GeoMx DSP Software v2.0 Tips & Tricks 8/11/2020
FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
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NanoString, NanoString Technologies, the NanoString logo, nCounter, and GeoMx are trademarks or registered trademarks
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GeoMx® DSP Software v2.0 Tips & Tricks
The top seven tips and tricks to be aware of are listed on this page (see below). On the following pages, less-
frequent but nonetheless helpful tips and tricks are listed. A section on GeoMx NGS Pipeline is also included.
Top 7 Tips & Tricks
1. In the event of a failed run and with the advice of GeoMx support, it is possible to restart the workflow. To
do so, click the
Assist wrench icon (Figure 1) and select
Restart Data Collection Workflow.
Ensure that the instrument door is closed before
restarting data collection.
If a blank screen appears, refresh the page (see
2. If the screen appears
blank, inaccurate, or unresponsive,
refresh the page. This may be performed remotely or
directly at the instrument. To do this, use keyboard
Ctrl+R or F5 or click the Assist wrench icon (Figure 1) and select Refresh Page. You may also use
Ctrl/Alt/Delete to log out of and then back into Kiosk mode.
Shutdown and restart the GeoMx DSP instrument on a weekly basis.
When first opening the GeoMx software, click on Assist wrench icon (see Figure 1) and choose
Restart the Workflow Process before starting other tasks or initializing a new run (this will ensure
the instrument door unlocks as a new run is initialized).
4. When downloading logs,
log in to the instrument directly rather than remotely. Log files may take several
minutes to download; the increased time incurred when remotely connected may result in the system
timing out and interrupting the download.
5. DO NOT open the reagent bay door during Collection.
Opening the reagent bay door during a run may cause the run to pause. After closing the reagent
bay door, you may need to manually restart data collection workflow (see above).
6. After finalizing the plate and downloading the CDF and worksheet, DO NOT select Show All from the
downloads bar. This will result in kiosk mode locking. In this case, contact geomxs[email protected]m.
To prevent a critical error, leave the slide tray in the instrument unless you are loading/unloading it or
cleaning/drying it.
Ensure it is in the instrument before shutting down or restarting. If the door is locked, use
the Assist button > Restart Data Collection Workflow to reach the prompt to open the door.
Figure 1: Assist wrench icon to Restart
Data Collection Workflow and Refresh
GeoMx DSP Software v2.0 Tips & Tricks 8/11/2020
Inadvertently running the GeoMx instrument with a bottle disconnected may result in multiple fluidics error
messages. If the error is not resolved after reconnecting the bottle, there may be air in the lines. In this
case, contact
geomxsuppo[email protected].
Do not attempt to shut down the GeoMx DSP instrument while a run is in progress or when either door is
If the GeoMx DSP
Control Center header is missing when in kiosk mode, logout of windows using ctrl-alt-
del, then login again as Kiosk User.
After changing reagent bottles and closing the reagent bay door, the instrument may erroneously display
Plate Change - Close Door message. Click Next; this will
complete the bottle change process.
An error may appear while restarting the GeoMx DSP after
making a change in
File Management under Administration. If
this appears, shutdown and restart the GeoMx instrument as
instructed on page 1.
An error may occur when
restarting the System Service via
Services (see Figure 2). If this occurs,
shutdown and restart
the GeoMx instrument as instructed on page 1.
When remotely connected, closing the Chrome browser will automatically log you out of the GeoMx
When logging into the GeoMx system, the
Cancel button does not cancel the login process as expected.
When logged in directly, use Ctrl Alt Del and then log out, then log back in. If remotely connected, close the
browser and reopen.
Runs that are in-progress while DCC files are being uploaded to the system may experience lag times or
failure. To avoid this, do not attempt to load DCC files from more than two NGS plates at a time while a run
is in progress.
Scan Preview in the GeoMx DSP Control Center may disappear after editing Notes. The Scan Preview
may not load if you
click on one preview before all have loaded. View each scan by opening in Scan
After emptying the waste bottle,
rinse the waste bottle several times, until no foaming is observed.
Chrome does not connect to DSP on a Mac. To manually connect, while on the Chrome error page, type
'thisisunsafe'. There is no text box, just make sure to click anywhere on the error page and then type. DSP
will auto load.
Do not click on e-mail or website links in the GeoMx Help documentation while in kiosk mode.
