ESDS-RFC-045 Voorhies, Sally and Ho, Evelyn
Category: Convention February 2023
Updates/Obsoletes: None SDTP
Science Data Transfer Protocol (SDTP)
Status of this Memo
This memo describes a data transfer protocol convention for the NASA Earth Science Data
Systems (ESDS) community. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.
Change Explanation
Copyright Notice
This is a work of the U.S. Government and is not subject to copyright protection in the United
States. Foreign copyrights may apply.
Suggested Citation
Ho, E., & Voorhies, S. (2023). Science Data Transfer Protocol. NASA Earth Science Data and
Information System Standards Coordination Office. https//
This document establishes the Science Data Transfer Protocol (SDTP) as an ESDS standard
interface mechanism. The SDTP is used for electronic transfer of data and related information.
This RFC document provides a brief introduction, with the full SDTP specification detailed in
Section 3 of the Science Data Transfer Protocol (SDTP) Interface Control Document (ICD) [1].
Table of Contents
STATUS OF THIS MEMO ......................................................................................................... 1!
CHANGE EXPLANATION ........................................................................................................ 1!
COPYRIGHT NOTICE ............................................................................................................... 1!
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................... 1!
TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................. 1!
1! INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 2!
1.1! BACKGROUND .................................................................................................................. 2!
1.2! EVIDENCE OF IMPLEMENTATION ...................................................................................... 2!
2! OVERVIEW OF THE SDTP SYSTEM ............................................................................. 3!
2.1! KEY CHARACTERISTICS ................................................................................................... 3!
2.2! PREREQUISITES ................................................................................................................ 3!
2.3! DATA FLOW OVERVIEW ................................................................................................... 4!
3! SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................... 5!
ESDS-RFC-045 Voorhies, Sally and Ho, Evelyn
Category: Convention February 2023
Updates/Obsoletes: None SDTP
4! REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................... 5!
5! AUTHORS' ADDRESSES ................................................................................................... 6!
APPENDIX A ................................................................................................................................ 6!
1 Introduction
As File Transfer Protocol (FTP) and Secure FTP (SFTP) are being phased out, a new method for
transferring files between Earth Science Data and Information System (ESDIS) elements is
needed. The purpose of the Science Data Transfer Protocol (SDTP) is to provide an up-to-date
mechanism for this data transfer using Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) over Transport Layer
Security (TLS) (HTTPS) methods between a data provider and a data subscriber. For instance, this
protocol would be used to transfer data from a Science Investigator-led Processing System (SIPS)
to a Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC).
1.1 Background
SDTP was developed to be used as a standard protocol for exchange of data between ESDIS
elements. These elements may be in the NASA Earth Science Cloud, at a NASA data center
(including an on-premises cloud), or at another science data provider or subscriber.
The primary SDTP users are ESDIS data providers and subscribers that have sustained data flows
and currently use the Polling with Delivery Record (PDR) protocol, had planned to use the PDR
protocol in the future, or expect to establish new sustained data flows. ESDIS data providers are
typically science data producers, e.g. SIPS, Science Data System (SDS), Earth Observing System
(EOS) Data and Operations System (EDOS). ESDIS data subscribers are primarily DAACs. Note
that sometimes the roles are reversed with a DAAC providing input data to a science data producer.
Also, some science data producers may subscribe to data produced by other producers (e.g. Visible
Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) L1 (Level 1) and Land SIPS flow to the VIIRS Atmos.
SIPS). This protocol could also be used for sustained data flows between DAACs and other
(outside) data providers or subscribers.
1.2 Evidence of Implementation
At present, SDTP is already in use by a number of organizations, including:
University of Wisconsin, Atmosphere SIPS
Global Imagery Browse Services (GIBS)
Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC)
Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite (ICESat-2 SIPS)
Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LP DAAC)
Level-1 Atmosphere Archive and Distribution System (LAADS)
National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC)
ESDS-RFC-045 Voorhies, Sally and Ho, Evelyn
Category: Convention February 2023
Updates/Obsoletes: None SDTP
Earth Observing System (EOS) Data and Operations System (EDOS) and NASA Sentinel
Gateway (NSG) are also in the process of migrating to SDTP.
2 Overview of the SDTP System
2.1 Key Characteristics
The defining characteristics of the SDTP are as follows:
File lists and files are pulled by the subscriber.
SDTP is designed to work for any file format/type, e.g. science data, science metadata,
browse imagery.
A file list may contain many files to minimize the overhead of obtaining new file lists.
Subscriber acknowledges each successful file transfer.
File list is a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) object.
Required fields in the file list are minimized.
A set of commonly used tags is defined.
Additional tags can be added as needed for each provider/subscriber pair.
X.509 certificates are used for authentication.
Focused on transferring files between the provider and subscriber.
Not focused on transferring metadata or other information about the file.
Standard way to group related files.
HTTPS responses are used to indicate status (no other status message responses are
Handling of non-common errors is done out-of-band, via email or other means.
File size is only limited by the HTTPS protocol.
2.2 Prerequisites
Both the provider and subscriber of the SDTP agree on the following:
Provider URL for the HTTPS file transfer.
