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Expiration Date: October 2026
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National Aeronautics and
Space Administration
Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, Maryland
423-ICD-027, Original
Earth Science Data and Information Systems (ESDIS) Project, Code 423
Science Data Transfer Protocol (SDTP)
Interface Control Document (ICD)
October 1, 2021
Science Data Transfer Protocol ICD 423-ICD-027, Original
Effective Date: October 2021
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Science Data Transfer Protocol (SDTP)
Interface Control Document
Signature/Approval Page
Prepared by:
Signature obtained on file
Robert Wolfe
Terrestrial Information Systems Laboratory Chief
NASA GSFC Code 619
Reviewed by:
Signature obtained on file
Evelyn Ho
SDS Manager
NASA GSFC Code 423
Reviewed by:
Signature obtained on file
Karen Michael
EOSDIS System Manager
NASA GSFC Code 423
Approved by:
Signature obtained on file
Andrew Mitchell
ESDIS Project Manager
NASA GSFC Code 423
Signatures available in B32 Room E148
online at: / https://ops1-cm.ems.eosdis.nasa.gov/cm2/
Science Data Transfer Protocol ICD 423-ICD-027, Original
Effective Date: October 2021
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This document is under ESDIS Project configuration control. Once this document is approved,
ESDIS approved changes are handled in accordance with Class I and Class II change control
requirements described in the ESDIS Configuration Management Procedures, and changes to this
document shall be made by change bars or by complete revision.
Any questions should be addressed to: [email protected]
ESDIS Configuration Management Office (CMO)
Code 423
Greenbelt, Md. 20771
Science Data Transfer Protocol ICD 423-ICD-027, Original
Effective Date: October 2021
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This document identifies the Science Data Transfer Protocol (SDTP) as an Earth Science Data and
Information System (ESDIS) standard interface mechanism. The SDTP is used for the transfer of
data from one ESDIS element to another. For example, the SDTP mechanism would be used for
an on-going transfer of science data from a Science Investigator-led Processing System (SIPS) to
a Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC). The subscriber pulls data from the provider using
Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTP) over Transport Layer Security (TLS) (HTTPS)
Science Data Transfer Protocol ICD 423-ICD-027, Original
Effective Date: October 2021
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Change History Log
Effective Date
Description of Changes
(Reference the CCR & CCB Approval Date)
CCR 423-ESDIS-321; CCB Approved 08/19/2021
Pages: Baseline Cover through 20; see DCN for details
Science Data Transfer Protocol ICD 423-ICD-027, Original
Effective Date: October 2021
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Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Purpose ................................................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Scope ................................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Related Documentation ....................................................................................................... 1
2 OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................. 3
2.1 Key Characteristics ............................................................................................................. 3
2.2 Prerequisites ........................................................................................................................ 3
2.3 Data Flow Overview ........................................................................................................... 4
3 DATA FLOW DETAILS ......................................................................................................... 6
3.1 Authentication ..................................................................................................................... 6
3.2 File List ............................................................................................................................... 6
3.3 Common Tags ..................................................................................................................... 9
3.4 File Transfer ...................................................................................................................... 10
3.5 File Transfer Acknowledgment ........................................................................................ 10
3.6 Extra Fields ....................................................................................................................... 11
3.7 Related File Groups .......................................................................................................... 11
3.8 Polling ............................................................................................................................... 12
3.9 File List Paging ................................................................................................................. 13
3.10 File Transfer Prioritization ................................................................................................ 14
3.11 Register Client Certificate ................................................................................................. 14
4 ERROR HANDLING ............................................................................................................. 15
4.1 Incorrect File List .............................................................................................................. 15
4.2 File Transfer Error ............................................................................................................ 15
4.3 Related File Errors ............................................................................................................ 16
4.4 Incorrect Request (Code 400) ........................................................................................... 16
4.5 File Authentication Error (Code 401) ............................................................................... 16
4.6 Resource Error (Codes 403 and 404) ................................................................................ 16
4.7 Too Many Requests (Code 429) ....................................................................................... 17
5 INTERFACE PARAMETERS ............................................................................................... 18
6 RUNNING THE PDR PROTOCOL ON TOP OF SDTP ...................................................... 19
Appendix A Acronyms ............................................................................................................... 20
List of Figures
Figure 2-1. Data Flow. ................................................................................................................... 4
Figure 3-1. Example file list. ......................................................................................................... 7
Figure 3-2. Example group field. ................................................................................................. 12
List of Tables
Table 3-1. File list fields. ............................................................................................................... 7
Science Data Transfer Protocol ICD 423-ICD-027, Original
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Table 3-2. Commonly used tags. ................................................................................................... 9
Table 3-3. Group fields. ............................................................................................................... 17
Table 3-4. Pagination query parameters. . ................................................................................... 14
Table 4-1. HTTPS error status responses. . ................................................................................. 16
Table 5-1. Interface control parameters and their default values. ................................................ 19
Science Data Transfer Protocol ICD 423-ICD-027, Original
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1.1 Purpose
The Polling with Delivery Record (PDR) protocol has served Earth System Data and Information
System (ESDIS) well for decades, but as File Transfer Protocol (FTP) and Secure FTP (SFTP) is
being phased out, a new method for transferring files between ESDIS elements is needed. The
purpose of the Science Data Transfer Protocol (SDTP) is to provide an up-to-date mechanism for
this data transfer using Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) over Transport Layer Security (TLS)
(HTTPS) methods between a data provider and a data subscriber. For instance, this protocol would
be used to transfer data from a Science Investigator-led Processing System (SIPS) to a Distributed
Active Archive Center (DAAC).
