Property Occupations
Regulation 2014
Current as at 1 July 2022
Property Occupations Act 2014
© State of Queensland 2022
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Property Occupations Regulation 2014
Part 1 Preliminary
1 Short title . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2 Commencement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Part 2 Limited property agent licences
3 Limited real estate agent licence (affordable housing) . . . . . . . . 5
4 Limited real estate agent licence (business letting) . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Part 3 General provisions about licensees or real estate salespersons
5 Prescribed changes in licensee’s circumstances to be notified to chief
executive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
6 Prescribed changes in real estate salesperson’s circumstances to be
notified to chief executive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
7 Buyer’s premium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
8 Large scale non-residential property transactions or holdings . . 8
9 Display and announcement of auctioneer’s name . . . . . . . . . . . 8
10 Prescribed statement for listing—property agents . . . . . . . . . . . 9
11 Auction contract book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
12 Sale of goods, other than livestock, by auctioneers—Act, s 236(2)(d) 11
13 Sales of livestock by auctioneers—Act, s 236(2)(d) . . . . . . . . . . 12
14 Form in which particular records may be kept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Part 4 Keeping documents
15 Keeping documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
16 Keeping documents in electronic form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Part 5 Conduct standards
Division 1 Conduct standards
17 Conduct standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Division 2 Property agents and real estate salespersons
18 Conflict of duty or interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
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19 Finding out or verifying property ownership and description . . . . 15
20 Finding out or verifying facts material to the sale of property . . . 16
21 Prior appointment of another property agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
22 Property agent to act in accordance with client’s instructions . . . 17
Division 3 Auctioneers—conducting auctions
23 Registration of bidders and related obligations for auction . . . . . 18
24 Bids by seller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
25 Disclosure of bidder identity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Division 4 Resident letting agents
26 Conflict of duty or interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
27 Prior appointment of another agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
28 Finding out or verifying property ownership and description . . . . 21
29 Finding out or verifying facts material to letting lots or collecting rents
30 Resident letting agent to act in accordance with client’s instructions 21
Part 6 Issuing or renewing licence for shorter term
31 Shorter term for additional licence—Act, s 80(2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
32 Shorter term for renewal of licence—Act, s 80(2) . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
33 Shorter term if holder of another licence carries on business with
applicant—Act, s 80(2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Part 7 Fees
Division 1 Fees payable
34 Fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
34A Rounding of amounts expressed as numbers of fee units . . . . . 23
Division 2 Licences
35 Fee discount for multiple applications under the Act or an Agents Act
36 Fee discount for applicant holding 1 or more licences under the Act or an
Agents Act . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
37 Fee discount for renewal of 1 or more licences under the Act or an Agents
Act . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
38 Fee discount to hold auctioneer licence and chattel auctioneer licence
Division 3 Refunds for licensees
39 Withdrawn or refused licence application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
40 Surrendered licence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
41 Shortened licence term . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Division 4 Refunds for real estate salespersons
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42 Withdrawn or refused application for registration as real estate
salesperson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
43 Surrendered registration certificate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Division 5 Fees that are not refundable
44 No refund payable in particular circumstances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Part 8 Transitional provisions
45 Refund for property developer licence issued under PAMDA . . . 30
46 Refund for surrender of registration certificate as a property developer
salesperson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
47 No refund for surrender of transitioned licence if multiple licences held
under Act or Agents Act . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Schedule 1 Fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
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Property Occupations Regulation 2014
Part 1 Preliminary
Current as at 1 July 2022 Page 5
Authorised by the Parliamentary Counsel
Property Occupations Regulation 2014
Part 1 Preliminary
1 Short title
This regulation may be cited as the Property Occupations
Regulation 2014.
2 Commencement
This regulation commences on 1 December 2014.
Part 2 Limited property agent licences
3 Limited real estate agent licence (affordable housing)
(1) For section 28(1) of the Act, the activities that may be
performed under a limited real estate agent’s licence
(affordable housing) are limited to the following activities
performed under an affordable housing rental scheme—
(a) letting places of residence;
(b) collecting rents;
(c) negotiating for the letting of places of residence.
(2) Only the following persons may hold a limited real estate
agent’s licence (affordable housing)—
(a) a person who is a director of an approved non-profit
(b) a person who is in charge of an approved non-profit
corporation’s business at its place of business.
(3) Subsection (2) does not limit the requirements that must be
met to obtain a limited real estate agent’s licence (affordable
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Part 3 General provisions about licensees or real estate salespersons
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(4) In this section—
affordable housing rental scheme means a scheme to provide
affordable rental housing that is approved by the chief
executive of the department in which the Housing Act 2003 is
approved non-profit corporation means a non-profit
corporation that—
(a) is a registered provider under the Housing Act 2003; and
(b) provides a service consisting of letting and collecting
rents under an affordable housing rental scheme.