Certificate Authority for authentication.
Subscriber certificate Distinguished Name.
A set of tags and corresponding valid values.
A set of extra fields and corresponding valid values.
Values for a set of parameters that control the interface, such as, the maximum number of
files in a list.
Points of contact.
This information is documented in the Operations Agreement (OA) between the provider and
ESDS-RFC-045 Voorhies, Sally and Ho, Evelyn
Category: Convention February 2023
Updates/Obsoletes: None SDTP
Tags and their valid values are used to control the data that is transferred from a provider to a
specific subscriber. For example, the OA may limit the value of the Earth Science Data Type
(ESDT) tag to just the products produced by a SIPS (provider) that are meant to flow to a specific
DAAC (subscriber).
2.3 Data Flow Overview
The interface only supports a pull mode of operation where the subscriber pulls the file lists and
file contents from the provider.
The first step is for the subscriber and provider to use a certificate to establish a secure HTTPS
connection. Then, to begin the file transfer, the subscriber requests a list of files from the provider
using a set of tags. The subscriber then pulls all of the files in the list and acknowledges receipt of
each file.
Information on obtaining certificates can be found on the SDTP wiki page.
Figure 1 Data Flow
ESDS-RFC-045 Voorhies, Sally and Ho, Evelyn
Category: Convention February 2023
Updates/Obsoletes: None SDTP
The provider stages a file to be transferred to a subscriber and assigns a unique fileid to the file
(not shown). The provider adds the file to a queue of files to be transferred. Each file entry in the
queue has a set of tags and values.
The individual steps that are involved in the data transfer (Fig. 1) are:
1. To obtain a list of available files:
a. The subscriber performs a HTTPS GET with a set of tags and values.
b. The provider returns a JSON object containing a list of files ready to be transferred.
Only files for the subscriber that have a matching set of tags and values are included
in the list.
2. For each file in the list:
a. The subscriber requests the file contents by performing a HTTPS GET containing
the fileid.
b. The provider returns the file contents.
c. The subscriber acknowledges the file transfer by performing a HTTPS DELETE
containing the fileid of the file.
d. The provider removes the file from the queue for the subscriber and returns a
HTTPS Success status.
Most file transfer errors are handled using standard HTTPS error codes. Other errors, such as
problems with the file list contents, are handled by email communication between the subscriber
and provider.
3 Summary
SDTP is a common set of commands over HTTPS that meets all of NASA's security requirements
for data transfer processes and has been developed to replace the PDR mechanism.
4 References
Normative References
[1] The SDTP ICD can be found on the Configuration Management EOSDIS Tool (COMET) at by searching for document number 423-ICD-027. A login
account is needed to access COMET.
[2] SDTP Wiki Page,
[3] Ordering a Certificate,
ESDS-RFC-045 Voorhies, Sally and Ho, Evelyn
Category: Convention February 2023
Updates/Obsoletes: None SDTP
[4] The ICD between the EOSDIS Core System (ECS) and the Science Investigator-led Processing
Systems (SIPS) Volume 0 Interface Mechanisms can be found on COMET (https://ops1- by searching for document number 423-41-57.
[5] The ICD between EDOS and the ESDIS Science Data Segment (SDS) SIPS for the Joint Polar
Satellite System (JPSS) can be found on COMET ( by
searching for document number 423-ICD-010.
Informative References
[6] Science Investigator-led Processing Systems (SIPS),
[7] EOSDIS Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs),
[8] SDTP reference implementation and documentation can be found at:
5 Authors' Addresses
ESDIS Standards Office staff
Appendix A
Glossary of acronyms
Acronym Description
COMET: Configuration Management EOSDIS Tool
DAAC: Distributed Active Archive Center
ECS: EOSDIS Core System
EDOS: Earth Observing System (EOS) Data and Operations System
EOS: Earth Observing System
EOSDIS: Earth Observing System Data and Information System
ESDIS: Earth Science Data and Information System
ESDS: Earth Science Data Systems
ESDT: Earth Science Data Type
FTP: File Transfer Protocol
GES DISC: Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center
GIBS: Global Imagery Browse Services
HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol
ESDS-RFC-045 Voorhies, Sally and Ho, Evelyn
Category: Convention February 2023
Updates/Obsoletes: None SDTP
HTTPS: Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure
ICD: Interface Control Document
ICESat-2: Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite-2
JPSS: Joint Polar Satellite System
JSON: JavaScript Object Notation
L1: Level 1
LAADS: Level-1 Atmosphere Archive and Distribution System
LP DAAC: Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center
MODAPS: MODIS Adaptive Processing System
MODIS: Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
NSG: NASA Sentinel Gateway
NSIDC: National Snow and Ice Data Center
OA: Operations Agreement
PDR: Polling with Delivery Record
RFC: Request for Comment
SDS: Science Data Segment
SDTP: Science Data Transfer Protocol
SFTP: Secure File Transfer Protocol
SIPS: Science Investigator-led Processing Systems
TLS: Transport Layer Security
URL: Uniform Resource Locator
VIIRS: Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite