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Grade “I Can” Statements
for California Common Core State Standards
Strand: Reading Standards for Literature
Key Ideas and Details
I can quote accurately from a text when talking about what the text says explicitly.
1 2 3
I can quote accurately from a text when making inferences about the text. 1 2 3
I can determine the theme of a text based on the details in the text.
1 2 3
I can tell how characters respond to challenges in the text. 1 2 3
I can explain how the speaker in a poem reflects on the topic. 1 2 3
I can summarize a text.
1 2 3
I can draw on specific details in the text to compare and contrast two different characters. 1 2 3
I can draw on specific details in the text to compare and contrast two different settings.
1 2 3
I can draw on specific details in the text to compare and contrast two different series of events (i.e. plots).
1 2 3
Craft and Structure
I can tell what words/phrases mean in a text. 1 2 3
I can determine the meaning of figurative language (e.g. simile and metaphor). 1 2 3
I can explain how chapters, scenes, or stanzas fit together to provide the overall structure of a
story, drama, or poem.
1 2 3
I can determine who is telling the story (e.g. narrator or speaker).
1 2 3
I can describe how they feel about what they’re writing about.
1 2 3
I can describe how the narrator’s or speaker’s point of view influences the events in the text.
1 2 3
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
I can analyze how visual and multimedia elements contribute to the meaning of a text. 1 2 3
I can analyze how visual and multimedia elements contribute to the tone of a text.
1 2 3
I can analyze how visual and multimedia elements contribute to the beauty of a text. 1 2 3
I can compare and contrast stories in the same genre on their approach to similar themes and topics.
1 2 3
Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
I can read fifth grade stories, drama, and poetry.
1 2 3
Strand: Reading Standards for Informational Text
Key Ideas and Details
I can quote accurately from a text when talking about what the text says explicitly. 1 2 3
I can quote accurately from a text when making inferences about the text. 1 2 3
I can determine two or more main ideas of a text based on the details in the text. 1 2 3
I can summarize a text.
1 2 3
I can explain the relationships/interactions between individuals, events, ideas, or concepts based on information
from a historical, scientific, or technical text.
1 2 3
Craft and Structure
I can figure out the meaning of academic words in a text.
1 2 3
I can figure out the meaning of subject-specific words in a text. 1 2 3
I can compare and contrast text structure of two or more texts (e.g. chronology, comparison, cause/effect,
1 2 3
I can analyze multiple accounts of the same event or topic.
1 2 3
I can note similarities and differences in the points of view they represent.
1 2 3
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
I can draw on information from a variety of print or digital sources to locate an answer to a question or solve a
problem quickly.
1 2 3
I can explain how the author uses reasons and evidence to support their points in a text. 1 2 3
I can explain which reasons and evidence support which points in a text.
1 2 3
I can integrate information from several texts on the same topic. 1 2 3
I can use that information to write or speak about the topic knowledgeably.
1 2 3
3 = I’ve got it!
2 = I’m working on this
1 = Not yet
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Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
I can read fifth grade informational texts. 1 2 3
Strand: Reading Standards: Foundational Skills
Phonics and Word Recognition
I can decode multisyllabic words, in context and out of context.
1 2 3
I can read fifth grade text.
1 2 3
I can understand what I read. 1 2 3
I can explain why I read different kinds of texts. 1 2 3
I can read with accuracy. 1 2 3
I can read with appropriate rate. 1 2 3
I can read with expression.
1 2 3
I can use context to help me confirm/self-correct word recognition when I read.
1 2 3
I can use context to help me confirm/self-correct my understanding when I read.
1 2 3
I can reread the text when necessary. 1 2 3
Strand: Writing
Text Types and Purposes
I can write an opinion piece about a topic/text that supports a point of view with
reasons and information.
1 2 3
I can introduce a topic/text.
1 2 3
I can state my opinion about a topic/text. 1 2 3
I can create an organizational structure that groups related ideas.