4 Limited real estate agent licence (business letting)
For section 28(1) of the Act, the activities that may be
performed under a limited real estate agent’s licence (business
letting) are limited to the following activities —
(a) letting businesses or interests in businesses;
(b) collecting rents;
(c) negotiating for the letting of businesses or interests in
Part 3 General provisions about
licensees or real estate
5 Prescribed changes in licensee’s circumstances to be
notified to chief executive
For section 83 of the Act, each of the following is a prescribed
change for a licensee—
(a) a change in the licensee’s—
(i) name; or
(ii) business name; or
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Part 3 General provisions about licensees or real estate salespersons
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(iii) business address; or
(iv) email address; or
(v) postal address; or
(vi) business facsimile number; or
(vii) telephone number;
(b) a change of the person who is in charge of a licensee’s
place of business;
(c) if the licensee is an individual, a change in the licensee’s
residential address;
(d) if the licensee is a corporation, a change of an executive
officer of the corporation;
(e) the coming into existence of circumstances for the
licensee that would, under section 34(1) or 35(1) or (2)
of the Act, affect the licensee’s suitability to hold a
licence if the licensee were applying for the licence.
6 Prescribed changes in real estate salesperson’s
circumstances to be notified to chief executive
For section 149 of the Act, each of the following is a
prescribed change for a real estate salesperson—
(a) a change in the salesperson’s—
(i) name; or
(ii) email address; or
(iii) postal address; or
(iv) residential address; or
(v) telephone number;
(b) the coming into existence of circumstances for the
salesperson that would, under section 120(1) of the Act,
affect the salesperson’s suitability to hold a registration
certificate if the salesperson were applying for
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Part 3 General provisions about licensees or real estate salespersons
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7 Buyer’s premium
(1) For section 92(2)(a)(ii) of the Act, the auctioneer must
disclose the percentage of the buyer’s premium payable on the
purchase of goods at auction by—
(a) including the required statement for the goods in each
written advertisement for the auction; and
(b) displaying the required statement for the goods in a way
likely to be seen by each prospective bidder; and
(c) at the start of the auction—
(i) if bids may be made in person—announcing the
required statement for the goods at the place where
bidders may be present at the auction; and
(ii) if bids may be made online—displaying the
required statement for the goods to each person
who may bid online during the auction.
(2) In this section—
required statement, for goods, means a statement that a
buyer’s premium of a stated percentage of the purchase price
of the goods is payable on a successful bid for the purchase of
the goods.
8 Large scale non-residential property transactions or
(1) The area prescribed for section 8(1)(a)(i), (1)(b)(i), (2)(a) and
(3)(a) of the Act is 10,000m
(2) The amount prescribed for section 8(1)(a)(ii), (1)(b)(ii), (2)(b)
and (3)(b) of the Act is $10,000,000.
9 Display and announcement of auctioneer’s name
(1) For section 95(2) of the Act, an auctioneer who conducts an
auction must display at the auction the auctioneer’s name—
(a) in a conspicuous position so it is clearly visible; and
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Part 3 General provisions about licensees or real estate salespersons
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(b) for the entire period of the auction.
(2) However, subsection (1) does not apply if the display of the
auctioneer’s name in the way stated in subsection (1) would
be ineffective because—
(a) the exposure of the place where the auction is held to the
elements prevents the effective display; or
a livestock auction conducted outdoors
(b) the auctioneer needs to change location to conduct the
auction, to the extent the display of the auctioneer’s
name would be ineffective without repositioning the
an auction where it is necessary for the auctioneer to move from
item to item, for example, an auction of large machinery items
(3) If subsection (2) applies, the auctioneer must announce the
auctioneer’s name at the start of the auction.
10 Prescribed statement for listing—property agents
The prescribed statement for section 214(5)(b) or 216(5)(b) of
the Act is—
‘This property is being sold by auction or without a price and
therefore a price guide can not be provided. The website may
have filtered the property into a price bracket for website
functionality purposes.’.
11 Auction contract book
(1) This section applies to real property placed by a person with
an auctioneer for sale.
(2) The auctioneer must keep at the auctioneer’s registered office
an auction contract book.
Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.
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Part 3 General provisions about licensees or real estate salespersons
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(3) When the person places the property with the auctioneer for
sale, the auctioneer must enter in the auctioneer’s auction
contract book the following particulars—
(a) the date the property is placed by the person with the
auctioneer for sale;
(b) the property’s lot-on-plan description;
(c) if there is an improvement on the property, a description
of the improvement;
(d) the name and address of the owner or the person who
has placed the property with the auctioneer for sale;
(e) any reserve price for the auction;
(f) any special conditions for the sale of the property;
(g) the proposed date, time and place of the auction.
Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.
(4) However, if the particulars mentioned in subsection (3) are
contained in the appointment of the auctioneer under
section 102 of the Act and the auctioneer keeps the
appointment or a copy of it at the auctioneer’s registered
office, the auctioneer need not enter the particulars in the
auction contract book.
