January 2020 Journal of Scientific Psychology. 1
Predictors of Liking Pineapple on Pizza:
Implications for Food Choices
Lynne N. Kennette, Clayton Rhodes, and Cara Coulson
Durham College, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
The following investigation explores the reasons for individual food choices. Specifically, we investigate the
perceptions of adults regarding pineapple as a pizza topping. Study 1 analysed interview transcripts of
faculty’s and staff’s responses to whether they like pineapple on pizza and identified themes in their
responses, including social relationships, Canadian identity, and creativity. These themes were then used to
create a questionnaire to look into this food choice more granularly in the same population (Study 2). Results
showed that gender and age were the two primary predictors for the pizza on pineapple choice in
questionnaire responses, with a tendency for younger females to prefer pineapple on pizza and older males to
dislike it (though the relationship with age was not linear). These findings are interpreted in relation to the
mechanisms involved in food-related decisions and health behaviours.
Keywords: food choice, personality, preference, pineapple, creativity
Anecdotally, few people appear to be neutral about whether pineapple is an acceptable topping for pizza.
Even Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, and Iceland’s president Gudni Thorlacius Johannesson weighed in
on the issue, with polarized views (Johannesson, 2017; Trudeau, 2017). Divisive topics such as pineapple on pizza
can be used by political groups to plant the seeds of discord and unrest in the United States, and the Cybersecurity
and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) even used this very topic to illustrate how this can be done (U. S.
Department of Homeland Security, 2019). So, we wondered, can this divisive food choice be used to better
understand how people make food-related decisions?
Some scholars have argued that food availability (cultural, geographic, economic, etc.) is the single most
important factor in determining the foods we eat; after all, you cannot eat it if it’s not available (Rozin, 2006).
However, there are many other factors (some of which are related to availability) that influence our selection of
food. Researchers have identified a plethora of determinants of food choices: practical reasons such as price and
convenience, temporary reasons such as current mood, sensory preferences such as taste and texture, and other
personal reasons such as health, weight concerns, social factors, media and advertising, pleasure, ideological
reasons, and ethical concerns such as for the environment, animal welfare, or free-trade, etc. (Bell & Meiselman,
1995; Eertmans et al., 2001; Eertmans et al., 2005; Furst et al., 1996; Letarte et al., 1997; Lindeman & Stark, 1999;
Parraga, 1990; Rozin, 1996; Rozin & Tuorila, 1993; Steptoe et al., 1995; Wardle, 1993). After price consideration,
physical characteristics of the food are the most influential in determining food choice (Costell et al., 2010;
Drewnowski, 1997; Scheibehenne et al., 2007; Steptoe et al.,1995).
Humans have a fairly consistent process for sensing food flavours, combining gustatory and olfactory
input, however there is variability in individuals’ sensitivity to the taste and smell molecules they ingest (Tuorila,
2007), including the individual’s detection threshold for sweetness (Garcia-Bailo et al., 2009). Additionally,
individuals vary so that not all people perceive the same taste in the same way. Although this appears to be
somewhat genetically determined (such as our innate preference for sweet tastes over bitter ones (Drewnowski,
1997) and for foods high in sugar and fat (Capaldi, 1996; Cooke & Wardle, 2005; Drewnowski, 1997)), it is also
influenced by maturation, such that this preference declines with age (Vabø & Hansen, 2014). Twin studies
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Lynne Kennette at Durham College, B-
wing #297C. Email: lynne.ke[email protected]
January 2020 Journal of Scientific Psychology. 2
comparing the food preferences of monozygotic and dizygotic twins have shown that preferences for different types
of foods (meats, desserts, fruits, and vegetables) are all at least moderately heritable (Breen et al., 2006).
Additionally, an understanding of food choices cannot be understood without considering social and other contexts
(Rozin 1996; Rozin, 2006). For example, when nutrition information is available during the ordering process when
eating outside the home, people tend to make healthier food choices (Hochradel, 2007).
Other researchers (e.g., Birch, 1999; Yeomans, 2006; Yeomans, 2007) have argued that many food
preferences (and resulting food choices) develop as a result of various forms of learning. For example, mere
exposure (i.e., familiarity) is a type of learning that occurs through repeated exposure to a food, resulting in an
increased liking for that food (Hausner et al., 2012; Mela, 1999; Yeomans, 2006). Additionally, foods that are
associated with the recovery of an illness and those paired with a flavour which is already liked (evaluative
conditioning) are both more likely to become preferred (Birch, 1999; Capaldi, 1996; Vabø & Hansen, 2014;
Yeomans, 2007).
Because most of our eating occurs with others (Vabø & Hansen, 2014), social contexts such as family and
other social environments greatly affect which foods we like (Tuorila, 2007). Therefore, a type of learning known as
modelling also affects our perception of various foods, especially eaten by our friends and parents, which we often
consider to be models (Ludy & Mattes, 2012; Mela, 1999).
In some cases, people may not be aware of their internal motives for making particular food choices, while
other times they may be able (and willing) to state them explicitly. However, it seems likely that, given the divisive
nature of the particular food of interest here (pineapple on pizza), most people have previously been in a position
where they needed to articulate their position on this food, or at the very least give some thought to it. As such, they
may be in a better position to explain their rationale for the inclusion or exclusion of pineapple on pizza.
The Present Study
In the present paper, we explore food choice using a very specific food item: pineapple on pizza. In Study
1, we investigated what participants reported influenced their decisions about this food. We did this using interviews
which had already been conducted for a different purpose (as a social initiative by one of the authors so that
colleagues could keep in touch with each other during the pandemic) and analysed responses using a content
analysis to identify themes. In Study 2, we used these themes to guide the construction of a questionnaire where we
explicitly asked participants about their preference for pineapple on pizza as well as other variables as identified in
Study 1. Understanding the factors that contribute to the appeal of certain food combinations in greater detail and
how they relate to individual food choices will help to better understand food-related behaviour. This, in turn, might
help to better support individuals who struggle with making good food choices and/or struggle with their weight
(e.g., obesity, anorexia, binging, stress eating, etc.).
Study 1
In this study, we explored the themes related to the endorsement or rejection of pineapple as an appropriate
topping for pizza using a content analysis (conducted on secondary interview data). We wondered whether there
were any common themes in participants’ responses and whether that could help us to better understand food
choices. To this end, we undertook this content analysis with the goal of preparing for a more focused investigation
of the factors affecting participants’ feelings towards pineapple on pizza (Study 2).
Faculty and staff in the School of Interdisciplinary Studies participated in a voluntary team-building video
chat with one of the authors, their colleague. This was intended to bring the department closer together and allow us
to “catch up” as we returned from our summer holidays to a fully online work environment. Questions in the semi-
structured interview asked about what colleagues missed and didn’t miss about coming to campus for work (i.e.,
what has been good about the COVID-19 pandemic), celebrity crushes, and what they had been up to more
January 2020 Journal of Scientific Psychology. 3
generally. The question of interest to us, however, was whether they considered pineapple to be an appropriate pizza
topping. The exact question asked during the interview was: “Pineapple on pizza. Yes or no?”.
