British Food Journal
Functionality of pizza ingredients
Preeti Singh G.K. Goyal
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Preeti Singh G.K. Goyal, (2011),"Functionality of pizza ingredients", British Food Journal, Vol. 113 Iss 11 pp.
1322 - 1338
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Functionality of pizza ingredients
Preeti Singh
Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany, and
G.K. Goyal
Dairy Technology Division, National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, India
Purpose This paper aims to review the types of pizza and the functionality of basic ingredients of
pizza with special focus on the effects of pizza toppings on health.
Design/methodology/approach Phenomenological research has raised awareness and increased
insight into the role of various pizza ingredients and health benefits of different pizza toppings and
consequently pizza is called a “functional food”. The approach is based on observation of the online
research, a close watch on the pizza industry, analysis of research papers in journals, and
brainstorming research on the effect of packaging on the quality of different pizza ingredients with a
co-researcher for four years.
Findings The changing life patterns and food habits of people and their preferences have
catapulted the market to grow for convenience and fast foods. Pizza is one of the most popular family
foods worldwide and has gained widespread consumer acceptance as a healthy and convenience food.
It is a multi-component product with composite number of toppings. It provides an array of nutrients
in significant amounts, in relation to its energy and fat content, making it a nutrient-dense food. It is
cheap and can be delivered in a very short time. In particular, pizza supplies 30 per cent of the USA
recommended daily allowance of vitamins A, C, B
, calcium and protein. It contains 50 per cent of
vitamin B
and 35 per cent of iron. Furthermore, pizza has anticancerous effects beyond the basic
nutrition it provides, because of the potent antioxidant lycopene present in tomatoes.
Originality/value This paper offers a holistic view that would guide a reader to identify the
beneficial effects of pizza.
Keywords Pizza, Lycopene, Anticancer fighting food, Convenience foods, Fast foods, Nutrition
Paper type General review
The food industry has gone through many changes in the past two decades, mostly due
to the development and implementation of new technology to meet growing consumer
demands for convenience products. Current consumer trends bode well for companies
able to develop healthy foods that taste good, are good for people, and are also good for
on-the-go eating. Only 60 percent of all meals today are prepared and eaten in the
home, largely because the increasing number of two working parent and single-parent
households means less time to cook. Pizza, one of the most commonly purchased items
in retail food stores, has maintained its market share through the changing nature of
the processed foods industry and even grown in popularity. With pizza being one of the
more popular consumer foods, pizza markets in Europe, America, and other continents
have been boosted by the trend towards international cuisine and convenience foods.
As a result, pizza production has been increasing at unprecedented momentum, and is
expected to increase further in the next decade in response to a growing world
population (Lemki and Ferris, 2001).
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at
Received March 2010
Revised May 2010
Accepted May 2010
British Food Journal
Vol. 113 No. 11, 2011
pp. 1322-1338
q Emerald Group Publishing Limited
DOI 10.1108/00070701111179960
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Pizza is one of the most world-famous Italian dishes because of its simplicity, taste,
and nutritional value. Pizza is a round oven-baked pie made with crisp yeast dough,
which in the past was covered with tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese and a variety of
other ingredients. Now, it can be covered with a variety of savoury ingredients that
may include sauces, meats, vegetables and cheeses. The market now offers a vast array
of pizza to suit all palates and meal occasions with different shapes and flavours and,
more recently, health attributes and is available all year-round. This versatility,
together with their acceptance as a healthy and nutritious food, has led to its
widespread popularity across all population subgroups. America is the new pizza
renaissance leader in the world and is exporting technology of pizza production and
promotion on an ever-increasing basis (Pierce, 2006).
Types of pizza
Pizzas are available in various styles. It is generally seen at common pizza chains, pizza
crusts topped with apples or cherries, or corn meal crusts topped with different types of
vegetables, sauces, cheese, and other stuffs. The most popular styles of pizza are:
Traditional crust pizza. The crust is not too thick and not too thin. It is made by
rolling the dough into a round circle then topping it with sauce and cheese.
Deep dish pizza. A thin crust and dense toppings usually characterize deep-dish
pizza, also known as pan pizza. Baking time tends to take longer. However, one
slice might make a meal for many people.
New York style pizza. Typically the thin crust allows faster cooking but less
dense toppings.
Calzone. This is basically a stuffed pizza crust. The uncooked crust is filled with
traditional toppings then folded and baked.
Pizza bread. The French bread loaf is usually sliced down the centre into two
halves. The sauce, cheese and toppings are then placed on the flat, sliced surface.
Bagel Pizza. Made much like the French bread pizza but with bagel slices instead.