(5) The auctioneer must enter the following particulars in the
auction contract book as soon as practicable after the
(a) the date of the auction of the property;
(b) the property’s description;
(c) if the property is sold at auction—
(i) the price paid by the buyer; and
(ii) the buyer’s name and address;
(d) if the property is not sold at auction—
(i) the amount of the highest bid at the auction; and
(ii) if known, the highest bidder’s name and address.
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Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.
12 Sale of goods, other than livestock, by auctioneers—Act,
s 236(2)(d)
(1) This section applies if—
(a) a person places goods with an auctioneer for sale; or
(b) an auctioneer sells goods belonging to the auctioneer.
(2) When the person places the goods with the auctioneer for sale,
the auctioneer must enter in the auctioneer’s auction store
(a) a description of the goods; and
(b) the details of any mark, number or other particular relied
upon for the identification of the goods; and
(c) the reserve price, if any, for the goods for the auction;
(d) for goods other than goods belonging to the
(i) the name and address of the seller or person who
delivered the goods to the auctioneer; and
(ii) the date the goods were delivered to the auctioneer.
Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.
(3) For subsection (2), the auctioneer may group the goods and
enter them in the auctioneer’s auction store book as 1 item
(a) the goods consist of articles; and
(b) the articles are delivered to the auctioneer by 1 person;
(c) the lot value of the articles is not more than $50.
(4) Within 24 hours after selling the goods at auction, the
auctioneer must enter in the auctioneer’s auction sales book—
(a) the date of the auction; and
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(b) a description of the goods; and
(c) the sale price paid for the goods at the auction; and
(d) the name and address of the buyer of the goods; and
(e) a cross-reference to the relevant entry for the goods in
the auctioneer’s auction store book.
Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.
(5) The auctioneer must keep the following at the auctioneer’s
registered office—
(a) the auction store book;
(b) the auction sales book.
Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.
(6) In this section—
goods does not include livestock.
13 Sales of livestock by auctioneers—Act, s 236(2)(d)
(1) This section applies to a sale of livestock by auction by an
(2) Before the auction, the auctioneer must—
(a) enter in the auctioneer’s livestock auction book—
(i) a description of the livestock; and
(ii) the number of livestock; and
(iii) the name and address of the client for whom the
auctioneer is selling the livestock; and
(b) if livestock is to be sold on other than a cash
basis—obtain a written authority for the sale—
(i) signed by the client; and
(ii) stating the auctioneer must pay to the client only
the money actually paid to the auctioneer for the
sale of the livestock, less the auctioneer’s
commission and authorised expenses.
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Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.
(3) At the start of the auction the auctioneer must—
(a) announce the name of the client for whom the
auctioneer is selling the livestock to the bidders present
at the auction; and
(b) if the auction is being conducted online, display the
name of the client for whom the auctioneer is selling the
livestock to each person who may bid online during the
Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.
(4) After selling the livestock at auction, the auctioneer must, as
soon as practicable, enter in the auctioneer’s livestock auction
(a) the date of the auction of the livestock; and
(b) the buyer’s name; and
(c) the price paid by the buyer.
Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.
(5) The auctioneer must keep both of the following at the
auctioneer’s registered office—
(a) the auctioneer’s livestock auction book;
(b) any written authority for the sale obtained under
subsection (2)(b).
Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.
14 Form in which particular records may be kept
For section 236(2)(d) of the Act, an auctioneer may keep any
or all of the following records in hard copy or electronic
(a) the auctioneer’s auction contract book;
(b) the auctioneer’s auction sales book;
(c) the auctioneer’s auction store book;
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Part 4 Keeping documents
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(d) the auctioneer’s livestock auction book.
Part 4 Keeping documents
15 Keeping documents
(1) This section applies subject to the Evidence Act 1977,
section 111.
(2) A principal licensee must keep each document the licensee is
required to keep under the Act—
(a) in a secure, orderly and accessible way; and
(b) for at least 5 years.
Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.
16 Keeping documents in electronic form
(1) This section applies if—
(a) a principal licensee is required to keep a document
under the Act; and
(b) the document is stored in electronic form on a computer.
(2) The principal licensee must ensure—
(a) the computer system has enough capacity and backup
capability to record the information required to be kept
under the Act; and
(b) the computer system is backed up at least once a month;
(c) a computer disk or other electronic device used to store
the backed-up information is kept in a location that—
(i) is not the principal licensee’s registered office, or if
the principal licensee has more than 1 place of
business, is not the principal licensee’s registered
office or other place of business; and
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Part 5 Conduct standards
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(ii) is unaffected by magnetic interference or another
thing that may adversely affect the stored
Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.
Part 5 Conduct standards
Division 1 Conduct standards
17 Conduct standards
This part provides conduct standards for licensees and real
estate salespersons for section 235 of the Act.