1.2 Scope
This document was developed to be used as a standard protocol for exchange of data between
ESDIS elements. These elements may be in the NASA Earth Science Cloud, at a NASA data center
(including an on-premises cloud), or at another science data provider or subscriber.
The primary SDTP users are ESDIS data providers and subscribers that have sustained data flows
and currently use the PDR protocol, had planned to use the PDR protocol in the future, or expect
to establish new sustained data flows. ESDIS data providers are typically science data producers,
e.g. SIPS, Science Data System (SDS), Earth Observing System (EOS) Data and Operations
System (EDOS). ESDIS data subscribers are primarily DAACs. Note that sometimes the roles
are reversed with a DAAC providing input data to a science data producer. Also, some science
data producers may subscribe to data produced by other producers (e.g. VIIRS L1 (Level 1) and
Land SIPS flow to the VIIRS Atmos. SIPS).
This protocol could also be used for sustained data flows between DAACs and other (outside) data
providers or subscribers.
There are two related ESDIS file transfer mechanisms. The PDR protocol is the one that is most
closely related and because of its ubiquity, it will likely co-exist with this new protocol for some
time. The recently developed Cloud Notification Mechanism (CNM) is focused on file transfers
with a Cloud and so complements this activity, but it does not meet the immediate need to replace
the PDR protocol for the large number of systems not in the ESDIS Cloud.
Some existing PDR Protocol users may want to replace SFTP with SDTP but also continue using
the PDR Protocol. Because using just SDTP is simpler and provides the same basic functionality
as the PDR Protocol, this is not the preferred approach. However, an interim approach may be
needed to enable legacy systems to move away from FTP/SFTP quickly and minimize disruptions
of existing systems. Section 6 discusses an approach to do this where the data provider and
subscriber each run both a SDTP server and client.
1.3 Related Documentation
The latest versions of all documents below should be used. The latest ESDIS Project documents
can be obtained from Universal Resource Locator (URL): https://ops1-cm.ems.eosdis.nasa.gov.
ESDIS documents have a document number starting with either 423 or 505. Other documents are
Science Data Transfer Protocol ICD 423-ICD-027, Original
Effective Date: October 2021
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available for reference in the ESDIS project library website at https://doclib.eosdis.nasa.gov/
unless indicated otherwise.
ICD between the ECS and the SIPS, Volume 0, Interface
Cloud Notification Mechanism Interface Control Document
Science Data Transfer Protocol ICD 423-ICD-027, Original
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2.1 Key Characteristics
The defining characteristics of the SDTP are as follows:
File lists and files are pulled by the subscriber.
SDTP is designed to work for any file format/type, e.g. science data, science metadata,
browse imagery.
A file list may contain many files to minimize the overhead of obtaining new file lists.
Subscriber acknowledges each successful file transfer.
File list is a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) object.
Required fields in the file list are minimized.
A set of commonly used tags is defined.
Additional tags can be added as needed for each provider/subscriber pair.
X.509 certificates are used for authentication.
Focused on transferring files between the provider and subscriber.
Not focused on transferring metadata or other information about the file.
Standard way to group related files.
HTTPS responses are used to indicate status (no other status message responses are
Handling of non-common errors is done out-of-band, via email or other means (see details
in Section 4).
File size is only limited by the HTTPS protocol.
2.2 Prerequisites
Both the provider and subscriber of the SDTP agree on the following:
Provider URL for the HTTPS file transfer.
Certificate Authority for authentication.
Subscriber certificate Distinguished Name.
A set of tags and corresponding valid values.
A set of extra fields and corresponding valid values.
Values for a set of parameters that control the interface, such as, the maximum number of
files in a list (see Section 5).
Points of contact.
This information is documented in the Operations Agreement (OA) between the provider and
Tags and their valid values are used to control the data that is transferred from a provider to a
specific subscriber (see the Common Tags in Section 3.3). For example, the OA may limit the
value of the Earth Science Data Type (ESDT) tag to just the products produced by a SIPS
(provider) that are meant to flow to a specific DAAC (subscriber).
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2.3 Data Flow Overview
The interface only supports a pull mode of operation where the subscriber pulls the file lists and
file contents from the provider.
The first step is for the subscriber and provider to use a certificate to establish a secure HTTPS
connection. Then, to begin the file transfer, the subscriber requests a list of files from the provider
using a set of tags. The subscriber then pulls all of the files in the list and acknowledges receipt of
each file.