Sweet pizza. A dessert form of pizza which is topped with a variety of nuts,
candid fruits, citrus and sweet flavourings.
Frozen pizza. It is popular because of its ease to prepare. This is perfect food for
the person that hates to cook but wants a cheap and inexpensive pizza.
Montgomery (1969) quoted that frozen pizza has the greatest penetration among
all frozen prepared foods. Benner (1983) reported USDA standards for frozen
pizza that it must contain at least 12 percent cheese, and meat pizzas contain at
least 12 percent cooked meat. Wilmes (1987) studied the frozen pizza product
with a special baked pastry shell produced from dough containing a specified
mixture of high and low protein wheat flours. The dough also contains 10-17
percent solid fat having melting point in the range 48-538C, and is mixed in such
a way that the fat remains in solid pieces prior to baking. After baking and
topping with pizza sauce the product is frozen. Subsequently, final re-baking by
the consumer gives a crust, which is tender inside and crisp on the bottom. The
market for frozen pizza accounts for approximately 19 percent of the sales for all
prepared foods.
Functionality of
pizza ingredients
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Functional, medicinal, therapeutic and nutritive value of pizza
While some people look at pizza and perceive it to be low in nutritional value,
published data (Silvano et al., 2006) indicate that just the opposite is usually true. Most
pizzas are actually quite high in nutritional value. They offer a good source of protein,
complex carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, and they are fairly low in caloric
density. The protein content of pizza often appears to range from about 10 percent to
just a little more than 14 percent. Due to the fact that the majority of this protein comes
from the cheese and meat toppings, this protein is of a high nutritional quality, which is
important to growing children. Research has shown that the fat content of most pizza
rarely exceeds the 10 percent level. On top of all this, because vegetable oil, olive oil,
and oil-based shortenings are commonly used in the crust formulation, pizza and pizza
products (calzone and bread sticks) are good sources of polyunsaturated fats, with only
modest cholesterol contributions (through meat and cheese toppings) to the diet. Pizzas
are quite high in complex carbohydrates, primarily from starches, making it a good
energy food. On the other hand, pizzas tend to be low in fibre content. This is especially
true when regular white pizza flour is used in making the crust. When a whole wheat or
multi-grain flour is used, however, the fibre content of the pizza can be improved
significantly (Ghosh and Kanawjia, 1986).
Anon. (1974) reported that pizza supplies 30 percent of the US Recommended Daily
Allowance (RDA) of vitamins A, C, B
, and Calcium and protein. It contains 50 percent
of the RDA of Vitamin B
and 35 percent of iron. Martin (1977) observed that pizza
ranks extremely high in wide spectrum of nutrients; rich in protein and Calcium (fulfil
127 percent daily needs); an excellent source of iron (supplies 50-55 percent of daily
requirements); provides 30 percent needed niacin; contain 26-42 percent adult vitamin
A quota; provides 900-1150 calories/pizza. Scientists in Italy (Silvano et al., 2006) have
found that a regular consumption of pizza may reduce the risks of cancer to the
digestive tract. They also found that the people who ate the most pizza had the fewest
cases of cancer. In a group of nearly 8,000 there were 598 cases of oral and pharyngeal
cancer. Out of this group, 310 ate no pizza at all, 213 occasionally had pizza. Only 75
were regular pizza eaters. The results for colon cancer followed the same trend. Out of
1,225 patients with colon cancer, the number who ate no pizza was 503. Those who ate
pizza up to three times a month had 473 of the cases of colon cancer.
Regular pizza-eaters were 59 percent less likely to contract cancer of the
oesophagus, and 26 percent less likely to develop cancer of the colon.
Basic ingredients of pizza
Several ingredients can be used for the production of bread, the most important of
which are flour, yeast and water. As soon as dough is properly baked into bread, a
product with superior quality and sensory features occurs. Fresh bread usually
presents an appealing brownish and crunchy crust, a pleasant roasty aroma, fine
slicing characteristics, a soft and elastic crumb texture, and a moist mouthfeel. The
pizza industry is very large all over the world, thus there are many toppings varies
from country to country. The toppings that can be put on pizza:
Vegetables: tomatoes, peppers, mushrooms, olives, onion, chillies, garlic,
broccoli, Asparagus (Sharma and Caralli, 2006).
Meats: pepperoni, bacon, ham, ground beef, salami, and chicken.
