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Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies
Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies
e Relationship Between Customer Relationship
Management Usage, Customer Satisfaction, and
Robert Lee Simmons
Walden University
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Walden University
College of Management and Technology
This is to certify that the doctoral study by
Robert Simmons
has been found to be complete and satisfactory in all respects,
and that any and all revisions required by
the review committee have been made.
Review Committee
Dr. Ronald McFarland, Committee Chairperson, Doctor of Business Administration Faculty
Dr. Alexandre Lazo, Committee Member, Doctor of Business Administration Faculty
Dr. William Stokes, University Reviewer, Doctor of Business Administration Faculty
Chief Academic Officer
Eric Riedel, Ph.D.
Walden University
The Relationship Between Customer Relationship Management Usage, Customer
Satisfaction, and Revenue
Robert L. Simmons
MS, California National University, 2010
BS, Excelsior College, 2003
Doctoral Study Submitted in Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree of
Doctor of Business Administration
Walden University
September 2015
Given that analysts expect companies to invest $22 billion in Customer Relationship
Management (CRM) systems by 2017, it is critical that leaders understand the impact of
CRM on their bottom line. The purpose of this correlational study was to investigate
potential relationships between the independent variables of customer satisfaction and
CRM utilization on the dependent variable of business revenue. The service-profit chain
formed the theoretical framework for this study. The study population included 203
service branches for an industrial equipment manufacturer in North America. The service
director for the subject organization provided the data for the study via data extracts from
the company’s corporate database. Some branches were eliminated, leaving a total
sample size of 178. The results of a multiple linear regression analysis showed that the
proposed model could significantly predict branch revenue F (2,175) = 37.321, p < .001,
= .298. Both CRM use and customer satisfaction were statistically significant, with
CRM use (beta = .488, p < .001) showing a higher contribution than customer
satisfaction (beta = -.152, p = .021). This study provides evidence to business executives
that CRM use has a strong positive influence on revenue. Additionally, this study
supports the findings of other studies that show a point of diminishing returns in
improved customer satisfaction. This study contributes to positive social change by
allowing firms to make better decisions with their investment dollars and by increasing
CRM utilization through cause-related marketing.
The Relationship Between Customer Relationship Management Usage, Customer
Satisfaction, and Revenue
Robert L. Simmons
MS, California National University, 2010
BS, Excelsior College, 2003
Doctoral Study Submitted in Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree of
Doctor of Business Administration
Walden University
September 2015
The completion of this DBA doctoral study is the culmination of a life of
learning, perseverance, and determination. I wish that I could take credit for all of this but
that would be false. Primarily, I would never have made it through this journey without
the strength, guidance, and mercy of my Lord. In addition to all he has done for me, he
has blessed me with a wonderful family who has worked hard to make it possible for me
to reach this goal.
I am dedicating this dissertation to my amazing wife of 32 years, Karen. Without
her love and support, I would never make it out of bed in the morning. This
accomplishment is more a testament to her love, devotion, and belief in me than anything
I could have done on my own. When I was ready to give up, she pushed me forward.
When I thought I could no longer go on, she helped me through. She is due any honor,
title, or prestige that may come from this achievement.
Many people deserve my thanks for helping me achieve this goal. First, I would
like to thank my committee chair Dr. Ronald McFarland. Dr. McFarland has provided
countless hours of honest and needed feedback to help me along this journey. He has
worked diligently to help me get through this process as smoothly as possible. I would
also like to thank my other committee members Dr. Alexandre Lazo and Dr. William
Stokes. Both Dr. Lazo and Dr. Stokes have provided valuable feedback that helped me
improve the quality of my work and ensured my study lived up to the rigid academic
standards of Walden University.
I would also like to thank Dr. Freda Turner and all of the DBA program faculty
and staff. I cannot forget the help from the staff at the writing center and the library.
Walden has put together an incredible staff for this program. The staff at Walden gives
every student the tools and encouragement they need to succeed. I would not have
wanted to attempt this program of study at any other institution.
Lastly, I would like to thank my fellow students in every class and residency
along the way. They were a constant source of encouragement and help. I can only hope
that they would say the same about me.
Table of Contents
List of Tables ..................................................................................................................... iv
List of Figures ......................................................................................................................v
Section 1: Foundation of the Study ......................................................................................1
Background of the Problem ...........................................................................................1
Problem Statement .........................................................................................................3
Purpose Statement ..........................................................................................................3
Nature of the Study ........................................................................................................4
Research Question .........................................................................................................5
Hypotheses .....................................................................................................................5
Theoretical Framework ..................................................................................................6
Operational Definitions ..................................................................................................7
Assumptions, Limitations, and Delimitations ..............................................................10
Assumptions .......................................................................................................... 10
Limitations ............................................................................................................ 10
Delimitations ......................................................................................................... 11
Significance of the Study .............................................................................................11
Contribution to Business Practice ......................................................................... 11
Implications for Social Change ............................................................................. 12
A Review of the Professional and Academic Literature ..............................................14
Service-Profit Chain.............................................................................................. 15
CRM Market Growth ............................................................................................ 21
The Emergence of CRM ....................................................................................... 22
CRM History ......................................................................................................... 23
CRM Benefits ....................................................................................................... 43
CRM Failures ........................................................................................................ 46
Problems With CRM............................................................................................. 47
CRM Definitions ................................................................................................... 50
CRM Strategy ....................................................................................................... 60
CRM Performance Measures ................................................................................ 64
CRM Success Measures ........................................................................................ 66
Transition .....................................................................................................................69
Section 2: The Project ........................................................................................................72
Purpose Statement ........................................................................................................73
Role of the Researcher .................................................................................................73
Participants ...................................................................................................................75
Research Method and Design ......................................................................................75
Research Method .................................................................................................. 75
Research Design.................................................................................................... 76
Population and Sampling .............................................................................................76
Ethical Research...........................................................................................................79
Data Collection Instruments ........................................................................................80
Data Collection Technique ..........................................................................................81
Data Analysis ...............................................................................................................82
Assumptions .......................................................................................................... 84
Study Validity ..............................................................................................................87
Transition and Summary ..............................................................................................89
Section 3: Application to Professional Practice and Implications for Change ..................90
Introduction ..................................................................................................................90
Presentation of the Findings.........................................................................................90
Descriptive Statistics ............................................................................................. 91
Tests of Assumptions ............................................................................................ 92
Regression Analysis Results ................................................................................. 95
Impact on the Service-Profit Chain....................................................................... 98
Applications to Professional Practice ........................................................................102
Implications for Social Change ..................................................................................104
Recommendations for Action ....................................................................................106
Recommendations for Further Research ....................................................................108
Reflections .................................................................................................................109
Summary and Study Conclusions ..............................................................................110
References ........................................................................................................................112
Appendix A: Data Use Agreement ..................................................................................133
Appendix B: SPSS Output ...............................................................................................136
List of Tables
Table 1. Summary Statistics for Research Articles Used in This Study ........................... 15
Table 2. Means (M) and Standard Deviations (SD) for Study Variables (N = 178) ........ 92
Table 3. Study Variable Correlation Coefficients and VIFs ............................................. 93
Table 4. Regression Analysis Summary for Predictor Variables ..................................... 97
List of Figures
Figure 1. Power as a function of sample size.................................................................... 78
Figure 2. Normal probability plot (P-P) of the regression standardized residuals. .......... 94
Figure 3. Scatterplot of the standardized residuals. .......................................................... 95
Section 1: Foundation of the Study
Business leaders realize that retaining profitable customers is essential to their
organization’s success (Herhausen & Schogel, 2013). In 2013, researchers estimated that
72% of business-to-consumer (B2C) companies listed retaining current customers as a
top priority (Verhoef & Lemon, 2013). The widespread need for organizations to retain
profitable customers is driving some of the current investment in business information
systems. Information systems help companies collect data and manage customer
relationships (Johnson, Clark, & Barczak, 2012; Oztaysi, Sezgin, & Ozok, 2011). In
Europe, 46% of chief information officers (CIO) had immediate plans to invest in
customer relationship management (CRM) systems (Verhoef & Lemon, 2013). Similarly,
in the United States, 73% of big business have already invested in CRM systems or plan
to do so in the near future (Verhoef & Lemon, 2013). The business demand for CRM
systems has fueled significant growth in an already strong industry (Greenberg, 2010;
Hassan & Parvez, 2013). However, many business leaders are questioning the need to
invest in CRM due to the high failure rate of CRM installations (Roy, 2013). Gartner
Group found that up to 70% of CRM installations showed no business benefits or
generated a loss (Li & Mao, 2012).
Background of the Problem
In the current literature on CRM usage, scholars have provided a multitude of
definitions for CRM systems. Most definitions focus on the technology portion of CRM,
specifically the information system that house the data (Vella & Caruana, 2012). A full
description of CRM should include the people and process that are part of any detailed
implementation (Ernst, Hoyer, Krafft, & Krieger, 2011). Using a blend of definitions
from other research, Vella and Caruana (2012) defined CRM as the integration of people,
systems, and processes to achieve customer satisfaction throughout the product life cycle.
The failure of many companies to adopt this more holistic view of CRM may be a key
reason that so many CRM implementations have failed to meet expectations (Maklan,
Knox, & Peppard, 2011). An accurate definition alone is not enough to ensure the success
of any system.
Much of the current research on CRM failures has focused on implementation
strategies. Scholars have developed a variety of implementation approaches for CRM
systems and found that no single implementation plan is always successful (Ahearne,
Rapp, Mariadoss, & Ganesan, 2012). Ahearne et al. (2012) offered a contingency
approach in order to provide the greatest opportunity for implementation success.
Ahearne et al. explained that there is no single correct approach applicable to all
organizations or situations. The concept of multiple successful strategies based on the
organizational situation is the fundamental tenant of contingency theory.
Contingency theory alone does not fill all the gaps in the current research.
Ahearne et al. (2012) called for further research to understand if CRM system usage has
any effect on firm financial performance. Much of the current CRM research focuses on
the costs of system implementation and does not address the ongoing costs or benefits of
CRM system operation. Law, Ennew, and Mitussis (2013) identified a gap in the current
research related to how CRM system operation may influence the financial performance
of the firm.
Problem Statement
Global CRM Project revenue topped $13 billion in 2012, and with failure rates
approaching 80%, businesses lost nearly $10.5 billion (Iriana, Buttle, & Ang, 2013; Sen
& Sinha, 2011). Experts predict that losses will continue, potentially reaching $22 billion
by 2017 (Li & Mao, 2012; Maklan et al., 2011). The general business problem is that
companies that invested heavily in CRM systems, such as Xerox, are not seeing the
expected improvement in customer satisfaction, service growth, and return on investment
(Ernst et al., 2011; Johnson et al., 2012; Josiassen, Assaf, & Cvelbar, 2014). The specific
business problem is that some managers have limited knowledge of the relationship
between CRM system usage, customer satisfaction, and the company’s gross revenue
(Coltman, Devinney, & Midgley, 2011; Garrido-Moreno & Padilla-Meléndez, 2011).
Purpose Statement
The purpose of this quantitative correlational study was to examine the
relationship between CRM system usage, customer satisfaction, and gross revenue. The
independent variables were CRM system usage (X
) and customer satisfaction (X
). The
dependent variable was gross revenue (Y). The targeted population included 203 service
branches from an industrial equipment manufacturer in North America. This population
was appropriate for this study because the target company provides a representative
sample of industrial service firms in North America with a fully implemented CRM
The implications for positive social change include helping companies understand
how to allocate their investment dollars. In addition, managers may use the results to
identify successful strategies to implement CRM systems or develop a method to justify
future investment. In addition to justifying the cost of a CRM system, firms may save
money by not investing in a CRM system if the cost exceeds the benefits. In either case,
business leaders can use a portion of the savings for sustainability projects or in
community development projects.
Nature of the Study
The main factors that affect a scholar’s choice of research methods are the
research question and data available (Fetters, Curry, & Creswell, 2013). The statistical
methods used in this study helped to identify if CRM system use has any relationship to
gross revenue. Researchers who use a quantitative method are attempting to accept or
refute a hypothesis using standard statistical analysis (Bettany-Saltikov & Whittaker,
2013). Since I sought to understand relationships using numerical methods in this study, a
qualitative approach was not appropriate. Similarly, a mixed method approach was not
appropriate since the study used only numerical data. The data for this study are
numerical in nature and lend themselves to a statistical analysis, which made a
quantitative approach the most appropriate; for these reasons, I selected a quantitative
method for this study.
A correlational design is appropriate to investigate relationships between the
independent and dependent variables (Bettany-Saltikov & Whittaker, 2013). In a
correlational design, the researcher is attempting to predict relationships and/or patterns
between the chosen variables (Aussems, Boomsma, & Snijders, 2011). A correlational
design was appropriate for this study since it was attempting to understand any
associations or relationships between the independent and dependent variables. Since
there was no intention of controlling any of the independent variables, experimental and
quasi-experimental designs were not appropriate for this study (Aussems et al., 2011).
Research Question
The research question is an essential element in determining the research method
(Fetters et al., 2013). Scholars should write their research question in a clear and concise
manner, purposefully worded to provide something other than a yes or no answer. In this
study, the research question explored relationships between CRM system usage, customer
satisfaction, and gross revenue. The central research question for this quantitative
correlational study was the following: What is the relationship between CRM system
usage, customer satisfaction, and gross revenue in the industrial service industry? The
primary research questions resulted in the following subquestions:
RQ-1: What is the relationship between CRM system usage and gross revenue in
the industrial service industry?
RQ-2: What is the relationship between customer satisfaction and gross revenue
in the industrial service industry?
In quantitative correlational studies, the scholar answers the research question
through hypothesis testing (Bettany-Saltikov & Whittaker, 2013). Quantitative
researchers use statistical methods to reach conclusions in their work (Fetters et al.,
2013). In this study, I employed multiple regression analysis to test the following
: There is no relationship between CRM system usage and gross
revenue in the industrial service industry.
: There is a relationship between CRM system usage and gross
revenue in the industrial service industry.
: There is no relationship between customer satisfaction and gross
revenue in the industrial service industry.
: There is a relationship between customer satisfaction and gross
revenue in the industrial service industry.
Theoretical Framework
Although researchers have developed multiple frameworks to evaluate business
performance within service industries, the service-profit chain has emerged as the most
popular. Heskett, Jones, Loveman, Sasser, and Schlesinger (1994) developed the service-
profit chain model and published it in their pioneering article in the Harvard Business
Review. The service-profit chain was one of the first theories to integrate operations
management concepts with human resource concepts in the service industry in an effort
to explain organizational success (Yee, Yeung, & Cheng, 2011). The service-profit chain
model establishes relationships between customer satisfaction, customer loyalty,
employee satisfaction, and firm profitability (Pantouvakis & Bouranta, 2013). Previous
studies have verified the validity of the service-profit chain. For example, Towler,
Lezotte, and Burke (2011) confirmed that the service-profit model links the following: (a)
concern for employees and concern for customers, (b) concern for customers and
customer satisfaction, (c) customer satisfaction and customer retention, and (d) customer
retention to firm performance. In this study, I proposed an additional variable of CRM
system usage in the service-profit chain. The intent of this study was to evaluate CRM
operation as an additional influence in the service-profit chain.
Several researchers have attempted to develop a framework to assess CRM
system performance. For example, Garrido-Moreno and Padilla-Melendez (2011)
developed a model that linked key variables including customer orientation, CRM
technology, CRM success, CRM experience, financial results, and marketing results.
Garrido-Moreno and Padilla-Melendez (2011) used an extensive review of existing
research to identify factors to use in their model and then used a survey of 311 Spanish
hotel employees to understand which factors were most significant. However, Garrido-
Moreno’s and Padilla-Melendez’s (2011) model is not sufficient for this study since it
focused on knowledge management as the primary success factor and did not consider
customer satisfaction as either a variable or result. Similarly, Hsieh, Rai, Petter, and
Zhang (2012) developed a model that linked CRM user satisfaction to employee service
quality and ultimately customer satisfaction. In another study, Wu and Lu (2012)
developed a model to link CRM operation to relationship marketing and ultimately firm
financial performance.
Operational Definitions
The following terms and phrases appear in this study. Readers who are unfamiliar
with customer relationship management can use the definitions provided to clarify terms
used in the study that are unclear. Additionally, the listing includes definitions for
common terms that may have different meanings in everyday use or could be confused
with similar terms in other industries.
Analytical customer relationship management (aCRM): The process of evaluating
a customer’s data to expose behavior patterns in relation to purchases, including parts of
the CRM system that focuses on the systematic collection, evaluation, and analysis of
customer data (Gneiser, 2010; Ranjan & Bhatnagar, 2011; Tohidi & Jabbari, 2012).
Analytic CRM includes technologies that store customer data and identify patterns such
as satisfaction levels, support levels, and customer segmentation (Gulliver, Joshi, &
Michell, 2013; Keramati, Mehrabi, & Mojir, 2010).
Collaborative customer relationship management: Collaborative CRM includes
systems that ensure the communication, management, and synchronization of customer
communications through specific distribution channels (Gneiser, 2010). Collaborative
CRM technologies include items such as e-mail, phone systems, faxes, website, and
forums (Keramati et al., 2010; Tohidi & Jabbari, 2012).
Customer lifetime value (CLV): A measure of the value of customer relationships,
in terms of profitability, over the length of the relationship (Kim, Park, Dubinsky, &
Chaiy, 2012). CLV uses the net present value technique to quantify the value of a
customer. Managers calculate CLV by subtracting the direct costs of the customer
relationship from the present value of expected benefits over the life of the relationship
(Gneiser, 2010; Verhoef & Lemon, 2013).
Customer relationship management (CRM): Vella and Caruana (2012) defined
CRM as the integration of people, systems, and processes to achieve customer
satisfaction throughout the product life cycle. CRM describes the strategic management
of customer relationships using technological tools where appropriate (Frow, Payne,
Wilkinson, & Young, 2011). The three main subcomponents of CRM are operational
CRM, analytic CRM, and collaborative CRM (Tohidi & Jabbari, 2012).
Electronic customer relationship management (eCRM): Electronic CRM is
simply CRM that includes the use of technology (Harrigan, Ramsey, & Ibbotson, 2012).