Of the 47 interviewees, 41 (87.23%) consented to their responses being used in this research project. No
demographic data were collected about the participants as these variables were unrelated to any predictions we had,
however the sample included both men and women, younger and older employees, and included a good
representation of various roles within the department (staff, administrators, full-time, and contract faculty).
Materials and Procedure
After obtaining approval from the Research Ethics Board to use these data for this secondary analysis
research project, participants’ answers to the question about whether they liked pineapple on pizza were transcribed
verbatim by the 3 researchers. Because two of the researchers also participated in the interviews, and following the
recommendations of Neuendorf (2002), the other researcher transcribed and coded those interviews.
Results and Discussion
The transcriptions produced a total of 7,259 words, which were based on 67 minutes of video (3998
seconds), for an average of 97.51 seconds per participant (Median = 86 seconds). While transcribing the videos, the
three researchers were able to identify many codes individually, and then collaborated to form a comprehensive list
of codes before undertaking the coding of the transcripts. Each transcript was manually coded by one of the three
researchers using a common set of codes. These included family, culture, contamination, and others’ feelings (see
Table 1 for a comprehensive list of codes and themes used). The number of responses which included that theme as
well as the corresponding percentage are also in Table 1.
To assess inter-rater reliability, 6 participants’ transcripts (selected at random using an online number
generator) were coded by a second researcher (14.6% of the transcripts). In this case, because there were 3 coders,
each coder re-coded two other transcripts (one from each of the other coders). This is in excess of the minimum
required coding overlap of 10% suggested by Riffe et al. (1998). By examining the percent agreement for these
overlapping transcripts, we determined an overall inter-rater reliability of 84.61% which supports that our coding is
reliable, exceeding the minimum recommended threshold of 70-80% (Frey et al., 2000; Watt & van den Burg,
1995). Inter-rater reliability for each pair of coders also exceeded this threshold as the agreement for each pair were
88.89% 77.78%, and 87.50%. As a more unbiased measure of inter-rater reliability, we also calculated Cohen’s
(1960) Kappa for each pair of raters. Even our lowest value (k = .793) still showed substantial inter-rater reliability
agreement (Cohen, 1960; Fleiss, 1971; Landis & Koch, 1977; McHugh, 2012).
Examining the data, slightly more people liked pineapple as a pizza topping compared to disliked it, with
slightly fewer being neutral. Although our respondents were split almost equally between liking and disliking
pineapple on pizza, this question was polarizing and resulted in some light-hearted but somewhat divisive
We also identified a number of frequently endorsed codes. Many respondents pointed to dietary restriction
(e.g., an allergy) or preference for their choice or family. Although nearly a quarter of respondents reported that they
would never order it themselves, many followed up that statement with the idea that, even with pineapple, pizza is
still pizza and they would still eat it and enjoy pizza with any topping.
Combining these codes into themes, elements of liking pineapple on pizza (i.e., explicitly stating they like
it, acknowledging that all pizza was delicious, evoking the sweet and salty combination or a balance of flavours)
was included by more than half of respondents, while elements of disliking it, and being neutral or indifferent were
also identified, which may point to individual traits related to personality variables. Other common themes were
related to social relationships, dietary patterns/restrictions, Canadian identity, and creativity.
January 2020 Journal of Scientific Psychology. 4
Table 1
Summary of themes, codes and examples for each as well as the raw number of respondents whose statement related to that theme and the corresponding
EXAMPLES (quotes)
Personal dietary
Dietary preference
Other restrictions (e.g., GF)
I get a little bit of allergy with that.
I don't eat piggies anymore and I don't eat cheese.
…absolutely no cheese. That's what matters on pizza.
Due to dietary restrictions.
Social (party, meetings)
Interviewer's feelings
Other colleagues' feelings
Everybody else in my house loves pineapple on pizza.
If I'm at a party or something and there's a Hawaiian
I know how important that 'no' category is to you
So it starts a fight in our family on a regular basis.
I can't say anything against our colleagues who voted yes.
Canadian inventor
Food waste/environment
The whole concept of a Hawaiian pizza is Canadian.
Yeah, I want to be polite.
I'm sorry, it's a definite no.
I'm really craving Hawaiian
...if there was pineapple on pizza and it was going to go
into the garbage I would, I would eat it.
Why discriminate against pineapple?
Put 12 fried eggs on it and make an Australian pizza.
Yes (I like it)
Any pizza is delicious
Salty/sweet (good)
And absolutely, absolutely, I’m a pineapple on pizza.
…because it's still pizza, at the end of the day, I love pizza.
I think for me it's a balance of flavours.
...you’ve got like the savory flavours of the sauce and the
cheese and then you mate that with the sweet of the
pineapple and it’s just a perfect, a perfect match.
January 2020 Journal of Scientific Psychology. 5
No (I don't like it)
Doesn't belong
Salty/sweet (bad)
Hard pass.
It's just so unnatural.
...if you try to pick pineapple off a pizza, it still tastes like
Yeah, it's so gross.
I absolutely think it doesn’t belong to pizza.
It’s sweet and savory at the same time, you don’t do that
It has changed
Would never order it
I went with Switzerland on this.
And now, due to dietary restrictions, my pizza is really
I would never order it on my own.
Creativity in response
Story-telling element
I may have a small slice for the novelty.
Where we live we have a lot of wineries and they have
wood fire ovens and you go for a glass of wine and a pizza
and what not. So, when COVID hit we knew that we
weren’t going to be able to do that, so we actually went
and bought our own fire oven. So, we have a pizza oven
for our backyard and every pizza that goes, every time we
cook a pizza or two, there’s always pineapple on there
January 2020 Journal of Scientific Psychology. 6
Figure 1 shows the clusters and proposed relationships between the codes and themes we identified.
Specifically, neutral participants tended to identify elements from both the liking and disliking themes, which may
be related to differing personality traits. Responses with dietary restrictions tended to elaborate and explain with a
story (as did those you liked pineapple on pizza). Finally, maintaining social relationships is in line with Canadian
values and appears to support the idea of being a multicultural and inclusive society.
We also examined some of these data quantitatively (frequency of yes and no words in participants’
responses; number of words in each response). When coding, we observed that participants who did not like
pineapple on their pizza appeared to use the word “no” (or its derivatives like nope) much more frequently than their
counterparts used the word “yes” (and its derivatives like yup). Similarly, it seemed as though participants who
enjoyed pineapple on their pizza engaged in much more story-telling or included more creative elements in their
response than those who did not appreciate pineapple on their pizza. We counted the number of uses of “yes” and
“no” (and their derivatives) for participants who liked and disliked pineapple on their pizza (respectively). Our
observation was confirmed: those who did not like pineapple on their pizza used “no” significantly more times (M =
3.60, SD = 2.26) than those who did enjoy pineapple on their pizza (M = 1.88, SD = 1.69; t(26) = 2.41, p <.05). This
is in spite of the “no” respondents having shorter answers both in terms of time (68 seconds vs. 132 seconds) and
number of words (154.94 words vs 200.60 words), though this difference in length did not reach significance (t(28)
= 1.50, p = .07). We then examined whether more of the “yes” participants had creative or story-telling responses
and found that many more “yes” respondents told stories (47.06%) compared to the “no” respondents (13.33%).
