Irregular Verbs
Irregular Verbs
Simple Present, Simple Past and Present Perfect Tenses
This is a list of Irregular Verbs. I will read the base form, the simple past tense and the past participle of
the verb. Then, I will read the verb in three sentences, a simple present tense sentence, a simple past
tense sentence and a present perfect tense sentence.
There will be time for you to repeat the verbs and sentences. Try it, it is good practice!
Base Past Past Participle Sentences
Be was / were been
Simple present tense I am in class now.
Simple past tense I was in class yesterday.
Present perfect tense I have been in class since 6:30pm.
Become became become
Simple present tense Many people become U.S. citizens every year.
Simple past tense My sister became a U.S. citizen last month.
Present perfect tense My sister has just become a U.S. citizen.
Begin began begun
Simple present tense We begin class at 8:30am every day.
Simple past tense We began class at 8:30am yesterday
Present perfect tense We have just begun class.
Bend bent bent
Simple present tense Maria always bends the straw.
Simple past tense Maria bent the straw and put it in the can of soda.
Present perfect tense Maria has bent the straw many times.
Bite bit bitten
Simple present tense Some dogs bite people
Simple past tense A dog bit a man yesterday.
Present perfect tense Those dogs have bitten people a few times.
Irregular Verbs
Base Past Past participle Sentences
Blow blew blown
Simple present tense The wind blows all the time.
Simple past tense A strong wind blew yesterday afternoon.
Present perfect tense The wind has blown for a few hours.
Break broke broken
Simple present tense The dishwasher usually breaks a couple of glasses.
Simple past tense The dishwasher broke a couple of glasses today.
Present perfect tense The dishwasher has broken three glasses this week.
Bring brought brought
Simple present tense We bring our books to class every night.
Simple past tense We brought our books to class last night.
Present perfect tense We have brought our books to class since last fall.
Buy bought bought
Simple present tense They buy a new car every summer.
Simple past tense They bought a new car last summer.
Present perfect tense They have just bought a new car.
Catch caught caught
Simple present tense The boy always catches the ball.
Simple past tense The boy caught the ball yesterday.
Present perfect tense The boy has caught the ball for three hours.
Choose chose chosen
Simple present tense You choose to take ESL classes.
Simple past tense You chose to take classes at this school last month.
Present perfect tense You have already chosen to take classes at this school.
Come came come
Simple present tense Fadumo comes to class early every morning.
Simple past tense Fadumo came to class early yesterday morning.
Present perfect tense Fadumo has come to class early since September.
Irregular Verbs
Base Past Past participle Sentences
Cost cost cost
Simple present tense The new coat costs $45.
Simple past tense The new coat cost $45 last week.
Present perfect tense The coat has cost $45 since last month.
Cut cut cut
Simple present tense The cook usually cuts the meat.
Simple past tense The cook cut the meat one hour ago.
Present perfect tense The cook has just cut the meat into small pieces.
Do did done
Simple present tense You do your laundry every weekend.
Simple past tense You did your laundry last weekend.
Present perfect tense You have done your laundry every weekend since
you moved to Minnesota.
Draw drew drawn
Simple present tense The young girl draws a picture in class
Simple past tense The young girl drew a beautiful picture last week.
Present perfect tense The young girl has drawn many pictures.
Drink drank drunk
Simple present tense I drink orange juice for breakfast every morning.
Simple past tense I drank orange juice for breakfast yesterday.
Present perfect tense I have drunk orange juice for many years.
Drive drove driven
Simple present tense Mohamed drives to school every evening.
Simple past tense Mohamed drove to school today.
Present perfect tense Mohamed has driven to school since last October.
Eat ate eaten
Simple present tense I eat lunch at 12:00 every day.
Simple past tense I ate lunch at 12:00 yesterday.
Present perfect tense I have eaten lunch at 12:00 for a few years.
Irregular Verbs
Base Past Past participle Sentences
Fall fell fallen
Simple present tense I usually fall on the ice every winter.
Simple past tense I fell on the ice last winter.
Present perfect tense I have just fallen on the ice on the way to work.
Feed fed fed
Simple present tense The mother feeds the children every evening.
Simple past tense The mother fed the children last night.
Present perfect tense The mother has fed the children since they were young.
Feel felt felt
Simple present tense I feel terrible today.
Simple past tense I felt terrible last night.
Present perfect tense I have felt terrible for a couple of days.
Fight fought fought
Simple present tense The two men fight in the street.
Simple past tense The two men fought in the street yesterday.
Present perfect tense The two men have just fought in the street.
Fly flew flown
Simple present tense Mai flies to Los Angeles every year.