Division 2 Property agents and real estate
18 Conflict of duty or interest
(1) A property agent must not accept an appointment to act, or
continue to act, as a property agent for a client if doing so will
place the agent’s duty or interests in conflict with the client’s
(2) A real estate salesperson must not act, or continue to act, as a
real estate salesperson for a client if doing so will place the
salesperson’s duty or interests in conflict with the client’s
19 Finding out or verifying property ownership and
(1) Before auctioning property, an auctioneer appointed to sell the
property must take reasonable steps to find out or verify the
ownership of the property and property description.
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Part 5 Conduct standards
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(2) Before listing property for sale, lease or exchange, a real
estate agent or real estate salesperson must take reasonable
steps to find out or verify the ownership of the property and
property description.
20 Finding out or verifying facts material to the sale of
(1) An auctioneer appointed to sell property must take reasonable
steps to find out or verify the facts material to the sale that a
prudent auctioneer would have found out or verified to avoid
error, omission, exaggeration or misrepresentation.
(2) The steps must be taken before the auctioneer auctions the
property and afterwards as the occasion arises.
(3) A real estate agent appointed to sell, purchase, exchange or
lease property must take reasonable steps to find out or verify
the facts material to the sale, purchase, exchange or lease that
a prudent real estate agent would have found out or verified to
avoid error, omission, exaggeration or misrepresentation.
(4) The steps mentioned in subsection (3) must be taken before
the agent lists the property and afterwards as the occasion
21 Prior appointment of another property agent
(1) Before accepting an appointment to act as a property agent for
a client to perform a service, the property agent (the new
agent) must take reasonable steps to find out whether the
client has already appointed another property agent (an
existing agent) to act as a property agent to perform the
(2) If the service mentioned in subsection (1) is to let lots or to
collect rent for lots in a building complex, the new agent must
also take reasonable steps to find out whether the client has
already appointed a residential letting agent (also an existing
agent) to let lots or to collect rent for lots in the complex.
(3) The new agent must not solicit or accept the appointment if—
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(a) the new agent knows, or should know, the appointment
of an existing agent to perform the service is in force;
(b) the client may have to pay the following if the client
appoints the new agent to perform the service—
(i) a commission under each appointment;
(ii) damages for breach of contract under the existing
agent’s appointment.
(4) However, subsection (3) does not apply if, before the client
signs the new agent’s appointment, the new agent gives the
client a written statement that, if the client appoints the new
agent to perform the service, the client may have to pay the
(a) a commission under each appointment;
(b) damages for breach of contract under the existing
agent’s appointment.
22 Property agent to act in accordance with client’s
(1) A property agent must act in accordance with a client’s
instructions unless it is contrary to this division or otherwise
unlawful to do so.
1 A property agent must not market, or advertise for sale, purchase,
exchange or lease, property at a price, or on terms, different from
the terms authorised by the client.
2 A real estate agent must not offer to sell, purchase, exchange or
lease on behalf of a client a property on terms different from the
terms authorised by the client.
(2) However, the price at which a property agent offers to sell or
buy property must be in accordance with the client’s written
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Division 3 Auctioneers—conducting auctions
23 Registration of bidders and related obligations for
(1) For each auction an auctioneer conducts at the same place on
the same day, the auctioneer must keep a register of each
bidder (a registered bidder) registered under this section to
bid at the auction.
(2) The auctioneer must—
(a) inform persons considering bidding in the auction that
only bids from registered bidders will be accepted; and
(b) before accepting a bid—ensure the bidder is a registered
(3) However, if a bidder has previously been registered by the
auctioneer for the sale of property, the bidder’s previous
registration may be applied to 1 or more subsequent auctions
conducted by the auctioneer.
(4) The auctioneer may register a person as a bidder only if the
(a) gives the auctioneer the person’s name and address; and
(b) produces satisfactory evidence of the person’s identity
to the auctioneer; and
Example for paragraph (b)—
a driver licence with the person’s photo on it
(c) gives the auctioneer the name and address of any other
person for whom bids are intended to be made on
instructions given by the other person by telephone.
(5) The auctioneer must, if satisfied of the person’s identity—
(a) assign a unique bidder identifier to the person; and
(b) record the person’s name and address, and the unique
bidder identifier assigned by the auctioneer to the
person, in the register.
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(6) If the auction is for the sale of property or goods other than
livestock, the auctioneer must ensure—
(a) the unique bidder identifier assigned to the person can
be easily used by the person to bid during the auction;
Example for paragraph (a)—
The auctioneer may give the person a card or other thing with
the person’s unique bidder identifier clearly shown on it.
(b) the unique bidder identifier can be easily identified by
the auctioneer when the person uses it to make a bid
during the auction.
(7) The auctioneer must keep the register for at least 5 years after
the day of the last entry made in it.