This difference was significant (X2 (1, N = 32) = 4.22, p < .05).
The differences identified in terms of creativity, length of response and the various common themes point
to a real difference in some potentially important ways between those who do and those who do not like pineapple
on pizza. Our primary focus in Study 1 was to identify themes related to whether people like pineapple on pizza.
The major themes we identified, and which were used to develop a more detailed questionnaire to investigate in
Study 2, were related to personal preferences and personality, relationships, Canadian identity, and creativity.
Study 2
Based on the themes identified in Study 1, our goal was to better understand food choices (and specifically
pineapple on pizza) by exploring the extent to which the following factors (identified in Study 1) related to it:
personality, creativity, Canadian identity, and social relationships. Although primarily exploratory in nature (since,
to our knowledge, no descriptive study of this sort has been conducted in the past), we hypothesized that people who
endorse the inclusion of pineapple on pizza might be different in some important ways on these variables.
Additionally, another goal of the study was to explore whether, as is the case with young children’s preference for
sweets and avoidance of bitter-tasting foods (Desor et al., 1975; Desor et al., 1977; Mennella et al., 2003), there
could be an evolutionary basis for this food choice, such that underweight or younger individuals might be more
likely to seek out the sweet taste of pineapples. These questions guided this second study. In order to provide some
additional empirical background on the areas identified in Study 1, the possible influence of personality,
relationships, identity, and creativity on food choice will be outlined.
The way someone consistently thinks, acts, feels, and perceives the world is their personality (Jordan, 2011;
Shiner & Caspi, 2003). It includes their mood, opinion, motivation, as well as the way they think, speak, and act
(DeYoung, 2010). The Big Five is the most common trait taxonomy of personality (Larsen & Buss, 2010) and has
been shown to be consistent in over 50 cultures, rendering it a universal classification of personality traits (McCrae
et al., 2005). It includes five dimensions (or factors) which have been only slightly modified since their initial
inception in the 1980s (Costa & McCrae, 1985; McCrae & Costa 2008; McCrea & John, 1992). The five dimensions
are: Extraversion, Agreeableness, Openness (to Experience), Emotional Stability (formerly Neuroticism), and
Conscientiousness (Costa & McCrae, 1985). The Big Five personality traits are typically described with common
adjectives. Someone scoring high on the dimension of Extraversion (E) is enthusiastic, outgoing, and talkative; a
high score on Agreeableness (A) indicates the traits of forgiving, trusting, appreciative; for Conscientiousness (C)
the defining traits are being reliable, responsible, and planning; scoring low on Emotional Stability means a high
January 2020 Journal of Scientific Psychology. 7
Table 2
Summary of survey responses, showing the percent of respondents selecting that response, rounded to the nearest whole number
(Not at all)
(Very much)
Do you ever eat pineapple on pizza?
Do you like pineapple on your pizza?
If you were purchasing a slice a pizza
for yourself, would you ever order a
slice with pineapple on it?
How appropriate of a topping is
pineapple on a pizza?
How strongly do you feel about your
opinion of whether pineapple is an
appropriate pizza topping?
I liked it at some
point, but no
longer do
I used to
not like
it, but
now I do
I didn’t like it in
the past and still
I have
liked it in
the past
and still
Which of the following is most accurate
about your like or dislike of pineapple
on pizza during your lifetime?
How appealing are pineapples to you as
a fruit alone?
How appealing are pineapples to you in
other sweet dishes (like pineapple upside
down cake or a fruit salad?
January 2020 Journal of Scientific Psychology. 8
How appealing are pineapples to you in
savoury dishes like sweet and sour
chicken or stirfry ?
How much do you approve of other
sweet/savoury combinations such as a
donut burger (hamburger with donuts
instead of hamburger buns)?
Would you ever be willing to ever try
peaches or another sweet fruit on your
pizza if it was a local specialty (e.g.,
while travelling to a new country)?
1 (Alone)
5 (with a group
of people)
When eating pizza, do you prefer to eat
Does your family have an influence on
whether pineapple is added to the pizza
you order (e.g., it’s a topic of family
Do your friends influence the toppings
on your pizza?
Do your colleagues have an influence on
whether you eat pineapple on pizza?
If multiple options of pizza were
available (e.g., at a meeting or party),
how likely are you to consume a slice of
pizza with pineapple on it (e.g.,
January 2020 Journal of Scientific Psychology. 9
It's disgusting and they
should keep it away from me
Neutral: their food, their choice
It's great and I wish they
would share some with
How do you feel about OTHER people
eating pineapples on their pizza?
Emotional Stability
Openness to Experience
Did you know that Hawaiian pizza was
a Canadian invention?
Makes it MORE appealing
Makes it LESS appealing
Does knowing that Hawaiian pizza is
Canadian change its appeal?
How strongly do you hold being
Canadian as part of your identity?
In general, do you consider yourself to
be a polite person
Would you eat a piece of pizza that
included toppings you didn’t
particularly like in order to be polite?
Would you eat a slice of pizza that
included toppings you didn’t
particularly like in order to prevent it
from being wasted/thrown in the
January 2020 Journal of Scientific Psychology. 10
Do you consider yourself to be creative
person in general?
How creative are you feeling right now?
Do you consider adding pineapple to
pizza to be a novel/creative topping
Do you like to try new and/or novel food
combinations (e.g., deep fried peanut
butter-stuffed pickles)
(Continued on next page.)
January 2020 Journal of Scientific Psychology. 11
Figure 1. A visual representation of the themes and codes from our participants’ transcripts.
score on the formerly named Neuroticism dimension (N), which is described as anxious, self pitying, unstable;
finally, a high score on Openness (O) describes people who are curious, imaginative, and original (McCrea & John,
Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, a French gastronome of the 19th Century, once said: “Dis-moi ce que tu
manges, je te dirai ce que tu es.” (Translation: “Tell me what you eat and I will tell you what you are.”) (Brillat-
January 2020 Journal of Scientific Psychology. 12
Savarin, 1825, p.13). Who you are (i.e., your personality) is not independent from your food choices. Because food
choices reflect one’s personality, personality may be able to help predict the food we are likely to eat (Shipman et
al., 2016) and personality has been shown to be related to a number of health and food behaviours.
Social Relationships
Social psychologists have reported that the decisions we make are affected by the (physical or
psychological) presence of others, including family, friends, and colleagues and strangers (Brandstetter et al., 2014;
Seitchik et al., 2017; Zajonc, 1965). Family cultural celebrations include special dishes prepared by loved ones with
common group memories attached to certain recipes offered. When meeting friends socially, gentle pressure for less
healthy options or multiple beverage intake can occur. Within group settings, the influence of the group can
determine choices that would not normally be made by an individual alone (e.g., risk-taking behaviours (Chou &
Nordgren, 2016; Previte et al., 2015)).
