Michal Kurlaender, CV (7.2022) Page 1 of 21
Curriculum Vitae
(July 2022)
University of California, Davis mkurlaender@ucdavis.edu
School of Education Tel: (530) 752-3748
One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616 @mkurlaender
Chancellor’s Leadership Professor, University of California, Davis 2022Present
Department Chair & Professor, School of Education, University of California, Davis 20192022
Faculty Director, Policy Analysis for California Education (PACE) 2014—Present
Special Advisor to the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, University of California
Office of the President (2021-22)
Professor of Education Policy, University of California, Davis 2016—2019
Associate Professor of Education Policy, University of California, Davis 20102016
Assistant Professor of Education Policy, University of California, Davis 20042010
Teaching Fellow & Researcher, Harvard University Graduate School of Education 19992004
Researcher, The Civil Rights Project, Harvard University 19972004
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA Ed.D., 2005
Graduate School of Education
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA Ed.M., 1997
Graduate School of Education, Administration, Planning & Social Policy
University of California at Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA B.A., 1995
Majors: Political Science & Art
Higher Education Leadership Award, California Educational Research Association (2021)
Distinguished Scholarly Public Service Award, University of California, Davis (2021)
Elected to the National Academy of Education (2020)
UC Davis Faculty Leadership Academy (2019-20)
Recognized as one of UC Davis’s Remarkable Women Celebrating 150 Years of Women at UC (2020)
Visiting Scholar, Russell Sage Foundation (2017-2018)
Chancellor’s Fellow, University of California, Davis (2013-2018)
National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship (2009-2010)
Education Week’s RHSU Edu-Scholar Public Influence Rankings (2015, 2016, 2017)
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Faculty Development Award, University of California, Davis (2007)
Spencer Dissertation Fellowship, Spencer Foundation (2004-2005)
Dissertation Grant, American Educational Research Association (2003-2004)
Spencer Research Training Grant, Harvard University Graduate School of Education (2001-2004)
Spencer Research Fellowship, Harvard University Graduate School of Education (2000-2001)
Roy Larsen Research Fellowship, Harvard University Graduate School of Education (1999-2000)
PUBLICATIONS (student co-authors underlined)
Journal Articles
Reed, Sherrie; Friedmann, Elizabeth; Kurlaender, Michal; Martorell, Paco; Rury, Derek; Fuller, Ryan;
Moldoff, Jessica; and Perry, Patrick (2022) "Disparate Impacts of COVID-19 Disruptions for California
College Students," Journal of Student Financial Aid: Vol. 51 : Issue 1 , Article 7.
Carrell, S. and Kurlaender, M. (2022). My Professor Cares: Experimental Evidence on the Role of Faculty
Engagement. Forthcoming, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy. National Bureau of Economic
Research, Working Paper No. 27312. Available at: https://www.nber.org/papers/w27312
Baker, R., Friedmann, E., & Kurlaender, M. (February 2021). Improving the Community College Transfer
Pathway to the Baccalaureate: The Effect of California’s Associate Degree for Transfer. Revise and
Resubmit, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. Available at: EdWorking Papers, The Annenberg
Institute at Brown University. https://www.edworkingpapers.com/sites/default/files/ai21-359.pdf
Grosz, M., Kurlaender, M., & Stevens, A. (2020). Capacity and Flexibility in Community Colleges CTE
Programs: Program Offerings and Student Success. Forthcoming, Research in Higher Education.
Available at EdWorking Papers, The Annenberg Institute at Brown University:
Kurlaender, M., Lusher, L., & Case, M. (2020). Is Early Start A Better Start? Evaluating California
State University’s Early Start Remediation Policy. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 39(2): 348
Blazar, D., Heller, B., Kane, T., Polikoff, M., Staiger, D., Carrell, S., Goldhaber, D., Harris, D., Hitch, R.,
Holden, K., & Kurlaender, M., (2020). Curriculum Reform in The Common Core Era: Evaluating
Elementary Math Textbooks Across Six U.S. States. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 39(4):
Stevens, A., Kurlaender, M., & Grosz, M. (2019). Career Technical Education and Labor Market
Outcomes: Evidence from California Community Colleges. Working Paper 21137, National Bureau of
Economic Research. Forthcoming. Journal of Human Resources, 54 (4):986-1036.
Kurlaender, M. (September 2018). High Expectations Demand High Support: Strengthening College
Readiness at the California State Universities. Education Next, September 2018.
Kurlaender, M., Carrell, S., & Jackson, J. (2016). The Promises and Pitfalls of Measuring Community
College Quality. RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences, 2 (1): 174-190.
Michal Kurlaender, CV (7.2022) Page 3 of 21
Friedmann, E., Kurlaender, M., & VanOmmeren, A. (2016). Addressing College Readiness Gaps at the
College Door: Institutional Differences in Developmental, Education at California’s Community Colleges.
New Directions for Community Colleges.
Jackson, J. & Kurlaender, M. (2016). K–12 Postsecondary Alignment and School Accountability:
Investigating High School Responses to California’s Early Assessment Program. American Journal of
Education, 122:477-503.
Kurlaender, M., Jackson, J., Howell, J., & Grodsky, E. (2014). College Course Scarcity and Time to Degree.
Economics of Education Review, 41: 24-39.
Jackson, J. & Kurlaender, M. (2014). College Readiness and College Completion at Broad Access
Four-Year Institutions. American Behavioral Scientist, 58(8): 947-971.
Kurlaender, M. (2014). Assessing the Promise of California’s Early Assessment Program for Community
Colleges. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 655:36-55.
Kurlaender, M. & Grodsky, E. (2013). Mismatch and the Paternalistic Justification for Selective College
Admissions. Sociology of Education, 86(4): 294-310.
Kurlaender, M. & Larsen, M. (2013). K-12 and Postsecondary Alignment: Racial/Ethnic
Differences in Freshmen Course-Taking and Performance at California’s Community Colleges. Education
Policy Analysis Archives, 21(16): 1-24.
Kurlaender, M. & Jackson, J. (2012). Investigating Middle School Determinants of High School
Achievement and Graduation in Three California School Districts. California Journal of Politics
and Policy, 4(2): 124.
Graham, S. & Kurlaender, M. (2011). Using Propensity Scores in Educational Research: General Principles
and Practical Applications. The Journal of Educational Research, 104(5): 340-353.
Howell, J., Kurlaender, M., & Grodsky, E. (2010). Postsecondary Preparation and Remediation: Examining
the Effect of the Early Assessment Program at California State University. Journal of Policy
Analysis and Management, 29(4): 726748.