Figure 2-1. Data flow.
The provider stages a file to be transferred to a subscriber and assigns a unique fileid to the file
(not shown). The provider adds the file to a queue of files to be transferred. Each file entry in the
queue has a set of tags and values.
The individual steps that are involved in the data transfer (Fig. 2-1) are:
1. To obtain a list of available files:
a. The subscriber performs a HTTPS GET with a set of tags and values.
Science Data Transfer Protocol ICD 423-ICD-027, Original
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b. The provider returns a JSON object containing a list of files ready to be transferred.
Only files for the subscriber that have a matching set of tags and values are included
in the list.
2. For each file in the list:
a. The subscriber requests the file contents by performing a HTTPS GET containing
the fileid.
b. The provider returns the file contents.
c. The subscriber acknowledges the file transfer by performing a HTTPS DELETE
containing the fileid of the file.
d. The provider removes the file from the queue for the subscriber and returns a
HTTPS Success status.
Most file transfer errors are handled using standard HTTPS error codes. Other errors, such as
problems with the file list contents, are handled by email communication between the subscriber
and provider. Section 4 discusses in detail the types of errors and approaches for handling them.
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The following discusses the details of the data transfer.
3.1 Authentication
Authentication is performed by using a trusted Certificate Authority (CA). Two X.509 public key
certificates are required:
1. A normal HTTPS server certificate that guarantees the subscriber is talking to the actual
provider URL.
2. A certificate for each subscriber that connects to a provider.
These HTTPS certificates are used to guarantee the identities of the provider and subscriber and
encrypt the communication between them. The OA between the provider and subscriber will spell
out the trusted CA that guarantees identities. ESDIS trusted partners, aka. providers and
subscribers, will use client certificates obtained from a CA recommended by ESDIS. The provider
server certificates are obtained either through the normal ESDIS NASA Access Management
System (NAMS) server certificate workflow or from a well known CA. The subscribers will
obtain the client certificate directly from the ESDIS recommended CA. Once the subscriber
certificate is obtained, the subscriber will provide the certificate’s Distinguished Name (DN) to
the provider. A subscriber may use the same certificate for multiple providers. As described in
Section 3.11, the subscriber may register a client certificate with the provider using an HTTPS
PUT request.
The DN from the subscriber certificate is used by the provider as a unique identifier for the
subscriber. This enables the provider to limit the subscriber’s access to data sets that have been
agreed upon by the provider and subscriber.
3.2 File List
The file list is requested by the subscriber by polling the provider URL (see Section 3.8 for the
polling details).
The file list GET request typically contains a set of tags/values that limits the file list to only those
with the appropriate tags. Section 3.3 describes a set of commonly used tags.
An example of a file list GET query is:
curl -X GET "https://provider.org/sdtp/v1/files?stream=prod&ShortName=INS02A"
-H "Accept: application/json"
This is an example of a resulting file list:
"files": [
"fileid": 1342,
Science Data Transfer Protocol ICD 423-ICD-027, Original
Effective Date: October 2021
Check ESDIS CM library, https://ops1-cm.ems.eosdis.nasa.gov/cm2/, to verify that this is the correct version prior to use.
"name": "file1.txt",
"size": 5678,
"expires": “2020-03-30”,
"tags": {
“stream”: “prod”,
"ShortName": "INS02A",
“Version": “061”
"fileid": 1355,
"name": "file2.txt",
"size": 15,
"expires": “2020-03-30”,
"tags": {
“stream”: “prod”,
"ShortName": "INS02A",
“Version": “061”
Figure 3-1. Example file list.
The file list JSON object returned contains fields for each file (Table 3-1). The tags and extra
fields are optional, whereas the other fields are required to be present (and not null).
Table 3-1. File list fields.
Unique file identifier.
This is unique value assigned to the file by
the provider and shall not be reused, e.g. 1342
File name. Only the
name no directory
Maximum length is 256 characters, e.g.
File checksum value
with a checksum type
Maximum length is 256 characters, e.g.
File size in bytes.
e.g. 5678
File expiration date in
ISO-8601 format.
Expires at the end of
day (midnight GMT).
e.g. 2020-03-30
Science Data Transfer Protocol ICD 423-ICD-027, Original
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tag list
List of tags/values for
this file.
Optional field.
List of additional
information for this
Optional field.
A successful HTTPS response has a status Code 200 - Success and returns a JSON object
containing a list of files ready for retrieval. The HTTPS response header also includes a SDTP
Transaction Identifier (SDTP-TransactionID), a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID), that is
unique to each GET request. The SDTP-TransactionID is meant to be used for debugging. It
uniquely identifies each event (for example in the HTTPS log files). Responses for various error
conditions are discussed in Section 4.