Figure 2: Restart error
GeoMx DSP Software v2.0 Tips & Tricks 8/11/2020
Do not use spaces in usernames. Usernames with spaces may not be able to view backups in the archive.
Do not enter a phone number when creating a user, as this may cause an error, preventing you from saving
the new user.
To download a specific day’s logfile, select a Custom Range that extends at least one day before and one
day after the day desired.
If deleting a group, that groups’ folders can be transferred to the
All Users group. Right-click on the folder
of interest and select
Edit; the All Users group should be selected. Click Save to make this change go into
When local storage is full, the system provides an estimate of the space needed in GB, however the dialog
may read “MB”.
In order to change a user’s role (Admin to User, for example), that user must be assigned to no more than
one group.
A critical error state or cascading errors may cause slowness or unresponsiveness in the UI. If no response
is observed for >30 minutes, please contact
In the Network window, you will see the
Machine Name and the IP address
(see Figure 3). If not, restart the system: shut down from the menu, switch
off the switch in the back, then after 10-20 seconds, switch it back on. Do not
attempt to turn on Archive Settings while a run is in progress.
If Archiving is working, a file mountverification.txt will be written in the
destination folder almost immediately. Then, initial backup of the GeoMx
DSP files can take up to 2 days to complete.
To troubleshoot archiving:
o Ensure that your GeoMx software is v1.4.2 or later, and your
institute network is set up for SMB3 file sharing.
o Enter the Remote Server path as \\\\FolderName using
the server IP address and your designated folder. 4 opening
backslashes may be needed.
o Try the username in different formats, such as username,
username@domain, or
o Do not use these characters in your password: $ ! /
o Confirm that the credentials to access the folder have reading and
writing permission.
o Nested folders may be an issue try to set the Archive folder in the root of the server as shown in
above example.
o A network load balancer may be an issue contact GeoMx Support to discuss workarounds.
Figure 3: Network
Settings window
GeoMx DSP Software v2.0 Tips & Tricks 8/11/2020
Run Setup
The system needs to be in an
idle state (see page 8) in order to be able to change reagents. The reagent
bottle status indicators are managed through the bottle change wizard.
Click on the Reagent Status Indicator
in the Control Center and follow the wizard steps to change a bottle or empty the waste bottle. DO NOT top
off any reagents or pour/pipette reagents out of their bottles.
Deviating from the GeoMx loading steps by failing to insert slide holder during the appropriate step or by
loading the collection plate before the UI instructs may result in an error or a stalled UI. In these cases,
restart the workflow (see page 1).
creating a new slide under Records, if the Save slide button is disabled, click the Cancel button and
create a new slide.
When creating scan parameters, failure to select a Core Kit will result in Scan-only mode (no aspirate
The best practice for uploading a config file is to upload it prior to starting the run from the Kit
Management section under Administration. If encountering an error uploading a config file or if not seeing
a newly-uploaded config file in the dropdown when creating a slide record:
o Ensure that the file you are uploading has been unzipped.
o Refresh the page (see page 1) and use the same config file.
o Alternatively (or in addition, if the action above was not successful) you may cancel the creation
of the slide record and start again.
Once a Core kit is selected in the Scan Parameters window, only module kits compatible with that core kit
will be shown in the probe kit dropdown.
If doing a plate swap for your NGS platform run, do not use a plate that was previously partially-used for
nCounter platform aspirates. The system will initially accept the plate but will then repeatedly prompt you
to swap the plate again.
GeoMx DSP Software v2.0 Tips & Tricks 8/11/2020
ROIs and Segments
copying and pasting existing ROIs in the Scan Workspace, the GeoMx system does not prevent
against overlapping ROIs. Inspect ROIs to ensure none are overlapping; delete any that overlap.
Persistent errors may occur while
copying and pasting ROIs on one scan while another scan is in progress.
If this occurs, restart the run.
Do not attempt to copy and paste an ROI after it has been segmented.
Do not rename an ROI after it has been moved (without first saving it in its new location); doing so results
in the ROI moving back to its original location.
There is currently a defect (to be fixed in 2.1) where importing custom segments may unexpectedly delete
existing segments. To mitigate this, create and upload your custom segments first and wait to do your
auto-segmenting until after that, if possible. If you do import custom segments after auto-segmentation,
please exit the scan workspace without approving ROIs, then re-enter the scan workspace and verify your
auto-segments. If needed, you can re-apply auto-segmentation to restore them before approving your
Resizing the most recently touched polygon may cause unexpected changes in the polygon size and shape.
