Google Authenticator Quick Start Guide
Starting July 15, 2015, all ACF web users will need to enable Two Factor Authentication (TFA)
on their ACF accounts. Two Factor Authentication (TFA) is a tool to help prevent unauthorized
users from accessing your ACF account.
How it works
In a two-factor authentication system the first form of user identification is your current login
credentials - your username and password. The second form of identification is created by a
special algorithm in the ACF system and sent to a device you have authorized to receive that
code. ACF is using a smartphone application, Google Authenticator, as the primary tool for
receiving codes. As a backup method, we also have an SMS text message system. Because
any user attempting to login must possess both your username and password AND your phone,
it is much more difficult for a user account to become compromised.
Google Authenticator app generates a six-digit code for you to enter when you log in. The code
changes about every minute. Once you have set up the connection with ACF’s site, every time
that you log out of your ACF account you will need to use Google Authenticator to regain access
when you login again. The default account timeout settings have not changed with TFA. You
may not need to login to your ACF account when you are away from your desk for an extended
period of time.
Steps to set up Google Authenticator
Follow the steps below to link Google Authenticator to your ACF account, and use it as your
secondary method of identification.
1. Login to your ACF account using your username and password as you normally would.
2. On the next screen, a prompt will inform you that you need to set up TFA on your
a. Reenter your password to continue.
Browser screen showing the password reentry
for TFA setup
b. On the next screen, you will be begin setup of Google Authenticator on your
c. You will be using Google Authenticator each time you login to ACF to acquire the
second authentication code the system now requires. Below that, you will see a
manual verification code and a QR code you can scan with your phone.
Browser screen showing the QR and manual authentication codes
d. You will use these in the following steps to connect your smartphone app with
your ACF account.
3. On your smartphone, open up the App Store on your iPhone or the Google Play Store
on your Android device. Search for “Google Authenticator.”
a. The Google Authenticator app will appear as the top search result. In the App
Store, select Getand then Install”, as you do with any app you are installing.
Choose the Installoption in the Google Play Store.
iPhone App Store Screen
Google Play Store Screen
b. Note: y
ou may need to enter your App/Play Store password to verify that you
want to download the application.
c. E
xit the app store and wait for the app to download before continuing. Once the
Google Authenticator app has been installed, open the app.
d. A
menu will appear that will allow to you either scan the QR code on the ACF
website or manually enter the verification code that appears above the QR code.
iPhone Screenshots from the Google Authenticator App
e. Note: A
ndroid users should tap the Begin Setupbutton on the first screen in the
f. If you select Scan a barcode,” your phone’s camera will activate. Hold your
phone close to the screen to allow the camera to capture the QR code.
4. When the QR code or manual code has processed, Google Authenticator will generate a
six-digit verification code and display it.
iPhone Google
Authenticator Code Screen
Android Google
Authenticator Code Screen
a. Type the six-dig
it code you see in the app into the ACF website below the QR
code. Then select verify and save.
b. Note: the code has a timer, if the timer expires you may need to enter in a new
code before continuing your login.
The field in your Browser where you enter the initial
Verification Code from the app
5. On the nex
t screen, you will sign up for SMS (text message) authentication. The SMS
authentication will act as a backup in case the app malfunctions.
a. E
nter your mobile phone number into the box.
The field in your browser where you enter in your
mobile telephone number
b. Select Send SMS.A text message will be sent to you phone.
c. Once you receive the verification code, enter it in the verification code box on the
ACF website. Then select verify and save.
A sample SMS message
The field in your browser where you enter in the six-digit
code that is sent to you through SMS message.
You s
hould now have full access your ACF account. You will also receive an email confirmation
that TFA has been configured for your account.