Columbia University
Department of Statistics
New York Pizza
How to Find the Best
Jared P. Lander
December 8, 2008
Table of Contents
Abstract……………………………………………………………………………….. 1
Introduction…………………………………………………………………………… 1
Model Setup and Inference…………………………………………………………... 2
Model Diagnostic…………………………………………………………………….. 5
Conclusion….………………………………………………………………………… 8
End Notes……………………………………………………………………………... 9
While pizza was initially invented in Italy, it got propelled to its current status in
the streets of New York. As such, New York is often seen as the pizza capital of the
world. Here we try to discern what makes a pizzeria more or less favorable to the non-
expert pizza eating community based on user reviews at We have
information regarding the location, relative price, type of fuel used in the oven, number
of reviews and average rating for over 600 pizza serving establishments in Manhattan and
parts of Brooklyn. Our results suggest that the average consumer views all pizza to be of
the same general quality with the possible exception of Midtown pizza being slightly less
desirable. Using the number of user reviews as a proxy for the popularity of a pizzeria,
we see that coal fired ovens draw larger crowds than either wood or gas powered ovens.
1. Introduction
While pizza, in one form or another, has been eaten since the times of Ancient
Greece and Persia, the root of modern pizza was seeded in 1889 when a chef from Naples
prepared a pie with mozzarella, basil and tomatoes (the colors of the Italian flag) for King
Umberto I and Queen Margherita of Italy. From that moment pizza became a sensation,
cooked by pizzaioli (pizza chefs) all over the country in wood burning ovens. Over the
next decade, millions of Italians migrated to America bringing their pizza with them.
Coal was the most plentiful fuel in the new world, so it was used in pizzeria ovens, giving
American pizza a distinctive bend, charred crust and unique flavor.
Gennaro Lombardi opened America’s first licensed pizzeria in 1905 at 53 ½
Spring Street in New York City’s SoHo neighborhood selling nickel pizza pies to the
area’s working class Italian denizens. Lombardi’s kitchen was a classroom for future
pizza innovators who all learned their craft from the master himself. Many of his
apprentices went on to open now-famous pizzerias. Anthony “Totonno” Pero left the
restaurant and opened Totonno’s in Coney Island in 1924. John Sasso followed his
former coworker when he established John’s of Bleecker in 1929. Patsy Lancieri not
only ventured away from Lombardi in 1933 to open his eponymous restaurant in the then
Italian dominated Spanish Harlem, but was the first proprietor to sell pizza by the slice.
Further, Lancieri’s nephew, Patsy Grimaldi, owns and operates Grimaldi’s in Brooklyn
Heights in the shadow of the Brooklyn Bridge. This family tree of pizzerias grows from
there, but these restaurants have three common traits: They do not accept credit cards; do
not sell by the slice (except Patsy’s), they all use coal ovens.
After World War II, pizza’s popularity ballooned as the soldiers returning home
from Europe brought back their love for this new delicacy. Pizzerias popped up all over
the country and continued to spread like weeds through New York. Gas was the fuel of
choice due to its ease of use, low cost and new regulations regarding clean air among
other factors. Today there are a plethora of pizza joints with myriad different offerings.
A hungry New Yorker can get a quick one dollar slice or wait 40 minutes for a small $25
pie with no alterations allowed.
With so many factors going into the ingredients, preparation and culture of pizza
it is fascinating to question what makes one particular pizza better than others. A big
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differentiator is the type of fuel used to fire the oven—typically coal, wood or gas. As
mentioned earlier, the price of pizza can fluctuate wildly so it is natural to question if
higher prices necessarily indicate better quality. Even geographic location can play a
role, whether it is through cultural differences or the quality of the water.
The dataset (pulled in mid October 2008) comes primarily from
a website hosting restaurant menus and allowing users to comment and rate participating
merchants. Covering Manhattan and parts of Brooklyn, the site contains information on
699 restaurants tagged as “Pizza” (not a full enumeration) which includes pure pizzerias,
Italian restaurants, delis and other types of establishments, but none of the national chains
such as Pizza Hut, Domino’s or Sbarro. Each restaurant entry had a number of user
reviews (ranging between 1 and 146), address, neighborhood, price level (between 1 and
5) and an average user rating (integer and half values from 1 to 5). From this list 55
restaurants either had no rating or were closed and thusly removed.
The data were augmented with two more explanatory variables. The first is an
indicator variable describing whether some version of the word pizza is in the name of
the restaurant. The last—and according to many critics, the most important—variable is
the type of fuel used. The vast majority of pizzerias in this study utilize gas ovens to
cook their pizza while only 52 use wood and 18 utilize coal (information supplied by
Slice,” a pizza blog
). Table 1.1 shows a sampling of the data.