Create a new polygon, then return to the polygon you wish to alter and it should resize properly.
Leave the
Override All values at the bottom of the segmentation window set to 0. Change an Override All
value only if you want to override all of the ROI thresholds for that channel.
If exiting Scan Workspace without approving ROIs, slide status may read Scanned instead of Annotated.
Channel settings should be modified after scanning only if a re-scan is planned. The Scan Preview in the
GeoMx DSP Control Center may disappear. View each scan by opening in Scan Workspace.
Names for segments imported from an external masking program will be truncated at 100 characters,
potentially resulting in non-unique names. Using names greater than 175 characters in auto-
segmentation within the Scan Workspace may result in no segmentation.
The collection order, well order, and name order of segments may differ from each other, as the system
optimizes aspirate collection to reduce complexity.
Changing a Channel Thresholds setting to 0 on an ROI will revert the channel threshold back to the default
When exporting Raw Channel Images, if status stalls at 99%, restart run.
The annotation in the image export may not reflect the correct settings if they were previously altered
(color mapping was changed or channel was hidden) in Render Settings.
When changing segment color, if the color assignment in both the ROI tab and in the actual scan do not
change as directed, refresh the page.
The GeoMx
system may run out of memory if attempting to collect many ROIS on multiple slides.
Internally, this occurred during a run involving nine plate swaps. Restart Data Collection.
Completing the Run/nCounter Preparation
Check your plate after collection to ensure the expected wells were collected. The Plate Status Indicator may
display an inaccurate status. If the number or location of filled wells differs from your expectations based
on the number of ROIs and segments collected, contact
GeoMx DSP Software v2.0 Tips & Tricks 8/11/2020
After finalizing a row, its wells should appear as green in the plate icon in the lower right of the GeoMx DSP
Control Center. If not, refresh the page.
Data Analysis
Due to conflicts with Chrome, the
Manage Annotations file may not download when requested. Refresh
(F5) and try again.
Check the Data Analysis Queue to be sure that only the intended scans are included before launching Data
Analysis. The Queue may be shared by other users or by someone using the same user login. For this reason,
it is recommended that you create a study immediately after placing scans in the queue.
Ensure your
scans have unique names, particularly if you want to use the Manage Annotations function.
If encountering the message, “analysis is locked by another user check to see if another user is accessing
this study. If not, close the study, wait one minute, refresh the page, then re-open the study.
The header UI for count file upload will read 1 out of n until the upload is complete.
P-value filter may be ignored in trendline after toggling between “fold change” and “ratio” selections.
Reset filter after changing selection.
correlation calculation will fail if a segment has the same count for all targets; this may occur if no
targets have been detected and the count=1 for all. Remove these segments from the analysis.
Scan names should not have trailing or leading spaces. This can cause segments from that scan to be
unrecognizable in the manage annotations modal of Data Analysis. If spaces are accidentally introduced,
revert to scan workspace, edit the scan name, then create a new Data Analysis study.
In datasets and within Statistical Tests, when you click on
Trend Line, all targets except the Negative are
de-selected. Navigate directly back to another plot (such as the volcano plot) and manually
re-select all targets or targets of interest.
Off-instrument DSPDA needs to be restarted after a software update.
If running off-instrument DSPDA and the GeoMx instrument is restarted for any reason, it will be necessary
to restart the NanoString System Service on the off-instrument server, as well. This must be done after the
GeoMX instrument has completed its start up.
If you receive a service unavailable error when attempting to work with off-instrument Data Analysis, first
restart the GeoMx DSP instrument. Then, restart the off-instrument Data Analysis program via either the
“NanoString System Service” or by restarting the server itself.
The list of targets in the center pane has a loading defect and sometimes doesn’t display all targets in the
available space. To see to the end of the target list, repeatedly pull the scroll bar down until the last
target in the list appears.
“Create group from filtered” in target and segment filtering will create a group from those
included rather than excluded in the new dataset. The newly created segment group will not appear in
the segment group list until you refresh the page or close and reopen the study.
In Manage Annotations, user-created column names should not start with “ROI”, or they will be
incorrectly associated with the ROI_ID and cause an error.
