Eshan, Pizza 1
Jamayed Eshan 1
Professor Radpoet 2
Food 101 3
September 27, 2018 4
Pizza: Delicious, Nutritious, Affordable, and Adaptable 5
Pizza is everywhere in New York City. Busy commuters devour folded pizza slices while 6
hailing cabs, college students follow pizza’s delicious aroma to find club events, and Mayor DeBlasio 7
creates a controversy every time he eats pizza with a fork and knife. Even the rats can be seen dragging 8
pizza back to their subway burrows. Nonetheless, New Yorkers debate whether pizza’s popularity is a 9
good thing. Opponents of pizza allege that it is fattening, messy, and low-quality, a convenient option 10
that is filling but unhealthy. Despite this reputation, pizza should be praised for its intricate flavors, 11
nutrition, affordability, and cultural adaptability. 12
Although pizza critics argue that it is a mouthful of saltiness and grease, pizza has complex 13
flavors and pleasing textures. Pizza blends all of the major tastes: salty, sweet, sour, and bitter. The 14
salty cheese and tangy tomato sauce excite the taste buds; the rich olive oil and mild crust calm the 15
palate. Depending on how long the pizza is baked, the crust can be soft and chewy, toasted and crispy, 16
or even burnt and mildly bitter. Pizza also combines the stretchy textures of cheese with the crunch of 17
the crust to yield a satisfying and delicious dining experience. 18
Though critics may admit that pizza is tasty, they erroneously claim that it is unhealthy. This 19
claim is disputed by Alicia Jalowsky, a researcher at the Institute of Nutrition Studies, who finds that 20
pizza is actually a good part of a balanced diet because “its ingredients include grains, vegetables, 21
dairy, meat, and fruit – all the major food groups, except sweets” (13). Jalowsky also explains that the 22
crust is made of grains, which provide dietary fiber, and the cheese is packed with protein (19). 23
Moreover, the sauce, filled with onions, garlic, and tomato chunks, supplies vitamins and antioxidants. 24
Pizza toppings such as fresh, vitamin-rich garden vegetables and lean meats can further contribute to a 25
Eshan, Pizza 2
healthy diet. Additionally, pizzerias today offer gluten-free crusts and vegan pizzas. Without a doubt,
diners can enjoy pizza without sacrificing their health.
Besides being a healthy part of a complete diet, pizza is also one of the most affordable foods
available: it can cost as little as $1 per slice. According to a study conducted by the New York City
Department of Food, the average fast food burger meal costs about $8, while a complete pizza meal
with a drink costs as little as $2.75 (147). A person can feed a family of four with one large pizza for
less than $20. This is a standout bargain, even when compared to other cheap food options. Therefore,
New Yorkers seeking an affordable meal know they can always turn to pizza.
Pizza is not only a delicious, healthy, and affordable food option, but it is also easily adaptable
to reflect different cultures. The classic Margherita pizza was created to honor Queen Margherita of
Italy. Its red tomato sauce, green basil, and white cheese correspond to the colors of the stripes on the
Italian flag (Salucci et al. 226). New York-style pizzas evolved from its classic form to include a bit
more char on the crust, while Chicago pizzerias pioneered the hearty deep-dish crust. Similarly, pizzas
around the world are customized with distinct toppings to represent diverse cultures and preferences,
including smoked reindeer and cod in Sweden; kangaroo, snake, and crocodile in Australia; and squid
ink and seaweed in Japan (235). By reflecting different cultures through various ingredients and
presentation, pizza allows consumers to feel a deeper, cultural connection to the food. Clearly, there is
no universally correct way to enjoy pizza.
Far from being mere junk food, pizza turns out to be a delicious, nutritious, affordable, and
adaptable meal. With its infinite variety of toppings, pizza offers a wealth of healthy choices to its
consumers. Furthermore, it has the potential to please anyone from a food connoisseur to hungry
citizens searching for a quick and affordable option no matter where they are in the world. This food
will only improve as future generations continue to develop new and innovative ways to make pizza.
Eshan, Pizza 3
Works Cited
Jalowsky, Alicia. “Pizza Is a Healthy Choice, Believe It or Not.” Journal of Nutrition Studies 34.3
(2015): 1-23. Print.
New York City Dept. of Food. Study of Food Costs in New York City. New York: NYC Dept. of Food,
2017. Print.
Salucci, Romulus, Giovanni Allegri, and Adolfo Di Stefano. History of Italian Cuisine: A Fresh
Cut. 3
ed. Venice, Italy: Culinary Publishing House, Inc., 2010.