24 Bids by seller
(1) This section applies in relation to a seller of property offered
for sale by auction.
(2) If the seller or seller’s agent bids for the property when it is
offered for sale, the auctioneer must disclose to the other
bidders that the bid is made by the seller or seller’s agent.
(3) If the seller sets a reserve price for the property, the auctioneer
must not accept a bid from the seller or seller’s agent that is
higher than the reserve price.
25 Disclosure of bidder identity
(1) An auctioneer must not disclose the identity of a bidder
registered by the auctioneer under section 23 to anyone other
than an inspector or a court.
(2) However, the auctioneer may disclose a bidder’s identity to
the seller of the property offered for sale, or the seller’s agent,
if the disclosure is necessary to—
(a) enable the seller or seller’s agent to negotiate with the
bidder after the property has been passed in; or
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(b) otherwise facilitate the sale of the property.
Division 4 Resident letting agents
26 Conflict of duty or interest
(1) A resident letting agent must not accept an appointment to act,
or act, as a resident letting agent for a client if doing so will
place the resident letting agent’s duty or interests in conflict
with the client’s interests.
Example of a conflict with the client’s interest—
the agent lets lots in a building complex for a client and the agent owns
or has an interest in lots in the complex that the agent also lets
(2) However, subsection (1) does not apply if the resident letting
agent discloses the conflict to the client in writing before
accepting the appointment or acting.
27 Prior appointment of another agent
(1) Before accepting an appointment to let lots or to collect rents
for lots in a building complex for a client, a resident letting
agent (the new agent) must take reasonable steps to find out
whether the client has already appointed another resident
letting agent (an existing agent) or a real estate agent (also an
existing agent) to let lots or to collect rents for lots in the
(2) The new agent must not solicit or accept the appointment if—
(a) the new agent knows, or should know, that the
appointment of an existing agent to let lots or to collect
rents for lots in the building complex is in force; and
(b) the client may have to pay the following—
(i) a commission under each appointment;
(ii) damages for breach of contract under the existing
agent’s appointment.
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Part 5 Conduct standards
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(3) However, subsection (2) does not apply if, before the client
signs the new agent’s appointment, the new agent gives the
client a written statement that, if the client appoints the new
agent, the client may have to pay the following—
(a) a commission under each appointment;
(b) damages for breach of contract under the existing
agent’s appointment.
28 Finding out or verifying property ownership and
Before a resident letting agent lets lots or collects rents for lots
in a building complex, the agent must take reasonable steps to
find out or verify the lot’s ownership and property description.
29 Finding out or verifying facts material to letting lots or
collecting rents
(1) A resident letting agent appointed to let lots or to collect rents
for lots in a building complex must take reasonable steps to
find out or verify the facts material to letting the lots or
collecting the rents that a prudent resident letting agent would
have found out or verified to avoid error, omission,
exaggeration or misrepresentation.
(2) The steps must be taken before the resident letting agent lets
the lots or collects the rents and afterwards as the occasion
30 Resident letting agent to act in accordance with client’s
A resident letting agent must act in accordance with a client’s
instructions unless it is contrary to this division or otherwise
unlawful to do so.
A resident letting agent must not market or advertise or offer to let lots
in a building complex at a price or on terms different from the price or
terms authorised by the client.
[s 31]
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Part 6 Issuing or renewing licence for shorter term
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Part 6 Issuing or renewing licence for
shorter term
31 Shorter term for additional licence—Act, s 80(2)
(1) Subsection (2) applies if—
(a) a person applies for 1 or more licences under the Act or
an Agents Act; and
(b) the application has not been decided when the person
applies for 1 or more additional licences under the Act;
(c) an application mentioned in paragraph (a) or (b) is
decided before the other applications are decided.
(2) The chief executive may issue a licence for an application
under the Act mentioned in subsection (1) for a shortened
term, so that each licence mentioned in that subsection expires
at the same time.
(3) Subsection (4) applies if—
(a) a person holds a licence under the Act or an Agents Act;
(b) the person applies for 1 or more additional licences
under the Act (the second licence).
(4) The chief executive may issue the second licence for a
shortened term, so that each licence mentioned in
subsection (3) expires at the same time.
32 Shorter term for renewal of licence—Act, s 80(2)
(1) This section applies if—
(a) a person holds a licence under the Act or an Agents Act;
(b) the person applies for renewal of 1 or more additional
licences under the Act.
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Part 7 Fees
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(2) The chief executive may renew a licence mentioned in
subsection (1)(b) for a shortened term, so that each licence
mentioned in subsection (1) expires at the same time.
33 Shorter term if holder of another licence carries on
business with applicant—Act, s 80(2)
(1) Subsection (2) applies if—
(a) a person applies for—
(i) 1 or more licences; or
(ii) the renewal of 1 or more licences; and
(b) another person who carries on business with the
applicant holds a licence under the Act or an Agents
(2) The chief executive may issue or renew a licence mentioned
in subsection (1)(a) for a shortened term, so that each licence
mentioned in subsection (1) expires at the same time.