Reardon, S., Atteberry, A., Arshan, N., & Kurlaender, M. (2010). Effects of Failing a High School Exit
Exam on Course Taking, Achievement, Persistence, and Graduation. Educational Evaluation and Policy
Analysis, 32(4): 498-520.
Long, B. T. & Kurlaender, M. (2009). Do Community Colleges Provide a Viable Pathway to Baccalaureate
Degree? Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 31(1):30-53.
Kurlaender, M. & Yun, J. (2007). Measuring School Racial Composition and Student Outcomes in a
Multiracial Society. American Journal of Education, 113(2): 213-242.
Reardon, S., Yun, J., & Kurlaender, M. (2006). Implications of Income-Based School Assignment Policies
for Racial School Segregation. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 28(1): 49-75.
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Kurlaender, M. (2006). Choosing Community College: Factors Affecting Latino College Choice. New
Directions for Community Colleges, 133: 7-19.
Kurlaender, M. & Yun, J. (2005). Fifty Years after Brown: New Evidence of the Impact of School Racial
Composition on Student Outcomes. International Journal of Educational Policy, Research and Practice,
6(1): 51-78.
Yun, J. & Kurlaender, M. (2004). School Racial Composition and Student Educational Aspirations: A
Question of Equity in a Multiracial Society. Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk, 9(2):143-
Wald, J. & Kurlaender, M. (2003). Connected in Seattle? An Exploratory Study of Student Perceptions of
Discipline and Attachments to Teachers. New Directions for Youth Development: Theory, Practice and
Research, 99: 35-54. (Formerly New Directions for Mental Health Services.)
Shavit, Y., Ayalon, H., & Kurlaender, M. (2002). Schooling Alternatives, Inequality, and Mobility in Israel.
Schooling and Social Capital in Diverse Cultures, Research in Sociology of Education, 13: 105-124.
Kurlaender, M. & Orfield, G. (1999). In Defense of Diversity: New Research and Evidence from the
University of Michigan. Equity and Excellence in Education, 32(2): 31-35.
Edited Books
Grodsky, E. & Kurlaender, M. (2010). Equal Opportunity in Higher Education: The Past and Future of
California’s Proposition 209. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.
Orfield, G. with Kurlaender, M. (2001). Diversity Challenged: Evidence on the Impact of Affirmative
Action. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.
Book Chapters
Carrell, S., & Kurlaender, M. (2019). Estimating the Productivity of Community Colleges in Paving the
Road to Four-Year College Success. In Hoxby, C. & Stange, K. (Eds.): Productivity in Higher Education,
National Bureau of Economic Research, The University of Chicago Press.
Kurlaender, M. & Hibel, J. (2018). Students’ Educational Pathways: Aspirations, Decisions, and
Constrained Choices Along the Education Life course. Sociology of Education in the 21
Century, Barbara
Schneider and Guan Saw (Eds.).
Kurlaender, M., Friedmann, E., & Chang, T. (2015). Access and Diversity at the University of
California in the Post-Affirmative Action Era. In U. Jayakumar, L. Garces, & F. Hernandez (Eds.),
Affirmative Action and Racial Equity: Considering the Fisher Case to Forge the Path Ahead. Routledge Press.
Kurlaender, M., Howell, J., & Jackson, J. (2015) Improving Collegiate Outcomes at Broad-Access
Institutions: Lessons for Research and Practice. In M. L. Stevens & M. W. Kirst (Eds.), Remaking College: The
Changing Ecology of Higher Education. Stanford University Press.
Grodsky, E. & Kurlaender, M. (2010). The Demography of Higher Education in the Wake of
Affirmative Action. Pp. 33-58 in E. Grodsky & M. Kurlaender (Eds.), Equal Opportunity in Higher
Education: The Past and Future of California’s Proposition 209. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education
Michal Kurlaender, CV (7.2022) Page 5 of 21
Kurlaender, M. & Grodsky, E. (2010). Toward Equal Opportunity in Higher Education. Pp. 217-226 in E.
Grodsky & M. Kurlaender (Eds.), Equal Opportunity in Higher Education: The Past and Future of California’s
Proposition 209. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.
Edley, C., Henderson, A., Kurlaender, M., & Grodsky, E. (2010). Proposition 209 and the National Debate on
Affirmative Action. Pp. 1-10 in E. Grodsky & M. Kurlaender (Eds.), Equal Opportunity in Higher Education:
The Past and Future of California’s Proposition 209. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.
Horn, C. & Kurlaender, M. (2008). The End of Keyes: Resegregation Trends and Achievement in
Denver Public Schools. Pp. 221-238 in C. E. Smrekar & E. B. Goldring (Eds.), From the Courtroom to
the Classroom: The Shifting Landscape of School Desegregation. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education
Kurlaender, M. & Felts, E. (2008). Bakke Beyond College Access: Investigating Racial/Ethnic
Differences in College Completion. Pp. 110-141 in P. Marin & C. Horn (Eds.), Realizing Bakke’s Legacy:
Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity, and Access to Higher Education. Sterling, VA: Stylus.
Kurlaender, M. & Flores, S. (2005). The Racial Transformation of Higher Education. Pp. 11-32 in G.
Orfield, P. Marin, & C. Horn (Eds.), Higher Education and the Color Line. Cambridge, MA: Harvard
Education Press.
Ma, J. & Kurlaender, M. (2005). The Future of Race-Conscious Policies in K-12 Public Schools: Support
from Recent Legal Opinions and Social Science Research. Pp. 239-260 in Orfield, G., Boger, J., Edley, C.
and High, R. (Eds.) Resegregation of the American South.Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina
Kurlaender, M. & Yun, J. (2001). Is Diversity a Compelling Educational Interest: Evidence from
Metropolitan Louisville. Pp. 111-141 in Orfield, G. with Kurlaender, M. (Eds.). Diversity Challenged:
Evidence on the Impact of Affirmative Action. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.
Kurlaender, M. (1999). Vignettes from the Field: Portraits of Religious Activists. In Orfield, G. & Lebowitz,
H. (Eds.) Religion Race and Justice in a Changing America. New York, NY: Century Foundation Press.
Working Papers
Kurlaender, M., Grodsky, E., Howell, J., & Jackson, J. (2017). Ready or Not? California’s Early Assessment
Program and the Transition to College. EdWorking Papers, The Annenberg Institute at Brown University.
Available at: http://edworkingpapers.org/sites/default/files/ai19-116.pdf
Kramer, K., Carrell, S., Kurlaender, M., & Page, M. Who Wins and Who Loses from School Tracking
Kurlaender, M., Shauman, K., & Jackson, E. Testing the Influence of Course-Level Gender Representation
on Postsecondary Achievement and Persistence in STEM Courses.
