Department of
Local Government, Sport
and Cultural Industries
O-road vehicles in Western Australia:
Information for
trail bike and
quad bike riders
A guide for riders
Enjoying riding trail bikes and
quad bikes in Western Australia
Recreational trail and quad bike riding are enjoyable activities with physical activity and social benets
for riders. Most riders value the same experiences that attract bushwalkers, mountain bike riders and
horse riders: enjoying the outdoors, physical challenge and quality time with friends and family.
Recreational trail bike and quad bike riders need to know how to access safe, well-designed and
managed trails and off-road vehicle (ORV) areas.
Friends and families can join in activities at specially set up sites which can cater for motocross,
freestyle, enduro, trial bike, quad bike and pee-wee riders. For more information about trail bike and
quad bike riding, you can contact these WA clubs and associations.
Recreational Trailbike Riders Association (RTRA):
Quad Riders WA:
Trail and Enduro Motorcycle Club of WA:
Motorcycling WA:
Website or at
In this document, the term trail bike is used to refer to all trail, adventure, motocross, quad
and mini-bikes that can used off-road on a dirt or gravel road, track or trail.
Where can I ride?
ORV-registered trail bikes and quad bikes or any trail bike being ridden by anyone without a WA
motorcycle licence can only be legally ridden in permitted ORV areas.
Any trail or quad bike can be ridden on a private property with the owner’s permission. Trail bikes do
not need to be registered and riders do not need to hold a licence to ride on private property.
Road-registered trail bikes can be ridden by anyone with a WA motorcycle licence, or other permitted
national or domestic licence, on any open public road.
Some roads and tracks within reserves, State forests and national parks will be closed to all vehicles.
Drinking water catchments are generally prohibited areas. If you are in doubt, please refer to signage
and/or speak to the relevant authority.
There is no specic licence for trail or quad bike riders however riders must be over eight years of age.
To nd more information about where to ride, go to the off-road vehicle map available on the Department
of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries website:
The table at the bottom of the map provides links to more information about each ORV area.
Permitted off-road vehicle areas in WA
Perth Metro Pinjar Off-road Vehicle Area (managed by the Department of
Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, DBCA)*
Gnangara Off-road Vehicle Area (managed by DBCA)*
Medina Off-road Vehicle Area*
York York Off-road Vehicle Area*
Lancelin, Ledge Point and Cervantes Lancelin Off-road Vehicle Area*
Ledge Point Off-road Vehicle Area*
Ledge Point Reserve 27215 Off-road Vehicle Area
Cervantes Item 2 Off-road Vehicle Area
Geraldton Explosives – Point Moore
Pages Beach
Separation Point
Francis St Carpark
Drummond Cove – Gleneld
Cape Burney Off-road Vehicle Area
Carnarvon Carnarvon Item 1 Off-road Vehicle Area
Carnarvon Item 2 Off-road Vehicle Area
Karratha Karratha West Off-road Vehicle Area
Karratha East Off-road Vehicle Area
Karratha Item 2 Off-road Vehicle Area
Port Hedland Deepwater Reserve Off-road Vehicle Area
Spoilbank Off-road Vehicle Area
*Gazetted as permitted ORV areas in accordance with the ORV Act
Apart from ORV areas managed by the State Government and local government, there are several
commercial ride parks operating on private land that can cater for unregistered bikes and unlicensed
riders. They include:
WA Ride Park – near Kirup
West Moto Park – Wyalkatchem
Dirt Rider Heaven – near Mogumber
The Ducks Nuts – Popanyinning
To summarise, the table below shows whether a driver’s (motorcycle) licence is needed and what type
of vehicle registration is required to access different types of areas.
Private property or club track ORV area Events Public roads
Driver’s licence not required Driver’s licence required
No registration
Off Road Vehicle registration
Class B Conditional vehicle registration
Class A full road registration
Are there places I can’t
It’s against the law to ride a trail bike or quad
off-road in any area described as prohibited in
the Control of Vehicles (Off-road Areas) Act 1978
and in any area designated as prohibited by local
Prohibited areas include riding off-road in national
parks, nature reserves and drinking water
catchments. Prohibited areas are highlighted on
the online map available on the Department of
Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries
Some roads and tracks within reserves, State
forests and national parks are closed to the
public, without exception. Drinking water
catchments are generally prohibited areas. If
you are in doubt, please refer to signage and/or
speak to the relevant authority.
In addition, unlicensed off-road vehicles are
prohibited from crossing or travelling along public
roads. A conditional licence to allow the crossing
of roads or to compete in authorised events, can
be issued by the Department of Transport.
Trail bike registration
Before an unlicensed off-road vehicle (i.e. any trail
bike not licensed for use on public roads under
the Road Trafc Act) can be used in a permitted
ORV area, it must have ORV registration issued
by the Department of Transport.
Registration of your trail or quad bike will enable
you to ride legally in permitted ORV areas
managed by the State Government and local
governments. Your registration fees will go in a
special purpose account that is used to create
and maintain ORV areas across WA.
Your WA trail bike registration will also help you
recover your bike if it is stolen.
There is no compulsory third part insurance
provided with ORV registration. For more
information about registering your bike, go to:
Breaking the rules
Penalties for riding the wrong bike in the wrong
place or without the correct vehicle registration or
motorcycle license is costly. There are nes of up
to $2,000 for the unauthorised use of a vehicle
on public land.
Local government rangers and police can
conscate trail or quad bikes when they believe
the vehicle is involved in an offence (such being
illegally ridden on a public road) or if the rider is
unable to prove ownership.
Riders are responsible for their own safety and as
off-road riding can be a high-adrenaline activity,
riders always need to be alert.
Riders should wear appropriate protective
clothing including long pants, long-sleeve shirts,
boots and an approved helmet.
Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries
Perth ofce
Gordon Stephenson House, 140 William Street, Perth WA 6000
Leederville ofce
246 Vincent Street, Leederville WA 6007
Postal address: GPO BOX 8349, Perth Business Centre WA 6849