Part 7 Fees
Division 1 Fees payable
34 Fees
Subject to division 2, the fees payable under the Act are
prescribed in schedule 1.
34A Rounding of amounts expressed as numbers of fee units
(1) This section applies for working out the amount of a fee
expressed in this regulation as a number of fee units.
(2) For the purpose of the Acts Interpretation Act 1954,
section 48C(3), the amount is to be rounded—
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(a) if the result is not more than $100—to the nearest
multiple of 5 cents (rounding one-half upwards); or
(b) if the result is more than $100 but not more than
$1,000—to the nearest multiple of 10 cents (rounding
one-half upwards); or
(c) if the result is more than $1,000 but not more than
$5,000—to the nearest dollar (rounding one-half
upwards); or
(d) if the result is more than $5,000 but not more than
$100,000—to the nearest multiple of 10 dollars
(rounding one-half upwards).
If a fee were 35 fee units and the value of a fee unit were $1.015, the
number of dollars obtained by multiplying 35 by $1.015 would be
$35.525. Because $35.525 is halfway between $35.50 and $35.55, it is
rounded upwards, so the amount of the fee would be $35.55.
Division 2 Licences
35 Fee discount for multiple applications under the Act or an
Agents Act
(1) This section applies if—
(a) a person’s application for a licence has not been decided
when the person applies for 1 or more additional
licences under the Act or an Agents Act; or
(b) a person applies for a licence and, at the same time,
applies for 1 or more additional licences under the Act
or an Agents Act.
(2) If—
(a) the licence issue fee for 1 or more of the licences
mentioned in subsection (1) is higher than the licence
issue fee for any of the other licences mentioned in that
subsection; and
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(b) 1 of the applications is accompanied by a single licence
issue fee that is the highest of the licence issue fees for a
licence mentioned in subsection (1);
the licence issue fee for each of the other licences is nil.
(3) If the licence issue fee payable for each licence mentioned in
subsection (1) is the same and 1 of the applications is
accompanied by the licence issue fee, the licence issue fee for
each of the other applications is nil.
(4) If the applicant is a corporation, and 1 of the licence
applications mentioned in subsection (1) is accompanied by
an application fee, the application fee for each other
application is nil.
(5) In this section—
application fee includes an application fee for a licence under
an Agents Act.
licence issue fee includes a licence issue fee for a licence
under an Agents Act.
36 Fee discount for applicant holding 1 or more licences
under the Act or an Agents Act
(1) This section applies if—
(a) a person holds 1 or more licences under the Act or an
Agents Act; and
(b) the person applies for 1 or more additional licences
under the Act.
(2) The licence issue fee for each licence mentioned in
subsection (1)(b) is nil.
(3) If the applicant is a corporation, the application fee for each
application is nil.
37 Fee discount for renewal of 1 or more licences under the
Act or an Agents Act
(1) This section applies if—
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(a) a person holds a licence under the Act and 1 or more
other licences under the Act or an Agents Act; and
(b) the person applies for renewal of 1 or more of the
(2) If—
(a) the licence renewal fee for 1 or more of the licences
mentioned in subsection (1) is higher than the licence
renewal fee for any of the other licences mentioned in
that subsection; and
(b) 1 of the applications is accompanied by a single licence
renewal fee that is the highest of the licence renewal fees
for a licence mentioned in that subsection;
the licence renewal fee for each of the other licences is nil.
(3) If the licence renewal fee payable for renewal of each licence
mentioned in subsection (1) is the same and 1 of the renewal
applications is accompanied by the licence renewal fee, the
licence renewal fee for each of the other licences is nil.
(4) In this section—
licence renewal fee includes a licence renewal fee for a
licence under an Agents Act.
38 Fee discount to hold auctioneer licence and chattel
auctioneer licence
(1) This section applies if—
(a) a person applies for an auctioneer licence; and
(b) either—
(i) the person holds a chattel auctioneer licence; or
(ii) the person’s application for a chattel auctioneer
licence has not been decided when the person
applies for the auctioneer licence.
(2) The application fee and licence issue fee for the auctioneer
licence application is nil.
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(3) In this section—
chattel auctioneer licence means a chattel auctioneer licence
issued under the Motor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act
Division 3 Refunds for licensees
39 Withdrawn or refused licence application
The licence issue fee paid in relation to an application for a
licence must be refunded if—
(a) the application is withdrawn; or
(b) the chief executive refuses to issue the licence in relation
to the application.
40 Surrendered licence
(1) This section applies if—
(a) the term of a licence is more than 1 year; and
(b) the licence is surrendered before the term expires.
