Journal of Undergraduate Research at Journal of Undergraduate Research at
Minnesota State University, Mankato Minnesota State University, Mankato
Volume 17 Article 5
Protective Effect of Beta-Sitosterol against Ethanol Toxemia Protective Effect of Beta-Sitosterol against Ethanol Toxemia
Dakota Cooper
Minnesota State University, Mankato
April Boucher-Zamzo
Minnesota State University, Mankato
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Cooper, Dakota and Boucher-Zamzo, April (2017) "Protective Effect of Beta-Sitosterol against Ethanol
Journal of Undergraduate Research at Minnesota State University, Mankato
: Vol. 17, Article 5.
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Protective Effect of Beta-Sitosterol against Ethanol Toxemia
Dakota Cooper, April Boucher-Zamzo
Herbal medications have no indications of interactions with alcohol on their labels. There
has been at least one clinical finding that saw palmetto with active ingredient beta-sitosterol used
for enlarged male prostates caused pancreatic damage. This study with 20 male mice
hypothesized that ethanol would increase the toxicity of beta-sitosterol. It was found that mice
dosed by gavage with 0.1 ml of 95 proof ethanol died starting at the second dose and increased to
100% by the sixth dose (unexpected based on literature). 60-microgram injections of beta-
sitosterol prevented deaths in 80% of the mice past the sixth dose opposite to what was expected.
Beta-sitosterol failed to protect the liver, enlarged the pancreas, and protected the kidneys from
ethanol induced damage.
Large quantities of herbal medications of unknown content claim medical properties,
these are available over-the-counter or on the Internet. Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens), a plant, is
sold to older men with enlarged prostates (benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH) or anticipating
BPH that contains this herb or one of its purified active ingredient. One of the ingredients of Saw
Palmetto is beta-sitosterol which has been shown to be pharmacologically active (1). However,
they are not warned about possible toxicity/side effects.
A published clinical study of a 65 year old male with a variety of health problems and
heavy alcohol use developed pancreatitis (inflammation and dangerous deterioration of
pancreatic cells) one week after treatment with Saw Palmetto (2). The doctors did not believe
alcohol was the leading cause of pancreas damage as indicated by very high blood (and urine)
sugar levels which indicated the insulin producing cells of the pancreas were damaged. This is
confusing because alcohol intake also causes pancreatic and liver damage (3). The hypothesis of
the study is that mice given ethanol and beta-sitosterol will have decreased liver and pancreas
function as determined by increased urine glucose (pancreatic damage) or urine bilirubin (causes
jaundice color that indicates liver damage [4]).
Cooper and Boucher-Zamzo: Protective Effect of Beta-Sitosterol against Ethanol Toxemia
Published by Cornerstone: A Collection of Scholarly and Creative Works for Minnesota State University, Mankato, 2017
Materials and Methods:
Twenty male mice of the strain C57/Bl6 ages 6-13 weeks were weighed and separated
into four age-balanced groups of five mice. The groups of mice were then placed into cages that
had water and food freely available. The animal protocols were approved by the Minnesota State
University Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) approval number 16-06
Mice dosed twice per week on Mondays and Wednesdays with 0.1 ml 0.849% NaCl (oral
saline by curved gavage needle), 0.1 ml sterile corn oil i.p. (abdominal injection) as the control;
0.1 ml Saline, 0.1 ml 60 µg Beta-Sitosterol in corn oil, 0.1 ml 0.425% NaCl plus 95 proof
ethanol (oral ethanol), i.p. corn oil; and 0.1 ml oral ethanol, 0.1 ml i.p. beta-sitosterol. These
groups were selected to give clarity on how the compounds, ethanol and beta-sitosterol,
interacted individually and in combination. Mice euthanized after week eight when one control
mouse died. Oral dosing was based on a previous study that was investigating deleterious effects
of ethanol (5). Abdominal dosing by injection was based on a similar study in mice (6).
Urine collected on Fridays and analyzed with VWR urine test strips. Initially the urine
was analyzed for glucose (pancreas damage), ketones (near death or ketoacidosis from pancreas
damage), bilirubin, urobilinogen (liver damage and kidney damage) and protein (kidney damage
prior to death). After mice started to die from the treatments, the urine analysis was expanded to
test for pH (acidosis), and leukocytes (white blood cells in urine) in addition to the original five
compounds. Urine was collected from the mice by spinning the by the tail and then picking the
mice up by the tail and scruff. The mice were then placed over a funnel and gentle pressure was
applied to the lower abdomen.
Mice dissected immediately after euthanization or frozen after death, weighed and
dissected following thawing and organ data collected. Organ analysis was performed on the
liver, intestines, pancreas, kidney and heart. Organs were weighed and inspected for condition.
Two-way ANOVA was run using SYSTAT 9.0® software with P<0.05 accepted as
statistically different.
Journal of Undergraduate Research at Minnesota State University, Mankato, Vol. 17 [2017], Art. 5
DOI: 10.56816/2378-6949.1203
There was no statistical difference in the body weights of the treatment groups as
determined by two-way ANOVA and seen in Table 1.