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The functional role of essential pizza ingredients are discussed in the following
Pizza is a flat pie made from bread dough. Pizza dough can be chemically (Lehman,
1997) or yeasts leavened (Coppola et al., 1998). Flour is the basic ingredient in the
production of bakery goods. There are various types and qualities of flour with
different protein quantities and qualities. Because of a process of freezing, storing, and
thawing, flour for frozen doughs should have a good strength and high protein content
(Wolt and D’Appolonia, 1984a, b). In many cases, flours from hard wheat varieties,
with a protein content of 11-14 percent, are recommended for use in frozen dough
products. The flour with the higher protein content (13.2 percent on flour basis) caused
higher values in volume, especially with increasing storage time. Flour with lower
protein content, as used in frozen doughs, could be strengthened using vital gluten
(Wang and Ponte, 1994). Glutenin played a predominant role in the baking quality of
frozen doughs. The gliadin and starch fractions contributed significantly to frozen
dough quality but not as much as the glutenin fraction. Pizza dough can be a good
source of antioxidants and through certain baking techniques, antioxidants in the
dough can actually be increased. The new research by Micelli (2007) to find ways to
improve antioxidant properties from whole-grain flour demonstrated the effect of
different baking conditions on the antioxidant levels in pizza dough and found that
longer baking times or higher temperatures generally corresponded to higher levels of
antioxidants in comparison to less-intense baking conditions. The overall quality of a
pizza depends mostly on the leavening, the flour used, and the preparation procedure
(Coppola et al., 1998). The formulation of crust has been reported by several workers is
presented in Table I.
Water is another essential ingredient in bread making. During the mixing process,
added water becomes distributed between the flour components, such as gluten, starch
and pentosans. The rest of the added water remains as “free” water and forms the
so-called water phase. Soluble compounds such as salts, sugars, and soluble proteins
Westover (1980) Ghosh and Kanawjia (1986)
Ingredients Federico (1974) % %
Flour 100 lb 60.65 60.0
Water 78.4 lb 36.04 34.0
Yeast 4.5 lb 1.28 3.0
Salt 7.0 oz 0.93 1.0
Sugar 9.0 lb 1.0
Vegetable oil 1.0
Soya oil 0.80
Olive oil
Emulsifier 0.30
Shortening 4.5 lb
Dried whey 1.5 lb
Eggs 2.0 lb
Table I.
Formulation of crust
Functionality of
pizza ingredients
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are dissolved, and yeast cells are dispersed in this water phase. Since free water is
damaging in a dough system and yeast is sensitive to water during freezing and
thawing cycles, lower levels of water absorption are desirable for frozen doughs. The
amount of water absorbed into the dough is mainly controlled by the quality of flour.
Therefore, the type and quality of the flour are key factors in water absorption. High
quality flour ensures maximum water absorption and retention of the moisture during
dough processing for baked products (Stear, 1990; El-Hady et al., 1996). Since free
water damages the dough system and yeast is sensitive to water during freezing and
thawing cycles, lower levels of water absorption are desirable for frozen doughs. Loaf
volumes not only depend on the amount of water added to dough, but also on the
mixing time applied. Furthermore, baking adsorption and mixing time are
interdependent. Therefore, for the best loaf volume both baking adsorption and
mixing time should be optimized (Sideleau, 1987).
Yeast has three fundamental functions in dough systems. It produces CO
fermentation, which expands the dough to the required volume. It also develops the
dough through the action of fermentation on the gluten structure. Moreover, it provides
flavour through the production of complex chemical compounds as by-products of the
fermentation process (Stear, 1990; Sultan, 1990). A yeast level used in the baking
process is around 3 percent (on flour basis). A level of yeast in the dough directly
affects the rate of gas production. Furthermore, the yeast level used in dough
processing depends on the bulk fermentation time and dough temperature. The longer
the bulk fermentation time the lower the yeast level should be. As dough temperature
increases, so does the rate of gas production until the optimum temperature at about
408C is reached. Above that temperature a progressive thermal killing of the yeast can
be observed (Stauffer, 1990). The major problem of frozen doughs is the performance of
the yeast (Hino et al., 1987). Much higher levels of yeast (6 percent-8 percent on flour
basis) have a deleterious effect on the flavour and aroma of baked goods prepared from
frozen doughs (Lorenz and Bechtel, 1965).
The salt normally used by bakers is table or cooking salt (NaCl). On average, bakers
use 1.5-2 percent salt based on the weight of the flour. The primary function of the salt
in fermented baked products is to add flavour. Salt also has some technological
functions, such as to increase dough stability, firmness, and capacity to retain
fermentation gases. Salt has a specific effect on fermentation: the higher the
concentration of salt, the lower is the rate of fermentation with the same yeast level,
and vice versa. Moreover, salt has a strengthening effect on the gluten network during
fermentation of the dough (Stear, 1990; Sultan, 1990).
