
is 106.9%. Countries with higher debt include Ireland, Italy, Greece, and Portugal.)
fund the national debt, the U.S. Treasury has been borrowing from Social Security and
literally writing out IOUs; whether they will ever be paid back remains uncertain.
Moreover, the other half of the debt comes from foreign countries, and at any time, those
nations could demand payment. (In particular, China might do so as its economy
becomes more consumer-oriented.) More likely, foreign countries will raise interest
rates, making it more difficult to borrow in the future. The national debt diminishes
Office of Management and Budget, Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 2012,
Washington: Government Printing Office, 2011.
Ashley Parker, “Fresh Off Debate Debut, Perry Turns Down the Heat,” The New York Times,
Sept. 8, 2011. Accessed November 29, 2011,
Richard K. Vedder and Lowell E. Gallaway, “Government Size and Economic Growth,”
prepared for Joint Economic Committee, December 1998,
Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development, “Economic Outlook No. 89
Annual Projections for OECD Countries,” June 2011.
confidence in the U.S. economy at home and abroad, and shifts the burden to future
generations. Remember the preamble to the Constitution promises to secure the
blessings of liberty – “to ourselves and our posterity.
To balance the budget, government should cut spending and not raise taxes. The
combination of local, state, and federal taxes mean that Americans pay taxes at an
average rate of 28.3%.
In particular, the tax cuts during the administration of George
W. Bush should not be allowed to expire, as that would effectively constitute a tax
increase. In general, when taxpayers have more money, they spend it and that serves to
stimulate the economy. Even reinstating taxes on the top two percent of earners would
harm the economy as low taxes encourage businesses to invest and hire more
employees. The Obama administration has not only increased spending – with its health
care bill and stimulus package – now it proposes to raise taxes by allowing the Bush era
cuts to lapse.
The belief that there is too much government extends beyond government
involvement in the economy and applies to a wide range of other issues. In recent years,
for example, the Supreme Court has ruled that government can place no restrictions on
the campaign finances of so-called Super PACs.
In the area of social policy, many
argue for choice concerning abortion and insist that restrictions on abortion since Roe v.
Wade be removed.
Others advocate cuts in law enforcement and the legalization of
Finally, on moral as well as economic grounds, many Americans advocate cuts
in defense spending because they believe the U.S. should not police the world.
Arguments Opposing the Resolution
On the other side of the debate, economic arguments also dominate. Those who
argue for more government tend to interpret rights more broadly than the right to
property and would be inclined to agree with FDR’s Economic Bill of Rights as well as
emphasize the public good over private interests. The economic source for many of their
arguments would be John Maynard Keynes who was to FDR what Friedman would
later be to Reagan. Keynes believed the government should actively stimulate the
See “National Debt: Are Higher Taxes Needed to Reduce the Debt?” Congressional Quarterly
Researcher, March 18, 2011, Vol. 21 (11): 241-264.
Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, 558 U.S. 08-205 (2010).
For restrictions, see: Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey, 505 U.S. 833 (1992),
and Stenberg v. Carhart, 530 U.S. 914 (2000).
Karlyn Bowman, “Attitudes toward the Federal Government?” American Enterprise Institute
Studies in Public Opinion, June 23, 2008.
economy even if it incurred deficits in times of economic distress. Those deficits would
be paid back and the budget balanced during economic booms.
They might point out
that the Bush years were the first time government debt increased during a stretch of
economic prosperity – the result of tax cuts and waging two wars. Now that the U.S. is
in recession, the government needs to play a positive role putting Americans back to
work, ensuring their rights to health, education, and welfare, and protecting ordinary
citizens from the avarice and greed of the wealthy few.
They would argue that now is a very bad time to resist government regulation.
