Form W-119D (page 1) LLF
Rev. 5/7/14
Eligibility Factors and Suggested Documentation Guide
For SNAP, copies of documents are acceptable whenever proof of eligibility is presented. For Cash Assistance (CA) and
Medical Assistance (MA), original documents are needed to verify identity and citizenship/alien status. Copies of documents
for all Eligibility Factors other than identity and citizenship/alien status are acceptable.
Eligibility Factor
To prove this factor,
provide: ONE of the
following OR
TWO* of the following:
You must establish identity for each person listed.
Photo I.D.
Driver’s license
U.S. passport
Naturalization certificate
Hospital/Doctor’s records
Adoption papers
Statement from another person
Birth/baptismal certificate
Validated Social Security Number
Marital Status
You must prove if you are married, divorced, separated
or widowed (not required for the Supplemental Nutrition
Assistance Program [SNAP]).
Marriage/Death certificates
Separation agreement
Divorce decree
Social Security records
Veterans Administration (VA) records
Statement from clergy
Census records
Newspaper notice
Statement from another person
If you are related to a child in the household, you must
prove the relationship.
Birth certificate (long form)
Adoption papers/records
Court records
Medical records
Applicant’s statement
Newspaper notice
Statement from clergy
Statement from another person
You must verify your place of residence
(if applicable).
Statement from landlord/primary
Current rent receipt or lease
Mortgage records
Statement from another person
Current mail
School records
Household Composition/Size
You must prove who is living with you.
Statement from nonrelative landlord
School records
Statements from other persons
You must prove the age of each person applying for
assistance, where appropriate.
Birth certificate
Baptismal records/certificate
Hospital records
Adoption papers/records
Naturalization certificate
Driver’s license
Insurance policy
Census records
School records
Statement from another person
Physician statement
Official correspondence from Social
Security Administration (SSA)
Absence/Death of Parent(s)
If the parent(s) of any child in your home is not living with
you, you must prove this (not required for SNAP).
Death certificate
Survivor’s benefit records
Hospital records
VA or military records
Divorce papers
Proof of remarriage
Newspaper notice
Insurance company records
Institutional records
Agency case records and burial
payment files
Statement from another person
Absent Parent Information
If the parent(s) of any child in your home is not living with
you, you must provide information you have about the
individual’s: name, address, SSN, birth date, and
employment (not required for SNAP).
Pay stubs
Tax returns
Social Security or VA records
Monetary determination letters
ID cards (health insurance)
Driver’s license or registration
Social Security Number
For Temporary Assistance, SNAP Benefits and Medical
Assistance only, you do not have to provide proof of
your SSN unless the SSN you give does not match the
SSA’s records or cannot be verified by the Agency.
Social Security card
Official correspondence from SSA
A Social Security number is not required
for aliens who are seeking Medical
Assistance for emergency treatment only
or are Medical Assistance only
applicants who are pregnant.
*If you are applying for Supplementary Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits or Medical Assistance only, you need to
bring one form for each Eligibility Factor checked.
Form W-119D (page 2) LLF Human Resources Administration
Rev. 5/7/14 Family Independence Administration
Eligibility Factors and Suggested Documentation Guide
For SNAP, copies of documents are acceptable whenever proof of eligibility is presented. For Cash Assistance (CA) and Medical
Assistance (MA), original documents are needed to verify identity and citizenship/alien status. Copies of documents for all Eligibility
Factors other than identity and citizenship/alien status are acceptable.
To prove this factor,
provide ONE of the following:
Birth certificate
Baptismal certificate/records
Hospital records
U.S. passport
Military service records
Naturalization certificate
USCIS documentation
Evidence of continuous U.S. residence since prior to 1/1/72
Current wage stubs and statements of tips
Pay envelopes
Contact with employer
On letterhead, rate of pay per hour, hours worked per week, first pay
date, if new and employer’s phone number
Business records
Tax records
Records and related materials concerning self-employment earnings
and expenses
Current income tax return
Current contribution check
Statement from roomer, boarder, tenant
Income tax record
Statement from Family Court
Statement from person paying support
Check stubs
Official correspondence from the Child Support Enforcement Unit
Current award certificate
Official correspondence with New York State Department of Labor
Current award certificate/letter
Current benefit check
Official correspondence from SSA
Veterans Administration official correspondence
Current award certificate/letter
Current benefit check
Award certificate/letter
Check stub
Statement from school
Statement from bank
Statement from agency administering grant/award letter
Statement from bank or credit union
Statement from broker/financial institution/agent
Form W-119D (page 3) LLF Human Resources Administration
Rev. 5/7/14 Family Independence Administration
Eligibility Factors and Suggested Documentation Guide
For SNAP, copies of documents are acceptable whenever proof of eligibility is presented. For Cash Assistance (CA) and Medical
Assistance (MA), original documents are needed to verify identity and citizenship/alien status. Copies of documents for all Eligibility
Factors other than identity and citizenship/alien status are acceptable.