If no files are available when the request is made, the response will be Success with an empty file
The maximum number of the files in the list is limited by an agreement between the
provider/subscriber pair (see Section 5 on Interface Parameters) and/or by pagination (see Section
3.9 on File List Paging). The provider orders the entries in the subscriber queue by when they are
entered into the queue and always provides them to the subscriber in that order (i.e. first-in first-
out). Tags and extra fields can be used by the subscriber to help prioritize the order that files are
transferred (see Section 3.10 on File Transfer Prioritization).
The fileid is a positive integer (limited to 15 digits) and is unique within the provider’s SDTP
server. The fileid value is assigned sequentially as each file entry is added to the provider’s server
The checksum type is something that is negotiated between the provider and subscriber (Section
5). In the near future, many systems will use sha256.
When using curl, the status information can be obtained using the options: --write-out
%{https_code} to return the HTTPS code and --verbose option to return the headers. If either of
these options are used, the --output <file_name> option to write the (non-header) response to an
output file. More information on curl can be found at https://curl.haxx.se/docs/manpage.html.
The expires field is used by the provider to indicate to the subscriber the length of time that a file
entry will remain available in the subscriber’s queue. One use of this field is for providers with
limited disk space used for staging files for subscribers. In this case, it is useful to let the subscriber
know that the staged files are only available for a limited time period. The expires value could be
a fairly large amount of time, e.g. several months, from when the file entry is added to the
subscriber queue. Note that when the subscriber acknowledges receipt of the file, the provider will
typically delete the file entry from the subscriber queue and if a staging disk is used, may remove
the file from the staging disk. The default value for this field is a tunable parameter and agreed to
by the subscriber/provider pair (see Section 5 Interface Parameters).
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The provider should monitor each subscriber queue to determine what file entries are near their
expiration date and have not yet been transferred, that is, the subscriber has not yet provided a file
transfer acknowledgement. In addition, a good practice is for the provider to check each subscriber
queue daily and determine if any file transfers are taking longer than normal. For instance, if most
files transfers occur in a few hours and a file transfer has not been acknowledged for several days,
then the file transfer could be considered late. For any file entries in this state, the provider should
work with the subscriber to resolve any issues that may have caused the transfer to be delayed.
The tags field contains a list of tag values associated with each file entry by the provider. See
Section 3.3 for a list of commonly used tags.
The extra field is a JSON object that contains additional information associated with that file entry
by the provider (see Section 3.6 on Extra Fields). This field is not used to filter file entries like the
tags field. The contents of this field are typically negotiated between the provider and
subscriber. One common use of this field is to group related files (see Section 3.7).
Some subscribers may prefer the file list in a different format such as Comma-Separated Values
(CSV). In this case the subscriber can use a tool such as jq (https://stedolan.github.io/jq) to convert
the JSON response to CSV format.
3.3 Common Tags
The tags must be negotiated between the provider and subscriber, including the list of valid values
for each tag. The tag/value pairs are used to filter which files are delivered to a subscriber, and
can also be used to filter the file list, for example to expedite delivery of some types of data over
others. A set of commonly used tags is given in Table 3-2.
Tags and their valid values may also be stream specific. For example, a test stream may have a
different set of tags and/or valid values than a production stream.
Table 3-2. Commonly used tags.
Data stream identifier.
Collection short name, aka. Earth Science Data Type (ESDT).
Collection version identifier.
Tags and their values are strings and case sensitive. When using tags that are metadata fields in
the ESDIS Universal Metadata Model (UMM), a best practice is to use the UMM metadata field
name (with the same capitalization), e.g. ShortName. Because tags and values are passed as part
of the GET query, avoid spaces and other special characters (ones that need additional URL
encoding). A best practice is to use dashes (-) as separators within a tag value (e.g. test-1).
One key tag is the stream tag which is used to help separate individual streams of data being
transferred. For instance, there may be one stream for forward processing, a second one for
reprocessing and a third for testing. For this case, the stream tag values could be prod for forward
processing, reproc for reprocessing and test for test. A numerical suffix (i.e. -n) could be included
if there are multiple streams of one type (e.g. test-1, test-2).
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Another possible use of a tag would be to include a date tag. This would allow the subscriber to
prioritize pulling files with a specific date value(s). For instance, when there is a backlog, the
subscriber may want to transfer data that had been most recently acquired first.
Note that when designing the SDTP, supporting file list requests containing ranges of values for
tags, such as date ranges, was considered. However, because SDTP is focused on predetermined
file transfers and not meant to be a more general subscription interface, tag values are limited to
discrete values, not ranges.
3.4 File Transfer
The file is retrieved using a simple GET request containing the file identifier.
An example of a file GET request is:
curl -X GET "https://provider.org/sdtp/v1/files/1342"
A successful HTTPS response is typically a status Code 200 - Success and the file contents. All
responses include a SDTP-TransactionID in the header that is unique to each GET
request. Responses for various error conditions are discussed in Section 4.
An alternative successful HTTPS response may be a status Code 302 - File is available in another
location (aka. a redirect) with the header containing a Location field with the URL for the actual
file content.