1 2 3
I can provide logically ordered reasons that are supported by facts and details. 1 2 3
I can use linking words, phrases, and clauses to connect my opinion and reasons. 1 2 3
I can write a conclusion to my opinion.
1 2 3
I can write an informative text that examines a topic and conveys ideas clearly. 1 2 3
I can introduce and write about an informational topic. 1 2 3
I can provide a general observation and focus.
1 2 3
I can group related information logically in paragraphs or sections. 1 2 3
I can include formatting/illustrations/multimedia that aid in comprehension.
1 2 3
I can include facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations or other information or
examples about the topic.
1 2 3
I can use linking words, phrases, and clauses to connect ideas within categories.
1 2 3
I can use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary when writing about the topic.
1 2 3
I can provide a concluding (statement/section) to my informative piece. 1 2 3
I can write a real/imagined narrative that includes effective technique, descriptive details and a
clear sequence of events.
1 2 3
I can establish a situation in my narrative writing. 1 2 3
I can introduce the narrator and/or characters in my narrative writing. 1 2 3
I can tell the events of the story in a natural, logical sequence. 1 2 3
I can include dialogue to develop experiences and events or show the responses of characters to
1 2 3
I can include description to develop experiences and events or show the responses of characters to
1 2 3
I can include pacing to develop experiences and events or show the responses of characters to
1 2 3
I can use transitional words, phrases, and clauses to manage the sequence of events.
1 2 3
I can use concrete words/phrases and sensory details to precisely convey experiences and events.
1 2 3
I can write an ending to my story.
1 2 3
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Production and Distribution of Writing
I can produce clear and coherent writing, including multi-paragraph texts. 1 2 3
I can use a structure appropriate for the writing task, purpose, and audience. 1 2 3
I can plan my writing with help from my peers and my teacher.
1 2 3
I can revise my writing with help from my peers and my teacher. 1 2 3
I can edit my writing with help from my peers and my teacher.
1 2 3
I can try a new approach with my writing with help from my peers and my teacher. 1 2 3
I can use digital tools to produce my writing. 1 2 3
I can use digital tools to publish my writing. 1 2 3
I can use digital tools to collaborate with others about my writing. 1 2 3
I can use keyboarding skills to type a minimum of two pages in a single sitting.
1 2 3
Research to Build and Present Knowledge
I can use several sources to research information about different aspects of a topic.
1 2 3
I can remember information from my own experiences to answer a question. 1 2 3
I can gather information from print and digital sources to answer a question.
1 2 3
I can take notes about a topic from information from print and digital sources. 1 2 3
I can summarize information about a topic in my notes and finished work. 1 2 3
I can paraphrase information about a topic in my notes and finished work.
1 2 3
I can provide a list of sources. 1 2 3
I can site textual evidence (literary or informational) to support my analysis, reflection, and research.
1 2 3
Range of Writing
I can write over a longer period of time. 1 2 3
I can write on demand. 1 2 3
Strand: Speaking and Listening
Comprehension and Collaboration
I can participate in whole class discussions.
1 2 3
I can participate in a small-group discussion. 1 2 3
I can participate in a one-on-one discussion.
1 2 3
I can prepare for discussions by reading or studying required material. 1 2 3
I can follow class conversation norms (e.g. taking turns listening and speaking). 1 2 3
I can carry out an assigned role. 1 2 3
I can pose and respond to questions about the topic to help me understand it. 1 2 3
I can make comments that add to the discussion or link to others’ ideas about the topic.
1 2 3
I can review key ideas expressed in the discussion. 1 2 3
I can draw conclusions based on the information shared or knowledge gained in the discussion.
1 2 3
I can summarize a written text read aloud or presented in diverse media. 1 2 3
I can summarize the points a speaker or media source makes.