Simple past tense Mai flew to Los Angeles last month.
Present perfect tense Mai has flown to Los Angeles a number of times.
Forget forgot forgotten
Simple present tense You always forget to bring a pencil to class.
Simple past tense You forgot to bring a pencil to class yesterday.
Present perfect tense You have forgotten to bring a pencil for many days.
Get got gotten
Simple present tense She gets on the bus early every morning.
Simple past tense She got on the bus early this morning.
Present perfect tense She has already gotten on the bus.
Irregular Verbs
Base Past Past participle Sentences
Give gave given
Simple present tense Her brother gives her a ride to work every day.
Simple past tense Her brother gave her a ride to work yesterday.
Present perfect tense Her brother has given her a ride to work every day since
they moved to Minnesota.
Go went gone
Simple present tense They go to the Mall of America every Sunday.
Simple past tense They went to the Mall of America last Sunday.
Present perfect tense They have gone to the Mall of America for many years.
Grow grew grown
Simple present tense Fanta grows tomatoes every summer.
Simple past tense Fanta grew tomatoes last summer.
Present perfect tense Fanta has grown tomatoes for a few years.
Hang hung hung
Simple present tense I usually hang my jacket in the closet.
Simple past tense I hung my jacket in the closet 2 hours ago.
Present perfect tense I have hung my jacket in the closet for many years.
Have had had
Simple present tense Omar has a very bad headache.
Simple past tense Omar had a very bad headache last night.
Present perfect tense Omar has had a very bad headache for a few hours.
Hear heard heard
Simple present tense Tigist hears the birds sing every morning.
Simple past tense Tigist heard the birds sing yesterday morning.
Present perfect tense Tigist has heard the birds sing since last spring.
Irregular Verbs
Base Past Past participle Sentences
Hide hid hidden
Simple present tense Sometimes, I hide my money under my bed.
Simple past tense I hid my money under my bed last year.
Present perfect tense I have hidden my money under my bed for a few years.
Hit hit hit
Simple present tense The baseball player always hits the ball.
Simple past tense The baseball player hit the ball 5 minutes ago.
Present perfect tense The baseball player has just hit the ball.
Hold held held
Simple present tense I hold the pencil in my hand.
Simple past tense I held the pencil in my hand 10 minutes ago.
Present perfect tense I have held the pencil in my hand for 25 minutes.
Hurt hurt hurt
Simple present tense Ali hardly ever hurts his back at work.
Simple past tense Ali hurt his back at work last month.
Present perfect tense Ali has hurt his back at work recently.
Keep kept kept
Simple present tense We always keep our books in our bags.
Simple past tense We kept our books in our bags yesterday.
Present perfect tense We have kept our books in our bags for a while.
Know knew known
Simple present tense I know my neighbor very well.
Simple past tense I knew her before I moved to Minnesota.
Present perfect tense I have known her since I was a child.
Leave left left
Simple present tense Maria hardly ever leaves her umbrella on the bus.
Simple past tense Maria left her umbrella on the bus yesterday.
Present perfect tense Maria has just left her umbrella on the bus.
Irregular Verbs
Base Past Past participle Sentences
Lend lent lent
Simple present tense You lend your brother money every month.
Simple past tense You lent your brother money last month.
Present perfect tense You have lent your brother money since he lost his job.
Lose lost lost
Simple present tense I rarely lose my wallet.
Simple past tense I lost my wallet in the store last night.
Present perfect tense I have lost my wallet twice so far this year.
Make made made
Simple present tense The young woman makes dinner every night.
Simple past tense The young woman made dinner last night.
Present perfect tense The young woman has made dinner every night for years.
Meet met met
Simple present tense I always meet people at school.
Simple past tense I met people at school two weeks ago.
Present perfect tense I have met people at school since September.
Pay paid paid
Simple present tense The company pays me every Friday.
Simple past tense The company paid me last Friday.
Present perfect tense The company has paid me since I was hired.
Put put put
Simple present tense Asha puts milk in the refrigerator.
Simple past tense Asha put milk in the refrigerator last night.
Present perfect tense Asha has just put milk in the refrigerator.
Read read read
Simple present tense I read a book every month.
Simple past tense I read a really good book last year.
Present perfect tense I have read a book every month for many years.
Irregular Verbs
Base Past Past participle Sentences
Ride rode ridden
Simple present tense Luis always rides the bus to work.
Simple past tense Luis rode the bus to work last week.
Present perfect tense Luis has ridden the bus since he sold his car.
Ring rang rung
Simple present tense The telephone rings very loudly.
Simple past tense The telephone rang a few hours ago.
Present perfect tense The telephone has rung all morning.