Global customer relationship management (GCRM): Kumar, Sunder, and
Ramaseshan (2011) defined GCRM as the strategic application of CRM processes and
tools across many customers in different countries.
Management CRM processes: The strategic activities that create business
intelligence and improves decision making for resource allocation, service delivery, and
product development (Keramati et al., 2010).
Operational customer relationship management (oCRM): Operational CRM
includes applications and processes that support all areas of the business that are in direct
contact with customers (Gneiser, 2010). Operational CRM technologies include
applications that support marketing, sales, and customer service (Keramati et al., 2010).
Social customer relationship management (sCRM): CRM systems that makes use
of blogs, forums, and other social media to broaden the focus of traditional CRM
(Gneiser, 2010; Trainor, Andzulis, Rapp, & Agnihotri, 2014).
Value-based customer relationship management: Gneiser (2010) defined value
based CRM as CRM that establishes a goal to build and manage a portfolio of customer
relationships, which provide maximum value for the business.
Assumptions, Limitations, and Delimitations
Nenty (2009) defined assumptions in a study as something that is not testable but
assumed to be true. For the purpose of this study, I assumed that the data provided by the
subject company were correct and accurate. There are no means available to verify the
accuracy of the data supplied. Since the data used are not public and only available from
internal company records, there are no external means available to validate the data.
Since the current North American Service Director for the subject equipment
manufacturer provided the data at the start of the study and is a credible source, the risk
of using erroneous data was minimal. Additionally, the service director was gathering
data from existing company records. The use of existing data sources further minimized
the risk of using inaccurate data.
The final assumptions relate to the mathematical requirements needed to use
regression analysis. Since regression analysis is a statistical procedure, certain
assumptions need to exist with the data for verification during data analysis. The
statistical assumptions for the regression model include (a) linearity between the
predictor and dependent variables, (b) no serial correlation, (c) homoscedasticity, and (d)
normally distributed errors (Williams, Grajales, & Kurkiewicz, 2013).
Limitations are conditions out of the researcher’s control that provide bounds for
the conclusions (Nenty, 2009). The inherent limits of using a single national organization
for the study suggest that the results of this study are not necessarily transferable to other
groups or geographic locations. In addition, since a single division of the company uses
the CRM system under study, the results may not be transferable to the other divisions
within the same company. However, given the similarity of the equipment serviced by all
divisions within the enterprise, it is likely that the results may be transferable to other
divisions within the company and similar service companies within North America.
The purpose of imposing delimitations is to limit the scope of the study (Nenty,
2009). In order to complete data collection within the 1 year designated by the Walden
University Institutional Review Board (IRB), I limited the scope of the study to the North
American service branches of the subject company. Although this manufacturer has retail
service branches globally, I excluded branches outside of North America from this study.
Additionally, this manufacturer has at least three separate instances of CRM systems it
uses across various business units. However, in this study I only focused on one of the
three CRM installations. The basis for selection of the CRM system was longevity in use,
data availability, and its frequent use by employees.
Significance of the Study
Contribution to Business Practice
Several businesses have benefited from investing in CRM systems. For example,
Hassan and Parvez (2013) found that CRM systems have become a powerful marketing
tool. Marketing leaders use CRM systems as a means to communicate with and retain
existing customers. Similarly, the driving factor for CRM growth is that companies are
finding it more profitable to retain existing customers rather than attract new ones
(Garrido-Moreno & Padilla-Meléndez, 2011). In addition to communicating with
customers, CRM provides a means to enhance business relationships with existing
customers. Many companies see CRM systems as a tool to help them add value to
existing customers and improve customer satisfaction (Wu & Lu, 2012). However,
companies do not see the benefits expected from expensive CRM projects (Maklan et al.,
2011). Regardless of the many benefits CRM systems offer, business leaders are
questioning their value.
Existing research on CRM does not clearly identify the benefits of CRM
operation (Li & Mao, 2012). Additionally, there is little knowledge about the relationship
between CRM and customer satisfaction (Sivaraks, Krairit, & Tang, 2011). Much of the
research done on CRM systems has been in the retail goods or banking sectors. This
study will add to the body of knowledge by describing the impact of CRM systems in the
industrial service sector. The subject firm for this study manufactures and distributes
industrial products. The focus of this study is the service branches for the target business
in North America. Additionally, this research will add to the body of knowledge by
determining the impact CRM has on customer satisfaction and firm financial
performance for the target organization. The results of the study should be generalizable
to similar North American industrial service organizations.
Implications for Social Change
Traditional business theory focuses on the economic aspects of business
performance; however, the development of corporate social responsibility has highlighted
the expanded role of companies in the global community. The public expects businesses
to embrace social change, clean up the environment, and improve economic conditions in
their communities (Bondy, Moon, & Matten, 2012). The business case for corporate
social responsibility demonstrates how a company’s concern for social and environmental
issues contributes to the organization’s economic success (Bondy et al., 2012).
Businesses can reinvest gains from any commercial success they experience into
additional social and environmental projects. This concept substantiates that positive
social change occurs when a company’s corporate social responsibility efforts contribute
to its financial success.
This research helped to identify the economic benefits of CRM systems and this
was the most significant finding of the study. The high cost of CRM implementations
creates an expectation from business leaders to see a return on their investment.
However, researchers have found that up to 22% of CRM systems fail to meet business
leaders’ expectations, and 20% damage customer relationships (Frow et al., 2011).
Failure of a CRM system by any measure results in wasted time and money for business.
The direct investment spent on CRM systems is not the only downside for
companies if implementations fail. Managers must also contend with the cost of lost
opportunities. Money used to invest in CRM systems is not available for the business to
use for other more lucrative projects. For example, a company could invest its funds,
resources, and capital into other projects that theoretically would have produced a return.
The potential loss to the business from a failed CRM system includes the direct project
cost and the cost of not doing other income generating projects.
The results of this study contributed to positive social change by helping
companies understand how to allocate their investment dollars. This study helped enable
managers to identify successful strategies for CRM system implementation or to learn
how to justify the expense of a CRM system. Companies can save money by ensuring
their CRM system strategy will be successful or by choosing not to invest. In either case,
companies can use any savings to invest in their local communities or other sustainability
A Review of the Professional and Academic Literature
The purpose of this study was to help business leaders understand what benefits
CRM system usage can have on their bottom line. Most managers believe that CRM
system use helps them serve their customers better, which leads to improved customer
satisfaction. Terpstra, Kuijlen, and Sijtsma (2012) found that improved customer
satisfaction leads to increased revenues. Many managers assume that merely using a
CRM system leads to improved customer satisfaction and increased revenue. In this
study, I hypothesized that the combination of CRM usage and customer satisfaction has a
positive impact on revenue.
The following literature review contains 11 major sections that provide an
extensive review of CRM. Table 1 contains a brief summary of the statistics relevant to
the journal articles used in this study. The literature review begins with a detailed
discussion of the service-profit chain. The next sections address CRM market growth, the
emergence of CRM from other processes, and a brief history of CRM platforms. The next
three sections shift focus to look at the benefits that CRM systems provide, some
examples of CRM failures, and several issues related to CRM system use. The discussion
on CRM definitions reviews the many types of CRM systems in use today and provides a
working definition for use in this study. In the discussion on CRM strategy, I provide a
detailed review of how business leaders include CRM in their overall strategy and an
example of a CRM value chain. The CRM value chain case presented in this discussion is
a synthesis of the many articles on the topic. The literature review ends with two sections
on CRM performance measures and criteria to measure CRM success.
Table 1
Summary Statistics for Research Articles Used in This Study
Frequency Percentage
Total references used that are 5 or less years old. 124 89%
Total references used that are peer reviewed. 133 96%
References used in the literature review. 100 76%
Total References 139 100%
Note. Article age refers to the number and percentage of articles that are less than 5 years
old at the expected CAO approval date. I verified the peer review for each article using
Ulrich's Periodicals Directory.
Service-Profit Chain
The service-profit chain has emerged as the primary theory to help managers
understand how employee and customer satisfaction leads to improved business
performance. Heskett et al. (1994) suggested the initial relationship later known as the
service-profit chain in 1994 (Pantouvakis & Bouranta, 2013). Other scholars have
suggested modifications such as the relationship that links performance outcomes to
employee satisfaction, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty (Evanschitzky et al.,
2012). Researchers have shown that higher levels of customer satisfaction lead to repeat
business and improved margins (Oakley, 2012). The link between customer satisfaction
and improved business performance is the most studied aspect of the service-profit chain.
Additionally, studies show that satisfied customers result from interactions with happy,
loyal, and productive employees (Pantouvakis & Bouranta, 2013).
The service-profit chain has three principal components including employee
satisfaction, customer satisfaction, and business performance. Evanschitzky et al. (2012)
proposed operational investments as another essential element. Companies invest heavily
in CRM systems in an attempt to improve their operations. Although Evanschitzky et al.
considered the effects of time lags, they failed to consider the use of operational
investments as a variable in their research. The service profit chain, along with
Evanschitzky’s et al. modification provides the basis for this study with the addition of
the variable used to consider the utilization of a CRM system. A more detailed discussion
of employee satisfaction, customer satisfaction, and financial performance follows.
Employee satisfaction. Many managers think they already understand employee
satisfaction. For example, traditional views of employee satisfaction consider constructs
such as working conditions, compensation, and interpersonal relationships (Frey, Bayon,
& Totzek, 2013). However, it is important for managers to consider infrastructure and
training investments and the impact of these investments on employee satisfaction.
Operational investments such as employee training programs or employee development
programs have also had positive effects on employee satisfaction (Evanschitzky et al.,
2012). Evanschitzky, Groening, Mittal, and Wunderlich (2011) provided a simple
definition of employee satisfaction as the overall assessment of the job by the employee.
Regardless of the definition used, scholars have found a relationship between employee
satisfaction and customer satisfaction. However, the impact of CRM operation on
employee satisfaction is not apparent.
Researchers found CRM operation could have a positive or negative impact on
employee satisfaction. Law et al. (2013) claimed that employee satisfaction was a
primary outcome of CRM operation. Hsieh et al. (2012) concluded that the mandated use
of CRM might have an adverse impact on employee satisfaction. The conflicting results
in the literature reinforce the need for additional research on the overall effect of CRM
operation on the service-profit chain.
Previous research has confirmed the link between employee satisfaction and
customer satisfaction. Pantouvakis and Bouranta (2013) found that satisfied employees
exhibit positive behaviors that lead to better customer service. Evanschitzky et al. (2011)
found that employee satisfaction improves customer satisfaction and helps strengthen the
effect customer satisfaction has on customer repurchase intentions. Improved customer
repurchase intentions should lead to improved financial performance, but this is not
necessarily the case. Some researchers found no link at all between employee satisfaction
and financial performance (Evanschitzky et al., 2012). Customer satisfaction provides a
crucial link between employee satisfaction and business performance.
Customer satisfaction. Managers believe they already have a good
understanding of how customer satisfaction influences their business results. However, a
full understanding requires more than a basic understanding of what influences customer
perceptions. Scholars have defined customer satisfaction as a client’s sense of
contentment derived from their experience with a company as compared to their
expectation prior to interacting with the business (Chougule, Khare, & Pattada, 2013).
There are two separate conceptualizations of customer interactions in relation to customer
satisfaction. Transaction-specific customer satisfaction refers to the impact of a single
customer interaction on customer satisfaction (Chougule et al., 2013). Cumulative
satisfaction is a summation of the customer’s experiences with a company over time
(Chougule et al., 2013). Managers should seek to understand both aspects of customer
satisfaction. However, Pantouvakis and Bouranta (2013) found that service quality had a
more considerable impact on cumulative customer satisfaction. The cumulative effect of
a customer’s experience with a company over many service events does more to
influence their long-term perception of the enterprise.
Researchers have found substantial benefits to improved customer satisfaction.
For example, higher levels of customer satisfaction lead to customer retention, more
repeat business, increased gross margins, reduced acquisition costs, and improved long-
term revenues (Oakley, 2012). Increased revenues and improved cash flows are the most
significant business benefit of customer satisfaction documented in the academic
literature (Williams & Naumann, 2011). Baumann, Elliott, and Burton (2012) found that
satisfied customers are willing to pay a premium for a product or service. The existing
literature is clear that improved customer satisfaction results in improved financial
performance of an organization. Scholars are still researching the impact CRM may have
on customer satisfaction and business performance.
Many believe that CRM has a positive effect on performance. Business leaders
believe that CRM systems can have a positive impact on customer satisfaction by
enabling firms to customize offerings, increase the reliability of their products, and better
manage the customer relationships (Ata & Toker, 2012). One could summarize the
empirical research to suggest that CRM operation not only improves customer
satisfaction but also increases revenue, reduces labor cost, reduces lead times, and
improves quality (Ata & Toker, 2012). However, disagreement exists among scholars
regarding the benefits of CRM operations.
There are conflicting results in much of the existing research concerning the
impacts CRM operation have on customer satisfaction. There is still considerable debate
among researchers on the actual benefits of CRM operation (Verhoef et al., 2010). Many
factors other than CRM operation affect customer satisfaction and thus complicate the
debate. For example, Chougule et al. (2013) found that product quality affects customer
satisfaction by as much as 40%. Similarly, Azad and Darabi (2013) asserted that CRM
operation did not have a notable influence on the quality of service, customer complaints,
or improved revenues. It is hard to assess the impact of CRM on customer satisfaction.
Regardless of the impact of CRM, the majority of the literature suggests that higher
levels of customer satisfaction lead to improved financial performance (Steven, Dong, &
Dresner, 2012). The question of how CRM influences customer satisfaction, and overall
business performance remains unanswered.
Financial performance. Business leaders have developed a variety of methods to
assess performance. For example, managers in different functions use a variety of metrics
such as market share, sales growth, customer acquisition, sales activity, and win-loss
ratios to measure performance (Kumar et al., 2013). Some scholars believe that the use of
only financial measures is insufficient to explain broader organizational performance. In
an effort to provide a more comprehensive measure, Wu and Lu (2012) suggested a
three-pronged approach to measuring firm performance that included financial measures,
enterprise performance, a combination of financial and operational performance, and
organizational performance. However, the approach suggested by Wu and Lu (2012) has
failed to gain widespread use. Traditional financial measures such as revenue, net
income, earnings per share, and profitability are still the most common methods of
measuring business performance (Williams & Naumann, 2011). When CRM systems are
in use for extended periods, customer lifetime value is the most popular performance
measure (Tuzhilin, 2012). The customer lifetime value approach is gaining in popularity
but is hard to implement.
The customer lifetime value approach appeals to marketers because it provides a
strong indication of future performance. Some scholars have suggested that the best
method of evaluating a firm’s value is to sum the value of its existing and future
customers (Verhoef et al., 2010). Researchers developed the concept of CLV to describe
how to value customer relationships over the life of the firm. CLV is the sum of revenue
derived from a customer over their life with a firm minus the total cost of selling and
servicing that customer (Fan & Ku, 2010). The final step in calculating CLV requires
using the net present value method to account for the time value of money (Gneiser,
2010). CLV is a difficult metric for businesses to calculate because of the need to predict
customers’ future purchasing decisions (Fan & Ku, 2010). The complications in
computing CLV have limited organizations’ ability to implement it despite its popularity.
The CLV method of calculating value is becoming more popular as companies are
shifting their focus to profitable customers (Verhoef et al., 2010). CLV adds credence to
the paradigm that it is more costly to acquire a new customer than to retain an existing
one (Nguyen & Mutum, 2012). The implementation of information systems with
embedded analytics helps companies overcome many of the difficulties in implementing
CRM Market Growth
The market for CRM systems has shifted significantly in the last 2 decades. In
2000, experts estimated the market for CRM systems between $44 and $50 billion
annually with a growth rate of approximately 15%; however, the market took a downturn
in the following years (Frow et al., 2011; Li & Mao, 2012; Maklan et al., 2011). Bull and
Adam (2011) estimated the total U.S. market size in 2008 for CRM systems at $13
billion. Some believe the decrease in market size was due to the global economic
recession. However, it appears that the market stabilized in the following years. Padilla-
Melendez and Garrido-Moreno (2013) reported the U.S. market size still at $13 billion in
2012. Market growth projections for CRM systems globally have proven to be unreliable.
Experts estimated the CRM market would grow anywhere from 12% to 36% in 2012
(Greenberg, 2010). Regardless of the actual change in market conditions, researchers are
not clear on what factors most affected the reduction in market size.
When CRM systems first came to market, many organizations believed that CRM
would provide a competitive advantage. Companies have invested in CRM systems since
the early 1990s to help them build stronger customer relationships and gain a competitive
edge in their markets (Kim et al., 2012). However, many CRM projects have failed to
meet the expected return on investment. For example, Yang (2012) found that 35% to
75% of CRM implementations failed to meet stakeholder expectations. Other scholars
have found similar results with typical failure rates between 50% and 70% (Frow et al.,
2011; Sundar, Murthy, & Yadapadithaya, 2012; Vella & Caruana, 2012). The high failure
rate of CRM applications has caused business leaders to question the need to invest in
these types of systems.
The Emergence of CRM
The emergence of CRM systems developed from the need for call center agents to
handle multiple customer contacts. The first CRM systems surfaced in the latter part of
the 1980s (Xu, Yen, Lin, & Chou, 2002). These early systems focused on the automation
of basic customer facing activities such as capturing sales leads or automating scripts for
customer service agents (Xu et al., 2002). Early CRM systems were transactional in
nature and relatively unsophisticated in terms of features or connectivity. The emergence
of the Internet in the mid-1990s significantly changed the CRM market. The Internet
enabled a new level of connectivity in two major areas. First, the Internet allowed access
to a larger user base. Second, intranets, wide area networks, and the Internet allowed
CRM systems to connect to a greater number of databases. CRM platforms based on
Internet technologies created a new market known as eCRM (Milovic, 2012; Xu et al.,
2002). The growth of eCRM platforms eventually lead to the demise of client/server
based systems (Xu et al., 2002). Web-based eCRM platforms enable consumer’s
heretofore-unprecedented access to CRM platforms while on the go.
Consumers in the new Internet age require information availability while on the
go. Consumers expect companies to have the same information available via the Internet
on computers, tablets, mobile phones, and PDAs (Milovic, 2012). New eCRM
technologies allow companies to interact with customers in ways they never could before.