The most common sweetener in the baking industry is sucrose even though brown
sugar, dextrose, maltose, molasses, corn syrup, and invert sugar are frequently used in
baked goods. In addition, the perceptible sweetening effect varies between various
sugars (Sultan, 1990). Sugar is often added to fermented products for flavouring
reasons and to promote a pleasant crust colour. Moreover, added sugar provides a good
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grain and improvement in the crumb and crust of baked goods (Woods, 1985). Sugar is
the basic source of energy, which yeast converts into carbon dioxide during dough
fermentation. Even though doughs can be made without sugar, an average amount of
sugar is 3 percent-6 percent based on the weight of the flour. The sugar concentration
chosen depends on the type of product and desired crust characteristics (Stear, 1990;
Sultan, 1990). Sugar levels used in frozen doughs also depend on the type of product
the bakery is producing. A slightly higher concentration of sugar (8 percent-10 percent
on flour basis) than in conventional baking is recommended for frozen dough
production. The higher level of sugar in frozen doughs is desirable because of the
hygroscopic properties of sugars, which increase the amount of water absorbed.
Therefore, the amount of “free” water in dough is decreased and can reduce the yeast
damage before the final baking (Stauffer, 1993).
Different types of shortening are used in baked foods, such as standard fats, oils, and
other shortening combinations. In general, shortening improves the crumb properties
of baked bread and the dough volume. Moreover, the texture of baked products is
changed to give a shorter and softer bite (Sultan, 1990). Dough’s containing shortening
continues to expand during baking for a longer time. Therefore, the final volume of
baked products is larger with added shortening (Junge and Hoseney, 1981). The
addition of shortening at a level of 0.7-1 percent of the flour weight is required for
significant improvements in frozen dough production and bread quality. A higher
shortening level is recommended for good quality frozen doughs and incorporation of
shortening as 40 percent oil in water (O/W) emulsion system improved particularly
frozen dough stability and final loaf volume (Inoue and Bushuk, 1992).
Ascorbic acid
Oxidants are used to improve the structure and loaf volume of the dough, and to
increase dough strength. Because of the death of yeast cells during frozen storage,
reducing substances (particularly glutathione) are formed, which lead to some gluten
weakness as a result of weakened disulfide bridges that are essential in stabilization of
the gluten network (Stauffer, 1993). Therefore, more oxidants are needed to compensate
for this reducing action in the frozen dough production. Ascorbic acid has been widely
used as an oxidant in the baking industry. The amount used for good dough
processing is 10-200 ppm, based on flour weight, and it depends on the desired effects
on the quality of baked goods (Stear, 1990; Inoue and Bushuk, 1996; Woods, 1985). The
combination of ascorbic acid and potassium bromate is often used to improve the
quality of baked goods, because it has been shown that it allows even greater
improvement than ascorbic acid alone (Varriano et al., 1980; Lu and Grant, 1999).
Mozzarella cheese
Mozzarella cheese is an integral part of pizza toppings. One of the best part of the pizza
is mozzarella. Other cheeses can also be added. The cheese is supposed to go on top of
the pizza immediately after the sauce. It should be grated and not sliced so that it will
melt more evenly (Mann, 1997). Mozzarella cheese belongs to “Pasta Filata” variety of
cheese, which involves skilful stretching, pulling and kneading the curd under hot
water to arrive smooth texture and grain in cheese. An ideal mozzarella cheese has
Functionality of
pizza ingredients
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smooth, moist surface with a perfect sheen and an elastic, stringy body free from
mechanical opening (Apostolopoulos, 1994). Mozzarella cheese provides mild flavour,
visual appeal and characteristic texture when melted on the surface of a pizza.
Mozzarella melts smoothly and browns nicely when baked. The melted cheese is very
elastic and is very stretchy and stringy, contributing to the sensory appeal and “fun
factor” (Kosikowski, 1981). There are two types of mozzarella that are acceptable for
pizza: low moisture, which has a moisture content less than 52 percent, and high
moisture, which has a moisture content of more than 52 percent. The low moisture
version tends to have a longer shelf life. The latter is more popular for the pizza and
restaurant industry.
Tomato sauce
Anon. (2003) reported, “Tomato sauce protects many types of tumour”. Nutrition
experts believe that the functional components of food that may reduce the risk of
cancer include traditional nutrients such as lycopene in tomatoes, have antioxidant
properties, which protect cells against damage from oxidation. The key: tomato sauce,
super-rich in the antioxidant lycopene, which may help save you from heart disease,
prostate cancer and Alzheimer’s disease, according to many studies. Lycopene is more
bioavailable from tomato paste or sauce than from fresh tomatoes (Gartner et al., 1997;
Tonucci et al., 1995). Physico-chemical composition of tomato sauce: moisture 78.4
percent, total soluble solids (TSS) 21.0 8Brix, total solids 21.6 percent, acidity 0.92 (
percent acetic acid), pH 3.88, salt 3.71 percent, viscosity 5750 Cp, ascorbic acid 3.39
(mg/100 g) and lycopene 3.30 (mg/100 g) (McGlasson, 1993; Beecher, 1998).