Meetings with colleagues may involve food being ordered by the employer to share within the group and
consequently, these food choices may be outside of an individual’s control. In group settings, it is possible for
people to choose certain foods to signal their social identity to others (perhaps encouraging social relationships) or
simply to follow the culturally prescribed social norms of their social group (Hackel et al., 2018; Weber & Morris,
2010). Social-facilitation research has demonstrated that people tend to eat more in larger groups than when eating
alone (de Castro & Brewer, 1992; Herman, 2015), whereas the impression-management literature indicates that
people can use their eating behaviour to convey a particular impression of themselves to others (Vartanian et.al.,
Perhaps one of the most powerful social influences on food choice and food intake is modeling, which has
shown that people adjust their food intake to that of their eating companions (Vartanian et al., 2015). According to
Higgs & Thomas (2016), when participants saw themselves belonging to the same social group as a prevalent
model, and strongly identified with the group they were eating with, modelling was enhanced. When the prevalent
model was seen enjoying a food choice, the rest of the group were more likely to choose as well. Thus, while eating
in a group situation, during an office meeting for example, it is possible one may choose to eat a pizza with
pineapple in that context when they would not make that topping choice had they been dining alone.
Creativity has been defined as “the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities
that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others”
(Franken, 1993, p.393). Creative thinking is one of the competitive advantages the human species has over machines
and other animal species. Humans are not as big, strong, or fast as other animals but humans can employ
imagination in ways that lead to mental flexibility that, through trial and error, can lead to novel solutions (Roth &
Dicke, 2005). Puccio et al. (2018) gives two reasons that novelty is so important in creativity. The first is that
individuals discover and grow by continuously experimenting with novel ideas. The second is that novel experiences
can serve to stimulate breakthrough ideas.
In 1962, Satellite Diner owner Sotirios “Sam” Panopoulos placed ham and pineapple on a standard cheese
pizza in Chatham, Ontario Canada, and the “Hawaiian” pizza was born (Carman, 2019). At the time, the addition of
ham and pineapple to a standard cheese pizza was an example of ‘little c’ creativity. Puccio describes ‘little c’
creativity as everyday creativity. Specifically, he proposes that ‘little c’ refers to the small ways that individuals
demonstrate creativity on a daily basis during problem-solving tasks at work, home, or play. In this way, every
human has the innate capacity to be creative (Puccio et al., 2018).
The Hawaiian pizza is certainly a breakthrough idea that has become quite popular on its journey in
becoming mainstream in North American culture (Neustaeter, 2020). Gvion and Trostler (2008) found that, in the
1960s and 1970s, many ethnic restaurants took a similar ‘little c’ creative approach to generate meal ideas in much
the same way as Panopoulos did with his pineapple and ham on pizza creation. Restaurants with “strange” ethnic
foods adapted their menus to make their dishes more familiar (and thus more appealing) to their American patrons
(Gvion & Trostler, 2008).
January 2020 Journal of Scientific Psychology. 13
Personal Identity
Various types of identity play important roles in many of our daily choices. For example, cultural identity
and clothing choice (Chattalas & Harper, 2016); ethnic identity and language use (Hazen, 2002); religious identity
and purchasing behaviours (Benjamin et al., 2016); and both personal (Nezlek & Forestell, 2020) and social
(Rosenfeld et al., 2020) identities and vegetarianism.
Hawaiian pizza is a Canadian creation (Scoble, 2016). Recent figures show that Canadians’ acceptance of
pineapple on their pizza is on the rise, now at 73%, demonstrating a 7% increase from 2019 to 2021 (Research Co.,
Hackel et al. (2018) have shown that those who identified as Southerners expected traditional Southern
food to taste better (Study 1) and that when primed with their Southern identity (but not their personal identity), they
also expected Southern food to taste better (Study 2). Additionally, when Canadians were primed with their
Canadian identity (but not their personal identity), they reported maple syrup as tasting better than honey in a taste
test. Therefore, the fact that adding pineapple to pizza originated in Canada means that it may now be part of
participants’ Canadian identity and predict this food choice.
Although this work is primarily explorative (since nothing of this sort has been previously undertaken), we
expect to find differences among those who like pineapple on pizza and those who do not in several areas. First, we
hypothesized that those with stronger Canadian identity would have more positive perception of pineapple on pizza
as it is a Canadian creation. Second, we expected social groups to be related to someone’s choice of topping so that
those who eat pizza with others and/or whose toppings are more easily influenced by others would be more likely to
include pineapple on their pizza. Third, more creative people may be less traditional in their thinking and may
therefore be more likely to endorse pineapple as a (novel and/or creative) pizza topping. Fourth, in terms of the
predictor variable of personality, one might expect that individuals scoring high on openness to experience to be
more likely to try new things, including pineapple on pizza, and may therefore be more likely to enjoy it. On the
other side, one might expect more conscientious individuals to be more rule-driven and traditional and therefore be
less likely to enjoy pineapple on pizza. Finally, we expect to find evidence to support some biological underpinnings
of this food choice, where underweight participants might prefer pineapple on pizza because their biological
programming would motivate them seek out sweeter tastes in order to increase their chances of survival.
Faculty, staff, and administrative personnel were invited to participate. Of the 60 respondents, 63.8% were
female, and 62.67% were between the ages of 30 and 49. When asked about their weight, 68.33% reported being of
average weight and 26.67% reported being overweight, though none reported being underweight. Most (78.3%)
reported having a healthy diet in general.
Materials and Procedure
Participants were recruited by sending an invitation through the department email group. Participants were
fully informed prior to completing the survey. The information displayed explained that we were interested in
examining a number of variables in relation to their choice to include or not include pineapple on their pizza. If they
consented to participating in the research project, they were asked to answer questions in an anonymous online
survey which took less than 10 minutes to complete. It asked participants about their liking of pizza, pineapple,
various combinations of food (sweet, salty, savory) as well as the themes we identified in Study 1, notably
personality, social relationships, Canadian identity, and creativity. These questions are included in Appendix A. We
also asked about personality characteristics using the Ten-Item Personality Inventory (TIPI), a very brief measure
which has been shown to have adequate validity and test-retest reliability (r = .72) to measure the Big Five domains
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(Gosling et al., 2003). Interested readers can refer to Gosling et al. (2003) for detailed psychometric properties of the
TIPI. Due to our small sample size relative to the numerous sections of the questionnaire and our evaluation that any
potential effects which could occur as a result of not counter-balancing the questions (practice effects, respondent
fatigue, order effects) would be unlikely to affect the quality of the respondents’ data, the presentation order of the
survey questions were presented in the same order for all participants. The order of presentation is reflected in
Appendix A.
Results and Discussion
For 89.93% of respondents, whether they liked pineapple on their pizza has remained stable; they have
either always liked it and still do or have never liked it and still don’t. Approximately half knew that Hawaiian pizza
was invented in Canada, a fact which made it more appealing to a small portion of the sample but did not change its
appeal for the majority of respondents.
On a 5-point scale, all 60 respondents said that they liked pizza (M = 4.80), but one person identified that
they had never tried pineapple on their pizza, so they were removed prior to data analyses (N = 59). We asked
respondents to list their favourite pizza toppings. The most frequently reported pizza toppings were pepperoni (listed
by 45% of respondents), mushrooms (43%), peppers (39%), pineapples (32%), and bacon (29%). Only 5% of
respondents left this question blank. Frequencies for the survey responses are shown in Table 2.