Electronic CRM systems provide companies with capabilities to reach customers that did
not exist in the past (Milovic, 2012). The tools supplied by CRM and eCRM systems
have enabled a new wave of relationship marketing.
CRM History
Many people believe that CRM began with the introduction of large-scale
database technology. Although database technology undoubtedly enabled CRM growth,
the origins of CRM started in the business disciplines of marketing, strategy, and supply
chain management (Meadows & Dibb, 2012). More specifically, scholars can trace CRM
roots back to relationship-based marketing. However, CRM also has strong ties to
customer orientation and database management (Meadows & Dibb, 2012). In fact, early
implementations of CRM focused almost exclusively on technology (Meadows & Dibb,
2012). The view of CRM as a technology only solution may be a key reason that many
systems have failed.
Many companies lost their focus on the customer as they sought new technology.
The initial connection to database technology caused many users to concentrate more on
the technology rather than how to enable improved customer relationships (Frow et al.,
2011). The technology focus of the first CRM efforts, coupled with companies’ desire to
succeed, led to significant investments in CRM platforms. Between the years of 2000 and
2005, companies spent a combined $220 billion on CRM solutions (Maklan et al., 2011).
Research suggests that this was not money well spent. Scholars have found that 22% of
CRM systems implemented before 2008 have delivered disappointing results, and 20%
even damaged customer relationships (Frow et al., 2011). The misguided focus on
technology versus the balanced approach including people and processes may be a
fundamental reason that CRM systems fail.
Timeline. The history of CRM systems starts in the field of marketing.
Researchers traced the earliest origins of CRM systems to the field of relationship
marketing and the works of Berry in 1983 (Gneiser, 2010). Yeager et al. (2011) argued
that CRM started much earlier with the use of random digit dialing telephone surveys in
the 1970s. The first telephone surveys bear little resemblance to the current definition of
CRM. Abdullateef and Salleh (2013) found that the real growth of CRM started at the
beginning of the 1990s with the introduction of sales automation applications and the
expansion of call centers. Standard software applications, or platforms, sparked the real
growth of the CRM market. The release of commercial hardware and software solutions
by vendors such as Siebel Systems fueled the growth seen in the late 1990s (Saarijarvi,
Karjaluoto, & Kuusela, 2013). Commercial CRM systems came with prepackaged
applications such as sales force automation and customer support. Prepackaged
applications provided companies with system based best practices that drove
improvements in the management of sales and customer service functions. With the
implementation of commercial CRM applications, companies were able to collect vast
amounts of data on their customer’s preferences and buying habits.
With large amounts of newly obtained customer data, marketers quickly sought
new ways to use the data for strategic advantage. The availability of large quantities of
customer data spawned the idea of one-to-one marketing and mass customization in the
early 1990s (Nguyen & Mutum, 2012). Companies quickly learned that collecting and
acting on customer data could help them acquire and retain profitable customers (Nguyen
& Mutum, 2012). This need generated a new branch of CRM known as analytic CRM.
The promise of analytic CRM is that it can help convey the right offer to the right
customers at the right time (Verhoef et al., 2010). Managers’ use of analytic CRM
enabled them to turn customer data into information they could use to find new customers
or improve relationships with existing customers.
In the early to mid-2000s, a new generation of CRM began to emerge known as
social CRM or CRM 2.0 (Greenberg, 2010). The emergence of popular social networks
such as Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and others helped develop new methods for
companies to communicate and collect information from their customers. Researchers
found that the adult use of social media grew from 8% in 2005 to over 35% in 2008
(Greenberg, 2010). The purpose of social CRM is to engage customers in collaborative
conversations and improve customer relationships (Trainor et al., 2014). Social CRM
expands the available data to CRM applications and allows marketers a new channel to
communicate with customers more effectively.
Marketing. A strong relationship exists between CRM applications and the
discipline of marketing. Schniederjans, Cao, and Gu (2012) suggested that the capability
of CRM applications to profile customers is as important as product, price, promotion,
and place, better known as the four Ps of marketing. Building and managing the customer
relationship is essential to marketing. CRM technology enables companies to develop
better marketing strategies and allows execution of targeted campaigns that are more
efficient because of integrated customer data (Chang, Park, & Chaiy, 2010). Additionally,
CRM technology enables companies to improve their marketing capabilities by allowing
employees to achieve objectives faster and more thoroughly.
Traditional marketing management has focused on manufactured and packaged
consumer products for mass distribution. However, the marketing trend changed in the
early 2000s from a product-centered model to a customer-centered model (Xu et al.,
2002). The customer-centered model forced companies to focus more on the services
their customers desired rather than manufacturing products. The change in economies to
a service base caused a similar shift to services marketing (Gummesson, 2002). Service
marketing is similar to relationship marketing and focuses on the interaction between
customers and suppliers (Gummesson, 2002). Additionally, services marketing stress the
importance of personal relationships with customers and the importance of execution at
the point of the service encounter (Gummesson, 2002). CRM systems provided new
methods for companies to improve their service marketing efforts.
Transaction marketing. Early marketing efforts focused on increasing the
number of customer interactions or transactions. Transaction marketing refers to the
traditional view of marketing where the focus was on individual transactions between
buyers and sellers (Gneiser, 2010). Transactional marketing grew from the division and
specialization of labor that resulted in a diverse collection of traded goods and services
(Layton, 2011). Companies could grow their business by attracting additional customers
for similar transactions. What began as simple transactions between individuals grew
quickly into intricate patterns of trade involving entire communities, which spawned
markets (Layton, 2011). Transaction marketing describes a similar set of buyers and a
single or multiple sellers that engage in economic exchanges with limited knowledge
(Layton, 2011). The concept of transaction marketing did little to improve customer
relationships or improve customer loyalty. Relationship marketing has largely shifted the
marketing paradigm of transaction marketing from a focus on customer acquisition and
distinct transactions to long-term customer relationships with customized products
(Gneiser, 2010). However, even without a shift to relationship marketing, CRM systems
have several benefits in a transactional environment.
A significant advantage of CRM systems is its ability to improve the efficiency of
service agents during customer interactions. CRM systems can increase independent
transactions by reducing transaction times and improving payment methods (Xu et al.,
2002). The advent of online and mobile devices allow customers to execute various
transactions on their own. Mobile devices, in particular, enable customers to carry out
transactions at their convenience from virtually any location (Awasthi & Sangle, 2013).
CRM systems have the added benefit of reducing transaction costs and improving the
flow of information between the company and its suppliers (Xue, Ray, & Sambamurthy,
2013). Previous CRM researchers focused on reducing the cost of each customer
interaction or transaction cost economics (Xue et al., 2013). However, the cost savings
related to transaction economics fail to describe the full financial benefits of a CRM
Organizations need a more holistic description of the full financial impact of
CRM system usage. Market logic tends to be the dominant theory in business research
and focuses on the relationships that produce the greatest financial gain in any financial
transaction (Bondy et al., 2012). However, even market logic fails to account for the full
benefit from CRM use. CRM provides organizations with an alternative strategy that
creates greater financial performance (Keramati et al., 2010). The resource-based view
provides a framework to understand how CRM provides economic value (Keramati et al.,
2010). The resource-based view has become the dominant methodology to describe
economic value.
Resource-based view. Early researchers on the resource-based view attempted to
understand competitive advantage. Scholars initially developed the resource-based view
to help understand how companies can create and maintain a competitive advantage (Fan
& Ku, 2010). However, companies cannot market resources; they must be able to convert
resources into products or capabilities. The resource-based view suggests how efficiently
a firm converts resources into capabilities will determine its performance (Mohammed &
Rashid, 2012; Trainor et al., 2014). Resources are tangible or intangible factors that a
firm can use to achieve its objectives while capabilities are repeatable skills that a
company uses to accomplish its operations (Chang et al., 2010). The resource-based view
sees the company’s resources as valuable and specific to the firm. In order to maintain a
competitive advantage the company’s resource must be unique, valuable, rare, difficult to
imitate, and nonsubstitutable (Keramati et al., 2010). The resource-based view allowed
companies to make the link between resources and strategic plans.
The resource-based view is the dominant theory in strategic management
(Keramati et al., 2010). Business leaders use theories developed by the resource-based
view to justify new investments. The resource-based view provides a theoretical basis
that helps explain how information technology affords benefits to the organization over
time (Shanks & Bekmamedova, 2012). The resource-based view allowed scholars to
quantify aspects of human resources that were widely unaccounted for in prior theories.
Human resources are arguably the most important resource in any company.
Proponents of the resource-based view believe that businesses can expand into other
markets if they have unique, relevant, and unparalleled resources across a broad range of
markets (Xue et al., 2013). Kim, Jeon, Jung, Lu, and Jones (2012) found that the firm’s
human resources are essential to achieving a competitive advantage. For example,
Ahearne et al. (2012) saw that salespeople have dynamic capabilities that enable the
company to react quickly to customer needs and, for this reason, they provide a
competitive advantage.
The resource-based view provides the framework that ties human resources to
technology resources that combine to provide a competitive advantage. Azad and Darabi
(2013) defined CRM systems as infrastructural resources in line with the resource-based
view. Wang (2013b) argued that CRM practices could provide rare, valuable, and
difficult to imitate resources that could provide the company with a distinct competitive
advantage. In order to maintain a competitive advantage, the company must not only
guard core capabilities, but they must also protect critical resources and assets (Graf,
Schlegelmilch, Mudambi, & Tallman, 2013). The resource-based view allows researchers
to explain the relationship between people, processes, and technology that help CRM
systems achieve success.
The resource-based view has proven particularly useful in explaining the financial
outcomes of certain strategic investments. Researchers have applied the resource-based
view to CRM in order to help explain the productivity paradox of information technology
(Keramati et al., 2010). The productivity paradox refers to the problem company’s face
when they invest in information technology and see little to no improvement in firm
performance (Keramati et al., 2010). Researchers see the resource-based view as the most
appropriate method available to investigate the discrepancy between CRM investment
and firm performance. The preference for the resource-based view is due to its close tie to
marketing, information technology, and the previous application of the resource-based
view to both disciplines (Keramati et al., 2010). Scholars can take advantage of previous
research on the resource-based view and apply the learnings to current technology
Relationship marketing. The goal of most CRM strategies is to increase a client’s
income, satisfaction, and the company’s profit (Tohidi & Jabbari, 2012). CRM systems
are one method companies use to improve customer relationships and in turn customer
satisfaction and profits. CRM systems have three separate pieces. First, operational CRM
includes the customer facing software (Tohidi & Jabbari, 2012). Second, analytical CRM
stores customer information and provides reporting (Tohidi & Jabbari, 2012). Third,
collaborative CRM includes communication tools with end users such as e-mail,
telephone, and websites (Tohidi & Jabbari, 2012). These systems work together to
provide the company with the information that brings value to the customer and improves
customer relationships.
Creating value for customers is the first step in creating long-term and profitable
relationships. Companies develop relationship-marketing strategies to retain high-value
customers and maximize customer value (Ashley, Noble, Donthu, & Lemon, 2011).
Researchers believe that firms can use relationship marketing to generate repeat
purchases by encouraging customers to develop a psychological dependence on their firm
(Chen & Chen, 2013). CRM systems are a critical component of many businesses’
relationship marketing efforts. Numerous companies use CRM systems to improve their
relationship marketing efforts (Chen & Chen, 2013). Academics use the terms CRM and
relationship marketing interchangeably due to their interconnected history (Shafia,
Mazdeh, Vahedi, & Pournader, 2011). However, CRM and relationship marketing are not
the same.
Relationship marketing is a recent phenomenon in the business world. However,
scholars agree that CRM developed from relationship marketing (Ata & Toker, 2012).
Relationship marketing, unlike transaction marketing, focuses on developing and
maintaining continuous and profitable relationships with customers (Ata & Toker, 2012;
Johnson et al., 2012; Sen & Sinha, 2011). Relationship marketing changes the focus of
marketing away from products and focuses it squarely on customer relationships (Wang
X. L., 2012). Scholars identified developing relationships with new customers as a
primary goal of relationship marketing. Companies who engage in relationship marketing
develop relationships with clients based on quality, dialog, innovation, and learning
(Johnson et al., 2012; Nguyen & Mutum, 2012). However, Su et al. (2010) argued that
the foundation of relationship marketing is trust. Before companies can gain a customer’s
loyalty, they must first gain their trust.
Many of the marketing methods in common use today are a result of relationship
marketing and CRM. For example, marketing campaigns such as loyalty card programs,
company credit cards, personalized offers, email lists, and discount offers had their
beginnings in certain elements of relationship marketing (Ashley et al., 2011). Some
scholars describe CRM as relationship marketing targeted at the individual customer’s
needs (Yang, 2012). CRM platforms provide the information that enables many of the
now common marketing campaigns. The phrase information-enabled relationship
marketing describes how CRM provides an additional source of value creation and a new
growth enabler (Sundar et al., 2012). CRM systems are a primary component of
information-enabled relationship marketing.
Base of the pyramid. Relationship marketing has emerged as a key strategy for
organizations creating products targeted at the world’s poorest inhabitants at the base of
the pyramid. The base of the pyramid refers to the more than 4 billion consumers whose
annual income is less than $1,500 U.S. annually (Chikweche & Fletcher, 2013). Some of
the world’s poorest people make up the population at the base of the pyramid. The
majority of people at the base of the pyramid live in countries such as Sub-Saharan
Africa, South Asia, East Asia, and certain countries in Latin America (Chikweche &
Fletcher, 2013). Previous marketing strategies have largely ignored populations in poorer
countries. Schrader, Freimann, and Seuring (2012) found that much of the research on
markets at the base of the pyramid focused on corporate social responsibility. However,
recently scholars believe that consumers at the base of the pyramid rely more on social
networks and have unique needs from a supply chain perspective (Schrader et al., 2012).
The type of communication in markets with lower income participants makes them strong
candidates for relationship marketing strategies and CRM technologies.
Communication at the base of the pyramid is largely via person-to-person
interaction. The person-to-person connections provide a significant opportunity for
organizations to use social networks to enhance their marketing efforts. Social networks
are an important communication process at the bottom of the pyramid (Chikweche &
Fletcher, 2013). Social exchange theory may provide a link between social networks and
successful marketing strategies at the base of the pyramid. Social exchange theory
describes how actors in a relationship make investments in the relationship that
constitutes a commitment to the other party (Roy, 2013). The primary tenant of social
exchange theory is to prove oneself trustworthy and hope the other party reciprocates.
Social exchange theory matches the underlying premise of relationship marketing that is
to develop mutually beneficial relationships between a company and its customers (Roy
& Eshghi, 2013). Trust is a fundamental requirement when marketing products at the
base of the pyramid.
Roy and Eshghi (2013) found that the best relationship marketing strategy was
one of customer advocacy. Companies can build more trust and loyalty from customers
by keeping the customer’s best interest in mind. Roy (2013) found the market
mechanisms to optimize customer advocacy was the company’s focus on customer
success, increasing customer involvement, development of knowledge sharing
partnerships, and full transparency with customers. A robust CRM strategy provides a
means to achieve the goals laid out by a customer advocacy approach. CRM systems can
provide significant benefits to firms that target the base of the pyramid, particularly if
they include Social CRM.
CRM technology. Many view CRM solutions as a purely technical endeavor. For
the purpose of this study, CRM technology refers to the technical, or information
technology-based solutions that improve communication and information exchange
between the company and its customers (Ernst et al., 2011). Scholars should highlight the
significant differences between the technology used in CRM and the people and
processes that make up the entire CRM concept. The technology portion of a CRM
system consists of three fundamental parts (Keramati et al., 2010). The first part includes
technologies that allow two-way communication between the company and its customers.
The second part includes technologies that facilitate efficient internal operations between
different functions such as sales, operations, and customer service. The third part includes
technologies that provide the business with the ability to analyze data and make decisions
based on the analysis. All parts of a CRM system fit the overall system classification of
business intelligence systems. Business intelligence is the set of skills a company needs
to extract useful data from storehouses that provide insightful information on customer
needs (Malthouse, Haenlein, Skiera, Wege, & Zhang, 2013). Modern business
intelligence systems are blurring the lines between what used to be clear product
architectures such as ERP, CRM, and communications systems.
Business intelligence systems focus heavily on integration and are mostly
concerned with presenting information to decision makers. Business intelligence systems
provide decision makers with the right data at the appropriate time and in a format that
allows them to make the best decisions (Hou, 2012). Business intelligence technologies
provide the basis for CRM systems, which then allow a customer-focused strategy
(Alshawi, Missi, & Irani, 2011). In some installations, business intelligence systems
provide the linkage to stand-alone systems that allow integration of data sources. Industry
experts classify business intelligence systems as part of the family of Enterprise
Information and Communication Technologies (Alshawi et al., 2011). One example of
the use of business intelligence systems to enhance customer relationships via CRM is
the mining of data on customer complaints. If employees can analyze customer
complaints to gain more knowledge about customers, they can provide valuable business
intelligence for the organization (Galitsky & De La Rosa, 2011). Business intelligence
systems rely heavily on networking technologies.
Networking technologies enable communication between critical parts of the
enterprise infrastructure including CRM systems. The use of the Internet, intranet, and
extranet communications allows companies to carry out business-to-business, business-
to-consumer, and consumer-to-consumer e-commerce (Lee, Huang, Barnes, & Kao,
2010). E-commerce provides companies with a direct link to their customers regardless
of their location. The growth of networking technologies, specifically Internet
technologies, has enabled companies to use CRM systems to integrate supply chains and
improve customer relationships (Lee et al., 2010). The growth of CRM and other
technology solutions would not be possible without networking technologies.
Not all CRM systems are the same. CRM vendors have developed alternative
technological solutions to achieve their unique version of CRM solutions (Awasthi &
Sangle, 2012). A typical CRM solution includes the software, hardware, and services
required to support typical front office functions such as sales or service (Iriana et al.,
2013). CRM technology can refer to any information technology resource used to support
the collection, analysis, or integration of customer data (Chang et al., 2010). CRM
systems can include various technological components such as software applications,
databases, data warehouses, networking systems, and communication systems. Each
CRM vendor has developed different ways to connect and use many of the standard CRM
components to deliver a unique solution to their customers.