Failure to regulate energy and the environment burdens “our posterity” by exploiting
natural resources and fueling climate change. An even more striking example of the
need for regulation has been provided by the financial industry. Banks fueled a housing
bubble by lending money to people with bad credit and/or no means to repay their
mortgage, betting that home values would continue to rise. When prices fell, a flood of
mortgage defaults and foreclosures followed. Lenders who had issued subprime loans
were squeezed and investment banks suffered as they had borrowed to buy mortgage-
backed securities. Subprime and other loans were backed by trillions in “credit-default
swaps,” insurance-like contracts intended to guarantee against loan defaults. When
home buyers defaulted, banks that sold the swaps lacked capital to make good on the
guarantees, and the investors who bought the mortgage-backed securities were left in
the lurch. Their highly leveraged positions put banks at risk of insolvency as defaults
rose. In response, in 2008, Congress passed a $700 billion rescue bill (TARP), part of a
sweeping one trillion dollar government program to stabilize the stock market and
unfreeze credit. At the same time, the federal government was forced to take over
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, previously quasi-governmental firms burdened by their
own subprime mortgages (which compose 45% of the nation’s total mortgages).
While congressional Republicans often point to regulations as an impediment to
economic growth,
others argue that a lack of consumer demand poses an obstacle to
small business owners, not regulation.
Indeed, among the several factors that
contributed to the financial crisis in 2008, the failure of government regulators played a
major role. The 1999 repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act, which dates back to the Great
John Maynard Keynes, The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes, London: Macmillan,
Cambridge University Press, 1972.
Kristina Peterson, “GOP Young Guns Blast Regulations at Facebook Event,” The Wall Street
Journal, September 26, 2011. Accessed November 29, 2011,
Catherine Rampell and Binyamin Appelbaum, “The Role of Regulation in Holding Back
Business,” The New York Times, November 9, 2011. Accessed Nov. 29, 2011,
Depression and split commercial from investment banking, set the stage for financial
abuse. In addition, the 2000 Commodity Futures Modernization Act prohibited the
regulation of the swaps. Finally, a 2004 Securities and Exchange Commission decision
loosened capital rules for brokerage units of investment banks and that in turn freed up
funds for investment in the mortgage-backed securities and credit derivatives. Senator
Charles Schumer (D-NY, Chair of the Joint Economic Committee) spoke for many
taxpayers when he lamented, “We were told that markets knew best, and that we were
entering a new world of global growth and prosperity. We now have to pay for the
greed and recklessness of those who should have known better.”
In this case, the
absence of regulation invited the corruption and collusion of “competitors” in the
financial markets.
Government should be helping the least advantaged members of society – the
elderly, the poor, the unemployed – not wealthy bankers. Far from being insolvent,
Social Security has actually accumulated a surplus of $2.6 trillion dollars. Admittedly,
that surplus is currently invested in Treasury bonds, but there is no reason why the
Treasury should not pay it back. Social Security will be able to continue to pay benefits
until at least 2037 by redeeming first the interest and then the principal on those bonds.
Moreover, when the economy improves, more people will be employed and able to pay
into the system. Furthermore, the major challenge to Medicare (and Medicaid, the state-
run program for the poor) – rising medical costs – can be addressed in legislation that
provides incentives to keep costs down, as President Obama’s 2010 Health Care Bill
does. In addition to lowering the costs of Medicare, the legislation increases coverage for
pre-existing conditions and expands health insurance to 30 million Americans. Many
would argue that national health insurance needs to do even more, and health care
provisions remain modest in the U.S. compared with all other post-industrial countries
that have some form of single payer or public option. Finally, it is fine to turn to
charitable giving to assist the poor, but private charity cannot begin to cover the costs of
existing government programs.
Opponents of government spending point to increasing deficits, but this is no
time to worry about the national debt. The U.S. government needs to preserve both
discretionary and mandatory domestic spending – especially when unemployment
hovers around 9% and the country is in the midst of a deep recession. The one-out-of-six
families that live below the poverty level rely on food stamps and other emergency
Quoted in Thomas J. Billetteri, “Will U.S. and Overseas Action Stem the Global Crisis?”