We first examined whether there were difference in self-reported purchasing behaviour (“If purchasing a
piece of pizza for yourself, would it have pineapple on it?”) and comparing those categorical responses to
participants’ ratings of how appropriate pineapple is as a topping for pizza showed a significant difference (F(2,56)
= 29.949, p < .05, η2 = 0.517) with Tukey’s post-hoc analyses showing that those who would not purchase
pineapple on their pizza rated the appropriateness of pineapple on pizza significantly differently (lower) from the
other two groups of respondents (yes p < .05, unsure, p < .05). Stated differently, compared to those who would not
order pineapple on pizza (M = 2.57, SD = 1.38), ratings were higher for both the unsure (M = 4.33, SD = 1.16) and
those who would order it (M = 4.77, SD = .51), where higher scores indicate more liking of pineapple.
More than half of respondents indicated that they would be willing to try another sweet fruit (e.g., peaches)
on their pizza. Breaking this down for those who liked pineapple on their pizza versus those who did not, those who
liked pineapple were more likely to also respond that they would try peaches (65.22%; 19.59 were unsure if they
would try peaches, and 15.22% would not try peaches). In the group of respondents who indicated that they did not
like pineapple on their pizza, the results were more equally split across the yes (38.46%) and no (40.00%) responses,
with the remainder (15.22%) being unsure. The pattern of responses for the “yes” and “no” groups differed
significantly (X2 (2, N = 58) = 15.24, p < .05). It could be that those who are more likely to approve of pineapple on
their pizza are also more likely to be adventurous with their food choices. Although this was not found to be the case
when comparing the pro-pineapple and anti-pineapple on pizza groups on openness to experience (X2 (1, N = 59) =
0.0003, p = .985), participants self-reported how adventurous they were in their food choices more generally (“Do
you like to try new and/or novel food combinations (e.g., deep fried peanut butter-stuffed pickles)?”) and this also
did not point to a difference between the groups: people who liked pineapple on their pizza were no more likely to
report that they liked to try new food combinations than those who did not like pineapple on their pizza (X2 (4, N =
59) = 7.22, p = .125).
The questions related to social relationships were uninteresting as social aspects did not appear to have any
impact on this food choice. Participants had no preference for eating pizza alone or with others (most responded
neutrally), and family, friends, and colleagues don’t appear to have an impact on participants’ choice of toppings:
many participants responded that they were “not at all” influenced by family, slightly more were “not at all”
influenced by friends, and nearly three-quarters were “not at all” influenced by colleagues. It is intuitive that
colleagues would have the least influence and that family would be the most influential in food choices given the
psychological closeness of each group. This could indicate that adult food choices have a very weak relationship
with these social aspects, or at the very least, it could indicate that individuals’ perceptions of the relationships that
may exist between their own food choices and their relationship with others are minimal.
Similarly, we thought that Canadian identity (or, the degree to which people held being Canadian as part of their
identity) might be related to their food choice of Hawaiian pizza since it is a Canadian creation. Previous research
January 2020 Journal of Scientific Psychology. 15
has shown that when food is congruent with one’s identity, it is expected to taste better and rated as better tasting in
a taste test (Hackel et al., 2018). But this expectation was not found in the data. For example, participants were no
more or less likely to like pineapple on their pizza based on their self-rated Canadian identity scores (X2 (1, N = 59)
= 0.039, p = .843).
There were both sex and age differences in whether participants endorsed pineapple on their pizza. For sex
specifically, whether a participant liked pineapple on pizza differed by sex (X2 (3, N = 58) = 8.025, p < .05), with a
higher proportion of females indicating that they “very much” like pineapple on their pizza (n = 19 vs males n = 2),
whereas for those who did not like pineapple on their pizza (those responding “not at all”), it was more evenly split
by sex (n = 6 for female; n = 7 male). This result was mirrored in participants’ intent to purchase, with a higher
proportion of males indicating that they would not purchase pizza with pineapple on it (12 no, 2 unsure, 3 yes)
compared to females (17 no, 23 yes, 1 unsure), which was significant (X2 (2, N = 58) = 8.023, p < .05). Finally,
when rating on a scale how appropriate of a topping pineapple is, an ANOVA showed that responses differed by sex
(F(1,56) = 9.64, p < .05, η2 = 0.147), with females rating pineapples as a more appropriate topping. Previous
research has shown that young adult (17-25 years) women are more likely to eat fruits and vegetables than young
men of the same age (Conner et al., 2017), so this may contribute to this difference.
Whether a participant eats pineapple on pizza also differed by age (X2 (3, N = 59) = 15.06, p < .05), with
30-39 year-olds (n = 21, vs no n = 2) and 50-59 year-olds (n = 13 vs no n = 0) being more likely to eat pineapple on
their pizza it, while 40-49 (n = 7) were equally likely and 60-69 year-olds were almost equally likely (n = 5 for yes;
n = 4 for no). A similar pattern was seen when looking at whether participants reported liking pineapple on their
pizza, with 30-39 and 50-59 year-olds showing a greater propensity to liking pineapple on their pizza (X2 (9, N =
59) = 22.00, p = .009). Finally, examining participants’ ratings of how appropriate of a pizza topping they consider
pineapple to be, a significant omnibus difference was found (F(3,55) = 4.12, p < .05, η2 = 0.18). Two Tukey’s post-
hoc tests were marginally significant: for 30-39 compared to 40-49 year-olds (p = .068) and for 30-39 compared to
60-69 year-olds (p = .051), suggesting that younger participants are driving this effect. However, because the effect
of age was not linear it may also speak to generational differences (e.g., age when “exotic” food choices became
common in Canada, for example), or younger people may be more likely to seek out sweet foods (as discussed
earlier), pointing to an evolutionary basis for liking pineapple on pizza. Specifically, because both biological sex and
maturation rates (as measured by age) are genetically determined, there could be an evolutionary advantage to, for
example, young, fertile, females preferring sweet foods (more on this in the General Discussion). Since none of our
participants reported being underweight, we were unable to fully examine whether this factor was related to this
food choice as we had hypothesized. However, the relationships of both age and sex with this food choice could
point to a more biological influence, with women preferring the sweetness of pineapple more than men.
When examining whether personality variables affect participants’ preference for pineapple on pizza, we
found that conscientiousness was related to their purchasing decision where those high on conscientiousness were
less likely to purchase pineapple on their pizza, and those who did purchase pineapple on pizza were more divided
between high and low conscientiousness scores (X2 (1, N = 59) = 6.04, p < .05). When asked about whether they eat
pineapple on their pizza the difference in responses for those high and low on conscientiousness was marginal (X2
(1, N = 59) = 3.57, p = .059). One might have expected that participants who scored high on openness to experience
would have been more likely to include pineapple on their pizza because they are more likely to want to try new
things (DeYoung, 2010). The fact that the more diligent, self-disciplined, and efficient (i.e., conscientious)
respondents were less likely to purchase pizza with pineapple on it is not directly supported by any literature.