Table 1. Mean+SEM body weights of treatment groups.
Treatment Groups
Body Weights
Saline and corn oil
Saline and beta-sitosterol
Ethanol and corn oil
Ethanol and beta-sitosterol
Mortality was seen in the two treatment groups that were dosed with ethanol following
the second dose. In the ethanol treatment group, ethanol and corn oil, two mice died after dosing
and one mouse died in the ethanol and beta-sitosterol group as seen in Figure 1. Mortality
increased after each subsequent dose in the ethanol treatment group until all mice were dead,
after dose six. One mouse in the control group died in week eight whereupon the study was
Figure 1. Mortality of treatment groups based on dose number. * denotes different from control p<.05 (LSD posthoc
following significant effect of ethanol and beta-sitosterol effects). Ethanol mortality unexpected based on published
study results (3).
Following dissection the intestines were weighed and visually inspected for appearance
and condition. Statistical analysis of the intestinal weights indicated a statistical difference
between groups treated with ethanol and groups not treated with ethanol as seen in Figure 2.
Cooper and Boucher-Zamzo: Protective Effect of Beta-Sitosterol against Ethanol Toxemia
Published by Cornerstone: A Collection of Scholarly and Creative Works for Minnesota State University, Mankato, 2017
Visual inspection of the intestines revealed distension of the intestines in groups treated with
The livers of the mice in the ethanol treatment groups were visually dark red in color with
dark spots throughout the tissue. There was a statistical difference between groups treated with
ethanol and groups not treated with ethanol as determined by a two-way ANOVA and as seen in
Figure 2.
Figure 2. Ethanol showed expected negative effects on liver (damage) and intestinal weights (distended but lacking
brush border) compared to control mice. * denotes p<.05 compared to control (ethanol effect alone). Error bars =
Visually there was no noticeable difference in pancreases other than size, which is
accounted for based on the weight data obtained. Statistical analysis showed a statistical
difference in the weights of pancreases in groups treated with beta-sitosterol compared to groups
not given beta-sitosterol, as seen in Figure 3.
Journal of Undergraduate Research at Minnesota State University, Mankato, Vol. 17 [2017], Art. 5
DOI: 10.56816/2378-6949.1203
Figure 3. Beta-sitosterol increased pancreas size. * denotes p<.05 (beta-sitosterol effects alone).Error bars = SEM.
Ethanol reduced kidney weight. This result was not as pronounced in the beta-sitosterol
and ethanol treatment group. Statistical analysis showed an interaction between ethanol and beta-
sitosterol, as seen in Figure 4.
Figure 4. Interactions of Ethanol and Beta-sitosterol on the kidneys. * denotes p<.05 different from control and
ethanol and beta-sitosterol dosed mice (ethanol*beta-sitosterol interaction term meaning beta-sitosterol prevented
kidney damage). Error bars=SEM
Cooper and Boucher-Zamzo: Protective Effect of Beta-Sitosterol against Ethanol Toxemia
Published by Cornerstone: A Collection of Scholarly and Creative Works for Minnesota State University, Mankato, 2017
Ethanol binge-like drinking caused intestine and liver damage and kills mice as expected.
The mechanism of intestinal distension was not investigated by this study. The mice which were
treated with ethanol showed signs of liver damage, which is consistent with current literature.
Beta-sitosterol caused an enlargement of the pancreas. This is expected if it represents
hypertrophy due to damaging inflammation. This contradicts previous studies which indicated
beta-sitosterol as an anti-inflammatory compound (7). However, the vast majority of studies
involving beta-sitosterol have been focused on the prostrate and it is currently unknown if the
anti-inflammatory property extends to other organs as well. As glucose administration is the only
method to prevent alcohol toxemia in humans due to hypoglycemia, pancreatitis may explain
why mice were protected from ethanol. This result needs future experiments to check blood
glucose and insulin levels as the urinalysis was inconclusive except for higher protein and
ketones in dying mice.
Beta-sitosterol mitigated the kidney damage by the ethanol. This was determined through
statistical analysis. This is unexpected but may be a key factor in mice surviving ethanol.
Phytohormones, such as beta-sitosterol, have been shown to prevent renal dysfunction (7,8). This
was not the focus of this study. Future studies are needed to investigate the mechanism of kidney
Decreased mortality was seen in the beta-sitosterol and ethanol treatment compared to the
ethanol treatment. This result was interesting as increased mortality was expected. This result
shows that data reveals unknown mechanisms.
As researchers we thank our mentor, Dr. Steven Mercurio, for guiding us through the
research process. Brent Pearson for instructions on handling the animals and the Animal care
facilities team for project support. Flevis Waindim for the heart and kidney data. The Minnesota
State University Mankato Undergraduate Research Center for funding.
Journal of Undergraduate Research at Minnesota State University, Mankato, Vol. 17 [2017], Art. 5
DOI: 10.56816/2378-6949.1203
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Cooper and Boucher-Zamzo: Protective Effect of Beta-Sitosterol against Ethanol Toxemia
Published by Cornerstone: A Collection of Scholarly and Creative Works for Minnesota State University, Mankato, 2017