Michal Kurlaender, CV (7.2022) Page 6 of 21
Reports, Policy Briefs, and Commentaries
Kurlaender, M. & Rodriguez, O. (January 2, 2022). Dual Enrollment is a Foot in the Door to College.
Commentary. EdSource. Available at: https://edsource.org/2022/dual-enrollment-is-a-foot-in-the-door-
Martinez Nuñez, M., Rim Shin, G., Kurlaender, M. & Rios-Aguilar, C. (2021). Californians’ Attitudes About
College Access, Affordability, and Equity in the Time of COVID-19: Evidence from the 2021 PACE/USC
Rossier Annual Poll. Policy Analysis for California Education. Available at:
Kurlaender, M., Reed, S., Grosz, M., Mathias, J. & Hughes, K. (2021). A Foot in the Door: Growth in
Participation and Equity in Dual Enrollment in California. Research Brief, Wheelhouse: The Center for
Community College Leadership and Research. Available at:
Bush, E., Cooper, S., Escobar, C. Kurlaender, M., & Rodriguez, F. (2021). Leading as Myself: California
Community College CEO Reflections on Personal and Institutional Growth Across a Year of Racial
Reckoning. Research Brief, Wheelhouse: The Center for Community College Leadership and Research.
Available at:
Kurlaender, M., Martorell, F. & Friedman, E. (2021). Financial Aid for California Community College
Students. Infographic, Wheelhouse: The Center for Community College Leadership and Research.
Available at:
Reed, S., Grosz, M., Kurlaender, M. & Cooper, S. (2021). A Portrait of Student Parents in the California
Community Colleges: A New Analysis of Financial Aid Seekers with Dependent Children. Research Brief,
Wheelhouse: The Center for Community College Leadership and Research. Available at:
Reed, S., Friedmann, E., Kurlaender, M., Martorell, P., Rury, D., Moldoff, J., Fuller, R., & Perry, P., (June
2021). California College Students’ Experiences during the Global Pandemic. California Student Aid
Commission, COVID-19 Student Survey Follow-up. Available at: https://www.csac.ca.gov/survey2020
Baker, R., Kurlaender, M., & Friedmann, E. (December 2020). Improving the Pathway to the BA: An
Examination of the Associate Degree for Transfer. Research Report, Wheelhouse: The Center for
Community College Leadership and Research. Available at:
Reed, S., Kurlaender, M., Martorell, P., Rury, D., Hernandez Negrete, A., Perry, P., Moldoff, J. & Fuller, R.
(December 2020). College Uncertainties: California High School Seniors in Spring of 2020. California
Student Aid Commission, COVID-19 Student Survey Follow-up. Available at:
Reed, S., Kurlaender, M., & Li, A., (December 2020). A Rising Tide: Dual Enrollment is Growing Among
California High School Students. Infographic, Wheelhouse: The Center for Community College
Leadership and Research. Available at:
Michal Kurlaender, CV (7.2022) Page 7 of 21
Bush, E., Cooper, S., Kurlaender, M., Rodriguez, & Ramos, A.M. (August 2020). Toward a More Perfect
Institution: Reflections from California Community College Leaders on Racism, Anti-Blackness and
Implicit Bias. Research Brief, Wheelhouse: The Center for Community College Leadership and Research.
Available at:
Cooper, S., Hart, C., Kurlaender, M., Rios-Aguilar, C., Rodriguez, F., Sublett, C. (August 2020). Turning on
a Dime: California Community College Transformation in Response to COVID-19. Research Brief,
Wheelhouse: The Center for Community College Leadership and Research. Available at:
California Student Aid Commission, COVID-19 Student Survey, July 2020. Available at:
Kurlaender, M., Reber, S. & Rothstein, J. (April 22, 2020). UC Regents Should Consider All Evidence and
Options in Decision on Admissions Policy. Commentary. Policy Analysis for California Education (PACE).
Available at: https://edpolicyinca.org/newsroom/uc-regents-should-consider-all-evidence-and-options-
Cooper, S. & Kurlaender, M. (February 4, 2020). Here’s a way to help cut California’s college costs and
help students succeed. Commentary. CalMatters. Available at:
Friedmann, E., Kurlaender, M., Li, A., & Rumberger, R. (January 2020). A Leg Up on College: The Scale
and Distribution of Community College Participation Among California High School Students. Research
Brief, Wheelhouse: The Center for Community College Leadership and Research. Available at:
Gold, J., Stripling, R., & Kurlaender, M. (January 23, 2020). Improving Graduation Rates by Nudging
Faculty, Not Students. Inside Higher Ed. Available at:
Reed, S., Kurlaender, M., & Carrell, S. (November 2019). Strengthening the Road to College: California’s
College Readiness Standards and Lessons from District Leaders, Research Report, Policy Analysis for
California Education (PACE). Available at: https://edpolicyinca.org/publications/strengthening-road-
Asim, M., Kurlaender, M., & Reed, S. (August 2019). 12th Grade Course-taking and the Distribution of
Opportunity for College Readiness in Mathematics. Policy Analysis for California Education (PACE).
Available at: https://edpolicyinca.org/sites/default/files/R_Asim_Aug19.pdf
Kurlaender, M., Reed, S., & Hurtt, A. (August 2019). Improving College Readiness: A Research Summary
and Implications for Practice. Policy Analysis for California Education (PACE). Available at:
Michal Kurlaender, CV (7.2022) Page 8 of 21
Kurlaender, M. (June 2019). Symposium, Bakke at 40: Diversity, Difference and Doctrine, U.C. Davis Law
Review, 52(5): 2249-2253. Available at: https://lawreview.law.ucdavis.edu/issues/52/5/symposium/52-
Rios-Aguilar, C., Kurlaender, M., Lyke, A., Martinez, T. (June 2019). College Affordability in Every Corner
of California: Perspectives from the 2019 PACE/USC Rossier Poll. Available at:
Stevens, A., Grosz, M., & Kurlaender, M. (May 31, 2019). Does Career Technical Education Pay?
EconoFact Available at: https://econofact.org/does-career-technical-education-pay
Reed, S., Rios-Aguilar, C., Smith Arillaga, E., Vargas, J., & Kurlaender, M. (June 2019). Empowering the
Intersegmental Agenda: Opportunities for Research, Policy, and Practice. Continuous Improvement
Brief, Policy Analysis for California Education (PACE). Available at:
Kurlaender, M. (May 14, 2019). Testimony to the Assembly Committee on the Judiciary, California
Legislature. Available at: https://ajud.assembly.ca.gov/reports
Kurlaender, M. (April 2, 2019). Lack of Effective State Education Data System Holds Students Back:
Longitudinal System that Connects K-12 and Higher Ed could help more Students Complete College.