Run ran run
Simple present tense Athletes run in the Olympics every four years.
Simple past tense Athletes ran in the Olympics last year.
Present perfect tense Athletes have run in the Olympics since they began.
Say said said
Simple present tense The children say good morning to the teacher.
Simple past tense The children said good morning to the teacher.
Present perfect tense The children have just said good morning to the teacher.
See saw seen
Simple present tense I see you walking to school every morning.
Simple past tense I saw you walking to school yesterday.
Present perfect tense I have seen you walking to school for two months.
Sell sold sold
Simple present tense That store always sells a lot of phone cards.
Simple past tense That store sold a lot of phone cards last month.
Present perfect tense That store has sold a lot of phone cards since it opened.
Send sent sent
Simple present tense You send money to your family every 2 weeks.
Simple past tense You sent money to your family 2 weeks ago.
Present perfect tense You have sent money to your family since you began
working at that company.
Irregular Verbs
Base Past Past participle Sentences
Shake shook shaken
Simple present tense We always shake hands when we meet.
Simple past tense We shook hands 2 hours ago.
Present perfect tense We have already shaken hands with them.
Shut shut shut
Simple present tense Lee shuts the door every morning.
Simple past tense Lee shut the door this morning.
Present perfect tense Lee has just shut the door.
Sing sang sung
Simple present tense Karen sings beautiful songs.
Simple past tense Karen sang a beautiful song a while ago.
Present perfect tense Karen has sung beautiful songs for many years.
Sit sat sat
Simple present tense The students usually sit in the same chairs.
Simple past tense The students sat in the same chairs yesterday.
Present perfect tense The students have sat in the same chairs for two hours.
Sleep slept slept
Simple present tense I sleep a lot every weekend.
Simple past tense I slept a lot last weekend.
Present perfect tense I have slept a lot every weekend for a few months.
Speak spoke spoken
Simple present tense You speak English very well.
Simple past tense You spoke English very well last week.
Present perfect tense You have spoken English very well for a long time.
Spend spent spent
Simple present tense You spend all of your money every week.
Simple past tense You spent all of your money last week.
Present perfect tense You have just spent all of your money.
Irregular Verbs
Base Past Past participle Sentences
Stand stood stood
Simple present tense I stand in line at the bank every Friday.
Simple past tense I stood in line at the bank last Friday.
Present perfect tense I have stood in line at the bank for a while now.
Steal stole stolen
Simple present tense The thief steals a wallet every day.
Simple past tense The thief stole my wallet last night.
Present perfect tense The thief has stolen three wallets so far this week!
Sweep swept swept
Simple present tense I sweep my kitchen floor every other day.
Simple past tense I swept my kitchen floor yesterday.
Present perfect tense I have already swept my kitchen floor.
Swim swam swum
Simple present tense We swim in the lake every summer.
Simple past tense We swam in the lake last summer.
Present perfect tense We have swum in the lake every summer for many years.
Take took taken
Simple present tense I take a shower after work every day.
Simple past tense I took a shower after work yesterday.
Present perfect tense I have just taken a shower.
Teach taught taught
Simple present tense The teacher teaches a good lesson every day.
Simple past tense The teacher taught a good lesson yesterday.
Present perfect tense The teacher has just taught a good lesson.
Tell told told
Simple present tense Juan always tells the teacher the answer.
Simple past tense Juan told the teacher the answer yesterday.
Present perfect tense Juan has already told the teacher the answer.
Irregular Verbs
Base Past Past participle Sentences
Think thought thought
Simple present tense I think about English grammar every day.
Simple past tense I thought about English grammar yesterday.
Present perfect tense I have thought about English grammar since I
started studying at this school.
Throw threw thrown
Simple present tense He always throws the paper in the garbage.
Simple past tense He threw the paper in the garbage a few hours ago.
Present perfect tense He has just thrown the paper in the garbage.
Understand understood understood
Simple present tense I understand the English lesson every day.
Simple past tense I understood the English lesson yesterday.
Present perfect tense I have understood the lesson since class began.
Wake up woke up woken up
Simple present tense I wake up early every day.
Simple past tense I woke up early yesterday.
Present perfect tense I have woken up early every day this entire week.
Wear wore worn
Simple present tense I wear glasses every day.
Simple past tense I wore glasses yesterday.
Present perfect tense I have worn glasses since I was 10 years old.
Win won won
Simple present tense The best team always wins the soccer game.
Simple past tense The best team won the soccer game last week.
Present perfect tense The best team has just won the soccer game.
Write wrote written
Simple present tense I write a check for rent every month
Simple past tense I wrote a check for rent last month
Present perfect tense I have written a check for rent every month since I
moved there.