Table 1.1
Sample Data
Due to the geographic restrictions and selective nature of the ratings a number of
famous coal pizzerias (such as the original Totonno’s in Coney Island and Carbone in
Manhattan) were not included. Another unfortunate artifact of the geographic criteria is
that Di Fara Pizza in Midwood, Brooklyn—often ranked the single best pizzeria in all of
New York City, and possibly the countryis left out of this study.
There are two possible response variables of interest. The rating is suggestive of
what the non-expert pizza eating community thinks of a restaurant. The number of
reviews of a restaurant can serve as a proxy for popularity though makes no claims as to
quality. The latter is logical as a predictor of the former but not the reverse. This study
will build models to determine what elements go into the observed quality and popularity
of pizzerias in New York.
2. Model Setup and Inference
In order to build the two models the data were arranged in a way conducive to
analysis. The neighborhoods were grouped together in a variable named Area and
labeled as either “Uptown” (north of Manhattan’s Chelsea) or “Downtown” (Chelsea and
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farther south plus Brooklyn). An alternative grouping also breaks out Midtown
Manhattan and Brooklyn eateries. Price was binned into “Expensive” (levels 3, 4 and 5)
and “Cheap” (levels 1 and 2). The number of reviews was also binned into “Low” (1 to
35), “Medium” (36 to 70) and High” (71 to 148). A scatterplot matrix is shown in
Figure 2.1.
Figure 2.1
Scatterplot Matrix
To assess a pizzeria’s perceived quality we regressed logit(Rating/5.5) on Area,
Fuel, Price, PizzaName and Reviews as well as various cross terms. None of the
coefficients were significant when using the compressed Area groupings, as seen in Table
2.1 (a). When Brooklyn and Midtown were broken out individually, a Midtown location
has a slight detrimental effect with a p-value of .007 (Table 2.1 (b)). An ANOVA Test
and Wald Test (discussed in the Diagnostic section) both suggest that the model
logit(Rating/5.5) ~ Area, Table 2.1 (c)) is a superior fit, indicating that most of our
predictors have little effect on the perceived level of quality.
The number of ratings a pizzeria receives (the variable is Number.Reviews) is a
count and is approximately distributed as a Poisson(13.75) and thus well suited for
Poisson regression. The histogram is in Figure 2.2. To judge the count we used a
generalized linear model, regressing Number.Reviews on Area, Fuel, Price and
PizzaName. Only the shortened version of Area (delineated as “Uptown” and
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Downtown”) is used to reduce the number of cells with zeros. The final model decided
upon, on display in Table 2.1 (d), relies on Area, Fuel and Price with Fuel*Price as the
only cross term which a Wald Test and Coefficient Test confirm as a strong model. A
potential outlier is discussed in the Diagnostics section.
Table 2.1
Regression Summaries
a) Model 1: Ratings Full Model (Collapsed Area)
Est SE t-stat P-val
(Intercept) 0.551 0.196 2.815 0.005 **
Uptown -0.055 0.037 -1.465 0.143
Gas 0.136 0.116 1.168 0.243
Wood 0.083 0.130 0.635 0.526
Expensive -0.032 0.040 -0.786 0.432
ReviewL 0.052 0.180 0.288 0.773
ReviewM 0.047 0.191 0.244 0.807
Name 0.016 0.062 0.264 0.792
AIC: 845.8049 BIC: 886.0142
b) Model 1: Ratings Full Model (Detailed Area)
Est SE t-stat P-val
(Intercept) 0.603 0.201 3.003 0.003 **
Downtown -0.058 0.055 -1.043 0.297
Midtown -0.178 0.066 -2.686 0.007 **
Uptown -0.048 0.060 -0.804 0.422
Gas 0.134 0.116 1.154 0.249
Wood 0.076 0.130 0.586 0.558
Expensive -0.028 0.040 -0.705 0.481
ReviewL 0.035 0.180 0.192 0.848
ReviewM 0.027 0.191 0.143 0.886
Name 0.027 0.062 0.431 0.667
AIC: 843.6364 BIC: 892.7811
c) Model 1: Ratings Final Model
Est SE t-stat P-val
(Intercept) 0.776 0.047 16.497 ≈0 ***
Downtown -0.058 0.055 -1.057 0.291
Midtown -0.178 0.065 -2.733 0.006 **
Uptown -0.049 0.059 -0.827 0.409
AIC: 835.4253 BIC: 857.7638
d) Model 2: Reviews Final Model
Est SE t-stat P-val
(Intercept) 3.827 0.059 64.876 ≈0 ***
Uptown 0.157 0.022 7.297 0 ***
Gas -1.642 0.060 -27.273 0 ***
Wood -0.735 0.089 -8.271 ≈0 ***
Expensive -0.546 0.079 -6.890 ≈0 ***
Gas:Exp 1.119 0.083 13.501 ≈0 ***
Wood:Exp 0.670 0.108 6.195 ≈0 ***
AIC: 8799.019 BIC: 8830.292
Figure 2.2
Histogram for Number of Reviews
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3. Model Diagnostic
Model 1: logit(Rating/5.5) ~ 0.77571 – 0.1782*Midtown
As seen in Figure 3.1 (a) and (b), there is little visible difference between the
areas and the type of fuel used. Stepwise regression indicated regressing only on the
variable Area as seen in the Regression Summary in Table 2.1 (c). A Wald Test, in Table
3.1 (a), shows that this model is superior to the null model and an ANOVA Test, Table
3.1 (b), shows that the variable Area is significant. The summary of the regression, Table
2.1 (c), shows that the categorical variable Area is only significant for the Midtown level.