It is one of the most popular and widely grown vegetable crops in the world. Ripe
tomato fruit is consumed fresh and utilized in the manufacture of a range of processed
products such as puree, paste, powder, ketchup, sauce, soup, and canned whole fruits
(Southon, 2000). Tomatoes are important sources of lycopene and vitamin C and are
valued for their colour and flavour (Madhavi and Salunkhe, 1998). Tomato has many
medicinal values. The pulp and juice of the fruit is easily digestible, appetiser,
promoter of gastric secretion and a blood purifier. It is also considered to be an
intestinal antiseptic as it has a cleaning effect in the enteric portion of the alimentary
canal. It is mild and natural stimulant that helps to wash away the toxins. It is richest
of all the vegetables in natural health acids, which keep our stomach, and intestines in
good condition. It is mild and natural stimulant that helps to wash away the toxins. It
is also useful for the patients of bronchitis and asthma (Cook-Mozaffari et al., 1979).
Benito et al. (1990) classified tomatoes in subgroup of low-fibre vegetables that is
significantly protective against cancer of the colon and rectum. In a recent
epidemiological study, Franceschi et al. (1994) reported the positive effects of tomatoes
on the risk of digestive tract cancers. Lycopene content of tomato has been reported to
enhance resistance against total body x-ray irradiation, and survival rates of mice
exposed to x-ray irradiation.
This carotenoid found in tomatoes (and everything made from them) has been
extensively studied for its antioxidant and cancer-preventing properties. The
antioxidant function of lycopene its ability to help protect cells and other
structures in the body from oxygen damage has been linked in human research to
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the protection of DNA (our genetic material) inside of white blood cells. The interest in
the possible anticancer properties of carotenoids, and more recently lycopene itself, is
based not only on a sound scientific basis but also on a wealth of epidemiological data
from around the world. The strength of the evidence is such that the US National
Research Council (1989), the NCI (1987), and the World Cancer Research Fund (1997)
have all recommended increasing dietary intake of citrus fruits, cruciferous vegetables,
green and yellow vegetables, and fruits and vegetables high in vitamins A and C to
lower cancer risk. Lycopene is one of the most potent antioxidants (Miller et al., 1996;
Mortensen and Skibsted, 1997; Woodall et al., 1997; Singh and Goyal, 2008), with a
singlet-oxygen quenching ability twice as high as that of
-carotene and 10 times
higher than that of
-tocopherol (Di Mascio et al., 1989). It has attracted attention due to
its biological and physicochemical properties, especially related to its effects as a
natural antioxidant. This makes its presence in the diet of considerable interest.
Increasing clinical evidence supports the role of lycopene as a micronutrient with
important health benefits, because it appears to provide protection against a broad
range of epithelial cancers (Giovannucci, 1999). In the area of food and phytonutrient
research, nothing has been hotter in the last five years than studies on the lycopene in
tomatoes (Shi and Le Maguer, 2000). Levy et al. (1995) showed lycopene to be a more
potent inhibitor of human cancer cell proliferation than either
-carotene or
A high tomato intake in an elderly American population was similarly associated with
a 50 percent reduction in mortality from cancer at all sites (Colditz et al., 1985). Tomato
lycopene extract supplementation decreases insulin-like growth factor-I levels in colon
cancer patients. Epidemiological studies have shown that high serum levels of
insulin-like growth factor-I are associated with an increased risk of colon and other
types of cancer (Walfisch et al., 2007). The biochemical mechanisms underlying the
health-promoting roles are not fully understood, although the antioxidative activity of
lycopene (Rao and Agarwal, 1999), which has been shown to be a potent protector
against oxidative damage to DNA, protein and lipids, is thought to be primarily
responsible. Other activities of lycopene such as modulation of cell-cell communication
(Zhang et al., 1991), inhibition of cell proliferation, and resistance to bacterial infections
may also be involved. Yaping et al. (2003) suggested the health-promoting roles of
lycopene with its anti-inflammatory and anticoagulant activities.
Colorectal cancer. A study conducted by Erhardt et al. (2003) revealed that in
patients with colorectal adenomas, a type of polyp that is the precursor for most
colorectal cancers, blood levels of lycopene were 35 percent lower compared to study
subjects with no polyps. Blood levels of
-carotene also tended to be 25.5 percent lower,
although according to researchers, this difference was not considered to be significant.