Eligibility Factor
To prove this factor,
provide ONE of the following:
Unearned Income (continued)
Private pension/annuity
Current award letter
Current benefit check
Official correspondence from source of income
Contact with source of income
Current contribution check
Other unearned income
(For Medical Assistance only, resource information is not requested
from pregnant women, children under the age of 19 and persons
eligible for Family Health Plus.)
Bank Accounts: Checking, savings, retirement (IRA and
Keogh), credit union
Current bank records
Current credit card records
Stocks, bonds, certificates and mutual funds
Stock/bond certificate
Statement from financial institution
Life insurance
Insurance policy
Statement from insurance company
Burial trust or fund, burial plot or funeral agreement
Bank records
Burial agreement
Burial plot deed
Statement from funeral director
Income tax refund or Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)
Refund of EITC check
Statement from tax office
Real estate other than residence
Statement from real estate broker
Broker’s appraisal/estimate of current value by broker
Motor vehicle
Registration (older models)
Title of ownership
Appraisal of current value by dealer
Financing data
Lump sum payment
Statement from the source of payment
Lump sum check
Other resources
Statement from household
Statement from nursing home
Household statement of current value
Sales slips
Insurance appraisal
Form W-119D (page 4) LLF Human Resources Administration
Rev. 5/7/14 Family Independence Administration
Eligibility Factors and Suggested Documentation Guide
For SNAP, copies of documents are acceptable whenever proof of eligibility is presented. For Cash Assistance (CA) and Medical
Assistance (MA), original documents are needed to verify identity and citizenship/alien status. Copies of documents for all Eligibility
Factors other than identity and citizenship/alien status are acceptable.
To prove this factor,
provide ONE of the following:
Current rent receipt/lease/mortgage book/records
Property and school tax records
Landlord statement
Sewer and water bills
Garbage/trash collection bills or receipts
Homeowner’s insurance records
Fuel bills/shut-off notice
Nonheating utility bills
Telephone bills (or a statement from the household that the expense is
Statement from provider of health insurance premiums
Copies of medical bills (paid and unpaid)
Medicare prescription drug card
Insurance policy/card
Statement from provider of coverage
Medicare card
Separation or divorce agreement with court-ordered health coverage
Statement from doctor, clinic or hospital verifying pregnancy, expected
date of birth
Statement from medical professional
Proof of SSA/SSI benefits for disability/blindness
Copy of each bill showing amount owed, period of
services and provider
Statement from provider of treatment
Statement from employment service
Court order
Statement from day care center or other child care provider
Statement from aide or attendant
Canceled checks or receipts
School records (current report card)
Statement from school or higher education institution
Form W-119D (page 5) LLF Human Resources Administration
Rev. 5/7/14 Family Independence Administration
Eligibility Factors and Suggested Documentation Guide
For SNAP, copies of documents are acceptable whenever proof of eligibility is presented. For Cash Assistance (CA) and Medical
Assistance (MA), original documents are needed to verify identity and citizenship/alien status. Copies of documents for all Eligibility
Factors other than identity and citizenship/alien status are acceptable.
To prove this factor,
provide ONE of the following:
Letter from employer giving dates of employment, amount earned and
reason(s) for leaving
If you were not supporting yourself from employment/earned income,
please bring verification of how you were able to support yourself in the
past such as:
Bankbook/bank statement
Verification of expiration of benefits (workers’ compensation, disability,
Social Security, UIB, etc.)
Statement from person(s) who provided support
Statement from person(s) who provided support
If you or anyone in the household has applied for and been denied or
has been accepted for benefits from any of the following sources, bring
the award letter, check or other correspondence: Social Security, court
payments, SSI, veteran’s benefits, workers’ compensation, union
benefits, pension, military allotment, railroad retirement, NYS disability
or other source