Note that the subscriber can transfer multiple files in parallel as long as the network and/or provider
system are not overwhelmed. The provider/subscriber will typically agree on a maximum number
of simultaneous file transfers (see Section 5 on Interface Parameters).
3.5 File Transfer Acknowledgment
For each successful file transfer, the subscriber performs a HTTPS DELETE containing the file’s
fileid to acknowledge the transfer completed successfully. At this point, the provider removes the
file from the queue for the subscriber. Note, the purpose of this command is not for the provider
to delete the file, but instead for the provider to remove the file entry from a file list queue for a
specific subscriber.
Note that the subscriber should always check that the file size and checksum are correct before
sending a successful file transfer acknowledgement (DELETE request).
An example of a file entry DELETE request is:
curl -X DELETE "https://provider.org/sdtp/v1/files/1342"
A successful HTTPS response, returned after the provider removes the file from the queue, is Code
204 - Success but no other response necessary. All responses include a SDTP-TransactionID in
Science Data Transfer Protocol ICD 423-ICD-027, Original
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Check ESDIS CM library, https://ops1-cm.ems.eosdis.nasa.gov/cm2/, to verify that this is the correct version prior to use.
the header that is unique to each DELETE request. Responses for various error conditions are
discussed in Section 4.
DELETE requests are idempotent, that is, the DELETE request can be issued multiple times and
the results will be the same. This means that if a fileid is included in multiple DELETE requests,
the return status will be Success each time. This also means that a DELETE request for a fileid
that is not in the subscriber queue will return a success status (as long as the fileid is correctly
For current PDR protocol users, the DELETE request is similar to the success Product Acceptance
Notice (PAN). There are no failed PAN or PDR Discrepancy (PDRD) equivalents because error
handling is done out-of-band. Also, any reconciliation of transfers is handled out-of-band, similar
to the current PDR protocol.
The SDTP also supports the ability to delete a range of file entries if the corresponding fileids are
An example of a multi-file file entry DELETE request is:
curl -X DELETE "https://provider.org/sdtp/v1/files/2061-2065"
In this example, any entries with fileids from 2061 to 2065 will be removed from the provider
In the multi-file acknowledgement request, the subscriber should take care and be sure that all of
the fileids in the range have been transferred successfully before performing the request. Note that
the fileids assigned by the provider may not necessarily be contiguous. That is, the provider may
provide the fileids like this: 3, 4, 5, but also like this: 3, 5, 7. Also, if tags are used by the subscriber
to filter file entries, it is less likely that the fileids will be contiguous.
3.6 Extra Fields
Additional information about a file may be passed from the provider to the subscriber as values in
the extra field. The contents of this field are negotiated between the provider and subscriber. One
common use of this field is to group related files (see Section 3.7).
As with tags, when using extra fields that are metadata fields in the ESDIS Universal Metadata
Model, a best practice is to use the UMM metadata field name (with the same capitalization), e.g.
ShortName. Also, the valid values should be in-line with the UMM metadata model.
Some commonly used extra fields are similar to those mentioned in the tags fields, such as,
ShortName and Version. In addition there may be other commonly used UMM fields that the
provider/subscriber may agree upon, such as the file Format. It is possible to have the same name
in the tags and extra fields, but this is not recommended.
3.7 Related File Groups
Files that are related to one another such as a browse or metadata file associated with a data file
may need to be grouped together when received by the subscriber. Groups may also be used to
Science Data Transfer Protocol ICD 423-ICD-027, Original
Effective Date: October 2021
Check ESDIS CM library, https://ops1-cm.ems.eosdis.nasa.gov/cm2/, to verify that this is the correct version prior to use.
transfer multi-file granules. To group related files, all the files are assigned the same Group ID (a
UUID) value by the provider. The group ID, the number of files in the group and the file number
within the group (Table 3-3) are stored in a field named group within the extra field.
Table 3-3. Group Fields.
Unique group
identifier. Typically a
This is unique to this related file group
and shall not be reused, e.g. ba963192-
positive integer
Number of files within
the group.
e.g. 6
positive integer
Sequential file number
within the group.
Range is from 1 to the number of files in
the group (n). e.g. 1
Example of group for a file within a file list:
"files": [
"fileid": 1352,
"name": "file1.txt",
“extra”: {
“group”: {“groupid”: “2a125b1a-4a7c-42e2-88f6-4fe19b172381”, “i”: 1, “n”: 6}
}, ...
Figure 3-2. Example group field.
The provider/subscriber pair may choose to use alternate methods to group related files, including:
taring or zipping the a group of files and sending it as a single file;
using a separate group file that contains a list of related files; or
using a file naming convention that allows the subscriber to group the files implicitly.
3.8 Polling
The subscriber uses polling to obtain the next list of files to retrieve. Typically, the subscriber asks
for a list of files, transfers each file and acknowledges each transfer, and then asks for another
list. If a request for a new file list is made before the transfers are acknowledged for all of the files
in the previous list, the unacknowledged file entries will again appear in the new list. So the
subscriber should try to transfer all of the files in the current list before requesting a new list.