(2) However, this section does not apply if the person
surrendering the licence—
(a) continues to hold, at the time of the surrender, 1 or more
additional licences under the Act or an Agents Act; and
(b) received a discount under division 2 in relation to any of
the licences.
(3) For each whole year the surrendered licence is unexpired, an
amount must be refunded that is equal to the licence renewal
fee for 1 year that was payable by the person who held the
licence when the fees for the licence were paid.
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41 Shortened licence term
(1) This section applies if the chief executive issues or renews a
licence for a shorter term under part 6.
(2) For each whole month the term of the licence is shortened, an
amount must be refunded that is equal to one-twelfth of the
licence renewal fee for the licence for 1 year that was payable
when the fees for the licence were paid.
(3) In this section—
whole month means a month beginning on the day of the
calendar month on which a licence was issued or renewed and
ending on the day before the corresponding day of the next
calendar month.
Examples of a whole month—
for a licence issued on 1 September in a year—a month beginning
on the first day of any month and ending on the last day of that
for a licence issued on 7 March in a year—a month beginning on
the seventh day of any month and ending on the sixth day of the
next month
Division 4 Refunds for real estate
42 Withdrawn or refused application for registration as real
estate salesperson
The registration issue fee paid in relation to an application for
registration as a real estate salesperson must be refunded if—
(a) the application is withdrawn; or
(b) the chief executive refuses to issue a registration
certificate in relation to the application.
43 Surrendered registration certificate
(1) This section applies if—
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(a) the term of registration as a real estate salesperson is 3
years; and
(b) the registration certificate for the registration is
surrendered before the term expires.
(2) For each whole year the registration is unexpired, an amount
must be refunded that is equal to the registration certificate
renewal fee for 1 year that was payable when the fees for the
term of registration were paid.
Division 5 Fees that are not refundable
44 No refund payable in particular circumstances
To remove any doubt, it is declared that—
(a) no refund is payable for an application fee for—
(i) a licence; or
(ii) renewal of a licence; or
(iii) restoration of a licence; or
(iv) registration as a real estate salesperson; or
(v) renewal of a registration certificate; or
(vi) restoration of a registration certificate; and
(b) no refund is payable for—
(i) a licence restoration fee; or
(ii) a registration restoration fee; or
(iii) the unexpired term of a deactivated licence; or
(iv) the period a licence or registration certificate—
(A) is suspended; or
(B) would have been in force apart from its
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Part 8 Transitional provisions
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Part 8 Transitional provisions
See section 272 (Refund of fees paid under PAMDA) of the Act.
45 Refund for property developer licence issued under
(1) This section applies to a person who immediately before the
commencement of this section, held a property developer
licence under PAMDA.
(2) However, this section does not apply if—
(a) the person, on the commencement, continues to hold a
licence under the Act or an Agents Act; and
(b) the person received a fee concession, in relation to 1 or
more of the licences, under the repealed Property Agents
and Motor Dealers Regulation 2001, section 4; and
(c) the concession resulted in no licence issue fee being
payable for each of the licences.
(3) The chief executive must refund to the person the amount
worked out using the formula—
LF means—
(a) if the licence has been renewed—the licence renewal fee
paid by the person when the licence was last renewed; or
(b) if the licence has been restored—the licence renewal fee
paid by the person when the licence was last restored; or
(c) otherwise—the licence issue fee paid by the person for
the licence.
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LM means the number of months (including any part of a
month) for which the licence was issued, renewed or restored.
WM means the number of whole months, as defined in
section 41(3), before the expiry date for the licence had
PAMDA not been repealed.
46 Refund for surrender of registration certificate as a
property developer salesperson
(1) This section applies to a person who—
(a) immediately before the commencement of this section
held a registration certificate as a property developer
salesperson under PAMDA; and
(b) surrenders the certificate.
(2) The chief executive must refund to the person the amount
worked out using the formula—
RF means—
(a) if the registration certificate was renewed—the
registration certificate renewal fee paid by the person
when the registration certificate was last renewed; or
(b) if the registration certificate was restored—the
registration renewal fee paid by the person when the
registration certificate was last restored; or
(c) otherwise—the registration issue fee paid by the person
for the registration certificate.
RM means the number of months (including any part of a
month) for which the registration certificate was issued,
renewed or restored.
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WM means the number of whole months, as defined in
section 41(3), before the expiry date for the registration
certificate had PAMDA not been repealed.
47 No refund for surrender of transitioned licence if multiple
licences held under Act or Agents Act
(1) This section applies to a person if—
(a) under section 239 of the Act, the person is taken to be
the holder of a transitioned licence that is a licence
under the Act; and
(b) the person surrenders the licence; and
(c) the person continues to hold, at the time of the
surrender, another licence under the Act or an Agents
Act; and
(d) the person received a fee concession in relation to 1 or
more of the licences under the repealed Property Agents
and Motor Dealers Regulation 2001, section 4; and
(e) the concession resulted in no licence issue fee being
payable for each of the licences.