One of the major advantages of CRM technology is its ability to integrate key
functions of the business. For example, CRM technology can integrate the customer
service function into a single information system (Reddick, 2011). CRM technology can
integrate all of the company’s marketing efforts and automate certain aspects of the
company’s relationship with its customers (Harrigan et al., 2012). Chang et al. (2010)
found that marketing capability provided the link between the use of CRM technology by
the firm and an improvement in the company’s performance. Organizations can use
networking technologies to extend their CRM application to key suppliers and customers.
Broad integration allows the benefits of CRM to extend to the entire supply chain.
Many parts of CRM share common characteristics and technologies with other
applications. Industry definitions show some similarity between analytical CRM,
knowledge management, and data mining systems (Ranjan & Bhatnagar, 2011).
However, the recent research on knowledge management is the most applicable to CRM.
Researchers have shown that knowledge management systems help firms achieve their
desired return on investment from business intelligence systems (Ranjan & Bhatnagar,
2011). An extrapolation of this argument shows that CRM systems should provide the
same benefits. The entire information technology infrastructure to support a CRM system
could include the integration of knowledge management, decisions support systems,
artificial intelligence, and data warehousing (Ranjan & Bhatnagar, 2011). Organizations
must develop a long-term information technology strategy and consider the variety of
applications needed to ensure they do not duplicate efforts by implementing multiple
different systems with similar capabilities.
Knowledge management. Like CRM, most see knowledge management as a
technology-based solution. However, to implement a successful knowledge management
system, organizations must take a much more fundamental approach to the issue of
learning. People gain knowledge through the collection of data that that they organize,
manage, and share (Gulliver et al., 2013). A broad definition of knowledge management
is a process that allows the creation of organizational learning in a way that generates
value and enhances the company’s competitive advantage (Gulliver et al., 2013).
Organizations that seek to employ knowledge management should first understand their
organizational learning model and then find a knowledge management solution that
complements their company’s culture. Knowledge management provides companies with
a method to capture, manage, and transmit real-time data on products and customers in
order to improve the organizational response to critical decisions and improve the
company’s competitive advantage (Lopez-Nicolas & Merono-Cerdan, 2011; Tseng,
2011). Creating customer value is one of the preeminent goals of knowledge management
(Fan & Ku, 2010). The primary goal of organizations that use knowledge management is
to transmit knowledge to points in the business where they can then use it to create
customer value.
The collection and use of customer data provide an essential link between
knowledge management and CRM. Garrido-Moreno and Padilla-Meléndez (2011)
provided a definition that describes the relationship as the ability to capture, manage, and
share customer information in order to improve customer response and decision-making.
Researchers have found knowledge management to be a critical success factor for CRM
systems (Garrido-Moreno & Padilla-Meléndez, 2011). However, knowledge management
capabilities alone will not guarantee CRM success (Manesh & Hozouri, 2013).
Organizational learning provides the bridge that links knowledge management principles
to CRM success (Hassani, Aghaalikhani, Hassanabadi, & Rad, 2013). Organizations must
not only collect data but they must also find ways to disseminate data as information to
all parts of the organization that needs it.
Knowledge management and CRM are not just knowledge sharing platforms. As
a strategy, knowledge management can help an organization improve organizational
efficiency (Lee et al., 2010). Organizational improvements come from the sharing of
information as companies collect internal and external information and then share this
information to improve its services (Lee et al., 2010). Managing information allows
companies to increase their success by improving customer relationships, which then has
a positive impact on organizational performance (Mohammed & Rashid, 2012). The
sharing of information to improve efficiencies results in real cost savings.
Integrated knowledge management (IKM) is another significant development in
the use of knowledge management principles related to CRM systems. IKM describes the
process of collecting and sharing customer-related data for selective use in the customer
facing areas of the business (Bull & Adam, 2011). Scholars have identified multiple
benefits of sharing knowledge throughout the organization such as improved internal
efficiency, closer customer relationships, better strategic planning, improved response to
market changes, better decision-making, and improved supply chain management
processes (Fan & Ku, 2010). However, scholars still do not fully understand the
relationship between knowledge management and CRM. The relationship between
knowledge management and CRM profitability requires additional research (Fan & Ku,
Ranjan and Bhatnagar (2011) found that knowledge management was an
important factor to achieve a positive return on investment for organizations that invested
in business intelligence systems. Companies need the tools necessary to transform data
into knowledge that is usable by the enterprise. Analytical CRM, business intelligence
systems, and knowledge management systems are all part of the same family of
information systems and help organizations transform data into knowledge. The
information technology platforms that make up business intelligence systems include
operational data warehouses, data analysis tools, knowledge/data warehouse, and
knowledge management applications (Ranjan & Bhatnagar, 2011). Some researchers
consider CRM and knowledge management to be parts of a larger system. For example,
Wang (2013b) saw CRM as a multidimensional construct that included key customer
focus, CRM organization, technology-based CRM, and knowledge management.
Organizations must take a broader view of the technology infrastructure to ensure they
can maximize the benefit of technology investments.
CRM providers. CRM systems are not new to the market but emerged after the
widespread use of ERP systems. The first CRM systems appeared in the late 1980s (Xu et
al., 2002). Managers used the first CRM systems to automate processes that acquire
service and keep customers. Many of the original software companies that provided CRM
packages merged with other enterprises. In some cases, larger companies ultimately
acquired their competitors. For example, Nortel Networks purchased Clarify while
PeopleSoft acquired Vantive (Xu et al., 2002). Mergers and acquisitions account for the
competitive landscape in the CRM market today with mostly a few large players.
Oracle quickly positioned themselves as a leader in CRM systems. Siebel
Systems, later acquired by Oracle, released their first CRM solution in the early 1990s
(Saarijarvi et al., 2013). Oracle took advantage of their Siebel acquisition and began
merging Siebel’s CRM platform with their own products. Oracle achieved a significant
step in CRM system development in 1999 when it integrated its back-end ERP systems
with the front-office CRM applications (Xu et al., 2002). Siebel Systems is still one of the
central players in the global CRM market along with SAP, Salesforce.com, Microsoft,
and Teradata (Tuzhilin, 2012).
Most of the current development work on CRM applications centers on the
integration of social media platforms. Social media integration expands the available
dataset to a CRM system exponentially. Big public data sources, such as Facebook and
LinkedIn, provide a rich dataset to supplement data that companies already have in their
CRM system (Greenberg, 2010). Applications such as Helpstream for customer service,
SalesView for sales, and Radian6 for marketing are a few of the applications that are
surfacing to help companies tap into the social media data widely available on the
Internet (Greenberg, 2010). Many businesses are anxious to tap into the vast data source
provided by social media, which is driving the growth of the social CRM market
Many CRM vendors today offer a broad range of products. For example, vendors
such as Microsoft, Oracle, SAP, Salesforce.com, and Teradata, provide enterprise level
applications with a large variety of modules that integrate front-end and back-end
systems (Tuzhilin, 2012). Other vendors such as Kana, Consona, RightNow
Technologies, and Unica, provide highly specialized applications that serve a niche
market (Tuzhilin, 2012). However, like many software markets today, the open source
community has found a niche in CRM. In addition to the many commercial CRM
platforms available today, there are numerous open source packages such as SugarCRM,
vTiger, and Concursive (Tuzhilin, 2012). Some of the open source packages have
achieved significant success and notoriety. For example, SugarCRM has deployed large
systems in companies such as Honeywell and Starbucks (Tuzhilin, 2012).
CRM outsourcing. Outsourcing has become one of the focus areas for companies
seeking to reduce their costs, particularly in the field of information technology. Graf et
al. (2013) found that CRM systems are one of the most popular areas for companies to
outsource. Many industrialized economies, such as the United States, Japan, Canada, and
some countries of Western Europe, have outsourced their CRM activities to companies in
areas with lower labor costs (Kalaignanam & Varadarajan, 2012). Labor is a significant
cost for all organizations and even more important in service organizations. Companies
see outsourcing as a way to lower costs without compromising service. Managers believe
they can outsource activities that are not part of their organization’s core competencies to
specialists in the field. For example, mortgage companies have reduced cost during the
housing slump by outsourcing their CRM activities to firms in India (Graf et al., 2013).
However, some researchers believe that the negative impact outsourcing has on customer
relationships will offset any gain (Kalaignanam & Varadarajan, 2012). Some business
leaders believe that outsourcing has a significant and negative impact on customer
relationships. If outsourcing does cause a negative customer impact, it is a hazardous
option since customers are the most important resource in any company.
Outsourcing may conflict with the resource-based view of the organization. The
resource-based view argues that firms should protect critical assets. Opponents of
outsourcing argue that customers are the most valuable asset in the company (Graf et al.,
2013). Proponents counter this argument by pointing out that specialized CRM firms
provide expertise and service that most firms are unable to match. Making use of
specialty services provides a strategic advantage to the business (Graf et al., 2013).
Although the debate on outsourcing is still unsettled, it is clear that companies must
weigh the cost impact with the impact on customer satisfaction when deciding on an
outsourcing strategy.
CRM Benefits
Companies employ CRM to develop stronger relationships with customers.
Josiassen et al. (2014) found that firms who have strong relationships with customers
perform better than those who do not. However, companies can achieve many other
benefits from using CRM practices. Some examples of benefits include enabling
communication, providing timely feedback, analysis of customer information, and
providing customized product offerings (Josiassen et al., 2014). Some of the most
obvious benefits of CRM include customer retention, increased cross-selling
opportunities, increased customer acquisition, and the addition of profitable customers
(Oztaysi et al., 2011). Caregivers in the medical field use CRM to provide customized
service for patients. Researchers found that CRM in the healthcare industry enhances
service quality, increases patient satisfaction, and increases mutual benefit (Gulliver et
al., 2013). Managers in the banking sector use CRM systems to target profitable
customers, integrate across channels, improve customer service, increase sales force
effectiveness, coordinate marketing messages, increase employees motivation, improve
decision making, and customize products (Yang, 2012). In short, CRM systems
strengthen the relationship between buyers and sellers (Yang, 2012). However,
companies have found benefits to CRM system use outside of the obvious benefits in
customer facing situations.
One of the key benefits of CRM system use is that many companies are just
beginning to realize the vast amount of customer data it stores. CRM systems enable
companies to gather customer information and then use the knowledge acquired to
improve products and services (Gulliver et al., 2013). How companies make use of the
data stored in their CRM system often dictates the perceived success of their investment.
Researchers discovered that firms who generate higher amounts of customer data
outperform those who do not collect data (Josiassen et al., 2014). However, collecting
customer data will not make the system successful on its own. Experts design the best
CRM systems to collect, process, and use customer data, which enables service agents to
resolve customer issues quickly. In contrast, firms that have partial or inaccurate
customer data are at risk of frustrating customers and often experience reduced
profitability (Coltman et al., 2011). Once the CRM system has collected customer
information, managers need a tool that allows them to analyze the data. Analytic CRM
(aCRM) technologies perform the data analysis task in CRM systems. Analytic CRM
allows targeted marketing, provides market basket analytics, assists in fraud detection,
and segments customers based on predetermined criteria (Ranjan & Bhatnagar, 2011).
Analytic CRM provides the data analysis managers need to extract value from their CRM
A key benefit of CRM use is the reduction in customer abandonment rates. CRM
allows companies to track customer issues, monitor service response, and assign
customer inquiries to the appropriate expert (Xu et al., 2002). Firms can resolve customer
issues quickly and improve customer satisfaction by getting customers to the right expert
who can quickly solve their problem (Xu et al., 2002). Customer satisfaction is an
essential measure of business success. Customer satisfaction is one of the primary factors
affecting profitability. There are several benefits of increased customer satisfaction
including higher levels of customer loyalty, customer referrals, and customer retention
(Terpstra et al., 2012). However, the most valuable benefit of customer satisfaction is
customer trust. Companies live and die based on customer trust. For example, in the
financial services industry, banks collapsed because customers did not trust them to
protect their money (Terpstra et al., 2012). A properly designed CRM system allows
service professionals to solve customer issues quickly or direct them to an expert who
can. Experts believe response time is a crucial factor in improving customer satisfaction
The potential benefits of CRM are numerous, and the list continues to grow as
companies find new and creative ways to use customer information to deliver value-
added products and services. Researchers have grouped the key benefits of CRM into
four categories of (a) improved market share, (b) cost reduction, (c) customer
satisfaction, and (d) the integration of the operations across the supply chain (Lee et al.,
2010). Even with all the benefits that CRM systems offer, many businesses have
implemented CRM systems that their leaders see as failures.
CRM Failures
CRM systems provide many benefits to companies, but there is no guarantee of
success. Hershey Corporation suffered significant losses after implementing a CRM
system, and firms in the financial sector have reported considerable difficulties in
aligning customer needs to product offerings (Meadows & Dibb, 2012). Researchers have
published studies that show CRM failure rates between 35% and 75%, while only 44% of
executives surveyed reported satisfactory results from their new CRM systems (Frow et
al., 2011). Adverse outcomes from CRM failures can spread to employees and customers
alike. In the case of one particular Australian telecommunications company, the problems
with their CRM implementation spurred the creation of a Facebook page titled I hate
Siebel (Hsieh et al., 2012). The newly created site attracted over 3000 members including
employees and customers (Hsieh et al., 2012). It is clear that poorly implemented CRM
systems cause significant frustration to all stakeholders involved.
While there are many reasons for CRM failures, researchers have proposed seven
key categories that explain why all CRM systems fail, including
Companies view CRM system mostly as a technology investment,
The company lacks a customer-centric vision,
There is no understanding in the business of the customer’s lifetime value,
There is not enough support from senior leadership,
The company did not re-engineer its business processes to match their
CRM strategy,
The company underestimated the challenge of complex system
integration, and
The company was not up to the task of effecting the change needed (Vella
& Caruana, 2012).
A balanced approach to CRM implementations, starting with the right amount of
employee interaction, may be one of the keys to CRM success. Researchers have
suggested that improved interaction between human resources and IT service capabilities
go a long way to combat high failure rates (Yang, 2012). However, even a balance
between technology and people are often not enough. CRM implementations require a
balanced approach that integrates technology, process, and people to provide a profound
knowledge and response to customer needs (Wang M. L., 2013a). In order to maximize
the chance of CRM implementation success, companies should target improvements
along three lines including people, process, and technology.
Problems With CRM
Even with all the benefits of CRM system operation for both companies and their
customers, there are still many negative aspects. One significant negative of CRM usage
is the CRM paradox. The CRM paradox describes the adverse reactions some customers
may have when they recognize disparate treatment (Nguyen & Mutum, 2012). When
some customers perceive disparate treatment, they may react by becoming upset and then
spread negative information that can damage the firm (Nguyen & Mutum, 2012). Issues
such as the CRM paradox are an inherent part of what some authors refer to as the dark
side of CRM.
The academic literature contains many examples of firms that experienced
negative consequences because they marketed the same items to customers differently
based on each customer’s status. One of the best-known examples is Amazon’s use of
dynamic pricing. Amazon sold DVDs to different customers at different prices depending
on their status with the company (Nguyen & Simkin, 2013). Once Amazon’s customers
learned of the dynamic pricing strategy, there was a large-scale revolt. Customers saw
this practice as an inappropriate use of CRM data.
Although Amazon’s use of dynamic pricing is an often-cited example of negative
behavior related to CRM use, it does not match the traditional definition of dark side
behavior. Frow et al. (2011) described dark side behavior as more deliberate. For an
organization to engage in true dark side behavior, they must deliberately take unfair
advantage of customers using CRM data. Researchers have found that customers can also
engage in negative CRM behavior. Frow et al. (2011) described specific negative
behavior by customers as an attempt to take advantage of service providers by excessive
complaints or the deliberate misuse of the product.
Frow et al. (2011) proposed a methodology for companies to avoid negative CRM
behavior. The centerpiece of Frow’s methodology is an enlightened CRM strategy. To
prevent harmful behavior companies should seek to develop long-term relationships with
customers, which are mutually beneficial and progressive. The remaining processes in the
methodology included
Value creation, which describes a mutually beneficial process that seeks to
remove financial exploitation, customer lock-in, and dishonesty;
Multichannel customer experiences, that ensures the customer receives a
single consistent message from all parts of the business, this helps to
eliminate customer confusion;
Information management, where the service provider gathers customer
data with the full knowledge and consent of the buyer who agrees with
how the data is used, this helps eliminate privacy invasions and
information misuse;
Performance assessment, where the service provider should monitor and
manage all touch points to ensure mutual value creation, this helps avoid
relationship neglect; and
Strategy development that aligns the customer and business strategy to
ensure there is a match; this helps to prevent customer favoritism and
spillover effects (Frow et al., 2011).
CRM Definitions
The development of CRM experience over the years has brought about many
different definitions of CRM. Experts have grouped CRM definitions into three broad
categories including (a) those narrowly focused on technology, (b) those with integrated
customer-focused technologies, and (c) those that take wider view of the strategic
management of customer relationships (Meadows & Dibb, 2012). However, a complete
definition of CRM should include a combination of all three categories. Scholars agree
that a full description of CRM should include a strategic approach to customer
relationships that involves a concern for developing shareholder value by growing
customer relationships with key customers and market segments (Meadows & Dibb,
2012). Maklan et al. (2011) suggested that the best way to ensure successful CRM
investments is to begin by developing capabilities and processes that will improve
customer relationships and follow up with the capital investment needed to sustain that
capability. The argument by Maklan et al. (2011) suggests that the technology behind
CRM plays a supporting role in the customer-focused processes. However, most of the
CRM definitions in the literature are still technology focused.
Despite the call for scholars to develop a comprehensive definition of CRM, the
business world still sees CRM as a technology-based solution. Padilla-Melendez and
Garrido-Moreno (2013) described CRM as an information technology-centered strategic
initiative designed to focus the firm’s activities around the customer in order to provide
personal service at every customer touch point. Similarly, Wei, Lee, Chen, and Wu
(2013) defined CRM as the adoption of an information technology solution with its goal
to improve customer loyalty by improving customer relationships. The technology
description of CRM has expanded to include electronic customer relationship
management (eCRM). Zandi and Tavana (2011) defined eCRM as a collection of
technology-based tools and processes that allow a firm to maximize the value from its e-
business investment. In addition to eCRM, scholars have put forth additional definitions
to describe each segment of the CRM application including operational CRM, analytic
CRM, collaborative CRM, and social CRM. The overall focus remains on the technology.