Congressional Quarterly Researcher, October 24, 2008, vol. 18 (37): 865-888.
benefits that fall under discretionary spending.
In fact, many critics argue the stimulus
package proved too small to make a significant difference and the government should
do more.
Moreover, there is no reason to believe foreign investors will suddenly
demand payment. Even Milton Friedman has suggested their willingness to invest
signals the long term strength of the U.S. economy.
Instead, the U.S. needs to raise taxes and close corporate loopholes. Americans
pay an average tax rate of 28.3%, but that is quite low when compared with the average
39.7% in the European Union. To increase revenue, all the Bush tax cuts should be
allowed to expire, but even raising taxes on the top 2%, as President Obama proposes,
would constitute a step in the right direction. In addition, tax reform needs to close
loopholes that serve only the few wealthiest Americans. Consider, for example, how a
tax on the top 25 hedge-fund managers would yield the same amount as a proposed
two-year salary freeze for two million federal workers. And Goldman Sachs – one of the
major recipients of the 2008 bailout – paid only 1% on its earnings in 2007.
Tax reform
provides one way the government can halt the growing disparity in income between the
top one percent and the rest of the population, represented by the Occupy Wall Street
slogan as “the 99%.”
As in the case of those who oppose more government, proponents of bigger
government make arguments that extend beyond the economy. In striking down
campaign finance reform, the Supreme Court has given the wealthiest and best
organized groups a significant advantage in terms of influencing the 2012 elections. As a
positive force, government needs to protect not only civil liberties but civil rights – and if
Congress needs to invoke its power of the purse to ensure equal rights, that constitutes
legitimate exercise of its constitutional authority. Others might point to the need for the
government to protect the life of the unborn and ban abortion, or generally use the state
to advance Judeo-Christian values, arguing that the first amendment guarantees
religious freedom but does not necessitate neutrality. Finally, many Americans would
preserve existing defense spending, and anyone listening to Defense Secretary Leon
Carmen DeNavas-Walt, Bernadette Proctor, and Jessica Smith, U.S. Census Bureau, Current
Population Reports, Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2010, U.S.
Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 2011, pp. 60-239.
Paul Krugman, “Failure to Rise,” The New York Times, February 12, 2009. Accessed November
30, 2011,
Marcia Clemmitt, “National Debt,” Congressional Quarterly Researcher, March 18, 2011, vol. 21
(11): 241-264.
ibid 241-264.
Panetta’s recent testimony might understandably think they were hearing Donald
Rumsfeld. Panetta warned against the dangers of “hollowing out” the military even as
American operations in Iraq and on other fronts come to a close.
Concluding Observation
Debate between proponents and opponents of the resolution “There is too much
government in my life” fails to distinguish or divide the two major political parties in
any clear or consistent way, and those who anticipate a great philosophical debate in the
2012 presidential election are likely to be disappointed. As so often happens in U.S.
politics, the two major party candidates converge in the middle with the majority of the
American electorate. And the paradox of opposing big government while favoring
individual benefits is likely to persist until a leader boldly declares, “Government is not
the problem, government is the solution.”
Recent public opinion data suggest another dilemma and deep discontent within
the paradox. Voters indicate that their distaste for government programs stems from
their distrust of government officials.
With the president at only 43%
approval and
Congress at the all-time low of 13%,
Americans might be returning to their
revolutionary roots and resentments. Movements as diverse as the Tea Party and
Occupy Wall Street seem to tap more widespread dissatisfaction with a government just
as remote and removed from the people as once was King George.
Peter Baker, “Panetta’s Pentagon, Without the Blank Check,” The New York Times, October 23,
2011. Accessed November 30, 2011,
Bowman “Attitudes Toward the Federal Government?
Lydia Saad, “Obama Approval Remains at 43% through Thanksgiving Week,” Gallup,
November 29, 2011,
Frank Newport, “Congress’ Job Approval Entrenched at Record Low 13%,” Gallup, November
14, 2011,