The final model chosen had the lowest AIC of all models tried at 835.4253.
Figure 3.1
Boxplots for Ratings
a) b)
Table 3.1
Regression Summaries
Wald Test
Model 1: logit(Rating/5.5) ~ Area
Model 2: logit(Rating/5.5) ~ 1
Res.Df Df F-stat P-val
1 640
2 643 -3 2.820 0.038 *
Sq F-stat P-val
Area 3 1.795 0.598 2.820 0.038 *
Resid 640 135.848 0.212
To further investigate this model we compared the mean difference in Rating
broken up by the two most significant predictors: Area and Fuel. Two-sided Welch
Two-Sample t-tests indicated possible significant differences only between Midtown and
Uptown, Downtown and Brooklyn (respective p-values: .013, .011 and .040). One-sided
t-tests suggested that Midtown pizza is of lower quality than Uptown, Downtown and
Brooklyn (respective p-values: .007, .006 and .020). A summary for the one sided tests
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is in Table 3.2. T-tests showed no significant difference between coal, wood or gas
The overall mean rating for the pizzerias in our dataset is 3.646. This average
may be more appropriate for assigning quality than the result of Model 1. The lone
coefficient in the model does not account for much difference and including it may just
lead to unnecessary complication.
Table 3.2
One-Sided T-Tests
Area 1 Area 2 Diff T-stat Df P-val
Midtown Uptown -0.141 -2.484 248.096 0.007
Midtown Downtown -0.131 -2.558 224.596 0.006
Midtown Brooklyn -0.169 -2.067 153.205 0.020
Model 2: Number.Reviews ~ 3.82693 + 0.15733*Uptown – 1.64163*Gas –
0.73476*Wood - 0.54561*Expensive + 0.11908*Gas:Expensive +
0.67017*Wood:Expensive (Poisson Regression)
The boxplots in Figure 3.2 (a) clearly reveal that coal pizzerias receive the most
reviews followed by wood and then gas. Figure 3.2 (b) shows expensive pizzerias
garnering more reviews. The boxplots in Figure 3.2 (c) are less distinctive but suggest
uptown customers review their pizza places at a greater rate than their downtown
The graphical views are supported by the Regression Summary table in Table 2.1
(d) which exhibits the coefficient estimates and their p-values. The Coefficient Test in
Table 3.3 (a) further corroborates that each coefficient at their current level is significant
and the Wald Test in Table 3.3 (b) confirms that the model is strong. This model was
reached by starting with a fuller model featuring more variables and cross terms that were
narrowed down through a combination of stepwise regression, Wald Tests and
Coefficient Tests. The variable PizzaName was notably left out which is all the better as
many restaurants even have their own internal inconsistencies regarding their names. A
cross term, Fuel*Price, was added because historic coal and fancy wood restaurants often
have higher prices than the corner pizza shop. Further, a Drop-in Deviance Test, Table
3.3 (c), showed it to be significant with a p-value near 0. The model decided upon had a
BIC of 8830.292.
One-sided t-tests strongly suggest that both coal and wood outdraw gas with
respective estimated margins of 23.64 and 13.87 reviews. The t-test does not suggest a
necessarily significant difference between coal and wood. However, Otto Enoteca &
Pizzeria is a potential outlier drawing 146 reviews, which is far outside the norm. This is
most likely due to owner Mario Batali’s many other successful and trendy locales.