Operational CRM. Early CRM systems consisted of many front-end customer
processes and formed the core of what experts now refer to as operational CRM.
Operational CRM (oCRM) includes many of the front office business processes that
support all forms of customer contact including sales, customer support, and the
identification of new customers (Mosadegh & Behboudi, 2011). Organizations use
operational CRM to manage customer contacts and communications. Companies use
operational CRM to facilitate the interaction between the business and its customers
(Khodakarami & Chan, 2014). Users of oCRM systems collect data from a variety of
contact points such as web, phone, e-mail, fax, and in person interactions (Tuzhilin,
2012). Systems used in oCRM are operational in nature and do little to provide analysis
or trending of the data collected.
Technology experts combine customer data sources with customer-facing
business processes to create an oCRM system. Experts sometimes achieve process
integration using online tools such as customer inquiries, product orders, and support
interactions (Alavi, Ahuja, & Medury, 2012). Some examples of oCRM systems include
call center applications, field service automation, and sales force automation (Sen &
Sinha, 2011). Operational CRM provides the data that analytic CRM analyzes.
The technology behind oCRM is the online transaction processing protocol
(OLTP) (Sen & Sinha, 2011). Operational CRM systems include many parts of an
integrated information system that are all transaction-oriented. Examples of transactional
oCRM systems include order management, billing, and customer service (Keramati et al.,
2010). Operational CRM systems include many applications tied together across intranets
and extranets. Some scholars have separated the communications part of oCRM, such as
fax and email, into a different category; they dubbed communicational CRM (Lee et al.,
2010). The concept of communicational CRM has seen limited acceptance and is giving
way to more recent trends such as social CRM.
Analytic CRM. Operational CRM systems collect a vast amount of data that
managers were anxious to utilize for a strategic advantage. The need to analyze data
prompted the development of analytic CRM. Analytic CRM (aCRM) provides the
business with information obtained from an analysis of data gathered from operational
CRM. Analytic CRM includes an analysis of customer data and provides value to both
the company and its customers (Alavi et al., 2012). Managers use analytic CRM to find
the hidden information in customer data (Ranjan & Bhatnagar, 2011). Service agents use
analytic CRM to spot trends and provide proactive responses to customers. Agents may
even suggest products or services based on the customer’s previous habits. Essential
elements of aCRM include a means to collect, warehouse, isolate, combine, manage, and
share customer data (Gulliver et al., 2013). Each element of aCRM is crucial to ensure
the right information is available to service agents at the point of customer contact.
Managers can better utilize aCRM when it contains large amounts of customer
data. Metcalfe’s law illustrates the value of large data sets. Metcalfe’s law tells
researchers that they must sum the value of the individual members of the system in order
to determine the total value of the system (Alavi et al., 2012). The data captured on one,
or even two customers provide only limited value. However, managers can use aCRM
tools and start to see trends that were impossible to understand before they could combine
the data collected from many customers.
The proper data structure is crucial to the success of any aCRM system. The
fundamental part of every aCRM system is a data warehouse that has real-time data feeds
from all critical operational systems (Shanks & Bekmamedova, 2012). The data
warehouse feeds a data analytics module that analyzes the data using predetermined
methods and provides reports to management. The data analytics module uses the online
analytical processing (OLAP) protocol (Sen & Sinha, 2011). Most of the aCRM system is
part of a larger system known as business analytics (BA). BA systems typically contain
large amounts of data used to support decision making in the organization (Shanks &
Bekmamedova, 2012). BA systems use much of the same technology already discussed
such as data warehouses and OLAP. However, they also use advanced statistical
techniques for modeling, simulation, forecasting, and data mining (Shanks &
Bekmamedova, 2012). Automation of the data analysis process saves companies a
tremendous amount of time and allows them to be more responsive to their customer’s
The analytics provided by aCRM provide valuable insights into an organization’s
customer base. For example, aCRM can provide information on customer behavior
patterns, customer satisfaction, support customer segmentation, and support proactive
selling efforts (Keramati et al., 2010). Benefits of aCRM include cross-selling, up-selling,
increasing the share of wallet, and fraud detection (Ranjan & Bhatnagar, 2011). Analytic
CRM provides organizations with much of the information needed to develop a strategic
plan for sales, service, and many other areas of the business (Ranjan & Bhatnagar, 2011).
Companies use the information from aCRM systems not only in customer service
activities, but also in marketing and strategic planning.
Saarijarvi et al. (2013) argued that data mining capabilities are of the utmost
importance in future CRM work; they allow organizations to convert data to information
and create customer value. Many of the current advancements in aCRM have evolved
from work by information science researchers related to data mining. For example, data
mining and statistical techniques are used to provide estimates of future revenues from
customer probabilities (Tuzhilin, 2012). The capability to estimate customer probabilities
are products of customer segmentation using clustering techniques. One example, where
data mining techniques are used to grow revenues, is via sequence discovery. Sequence
discovery allows organizations to identify the habits of the most profitable customers.
Managers can then apply these learnings to other customers to increase revenue
(Tuzhilin, 2012). The technology sector has not fully developed capabilities that allow
businesses to utilize the vast amounts of data they collect today. Data analysis is still one
of the primary growth segments for information technology including CRM.
Collaborative CRM. One of the primary benefits of CRM is how it enables
communication. Communication among stakeholders is an essential element of creating a
collaborative work environment. An efficient CRM system allows an organization to
increase collaboration among internal functions such as sales and other internal groups
(Rodriguez & Honeycutt, 2011). Collaborative CRM systems provide the means to
synchronize, manage, and distribute communication between functions within an
organization and externally to the customer (Gneiser, 2010). Some scholars have
expanded the scope of collaborative CRM to include the entire supply chain. When
collaborative CRM includes the complete supply chain, companies see better
responsiveness to customer requests (Alavi et al., 2012). Because collaborative CRM
provides a means to communicate information to so many stakeholders, it is often
referred to as communicative CRM (Gneiser, 2010). The primary goal of Collaborative
CRM is to provide the results of the analysis from the analytical CRM system to the
operational CRM system at the right time and via the appropriate channel (Gneiser,
2010). Collaborative CRM systems include the information technologies that enable
efficient and effective communication throughout the supply chain.
The components of collaborative CRM are common in the workforce.
Collaborative CRM technologies include many of the general mechanisms companies use
to communicate internally and externally such as email, phone systems, fax, and websites
(Keramati et al., 2010). As systems and technology advance in the areas of partner
relationship management and customer interaction centers, scholars included additional
tools in the category of collaborative CRM. For example, project management, project
collaboration, chat software, e-learning systems, webcasts, web audio, web video,
interactive customer support, and interactive sales support are all collaborative systems
(Tohidi & Jabbari, 2012). Developers are integrating conventional communication tools
into CRM platforms to enable collaborative CRM.
Electronic CRM. With a strong link between technology and CRM, it is not
surprising that many researchers see information technology as the most important part of
CRM. Scholars that support technology dominance see the Internet and other information
technology solutions as key enablers of relationship marketing (Su et al., 2010).
Researchers who support the technology perspective have developed the term electronic
CRM (Gneiser, 2010). Electronic CRM is linked closely to e-business initiatives and
includes a variety of concepts, processes, and tools to help the business maximize its
return on technology investments (Zandi & Tavana, 2011). The concept of eCRM is more
prevalent in the business-to-consumer markets than in business-to-business markets.
Electronic CRM systems provide a more direct means of communication with
customers and even a degree of self-service. The principal difference between eCRM and
other CRM types is the direct contact with customers via Internet-based technologies
(Harrigan et al., 2012). In operational CRM, service agents in a call center interact with
customers and capture data about the interaction in a CRM system. Electronic CRM
systems allow the customers to communicate directly with business systems via online
tools without the need for human interaction. Electronic CRM captures the full online
user experience from pre-purchase to post-purchase (Milovic, 2012). Electronic CRM
systems have largely replaced point of sale applications in many instances and allow the
customer to carry out the entire purchase transaction without the need for a service agent.
Advanced eCRM systems, such as those used by Amazon.com, will even suggest
additional purchases based on the customer’s buying history.
There are many potential benefits to eCRM. Harrigan et al. (2012) identified
several potential advantages of eCRM including improved customer service, enhanced
customer loyalty, product personalization, cost savings, sales generation, and increased
profitability. Zandi and Tavana (2011) found a strong link between eCRM and
manufacturing. Electronic CRM allows companies to streamline their manufacturing
operations and provide customized products and services to each customer. The many
benefits of eCRM can offer a source of long-term competitive advantage for an
organization (Milovic, 2012). However, eCRM has seen less acceptance in the business-
to-business environments where professionals still prefer personal interaction.
Social CRM. The spread of technology provides people with the ability to
interact faster and more efficiently than at any other time in history. Social networks are
becoming more popular in both personal and professional use. Social networks allow
customers to communicate amongst themselves and with companies. Customers expect to
participate in the customization of products they purchase, and want to provide input on
future product features (Sigala, 2011). Social networks have become imperative in the
implementation of CRM since they provide a convenient way for many customers to
communicate. Social media is especially helpful for advertising and distributing new
products (Chikweche & Fletcher, 2013). Technologists have not fully developed
methodologies to capture and use the data residing on social networks. Much of the data
analysis of social network data still requires a significant amount of human interpretation.
The value of social networks in relationship marketing and CRM can be explained
using social exchange theory. The precept of social exchange theory involves making
commitments to the other party in hopes that they will reciprocate in the exchange (Roy,
2013). There is no guarantee of reciprocity and trust is an essential component of the
relationship. Many believe that trust is the most important aspect of this relationship.
Businesses can earn trust by doing what is best for their customers and adopting a
customer advocacy strategy. A customer advocacy strategy requires open and honest
communication with customers (Roy, 2013). Social CRM provides a means to facilitate
communication between businesses and customers. Open and honest communication
helps to build trust and enhances the relationship.
Social CRM provides a means to strengthen communication between
stakeholders. Scholars have defined social CRM as the combination of customer
processes with social media applications (Trainor et al., 2014). The goal of integrating
customer processes with social media is to develop customer relationships by engaging
customers in an interactive dialog. The primary defining characteristic of social CRM, as
compared to other types of CRM, is that social CRM responds to customer information
obtained via the use of social media technologies (Trainor et al., 2014). Examples of
social media applications include blogs, discussion forums, and user communities. Some
typical examples of social media applications are Facebook, Linkedin, and Twitter
(Trainor et al., 2014). Social CRM seeks exponential expansion of the current CRM data
set by including the vast amount of data in social networks.
Social CRM is a relatively new development in the CRM market. Social CRM
began in 2007 and emerged as a shift in strategy from a transactional only relationship to
one focused on customer interaction (Greenberg, 2010). However, the concept of social
CRM dates back to 1996 when scholars predicted that future customers would manage
their relationships with companies (Saarijarvi et al., 2013). Regardless of the exact start
of social CRM it still has not achieved the level of integration and sophistication as the
other aspects of CRM. Experts do not see social CRM as a replacement for traditional
CRM, but instead see it as an extension that adds social functions, processes, and
interactions to traditional CRM (Trainor, 2012). Social CRM is the natural extension of
CRM platforms with the integration of emerging communications technologies.
A comprehensive CRM definition. Scholars have produced a larger number of
definitions for CRM. The many forms of CRM systems used in the last 20 years may
help explain how the various definitions of CRM developed (Chikweche & Fletcher,
2013). Although, there is no single definition of CRM, a review of the literature indicates
that a comprehensive definition must go beyond the description of a technology-based
solution. CRM is a broad business concept with roots in relationship marketing and links
to information technology that includes the combination of people and processes in order
to maximize the benefits realized from improved customer relationships (Oztaysi, Tolga,
& Cengiz, 2011). In this regard, executives view CRM as a strategy that allows the use of
internal resources to manage customer relationships in order to enable improved financial
performance and create a competitive advantage for the organization (Mohammed &
Rashid, 2012). The significant failure rate of CRM installations may be influencing the
desire to quantify the financial benefits of CRM investment.
The more recent definitions of CRM stress the strategic nature of the process
rather than the technology. Padilla-Melendez and Garrido-Moreno (2013) described
CRM as a technology-related strategic initiative that focuses the company’s activities
around the customer with the goal of delivering customized service at every interaction.
A common theme emerging in all of the definitions is a view of CRM as a comprehensive
group of strategies for managing customer relationships rather than a stand-alone
initiative not linked to the overall business strategy (Chikweche & Fletcher, 2013). Many
scholars see the best description of CRM as a technology-enabled business strategy that
allows companies to build profitable customer relationships by optimizing customer
interactions, streamlining internal communication, and improving business processes
(Fan & Ku, 2010). Companies implement CRM strategies with the intention to reduce
costs, increase market share, and improve revenue.
CRM Strategy
CRM has evolved to be more than just a tool. CRM provides a method to
integrate strategy, people, processes, and technology (Mohammed & Rashid, 2012; Xu et
al., 2002). The integration of business processes and streamlining of communications are
a key advantage that continue to drive CRM investment. Experts see CRM as a key
business strategy that has assisted companies in transforming from a product-centered to
a customer-centered strategy (Hassan & Parvez, 2013; Xu et al., 2002). As businesses
adopt CRM as a strategy, they create value for themselves and their customers; however,
companies should not take the transition to CRM lightly since the investment comes at a
considerable cost (Coltman et al., 2011). Organizations should focus their CRM
implementation on strategic goals where they have previously identified a need for
development. Managers can minimize costs associated with the initial investment, target
resources to problem areas, and maximize their return on investment by focusing on
formerly known issues (Smith, 2011).
Organizations have tried to develop CRM strategies using both top-down and
bottom-up approaches. A top-down design requires leaders to select and implement a
CRM strategy (Ahearne et al., 2012). When a business uses a top-down design,
executives develop a plan and then disseminate it to others in the company who must
comply. In contrast, a bottom-up approach uses teams to make joint decisions (Ahearne
et al., 2012). The bottom-up approach integrates multiple decisions at the lower levels in
order to provide an overall strategy at the executive level. Kumar et al. (2011) found that
senior levels of management devised the most effective CRM strategies. A top-down
design is the most effective method to develop a customer-focused strategy.
Developing a comprehensive CRM strategy is a complex process involving many
parts of the business. Scholars have attempted to identify the essential elements of a
CRM strategy to help managers with this process. The primary components of a CRM
strategy include a measure for customer satisfaction, training employees, continuous
communication with customers, achievable targets, performance management,
technology to assist with relationship management, and ownership at the executive
leadership level (Chikweche & Fletcher, 2013). The value chain concept is also a useful
tool to assist managers in the development of CRM strategies.
CRM value chain. Both managers and customers expect value from their
investments. Expectations are the same when investing in a CRM system. Historically,
CRM has provided more value to the business than the customer. The purpose of value
based CRM is to manage a collection of customer relationships in order to maximize
corporate profits (Gneiser, 2010). The value chain concept provides a method to measure
the value of any given CRM process. Chikweche and Fletcher (2013) suggested that the
stages of the value chain for CRM include customer portfolio analysis, customer
familiarity, network improvement, creation of the value offering, and relationship
management. Keramati et al. (2010) suggested a simpler value chain that included
technological resources, infrastructure-related resources, CRM processes, and CRM
capabilities leading to organizational performance. Researchers have grouped CRM value
chains in two broad categories: those based on technology and those based on customer
In the traditional view of the value chain, the organization adds value at each step
of the process (Gummesson, 2002; Lo, Stalcup, & Lee, 2010). In a manufacturing
organization, major process steps might include items such as inbound logistics,
production, shipping, marketing, and service. The implementation of information
technology systems allows organizations to redesign traditional value chains to improve
efficiency (Gneiser, 2010). The advent of communications technology provided a means
to share information with suppliers leading to improvements in external supply chains
(Rodriguez & Honeycutt, 2011). The concept of the value chain applied to CRM provides
researchers a method to measure the value at each stage of the process.
The core element of the CRM value chain is a product creation lane. However, the
value chain starts with identifying a customer need. The company must then be able to
capture the opportunity, develop an offering, build a product or service, deliver the
product, and provide follow-up service. A CRM system supports the core blocks with
information technology, people, and processes. When all blocks work as intended, the
result is a satisfied customer and ultimately organizational success.
CRM supply chain. Scholars have suggested that there is a strong relationship
between supply chain management and CRM. Meadows and Dibb (2012) went so far as
to suggest that CRM emerged from the relationship between marketing, business
strategy, and supply chain management. Lee et al. (2010) suggested that the purpose of
supply chain management is the integration of communication channels between a
company and its customers in an effort to maximize customer value. When companies
engage suppliers to reduce cost or increase response to customers, they expand their
value chain. Suppliers become a critical part of the supply chain to improve customer
The implementation of information technology helps create additional benefits in
the supply chain. Information technology increases the speed of communication,
improves the service quality, and reduces cost (Lee et al., 2010). To achieve the desired
results, it is often necessary to integrate CRM with other systems. For example, CRM
systems along with ERP are key application suites helping to drive supply chain
integration efforts (Lee et al., 2010; Xu et al., 2002). Collaborative CRM systems allow
wider system integration throughout the supply chain and helps to improve
responsiveness to customer needs (Alavi et al., 2012). CRM applications are a critical
part of supply chain improvement strategies that allow improved communication between
companies, suppliers, and customers. Companies can increase the effectiveness of their
CRM installations by integrating with other backend systems.
CRM Performance Measures
Researchers often use the terms CRM measures, and business performance
measures to mean the same thing. Even in cases where they try to keep them separate,
they are merging. For example, researchers found that CRM performance measures are
merging with operational measures related to ERP (Schniederjans et al., 2012). Typical
performance measures related to CRM in the literature include profit, customer
satisfaction, customer retention rate, and average profit by customer (Johnson et al.,
2012). Business leaders often use similar measures to measure sales performance without
the use of CRM. The conflict in standards has prompted scholars to develop CRM
measures that are more comprehensive. Most researchers recommended using a two-
dimensional measure of CRM performance that includes both financial and market
measures (Garrido-Moreno & Padilla-Meléndez, 2011).