When the provider's file queue is empty, the subscriber will begin polling (asking for a new list of
files) at a short time interval. This polling time interval is one that was agreed upon by the
provider/subscriber pair for that stream. In some cases, the polling could continue for a long period
Science Data Transfer Protocol ICD 423-ICD-027, Original
Effective Date: October 2021
Check ESDIS CM library, https://ops1-cm.ems.eosdis.nasa.gov/cm2/, to verify that this is the correct version prior to use.
of time before new files are anticipated to be ready to be transferred. When this condition is
detected by the subscriber, the subscriber can automatically increase the retry delay.
For nominal steady-state data flows with an appropriate polling time interval, the size of the file
list is expected to be small. For instance, suppose the polling time interval was set to one
minute. If the producer adds a few new files to the subscriber queue every minute and the
subscriber is able to keep up with the flow by downloading the files quickly, then the queue will
only contain a few files actively being downloaded by the subscriber and a few new files that have
been added by the provider since the last list was obtain. However, the queue and corresponding
file list could be much larger for a number of reasons, e.g. when the flow is starting up, the flow
from the provider is intermittent (bursty), when a backlog accumulates because the subscriber can’t
keep up, after a subscriber and/or provider downtime, after network issues.
Note that this polling back-off approach is a best practice, but it is optional so it is something that
is up to the individual provider/subscriber pair to decide whether to include. Also, an alternative
approach to synchronous file list polling is to do the polling independently (asynchronously) by
using a paging approach (next section).
3.9 File List Paging
The subscriber may want to page through the file list, so two optional query parameters are
available for paging (Table 3-4).
Table 3-4. Pagination query parameters.
positive integer
Maximum number of file
entries to return.
Default is the value agreed to by
the provider and subscriber (see
Section 5 on Interface Parameters).
positive integer
fileid of the file entry prior
to the first file entry to be
e.g. 1352
An example of a file list GET query with pagination is:
curl -X GET "https://provider.org/sdtp/v1/files?stream=prod&ShortName=INS02A&
-H "Accept: application/json"
As mentioned above, the provider orders the file entries in the subscriber queue by the time that
the file entries were inserted into the queue. If the startfileid parameter is not given, the first file
entry in the subscriber queue, after tag filtering, is returned.
For pagination, the startfileid is typically the fileid of the last entry in the previous file list. So,
when the subscriber requests the next file list, the first fileid returned will be the one immediately
after the last fileid returned in the previous request.
Science Data Transfer Protocol ICD 423-ICD-027, Original
Effective Date: October 2021
Check ESDIS CM library, https://ops1-cm.ems.eosdis.nasa.gov/cm2/, to verify that this is the correct version prior to use.
3.10 File Transfer Prioritization
To handle cases where there is a backlog, the provider/subscriber pair may need to agree on an
approach to prioritize the order that the files are transferred.
One approach would be to use the stream tag to separate files with different priority into different
subscriber queues. For instance, if there is a forward processing (prod) and a reprocessing (reproc)
stream, then the subscriber could use the stream tag to pull the files from the prod stream first.
This could be further refined by separating the prod stream into high and low priority streams, e.g.
prod_high and prod_low.
Another approach would be for the subscriber to run several SDTP client instances, one for each
stream, so that the files are processed independently. In this approach, the subscriber would still
need an approach to adjust the pulling priorities of the different streams. This could be done by
using an algorithm to allocate connections to the various subscriber client instances so that the
higher priority files are transferred first.
3.11 Register Client Certificate
The subscriber may register a new client certificate with the provider using an HTTPS PUT
An example of a register PUT request is:
curl -X PUT "https://provider.org/sdtp/v1/register"
A successful HTTPS response, returned after the certificate is registered, is Code 204 - Success
but no other response necessary. If the certificate provided is not from a certificate authority
recognized by the provider, or if no certificate is provided, the error response is Code 401 -
To prevent unwanted register requests, the provider may limit the times when client certificates
can be registered. Outside of these times, a subscriber would receive the error response Code 503
- Service Unavailable.
The typical workflow for a new subscriber client certificate is as follows:
Subscriber obtains a new client certificate from the agreed upon CA.
Provider/subscriber agree on a time window to register the certificate.
Provider enables the register end-point for the specified time period.
During the time window, the subscriber performs a register request.
Subscriber notifies the provider that a successful response was received from the register
Provider accepts the certificate as valid, associates it with the appropriate subscriber
streams, and notifies the subscriber.
Subscriber does a file list request to verify that the connection is working correctly and
notifies the provider.
Science Data Transfer Protocol ICD 423-ICD-027, Original
Effective Date: October 2021
Check ESDIS CM library, https://ops1-cm.ems.eosdis.nasa.gov/cm2/, to verify that this is the correct version prior to use.