In their final (multiple logistic regression) analysis, only low levels of plasma lycopene
(less than 70
g/L) and smoking increased the likelihood of colorectal adenomas, but
the increase in risk was quite substantial: low levels of lycopene increased risk by 230
percent and smoking by 302 percent. All raw vegetables had a clear protective effect
for both colon and rectal cancer (Tuyns et al., 1988).
Prostate cancer. The role of diet and dietary supplements in the development and
progression of prostate cancer represents an increasingly frequent topic of discussion
(Barber and Barber, 2002). The public and the biomedical community are increasingly
aware of associations between tomato products, lycopene, and health outcomes. Scientists
from many disciplines ranging from epidemiology, clinical medicine, nutrition,
Functionality of
pizza ingredients
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agriculture, and molecular and cell biology have published peer-reviewed studies
providing intriguing data suggesting that tomato products and the carotenoids lycopene
may be involved in cancer prevention, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, and
limiting the morbidity or mortality of other chronic diseases (Miller et al., 2002).
Carotenoids may react with oxygen-free radicals by either transfer of the unpaired
electron leaving the carotenoids in an excited triplet state, the excess energy being
dissipated as heat, or by “bleaching” of the carotenoids. The former leaves the carotenoids
intact and therefore able to be involved in numerous cycles of free radical scavenging, and
the latter results in decomposition of the carotenoids. Fortunately, it is the former that
predominates, and the efficiency of this process seems to be related to the number of
double bonds incorporated in the carotenoids structure. Interest has been heightened in
lycopene, in particular, as it has a large number of double bonds and thus has been found
to be the most potent scavenger of oxygen-free radicals of all the carotenoids (Rao et al.,
2003). Lycopene has also been demonstrated to have other possible anticancer properties
particularly relating to modulation of intercellular communication and alterations in
intracellular signalling pathways (Stahl and Sies, 1996). These include an upregulation in
intercellular gap junctions (Zhang et al., 1992), an increase in cellular differentiation
(Bankson et al., 1991), and alterations in phosphorylation of some regulatory proteins
(Matsushima-Nishiwaki et al., 1995). In prostate cancer, in particular, a study has
demonstrated inhibition of cell line proliferation in the presence of physiological
concentrations of lycopene in combination with
-tocopherol (Pastori et al., 1998).
Lycopene is present in the human prostate at significant concentrations, and recent
studies suggested that men with higher concentrations of blood lycopene experience a
lower risk of prostate carcinoma (Clinton, 1999).
Pancreatic cancer. One of the deadliest cancers, pancreatic cancer progresses so
rapidly that individual with the disease who are participating in studies often die
before their interviews can be completed-so the benefits noted in the following study of
a diet rich in tomatoes and tomato-based products are especially significant. In a yhree
year Canadian study done by Nkondjock et al. (2005), 462 persons with pancreatic
cancer were age- and gender-matched with 4,721 individuals free of the disease. After
adjustment for age, province, body mass index, smoking, educational attainment,
dietary folate, and total caloric intake, the data showed men consuming the most
lycopene, a carotenoids provided mainly by tomatoes, had a 31 percent reduction in
their risk of pancreatic cancer.
Coronary heart diseases. The lycopene in tomatoes may also provide cardiovascular
benefits. Epidemiological studies have also supported the hypothesis that consumption
of heat-processed tomatoes may reduce the risk of coronary heart diseases as the
lycopene interferes passively with oxidative damage to DNA and low-density
lipoproteins (Gester, 1997; Clinton, 1998; Hadley et al., 2003). Lycopene’s ability to act
as an antioxidant and scavenger of free radicals that are often associated with
carcinogenesis is potentially a key to the mechanism for its beneficial effects on human
health (Khachik et al., 1995). Researchers suggest that in addition to its inverse
association with various cancers, a high dietary consumption of lycopene may play a
role in cardiovascular disease prevention. Visioli et al. (2003) reported that when a
group of 12 healthy women ate enough tomato products to provide them with 8 mg of
lycopene daily for a period of three weeks, their LDL cholesterol was much less
susceptible to free radical oxidation, the first step in the formation of atherosclerotic
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plaque forma formation and a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Lipophilic
compounds contained in tomato can prevent cardiovascular diseases by modulating
the atherogenic processes in vascular endothelium mediated by oxidized low-density
lipoproteins (LDLs).