The type of measures a firm uses has an impact on their overall business success.
Azad and Darabi (2013) found that firms with strong CRM capabilities performed better
on organizational measures. Scholars have classified organizational measures into
categories of effectiveness and efficiency. Effectiveness metrics shows to what extent the
organization is achieving its goals (Chang et al., 2010). Efficiency measures are typically
a ratio and describe the amount of organizational resources consumed to achieve
organizational goals (Chang et al., 2010). Regardless of the category of measurement,
researchers have agreed on some common characteristics. Performance measures should
include numerical results over a given time, ability to show results by division, a view of
performance over time, flexible design of the measure, dynamic changes when required,
and a view of future performance (Oztaysi et al., 2011). Typical measures of
organizational performance include customer satisfaction, profitability, and market
effectiveness (Chang et al., 2010). However, organizational measures may not give a
complete picture of a firm’s performance when using CRM. Historically, organizational
performance measures have fallen short of expectation and managers have called for a
balanced performance measurement system to support decision-making, management
control, and reporting requirements (Shafia et al., 2011). Scholars introduced the
balanced scorecard in an effort to provide a complete measurement system for CRM
Shafia et al. (2011) introduced a CRM balanced scorecard based on previous
work on organizational balanced scorecards by Kaplan and Norton that includes
financial, customer, internal, and growth aspects. The balanced scorecard uses a
combination of both financial and non-financial measures to give the company an in-
depth view of performance. A typical CRM balanced scorecard includes four sections.
The first part contains organizational performance measures such as return on investment
and customer lifetime value (Shafia et al., 2011). The second part takes a view from a
customer perspective and includes measures such as customer complaints, product
quality, and service delivery (Shafia et al., 2011). The third part looks at internal
company processes and includes a measure of price, brand, customer involvement, and
advertisement (Shafia et al., 2011). The fourth section measures the infrastructure and has
numerous measures including CRM capacity, continuous improvement, training,
organizational commitment, and communication (Shafia et al., 2011). The balanced
scorecard provides firms with a comprehensive measurement system that gives them a
complete view of business performance.
CRM Success Measures
Although the balanced scorecard provides a measure of business success,
managers still struggle to measure the impact of CRM on their company. Business
leaders are looking for scholars to help develop CRM measures. Researchers must first
understand how to measure CRM success before they can determine if systems are
meeting the needs of business users. Oztaysi et al. (2011) discovered that 64% of
companies do not know how to evaluate the value CRM systems bring to their business.
Scholars are hard at work publishing studies addressing the gap in CRM measures.
Researchers have developed ten different methods to measure CRM success including
Indirect measurement models,
Measurement of customer facing operations,
Critical success factors,
Behavioral dimensions of CRM effectiveness,
CRM scale,
Relationship quality,
Customer measurement assessment tool,
Customer management process,
Relationship management assessment tool, and
CRM scorecards (Oztaysi et al., 2011).
The CRM scorecard has emerged as one of the most popular CRM measurement
tools. Researchers based development of the CRM scorecard on the balanced scorecard
for business. Oztaysi et al. (2011) settled on the CRM scorecard as the preferred method
of CRM measurement. CRM scorecards include dimensions for CRM outputs, customer
dimensions, CRM processes, and organizational alignment (Oztaysi et al., 2011). The
CRM scorecard further subdivides these categories into additional characteristics that
measure overall CRM system performance. However, the CRM scorecard does not
include sections on system design, selection, and implementation, which are some of the
primary reasons that CRM systems fail.
Reasons CRM systems fail. Business leaders today are looking for tools that
increase efficiency throughout the entire supply chain. Systems that are capable of
influencing the entire supply chain are large, expensive, and very complex. Every
additional step of complexity in a system introduces another potential failure point.
Today’s CRM systems cover a broad range of customer interactions from pre-order
through the delivery of products and services (Meadows & Dibb, 2012). Companies are
using CRM systems in an effort to track and manage all of their customer activities. The
scope of the value-chain impacted by current CRM operations provides many
opportunities for failure of the system.
Some of the reasons CRM systems fail include a rigid organizational structure,
strict corporate culture, inadequate understanding of the customer base, inappropriate
technical resources, failure to create real value for customers, and poor employee training
(Meadows & Dibb, 2012). More broadly, the reasons for CRM failures can be broken
down into four broad categories that include the company, customers, technology, and
staff (Meadows & Dibb, 2012). Sundar et al. (2012) found that non-technical issues are
the most common reason for CRM failure. The most common reasons for CRM failure
are due to organizational inabilities to achieve the required process changes. Many
companies expect a new technology system to solve many of their internal issues without
investing time into the business process re-engineering needed to make the system
successful. Technology systems can only improve a process that works.
Once a company selects and installs a CRM system, the quality of customer data
determines the actual effectiveness of the overall system. Poor data quality is a common
cause of organizational failure when implementing a CRM system (Peltier, Zahay, &
Krishen, 2013). Common reasons for poor data quality are communication silos,
disagreements on ownership of customer data, failure to share data with other functions,
and no overall plan for the collection and use of customer data (Peltier et al., 2013). CRM
systems are of little value to an organization if they collect large amounts of data that
goes unused. The most successful companies use the data in their CRM system to
improve customer relationships.
Reasons CRM systems succeed. Managers can learn a lot by looking at why
CRM systems fail and not repeating those mistakes. It is, however, worthwhile to
understand particular tips that have helped some CRM systems succeed. Scholars have
found one of the main factors that determine CRM success is a sponsor for the initiative
who is a member of the board of directors (Sundar et al., 2012). A high-level sponsor in
the organization can provide resources and motivation to aid system success.
Additionally, most scholars agree that CRM implementations cannot be
successful unless businesses enact widespread process changes throughout the
organization to support an overarching CRM strategy (Sundar et al., 2012). The
organization must engage in business process reengineering to verify that all of their
internal processes work as expected and are compatible with the new system. Additional
factors that affect CRM success are commitment by top management, process
development, data management, and training of staff (Sundar et al., 2012). Although
none of these factors will independently guarantee a successful CRM implementation,
they all work together with strong project management to help CRM projects succeed.
Businesses make significant investments in CRM systems. However, many
organizations struggle to realize the expected financial returns. The purpose of this study
was to provide additional information on how CRM system operation may influence the
financial performance of a service organization. The research design used for this study
was a quantitative correlational study. The subject organization chosen for this study was
a global manufacturing and distribution company based in the United States. This
company recently implemented a CRM system targeting customer interactions by their
service teams.
The background and problem statement discuss the expectations and
disappointments that some companies shared regarding their CRM implementations. The
purpose statement identified the research method as a correlational study and provided
further details on the company that was the subject of the study. The central research
questions acted as a guide for conducting the study.
Section 1 contained a discussion of the framework used to develop the study. The
service-profit chain emerged as the obvious framework for this study after a review of the
professional and academic literature. Prior researchers established a link in the service-
profit chain between service climate and firm profitability; however, the service-profit
chain did not previously include CRM operation as a critical variable. The most
significant modification of the service-profit chain in this study was the inclusion of
CRM usage as a key variable.
Section 1 also includes a list of definitions that readers may find useful if they are
unfamiliar with standard business terms related to CRM. Section 1 contains the reason for
the study as well as the assumptions, limitations, and delimitations. The justification
included the contribution to business practice and implications for social change. Finally,
this section concludes with a comprehensive review of the current professional and
academic literature related to CRM systems.
Section 2 of the study includes a review of the purpose of the study and additional
details on the target company and the researcher’s role. Section 2 also contains a detailed
description of the research method, data collection, and data analysis techniques.
Section 2: The Project
The growth of the CRM market does not appear to coincide with the current
global economic swings. CRM operation is growing rapidly despite the tough economic
times (Greenberg, 2010). For example, in 2007 AMR Research reported an increase in
CRM software revenues of 12% (Greenberg, 2010). Recent estimates indicate a modest
growth rate and a market of approximately $13 billion (Padilla-Melendez & Garrido-
Moreno, 2013). Regardless of how CRM revenues change in relationship to overall
market conditions, it is clear that there is still a high demand for CRM systems globally.
However, the full impact of CRM systems on a firm’s performance has not been
thoroughly studied (Josiassen et al., 2014). Specifically, the impact of CRM on a
company’s profitability is not entirely understood (Josiassen et al., 2014). Chang et al.
(2010) found that only 30% of organizations that introduced CRM into their organization
achieved improvements in financial performance. With such a low success rate,
executives are beginning to question the investment required in CRM. Scholars need to
understand the benefits of CRM use in order to help managers prioritize investments in
CRM systems with other critical strategic needs.
In Section 2, I recapture the purpose of the study, a description of the role of the
researcher, an explanation of participant strategies used in the study, further information
on the research method and design, details on the study population, and an explanation of
the ethical research process as it applies to this study. Additional topics covered in this
section are details about data collection, data instruments, data analysis, reliability, and
Purpose Statement
The purpose of this quantitative correlational study was to examine the
relationship between the three variables in the study, which were CRM system usage,
customer satisfaction, and gross revenue. The independent variables were CRM system
usage (X
) and customer satisfaction (X
). The dependent variable was gross revenue (Y).
The target population included 203 service branches from an industrial equipment
manufacturer in North America. This population was appropriate for this study because
the target company provides a representative sample of industrial service firms in North
America with a fully implemented CRM system.
The results of this study should promote constructive social change by helping
companies understand how to allocate their investment dollars. Furthermore, managers
may use the results to identify successful strategies to implement CRM systems or
develop a method to justify future investment. In addition to justifying the cost of a CRM
system, firms may save money by not investing in a CRM system if the cost exceeds the
benefits. In either case, business leaders can use a portion of the savings for sustainability
projects or in community development projects.
Role of the Researcher
The primary role of the quantitative researcher is to analyze complex relationships
in numerical data, test hypothesis, and understand any causal inferences (Bergman,
2011). Since the data for this study were from secondary data sources, my primary role as
a researcher was that of data analysis. Secondary data plays a vital role in social science
research (Bevan, Baumgartner, Johnson, & McCarthy, 2013). However, secondary data
can also suffer from issues with source quality, measurement bias, or selection bias. In
this study, the national service director authenticated the accuracy and quality of the data
of origin, thus minimizing concerns with the source data. The use of archival corporate
data and avoiding survey data eliminates the risk of measurement bias. Additionally,
including data from the full population of service centers in North America minimized
the likelihood of selection bias. Lastly, I reported the study results accurately, ethically,
and without bias.
Company XYZ (pseudonym) agreed to provide the secondary data necessary for
this study. The North American National Service Director agreed to provide archival data
and signed the data use agreement. Company XYZ is a large multinational conglomerate
with four major international divisions. Two of XYZ’s divisions manufacture industrial
products, one division manufactures subcomponents, and the final division focuses on
sales and distribution of products. All four divisions have operations globally.
I work for company XYZ in one of the product divisions. In an effort to prevent
any ethical issues or biases, several precautions were in place. Since I work in one of the
product divisions, the data came from the sales and distribution division. Using data from
a sister division helped reduce the risk of issues related to social desirability, biased
responses due to cognitive priming, and perceived coercion to participate. This study did
not rely on the use of interviews or surveys. The company already collects the data used
for this study for other purposes. Data collection consisted of a series of queries from
existing company databases. The use of secondary data helped eliminate the risk of
biased responses from personal opinions. The data use agreement laid out clear
guidelines for how the researcher could use the data provided by the company. Appendix
A includes a copy of the data use agreement.
This study did not make use of primary data, and for this reason I did not directly
collect data from participants. Instead, the national service director of XYZ Company
provided archival data for each of the independent variables used in the regression model.
The service director provided existing data from the company’s operational databases.
The data supplied was a subset of the data available from each of 203 North American
service branches. A subset of the data provided by the service director was sufficient to
develop a regression model for this study.
Research Method and Design
Research Method
Academic researchers have a broad range of research methods available to them.
However, scholars have summarized all of these methods into three overall categories
that include qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods (Venkatesh, Brown, & Bala,
2013). Qualitative research involves the collection and analysis of textual data through
observation or interaction with participants (Rennie, 2012). In contrast, quantitative
research uses numerical data to test the hypothesis and predict future events (Petty,
Thomson, & Stew, 2012). Mixed method research designs combine essential features of
quantitative and qualitative research into one research design (Fetters et al., 2013). In this
study, I used a research question that seeks to understand the relationship between CRM
system usage and company revenue. To understand this relationship and predict
outcomes, I used the statistical procedure of multiple regression. When a researcher uses
a numerical analysis to understand the relationship between a dependent and independent
variable, they should use a quantitative method (Bergman, 2011; Bettany-Saltikov &
Whittaker, 2013; Petty et al., 2012). A quantitative method was most appropriate for this
Research Design
I selected a correlational design for this study. Although some authors would
include quasi-experimental and descriptive, at a simplistic level, there are only two basic
types of quantitative designs: correlational and experimental (Bettany-Saltikov &
Whittaker, 2013). Experimental studies measure the key variables before and after a
treatment is applied. Researchers use the application of a treatment to help determine
causality. In a descriptive or correlational design, researchers measure the key variables
only once. One drawback of the correlational design is that it cannot directly determine
causality. In this study, there are no treatments and the data already exists for the key
variables; therefore, a correlational design was the most appropriate (Aussems et al.,
2011; Bettany-Saltikov & Whittaker, 2013; Nenty, 2009).
Population and Sampling
The total population for this study included 203 service branches in North
America for company XYZ. Company XYZ installed a CRM system approximately 5
years ago to help them track and respond more efficiently to customer service requests.
Along with CRM system usage, company XYZ also monitors customer satisfaction and
revenue for each branch. Company XYZ monitors all the key variables for this study at
the branch level covering a vast geographic area.
Cluster sampling, a form of probabilistic sampling, provided the best sampling
method for this study. Researchers prefer probabilistic sampling for quantitative research,
particularly when performing standard statistical analysis (Daniel, 2012). Cluster
sampling is a form of probability sampling that randomly selects elements of the total
population in naturally occurring groups (Daniel, 2012). Researchers have found cluster
sampling particularly useful with geographically confined clusters.
The subject company in this study has their North American operations divided
into 16 distinct geographic territories, with an average of approximately 13 service
branches in each territory. The smallest territory has eight service branches. In order to
achieve the minimum sample size required for this study, I attempted to obtain data from
at least four branches in each region. Another option to achieve the minimum sample size
is to include more branches from each region; however, given the number of branches per
territory, at least six territories, or clusters, were included in the study. In this study, I
used single stage cluster sampling and attempted to include all data points in each cluster.
Daniel (2012) found that cluster sampling might yield less sample error as compared to
simple random sampling with smaller sample sizes. There are some drawbacks with
cluster sampling including increased combined variance, more sophisticated data
analysis, and increased error (Daniel, 2012). Researchers can avoid the drawbacks
associated with cluster sampling by using a large sample size.
Schimmack (2012) found that a power analysis is essential to ensure an adequate
sample size for a correlational study. Researchers confirmed that the statistical software
package G*Power 3.1.9 was a reliable tool to calculate minimum sample sizes (Faul,
Erdfelder, Buchner, & Lang, 2009). I conducted an apriori power analysis using
G*Power assuming a medium effect size of (f = 0.15); α = 0.05 to determine
appropriate sample sizes for this study. G*Power calculated a minimum sample of 68
data points to achieve a power of 0.80. Increasing the sample size to 146 resulted in a
power of 0.99. I targeted a minimum of 68 data points for this study but strove to get as
close as possible to the full population of 203 (Figure 2).
Figure 1. Power as a function of sample size.
A medium effect size (f = 0.15) and power (0.80) was suitable for this study. I
based the use of the medium effect size on the analysis of three articles where revenue
0.575 0.625 0.675 0.725 0.775 0.825 0.875 0.925 0.975
Total Sample Size
Power (1 – β err prob)
F tests – Linear multiple regression: Fixed model, R2 deviation from zero
Number of predictors = 2, α err prob = 0.05, Effect size f2 = 0.15
was the outcome measurement (Abdullateef & Salleh, 2013; Fan & Ku, 2010; Terpstra et
al., 2012).
Ethical Research
Student researchers must submit their study proposal to Walden’s IRB prior to
collecting any data. The IRB reviews the proposal to ensure the student is following all
required laws, institutional policies, and professional ethical standards (Blee & Currier,
2011). Researchers have an obligation to make sure their work meets the highest levels of
reliability, credibility, and ethics. Walden’s IRB reviewed and approved this study
(approval number 05-15-15-0316543).
The research community widely agrees that scholars must do everything possible
to protect vulnerable populations and avoid any unnecessary risks to their participants
(Blee & Currier, 2011). The design of this study has eliminated risks to participants by
using secondary data. All data used in this study come from databases and, therefore,
does not require collection from individuals. There are no human participants for this
study. Company XYZ provided the data for the study and authorized the use of the data
via a data use agreement (See Appendix A for a copy of the data use agreement).
Since I am an employee of company XYZ, there may be concerns related to
conducting a study in the same organization. The use of secondary data allows me to
eliminate many of the concerns with research in the same company. For example,
secondary data reduces or eliminates ethical challenges regarding social desirability,
biased responses, and perceived coercion. I dealt with confidentiality breaches through a
data use agreement and by removing any distinguishing descriptions of the company in
the study.
I protected the companys identity by disguising the real name. I only referred to
the company as company XYZ. Similarly, each of the company’s branches will receive
only a nondescript numerical designation that will prevent the identification of the
branch. I will keep all data used for this study in a secure encrypted and password
protected folder under my direct control. After 5 years from the study completion, I will
destroy all data pertaining to this study.
Data Collection Instruments
I collected the data for this study from three separate corporate databases used in
the daily operations of company XYZ. Clary and Kestens (2013) found that secondary
data sources provide a representative description of phenomena as it exists. All three
variables are ratio, as they exist now. The survey provider collected the data for customer
satisfaction initially as interval variables but then converted to ratio scores as part of the
Net Promotor Score (NPS) process.
The data for CRM usage came from simple queries in the companys CRM
database to provide a count of service events over a given period. Company XYZ uses
Oracle’s Siebel CRM application for call center and service management. The data for
customer satisfaction comes from the corporate survey database provided by Allegiance.