However, conscientiousness has previously been reported as being the single most important personality trait in
predicting young adults’ health behaviours such as smoking and alcohol use (Bogg & Roberts, 2004; Raynor &
Levine, 2009; Turiano et al., 2015). Additionally, conscientiousness has previously been shown to affect food
choices and eating styles (Heaven et al., 2001; Keller & Siegrist, 2015). Specifically, higher conscientiousness
scores related to increased fruit consumption (Conner et al., 2017; Keller & Siegrist, 2015) and reduced the
consumption of sweet-savory food combinations (Keller & Siegrist, 2015), so this could help to explain the patterns
seen here.
We were particularly interested in whether individuals who consider themselves ‘creative’ are more likely
to choose pineapple as a pizza topping than people who do not view themselves as ‘creative’. Creativity did not have
any relationship with the choice of pineapple on pizza, with participants’ ratings of the appropriateness of pineapple
as a topping being no different regardless of self-reported general creativity rating (F(1,57) = .039, p = 0.844).
January 2020 Journal of Scientific Psychology. 16
Similarly, participants’ creativity at the time of answering the survey did not show any differences in whether they
liked pineapple on their pizza or not (X2 (1, N = 59) = 1.318, p = .251). Finally, examining whether high- and low-
creativity participants differed in their liking of pineapple on pizza, no significant differences were found (X2 (1, N
= 59) = 0.65, p = .422). People scoring higher on the openness to experience measure did rate themselves as more
creative (r = .624), but these variables were unrelated to their endorsement of pineapple on pizza. Together, these
findings seem to suggest that this food choice is not related to self-reported creativity, whether rating overall
creativity or how creative they feel at the time of responding to the questionnaire. Since the idea of pineapple on
pizza has existed for over 50 years in Canada (Scoble, 2016), pineapple may no longer be considered a novel or
creative pizza topping among Canadians (in fact, more than 50% of our respondents indicated that it was not a very
novel or creative pizza topping choice). Pineapple as a pizza topping might be viewed by respondents as a standard
topping choice in the same regard as pepperoni or mushrooms.
Finally, we used a binary logistic regression to examine the endorsement of pineapple as a pizza topping
(yes/no) using the predictor variables of age, sex, openness to experience, and self-rated creativity. Although
conscientiousness was associated with food preference in an earlier analysis, it was not the prediction we made. The
model was significant (Χ²(6) = 12.79, p < .05, Nagelkerke R2 = .198) and correctly predicted 69% of cases. One
predictor, age 40-49, was significant (Wald = 5.46, p = .019) and two others were marginally significant (age 60-69
Wald = 3.57, p = .059; creativity Wald = 2.963, p = .07). These results (see Table 3) indicate that the odds were
slightly higher that 40-49 year-olds say “no” to pineapple on their pizza compared to the group of 30-39 year-olds.
Further, compared to those who liked pineapple on their pizza (the yes group), the no group rated themselves as
marginally more creative. Looking at group means, this trend was only present for the 40-49 and 60-69 year old
groups. We present these marginal predictors as a point of discussion, which we find relevant especially given our
small sample size (Long (1997) and Bujang et al. (2018) both suggest a sample size of 500, while advising that
small sample sizes (under 100) such as ours is not ideal.
General Discussion
The present study is unique because it examines food choices in depth using the very particular (and
seemingly controversial) food combination of pineapple on pizza in two separate studies: one using a content
analysis and the other employing an anonymous survey. In Study 1, we interviewed participants about their feelings
towards pineapple on pizza and analyzed their responses. From these, we identified a number of recurring themes
including Canadian identity, social influences, creativity, and personality variables. In Study 2, we used these
themes to create a questionnaire asking more specific questions about participants’ views of pineapple on pizza and
assessing their self-reported characteristics related to the themes identified in Study 1. Results showed that most
variables had little impact on pineapple preference and that the strongest predictors for this food choice were
participant age and sex, with younger women being the most likely to include pineapple on their pizza. Thus, the
themes identified during the content analysis of the interviews did not manifest in the survey results when
participants were explicitly asked about their food choices. It appears that what was verbalized during a friendly
conversation about including pineapple on pizza may be slightly different from their self-reported motivators. The
driving force for the food choice reported here appears to be gender and age, and these results were not explicitly
predicted. However, digging into the literature further provides some insights and possible explanations.
Women have been reported to eat more fruit compared to men (Beardsworth et al., 2002). Also, individuals
under stress are more likely to consume sweet foods (Oliver & Wardle, 1999) and many studies report that women
experience more stress than men (American Psychological Association, 2010; Matud, 2004; McDonough & Walters,
2001). However, these facts may not provide a fulsome and satisfactory explanation here. To further probe the sex
difference reported for pineapple preference, we expanded our literature search to include non-human research. A
study conducted on rats suggests that the female hormone estradiol may bolster a craving for sweet food (Eckel et
al., 2004). While human social and environmental factors make it challenging to connect to the results from the rats,
Eckel points out that, “Animal studies suggest that the higher rates of obesity in women are related to sex
differences in taste preference that could promote overeating. In short-term intake tests, female rats display a greater
preference for sweet solutions than male rats” (2004). In addition, Krishnan (2016) found that, “In normal weight
healthy women, higher estradiol in the luteal phase is associated with increased craving for sweet-tasting and
carbohydrate rich foods. We believe the estradiol-leptin relationship is a defining quality in whether or not women
crave sweet-tasting and carbohydrate rich foods” (p. 311). This suggests that the results from the rat study could be
extended to human females. Indeed, there is a genetic preference for sweet foods in humans, which is heritable and
January 2020 Journal of Scientific Psychology. 17
Table 3
Binary regression results predicting response to liking pineapple on pizza (yes/no)
Wald Test
95% CI
Wald’s Z
Openness to
Sex (Male)
Age (40-49)
Age (50-59)
Age (60-69)
Note. “Do you like pineapple on your pizza? Level ‘yes’ coded as class 1. Standardized estimates represent
estimates where the continuous predictors are standardized.
the individual variation in sweet food preference is linked to chromosome 16p11.2 (Keskitalo et al. 2007). Women
may also make different food choices than men, choosing to focus on health, weight, pleasure, and ideology
(Lindeman & Stark, 1999). Since we did not code for the sex of the interviewees in Study 1, it’s possible that the
themes which emerged were more applicable to women (e.g., if the respondents were primarily women) and that
some more general or male-dominated themes were obscured.
Sugar kept our ancestors alive during times of famine as it helped them gain the necessary fat to survive
(Johnson & Andrews, 2015), but in modern times, the human desire for sweetness is due to its relationship with
happiness (its consumption releases dopamine in a similar way that many other habit-forming drugs do;
DiNicolantonio et al., 2018) and its stress-reducing effects (its consumption has been shown to reduce the stress
hormone cortisol; Tyron, et al., 2015). Because women experience higher levels of stress (e.g., American
Psychological Association, 2010; Matud, 2004; McDonough & Walters, 2001), the higher appeal of the sweet
pineapple as a pizza topping for women over men could reflect these higher stress levels. Further, the combination
of sweet and savory being mixed on the pizza could have particular appeal to women: in terms of its chemical
properties, salt enhances the sweet taste of food and reduces its bitterness (Breslin & Beauchamp, 1997), so it makes
sense that humans (and possibly especially women) have a greater desire for sweet-salty food combinations as these
would be perceived as being even more pleasantly sweet than a sweet taste without the accompanying saltiness.