1 2 3
I can explain how each claim is supported by reasons and evidence. 1 2 3
I can identify any logical fallacies. 1 2 3
I can analyze any logical fallacies.
1 2 3
Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
I can report on a topic/text or present an opinion speech.
1 2 3
I can speak so my classmates and teacher can hear and understand me. 1 2 3
I can plan an opinion speech.
1 2 3
I can give an opinion speech. 1 2 3
I can state a claim in my opinion speech. 1 2 3
I can logically sequence my evidence to support my claim. 1 2 3
I can use transition words effectively to link opinions and evidence. 1 2 3
I can provide a concluding statement to my opinion speech.
1 2 3
I can memorize a poem or section of a speech or historical document. 1 2 3
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I can recite a poem/section of a speech/historical document. 1 2 3
I can recite a poem/section of a speech/historical document with appropriate rate.
1 2 3
I can recite a poem/section of a speech/historical document with appropriate expression.
1 2 3
I can recite a poem/section of a speech/historical document with appropriate gestures.
1 2 3
I can include multimedia components and visual displays to enhance my presentation. 1 2 3
I can adapt my speech to use formal English when appropriate to task and situation. 1 2 3
Strand: Language
I can write fluidly and legibly in cursive or joined italics (4
grade). 1 2 3
I can explain the function of conjunctions in general and in a particular sentence.
1 2 3
I can explain the function of prepositions in general and in a particular sentence. 1 2 3
I can explain the function of interjections in general and in a particular sentence.
1 2 3
I can form and use the perfect verb tenses in my writing. 1 2 3
I can form and use the perfect verb tenses in my speaking.
1 2 3
I can use verb tenses to convey times/sequences/states/conditions in my writing. 1 2 3
I can use verb tenses to convey times/sequences/states/conditions in my speaking. 1 2 3
I can recognize and correct inappropriate shifts in verb tense in my writing.
1 2 3
I can recognize and correct inappropriate shifts in verb tense in my speaking. 1 2 3
I can use correlative conjunctions (e.g.
) in my writing.
1 2 3
I can use correlative conjunctions (e.g.
) in my speaking. 1 2 3
I can use correct capitalization.
1 2 3
I can use punctuation to separate items in a series. 1 2 3
I can use a comma to separate an introductory element from the rest of the sentence. 1 2 3
I can use a comma to set off the words yes and no (e.g.
Yes, thank you
1 2 3
I can use a comma to set off a tag question from the rest of the sentence (e.g.
It’s true, isn’t it?
1 2 3
I can use a comma to indicate a direct address (e.g.
Is that you, Steve?
1 2 3
I can use underlining, quotation marks, or italics to indicate titles of works. 1 2 3
I can correctly spell grade-appropriate words. 1 2 3
I can use reference materials, as needed, to check and correct my spelling. 1 2 3
I can use sentence variety to create meaning, interest, and style in my writing. 1 2 3
I can use sentence variety to create meaning, interest, and style in my speaking.
1 2 3
I can compare and contrast the varieties of English (e.g. dialects, registers) used in stories dramas or poems.
1 2 3
I can use clues in a sentence to help me figure out the meaning of a word or phrase. 1 2 3
I can use my knowledge of common Greek and Latin affixes and roots to help me figure out what a
word means.
1 2 3
I can use print or digital reference materials to figure out what a word means. 1 2 3
I can use print or digital reference materials to find the pronunciation of a word.
1 2 3
I can use print or digital reference materials to identify alternate word choices in
all content areas.
1 2 3
I can explain the meaning of simple similes and metaphors in context.
1 2 3
I can recognize and explain the meaning of common idioms, adages, and proverbs. 1 2 3
I can show my understanding of words by relating them to synonyms and antonyms. 1 2 3
I can learn 5
grade academic words and phrases.
1 2 3
I can learn 5
grade domain-specific words and phrases. 1 2 3
I can use my new words in my writing.
1 2 3
I can use my new words in my speaking. 1 2 3