Removing this observation leads to an estimated mean difference between coal and wood
of 12.12. The difference between Wood and Gas is lessened with the outlier removed,
though it is still significant. Removing the outlier does not significantly affect the
difference between different Areas nor does it affect the selected models.
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Figure 3.2
Boxplots for Number of Reviews
a) b)
The outlier’s influence in the first model was 0.173 and 0.047 in the second model
which further suggests that the observation can safely be omitted from the data without
great impact. The outlier is legitimate because it did not originate out of error. However,
it does possibly misrepresent the popularity of wood burning ovens in general.
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Table 3.3
Regression Summaries
Coefficient Test
Wald Test
Est SE z-stat P-val
(Intercept) 3.827 0.059 64.876 ≈0 ***
Uptown 0.157 0.022 7.297 ≈0 ***
Gas -1.642 0.060 -27.273 ≈0 ***
Wood -0.735 0.089 -8.271 ≈0 ***
Expensive -0.546 0.079 -6.890 ≈0 ***
Gas:Exp 1.119 0.083 13.501 ≈0 ***
Wood:Exp 0.670 0.108 6.195 ≈0 ***
Model 1: Number.Reviews ~ Area+Fuel+Price+Price*Fuel
Model 2: Number.Reviews ~ 1
Res.Df Df F-stat P-val
1 637
2 643 -6 309.94 ≈0 ***
in Deviance Test
Model 1: Number.Reviews ~
Model 2: Number.Reviews ~ Area+Fuel+Price
f Dev P-val
1 637 6225.1
2 639 6418.2 -2 -193.1 ≈0 ***
Df Dev Resid. Df Resid. Dev
NULL 643 7923.4
Area 1 80.9 642 7842.5
Fuel 2 1026.8 640 6815.7
Price 1 397.5 639 6418.2
Fuel:Price 2 193 637 6225.1
Table 3.4
One-Sided T-Tests
With Otto Enoteca & Pizzeria Without Otto Enoteca & Pizzeria
Fuel 1 Fuel 2 Diff T-stat Df P-val Diff T-stat Df P-val
Coal Gas 23.642 4.181 17.289 ≈0 - - - -
Coal Wood 9.765 1.509 28.661 0.071 12.121 2.006 22.358 0.029
Wood Gas 13.878 4.297 53.725 ≈0 11.522 5.119 55.733 ≈0
4. Conclusion
Typical Top 10 lists for New York City pizza—which are subjectively compiled
by individuals—all vary but for the most part contain at least some of the pizzerias
randomly arranged in Table 4.1. Of these typical entries, only Patsy’s in East Harlem is
among the top 10 pizzerias, by Rating, in our dataset (for records with five or more
reviews). However, Lombardi’s, Pizza 33 and John’s of Bleecker’s Times Square
location are part of our data’s 10 most reviewed. This by itself shows a big discrepancy
between critical opinions and those of the general public.
Table 4.1
Typical Top 10 Entries
Lombardi’s Patsy’s (East Harlem)
Di Fara Pizza 33
Joe’s Nicks’ Pizza (Queens)
John’s of Bleecker Artichoke
Totonno’s (Coney Island) Maffei’s
Vinny Vincenz New York Pizza Suprema
Denino’s Pizzeria & Tavern (Staten Island) Una Pizza Napoletana
No. 28 Franny’s
Grimaldi’s Joe & Pat’s
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The fitted values for Model 2, shown in Table 4.2, agree more with the typical
Top 10 lists with Totonno’s (both Manhattan locations), Patsy’s (East Harlem location)
and Grimaldi’s in the Top 10. This suggests that our model does a good job of capturing
the truth about the relative popularity of pizzerias. It must be noted, that it is very likely
the professional Top 10 lists drive people to the more famous pizzerias, thus increasing
their number of reviews, so the two are interlinked.
Table 4.2
Fitted Values for Model 2
According to Model 2, an Uptown location adds to a pizzeria’s observed
popularity (based on the number of reviews) while high prices are not necessarily a
detriment. Even more so than those two variables, a coal oven is a big draw. This could
be due to their rarity, historic nature or the general affinity the pizza cognoscenti have for
charred pies.
The numerous variables and factors have very little affect on the average ratings
attributed to pizzerias. For the most part, all the pizzerias were rated on a fairly level
playing field, hence using the mean as a simple model. This could indicate, as is the case
with wine, that people in general do not have a sophisticated enough palate to fully
appreciate the many facets of pizza.
Our findings were able to discern the factors that go into a pizzeria’s popularity
but did not discover much differentiation in quality. Popularity and quality are not
always equivalent. It is likely that we may have just proved the old adage about pizza:
Even when it’s bad, it’s still good.”