EdSource. Available at: https://edsource.org/2019/lack-of-effective-state-education-data-system-holds-
Kurlaender, M., Hurtt, A., & Reed, S. (April 2019). K–12 Content Standards, Assessment and
Accountability in California: A Short Primer for Higher Education. Policy Analysis for California Education
(PACE). Available at: https://edpolicyinca.org/sites/default/files/PACE%20Infographic%20-%20K-
Kurlaender, M. and Cohen, K. (March 2019). Predicting College Success: How Do Different High School
Assessments Measure Up? (Updated) Policy Analysis for California Education (PACE). Available at:
Kurlaender, M., Reed, S., Cohen, K., & Ballis, B. (October 2018). College Readiness in the Era of Common
Core. Getting Down to Facts II. Policy Analysis for California Education (PACE). Available at:
Reed, S., Dougherty, S., Kurlaender, M., & Mathias, J. (October 2018). A Portrait of California Career
Technical Education Pathway Completers. Policy Analysis for California Education (PACE). Available at:
Reed, S., Lee, P., Kurlaender, M., and Hernandez, A. (July 2018). Intersegmental Partnerships and Data
Sharing: Promising Practices from the Field. Continuous Improvement Brief, Policy Analysis for California
Education (PACE). Available at:
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Kurlaender, M., Kramer, K.A., & Jackson, E. (March 2018). Predicting College Success: How Do Different
High School Assessments Measure Up? Research Brief, Policy Analysis for California Education (PACE).
Available at: https://edpolicyinca.org/sites/default/files/SBAC-SAT Paper.pdf
Kurlaender, M., Carrell, S., & Jackson, J. (March 2018). Community College Quality: The Promises
and Pitfalls of Measurement. Research Brief, Wheelhouse: The Center for Community College
Leadership and Research. Available at:
Baker, R., Friedmann, E., & Kurlaender, M. (March 2018). Associate Degrees for Transfer: A
Snapshot of Progress Across California Community Colleges. Research Brief, Wheelhouse: The
Center for Community College Leadership and Research. Available at:
Kurlaender, M., Martorell, F., & Reed, S. (September 2016). High School Exit Exams: A Review of
the Literature, Current State Reforms, and Analysis of California Assessment Data. Research
Brief to the California Department of Education. Available at:
Stevens, A., Kurlaender, M., & Grosz, M. (2015). Community College Career Technical Education
Programs Significantly Increase Earnings. U.C. Davis Center for Poverty Research, Policy Brief, Vol. 4, No.
5. Available at: http://poverty.ucdavis.edu
Carrell, S., Kurlaender, M., Page, M. & Kramer, K. (2015). How Does the AIM Program Affect Student
Outcomes in the Davis Joint Unified School District? A Report Submitted to the Davis Joint Unified
School District. Available at: http://www.djusd.net/aim
Kurlaender, M. & Jackson, J. (January 28, 2015). Obama’s Free College Plan is No Panacea: Just Ask
California. The Washington Post. Available at: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/obamas-free-
Kurlaender, M., Jackson, J., & Howell, J. (September 2012). K–12 Postsecondary Alignment and School
Accountability: Investigating High School Responses to California’s Early Assessment Program. Research
Brief of the College Board Advocacy & Policy Center. Available at:
Kurlaender, M. & Howell, J. (December 2012). Academic Preparation for College: Evidence on the
Importance of Academic Rigor in High School. Background Paper of the College Board Advocacy & Policy
Center. Available at: http://advocacy.collegeboard.org/sites/default/files/affinity-network-academic-
Kurlaender, M. & Howell, J. (September 2012). Collegiate Remediation: A Review of the Causes and
Consequences. Literature Brief of the College Board Advocacy & Policy Center. Available at:
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Kurlaender, M., Grodsky, E., Agronow, S., & Horn, C. (2011). State Standards, the SAT, and Admission to
the University of California. Policy Brief, Policy Analysis for California Education.
Available at: http://www.stanford.edu/group/pace/PUBLICATIONS/PB/PACE_BRIEF_NOV_2011.pdf
Reardon, S. & Kurlaender, M. (2009). Effects of the California High School Exit Exam on Student
Persistence, Achievement, and Graduation. Policy Brief, Policy Analysis for California Education.
Available at: http://gse.berkeley.edu/research/pace/reports/PB.09-3.pdf
Kurlaender, M., Reardon, S., & Jackson, J. (2008). Middle School Predictors of High School Achievement
in Three California School Districts. A Report Released by the California Dropout Research Project.
Available at: http://cdrp.ucsb.edu/
Kurlaender, M. (2006). The Benefits of Racial/Ethnic Diversity in Elementary and Secondary Education.
Written testimony to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.
Available at: http://www.usccr.gov/pubs/112806diversity.pdf
Horn, C. & Kurlaender, M. (2006). The End of Keyes: A Cautionary Tale of Resegregation Trends and the
Achievement Gap in Denver Public Schools. A Report to the Piton Foundation.
Available at: http://www.piton.org/Documents/term11.pdf
Kurlaender, M. & Yun, J. (2005). From Desegregation to Diversity: Trends and Implications
Commissioned by the University of Virginia, Curry School of Education, for the Centennial Celebration.
Kurlaender, M. (2003). What Do We Know about the Benefits of Diversity in K-12 Education? A Report by
The Center for Civil Rights at the University of North Carolina and The Civil Rights Project, Harvard
Postsecondary Opportunities for California Adolescents. 2021-2024. Stuart Foundation (PI).—$600,000
College and Career Readiness: Investigating California’s Efforts to Expand Career Technical Education
through Dual Enrollment. 2021-2024. Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education (PI,
with collaborators: Paco Martorell, Sherrie Reed, and Scott Carrell, University of California, Davis).
Student Recovery Project. 2021-2022. Lumina Foundation (Co-PI with Susanna Cooper (PI). —$375,000
Wheelhouse: The Center for Community College Leadership and Research. 2021-2023. Gates Foundation
(Co-PI with Susanna Cooper (PI). —$500,000
Supporting Access to Financial Aid at the California Student Aid Commission. 2021. Foundation for
California Community Colleges (PI).—$50,000
Strengthening College Preparation through Diverse Course Pathways: Addressing Racial and Economic
Inequalities. 2021-2022.Tipping Point Community Foundation (PI).—$142,139
California Policy Lab: Data-Driven Solutions to California’s Most Complex Issues. 2021-2024. University
of California Office of the President, Multi-campus Research Program and Initiative Grant, (Co-PI at UC
Davis, Jesse Rothstein (PI), UC Berkeley). $50,000
Michal Kurlaender, CV (7.2022) Page 11 of 21
Pandemic Response: Student Supports and Instructional Strategies across California School Districts.