The general philosophy for handling errors is that when most errors occur, there isn't anything that
the provider's server software could automatically do to resolve the error. At any point, the
provider can easily tell which files have not been transferred by examining a subscriber’s queue
and the subscriber has the same view of the files in the queue. Most errors require some manual
intervention by the provider and/or subscriber to determine what went wrong. For common error
scenarios (e.g. network errors, wrong product type, incorrect metadata, software bug), something
needs to be fixed before the transfer can be retried. So the next step is always the
provider/subscriber contacting each other to begin the debugging process.
When the interface is operating correctly, errors are expected to be rare and mainly due to network
issues (authentication error, link down, etc.). A unique SDTP-TransactionID is provided in the
header for each HTTPS request and so it can be used during communication to trace the error. A
good practice is for the subscriber to maintain a log that contains information about each
transaction, including the SDTP-TransactionID, to help with debugging any errors. The provider
will also typically have a log of HTTPS requests that can be used to help understand the error.
The HTTPS response error codes returned by each transaction type are given in Table 4.
Table 4-2. HTTP error status responses.
Transaction type
The request is incorrect.
Request is not authenticated.
Request is authenticated but user is forbidden from
accessing resource.
The requested resource does not exist.
File get and delete requests
Too many requests.
4.1 Incorrect File List
An incorrect file list may be detected by the subscriber. This could be because of a network
transfer error, malformed json or incomplete file list. It also may be an issue or bug on the provider
and/or subscriber side. For instance, the provider may provide a file not meant for a particular
subscriber because of an operator error.
For intermittent network errors, the subscriber can retry the file list request several times. If still
unsuccessful, the subscriber would work with the provider to resolve the network issue.
For other errors, the subscriber and provider need to contact each other and work together to
resolve the issue.
4.2 File Transfer Error
The subscriber detects a file transfer error by checking a file’s size and checksum. It may be
caused by a network issue. It also may be an issue or a bug on the provider side, file corruption or
other issue. The subscriber would typically retry to transfer a file several times. If the transfer does
Science Data Transfer Protocol ICD 423-ICD-027, Original
Effective Date: October 2021
Check ESDIS CM library, https://ops1-cm.ems.eosdis.nasa.gov/cm2/, to verify that this is the correct version prior to use.
not succeed after a number of tries, the subscriber can set that file aside and try other files in the
list. If only a few files fail, the subscriber could continue to retrieve files.
The provider will remove files that have transferred successfully from the queue for the subscriber.
When the subscriber sets a file aside, the provider will still include that file in the next file list
requested by the subscriber. Note that in this case, it is possible for the transfer to stall if the number
of files that have errors exceeds the maximum file list size.
Alternatively, the subscriber may decide to go ahead and acknowledge receipt of the file (using
the DELETE response) and store the information related to the failed file transfer. The subscriber
can then later work with the provider to resolve the file transfer error, and the provider can then
put the file back into the queue for the subscriber.
There may be other errors unrelated to the file transfer, e.g. incorrect metadata, that may be
detected after the file transfer occurs. In this case, the subscriber would ask the provider to correct
the file and then the provider would add the corrected file to the subscriber’s queue.
In many cases, the only way to resolve this issue is for the subscriber to contact the provider.
4.3 Related File Errors
There may be an error when all the related files in a group are not given in the file lists from the
provider. There is no requirement that all related files for a group be in the same file list, but the
expectation is that they will typically be in file lists that are temporally close to one another.
After waiting a sufficient time interval for all files with the same group id to become available, the
subscriber would use the the number of files and the file sequence number to determine if any files
are missing and if they are, communicate that information to the provider.
4.4 Incorrect Request (Code 400)
When the subscriber request is incorrect, the problem may be on the provider or subscriber side.
The provider may have a bug in the provider interface, or the subscriber may be providing an
invalid request. One possibility is that the subscriber is using a tag in a query that the provider has
not implemented or the tag value is not valid. In either case, the provider and subscriber should
contact each other and resolve the issue.
4.5 File Authentication Error (Code 401)
There is an issue with the authentication. The certificate may have expired or is not set up correctly.
Subscriber should contact the provider.
4.6 Resource Error (Codes 403 and 404)
When the subscriber is forbidden from accessing a resource (Code 403) or the requested resource
does not exist (Code 404), the problem may be on the provider or subscriber side. The provider
may have a bug that prevents the resource from appearing in the provider interface, or the
subscriber may be providing an incorrectly formatted resource identifier (e.g. non-numeric fileid).
In either case, the provider and subscriber should contact each other and resolve the issue.
Science Data Transfer Protocol ICD 423-ICD-027, Original
Effective Date: October 2021
Check ESDIS CM library, https://ops1-cm.ems.eosdis.nasa.gov/cm2/, to verify that this is the correct version prior to use.