Allegiance is an industry standard solution provider for feedback systems to collect the
voice of the customer. Company XYZ uses the Allegiance solution to reliably capture
customer feedback and collate it into standard numerical scores using the NPS scale. Data
for gross revenue comes from the corporate ERP system. Company XYZ uses Oracle 12
to manage its operations and to collect financial data. The company’s accounting team
verifies the financial data before generating reports required by federal agencies.
When using secondary data sources, the researcher must consider the quality of
the source data, measurement bias, and selection bias (Bevan et al., 2013). Researchers
can address data quality by considering the original purpose of the data to ensure it fits
the study needs and verifying the reputation of the data creators (Bevan et al., 2013).
Company XYZ collected the data used in the study as part of their operations and uses
management reports and reviews to verify the accuracy of the data on a regular basis.
Additionally, company XYZ is a Fortune 100 company that uses these data to meet their
public reporting requirements thus validating its accuracy. Lastly, the inclusion of all the
data for a given period ensures there is no chance of selection bias. Overall, the use of
secondary data provides an accurate method to test the theoretical framework identified
in previous studies (Wang X. L., 2012). I will maintain the raw data for a period of 5
years and make them available for inspection as appropriate in accordance with the data
use agreement.
Data Collection Technique
In this study, I sought to understand potential relationships between CRM system
usage, customer satisfaction, and gross revenue in the industrial service industry. I used a
form of structured record reviews to collect data for all three variables in the study. The
North American service director provided CRM usage from the CRM database as a count
of logged issues. Similarly, the service director provided customer satisfaction from the
customer survey database. Lastly, he provided revenue from the corporate ERP system.
The service director provided the data in spreadsheet format. I combined all data into one
spreadsheet for analysis.
The use of existing data from corporate databases helped to reduce the cost of
collecting data, reduced the time required to collect the data, and improved the reliability
of the data. Additionally, using existing data reduced the time to complete the study and
provide results that are more reliable. Using existing data was the preferable method of
data collection for this study.
Data Analysis
The researcher designed this study to answer the research question: What is the
relationship between CRM system usage, customer satisfaction, and gross revenue in the
industrial service industry? Further development of the research method required the
formulation of the null and alternate hypothesis that relates the dependent and
independent variables.
RQ-1: What is the relationship between CRM system usage and gross revenue in
the industrial service industry?
: There is no relationship between CRM system usage and gross
revenue in the industrial service industry.
: There is a relationship between CRM system usage and gross
revenue in the industrial service industry.
RQ-2: What is the relationship between customer satisfaction and gross revenue
in the industrial service industry?
: There is no relationship between customer satisfaction and gross
revenue in the industrial service industry.
: There is a relationship between customer satisfaction and gross
revenue in the industrial service industry.
Multiple regression analysis is a popular statistical method used to understand
how one or more predictor variables influences the independent variable (Beckstead,
2012; Bonett & Wright, 2011). Researchers use multiple regression analysis to
understand the extent that the independent variables affect the prediction of the dependent
variable (Tonidandel & LeBreton, 2011). Researchers use other statistical tests such as
ANOVA and t-tests to test for correlation between variables (Levine, Ramsey, & Smidt,
2001). However, regression analysis is an appropriate statistical test to use if the goal is
to assess the influence of one or more predictor variables on the response variable
(Levine et al., 2001).
The predictor, or independent, variables in this study were CRM system usage
) and customer satisfaction (X
). CRM system usage is a numerical variable in the
form of an integer with a minimum value of zero and no maximum. Customer
satisfaction is a numerical variable in the form of a rational number with a minimum of
zero and a maximum of one (or 0 to 100%). The single independent variable is gross
revenue (Y). Company XYZ reports gross revenue in US dollars with a minimum of zero
and no maximum. The linear equation that describes the relationship between the
variables in this study is:
ܻ = ߚ
+ ߚ
+ ߚ
ܻ = ܩݎ݋ݏݏ ܴ݁ݒ݁݊ݑ݁
= ܶℎ݁ ܻ − ݅݊ݐ݁ݎܿ݁݌ݐ
= ݈ܵ݋݌݁ ݋݂ ܻ ݓ݅ݐℎ ݒܽݎܾ݈݅ܽ݁ ܺ
ݓℎ݁݊ ݒܽݎܾ݈݅ܽ݁ ܺ
݅ݏ ℎ݈݁݀ ܿ݋݊ݏݐܽ݊ݐ
= ܥܴܯ ݑݏܽ݃݁ ݒܽݎܾ݈݅ܽ݁
= ݈ܵ݋݌݁ ݋݂ ܻ ݓ݅ݐℎ ݒܽݎܾ݈݅ܽ݁ ܺ
ݓℎ݁݊ ܺ
݅ݏ ℎ݈݁݀ ܿ݋݊ݏݐܽ݊ݐ
= ܥݑݏݐ݋݉݁ݎ ݏܽݐ݅ݏ݂ܽܿݐ݅݋݊ ݒܽݎܾ݈݅ܽ݁
The use of secondary data minimized the need for any data cleaning procedures.
Most of the data integrity issue came from missing data. Researchers have developed
several methods to deal with missing quantitative data including, more in-depth enquiries
from the investigator, numerical estimates, and excluding that record from the study
(Bevan et al., 2013; Button, et al., 2013; Unluer, 2012). In this study, I excluded any
records that were missing data from the final data set for analysis.
There are five major assumptions related to multiple regression analysis:
multicollinearity, normality of error, homoscedasticity, linearity, and independence of
errors (Levine et al., 2001; Williams et al., 2013). Collinearity, or multicollinearity for
multiple variables, refers to the situation when a high degree of correlation exists between
one or more predictor variables. Multicollinearity can result in unstable estimates of the
regression coefficients or inflated standard errors and confidence intervals. Statisticians
use the variance inflation factor (VIF) to test for collinearity among variables. A VIF of
one would indicate no correlation between variables (Levine et al., 2001). Researchers
generally agree that a VIF of under 10 for any variable is acceptable and that was the
criteria used in this study (Frey et al., 2013; Levine et al., 2001; Pal & Bhattacharya,
2013). If there was any collinearity between variables, I had planned to run separate
regression models with one variable removed to see which provided the best fit.
However, that was not necessary in this study.
The second assumption for regression that must be satisfied is the normality of
errors. In regression studies, the error refers to the difference between the observed and
predicted values in a regression model (Williams et al., 2013). There are many standard
tests for normality; however, in this study I analyzed the errors using the normality tools
in SPSS. Since the dataset had less than 2000 data points, the Shapiro-Wilk test was the
appropriate normality test (Williams et al., 2013). The Shapiro-Wilk test uses a null
hypothesis of normality; therefore, researchers use a significance value of ݌ 0.05 to
accept the null hypothesis and an assumption of normality (Williams et al., 2013). An
assumption of homoscedasticity requires that model errors have an unknown but constant
variance (Williams et al., 2013). Homoscedasticity is an important assumption in
regression modeling. The most common aproach to solve normality and
homoscedasticity errors is through data transformations (Levine et al., 2001; Williams et
al., 2013).
The concept of linearity means that the model specifies a linear relationship
between variables, but the actual response is non-linear (Williams et al., 2013). Scholars
can check linearity by plotting the residuals against the predicted value of the dependent
variable. The plot of residuals should show a straight line (or zero mean) relationship.
The last assumption, independence of errors, requires that the errors be independent at
each value of the predictor variable (Levine et al., 2001). The most common method of
testing for independence of errors is using a residuals plot (Levine et al., 2001). The plot
should show the residuals in the observation order of the data. An inspection for outliers
will show any obvious violations (Levine et al., 2001). The method to deal with issues
due to independence of errors varies according to the cause but may include shifting to a
nested or time series analysis (Williams et al., 2013).
Although it is not an assumption, potentially the most important, parameter in
regression modeling is the coefficient of determination (R
). The coefficient of
determination is a ratio expressed by the regression sum of squares as compared to the
total sum of squares. The coefficient of determination provides a measure of how well
the regression model fits the data (Levine et al., 2001). The value of R
gives the
researcher a direct measure of what percent of the variance in the data is explained by the
regression model (Rodriguez & Honeycutt, 2011). The coefficient of determination can
have a value from -1 for a perfect negative correlation to +1 for a perfect positive
correlation. There is no minimum value of R
(Levine et al., 2001). The value of R
merely gives an indication of the completeness of the regression model in explaining the
model’s variation.
I used SPSS version 21 to complete all the statistical analysis in this study. SPSS
is a statistical software package commonly used in academic research (Beckstead, 2012;
Shafia et al., 2011; Yilmaz & Kaynar, 2011). The only exception is the sample size
calculations completed in G*Power.
Study Validity
Quantitative researchers need to address authentication issues related to reliability
and validity. Reliability is an indication of the quality of the measurement and is a
precondition for validity (Venkatesh et al., 2013). Researchers typically consider results
reliable if they can obtain the same results repeatedly. The use of secondary data
collected from corporate databases ensured that future researchers can get the exact data
employed in this study. Future researchers will be able to duplicate the study to obtain
stable and consistent results using similar statistical processes.
Venkatesh et al. (2013) stated that there are three general types of validity related
to quantitative research including measurement validity, design validity, and
interferential validity. Measurement validity describes how well the instrument measures
what it was intended to measure. Since there is no instrument in this study, measurement
validity is not applicable. Design validity includes both internal and external validity,
which are both applicable to this study. External validity describes how readers can apply
the results of the study to other groups or situations (Venkatesh et al., 2013). The focus of
external validity is how well the study applies outside of the study environment.
Conversely, internal validity takes an inward view of the study. According to Petty et al.
(2012) internal validity describes credibility or truth-value of the study. Internal validity
gives the reader some confidence that the results of the study are accurate based on the
procedures used in the analysis.
To ensure the external validity of this study, I provided the following
recommendations. Since the population of this study came from an industrial
manufacturing company in North America, readers should not apply the results of this
study to other types of manufacturers or geographies. Additionally, many other variables
may affect revenue. For this reason, readers should not apply the results of this study to
timeframes outside of the study parameters without further research. Since this study
does not include any experimentation with variables, there is no risk of interaction
effects. Based on the threats to external validity, readers can apply this research to other
industrial service companies in North America with little risk.
Typically, threats to internal validity arise from experimental procedures,
treatments, or the experience of participants that may influence the researcher’s ability to
make a correct inference (Venkatesh et al., 2013). The use of secondary data in this study
helps to eliminate many of the risks from participant interaction such as maturation,
mortality, diffusion of treatment, compensatory demoralization, compensatory rivalry,
testing, and instrumentation. Using a minimal acceptable sample size of 68 and
attempting to sample the full population helped minimize the risk of threats to validity
due to regression or selection.
Inferential validity, or statistical conclusion validity, speaks to the legitimacy of
the correlation between the dependent and independent variables (Venkatesh et al., 2013).
Quantitative researchers minimize threats to statistical conclusion validity by selecting
the appropriate level of significance (α-value) for their study (Levine et al., 2001). An
appropriate α-value helps to minimize the risk of a Type I error. A Type I error occurs
when the researcher rejects the null hypothesis when they should have accepted it
(Levine et al., 2001). A α-value of 0.05 is typical for business research and is what I used
in this study (Daunt & Harris, 2013; Hassani et al., 2013; Pal & Bhattacharya, 2013;
Williams & Naumann, 2011).
Transition and Summary
Section 2 included a detailed discussion of the quantitative correlational study
design. Key parts of section 2 included the selection of the North American industrial
service company for data collection and detailed discussion of the data analysis
techniques. Additionally, I provided a justification and discussion of the selection of
multiple regression as a valid statistical test and a discussion on the reliability and
validity of the study using secondary data.
Section 3 of the study will include the results of the analysis and interpretation of
the results. The discussion in section 3 will be in the context of the research question and
hypothesis discussed in section 1 and 2. Additionally section 3 will contain implications
for social change, recommendations for further action, suggestions for future research,
and a summary of conclusions.
Section 3: Application to Professional Practice and Implications for Change
The purpose of this quantitative correlational study was to examine the
relationship between CRM system usage, customer satisfaction, and gross revenue. This
section includes a brief overview of the study, a discussion on the presentation of
findings, and suggestions for applications to professional practice. The study concludes
with recommendations for future research, reflections on the research process, and a final
In brief, the analysis results required a rejection of the null hypothesis for both
research questions. The first null hypothesis stated that there is no relationship between
CRM system usage and gross revenue in the industrial service industry. The study results
indicated that CRM operational use did have a significant and positive relationship to
gross revenue. Similarly, the null hypothesis for the second research question stated that
there is no relationship between customer satisfaction and gross revenue in the industrial
service industry. The analysis indicated that customer satisfaction had a significant and
negative impact on gross revenue. Both customer satisfaction and CRM use have a
predictive influence on gross revenue in the industrial service sector. However, CRM use
has a more significant and positive impact.
Presentation of the Findings
The presentation of findings includes a discussion of the statistical tests conducted
for this analysis including the descriptive statistics, testing of assumptions, inferential
statistical results, and a summary of the findings. It is important to note that bootstrapping
was not required to combat any potential violation of assumptions during the regression
analysis. The analysis ran with and without bootstrapping show nearly identical results.
Therefore, the following discussion includes only the standard results without
Descriptive Statistics
Company XYZ has 203 service branches in North America, which makes up the
study population. From the total population, I eliminated 25 branches from the study for
missing data from one or multiple study variables. The data eliminations resulted in 178
records for use in the regression analysis.
The use of cluster sampling in this study required a minimum of six territories and
four service branches from each territory. A power analysis conducted prior to data
collection required at least 68 records for valid results. The actual data collection
exceeded the minimum requirements by a larger margin. This study included data
collected from 15 different territories. The territory with the fewest branches had six
involved in the study, with the average number of branches at 12. Additionally, the
service director from XYZ company provided data from 178 branches, more than
doubling the required amount. Table 2 provides the descriptive statistics for the study
Table 2
Means (M) and Standard Deviations (SD) for Study Variables (N = 178)
Variable M SD
Gross Revenue
3685.70 2618.86
Customer Satisfaction
80.38 5.51
119.83 160.92
Gross branch revenue in thousands of dollars
NPS measure in percent
Count of CRM contacts logged
Tests of Assumptions
Regression analysis requires testing for five basic assumptions including
multicollinearity, the normality of error, homoscedasticity, linearity, and independence of
errors. There were no major violations of assumptions in this study. A detailed discussion
of assumption testing follows prior to a description of the regression results.
Multicollinearity. The most common approach to evaluating multicollinearity is
by examining the correlation coefficients and the variance inflation factor (VIF). Table 3
contains the correlation coefficients and VIF values for this study. Fritz and Morris
(2012) stated that a small correlation is less than .10, a medium correlation is less than
.30, and a larger correlation is greater than .50. The independent variables of customer
satisfaction and CRM use showed only small to medium correlation and within
acceptable limits for this study. Similarly, the VIF is very close to 1.0 showing that
almost no correlation exists between the independent variables.
Table 3
Study Variable Correlation Coefficients and VIFs
Variable Gross revenue Customer satisfaction CRM use VIF
Gross revenue 1.000 -.275 .526 -
-.275 1.000 -.252 1.068
CRM use .526 -.252 1.000 1.068
Outliers, normality, linearity, homoscedasticity, and independence of
residuals. I evaluated outliers, normality, linearity, homoscedasticity, and independence
of residuals by examining the Normal Probability Plot (P-P) of the regression
standardized residual and a scatterplot of the standardized residuals. Figures 2 and 3 show
the normal probability plot and the scatter plot respectively. An examination of both plots
showed that there were no major violations of the regression assumptions.
Figure 2 shows that the standardized residuals tended to follow a straight line
diagonally from the bottom left to the upper right. The fact that the residuals follow a
somewhat straight-line provides evidence that the assumption of normality has not be
grossly violated. A quick inspection of Figure 2 supports the assumption of normally
distributed residuals.
I evaluated the remaining assumptions including outliers, linearity,
homoscedasticity, and independence of residuals by using the scatterplot of the
standardized residuals. No pattern is evident in the data, and the residuals tend to have a
linear relationship centered around a mean of zero. Therefore, there are no indications of
the remaining assumptions violations. There was no need to use bootstrapping since there
were no major violations of assumptions
Figure 2. Normal probability plot (P-P) of the regression standardized residuals.
Figure 3. Scatterplot of the standardized residuals.
Regression Analysis Results
I used standard multiple regression, α = .05 (two-tailed), to examine the ability of
CRM system use and customer satisfaction to predict gross revenue for service branches
in a North American industrial service company. The independent variables in the study
were CRM system use and customer satisfaction. The dependent variable was gross
revenue at the service branch. The null hypothesis was that there is no relationship
between CRM system use, customer satisfaction, and gross revenue. The detailed
research questions, null and alternate hypothesis are as follows.
RQ-1: What is the relationship between CRM system usage and gross revenue in
the industrial service industry?
: There is no relationship between CRM system usage and gross
revenue in the industrial service industry.
: There is a relationship between CRM system usage and gross
revenue in the industrial service industry.
RQ-2: What is the relationship between customer satisfaction and gross revenue
in the industrial service industry?
: There is no relationship between customer satisfaction and gross
revenue in the industrial service industry.
: There is a relationship between customer satisfaction and gross
revenue in the industrial service industry.
A preliminary analysis of multicollinearity, outliers, normality, linearity,
homoscedasticity, and independence of residuals showed no serious violations of the
regression assumptions. The regression analysis showed that the model was able to
significantly predict gross revenue, F (2,175) = 37.321, p < .001, R
= .298. The R
suggests that the linear combination of the predictor variables CRM use and customer
satisfaction accounts for approximately 30% of the variation in gross revenue. Both CRM
use and customer satisfaction were statistically significant in the model. CRM use (beta =
.488, p < .001) provided a higher contribution to the model than customer satisfaction
(beta = -.152, p = .021). Additionally, CRM use showed a positive contribution to the
model as compared to customer satisfaction that was slightly negative. The numerical
predictive equation from the regression analysis is
ܻ = 8535.924 + 7.940 ܺ
− 72.181ܺ
ܻ = ܩݎ݋ݏݏ ܴ݁ݒ݁݊ݑ݁
= ܥܴܯ ݑݏܽ݃݁
= ܥݑݏݐ݋݉݁ݎ ݏܽݐ݅ݏ݂ܽܿݐ݅݋݊
The negative slope of customer satisfaction (-72.181) as a predictor of gross
revenue indicates a 72.181 decrease in gross revenue for a one-point increase in customer
satisfaction. The negative slope of customer satisfaction indicates that gross revenue
decreases as customer satisfaction increases. The squared semipartial coefficient (sr
was .022, which indicates that while controlling CRM use, customer satisfaction uniquely
accounts for approximately 2% of the variance in gross revenue.