Onion belongs to the genus Allium, which includes several cultivated crops such as
onion, garlic. Its spice value is due to sulphur compounds. Onion is used to treat
stomach ulcers, eye disorders, gastrointestinal disturbances, high blood pressure,
malarial fevers, and intestinal worms. The onion is known to possess insecticidal,
antifungal, antibacterial, antitumor, hypoglycaemic, hypolipidemic and
antiatherosclerotic properties. This has been attributed to its sulphur containing
compounds (Augusti, 1990).
According to MacGillivray (1953), onion contains 87.5 percent water, and the food
value per 100 gm of edible portion is energy 49 calories, protein 1.4 gm, calcium 32 mg,
vitamin A 20 IU, ascorbic acid 12 mg, thiamine 0.03 mg, riboflavin 0.12 mg and niacin
0.1 mg. In sixth century in India, onions were used as a diuretic. They were also
considered beneficial for the heart, the eyes, and the joints. During Colonial times in the
USA, a slice or two of wild onions was thought to be a cure for the measles. In Chinese
medicine, globe onions (allium cepa) are said to calm the liver, moisten the intestines,
and benefit the lungs. Raw onions are prescribed for constipation, for lowering high
blood pressure, and for healing wounds or ulcers of the skin. Spring onions, or scallions
(allium fistulosum), are used to induce sweating. Some health studies have shown raw
onions to be effective in lowering overall cholesterol while raising HDLs, the good
cholesterol. Additionally, onions kill infectious bacteria, help to control blood sugar, aid
in dissolving blood clots, and help to prevent cancer. At the University of California at
Berkeley, researchers found that yellow and red onions, along with shallots, contain
quercetin, a powerful antioxidant that acts as an anti-cancer agent to block the
formation of cancer cells. One and one-half to three and one-half ounces of raw onions
eaten regularly contain enough quercetin to offer cancer protection. White onions lack
this antioxidant. They also learned that quercetin deactivates the growth of
estrogen-sensitive cells often found to cause breast cancer. Asthma sufferers may also
benefit from a hearty dose of onions. Researchers discovered a sulphur compound
contained in onions that can prevent the biochemical chain reaction that leads to
asthma attacks. Selenium, a trace mineral found in onions and garlic, has also
demonstrated anti-cancer abilities. In addition to prostate cancer, selenium may lower
the risk of breast, colorectal and lung cancers. It has been documented that in areas of
high garlic and onion consumption rates of stomach cancer are relatively low. There is
mounting evidence that members of the onion family have a positive effect in lowering
incidences of heart disease.
Capsicum, C. annum var. grossum (sweet pepper, bell pepper), is widely cultivated
vegetable crop worldwide. The larger bell-shaped fruits with thick pericarp are less
pungent or nonpungent and used in the fresh condition as a vegetable, in salads and in
pickles. Bell pepper, both green and red are eaten raw or after cooking. They are used
in salads, in stews for imparting flavour, pizza, meatloaf, dehydrated processed meat,
Functionality of
pizza ingredients
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and for canning (Rajput and Parulekar, 1998). Bell or sweet peppers are very rich in
vitamins A and C and they are also good source of
-carotene. Bell pepper contains
48 kcal energy, 2.0 g proteins, 0.8 g fats, 10 g carbohydrates, 2.6 g fibre, 29 mg calcium,
61 mg phosphorus, 2.6 mg iron, 0.12 mg thiamine, 0.15 mg riboflavin, 2.2 mg niacin,
140 mg ascorbic acid per 100 g edible portion (Bernal et al., 1993).
The occurrence of biophenolic components in olives provides functional value to the
Mediterranean food culture, owing to recognized antioxidant activities of these
substances. The concentrations of biophenolic compounds in olives are closely linked
to texture and organoleptic characteristics of agrifood products, i.e. Table olive and
olive oil. Very recently, considerable interest has arisen in the possible impact, exerted
by the daily intake of functional foods, on several diseases, for their antioxidant
biomolecular components. Modern pathological prevention has been linked to a
number of natural phenolic biomolecules from fruits and vegetables, as associated to
the Mediterranean diet. Due to their phenolic functionality, typical secondary plant
metabolites constitute a distinctive group of phytochemicals, behaving as
phytoprotectants. These possess great structural diversity and wide phylogenetic
distribution (Bianco and Uccella, 2000). Black olives are a good source of
monounsaturated fats. Monounsaturated fats help to lower LDL (the bad cholesterol)
as well as protect against heart diseases. Monounsaturated fats along with
polyunsaturated fats are considered to be “good” fats in terms of overall health.
Black olives are a good source of vitamin E, a strong antioxidant vitamin that helps to
protect cells against free radical damage. One cup of olives supplies almost a quarter of
the day’s requirement for vitamin E. It also protects against oxidation of cholesterol
which can damage blood vessels, leading to an increased risk of heart attack. Black
olives are a good source of polyphenols, antioxidants that may reduce the risk of heart
disease and cancer.