When you group a bar chart of targets by segment tag, expand the window and display all bars at once if
there are more than the default displayed. If you scroll through the pages only the first page will display
the correct bar heights.
The bar chart option to set min and max interval for the y-axis does not work.
GeoMx DSP Software v2.0 Tips & Tricks 8/11/2020
GeoMx Pipeline (DND) Software
Some errors result in empty .dcc files. Check .dcc file sizes and the summary.txt file to ensure files were
processed as expected, especially for AWS batch runs as errors from separate batch jobs are not always
consolidated into logs.
Ensure that your FASTQ files do not contain underscore characters (_) in the sequence identifier lines, as
this may cause processing to fail, stall, or produce count files with errors. You may have underscores in your
file names if your Illumina instrument name contains an underscore; if this is the case, modify your
instrument name to remove any underscores. In addition, bcl to FASTQ file conversion software may be set
to use custom headers; ensure the software you use to generate FASTQ files does not add any underscores
to the sequence identifier lines.
Do not modify FASTQ filenames from the
Illumina FASTQ file naming conventions. If possible, retain the
naming from the sample sheets exported from DSP, which incorporate the plate barcode. If you must
change the sample names, ensure you do not add extra underscores, as the GeoMx NGS Pipeline software
uses underscores to parse the Illumina-written portion of the file names to identify well/sample, lane, and
read. In addition, if the sample name portions of your filenames are modified from the default pipeline
workflow, you will need to update the names in your config file accordingly before you begin your NGS
processing pipeline run.
Submitting jobs from the GUI to a server may result in errors if there is already a run processing on the
If logs from AWS batch run are not present, you may be able to view them on AWS cloudwatch. See
documentation from AWS for more information.
The GeoMx NGS Pipeline running on the server only listens on port 5000 and there is no argument to
change this. This may cause a problem if there are other apps on server or network limiting the availability
of that port.
While the GeoMx NGS Pipeline is processing, it writes many large intermediate files to disc. Therefore, you
will need up to 10x more space than your initial file set size on the computer where processing is occurring
to complete processing. These intermediate files are removed automatically unless you modify the config
file to “keepStepFile=True”.
If inspecting your .dcc files in a text editor, you may notice lines for tamperedIni,No” and
SOMEHASH100000000000”. These are not currently functional and are placeholders for a future feature;
they do not affect your data.
Processing FASTQ files for only a subset of the ROIs listed in the GeoMx NGS Pipeline (DND) configuration
file will result in empty .dcc files for the missing ROIs. Uploading these empty .dcc files will overwrite any
data that may exist for these segments from a previous DND run. The GeoMx NGS Pipeline configuration
file can be revised to exclude any ROIs for which FASTQ files were previously processed. The resulting .dcc
zip uploaded should then only update segments associated with blank data.
GeoMx DSP Software v2.0 Tips & Tricks 8/11/2020
When running on AWS batch, some jobs may silently fail, returning .dcc files with zero aligned and
deduplicated reads or not returning some .dcc files at all, even though the AWS job console indicates that
the job succeeded. Always review the summary.txt file to note any unexpected errors or zero reads for any
intermediate steps for ROIs. Logs for a given job ID may be retrieved from AWS cloudwatch in order to
If executing a run from the GUI, any errors or failures will be indicated in the notification menu and listed
by ROI name.
GeoMx Pipeline runs will fail if Docker Desktop is configured to use WSL2. To get around this issue,
uncheck the Use the WSL2 based engine box on the General tab of the Docker Desktop settings.
Idle State Pages
There are two idle states:
Collection Complete & Replace Plate.
1. Click Data Collection, then
New/Continue Run.
2. Follow on-screen instructions to load
the instrument with a plate and
empty slide holder.
3. Wait for pop-up message “No Slides
4. Click
OK. Now, the instrument is at
the Collection Complete idle state
(Figure 4).
5. Click on reagent icons to change
reagents or click on Administration, then Software Update to perform software update.
6. If you have followed these steps and
the instrument still is not in an idle
state, click
Assist then Restart
Workflow. Pause at “Replace Plate?”
screen (Fig 2). This is an idle state.
7. If the instrument still does not allow
these actions, power cycle by
shutting down through the software,
reboot, start a new run, and pause at
“Replace Plate?” screen (Figure 5).
This is an idle state.
Figure 4: Collection Complete idle state
Figure 5: Replace Plate idle state