The positive slope for CRM use shows that there was a 7.940 increase in gross
revenue for each one-unit increase in CRM use. Therefore, the positive slope indicates
that gross revenue increases as CRM use increases. The squared semipartial coefficient
) was .223, which indicates that while controlling for customer satisfaction, CRM use
uniquely accounts for approximately 22% of the variance in gross revenue.
Table 4
Regression Analysis Summary for Predictor Variables
Variable B SE B β t p
Constant 8535.924 2538.604 3.362 .001
Customer satisfaction -72.181 31.079 -.152 -2.322 .021
CRM use 7.940 1.065 .488 7.457 <.001
Note. N = 178.
Analysis summary. The purpose of this study was to examine the ability of
customer satisfaction and CRM use to predict gross revenue for industrial service
companies in North America. The analysis method used in this study was a standard
multiple regression. Customer satisfaction and CRM use were the independent variables,
and gross revenue was the dependent variable. There were no major violations of the
standard regression assumptions noted. The regression model was able to significantly
predict gross revenue, F (2,175) = 37.321, p < .001, R
= .298. Both customer satisfaction
and CRM use proved useful in predicting gross revenue. The conclusion from this
analysis is that a significant correlation exists between the predictor variables of customer
satisfaction, CRM use, and the dependent variable of gross revenue.
Impact on the Service-Profit Chain
The service-profit chain provided the theoretical framework for this study.
Heskett et al. (1994) developed the initial service-profit chain that linked employee
satisfaction and customer satisfaction to company revenue. Evanschitzky et al. (2012)
extended the traditional view of the service-profit chain to include operational
investments and replace revenue with operating profits. The model I used in this study
replaced operational investments in Evanschitzky’s model with CRM use. Additionally, I
went back to Heskett’s use of revenue as the financial measure and excluded employee
The basic tenant of the service-profit chain states that support services and
systems that enable employees to provide value to customers result in employee
satisfaction (Heskett et al., 1994). Employee satisfaction drives customer satisfaction,
which then drives profitability (Heskett et al., 1994). Therefore, it is reasonable to extend
that CRM systems allow employees to provide services to customers more effectively
and efficiently. The use of CRM systems would then provide value to employees and
customers resulting in improved satisfaction for both. The application of the service-
profit chain to this study led to an improved understanding of how CRM use and
customer satisfaction impacts gross revenue in an industrial service business. The
application of the service-profit chain to business practice related to CRM investment and
use provides a more comprehensive approach to predicting revenue in an industrial
service business.
The results of the regression analysis showed that a linear combination of CRM
use and customer satisfaction explained 30% of the variation in gross revenue. Therefore,
other factors must account for the remaining 70%. Scholars and business professionals
have long understood that factors such as product quality, price, and availability were key
factors in financial performance. O’Cass and Ngo (2011) found that factors such as
product performance, pricing, relationships, and cocreation of value could explain up to
45% of the variation in the company’s financial performance. Regardless of the other
factors that may impact revenue in the service industry, the model used in this study was
able to explain approximately 30% of the overall revenue variation.
One of the more interesting findings in this study was the fact that customer
satisfaction only accounts for 2% of the variation in gross revenue and the linear
relationship between customer satisfaction and gross revenue was negative. Much of the
literature on customer satisfaction agrees that there is typically a strong positive
relationship between customer satisfaction and performance (Steven et al., 2012).
Williams and Naumann (2011) found that improved customer satisfaction levels
produced better average total revenue per account and an increase in revenue growth rate
per account. However, there is a multitude of additional studies that show mixed results
(Terpstra & Verbeeten, 2014). There may be three possible explanations for the results in
customer satisfaction.
The first explanation of the unexpected results in customer satisfaction is the
impacts of time lags. The data for customer satisfaction in this study was for the same 12-
month period as gross revenue. Other researchers have found that gross revenue changes
lag customer satisfaction changes by one-quarter to two years (Steven et al., 2012;
Terpstra et al., 2012). Additionally, Terpstra et al. (2012) found that the relationship
between customer satisfaction and revenue is better described by a logarithmic
relationship. Since there was no time lag effects or data transformation used in this study,
it is possible that the analysis did not show the full impact of customer satisfaction on
The second factor affecting the customer satisfaction results in this study is
relative scores. The customer satisfaction data collected for company XYZ in this study
was relatively high. Company XYZ had an average score of approximately 80% out of a
possible 100% using the NPS scale. Additionally, there was very little variation in the
scores with a standard deviation of 5.5. Steven et al. (2012) found that at higher levels of
customer satisfaction changes in performance would be less significant due to lower
marginal returns. Steven et al. (2012) had a somewhat similar result to this study in that
performance changes tended to level off at approximately 80%. Therefore, it is possible
and even likely; that company XYZ has achieved a mature customer satisfaction score
and the impact of variation from branch to branch is minimal on gross revenue.
The third factor that may be influencing the customer satisfaction results in this
study is the choice of revenue as the dependent variable. The use of revenue is common
in the literature but may contribute to the conflicting results (Terpstra et al., 2012).
Williams and Naumann (2011) suggested that other financial measures such as profit,
stock price, P/E ratio, and cash flow may be a more appropriate financial measure to
judge performance when looking at the relationship to customer satisfaction. Steven et al.
(2012) also stated that much of the studies that show a positive correlation between
customer satisfaction and performance used profitability as the financial measure.
Satisfied customers may be willing to pay a premium to do business with a firm or
continue with future purchases. Anticipating the future behavior of customers may also
add to the time lag theory already discussed. Therefore, using a profitability measure
such as profits before interest and taxes (PBIT) may have yielded different results.
The most significant contribution of this study was the findings related to CRM
use on gross revenue. CRM use accounted for 22% of the variation in gross revenue with
a positive relationship. The usage results indicate that as CRM use increased so did
revenue. I did not find any other studies that looked at the operational use of CRM
systems and their impact on financial performance. However, there were similar studies
that used other variables related to CRM. For example, Evanschitzky et al. (2012)
proposed operational investments as an input to the service-profit chain. Operational
investments could include investments in information technology such as knowledge
management or CRM applications. Similarly, Law et al. (2013) investigated CRM
implementation and data utilization but failed to take a transactional view of customer
contacts. This study adds to the body of knowledge by providing evidence of the positive
relationship between CRM system use and company revenue in the industrial service
sector in North America.
There may be multiple reasons that CRM use has a positive impact on firm
performance. Josiassen et al. (2014) noted that existing research shows that companies
that utilize CRM system have more frequent customer communication, provide timely
feedback, and provide customized offerings. Each time a company communicates with a
client, they are increasing their chance for additional revenue opportunities. Steel,
Dubelaar, and Ewing (2013) found the CRM impact on performance is industry specific.
The company that provided the data for this study is in the industrial service sector and is
similar in operations to many automotive manufacturers. Chougule et al. (2013) used new
product quality data as described by field failure reports and linked resolution of these
issues to performance. Company XYZ uses their CRM system to track and escalate field
failures in effort to provide rapid resolution of customer complaints. Assuming they are
successful in resolving issues to the client’s satisfaction, they are creating more positive
customer experiences. Frequent positive contacts results in repeat business and more
revenue. The outcome of this study related to CRM use matches the anticipated results.
Applications to Professional Practice
The most significant contribution of this study to business practice is furthering
the understanding of how the operational use of CRM systems contributes to the financial
performance of the organization. Business executives are very clear on the cost of
implementing CRM systems. However, executives are less clear on how CRM affects the
bottom line long-term. For example, Gartner estimated that US companies spent $13
billion on CRM technologies in 2012 (Padilla-Melendez & Garrido-Moreno, 2013). With
such a large investment, business leaders expect a significant return. Without a clear
method to tie CRM use to financial results, business leaders were unable to link CRM
investment to a financial return. Many business leaders formed the opinion that CRM
systems are more likely to fail than produce any tangible business benefit (Shafia et al.,
2011). This study provides some insight to service managers and business executives as
to how the long-term use of CRM can positively contribute to the firm’s financial
performance. The information in this study can help executives develop investment
models for CRM system that will allow them to compare CRM investment to other types
of investment. The results of this study will put CRM investment decisions on par with
other strategic investments and allow business leaders to make sound financial decisions.
Josiassen et al. (2014) stated that many firms invested in CRM systems with a
hope that it would help them improve service, enhance customer retention, and increase
financial performance. The results of this study confirmed that CRM use is a significant
contributor to service branch revenue. Business executives must look beyond the initial
CRM investment and understand the benefits of a long-term CRM strategy. Lee et al.
(2010) found that CRM benefits companies through an improved market share, cost
reduction, customer satisfaction, and supply chain integration. However, to realize these
benefits, managers must make two major commitments. First, companies must implement
the business process reengineering required to take full advantage of their CRM
investment. Many CRM implementations fail because of the lack of business process
reengineering (Vella & Caruana, 2012). Secondly, managers must implement CRM use
into the daily tasks of their operation. This study has shown that the regular use of CRM
has a positive impact on company financial performance.
Many studies have reported on the positive relationship between customer
satisfaction and financial performance (Terpstra et al., 2012). These results have driven
business leaders to invest heavily in customer satisfaction. There may be a point of
diminishing returns where further investment does not provide a benefit. The results of
this study tend to agree with Steven et al. (2012) who found that additional changes in
customer satisfaction have a less significant impact on the business when the business
already has high levels of customer service. It is interesting to note that both Steven’s et
al. study and this study showed that the optimum level of customer satisfaction scores is
approximately 80%. The study results do not suggest that customer satisfaction is not
important. However, there does appear to be a point where further investment provides
little benefit. The learning for business leaders is that once they reach this optimum level
of customer satisfaction, they should focus their investment in other areas.
Implications for Social Change
During the recent financial crisis, organizations realized the benefits and the need
for continued investment in corporate social responsibility (Giannarakis & Theotokas,
2011). Corporate social responsibility (CSR) provides numerous benefits to organizations
that outlive difficult economic times. For example, Strugatch (2011) identified several
benefits of CSR including more environmentally friendly processes, better product
quality, improved financial disclosures, community support, and more opportunities for
minorities. Anything that improves a company’s financial position improves their ability
to invest in CSR.
This study identified two areas where businesses can increase their financial
performance and provide funding to CSR efforts. First, this study showed that the
operational use of CRM had a positive impact on revenue. Additional revenue provides
companies with the opportunity to invest in new projects including CSR projects.
Secondly, this study showed that additional investment in customer satisfaction projects
beyond a particular point does not necessarily improve financial performance. Managers
can divert some of the funding designated for customer satisfaction projects to CSR
projects. Diverting funding has the additional benefit of not needing additional revenues
to support the work. Malik (2015) found that funding CSR projects provided several
significant benefits to organizations including enhancing firm value, promoting employee
productivity, improving operating performance, expanding markets, better use of capital
budgeting, improving the firm’s overall reputation, and improving relationships with all
CRM usage allows companies to improve customer relationships through cause-
related marketing. Scholars have defined cause-related marketing as actions by a group to
further the social good above those actions required by law (Jeong, Paek, & Lee, 2013).
Businesses can increase their CRM usage and contact with customers by engaging in
cause-related marketing. For example, CRM systems can aid in cause promotion, cause
marketing efforts, corporate social marketing, corporate philanthropy, volunteering, and
social business communication (Jeong et al., 2013). Engaging in cause-related marketing
through a CRM system allows the company to maximize the utilization of an existing
investment, increase customer contact, find new potential revenue opportunities, and
build stronger relationships with their customers.
This study contributes to positive social change in three ways. First, it identified
opportunities for companies to improve financial performance, which provides additional
funding for CSR projects. Additionally, this study identified a chance to divert existing
funds to CSR projects. Lastly, companies can increase the impact of the CSR activities
through the increased utilization of the CRM system in cause-related marketing efforts.
Recommendations for Action
The results of this study have led me to make the following recommendations to
business leaders who are considering the implementation of a CRM system. The first
recommendation is to consider the full scope of a successful CRM implementation.
Consideration of a CRM implementation should start with a thorough understanding of
what a CRM system is and is not. A CRM system is not merely an information
technology platform used by customer-facing employees. CRM is a much broader
concept that utilizes technology, but more importantly; CRM combines people and
business process re-engineering to maximize the benefits of customer relationships.
Therefore, business leaders not only need to consider and plan the information
technology portion of their implementation, but they must also plan to retrain employees,
and engage in full-scale business process reengineering.
My next recommendation is that business leaders appoint a sponsor for any CRM
initiative from the board of directors. A high-ranking sponsor in the organization can help
get resources assigned to the project and guide the organization through the difficult
changes that must occur in any business process reengineering project. The sponsor must
oversee several aspects of work including communicating project vision, gaining top
management support, driving business process reengineering, obtaining resources to
support the work and training of employees.
After implementation, managers need to employ a robust set of measures that will
ensure employees are fully utilizing the CRM system to achieve the intended results. The
most advanced and robust systems are of no use if they are never used. The CRM
balanced scorecard provides some of the most comprehensive and useful measures of
CRM use and effectiveness. The balanced scorecard includes measures on organizational
performance, operational measures related to customer service, marketing effectiveness,
and the utilization of internal resources. Regardless of the process used to collect metrics,
managers must create a key measure around the use of CRM resources.
Measuring CRM utilization is still not sufficient to achieve success. Therefore, I
would recommend that managers engrain CRM principles in the organization through
sustained programs of training and incentivizing employees. Leaders must provide initial
training for employees, but they must also monitor performance and ensure employees
have the ongoing support they need to guarantee success. In many cases, leaders need to
enact a business culture change to engrain CRM principles into the core values of the
The last recommendation is that companies consider the long-term use of CRM
when making strategic decisions, particularly when those decisions concern investment in
customer service activities. The key finding of this study was that the increased
operational use of CRM provides positive financial benefits for the company. Financial
managers and business leaders need to consider the long-term benefits of CRM when
comparing CRM investment with other projects competing for the same resources. In
conjunction with this, business leaders should consider diverting resources to other
projects when they have achieved optimum levels of customer service.
Recommendations for Further Research
During the completion of this research, I identified several opportunities for
additional research. Many of the opportunities center around further research on the
impact of CRM on financial performance. The first recommendation is to repeat this
study using profitability as the financial measure instead of revenue. Although there are
many other factors that affect profitability, previous studies in other industries have
established relationships between CRM implementation and firm profitability. Next,
future scholars should repeat this study and include a variable for employee satisfaction.
Adding employee satisfaction would test all of the original variables of the service-profit
I would also recommend a long-term data collection effort to understand the
impact of time lags in the model identified in this study. Other studies have suggested
that any changes in performance lags CRM changes by up to two years. To date, there are
no studies that provide insights on the impact of time lags with CRM use. Additionally,
future scholars should conduct a more comprehensive study that looks at all factor known
to affect firm profitability. Other studies that have looked at profitability failed to
consider CRM use. The last recommendation is that other scholars replicate this research
in additional markets to ensure the results apply broadly.
I found the DBA doctoral study process to be challenging, enlightening, and
rewarding. Despite best efforts, I underestimated the amount of time and effort that
would go into the research process. I had to overcome several personal challenges not the
least of which was academic writing at the doctoral level. However, this has been one of
the most rewarding learning experiences of my career.
Since I have worked in customer support for much of my career, I have developed
several assumptions related to customer service and CRM systems. Some of these
assumptions are what lead me to pursue this research topic. I assumed that the use of
CRM provided tangible benefits to organizations that utilized them. However, I lacked
the evidence to support this assumption until this project. This study helped me confirm
that CRM use provides a positive financial benefit.
I had also assumed that customer satisfaction was the most important focal point
for any company. I had to reevaluate that assumption based on the results of this study
and a review of the literature on the topic. I learned that there was an optimum level of
customer satisfaction beyond which companies seen no additional benefits. Based on this
finding, I now believe that companies should monitor customer satisfaction for this level
and once they reach it, do what is needed to maintain, and then divert additional
resources to other more value-added projects.
Summary and Study Conclusions
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between CRM system
use, customer satisfaction, and gross revenue. There were two research questions. The
first research question asked what the relationship was between CRM system usage and
gross revenue. The second research question asked what the relationship was between
customer satisfaction and gross revenue. I used a quantitative correlational study design
using multiple linear regression to analyze the relationship between the independent
variables of CRM use and customer satisfaction, to the dependent variable of gross
From the results of this study, I was able to conclude that CRM use and customer
satisfaction are significant predictors of revenue for companies in the industrial service
sector with service branches in North America. CRM system use was the most significant
predictor of revenue with a positive relationship. Additionally, I found that there are
optimum levels of customer satisfaction above which companies find little additional
benefit. The results of this research are important for business leaders in the service
sector. This research will allow managers to use net present value type calculations to
compare CRM investment on par with other investments. This research will enable
managers to make better strategic decisions with their limited investment dollars. I
offered several recommendations for improvements to business practices that will help
companies improve financial performance and successfully implement CRM systems.
Finally, I recommended several opportunities for further research.
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Appendix A: Data Use Agreement
Appendix B: SPSS Output
Figure B1. SPSS descriptive statistics output.
Figure B2. SPSS correlations table.
Figure B3. SPSS variables entered/removed.
Figure B4. SPSS model summary.
Figure B5. SPSS ANOVA table.
Figure B6. SPSS coefficients table.
Figure B7. SPSS coefficient correlations.
Figure B8. SPSS collinearity diagnostics.
Figure B9. SPSS case wise diagnostics.
Figure B10. SPSS residuals statistics.
Figure B11. SPSS residual histogram.
Figure 12. SPSS residual normal plot.
Figure B12. SPSS residual scatterplot (customer satisfaction).
Figure B13. SPSS residual scatterplot (CRM use).