Google 2 Step Verification
Log into your SMCM email account and click on sengs
Click Accounts and Import
Click on Google Account sengs
Under Sign-In & Security, select Signing to Google
Click on 2-Step Vericicaon
Click Get Started
You will be prompted to enter your SMCM email password, then click next
You will now decide how you would like to receive the codes for signing into your account. If you have a smart phone or a phone
that accepts text messages, then the recommended method would be Text message. You will need to enter the phone number
you wish to use and then click next
You will receive a text message from Google with a 5 digit code, enter the code into the box provided
Once the code has been sent and Google is able to verify your code, you will see the following, click on Turn On
Congratulaons, you have successfully turned on 2-step vericaon. If you would like to connue to receive text message's as your
method of vericaon, you do not need to do anything further. That being said, there are other opons available to those who
have a smart phone. Those opons are explained below
Add Google Prompt—Click Add Google prompt, enter your cell phone number and each me you log in to your email, you will re-
ceive a prompt on your phone. A few things to note:
A data connecon is required to use Google prompt.
users with iOS devices will need to install the Google app in order to use Google prompt.
Authencator App—download and install the Google Authencator app on your android or i-phone
Under "Authencator app," click Set up.
Open the Google Authencator applicaon. If this is the rst me you've used Authencator, tap Begin setup. To add a new
account, in the boom right, tap Add .
To link your mobile device to your account: Using Barcode: Tap "Scan Barcode" and then point your camera at the QR code on
your computer screen.
Using Manual Entry: Tap "Manual Entry" and enter the email address of your Google Account. Then, enter the secret key on
your computer screen into the box under "Key". Next, turn on Time Based and tap Done
To test that the applicaon is working, enter the vericaon code on your mobile device into the box on your computer under En-
ter code, then click Verify. The clock icon on your mobile device will let you know how much me is le before the vericaon
code expires and a new one is generated.
If your code is correct, you will see a conrmaon message. Click Done to conrm. If your code is incorrect, try generang a new
vericaon code on your mobile device, then entering it on your compute
Backup Codes
These printable one-me passcodes allow you to sign in when away from your phone, like when youre traveling. Click on setup
and a list will appear. If you print out this list, put it in a secure locaon.
Backup Phone
You can add a backup phone for added security.