Agaricus bisporus, commonly known as white button mushroom, constitutes the bulk
of the total mushrooms consumed in most Western countries and considered as a
nutritional ingredient of pizza. Edible mushrooms and their constitutive active
compounds have been described to have beneficial effects on hyperglycemia,
hypercholesterolemia and cancer (Bobek and Galbavy, 1999). Mushrooms are quite
high in protein (19-35 percent, including all the essential amino acids) and low in fat.
Mushrooms also contain relatively large amounts of carbohydrate and fibre, ranging
from 51 to 88 percent and from 4-20 percent (dry weight), respectively, for the major
cultivated species. Agaricus bisporus contains high levels of dietary fibres and
antioxidants including vitamin C, D, and B
; folates; and polyphenols that may
provide beneficial effects on cardiovascular and diabetic diseases (Jeong et al., 2010).
Vitamin D
contents are considerable in many wild mushroom species. For example,
according to Mattila et al. (1995), Chant arellus tubaeformis contained vitamin D
at a
concentration of 29.8 mg/100 g fresh weight. As compared to the recommended daily
intake for adults (5 mg/day), eating 100 g of these mushrooms would fulfil nearly one
week vitamin D requirement. C. cibarius was also found to contain high concentrations
of vitamin D
(12.8 mg/100 g), whereas other wild mushrooms studied contained
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2.9-5.8 mg/100 g. Unfortunately, only trace amounts of vitamin D
were found in the
most popular cultivated mushroom, A. bisporus. Mushrooms cultivated indoors
contain lower levels of vitamin D
than those cultivated outdoors because the
metabolic route from ergosterol to ergocalciferol (vitamin D
) requires sunlight or
artificial ultraviolet (UV) light. These functional characteristics are mainly due to the
presence of dietary fibres and in, particular, chitin (Manzi et al., 1999), a structural
polysaccharide of cellular walls, and beta glucans (Manzi and Pizzoferrato, 2000;
Mullins, 1990), homo- and hetero-glucans with
(1-4) and
(1-6) glucosidic
The medicinal property for which mushrooms have been most extensively
investigated is their antitumor activity. Most of this research has been conducted in
Japan. Whole mushrooms of several species and/or extracts from them have been
reported to have an antitumor effect: Among these species are A. bisporus, Auricularia
auricula,Collybia confluens, Coriolus versicolor, Flammulina velutipes, Ganoderma
applanatum, G. lucidum, L. e dodes, Pholiota nam eko, Pleutorus ostreatus,
Schizophyllum commune, Tremella fucif ormis, Tricholoma matsutake, and Volvariella
volvacea ( Johl et al., 1995-96; Breene, 1990). Ikekawa et al. (1969) found that
intraperitoneal injection of aqueous extracts of six of seven edible mushrooms species
tested greatly inhibited the growth of tumours (by 72-92 percent versus controls)
arising from sarcoma-180 cells implanted in Swiss albino mice. Based on chemical
analysis the active antitumor agent in shiitake was suggested to be a polysaccharide. It
was later called lentinan and its chemical structure was characterized as
-1,3 glucan,
having branching of the 1,6 bonds. In addition, lentinan was proven to exhibit
prominent antitumor activity not only in allogeneic hosts but also in syngeneic and
autochthonous hosts with no noticeable side effects. Furthermore, it can prevent
chemical and viral carcinogenesis and cancer metastases. Its effect results from the
activation of the host’s immune system (Chihara, 1993, 1992).
In the past it was commonly believed that pizza was not really a healthy food. Part of
the reason for this is that it was put in the same group as other fast foods, such as
hamburgers and fries. This is a major misconception, as pizza can actually be a highly
nutritional meal. Recent research on the nutritional aspects of the pizza showed that the
production of pizza has to be increased, as in the past years; preference and
acceptability for consumption of pizzas have increased. With the many health benefits
of pizza, it can no longer be viewed in the same light as other fast foods.
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Further reading
Tinkler, J.H., Boehm, F., Schalch, W. and Truscott, T.G. (1994), “Dietary carotenoids protect
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pp. pp283-5.
About the authors
Preeti Singh works as Guest Scientist at the Institute of Food Packaging Technology, Technical
University of Munich, Germany. Preeti Singh is the corresponding author and can be contacted
G.K. Goyal works as Emeritus Scientist at the Dairy Technology Division, National Dairy
Research Institute, Karnal, India. He has vast experience on food packaging with emphasis on
dairy products. He has published several national and international research papers.
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