For age differences, one interesting study (Shipman & Durmus, 2016) examined how personality traits
affected the intention of Generation X and Generation Y to try new tastes. Using the dates proposed by Gibson et al.
(2009), members of Generation X were 41-56 years old at the time of our data collection, and Generation Y were
21-40 years old at the time of data collection. Shipman and Durmus (2016) found that, while Agreeableness was a
January 2020 Journal of Scientific Psychology. 18
strong predictor for both groups (i.e., logical and familiar foods), for Generation X, Openness to Experience was
also a strong predictor, while for Generation Y it was Extraversion. That is, these age groups differed in some
respect in terms of their food choices. Specifically, Generation X preferred foods that were more varied and creative,
but for members of Generation Y, they are more motivated to like foods in a social environment, especially when
others identify that the food is good. These generational differences may contribute to explaining the strange pattern
we observed in this study, with 30-39 (Generation Y) and 50-59 (Generation X) year-olds being more in favour of
pineapple and 40-49 (Generation X) and 60-69 year-olds being more evenly split. Specifically, the 30-39 year-olds
(Generation Y) may have social motives for enjoying pineapple on pizza while for the 50-59 year-olds (Generation
X) they might have been drawn in by the novelty of pineapple as a topping. However, given that our age ranges do
not map onto these generational cut-offs exactly, this is speculative at best. But it is important to consider that there
are a variety of both physical and social/contextual changes that happen with age which may affect food-related
decisions (Brown, 2006; Lumbers & Raats, 2006).
The fact that the two studies reported here appear disconnected also requires further explanation. It does not
appear that the variables identified by participants in the Study 1 interviews have any relationship with their choice
to have pineapple on their pizza. Although there were only a few months between data collection in Study 1 and
Study 2, it may be the case that, over time, participants’ feelings and responses could have become polarized; or
respondents could have been more motivated by seeing the interviews in Study 1 to respond to the surveys if they
were pro-pineapple on pizza. Psychologists have been aware of attitude polarization for decades (Lord, 1979). The
more you think about the subject, the more polarized your attitude becomes (Tesser & Conlee, 1975). Similarly, the
more you express your opinion on the subject, the more extreme that opinion becomes (Brauer et al., 1995;
Strandberg et al., 2019).
Because this « pineapple on pizza » question had been brought up a few times at various departmental
meetings, it could also be the case that people changed their opinion on the survey in order to conform and/or
produce more socially desirable effects (more on this possibility in a moment), thus concealing some true
differences in the data. But these departmental conversations might also have affected their perception of the
dominant opinion of the group to be more pro-pineapple than it is in reality. In a study examining opinions around
alcohol use, Miller and Morrison (2009) showed that college students who were more comfortable with their own
drinking behavior were more likely to express their opinion on the topic, and especially if they thought their opinion
(pro-alcohol) was the dominant one. Because those opinions would be the ones more likely to be expressed publicly,
they are the opinion heard by others, making people perceive them as more common than they actually are, which
can cause others to erroneously perceive it as the dominant view of the group (Miller & Morrison, 2009).
Publicly shared opinions (Study 1) are not always the same as those privately held by individuals (Study 2)
and this discrepancy could have also muddied the waters in the present study (Manfredi et al., 2020). Specifically,
when someone expresses their opinion on a topic Manfredi et al. (2020) proposed that they have one of two motives:
either to promote group harmony or to affect their own reputation in a positive way. Therefore, these different goals
might have obscured some of the themes which should have been present in the interview data, and consequently
resulted in an incomplete questionnaire in our subsequent study.
Participants may hold private food motives that differ from the ones they wish to express publicly. Previous
research has demonstrated a social desirability bias in self-reported behaviours, both in general as well as
specifically related to food intake (Hebert et al., 1995; King et al., 2018; Mensch & Kandel, 1988; Nielsen et al.,
2021; Praxedes et al., 2021). In the present study, participants knew their responses would be viewed by their
colleagues (Study 1), so they may have identified acceptable or socially desirable themes, while in Study 2 their
private responses could have tapped into different, more personal themes, which may not have been asked about by
the researchers (because they were not identified by participants in the Study 1 interview). As such, some of the
findings here may point to a social desirability effect which came into play during the interview component of the
project (Study 1). Additionally, without knowing the opinion of their direct supervisor(s), participants might feel
exposed and that they are taking a risk in expressing their true opinion in the video interview (which their
supervisor(s) could view) but their responses on the survey were anonymous, so they might have felt more
comfortable providing truthful answers there.
Finally, participants might have self-censored in one or both of the studies. Hayes, Glynn and Shanahan
(2005) proposed that self-censorship occurs when people withhold their opinion when they are in the presence of
January 2020 Journal of Scientific Psychology. 19
others whom they think hold a different opinion. This could have been the case where participants censored
themselves during the interview (because they knew others would listen to it, thus making it public), which led to
some themes emerging in Study 1 which did not accurately reflect participants’ underlying perceived causes of their
choice of pineapple on pizza, but instead reflected their self-censored or socially-desirable responses. As a
consequence, these themes did not show the expected relationships in Study 2. We should also consider that only a
small portion of the department completed this survey, so electing not to participate in the survey could also be a
form of self-censorship, and this could have obscured some true relationships among the variables. This non-
participation self-censorship has been previously reported in political research when opinions are polarized (Hayes
et al., 2006).
Future Research
As discussed earlier, many food choice motives exist (Bell & Meiselman, 1995; Eertmans et al., 2001;
Eertmans et al., 2005; Furst et al., 1996; Letarte et al., 1997; Lindeman & Stark (1999); Parraga, 1990; Rozin, 1996;
Rozin & Tuorila, 1993; Steptoe et al., 1995; Wardle, 1993). In the case of the present study, it is possible that,
having not measured all of these as they relate to pineapple on pizza, the survey developed missed an important
predictor which would have allowed a more fulsome explanation of the results. Future research should include more
of these predictor variables in their design.
Future studies should also address some of the limitations of this investigation such as using a larger and
broader sample. Previous studies have shown that participants who are more likely to respond to online surveys are
conscientious (Rogelberg et al., 2003), agreeable (Marcus & Schutz, 2005; Rogelberg et al., 2003; Tuten & Bosnjak,
2001), and open to experience (Marcus & Schutz, 2005; Tuten & Bosnjak, 2001), so a larger and more
heterogeneous sample could help shed some light on the findings reported here, including the pattern of responses
found by age. Expanding the study to include younger age groups as well as increasing the granularity of the age
data (e.g., asking for birth year or exact age) might clarify some of the proposed explanations discussed herein.