2020-2022. Jointly Funded by: SD Bechtel Jr Foundation, Stuart Foundation, Sobrato Family Foundation
(Co-PI with Sherrie Reed, PI).$200,000
College-Credit Coursework in California High Schools: A Deeper Dive. 2020-2022. Stuart Foundation
Innovation in College Readiness Math Course-taking: Professional Learning Communities across
California (PI). —$85,000
Understanding College Experiences for Students who are Parents. 2020-2021.Tipping Point Community
Foundation (PI). —$97,374
Understanding College Outcomes for Students in Key Regions across California. 2019-2020.Tipping Point
Community Foundation (PI). —$96,463
Strengthening the Pathway to College: A Collaboration between the California Education Lab at UC Davis
and the California Department of Education. 2019-2022. College Futures Foundation (PI, with
collaborator Sherrie Reed, University of California, Davis).$817,000
California Policy Lab: Studying Inequality and Homelessness. 2019-2020. University of California Office of
the President, Multi-campus Research Program and Initiative Grant, (Co-PI at UC Davis, Jesse Rothstein
(PI), UC Berkeley). —$250,000
Equity and Access to College-Credit Coursework in California High Schools. 2019-2020. Stuart
Foundation (PI, with collaborator: Russell Rumberger, University of California, Santa Barbara).$20,000
Strengthening Postsecondary Pathways. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. 2019-2020. (PI, sub-contract
to Policy Analysis for California Education Center grant, Stanford University Graduate School of
Education). $100,000
Exploring College Completion in Comparative Contexts. 2019-2020. Ford Foundation (PI).$25,340
Evaluating Incentives for Full-time Enrollment at California Community Colleges. 2018-2023. Institute of
Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education (Co-PI, with collaborators: Paco Martorell (PI) and
Scott Carrell, University of California, Davis). —$3,300,000
California’s College and Career Readiness Standards in the Era of Common Core Assessments. 2015-
2020. Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education (PI, with collaborators: Paco
Martorell and Scott Carrell, University of California, Davis).$4,974,387
Exploring Policy Levers in Intersegmental Collaboration. Irvine Foundation. 2017-2019. (PI, sub-contract
to Policy Analysis for California Education Center grant, Stanford University Graduate School of
Education). $100,000
Understanding College Outcomes of California Bay Area Students. Stupski Foundation. 2017-2018. (PI,
with collaborator Sherrie Reed, University of California, Davis). $372,500
Michal Kurlaender, CV (7.2022) Page 12 of 21
Intersegmental Data Partnerships Project. College Futures Foundation. 2017-2018. (Co-PI with
collaborators Sherrie Reed and Patrick Lee, University of California, Davis). $250,000
Wheelhouse: The Center for Community College Leadership and Research. 2017-2018. College Futures
Foundation (Co-PI, with Susanna Cooper, University of California, Davis).$150,559
Never Judge a Book by Its Cover: Use Student Achievement Instead. Gates Foundation. 2017-2018. (PI
on California Project with collaborators Scott Carrell and Paco Martorell, sub-contract to Center grant,
Thomas Kane (PI) Harvard University Graduate School of Education). $117,532
Feasibility Study on the Impacts of Workforce Development Programs in California. 2016-2017.
California Workforce Development Board (PI, with collaborator Ann Stevens, University of California,
Wheelhouse: The Center for Community College Leadership and Research. 2016-2018. Irvine Foundation
(Co-PI, with collaborator Susanna Cooper, University of California, Davis).$200,832
Exploring Student Success and Persistence in College: The Role of Faculty. 2015-2017. College Futures
Foundation (PI, with collaborator Scott Carrell, University of California, Davis).$400,000
California Community Colleges and Career Technical Education: A Researcher-Practitioner Partnership.
2015-2017. Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education (PI, with collaborator Ann
Stevens, University of California, Davis).$400,000
National Center on Developmental Education Assessment and Instruction. 2014-2019. Institute of
Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education (PI on California Project, sub-contract to Center grant,
Thomas Bailey (PI) Teachers College, Columbia University). —$148,500
California Community Colleges, Vocational Programs and Workforce Development: Improving the
Workforce and Improving Lives. 2013-2016. Research Investments in the Sciences and Engineering,
University of California (Co-PI with Ann Stevens, University of California, Davis). —$500,000
Center for Analysis of Postsecondary Education and Employment. 2012-2015. Institute of Education
Sciences, U.S. Department of Education (PI on California project with collaborator Ann Stevens,
University of California, Davis. sub-contract to larger Center grant, Thomas Bailey (PI) Teachers College,
Columbia University). —$60,000
Center for Poverty Research. 2011-2016. U.S. Department of Health and Human Resources (Co-
investigator, with Ann Stevens and Marianne Page, Co-PIs, University of California, Davis). $4,000,000
Ready or Not? California’s Early Assessment Program and the Transition to College. 2010-2014. Institute
of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education (PI, with collaborators: Jessica Howell, California
State University Sacramento and Eric Grodsky, University of Wisconsin). $1,860,432
Developing College Readiness Skills in an Urban Middle School. 2011-2014. California Academic
Partnership Program, California State University Chancellor’s Office (PI). $140,000
University of California Educational Evaluation Center. 2010-2015. University of California Office of the
President, Multi-campus Research Program and Initiative Grant, (Co-PI with Julian Betts, UC San Diego;
Christina Christie, UC Los Angeles; Greg Duncan, UC Irvine; Bruce Fuller, UC Berkeley; William Shadish
UC Merced; and John Yun (PI), UC Santa Barbara). $2,200,000
Michal Kurlaender, CV (7.2022) Page 13 of 21
Testing the Influence of Course-Level Gender Representation on Postsecondary Achievement and
Persistence in STEM Courses. 2011-2012. Spencer Foundation (Co-PI, with Kimberlee Shauman,
University of California, Davis). —$40,000
Increasing College Readiness: An Investigation of California’s Early Assessment Program. 2009-2010.
