Santa Claus
Post marked from Santa Claus, Georgia
$5.00 per letter
Orders for letters must be post marked no later than December 1
Letter from Santa Claus to child will be mailed the week of December 9, 2019
Please print clearly
Child’s Name: __________________________________________________________________
Male or Female: __________ Age: ______________________Grade: ____________________
Town Santa will be visiting child on Christmas Eve: ___________________________________
Gift child would like to receive from Santa: __________________________________________
Child’s interest or sport played: ___________________________________________________
Special accomplishment (ex.: good behavior, good in school, award received, clean room, nice
to siblings, etc.): _______________________________________________________________
Address to send Child her/his Santa Letter
Child’s Full Name: ______________________________________________________________
Mailing Address: _______________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip: _________________________________________________________________
Name & phone number of the person placing the order (in case of questions): _____________
Cost: $5.00/Letter
Make checks payable to: GFWC Georgia Junior Conference
Please mail this order form and payment to:
GFWC Sylvania Junior Woman’s Club
P.O. Box 99
Sylvania, GA 30467
Orders must be postmarked no later than Saturday, December 1, 2019.