As it relates to creativity, our rationale for using self-reported perceived creativity as a proctor for creativity
level (instead of a more robust and psychometrically valid measure of creativity) was to limit the length of the
survey and because we were primarily interested in other variables in predicting food choices. One of the most
popular measures of creative thinking is the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (TTCT) (Puccio et al., 2018). The
predominant skills measured by the TTCT are fluency, originality, and elaboration (Puccio et al., 2018). The TTCT
is considered a better predictor of adult creativity than the standard IQ test (Puccio et al., 2018). The Torrence Tests
of Creativity Thinking (TTCT) have existed since the late 1950s. These tests appear to be reliable in predicting
overall lifetime creativity even if assessed as a child (Puccio et al., 2012). Future studies examining food choice
could include a validated measure of creativity. Huh et al. (2018) found that, although participants predict that sweet
foods will enhance creativity performance, sour foods actually produce an enhancement on a creative (idea-
generating) task. So, it might be interesting for future studies to examine whether people would predict that a sweet-
and-sour fruit such as pineapple would enhance or hinder performance, and also whether consuming a Hawaiian
pizza would actually affect creative behaviour in the predicted direction.
It has been nearly 60 years since pineapple was first placed on a pizza and the controversy of whether the
tropical fruit is an appropriate pizza topping. Given the longevity and popularity of the “Hawaiian” pizza, it
provides a unique opportunity to study the motives related to this food choice. Combining foods to form new ones
and varying our diets also stimulates our appetite and keeps us seeking out more different foods (with varying
flavours, tastes, textures, nutrients, and vitamins) which had been beneficial to our survival in the past. In a classic
study, Rolls et al. (2015) showed that we get gastronomically bored if we eat too much of the same food and our
enjoyment of and desire to consume that food is reduced (but not the desire to consume other foods or the perceived
pleasantness of other foods which were not consumed). In this way, seeking out new food combinations are an
important part of our evolution, and an enjoyment of pineapple on pizza may simply be one manifestation of that.
The results presented here show that there are several themes which motivate peoples’ choices about
whether to include pineapple on their pizza (Study 1) but that these themes do not necessarily differentiate or predict
January 2020 Journal of Scientific Psychology. 20
participants’ choices, beyond gender and sex (Study 2). The literature on food-related choices is rich and may also
provide important information about the mechanisms of choice in general. This information can help inform practice
in applied settings as they relate to eating disorders or following health directives, for example. In this way, this
research adds to what we know about food choices, including the potentially important role of sex and age, and
might nuance the mechanisms at play when examining food motives.
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Thank you for agreeing to participate. Please answer the questions below as accurately as possible.
Have you ever eaten pizza? (Yes/No/Unsure)
(If they answer “No” or “Unsure”, they are brought to the thank you message at the end of the survey)
Have you ever tried pineapple on your pizza? (Yes/No/Unsure)
(If they answer “No” or “Unsure”, they are brought to the thank you message at the end of the survey)
Do you enjoy the taste of pizza? (Likert 1(not at all) 5 (very much))
If so, what are your favourite pizza toppings? If not, why not? (textbox)
Do you ever eat pineapple on pizza (whether by choosing to order it yourself or you have eaten it because it just
happened to be available)? (Yes/No/Unsure)
Do you like pineapple on your pizza? (Likert 1(not at all) 5 (very much) + other (textbox))
If you were purchasing a slice a pizza for yourself, would you ever order a slice with pineapple on it?
How appropriate of a topping is pineapple on a pizza? (Likert 1(not at all) 5 (very much))
How strongly do you feel about the opinion you gave in the previous question (whether pineapple is an appropriate
pizza topping)? (Likert 1(not at all) 5 (very much))
Which of the following is most accurate about your like or dislike of pineapple on pizza during your lifetime? (I
liked it at some point, but no longer do; I used to not like it, but now I do; I didn’t like it in the past and still
don’t; I have liked it in the past and still do; unsure; other (please explain))
How appealing are pineapples to you as a fruit alone (Likert 1(not at all) 5 (very much))
How appealing are pineapples to you in other sweet dishes (like pineapple upside down cake or a fruit salad) (Likert
1(not at all) 5 (very much))
January 2020 Journal of Scientific Psychology. 26
How appealing are pineapples to you in savoury dishes like sweet and sour chicken or stirfry (Likert 1(not at all) 5
(very much))
How much do you approve of other sweet/savoury combinations such as a donut burger (hamburger with donuts
instead of hamburger buns) (Likert 1(not at all) 5 (very much))
Would you ever be willing to ever try peaches or another sweet fruit on your pizza if it was a local specialty (e.g.,
while travelling to a new country)? (Yes/No/Unsure)
When eating pizza, do you prefer to eat it: (Likert 1(alone) 5 (with a group of people))
Does your family have an influence on whether pineapple is added to the pizza you order (e.g., it’s a topic of family
discussion)? (Likert 1(not at all) 5 (very much))
Do your friends influence the toppings on your pizza? (Likert 1(not at all) 5 (very much))
Do your colleagues have an influence on whether you eat pineapple on pizza? (Likert 1(not at all) 5 (very much))
If multiple options of pizza were available (e.g., at a meeting or party), how likely are you to consume a slice of
pizza with pineapple on it (e.g., Hawaiian)? (Likert 1(not at all) 5 (very much))
How do you feel about OTHER people eating pineapples on their pizza? (Likert (1) It's disgusting and they should
keep it away from me - (3) Neutral (their food, their choice) - (5) It's great and I wish they would share
some with me)
PERSONALITY (TIPI- see Gosling et al., 2003 for questions and scoring)
Did you know that Hawaiian pizza was a Canadian invention? Yes/No
Does knowing that Hawaiian pizza is Canadian change its appeal? (Knowing that Hawaiian pizza is Canadian makes
it MORE appealing/Knowing that Hawaiian pizza is Canadian makes it LESS appealing/Knowing that
Hawaiian pizza is Canadian DOES NOT CHANGE its appeal)
How strongly do you hold being Canadian as part of your identity ((Likert 1(not at all) 5 (very much) + “I am not
In general, do you consider yourself to be a polite person (Likert 1(not at all) 5 (very much))
Would you eat a piece of pizza that included toppings you didn’t particularly like in order to be polite? ((Likert
1(not at all) 5 (very much))
Would you eat a slice of pizza that included toppings you didn’t particularly like in order to prevent it from being
wasted/thrown in the garbage? ((Likert 1(not at all) 5 (very much))
Do you consider yourself to be creative person in general (Likert 1(not at all) 5 (very much))
How creative are you feeling right now? (Likert 1(not at all) 5 (very much))
Do you consider adding pineapple to pizza to be a novel/creative topping choice? (Likert 1(not at all) 5 (very
Do you like to try new and/or novel food combinations (e.g., deep fried peanut butter-stuffed pickles) (Likert 1(not
at all) 5 (very much))
Sex (male, female, prefer not to answer)
Age range (20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70+, prefer not to answer)
Weight (underweight, average, overweight, prefer not to answer)
Do you consider self to have healthy diet, generally-speaking? (Likert 1(not at all) 5 (very much))