National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship. $55,000
Understanding Barriers and Examining Interventions: Postsecondary Access and Success Using State
Administrative Data. 2008-2012. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (PI on Sub-contract to investigate
California ($325,000); larger multi-state grant with Bridget Terry Long (PI), Harvard University; Stella
Flores, Vanderbilt University; and Eric Bettinger, Stanford University).—$2,000,000
The Effects of Institutional Practices on Postsecondary Trajectories: Matriculation, Persistence and Time
to Degree. 2007-2010. Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education (PI, with
collaborators: Jessica Howell, California State University Sacramento; Eric Grodsky, University of
Minnesota; and Catherine Horn, University of Houston). $470,808
College Readiness to Degree Completion: Remedial Placement and Patterns of College Persistence.
2007-2008. Association for Institutional Research (PI, with collaborators: Jessica Howell, California State
University Sacramento and Catherine Horn, University of Houston). $30,000
Early Predictors of High School Dropout. 2007-2008. California Dropout Project, funded by the Bill &
Melinda Gates Foundation (PI). $15,000
Faculty Grant in Aid of Research, 2005, 2007. University of California, Davis (PI). $2,000
School Racial/Ethnic Composition and Student Outcomes. 2003. National Education Association
(Co-PI, with John Yun, Harvard Civil Rights Project). $100,000
§ Education and Social Policy (Undergraduate and Graduate levelPhD & EdD)
§ Beginning and Advanced topics in Research Design (Undergraduate and Graduate levelPhD & EdD)
§ Program Evaluation (Graduate levelPhD & EdD)
§ Educational Leadership (Graduate levelEdD)
§ Intermediate Statistics: Applied Data Analysis (Graduate levelPhD)
§ Economics of Education (Undergraduate and Graduate levelPhD)
Advisory Committee, Equitable Policymaking Processes, Institute for Higher Education Policy-IHEP (2021)
California Recovery with Equity Taskforce, Governor’s Council on Post-Secondary Education (2020)
UC Feasibility Testing Work Group, University of California Office of the President (2020)
Provost’s Advisory Council on Education Equity, University of California Office of the President (2019
Co-Editor, AERA Open (2021Present)
Associate Editor, Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness (20172019)
Editorial Board, The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences (2018–2020)
Editorial Board, Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis (2013Present)
Michal Kurlaender, CV (7.2022) Page 14 of 21
Elected Board Member and Chair of Outreach and Mentoring Committee, Association for Education,
Finance, & Policy (2016-2019)
Affiliated Scholar, Student Experience Research Network (formerly the Mindset Scholars Network
Technical Advisory Group (TAG), California Department of Education, California Assessment of Student
Performance and Progress (2015–Present)
Member, California Department of Education, College and Career Readiness Indicator Workgroup
National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation: Dissertation Fellowship Selection Committee,
(20142017); Reviewer, Post-doc Fellowship (2016-Present); Faculty Mentor, (2013, 2015, 2017, 2018)
Spencer Foundation: Small Grants Review Panel (20122014), Lyle Spencer Review Panel (2018-2021)
Member, Books Committee, American Educational Research Association
Review Panel, Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education, Education Systems and
Broad Reform (20142017)
Program Section Chair, Education and Social Inequality, Society of Research on Educational Effectiveness
Annual Meeting (Spring 2014)
Research Advisory Board, Center for Advocacy and Policy, The College Board (2011Present)
Faculty Researcher, Center for the Analysis of Postsecondary Readiness, Teachers College, Columbia
University (20142019)
Advisory Member, San Francisco Unified School District, Student Assignment Plan (20102015)
Faculty Researcher, Center for Analysis of Postsecondary Education and Employment, Teachers College,
Columbia University (20112017)
Program Chair, Sociology of Education Association Annual Meeting (February 2013)
Research Advisor, California Community Colleges Early Assessment Program Implementation Advisory
Committee (2009)
Technical Working Group, Regional Educational Laboratory Northwest (20132014)
Advisory Board, Chief Justice Warren Institute on Race, Ethnicity and Diversity, UC Berkeley School of
Law, Boalt Hall (20062010)
University of California Davis
Lead Researcher, Wheelhouse: The Center for Community College Leadership and Research, University
of California, Davis (2016Present)
Founding Faculty Member, University of California Davis Center for Poverty Research (2011Present)
Chair, PhD Program in Education, University of California, Davis (20162018)
Head Graduate Advisor, PhD program in Education, University of California, Davis (20062016)
Site Director, Davis Campus, UC Educational Evaluation Center (20102014)
Appointed Member, UC Davis Study Group on Accessibility and Affordability (20122013)
Program Committee, Economy, Justice and Society, Institute for Governmental Affairs, University of
California, Davis (20052010)
Michal Kurlaender, CV (7.2022) Page 15 of 21
Formal Mentoring
Student Experience Research Network, formerly the Mindset Scholars Network, Midcareer Fellows
Program (2021-Present)
William T. Grant Foundation Scholars Program (2015-Present)
Russell Sage Foundation Emerging Scholars Pipeline Grants (2020)
Bridging the Gaps in Postsecondary CTE Research, ECMC Foundation and NC State University (2020)
National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation: Pre and Post-doc Fellowship Program (2013, 2015,
2017, 2018)
Journals: Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, Annual
Review of Sociology of Education, AERA Open, Review of Educational Research, Sociology of Education,
Social Forces, Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, Educational Researcher, Economics of Education
Review; Social Science Research, Education Policy Analysis Archives, Research in Higher Education,
American Education Research Journal, Education Finance and Policy
Grant Reviews/Foundations: National Science Foundation, Public Policy Institute of California, W.T.
Grant Foundation, Spencer Foundation, Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness, Russell Sage
Foundation, U.S. Department of Education
American Educational Research Association (2002Present), Association for Public Policy Analysis and
Management (2005Present), Sociology of Education Association (2005Present), Association for
Education Finance and Policy (2010Present), Research Committee 28 on Social Stratification and
Mobility (2004Present), EdWorking Papers, Annenberg Brown University (2019Present)
Diverse Issues in Higher Education, “How This College Gave Emergency Aid to Dual Enrolled Students” by
Rebecca Kelliher, May 11, 2022. https://www.diverseeducation.com/leadership-
EdSource, “With standardized testing out, what’s next for University of California admissions?by
Michael Burke, December 9, 2021.
EdSource, “Searching for equity in dual enrollment for California high school studentsby Michael Burke,
October 27, 2021.
Los Angeles Times, “Many CSU students see big upsides to online learning.by Colleen Shalby, June 4,
Los Angeles Times, “California influences SAT decline for college admissions.” by Teresa Watanabe,
January 21, 2021.
USA Today,California voters failed to repeal ban on affirmative action. What signal does that send the
rest of the nation?” by Elinor Aspegren, December 30, 2020
Michal Kurlaender, CV (7.2022) Page 16 of 21
Los Angeles Times, “Cal State schools see enrollments surge during COVID-19 pandemicby Nina
Agrawal, November 10, 2020.
Business Insider, “Some business schools are waiving GMATs as a requirement” by Graham Rapier, July
14, 2020. https://www.businessinsider.com/college-admissions-exams-mba-gmat-requirements-
Wisconsin Public Radio, “Why Colleges and Universities are De-Emphasizing ACT and SAT Scores” June
19, 2020. https://www.wpr.org/why-colleges-and-universities-are-de-emphasizing-act-and-sat-scores
National Public Radio, “Colleges Are Backing Off SAT, ACT ScoresBut the Exams will be Hard to Shake”
Elissa Nadworny, June 12, 2020. https://www.npr.org/2020/06/12/875367144/colleges-are-backing-off-
The Mercury News, “A corona virus college admissions cheatsheet: What high school juniors need to
know right nowby Jon Wilner, May 14, 2020.
The Washington Post, “University of California academics at odds with each other over using SAT/ACT
scores to admit studentsby Valerie Strauss, April 24, 2020.
Los Angeles Times, “UC Experts offer new ammunition against the SAT and ACT as an admissions
requirement” by Teresa Watanabe, April 22, 2020.
EdSource, “High school students benefit from taking college courses, but access uneven in California
February 10, 2020.
Davis Enterprise and Blue Devil Hub, The News Cycle Podcast, “Is the SAT on the way out?December
16, 2019.
Interview: Could SAT, ACT not be required? Fox 40 News Sacramento, December 10, 2019.
CAL Matters, “If the University of California drops the SAT, what would take its placeDecember 10,
Los Angeles Times, “Drop the SAT and ACT as a requirement for admission, top UC officials say” by
Teresa Watanabe, November 23, 2019.
EdSource, “Gov. Newsom vetoes allowing districts to substitute SAT for 11
grade state testBy John
Fensterwald, October 13, 2019.
Los Angeles Times, “Will UC schools drop their SAT scores requirement?October 2, 2019.
Los Angeles Times, “CSU may up their college admissions requirements. But will that hurt low-income
students?September 6, 2019.
EdSource, “A 4
year of high school math for CSU admissions?By Larry Gordon, April 10, 2019.
CAL Matters, “California lawmakers debate how to prevent another college admissions scandal” March
19, 2019.
The Chronicle of Higher Education, “The End of the Remedial Course” By Katherine Mangan, February
18, 2019.
Michal Kurlaender, CV (7.2022) Page 17 of 21
Inside Higher Ed, “Can light-touch, targeted feedback to students improve their perception of and
performance in a class?” by Colleen Flaherty, January 14, 2019.
EdSource, “California joins trend among states to abandon high school exit examOctober 12, 2017.
Inside Higher Ed, “Series of studies seeks to gauge higher ed effectiveness, defined broadly” by Doug
Lederman, April 8, 2016.
The Sacramento Bee, “Large share of grads from some high schools require remediation at Sacramento
State” by Diana Lambert, October 16, 2015.
Inside Higher Ed, “New research on “mismatch” released day after Justice Thomas cites the theory to
criticize affirmative action” by Scott Jaschik, June 26, 2013.
Inside Higher Ed, “Study looks at K12 to community college transition in California” by Paul Fain,
February 27, 2013.
Education Week. “Studies Question Value of Early Algebra Lessons” by Sarah D. Sparks, April 20, 2012.
Education Week. “Success of College-readiness Intervention Hard to Gauge” by Catherine Gewertz,
November 22, 2010.
The Chronicle of Higher Education, “New Ways to Achieve Diversity in California” By Richard Kahlenberg,
March 26, 2008.
The Chronicle of Higher Education, “Researchers Bemoan Lack of Progress in Closing Education Gaps
between the Races” By Peter Schmidt, March 26, 2008.
The Chronicle of Higher Education, “Studies Examine How Starting at a Community College Affects the
Path to a 4-Year Degree” April 11, 2007.
Inside Higher Ed, “A Different Diversity Debate” by Elia Powers, July 31, 2006.
Plenary Keynote, California Education Research Association, Anaheim, CA. (November 2021).
Experimental Evidence on the Role of Faculty Engagement. Invited research talk at the Texas Mindset
Initiative, Austin, TX. (April 2021).
Toward the Development of Equity Indicators for California, Policy Analysis for California Education
Webinar (April 2020)
New Research on Statewide College Outcomes and District Approaches for Improvement, Policy Analysis
for California Education Webinar (March 2020)
My Professor Cares: Experimental Evidence on the Role of Faculty Engagement. Invited Seminar,
Goldman School of Public Policy, University of California Berkeley (March 2020).
Broad-Access Postsecondary Institutions and the Demography of Opportunity. Invited Seminar, Graduate
School of Education, University of California Berkeley (March 2020).
Michal Kurlaender, CV (7.2022) Page 18 of 21
My Professor Cares: Experimental Evidence on the Role of Faculty Engagement. Invited Conference
Presentation, Current Issues in Education and Education Policy, East-West Center, University of Hawaii-
Manoa (February 2020).
Is Early Start a Better Start? Evaluating California State University’s Early Start Remediation Policy.
Invited Presentation. Reimagining Developmental Education, Center for the Analysis of Postsecondary
Readiness. New York University, NY, NY. (November 2019).
Broad-Access Postsecondary Institutions and the Demography of Opportunity. Invited Presentation for
event: The New Mobility in Higher Education: Does a College Degree Matter? New York University, NY,
NY. (October 2019).
My Professor Cares: Experimental Evidence on the Role of Faculty Engagement. Invited Presentation
Mindset Network Fall Convening, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Seattle, WA. (October 2019).
Predicting College Success: How Do Different High School Assessments Measure Up? Invited
Presentations: Academic Advisory Council of the California State University (May 2019); Intersegmental
Committee of the Academic Senates (May 2019), Academic Senate’s Board of Admissions and Relations
with Schools, University of California Office of the President (March 2019).
Educational Inequalities in K-12 and Higher Education. Oral Testimony to the Assembly Committee on
the Judiciary, California Legislature (May 2019).
High School Assessment and College Opportunities. Invited Panelist, California Department of Education,
Sacramento, CA (May 2019).
Impact 2019: Success Center, Foundation for California Community Colleges. Invited panelist,
Sacramento, CA (February 2019).
Using Research in Leadership Practice: Influencing Change through Evidence-Based Programs. Invited
lecture at Wheelhouse Institute, University of California, Davis (March 2019).
My Professor Cares: Experimental Evidence on the Role of Faculty Engagement. Invited seminar at the
University of California, Irvine (February 2019).
The UC Davis Law Review Symposium, Bakke at 40: Diversity, Difference and Doctrine. Invited
presentation (December 2018).
Community College Quality and Evidenced-based Policy Making. Keynote for the California Community
College Chancellor’s Office Annual Budget Convening, Sacramento, CA and Newport, CA (August 2018).
My Professor Cares: Experimental Evidence on the Role of Faculty Engagement. Invited seminar at the
Federal Reserve Bank of New York (June 2018).
Race and the College Completion Gap: Postsecondary Outcomes at California’s Broad Access Institutions.
Invited seminar at the CUNY Office of Policy Research’s Higher Education Policy Seminar Series (May
My Professor Cares: Experimental Evidence on the Role of Faculty Engagement. Invited seminar at the
University of Chicago (April 2018).
Michal Kurlaender, CV (7.2022) Page 19 of 21
Race and the College Completion Gap: Postsecondary Outcomes at California’s Broad Access Institutions.
Invited seminar at MDRC, New York, NY (March 2018).
Race and the College Completion Gap. Visiting Scholar Seminar at the Russell Sage Foundation, New
York, NY (January 2018).
My Professor Cares: Experimental Evidence on the Role of Faculty Engagement. Invited seminar at New
York University, IES Pre-doctoral Interdisciplinary Research Training (October 2017).
My Professor Cares: Experimental Evidence on the Role of Faculty Engagement. Invited seminar at the
CUNY Graduate Center (October 2017).
Exploring Student Success and Persistence in College: Experimental Evidence on the Role of Faculty
Engagement. University of Toronto (March 2017).
The Effect of Program Capacity and Accessibility on Community College Degree Success. Invited
Symposium on Non-Traditional Pathways to a College Degree. Society for Research on Educational
Effectiveness Annual Meeting. Washington, DC (March 2017).
Poverty and Inequality in Educational Outcomes: Are Schools the Great Equalizers? Invited Lecture for
the Symposium: Child Poverty Research, Public Policy and the Road Ahead: What We Have Learned and
Where Should We Go Next? Center for Poverty Research, University of California-Davis. Sacramento, CA
(February 2017).
College Readiness in California Under Common Core Standards. Association for Public Policy and
Management Annual Fall Conference. Washington, DC (November 2016).
The Promises and Pitfalls of Measuring Community College Quality. Invited seminar at the University of
Wisconsin, Madison (March 2016).
The Promises and Pitfalls of Measuring Community College Quality. Invited seminar at the University of
Virginia (March 2016).
The Relevance of Research in Program Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. Invited
presentation at the Regional Educational Laboratory West Convening on Counseling for Student
Educational Planning: Programs and Strategies. Sierra Community College, CA (April 2015).
Nudges along the path from high school to college: Designing and evaluating informational
interventions. Invited Symposium. Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness Annual Meeting.
Washington, DC (March 2015).
California’s Early Assessment Program: Assessing Intended and Unintended Consequences. Invited
seminar for Policy Analysis for California Education. Sacramento, CA (March 2015).
Career Technical Education and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from California Community Colleges.
Association for Education Finance and Policy Annual Meeting. Washington, DC (February 2015).
Michal Kurlaender, CV (7.2022) Page 20 of 21
§ Alexandria Hurtt (PhD), Postdoctoral Fellow, The California Education Lab, UC Davis
§ Monica Chahal Bhullar (EdD), Vice President of Instruction, Clovis Community College
§ Binnie Singh (EdD), Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, University of California, Davis
§ Ebony Lewis (EdD), Director of Admissions, University of California, Davis
§ Lizette Navarette (EdD), Vice Chancellor, California Community College Chancellor’s Office
§ Alina Varona (EdD), Dean, College of Marin
§ Claudia Escobar (PhD), Postdoctoral Fellow, Wheelhouse: Center for Community College Leadership
& Research
§ Carolina Ramirez (PhD), Researcher, EdTrust-West
§ Christian Osmeña (EdD), Arizona State University
§ Frank Wada (PhD), Registrar, University of California-Los Angeles
§ David Stirrat (EdD), Principal, Petaluma High School
§ Whitney Yamamura (EdD), President, Folsom Lake Community College
§ Kaitlyn Baumgartner Lee (EdD), Director of Student Advising, Chico State University
§ Ellie Clifford Ertle (EdD), Director, First-Year Experience Program Chico State University
§ Lyndon Huling (EdD), Senior Talent Acquisition Partner, University of California, Davis
§ Paul Cody (EdD), Assistant Director, Center for Student Involvement, University of California, Davis
§ Elizabeth Friedmann Zeiger (PhD), Post-doctoral Fellow, Wheelhouse: Center for Community College
Research and Leadership
§ Lorena Ruedas (EdD), Post-Bac Medical Program, University of California, Davis
§ Ryan Fuller (EdD), California Community College Chancellor’s Office
§ Sherrie Reed (PhD), Director of Research, New Tech Network Schools
§ Kelsey Krausen (PhD), Lecturer and Post-doctoral Researcher, University of California, Davis
§ Genevieve Siwabessy (EdD), Student Life Supervisor, Folsom Lake Community College
§ Marianne Williams (EdD), Director of Educational Services, Anderson Union High School District
§ Eran Vaisben (EdD), Education Director, Peninsula Temple Shalom
§ Renatta DeFever (PhD), Researcher, University of California, Office of the President
§ Mikael Villalobos (EdD), Administrator of Diversity Education, University of California, Davis
§ Sonja Lolland (EdD), Dean of Business, Applied Academics & Physical Education, Sierra Community
Michal Kurlaender, CV (7.2022) Page 21 of 21
§ Jacob Jackson (PhD), Research Fellow, Public Policy Institute of California
§ Manuelito Biag (PhD), Social Science Research Associate, Gardner Center, Stanford University
§ Susan Catron (EdD), Dean, UC Davis Extension
§ David Ulate (PhD), Executive Director of Institutional Research and Planning, Foothill-DeAnza
Community College District
§ Fran Brown (EdD), Dean of Nursing, Solano Community College
§ Don Taylor (EdD), Administrator, After School Division, California Department of Education
§ Joe Radding (EdD), Administrator, College Preparation and Postsecondary Programs, California
Department of Education
§ Rachel Rosenthal (EdD), President, Folsom Lake Community College
§ Deborah Travis (EdD), President Emeritus, Cosumnes River Community College