(2) No refund is payable under section 40 to the person for the
(3) In this section—
transitioned licence see schedule 3 of the Act.
Schedule 1
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Schedule 1 Fees
section 34
Part 1 Fees relating to licences
Division 1 Issue of licence
Division 2 Renewal of licence
Fee units
1 Application fee for a licence (Act, s 30(2)(a)) 175.60
2 Licence issue fee (Act, s 30(2)(b))—
(a) corporation—
for 1 year 683.10
for 3 years 1,373.00
(b) individual—
for 1 year 1,333.00
for 3 years 2,653.00
Fee units
3 Application fee for renewal of a licence (Act, s
58(2)(d)(i)) 89.75
4 Licence renewal fee for a licence, other than a deactivated
licence mentioned in section 75(6) of the Act (Act, s
(a) corporation—
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Division 3 Restoration of licence
for 1 year 344.80
for 3 years 1,041.00
(b) individual—
for 1 year 676.70
for 3 years 2,037.00
5 Licence renewal fee for a deactivated licence (Act, ss
58(2)(d)(ii) and 75(6))—
(a) corporation—
for 1 year 175.60
for 3 years 520.60
(b) individual—
for 1 year 338.40
for 3 years 1,015.00
Fee units
6 Application fee for restoration of a licence (Act, s
61(2)(e)(i)) 89.75
7 Licence renewal fee for a licence, other than a deactivated
licence mentioned in section 75(6) of the Act (Act, s
(a) corporation—
for 1 year 344.80
for 3 years 1,041.00
(b) individual—
for 1 year 676.70
Fee units
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Division 4 Other acts relating to licence
for 3 years 2,037.00
8 Licence renewal fee for a deactivated licence (Act, ss
61(2)(e)(ii) and 75(6))—
(a) corporation—
for 1 year 175.60
for 3 years 520.60
(b) individual—
for 1 year 338.40
for 3 years 1,015.00
9 Licence restoration fee for a licence, other than a
deactivated licence mentioned in section 75(6) of the Act
(Act, s 61(2)(e)(iii)) 119.70
10 Licence restoration fee for a deactivated licence (Act, ss
61(2)(e)(iii) and 75(6)) 60.50
Fee units
11 Application fee for the appointment, or the extension of
the appointment, of a substitute licensee or real estate
salesperson (Act, s 66(5)(c) or 67(5)(c)) 89.75
12 Application fee for amendment of the conditions of a
licence (Act, s 71(2)) 89.75
13 Fee for deactivation of a licence (Act, s 75(2)) 89.75
14 Fee for reactivation of a licence (Act, s 75(9)) 89.75
15 Fee for replacement of a licence (Act, s 81(6)(b)) 45.45
16 Fee for replacement of a licence other than under
section 81 of the Act 45.45
Fee units
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Division 5 Licence register
Part 2 Fees relating to registration as
real estate salesperson
Division 1 Application for registration
Division 2 Renewal of registration certificate
Fee units
17 Fee to inspect the part of the licence register containing
the particulars mentioned in section 82(2) of the Act (Act,
s 82(3)) 18.25
18 Fee for a copy of details in the part of the licence register
mentioned in item 17 (Act, s 82(3)) 18.25
Fee units
19 Application fee for registration as a real estate salesperson
(Act, s 117(2)(a)) 106.80
20 Registration issue fee (Act, s 117(2)(b))—
for 1 year 247.20
for 3 years 494.70
Fee units
21 Application fee for renewal of a registration certificate
(Act, s 130(2)(c)(i)) 54.05
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Division 3 Restoration of registration
Division 4 Other acts relating to registration
22 Registration certificate renewal fee (Act, s 130(2)(c)(ii))—
for 1 year 123.70
for 3 years 377.60
Fee units
23 Application fee for restoration of a registration certificate
(Act, s 133(2)(d)(i)) 54.05
24 Registration renewal fee (Act, s 133(2)(d)(ii))—
for 1 year 123.70
for 3 years 377.60
25 Registration restoration fee (Act, s 133(2)(d)(iii)) 21.45
Fee units
26 Application fee for amendment of the conditions of a
registration certificate (Act, s 138(2)) 54.05
27 Fee for replacement of a registration certificate (Act, s
147(6)(b)) 27.35
Fee units
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Division 5 Registration certificate register
Part 3 Fees relating to register of
Fee units
28 Fee to inspect the part of the registration certificate
register containing the particulars mentioned in
section 148(3) of the Act (Act, s 148(4)) 18.25
29 Fee for a copy of details in the part of the registration
certificate register mentioned in item 28 (Act, s 148(4)) 18.25
Fee units
30 Fee to inspect the register of undertakings (Act, s 201(4)) 18.25
31 Fee for a copy of details in the register of undertakings
(Act, s 201(4)) 18.25