4.7 Too Many Requests (Code 429)
This error code is typically returned if the subscriber overloads the provider. When this occurs the
subscriber should dial-back the number of requests to decrease the load on the provider. One
mechanism to help prevent too many file downloads occurring simultaneously is for the subscriber
to agree to limit the number of simultaneous downloads that will be performed (see Section 5 on
Interface Parameters). If this error happens too often, the subscriber should build a mechanism to
help prevent putting too much load on the provider. The subscriber could also discuss with the
provider the need to increase the provider’s capacity.
Science Data Transfer Protocol ICD 423-ICD-027, Original
Effective Date: October 2021
Check ESDIS CM library, https://ops1-cm.ems.eosdis.nasa.gov/cm2/, to verify that this is the correct version prior to use.
There are a number of parameters that control (tune) the interface. The provider and subscriber
will agree on values or ranges of values for these parameters.
Parameter values may be stream specific. For example, a test stream may have different values
than a production stream.
Table 5-3. Interface control parameters and their default values.
Default Value(s)
Maximum number of files in list
Number of empty polls before retry interval increases
Short polling retry interval (seconds)
Medium polling retry delay interval (seconds)
Long polling retry delay interval (seconds)
Number of retries for file content transfer error
Checksum types
md5, sha256
Maximum number of simultaneous download threads
Default expiration time period (days)
Note that the checksum is used for message integrity, i.e. to check for transfer errors. The
checksum must not be used for cryptographic purposes, such as a digital signature, or as a secure
As mentioned above, when the interface is first set up and as it evolves over time, the
provider/subscriber pair must agree on additional interface information. This includes: provider
URL, points of contact, subscriber certificate DN, tags and their valid values, extra fields and their
valid values, and file grouping approach (if needed).
Science Data Transfer Protocol ICD 423-ICD-027, Original
Effective Date: October 2021
Check ESDIS CM library, https://ops1-cm.ems.eosdis.nasa.gov/cm2/, to verify that this is the correct version prior to use.
This section describes how a data provider and subscriber can run the existing PDR protocol on
top of SDTP. Note that this is not the preferred approach, but is something that legacy PDR
protocol users may choose to do.
In this intermediate approach the provider/subscriber will still pass the data files and the PDR,
PAN and PDRD files, but via the HTTPS protocol instead of the SFTP protocol. To do this, both
the provider and subscriber will set up both an SDTP server and client. The provider SDTP server
has a queue for the subscriber with the PDR and data files. The subscriber’s SDTP client transfers
those files from the queue via HTTPS. The subscriber SDTP server has a queue for the provider
with the PAN and PDRD files. The provider SDTP client transfers all of the files from the queue
via HTTPS.
Basically each side designates an incoming and an outgoing directory and runs a SDTP server.
The outgoing directory gets mounted as a volume to the nginx container to serve every file in it.
Each side runs two daemons. One monitors the outgoing directory and PUTs any new files to its
own server with a single tag designating the subscriber of the other side, which has a subscription
to get every file with that tag. The second daemon is the polling downloader that connects to the
other side's SDTP server and just asks for a new filelist periodically and downloads any files it
sees to the site's own incoming directory.
Existing PDR protocol software can just watch the incoming directory for the data files and PDR
files, etc., and does the normal thing, putting PAN files, PDRD files, etc., in the outgoing directory
which the other side will then see in their incoming directory.
In addition, the stream tag could be used by both sides to separate the various test, forward and
reprocessing flows into different directories on the provider and subscriber side.
Internally, a site could even use SFTP/SCP (or other approaches) to get to a new SDTP server host,
so it would be almost seamless to plug into the existing systems. In this case, there would also be
no need to modify the provider and/or subscriber databases to support SDTP, i.e. they can each
use a secondary SDTP server database that only contains file transfer information.
This doesn't change SDTP, it is just a way to enable existing PDR protocol users a path to
migrate their existing systems.
Science Data Transfer Protocol ICD 423-ICD-027, Original
Effective Date: October 2021
Check ESDIS CM library, https://ops1-cm.ems.eosdis.nasa.gov/cm2/, to verify that this is the correct version prior to use.
Appendix A Abbreviations and Acronyms
Certificate Authority
Configuration Change Board
Configuration Control Request
Configuration Management Office
Cloud Notification Mechanism
Comma-Separated Values
Distinguished Name
Distributed Active Archive Center
EOSDIS Core System
Earth Observing System
Earth Observation System Data and Information System
EOS Data and Operations System
Earth Science Data Type
Earth Science Data and Information System
Greenwich Mean Time
Goddard Space Flight Center
Hypertext Transfer Protocol
Hypertext Transfer Protocol over TLS
File Transfer Protocol
Interface Control Document
International Organization for Standardization
JavaScript Object Notation
Level 1
NASA Access Management System
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Operations Agreement
Product Acceptance Notice
PDR (1)
Polling with Delivery Record (a protocol)
PDR (2)
Product Delivery Record (a file)
PDR Discrepancy
Science Data System
Science Data Transfer Protocol
Secure File Transfer Protocol
Science Investigator-led Processing System
Transport Layer Security
Universal Resource Locator
Universal Metadata Model
Universally Unique Identifier
Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite